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We go muslims. And more children die as a Measles Outbreak ravages the South Pacific island nation of summer. They went into their summit bitterly divided on several biggest issues major issues but nato leaders have managed to unite it would appear behind common commitments the talks in what for just north of london finished not long ago they said russias quote aggressive actions posed a threat or chinas growing influence presented more challenges and opportunities they also settled a major stumbling block when turkey dropped its objection to nato as baltic defense plan and they asked the nato secretary general again stoltenberg to start a reflection process on the future of the alliance. What we proved today is that nato delivers on substance we continue to adapt and under spawn there just implemented the biggest reinforcements or recollect the defense in the generation. And you know ive been a politician for many years and politicians though very often criticised for being very good on rhetoric and then bad on substance in a too in a way its a the opposite the rhetoric is not always excellent but substance is perfect live to that summit venue diplomatic get it james bass the james your headline on what theyve been talking about. Well they went into this summit with clear open differences voce the differences i think are still there i dont think theres been any resolution of the major problems here what theyve managed to find or what the nato secretary generals managed to find is some language to paper over the track of the cracks perhaps they made some progress with regard to turkey because president to one was trying to stop the plans to protect or further protect poland in the Baltic States because he was on happy with the rest of the nato allies and their view of his incursion into Northern Syria that maybe is one small bit of a resolution to this but the other issues that have been deviled these nato allies on this what is supposed to be their 70th Birthday Party have not really been solved instead i think a focus on new threats areas the weather wont disagreement for example the rise of china and its Telecommunications Systems which they say they are going to use secure telecommunications Going Forward nato focusing not just on air land and sea and cyber but now also on space and also a focus on Artificial Intelligence areas where they can find agreement but there is still at this time of an anniversary for nato much more open disagreement youve seen in many other times in 70 years of this Alliance Change were just seeing one report as well saying the u. S. President donald trump may cancel his final nato conference in c. Ok. This is a big question and i think we might with looking at the reports very closely here because we havent had official word from the white house but we may see President Trump leave early and it looks like he is upset let me explain the background to this as you know the nato leaders were all entertained at a reception by the queen in Buckingham Palace will join that reception there was a camera shot of some of the leaders talking in just in shoot trudeau the canadian Prime Minister chatting with president macron the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson the dutch Prime Minister mark router and princess than the queens daughter and you can make out some of the words that was said there and it is clear that Justin Trudeau was joking about President Trump and his impromptu press conferences when it appears that President Trump didnt hear about that although the video has been floating around on social media for quite a few hours until very recently when he was with the german chancellor Angela Merkel he was asked about this video and he seems to have been very upset about it in fact he told reporters that the canadian Prime Minister was to face the sort of language before President Trump came on the scene at nato that youd never of seen in diplomatic circles like this and apparently President Trump has now said that he may well cancel ever think cancel his News Conference that was going to take place in about an hour and a halfs time and head straight back to washington d. C. Were trying to get clarification from white house of his plans but of course if that is the case you may well see the end of this summit overshadowed by what looks to be a tantrum from the u. S. President i think the video were referring to james it was running around on. Twitter 1st thing this morning its Justin Trudeau drinking a beer emanuel macro i think is having a glass of red wine but the us president leaving a big summit early and then lastly plane were all grown ups slagging off the canadian Prime Minister when hes safely askance back on air force one hes got form on this hes done it before hes done it before hes done it at one of the g. 7 gatherings exactly the same thing happened but its worth noting that you got so many differences going on between nato neat leaders youd already have the spat between president macron President Trump you you have problems between president. And chancellor merkel you have problems with president ergo on a many of the other leaders although this is a relationship we know is a tricky relationship between the canadian Prime Minister and the u. S. President the fact that this comes into the open as well really is pretty shocking and showing the president the personal problems between these leaders as well as the policy differences between them President Trump says things like no other u. S. President has ever said but what is interesting is the other leaders are not just smiling in taking it anymore you saw the president when he sat next to President Trump quite combative responses from these leaders when President Trump takes them all now and its leading leading to our level of oblate discourse you dont need normally see among World Leaders perhaps worth restating