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Pipe. Also ahead mothers on the march in guinea or the killing of children is inflaming angers against the president ial plans for reelection. A top story china has summoned a u. S. Diplomat after the Senate Passed a bill to support human rights in hong kong this comes after months of protests if the legislation does become law top officials from the territory could be sanctioned by the u. S. In the future in hong kong a standoff between the police and protesters on the campus shows no signs of ending sarah clarke is there. In a city rocked by violence and months of protests every day life is carrying on from me to primary and secondary schools have resumed classes after being closed for more than a week some major roads have also reopened but traffic is still congested and some raw lines. Remained blocked at Polytechnic University in Central California up to 100 protesters are refusing to leave brought police have surrounded the campus ready to mike arrests if any demonstrators try to skype. Fossil flaw. In the process. For all of us. All along. On tuesday around 800. 00 surrounded 300. 00 around the idea of a chain and cant be charged with writing others managed to escape the campus and avoid a wrist some protesters have attempted to flee over the last few hours through the universitys drainage system but they were arrested other attempts were made to a skype of a not but those students were met by police and retreated back inside the campus of the United States senate has backed the prodemocracy protests movement in hong kong and a unanimous vote senate has passed the hong kong human rights and democracy act which threatens to invoke tried sections on the city if the u. S. Considers human rights have been violated and we in the United States stand in solidarity with democratic protesters who have every right to assemble and petition their government for their rights as citizens of. The bill will now go to the house of representatives the Hong Kong Government has rejected the bill demanding the u. S. Stop interfering in the citys internal affairs and says these rights are being protected by the basic law hong kong article for basic human rights and we have seen that with all these rights including rights given to anybody working in hong kong reporting in hong kong so these are all self interest to do so i dont see that and the. Reason for changing that and thats the explain why in our statement we strongly sort of object to any attempt by any. Try to sort of inference hong kongs only interest district elections will be held in hong kong this weekend the government has not ruled out postponing that if theres more violence sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. And britain some of chinas ambassador over allegations a former employee at his consulate in hong kong was tortured simon chang he says Chinese Secret Police beat him to bribe him of sleep and chained him up he says they were trying to get information about activists leading the protests in hong kong he was detained for 15 days during a trip to the mainland in august and are thomas is in beijing with the latest. In the Daily Briefing at the Foreign Ministry here in beijing a Spokes Person denied asylum in chains accusations of torture he said that while he was detained in august all his legal rights were guaranteed and it referred to a statement put out by the shans in place back in august when he was detained which essentially said that he was detained for soliciting a prostitute nothing to do with any activity he was or wasnt involved with in hong kong and the Spokes Person at the Foreign Ministry also said that the Chinese Ambassador in london will not be going and seeing britains foreign minister theyll be refusing that invitation if thats the right word at the same time earlier in the day the Foreign Ministry putting out a very strong statement condemning the u. S. Senate passing this act condemning whats going on in hong kong in beijing saying that this act by the u. S. Senates neglects facts and truth applies double standards and blatantly interferes in Hong Kong Affairs and chinas other internal affairs it goes on to say that the issue hong kong faces is not about human rights or democracy but about stopping violence and chaos and it says that the us senate has what it calls a hidden political agenda and passing this act paints criminal removes as the pursuit of human rights and democracy when the truth is a violent criminal rampantly smashing facilities again this statement aims with a not so veiled threats that china will have to take strong countermeasures to defend our National Sovereignty security and Development Issues if the u. S. Insists on making the wrong decision no indication of what those countermeasures might be but the clearest signal possible really both in this statement by the Foreign Ministry and in what theyve said in response to simon chains accusations that these are all internal affairs within hong kong and china more broadly but nothing to do with foreigners. Its really come on the. Plane so the time to talk syria but the syrians say many of the incoming israeli missiles will show russias describing the Israeli Military action as a quote wrong move Israeli Defense intercepted 4 rockets falling from syria towards the occupied Golan Heights on tuesday so you know holder is in beirut multiple targets multiple locations in describing a wide scale and extensive attack the Israeli Military acknowledging that its jets were responsible for targeting positions of the 4th which is an arm of the Iranian Revolutionary guard they do have a presence in syria and according to the Israeli Military they also targeted Syrian Military positions surface to air missiles in and around damascus while it is not rare for israel to target iranian and iranian ally groups it is quite rare for them to target the Syrian Military in what is really being seen as a message to the Syrian Government that we hold you responsible for any attack emanating from syrian soil israel is calling the strikes an act of retaliation they say that the iranian kids who are responsible for firing rockets towards the occupied Golan Heights on tuesday theres no independent confirmation on what exactly happened and whether or not that incident happened but israel has repeatedly said that it will continue to strike iran in syria because they believe their presence there is a threat to its National Security they believe that iran wants to use syria as a launching pad to attack israel and basically create a new front along the occupied Golan Heights the Golan Heights area so israel continuing with these strikes have been happening for years now but this shadow war if you like between israel and iran is now out in the