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It calls rioters during recent protests a powerful typhoon rips through the philippines damaging homes and forcing sols and evacuate and disabled in a country at war well look at the plight of yemens most vulnerable people. It was a blistering press conference between us President Donald Trump and frances leader Emmanuel Mccall and that just ended in the past hour the 2 leaders have been sparing over a trade tariffs security and other issues but they both agreed on one thing and thats the future of nato and what needs to be done to achieve long term peace in europe my komo stood by his comment about the 70 year old alliance being quote brain dead. I knew that night my statements read some reactions shake a little beat a lot of people and i felt mine and i have to say when you look at one what need to even shoot the 1st full season delusion and play them for them to remind you some figures but when we think about it and its not just about money. We have to be respectful it is all soldiers its a full burden we share so for us coffee is also all those things. And i do believe that in such simple terms we do the. Less we have to pay for police security. The president i i think you know that we need more flexibility and i think we both agree on that so we didnt use it for other things time chose. What was specifically targeting a lot of people say it was better to look at originally in the soviet union now russia but we also have other things to look at whether its the radical islamic terrorist over there is a tremendous growth of china. Live to algis there is john holmes outside the u. S. Ambassadors residence in london where that meeting took place some interesting dynamics eleanor what are we to make of the relationship between these terrible this. One on the face of that quite lengthy appearance in the relationship isnt too good i mean these are 2 men who claim to get on very well rather donald trump says he gets on very well with emanuel macron but it was precious little evidence on display there donald trump lashing out in various Different Directions with the threat of further trade tariffs to be applied against frances plan for a digital taxi use plan for digital tax on us Technologies Companies trade tariffs to be applied to try and extract from france in particular and other nato members yet more money for their collective defense and so on and mr macron responding by absolutely sticking to his guns saying he will stand by his for months ahead of this meeting that will have enraged donald trump that nato is on the verge of being brain dead because of its inability to cooperate and coordinate amongst its members taking particular aim in that at Donald Trumps unilateralist policy in Northern Syria pulling u. S. Troops out taking particular im at turkeys policy in Northern Syria condoned by the americans moving in and taking up arms against the kurds in Northern Syria and he is flatly rejecting all of these things and also course mr earlier ones threats to undermine the collective Syrian Security of nato by standing in the way of the protection for the protection of the Baltic States against russia unless nato falls into line and supports turkeys presence in Northern Syria mr micron here clearly putting turkey front and center as the bone of contention at this meeting and in terms of any future discussions about turkey moving forward he wants to see things change he said we need to. Decide what nato should be we have to be clear its not enough just to talk about money the common enemy is International Security but we dont have common definitions about what that means turkey is now fighting fighters who were shoulder to shoulder with the western alliance against i still just 2 months ago these are the real issues he said so he is standing against erdogan very firmly donald trump is not backing away from mr erdogan still defending him they are at loggerheads and this i think is the substance of a very bad tempered encounter today and one which will continue take a listen for some substance of the real bristling tensions between the 2 men to this. Nomination in the state the number one problem in armor for a fight this is the kind of criticism. And you have gone off by this used as a reason to think this is where hes a great politician because i was one of the greatest nonanswers over there and thats ok because sometimes there are day to day you can have some sort of vision from the you he decided i dont think the president would run for president to say this is your about responsibility im sorry to say that. We have some awful people but if you dont you get really because hes the number one. Know to be able to do is really this is why we started this because of our our nation has to be i think if any of the community was doing he you know he has moved. As he said jonah the dispute with turkey brewing within the alliance and were going to listen now to present russia typewriter one who earlier warned that he will pose as you said a major nato defense ban if Member States refuse to recognize kurdish fighters in syria as terrorists lets listen to the president. To get that in the kind of than an nato needs to act in a proactive manner against threats proposed by the terrorist organizations its inevitable that nato is in need of readjusting itself against todays terrorist threats we expect our allies to display strong cooperation with us against the threats were facing. So jonah tell us more about how president are the ones threat is being received