as well james this is just a rumor and speculation thats doing the rounds there in london we have not had this confirmed either by the white house or by the white house people who are there at the summit venue but sorry jim carroll. Well peter were hearing it from were hit were hearing it from some of the Pool Reporters who are the ones who are around the president so although we dont have an official word from the white house my understanding from from some of the people that im seeing this from suggests that it might well be more than the room ok tames thank you so much for that clarity well talk to you later im sure well heres a little clip of what some of the u. S. President what he had to say comments about turkey and the turkish president just want he says turkey is doing a good job as a nato member the border safe zone is working very well. And i give a lot of credit for. The cease fire is holding very much so and i think people are surprised and maybe someday theyll give me credit but probably not but it worked out well theyve been trying to do this for 100 years that border is a mess for a long time republican or soldiers out and took over the oil we have soldiers where the oil has to well like it and they can police their own border and thats what theyre doing they can use other countries if they want ok lets bring in ma and bashar again hes out as your senior political analyst if Donald Trumps about to do a runner will that overshadow the good work that theyve done. Well im not sure about the good work but certainly. It might because i think thats also was his goal it seems from the beginning you know he comes in usually through these summits and his eyes are a home rather than you know at the globe and he is in a tough position now the impeachment in the judiciary in the congress started and hes trying to excuse certain. Confidence if you will from the beginning firing shots right left and center including. At the french president but certainly as weve heard the comeback by certain europeans of course have has left him disarmed a bit and now with the video coming out look i mean hes been selling this thing for the last 23 years now that america is more respected now around the world but theyre ready cooter against the american president and not the 1st time and the 2nd time really makes it clear that america may be respected but certainly the american presidency is less respected more ready around and that does not bode well for him and i would i would i wouldnt be surprised at all if he leaves if he leaves with a certain you know fits against his partners you would have expected the leader of the world superpower in these very exceptional times where the rising power of china russia and sensitive times for Global Security for him to stick around and to really tell the world where america stands on these issues and not be concerned with a little chat of some leaders you know having a drink but it is after all. Hes also having to react to what young stilton berg was saying which is were going to go down this road of having a quote reflection process a reflection process by definition means at the end of your reflecting you might change who you are but how can it change and i mean its already going to have 400000000000. 00 more than its got at the moment in the next what 4 or 5 years. Well look i mean there is no doubt that nato does need a reflection once again and it needs even more than that because it does need a reshaping of its mission of the shaping of its structure of job its objectives and yes of its combined forces because the threat of the cold war is no longer what it was what it was before the war is over the soviet union is no more neither is the warsaw pact there was a host of international a challenge is where that it is china and russia where that the cyber space and certainly terrorism is on the light and that that requires a certain remodelling of reshipping and of course then. Very affectionate is really important and look i mean you know we talk a lot about the micro issues and whats going on in the summit today and yesterday but but the issues facing the world peter are incredibly important and as far as i you know as a student of history 2 minds me of of the times after the 1929 crisis and before the 2nd world war because what was the 2nd war all about it was about a european power trying to be a global power to at the time germany now its china trying to be an asian power to be a global power and nato is trying to grab will with this fact that china is meant through arms economy and Everything Else to be a global power hence nato has to have an answer what is that answer is it disarmament is it dialogue is it is that nonproliferation treaties with china or is it minute that it builds up 400000000000 more and and also projections of forces and so on so forth what worries me as a non european none chinese none russian. What what is the you know the world is one you know not the superpowers to go through another arms race towards another global war but before that and thats what usually happens and thats what happened during the cold war lets all remember that the cold war was undone without a single shot being fired but in the process for 4 decades we in the rest of the world suffered from proxy wars so what what is me now is us as china and russia and the west builds up that its the rest of us thats going to be at the receiving end of that power as they try to maneuver and expand their areas of influence so what we heard from metro today is not 400000000000. 