open because in previous months israel really has been more forthcoming in claiming responsibility for those strikes a u. S. Helicopter has crashed in afghanistan killing 2 military personnel on board u. S. Commandos in the province of. Government denying taliban claims the. A top u. S. Diplomat whos emerged as an important witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is jus to testify in public for the 1st time hes gotten sunderland is the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union has revised his unofficial closed door testimony about mr trump restarting military aid to ukraine in return for a corruption investigation into his rival joe biden and mr bidens son hunter now on tuesday the white house attacked its own ukraine expert as he testified to the inquiry alan fisher is in washington. This could be a pivotal week in the donald trump impeachment hearings many of the shuttle to give evidence were on the controversial july call with the ukrainian president that kills a key claim the hearings are based on 2nd hand reports giving evidence of tenet colonel alexander vigilant a career army officer and the ukraine expert on the National Security council he was concerned by the call by President Trump pushing for an investigation into Democrat Joe Biden and his son immediately took those concerns to a white house lawyer is improper for the president of the United States to demand a Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen and a political opponent a decorated veteran of the war in iraq vidlin has seen his actions in testifying under attack from President Trumps supporters who question his loyalty this is america is the country ive served and defended that all of my brothers have served and here right matters. Thank you sir gilbert. And. One of Vice President might pences aides Jennifer Williams also appeared before the committee saying she had the call and considered it political in nature republicans are insisting the president did nothing wrong and was fully entitled to demand an investigation into biden and his sons business dealings in ukraine as millions of americans are watching throughout the hysteria and frenzied Media Coverage 2 key facts have not changed that are critical to these impeachment proceedings one ukraine in fact received the aid and 2 there was no investigation into the guidance then we had an appearance from kut volcker the former special representative to ukraine hes a witness called by republicans but he dismantled a key republican talking point that joe biden did something wrong as i previously testified i have known Vice President biden for 24 years is an honorable man and i hold him in the highest regard former National Security official Timothy Morrison admitted the ukrainians were told the u. S. Wanted something from ukraine to unfreeze the that had been allocated an actual quid pro quo that the ukrainians would have to have the prosecutor general. Make a statement with respect to the investigations as a condition of having the ablest as democrats try to build a compelling case the republican leader of the senate where the definitive vote on action will be held says he doesnt see donald trump being removed from office its inconceivable to me to be 67 votes. To remove the president from office President Trump whos described some of those giving evidence as never trampers in the past actually acknowledged he doesnt know most of them but i dont know i never heard of him i dont know any of these people other than i have seen. A couple of their investigation the white house is continuing to mount its defense issuing a statement from Keith Kellogg the National Security adviser to Vice President mike pence he says he was on the call to the ukrainian president and despite evidence from others on tuesday he insists president bush did nothing wrong alan fischer aljazeera washington. Still to come here on aljazeera face to face in the 1st televised debate well hear the latest arguments as britains Election Campaign heats up. Also ahead burnt out in baghdad as of paying the price of the political protests. Hello again welcome back to your International Weather forecast well improving conditions here across parts of japan but not in terms of the temperatures those are actually coming down slightly across the area the system is moving now into the pacific and behind it we still have some clouds we still are looking at that cold air coming into play only into the teens up towards sapporo only getting up to about 2 degrees here on thursday by the time we get to friday a little bit warmer up there but still very cloudy and also some rain possibly coming into tokyo by the time we get towards friday evening well now looking to about across much of southeastern china right now but up to the north for shanghai it is going to be a little bit cooler and cloudier with a tempter of 18 we are watching one weather system a Tropical Storm here making its way towards the southern end of taiwan thats going to bring some winds as well as some rain over the next few days we dont expect it to get any stronger than a Tropical Storm and make as we go towards the weekend probably dissipating back to a tropical depression down towards mil though things are looking much better a few the system that was there is pushing into the South China Sea and over the next few days youre going to be seeing some Better Weather still though rain is going to be a problem here on thursday but by the time we get towards friday we do expect to see clearing skies with a temper of 32 and rain down here towards jakarta at 32. 00 as well. Stranded 8 long years on the su is canal. Creating their own community and economy it was you know president bush used you go when you were in Al Jazeera World tells the tale of 14 cargo vessels accidentally caught up in the arab israeli conflict it was quite a surprise to find myself in right in the middle of a war through the sailors whose ships survived the desert sands the yellow fleet on aljazeera. Ok recapping our top stories for you so far this hour china some of the u. S. Diplomats after the senate and states passed a bill to support human rights in hong kong following months of on rust in hong kong protesters inside a University Campus are refusing to surrender to the Police Written some chinas ambassador over allegations a consulate employee of hong kong was tortured simon chang says Chinese Secret Police change him up and beat him most amount of information about activists eating the protests in hong kong. Israeli commanders say warplanes have attacked army targets in syria but the syrians say many of the incoming israeli missiles were shot down russias describing the Israeli Military action as quote a wrong move. The deadline for the main rival