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Of independence. Opposition leaders in burundi are accusing the governing party of spreading fear and intimidation they say people have been attacked ahead of next years elections the u. N. Is warning of more violence but the government has told al jazeera the vote will be free and fair catherine saw reports from brandys commercial capital. Protected by when you can to cross memories of what happened 4 years ago remains row for this man he tells us his young son was shot by police while on his way to buy bread. Riots started in 2015 and pays n. P. R. A run for and won a fair tom but hes opponent state was unconstitutional street protests a failed coup vigilante like attacks and assassinations threaten. To tear the country apart another election is due next year and the be real father says people are still being intimidated by Security Forces and members of the ruling party youve been called in born and. Now my im talking to you is putting at risk if the police know what im talking all my me but find out and tell i can be arrested or was killed. People here have not forgotten buddhas history of war at this ceremony they celebrate men and women who fought in another conflict in the 1990 s. The fighting stopped after an Armed Opposition Group brought president to power he promised Civil Liberties ethnic cohesion and improving peoples livelihoods at the height of the people could not use this word because of him and 5 president and other revolutionaries craighead from bringing peace and keeping the country relatively stable but now people appear him of abusing the they were right here for almost 2 years ago. For saying. All those things on the runway. I just have one word they just need to. Repent. Spreading false and on the run theyre not here to see what were in that is now and what evolution and what progress the people have made. Some opposition leaders say breaux indians have no freedom to express themselves many have been forced into exile and independent media organizations remain shut many people in the administration. Just trampling on the constitution and nothing. They are trying to to secure our space only say in the day of the and its allies. And i does have some priests ive got these father who lost his son so brutally hopes politics will not drive the country to the edge again kathleen saw al jazeera with the. Protesters in colombia define your curfew imposed by the president after a day of confrontation with Police Concerned about tax increases and changes to the Pension System the government says its investigating the deaths of 3 people on thursday Alan Saunders he has moved from bogota. It has been another day of undress and demonstrations of people telling you to protest against the unpopular government the president the van to save a spontaneous demonstration in various parts parts of town throughout the day the main event was happening just a couple of blocks from here in central flats i believe or people have gathered there thousands of people gathered there peacefully when all of a sudden the police decided to move in using tear gas and rubber bullets to this person the crowd clashing patients continued until the evening again people are out and i think on pots and pans to continue their approach however the mayor announced a total curfew in the city starting and 9 pm also the president of colombia. Spoke saying that starting a National Conversation next week to try to deal with this arrest while leader of one of the leaders of the Opposition Group called for a major massive rally he said next monday people are telling us that they feel energized and that theyre angry for what they considered a very violent. On some parts of the police they say that they want to continue protesting and the coming weeks are just as other people have been doing in other countries across south america for now more than a month. Demonstrations and looting have been taking place in cities across chile its now into its 5th week of often violent protests 43 people have been killed the defense minister has dismissed concerns of Excessive Force saying soldiers have been professional and disciplined Amnesty International says lethal weapons have been used at least 4 times protests began over a hike in metro famous but later grew to include economic and social inequality. But livias palm it is discussing legislation that could lead to new elections 2 weeks after president ever morale is was forced to leave the country morale has resigned after a contested vote led to widespread protests prosecutors are now launching an investigation against him Mariana Sanchez reports from us by the protests in bolivia are not only confined to the streets it also reached the house of deputies the agreed to pass a bill that paves the way for new elections but it came after a heated debate that so legislators pointing fingers and hurling insults at each other. But some lawmakers they know elections can happen before the deaths of 32 believe ians are investigated and hundreds of detained protesters are freed deputy henrico data is with exiled president is party he said they will go to elections without him its leader not go as a leader our president evo morales is our natural leader for 50 percent of bolivians farmers Indigenous People workers youngsters now he needs to send a message to pacify the country. But the message and legibly from alice is the opposite prosecutors opened an investigation for sedition and terrorism after audio of this call emerged. Apparently in it when ellis can be heard telling an ally to continue blockades and preventing food from entering the capital. Despite this the presidency minister hid his who said deals with mass Party Members and other marvellous supporters from coca farmers to miners were reached days ago the name of the field where all of them we have already signed agreements on all the demands they are making and we agreed to those demands. One of those demands was for the interim government to withdraw a decree that gives the military and police the green light to shoot with impunity as part of the talks the government wants all the world lifted around the country as they have cost of food and fuel shortages. The Political Uncertainty is the dominant topic for many residents in the dough in the hope new elections will bring change most of what is good and well we will be happy because there will be new candidates we want to new constitution no more corrupt officials a total change. But others say the interim government went too far in the crackdown on the protests and the damage is done. There would have been dialogue of people hadnt been killed with people that disappeared