00 to suckle refugees and to invest in the immediate periphery of europe and the west in order to. You know create new prosperities to cut on the refugees and to create stability thats not what we had what we had is more arms buildup as as as as President Trump demanded of everyone to have a least 2 percent of their g. D. P. Are going to defense and that is not clear how that will create a more safe. Global security environment moment many thanks ok lets just show you whats happening there at that nato summit live now Boris Johnson the u. K. Prime minister hes maybe a little bit distracted i suspect hes being asked questions that by the areas political correspondents not just in the u. K. But from across all the major european news outlets as well because hes got an election to fight between now and december the 12th thursday december the 12th of course it is a brics it general election for him Boris Johnson its been a campaign a Divisive Campaign so far domestically being watched very closely you had quarters in brussels and strasburg the reasons that johnson is. There at the podium is because he is chairing this particular nato summit the nato delegates theyre not even calling it a summit because it wasnt meant to be per se a summit it was meant to be a 70 of celebration a 70th Birthday Celebration because thats how old nato is instead of which is being kind of derailed into coming up with nuggets of future policy and the future direction of travel for the Nato Alliance and as james bays was saying a little earlier and my senior political analyst was echoing that it might be overshadowed if these Pool Reporter reports turn out to be true but donald trump has in effect now decided to pull the plug on his final News Conference which was shuttle to take place roughly 1530 g. M. T. Because clearly he wanted to hit the breakfast time audiences on the east coast of the United States favored of course c. N. N. Or fox news the likes of course he would like to get on to fox news one of his own particular favorites he i suspect wanted to get a message out there saying look ive been saying to nato for the past couple of years of my presidency you guys have got to contribute more money and they are doing that thats been the central message from u. N. Stoltenberg the nato chief Boris Johnson there however giving us his closing fortes on what progress theyve made there at the nato summit more on that for you just as soon as we can. Well as marwan was saying while mr trump attended that nato meeting back on the other side of the atlantic his political rivals of later what they say is quote overwhelming evidence of the u. S. President s misconduct in office the impeachment report accuses mr trump of wrongly using his power to seek help from the president of ukraine to boost his reelection chances heidegger castro joins us live now from washington heidi hi there just walk us through whats happening today. Right well today is a very significant day in the pietschmann inquiry process peter because up until now weve really heard from the investigators who were laying out the case of wrongdoing resulting in that report from yesterday from the House Intelligence Committee that claims there is overwhelming evidence that trump abuse the power of his office today that shifts to the scholars to the question of whether or not this alleged wrongdoing merits impeachment of the president and thats why todays hearing now before us another House Committee this is the Judiciary Committee the official body that will draft articles of impeachment launching and pulling the trigger on that Legal Process of impeaching the president that is what we expect today this committee will be hearing from for legal scholars on this question of what exactly merits an Impeachable Offense does trumps dealings with ukraine and the allegations that he obstructed congress in trying to get to the bottom of those dealings do those warrant an Impeachable Offense or were hearing from 3 witnesses from the democrats who in their Opening Statements that have already been released are going to try to help make that case that these these charges against the president do warrant treason or high crimes a misdemeanor which is what the constitution spells out as an Impeachable Offense if the 4th witness and this is the interesting one peter because this is a also a legal scholar but called by republicans were talking about Jonathan Turley he is a law professor at George Washington university and his Opening Statement doesnt do much really to defend the president in theory republicans called him in order to make it look better for the president but turley actually says in his Opening Statement that theres an impeachment case can be made he then goes on to. Morning democrats against rushing into the proceedings accusing them of of Going Forward without collecting all the evidence that may exist namely speaking with trumps inner circle his chief of staff his former National Security adviser his secretary of state all of whom have refused to comply with the democrats requests to give their testimonies to congress that kind of comes full circle back to the obstruction of Congress Article that will likely be written against trump because theyre kind of being put in a catch 22 here where these of the Jonathan Turley the republicans constitutional scholar says well you should move forward out getting more information from these people but then right on the other hand a white house and trump himself saying well these people are not being allowed to give their testimonies do you have the sense when you are that he is issuing that as a warning to the democrats because of what robot didnt deliver on which is what the democrats wanted mr to deliver on because he never came up with a Silver Bullet that had the c word collusion in it because that comes in part i guess because that concept doesnt exist inside american constitutional law. Thats right and you know a big big question facing the house Judiciary Committee is whether or not to incorporate some of the moeller findings the whole dealings with possible russian collusion of course trump was a model or such there was no evidence that trump did collude with russia however he laid out in that report several counts where it appears that trump tried to obstruct justice in a mullers