and can they find a middle ground on turkey. Well lets look in a broader sense its going to be received very poorly indeed and weve heard emanuel not problems we wanted president only one turkey is a member of nato members of nato have a responsibility for the collective defense of other members of nato the Baltic States are members of nato and mr erdogan is here saying i will not approve or i will stand in the way of further measures to protect the baltics if you dont fall into line behind me and my version of terrorism that is not going to go down well in nature without the United States the most powerful member of nato donald trump of course backs on and hes continuing to support live on misurata on in this stuff so you know all of this really brings to light conflicting interests between the United States and turkey the United States and france turkey and the rest of nato an alliance set up 70 years ago. Against a unified threat from the soviet union a threat which has not changed with the times its russia its china its Cyber Security its islamic terrorism no longer a 0 sum game between 2 sides now a multiple game between multiple sides and multiple interests this alliance is supposed to be celebrating 70 years of unity here i think is going to be precious little time for that thank you for that john hall live for us in london. Now president is in london in the middle of an Election Campaign the opposition candidates have been attacking britains Prime Minister warns johnson for his close relationship with the us president lets go to nadine baba whos at a protest in londons Trafalgar Square a protest against the u. S. President who is at this protest. Who fully theres a whole range of people as you might expect any visit by the u. S. President will attract a whole variety of Campaign Groups weve got people with banners saying no to war on iran a reference to the u. S. Pressure recently against the iranian government after. President trying to get the u. S. Out of that nuclear deal the campaign for Nuclear Disarmament to his saying no to trumps Nuclear Weapons race there are people concerned about what might happen to food standards and regulations after brecks it if britain were in some peoples eyes forced to adapt to u. S. Standards and then we expect perhaps the largest contingent ive seen a few of them among the several 100 people here. Star for employee employed by the National Health service that has become the number one issue for the British Public in the upcoming general election so its very very important thats partly why as you were furring to Jeremy Corbyn the leader of the labor party has been pressing the point that donald trump and Boris Johnson see eye to eye why is that because those n. H. S. Stuff the nurses and doctors who are going to be marching from here Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace in the next couple of hours for the reception by Queen Elizabeth for the nato leaders. The the feeling is that despite President Trumps insistence on tuesday that the n. H. S. Would not be part of any trade deal in future there in fact the ball is already rolling jeremy cole been released if you like or brought to the publics attention some documents already that were out there online where u. K. Officials have been seem to be talking to their american counterparts about things like drug pricing and there are admissions from some here in Boris Johnsons own policy that the price that the n. H. S. Pays for some medication could go up under a future trade deal the idea being that america will be able to push the u. K. To get its own way Boris Johnson says thats not the case donald trump says he wouldnt know why anyone raises the point but just a few months ago he himself said in london or in britain rather that everything would have to be on the table if there are any missteps by president or Boris Johnson in the next couple of days that could knock the election prospects of the conservative party too just to remind you are well ahead right now thank you for that john hall live for us in london lets turn our attention to other world news now any rainy and state television has acknowledged for the 1st time that people it describes as rioters were shot and killed during recent protests thousands of people joined demonstrations angry over an increase in petrol prices which are set by the government here in rice called say as many as 200. 00 people were killed irans government has rejected that figure putting the death toll at 13 as a bank has more on tehrans acknowledgements Security Forces shot protests. The iranian official figure has pretty much remained the same but this is the 1st acknowledgement by the iranians that Security Forces killed protesters now this was on state media it was a lengthy report around 7 minutes long and it was very much the iranian governments version of events and the defense of the Security Forces the report acknowledged that there were demonstrations across the country. Shiraz and even here in iran but also categorized those that were killed it called some of them and rioters bridge knives and guns that attacked military centers it said that some were Peaceful Protesters others were passes by and some Security Forces and they didnt say how those passes by and civilians those Peaceful Protesters were killed although the spokesman for the judiciary this morning has said that it was suspicious and those bullets that killed those people werent from the scooter forces but they also said that there were People Killed in the south western city of