detained but above all we cannot have talks having brothers deed while the interim government hopes new elections will bring calm many are doubtful this will be enough without 1st making sure those responsible for the deaths of protesters are brought to justice by innocent as i just believe. Iraqs parliament is preparing to discuss a new Electoral Reform bill politicians hope it will calm protests that have gone on for weeks. Security forces opened fire on demonstrators on friday at least 4 people are reported dead but the government denies that at least 330 people have been killed since the protests began in october this anger of the corruption high unemployment and Poor Public Services hama general has more from baghdad there was a lot of skepticism here and to hear square about whether this Electoral Reform bill will actually be discussed for the 2nd time today is scheduled to have its 2nd reading as of now were told parliament is going to meet at 1 pm but theres been many times over the course of the last few weeks when parliament was supposed to meet and they couldnt make quorum or they didnt meet and certain issues they were supposed to take up they did not end up doing so so while it is scheduled to happen the folks that were speaking with out here are skeptical that it will and they add that even if it is boated and thats not scheduled to be voted on today but even if it were to be voted on today even if it were to be a law they dont believe that they have heard enough details yet about what this Electoral Reform law will actually entails this is supposed to be a law that would make among other things the Electoral Commission more representative of the population at large in a dog but again thats a big and what you have here are these huge on precedent to demonstrations across various cities in it all in which people are demanding not just Electoral Reform theyre demanding an end to corruption they are demanding a complete overhaul of the political system and so because of that they dont believe that parliament has done enough to actually show that they are listening to the people look today right now its just a little after 10 in the morning already there are hundreds of people out here its going to get more fit and more full as the day progresses and people say theyre going to continue to come out day after day until they feel the government is actually listening to their demands. The u. N. Envoy for yemen has told the Security Council that in the past 2 weeks the number of strikes by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition has dropped dramatically Martin Griffiths says the reduction could lead to an end to the conflict our diplomatic editor chimes bias reports from u. N. Headquarters in new york the u. N. Has long described yemen as the country with the worst humanitarian situation on earth but the regular Security Council meeting the 1st positive news for months. In the last 2 weeks the range of that war has dramatically reduced. There were reportedly almost 80 percent fewer strikes nationwide then in the 2 weeks prior and i realize these are short periods but nonetheless it is striking and in recent weeks there have been entire 48 hour periods without air strikes at all the 1st time since the conflict began we call this the escalation a reduction in the tempo of the war and perhaps we hope a move towards an overall cease fire in yemen. The current president of the u. N. Security council had this reaction there was lots of interest in deescalation in yemen and then the council once again we offend its very strong support for marching efforts to pave the way for the yemeni parties as i said to come together in this inclusive process its believed the developments followed back channel talks involving the u. K. And oman the plan now is to get the 2 sides the Yemeni Government together for fresh talks the last time that happened was almost a year ago in stockholm when they came up with an agreement on the port of the data its an agreement that still hasnt been fully implemented. Aljazeera at the united nations. Japan and south korea have agreed to hold a summit next month in light of sign of improving diplomatic relations the talks will focus on japanese atrocities inflicted on koreans during the 2nd world war tokyo says the issue has been resolved south korea extended an intelligence pact on friday and japan responded by agreeing to resume trade talks. Still ahead on aljazeera pressure on the parliament in georgia is mounting as opposition protesters try to force new reforms and its almost voting day as the president goes up against challenges that include 2 former Prime Ministers. To become rivals. How do we go quite a rash of showers across Southeast Asia or as per usual but some really live the ones there and see where the philippines once again into good parts of borneo brunei seeing some live fish as long as spells of bright in that wet weather she can see extending across a good part of the region not too bad into indonesia for the time as we go through sunday and on into monday for anything that rifle does become more expansive tide and say some wet weather java also seeing some wet weather system to see the race just not going their way and across a good part of indonesia we could there was some rainfall of course across a good part of australia not see much of that in the full cost but there will be a few showers over the next day ill say this was the saying on friday in sydney the other bushfires continue to cause problems here as of this conditions here remain very much in the forecast as we go on through the next couple of days because although we do have this little crop for storms and shallow as over towards northern parts of New South Wales pushing down to say southern areas of queensland white cats want to see shadows they will be few and far between and theres always the possibility of some dry lightning adding to the problem is one thing it will be a little cooler than of late. This december make the heroes of Europe Asia Africa the middle east oceania. To a stage made for the next. Great connections makes a state peak for the on becoming worlds best see the site will be short. So i took. This piece. Youll. Be watching aljazeera heres a reminder of our top stories this hour the u. N. Says burundi Security Forces are waging a campaign of fear and intimidation ahead of next years president ial election it says voters are being pressured to support the governing party of president pia currencies. Iraqs parliament is preparing to discuss a new Electoral Reform bill politicians are hoping this will calm protests over corruption and unemployment at least 330. 