investigation of his dealings with russia so it was strongly hinted in millers report that those allegations may warrant articles of impeachment the democrats had been patient they always said at that point were going to see that theres anything else that sticks to trouble then ukraine popped up seemingly out of nowhere and in a sense a gift horse to democrats and so now the question is whether or not to focus strictly on trumps dealings with ukraine and there is a certain faction of House Democrats that wanted to be simple and concise focused on those charges or whether to expand the scope of this impeachment inquiry to include possible obstruction of justice dealing with the mall investigation ok well leave it there in the meantime many thanks. Were staying with things american political ones a prominent u. S. Lobbyist has been accused of conspiring to conceal the source of millions of dollars in donations to Hillary Clintons 2016 president ial campaign hes george nader he worked for the go betweens with Donald Trumps top advisers and various middle eastern interests and one of 8 people facing Campaign Finance charges the u. S. Lebanese businessman was allegedly involved in a skiing to gain influence in clintons. China today is condemning a u. S. Bill demanding the closure of socalled reeducation camps for weaker muslims the legislation still to be passed by the senate also threaten sanctions against communist Party Officials blamed for abuses more than a 1000000 people from ethnic minorities are imprisoned as part of a long running government crackdown in the Northwestern Region of xin jiang has a dream. At 1st chinas government denied their existence but then last year state television released pictures of what were described as Vocational Training centers where ethnic muslim week has a learning new skills in the remote Western Region of shin jang. Human Rights Groups estimate that more than a 1000000 week isnt being held in what they describe as a 21st century good leg where inmates are being brainwashed and forced to renounce their religion. Now the United States house of representatives has decided its time to act it voted overwhelmingly to call on President Donald Trump to apply sanctions against senior chinese officials the bill which refers to arbitrate detention torture and harassment still needs to be approved by the senate and the president before it becomes law on wednesday Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson read a lengthy prepared statement accusing washington of a random smear urging it to correct its mistake made by anyone so delancey to the relevant bill to liberally slanders the human rights situation in china and jang and blackens chinas efforts to eliminate stream ism and crackdown on terrorism it will definitely have an effect on china us cooperation in important areas it is just a week since trump signed another contentious bill into law that is also raising tensions between washington and beijing on another front hong kong where antigovernment protests are almost into this 6 month the hong kong human rights and democracy act has been welcomed by protesters there because it means the city special trading status with the u. S. Will now be dependent on a yearly review the law could also be used to punish officials deemed to be suppressing freedoms in retaliation china has halted american warship visits to hong kong and sanctioned several nongovernmental organizations it is unclear what all this means for the other big point of friction between china and the United States right now their trade war analysts warn that the odds on there being an agreement before christmas have now been lowered after president from war and there was now no deadline for a deal and on wednesday. China also said it doesnt have a deadline for a deal now either adrian brown aljazeera home home. Gunman in eastern afghanistan who killed 6 people including a doctor whos the head of a japanese medical charity the vehicle was ambushed in jalalabad and the attackers reportedly then fled no group has yet claimed responsibility for dozens more people have fallen ill with measles in some more over the past 24 hours the disease is already claimed the lives of at least 60 islanders in the South Pacific most of them under 4 years old schools businesses have been closed to try to contain the spread jessica washington reports now from the capital abuja a country in crisis scrambling to vaccinate its people and get this outbreak under control. Measles is an entirely preventable disease but thats not prevented many parents in samoa from having to bury their own children. Who really. We really want to. Take. The situation. Here. So that they can get healthy the queues for vaccines are getting longer and Health Clinics around this Pacific Island nation. To make him. Head for the new treatment. And im lucky enough to know if theyre especially in the triple destroying. Children under the age of 4 other most at risk the outbreak which began in october coincided with a global rise in measles cases more than 60000 people have been vaccinated since a state of emergency was declared in the middle of last month but many are now asking why more wasnt done earlier to combat some devastatingly low vaccination rates in 2018 only one in 3 children under 5 had been vaccinated Health Authorities say the low rate was due to a medical mishap last year when 2 babies died after they were given wrongly administered doses so despite efforts trusting to the mother theres not necessarily. Ground here this is how we explain 4 1652 ready cases. An average of 175. 