masha had read there is an arab population now the report called them separatists said that they were with guns and that they fired on Security Services and the Security Services were forced to fire back and defend themselves now very much this report that was carried on state media is saying that the Security Forces intervened used force to protect lives they say that right as a dogs were attempting to set fire to petrochemical plants that could have risked many lives and the report also carried interviews with what they say were people within the neighborhood who said that look were grateful for the Scooter Services intervening because many lives could have been at risk. Still ahead on al jazeera mexico witnesses the worst day of homicide since records began plus and ironically talk on the edge of a help find out next how senate go and other countries in the region are planting trees to try to stop the desert moving forward and expanding. And no theyre not about pictures generate across much of central and Southern China fair amounts of clatter and what you will sail in satellites is this this is time for unit comrie now this of course continuing to impact the philippines working its way sadly west was pushing out into the South China Sea so by wednesday it is still a powerful typhoon winds of about 150 kilometers an hour and still very heavy rain across into the philippines but youll see to the north of the firemans a cloud that does tend to increase as we go through thursday and the rain is also delighted to begin to impact the southern and eastern coastal areas so just 17 degrees celsius in hong kong with that rain now from there across into india weve had some deadly floods across into tamil nadu we have had plenty of rain here for the last several days and also across industry lanka this is a system just off the west coast were watching it does actually begin to pull away you can see those about a day on wednesday sunday across much of the southern n. D. S. So hopefully a bit of reprieve from those floods but not so cross into sri lanka weve got more rain in the 4 calls that so again this likely to lead to flooding across much of the country but. It should stay fine and dry through much of india and cooler to the north as well a bit of a front sliding through 22 is your high in new delhi. Our planet is warming as never before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say there is still time to act planet s. O. S. Sets out the facts on the Science Behind the issues affecting our planet. And brings you what people across the globe a doing to touch the crisis around planets s. O. S. On aljazeera. Youre watching al jazeera live from doha a reminder of the top stories divisions between the u. S. And its european allies from so on full display ahead of a crucial nato meeting in london President Donald Trump and frances leader and. A sparring over trade taxes and the fight against. Turkeys president meanwhile is threatening to oppose nato his plans for the defense of baltic countries and poland or ship typewriter one is demanding the alliance recognize groups that turkey is fighting in Northern Syria as terrorists and Iran State Television has acknowledged for the 1st time that Security Forces shot and killed what it describes as rioters during recent antigovernment protests human Rights Groups say as many as 200 people were killed. In iraq as parliamentary brawl says its giving up its right to lead the nomination process for a new Prime Minister the alliance insists its rocky people who should be the ones to pick their leader Prime Minister on it abdul mahdi submitted his resignation on saturday but hell stay in a caretaker capacity on monday dozens of people were wounded after Security Forces used live ammunition and gas jaring protests. Amnesty International Says more than 4000000 yemenis living with disabilities lack access to basic care the Rights Group Says disabled people are most at risk because of the war between healthy rebels and the un recognized government which is backed by a saudi u. A. E. Coalition a tory gate and b. Reports. 5 years of fighting in yemen has killed at least 10000 people strikes and artillery attacks have left many move with life changing injuries 15 year old that was hit by a bullet man monday lanahan minutes and how can i go to school when the reason new support for me to be able to do that to learn since i have been injured i cant go anywhere. Amnesty International Says 8 out of 10 yemenis need age people with disabilities often face challenges accessing health care and education parents say their children face particular challenges in camps the displaced people in malawi saw her have. I need help with his clothes i need to make socks to cover his feet in the cold anything would be good but the most important thing is a wheelchair to move him around. 