00 people have been killed since the. Demonstrations in july have now entered their 5th week the protests began over a hike in the truck phase but later expanded to include economic and social inequality. In syria at least 10 people have been killed in the cab all the attack was carried out in tel aviv out in iraq a province that area is currently under the control of Turkish Forces turkey launched a military operation last month to take control of the city from the Kurdish Forces which ankara considers terrorists. Candidates in guineabissau president ial election of hold their final rallies ahead of sundays vote incumbent president jose maria is running against 11 challenges including 2 of his former Prime Ministers al jazeera as nicholas uk reports from the capital but. While this president ial campaign feels and sounds like a carnival. Neighboring countries fear it could end in disaster. Some of the candidates like domingos see more speeded up have west african soldiers protecting them and not the countrys armed forces but reflecting. Off a conflict that you may not even know when it comes women who are in that. Process you have to say. Just weeks before the vote president joseph many of us who is running for reelection asked the military to force his Prime Minister out of office after he refused to step down fast has overstayed his time in office delaying elections but he has the backing of the armed forces. Period cool additional west african troops have been deployed as part of a stabilizing force days before the vote. The un Security Council is urging the armed forces not to intervene in politics you know b. Cells military have been behind dozens of coup attempts and political assassinations with several of its commanders under u. N. Sanction. These are soldiers that are voting early because they will be deployed during the election to ensure they say that it is a free and fair vote and so the military are keeping a close watch on the ballots. 6500. 00 soldiers will be positioned at polling stations across the countrys. Outspoken former military commanders who worries the ballots will be wrecked the political outsider hes been gaining popularity among young voters on the side of these is the expression of it a fault against the system but is why these people that the voiceless hide behind me is the leader for this nation but all 12 candidates are making this similar claim promising change in political stability this is a young electorate tired of all the political rhetoric and looking for a new beginning for the country Nicholas Hawke aljazeera the south. People of the Pacific Island of bogans will have begun voting in a referendum on whether to become independent from pop when you guinea crowds marched through the streets celebrating the start of the long white and if they choose independence bug and bill could become the worlds newest country. The obvious that the people now in the boon of celebration i join them very much they have every right to celebrate because this is a. Full cost of all the beginning of good things to come if were collaborating and what. Trash the problems we implement something that both parties have a tribute to. The referendum is the culmination of a long Peace Process which ended a decade long civil war which killed thousands of people little of reports from port moresby. Even though you can feel rugby is like a religion Jackie Joseph is running a Training Session with teenagers and at the same time educating them on issues like violence against women shes returned to her homeland to work after fleeing the country with her parents during the islands devastating civil war i think its been quite a journey growing up as a child and being able to to be where i am today the conflict centered around pan do you know a huge copa and gold mine many locals felt their resources were being exploited. Unrest and subsequent fighting between the bogan field revolutionary army and p. And g. Forces led to a full blown war an estimated 20000 people were killed and its quite hard to profit because. Because we have crippled our nation im in a province where it was shut down for years for the wrong reasons but its. Time to create. The hammer as part of the Peace Agreement bogan billions were promised the opportunity to vote for independence or for greater autonomy from p. And g. 20 years later they getting that chance we are preparing for the referendum and thats why we are holding the polls will stay open for a fortnight to ensure those in remote villages have a say with the results expected in december theres been a massive investments in terms of awareness raising. The expectations of the voters be managed pressure or the understanding of the process because here it comes at a time. And china is increasing its presence in the South Pacific while next door in indonesia west pulp was Independence Movement has led to deadly protests we have many similar situations around papa new guinea where we learn known as are being marginalized by Corporate Giants coming in and people can see oppression in some book while many are expecting an overwhelming void for independence what that will look like in terms of building an economy and breaking away from any isnt entirely clear yet another step beforehand though it will take place here in paintings pollens where the government will need to approve any outcome reaching mineral wealth and you see this may not be a region popping a guinea we want to easily lose a gauge aljazeera post must be. The u. S. State department has released records related to its dealings with ukraine the nearly 100. 00 page document was made public after a lawsuit by an ethics it confirms multiple contacts between secretary of state marc and Donald Trump Personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani will be this year it also supports testimony at the impeachment inquiry that senior officials were in the loop on efforts to pressure you trying to investigating trumps rival john. There was no due process you cant have lawyers we couldnt have any witnesses we want to call the whistleblower but you know i want is the 1st witness because frankly i want to trial you know i can take i can have it you want to try whatever you want oh i would look number one they should never ever impeached. Opposition protesters in several cities in georgia have used chains and padlocks to try to shut down state buildings that follows more than a week of demonstrations of apollos failure to approve planned Electoral Reforms robin far as the walker reports from tbilisi. Was another day of popup protests in tbilisi this one outside the interior ministry to force the old thirtys into confrontation with the opposition. This week activists looking to parliament