00 per hour 24 hours as the crisis grows the government is both during its Vaccination Campaign most Civil Servants are being sent to Health Clinics to help out and authorities. Urging other people to stay at home just to washington out to 0 sum of. Natural and manmade disasters have combined to create some of the worst conditions and bob has seen in about 10 years nearly half its people face of your hunger and starvation Priyanka Gupta has the story of these parched lands of zimbabwe who once known as the breadbasket of Southern Africa but just one year of normal rains and half a decade their strout crops are dying animals too and millions of people need food to survive its essentially a National Catastrophe half the population almost 8000000 people on the brink of starvation the causes are essentially a combination of Climate Change particularly growth and economic collapse the economy is in for you for. The government recently reassured zimbabwe dollars for the 1st time in a decade but put restrictions on how much people can patrol from banks that doesnt help when prices of food and other commodities have soared to record highs making peoples income nearly worthless the rate of inflation is estimated to have reached almost 500 percent the 2nd highest in the world after venezuela the drought and poor maintainance has affected part generation and led to lead the blackouts and is a shortage of water and medicines. Families are having to lead tough choices in the cases of children for instance they have to make a choice about whether they check whether the children stay buckets warm and do chores and cite find other means of livelihood or go to school in the areas families have got to decide on you know what kind of meal they will have for the day because families end up in areas andrew larry has almost insists instances sometimes can only afford one. The u. N. Says symbol points on the brink of manmade starvation and economic crisis feeding into a Climate Crisis putting millions at risk. To see are. Working if youre just joining us youre watching aljazeera live from my headquarters here in doha lets just get you right up to date with some breaking news thats coming to us this half hour its now been confirmed the u. S. President donald trump has canceled his final nato Summit Press Conference we understand according to Pool Reporters its because of his relationship or lack thereof with the gentleman you saw there at the beginning of that particular role of videotape Justin Trudeau apparently mr trump was asked by some members of the pool who are traveling with him on Board Air Force 11 assumes what he thought about a video that was circulating on twitter and on other social media platforms in the early hours of this morning london time on the video you can clearly see Justin Trudeau drinking beer emmanuel macro i think had a glass of red wine Princess Anne is there as well her majesty queen elizabeths. Daughter 2nd child of charles and and then andrew of course she was the 2nd child in the company as well of the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson theres an open mike situation going on on that video thats circulating on social media and it sounds like Justin Trudeau is telling a funny story about mr trumps late arrival at the expense of donald trump thats the punchline it then goes into a you cant quite make whats actually being said but clearly the 3 or 4 people involved in that conversation are enjoying the story being told at the expense of mr trump quote wrapping all of that. Up in a huge Health Warning for you allegedly but those are the allegations we do know that donald trump has canceled his nato Summit Press Conference the actual why and where for when it comes to that we will of course find out in the coming half hour or so i suspect. Staying with areas and items trump related the committee holding the impeachment inquiry into president from has laid out what it says is quote overwhelming evidence of misconduct in office its report says mr trump used his power to seek help from ukraine in his bid to be reelected next year and other news gunmen in eastern afghanistan have killed 6 people including a doctor as the head of a japanese medical charity the vehicle they were in was ambushed in jalalabad up next is the bottom line i will see you very soon. The war on drugs in the philippines is pushing james to breaking point a Record Number of inmates languish behind bars for years awaiting trial one o one the philippines locked up on aljazeera. A story of long family and freedom calling for my living here so you were at school we heard the sounds of large explosion. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i see my son so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. And the uprising coming soon on aljazeera. Hi im Steve Clements and i have a question are Donald Trumps trade wars helping or hurting families workers farmers and buyers of stuff in the u. S. And in the rest of the world lets get to the bottom line. It seems like ages ago but before impeachment took over the news cycle there was a different big thing on the american president s mind one hint. Hes targeted chinas electronics millions of Kids Christmas toys german cars european steel airplanes and canadas cow and Dairy Products he says these nations cheat and play the trade game unfairly manipulating their currencies and dumping their products onto americas market since winning the elections in 2016 donald trump has tweeted about tariffs 177 times thats right 177 times so whats the obsession all about fortunately we have 3 task the people in the room who have the answers to these questions they are and pastor carla hills former u. S. Trade representative and current chair of the National Committee on us trying to relations filipe president of the Economic Policy institute in washington and before that chief of staff of the a. F. L. Cio the largest federation of labor unions in the United States and probably the world and jim glassman former u. S. Undersecretary of state for Public Diplomacy founding executive director of the george w. Bush institute and one of the most prolific authors on economic and trade issues that i know its great to be all with all

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