18 year old make dad has had limited mobility in his legs since he was 2 he struggles to cope in a camp its not designed to accommodate disabled people returning. I crawled to the toilet in the toilet people urine it on the ground i want to toilet for myself but i can access. As the war continues so does the misery the United Nations has described it as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world documentation on the ground in yemen or at least in the 3 southern governorates that we visited indicates that there are still significant gaps in the humanitarian response that people with disabilities continue to be left behind and face challenges in accessing equal rights when it comes to Health Education jobs and Living Conditions in camps for displaced people make dads experiences shared by thousands of yemenis like him after years of conflict all they want is for the suffering to end Victoria Gate and be out. A typhoon has struck the philippines forcing nearly a quarter of a 1000000 people from their homes typhoon camorra has rapes woof woof from buildings knocked out power and hope that hundreds of flights as the 20th storm to hit the philippines this year to maine island again reports from a province in the central philippines. Typhoon worry battered the beagle region in search of the philippines for more than 10 hours the wind was violent and harsh and incessant rain drenched the province of by for people here so food could more reason landfall at night brought fear and despair. And the mourning brought no respite sylvia blew out the just devastated her home is destroyed because we evacuated i moved to the center with my children at 4 am i came back to check on my home barely anything is left by the no way to get the money to rebuild it again. The wall was built to protect villagers perms farm. But more than a 100 homes where the reuters monday night by their preparations there was no offering they wont come more easily raw. Power lines are down the airport and seaports have suffered severe damage. More than a 100000 people were evacuated before computer hit many expect theyll have to live in the Evacuation Center for weeks if not months. We have been doing the seeing the rails and of course yours and of course the majority of the people will always be around. But there are many areas across the beagle region affected by typhoon come weary that remain cut off the government says it is doing all it can to reach them and get aid to those who need it most it took cynthia more than 13 years to rebuild her home after another devastating typhoon in 2006. Left more than a 1000 people tent and more than 600 missing. It was a tragedy that cynthia hoped would not be repeated. She says life can be unfair especially for people who dont have much any we she has no choice now but to start all over again jim duggan aljazeera by essential philippines a large fire in a factory in sudans capital has killed at least 23. 00 people and injured dozens more it broke out after an explosion at a tile manufacturing plant in north khartoum cars that were parked near the factory also caught fire its not clear yet what caused the explosion. In malaysia a former Prime Minister night has been on the witness stand for the 1st time to defend himself against corruption allegations the trial in the high court has to do with a multibillion dollar scandal that malaysia states own fund known as one m d b g visit queues of illegally receiving about 10000000. 00 when he was in office is pleaded not guilty to all the charges which include Money Laundering and abuse of power and. Also emphasize the alleged role of a businessman known as joel who has been named by u. S. Investigators the. Scheme was devised by dual together with 4 arabs. From saudi and another 2 from doug right m b Empire Management or one m b s r c were all paid off by dual. 127 people have been murdered in 24 hours in mexico and thats an unprecedented number for a single day and many are questioning the president s strategy of not balance in tackling the drug cartels as there is alan fischer reports now from mexico city. It will take a while to repair the damaged if you in your own city hall the memories of what happened here will last much longer. Saturday afternoon a convoy of vehicles covered in the initials of a local drug cartel c. D. N. Drove into town and began fighting this the authorities believe was sending a message to the Regional Government to quote. Security forces surrounded the turn 60 kilometers south of the texas border by the time the gun battles ended on sunday 22 were dead 16 gunmen 4 Police Officers 2 civilians pictures of local politicians were riddled with bullets locals had to literally run for their lives you mustnt drown the past the yellow plastic thank you we were arriving at the plaza with our children but he began to shoot at us from the hill and we had to run in another direction the attacking quite ended on the day its no been confirmed was the deadliest since mexico began keeping records 127 people were killed on december 1st the day that marked the 1st anniversary of president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador taking office he had promised a new approach to tackling mexicos violence and it is morning News Conference claimed the incident quote we look was unusual is the castle this case is lets say unusual it is not something that happens in quite well every day we have a plan for the National Guard we need 140000 guards but we only have 70000. Later in the day the president met members of the lookout and family 9 of them were killed in a Cartel Ambush near the u. S. Border in early november we were updated on the investigation into the murders for people. Have been arrested didnt speak after the meeting. Hoses to to the streets on sunday to protest against the president s 1st year in office one of the largest groups demanding he do more to curb the violence u. S. President donald trump says hes begun the process to designate mexicos drug cartels as terrorist organizations mexico opposes that idea but we find itself under increasing pressure to do something about the murder rate especially if theres another day as bloody as the same for the 1st 2019 alan fischer aljazeera mexico city Scientists Say theyre