for failing to reform the electoral system was sentenced that Tbilisi City Court to short prison terms it actually spoke to us before being jailed for 13 days. They havent any evidence and they cant threaten us with violence well continue to protest from prison or on the streets until we kick this probe russian regime out of that country. But not everyone sympathizes a passer by because directly his Opposition Party was once in power it still has enemies polls suggest georgians have lost faith in politicians from across the spectrum but the public does approve of democratic reforms a recent National Democratic Institute Poll found that most georgians support the plan to introduce believe proportional representation in elections thats why opposition parties united after the government reneged on its promise to change the electoral code the governing party is unapologetic the final say for the constitutional amendments and legislative amendments is up to the parliament of georgia and if citizens dislike this decision of the parliament i am sure they will they will put their positions next election as singh 2020. Georges opposition wants to say now this is a new tactic by opposition activists making lots of noise creating excitement raising attention popping up in different places around the city to show their governments that theyre not going to go anywhere to get it continue to put pressure on them. That decision not to allow Electoral Reform to go ahead. I think the government insists nothing will change and that the opposition will have to take care to avoid breaking the criminal code and finding themselves behind bars steelworker aljazeera tbilisi. Many of sri lankas minority tamils say theyre worried about their future the new president got a buyer rajapaksa led the military operations which crossed the tamil tiger separatist movement in the last decade tens of thousands of tamils were killed or disappeared during the 26 years of war Bernard Smith met some of the families of the victims. To not see the former capital as for lankas tamil separatists is sometimes called the land of the missing. Their relatives fear its a name that will never be shaken off now gotta buy rajapaksa is in power and the moment their. Son and daughter in law were taken away by the army the day after the war ended 10 years ago and they were they ever got a buyer has said that our children or at least they have not come to us and where are they im asking about my children who i handed over to them they did not just go missing 20000 people mostly tamils estimated missing since the civil war no one has ever been held accountable for the disappearances new president got or by rajapaksa his defense secretary towards the end of the war with his brother mahinda as president then they defeated the tamil tiger fighters who wanted to create an independent tamil state the un estimates 40000 sure lankans were killed in the last few months of fighting because the government disputes and the un says both sides committed war crimes. My daughter went missing there was heavy shelling and we separated and i have never seen again i tried to stay strong for my other children but when theyre not in the house i create thinking about my daughter i wanted to come back i know they have her just give it to me the government has set up an office for missing persons which is investigating 15000 cases but none has been resolved got a buyer rajapaksa says the priorities for people in the north and east are Development Education and jobs on the family still looking for their loved ones the new president says when they go to war people go missing. The launch of teslas new electric pickup truck hasnt gone entirely as planned during a demonstration in front of sea on muskets gloucesters. Audience expectations were quite literally shattered the stainless steel body is also designed to be scratched in danger resistance. With the headlines on aljazeera the u. N. Says burundis Security Forces are waging a campaign of fear and intimidation ahead of next years president ial election it says voters are being pressured to support the governing party of president bia. Demonstrations have now entered their 5th week 23 people have been killed so far the protests began. Fierce but expanded to include economic and social inequality protesters in colombia are defying a curfew imposed by the president after a day of confrontation with Police Concerned about tax increases and changes to the Pension System the government says its investigating the deaths of 3 people on thursday. Iraqs parliament is preparing to discuss a new Electoral Reform bill politicians are hoping this will calm protests over corruption and unemployment at least 330. 00 people have been killed since early october. Jim has more now from baghdad there was a lot of skepticism here into hers were about whether this Electoral Reform bill will actually be discussed for the 2nd time theyve scheduled to have its 2nd reading as of now were told parliament is going to meet at 1 pm but theres been many times over the course of the last few weeks when parliament was supposed to meet and they couldnt make quorum or they didnt meet and certain issues they were supposed to take up they did not end up doing so so while it is scheduled to happen the folks that were speaking with out here are skeptical that it will. Japan and south korea have agreed to hold a summit next month in the lightest sun of improving diplomatic relations the talks will focus on japanese atrocities inflicted on koreans during the 2nd world war tokyo says the dispute has been resolved south korea extended an intelligence pact on friday and japan agreed to resume tri talks. People of the pacific all that have bogan villa began voting in a referendum on independence from papa new guinea crowds mots through the streets celebrating the start of the long awaited vote if they choose freedom both can build the worlds newest country well those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after counting the costs. The differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it. Will bring in the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. Hello im sammys a them this is counting the cost of aljazeera your weekly look at world of business and economics this week private contractors as russia uses mercenaries in conflicts from syria to libya and china steps up to protect its workers overseas whats the future of. Whats a few 100000000000. 00 here and there isnt worth 2 trillion dollars but is the saudi state owned oil company relevant. Google and apple are muscling in on Computer Gaming with their own platforms or does that

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