becoming more alarmed about how fast the worlds 2nd largest ice sheet is melting researchers from the university of cambridge in the u. K. Say makes on top of brain then store they share are draining into the ocean through holes in the ice the water under the ice the nest egg a share causing it to move and melt faster we can see big changes in the green an ice sheet. Having no effect on Sea Level Rise just 25 years ago and now its a roughly a 3rd of all Sea Level Rise on the planet is from greenland alone. And so theres a very significant increase and this is an increase thats ongoing and we think its likely to continue so it is clearly an adverse effect and Climate Change is causing the expansion of the sile desert in west africa locals have been planting a vast wall of trees in a bid to save their land 3 years ago al jazeera visited the socalled great green wall nicholas return to mark to bob in senegal to see if the initiative is working. The fight against Climate Change starts here on the edges of the Sahara Desert villages from planting trees they want to save their homes and farmland from the expanding desert. For this forest ranger theres a sense of looming catastrophe. So we are in a situation of grave danger if we dont plant trees we wont get the range they need to cultivate it will reduce rains have we need water to feed animals and grow food otherwise people will move. And they have already started across the cattle herders are on the move there mainly from the full ethnic group and are looking for a more temperate climate to feed their animals. Thats like the conflict thats fueled by armed groups such as. In the slum it might grab thousands of people have been killed in the sahara in the fighting in the past year alone but not in senegal such a good job he believes thats because of this Tree Planting project in 2007 senegal was among 11 african countries that pledged to plant trees and what they called a great green wall from the east to the west of the continent but 10 years on most of the countries involved have dropped out because many of the trees have been killed by drought termites and increasingly inhospitable climate temperatures are rising in rainfall dropping. Experts say that if all the trees that were planted for the last 40 years had survived then this would look like the amazon forest well instead it looks more like this the aim of the program is no longer to build the great green wall because the desert is moving forward but rather to find a solution so that the communities here can adapt to the changing climate. For senegal this green wall is a long Term Investment for future generations achieving success now depends on finding species of trees that can be adapted to this environment. Polluting countries are investing in the green wall to offset their Carbon Emissions or climate marketing schemes but by 2050 the Global Temperatures is predicted to rise by 2 degrees the desert is rapidly expanding and the villagers here say theyre racing against time to save their homes and strengthen the front line in the fight against Climate Change Nicholas Hawk senegal. Hello again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera divisions between the u. S. And its european allies france on full display ad of a crucial nato meeting President Trump in france says leader. Sparing over trade taxes and the fight against but they agreed on the need to broaden the scope of nato. I dont use it as a mark my statement created some reactions shake a little be a lot of people i care about and i have to see when you look at what needs to even the 1st full season there is on the ground to do something but when we think about it its not just about. We have to be respectful its also old news the full burden sharing the full scope of the is also business. And i do believe that in such certain terms we do the. Less we have to be fully to security. President. I think we need more flexibility than we voted we know thats only for other things thats yours but you know what a specific. Lot of people say it was better to remove originally soviet union now russia but we also have other things to look at whether its the rhetoric as well occurs or there is tremendous growth of china. Meanwhile turkeys president is stretching to oppose nato his plans for the defense of baltic countries and poland russia typo on is demanding the alliance recognize groups such as fighting in Northern Syria as terrorists and now the news Iran State Television has acknowledged for the 1st time that Security Forces shot and killed what it describes as rioters during recent antigovernment protests human Rights Groups say as many as 200. 00 people were killed typhoon come already has struck the philippines main island of luzon forcing almost a quarter of a 1000000 people from their homes this is the 20th typhoon to hit the philippines this year. Those are the headlines on aljazeera much more on our web site as always on jazeera dot com coming up next its planet s. L. s thanks for watching. Hello i am a man is a borrow and this is planet s. O. S. The land as one of our best weapons against Climate Change but why are we destroying it Scientists Say humanity is stripping the earth of its ability to sustain life and that extends to the way we produce films but were wasting a lot of it on not feeding all who are hungry we speak to people working to transform our relationship with the land embracing Sustainable Practices and well look at whats coming up at the crop the annual

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