to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government expires in less than 12 hours benny gantz is to go seating with other parties his meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu is a last ditch attempt to form a unity government has made no progress last month thats a new who also failed to form a government if mr gannets cant do it israel could face a 3rd election in less than 12 months joe hoffman is chief Political Correspondent for the Jerusalem Post he says israelis are in favor of a 3rd election we could still have a unity government theres still 3 weeks for an instant and many against to settle their differences with the majority the people want there is a possibility that today by the line of midnight if the big early remain the former foreign minister and defense minister and real kingmakers decides in Minority Coalition involving the support of arab descent numbers is whats best yeah bitch without snits and you know doc in happened today well its also possible well the agreement will decide to go with his ideology and not allow a right wing government under it to now without gets to before and if all the fowls after another 22. 00 days of internal bickering we could go to the election in march our 3rd election under a year which is what no one wants ive been saying all along that were not going to go to an election i dont think the people of israel will tolerate that theyre sick and tired of politics we dont want to be like england we dont want to be like the United States with their hybrid polarization. We need to be getting back to business theres enough security challenges and also an attempt to make peace the trumpet ministration is going to be leading in the focus really needs to be on that from now on. The governing conservative party is being criticized the renaming its twitter account fact check u. K. During last nights live televised lead. As debate ahead of the december the 12th general election the account began tweeting in real time rebuttals to statements made by the Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn before it later reverted to its original name pull brennan reports from london. Prime minister Boris Johnson came into this t. V. Debate with a double digit lead in the latest opinion polls with the possible disadvantage of being the incumbent in this race the Labor Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn came to solve it with the pressure of knowing that with less than 3 and a half weeks until polling day he needs a breakthrough soon with the 6 lots were drawn at corbin spoke 1st on Public Services to many families without a proper home struggling to make ends meet while tax cuts are handed to the super rich johnson led on bracks it whether you voted for leave or remain people want to get bricks it done and to unleash the potential of this entire country the questions ranged widely from bracks it to government austerity to personal integrity how can we trust you. At times the moderator struggle to keep the debate on topic and on time this is thank you to be interested in supporting the i love this is a great investment i know you want to return to practice it is your thing but in the moment we are talking about the n. H. S. On bricks it a labor government would read negotiate a new deal with the e. U. And then put it to a 2nd u. K. Referendum johnson repeatedly demanded to know whether colvin will campaign for or against his own bracks a deal in that referendum but we dont know and ive asked this before we dont know which side mr corbyn would campaign is he going to campaign for leave can remain callen from the other direction called impress the Prime Minister on the future of the National Health service and emphasise the point with a personal anecdote about a friend whod recently died of cancer the nurses that were trying to help or were unable to get anyone to see her because they were under such strain and stress and so she recorded a video saying please in my memory make sure nobody else goes through this pain other Opposition Party leaders were excluded from the main debate and allocated a separate t. V. Interview program. The liberal democrats the Scottish National party the greens and the party i would revoke article 50 something the Prime Minister has the power to do and we do that on day one westminster governments can do say to him pause the direction of travel when a poor nurse and policies that we dont want upon us and therefore that really illustrates the importance of scotland to say dont for our sales what kind of country we want to be here we really do need to transform our whole country in the next 10 years we know how to do it we just need to make sure weve got the well and the investment to make it happen the plan is to get some breakthrough boyces into the house of commons to hold Boris Johnson to his promises political commentators will wrangle over which leader came out on top from this debate but there are several more televised encounters still to come in this Election Campaign plenty of time for voters to make up their mind before december 12th paul brennan aljazeera london. Turning our attention to bolivia where at least 3 people have been killed during a security operation to end a blockade on a major fuel plant by supporters of the former president. That amount of the return of the leader after he resigned earlier this month following Anti Government protest is tourism book 8. Violence scenes once again in the city of hundreds of members of the Security Forces headed to the sink at the gas plant on tuesday supporters of dallas were blocking it to prevent gas from reaching the capital us. Several people were killed and many others injured when Security Forces cleared the way. They are killing our bolivian brothers we want freedom we want a president with our blood we will fight for it with our lives. There are roadblocks in many parts of bolivia and the streets leading to the capital are no exception protesters say bolivias democracies are under threat but protests like this one are preventing gas diesel and some food items from reaching the city people here say that they want to repeat what Indigenous Leaders back at that he did when he shut down all access to the capital well theyre saying that they want to do exactly the same right now to force the resignation of interim president johnny 9 years. Back at that is subjective in 781. 00 was to isolate law passed in the fight for independence from spain he was later killed placing under siege was a tactic also used in more recent times in 2003 then president gonzalo son to the last other was also forced out of office after massive demonstrations that closed the capital. With ever more of the country and an interim administration in place Security Forces claim they wont allow the past to repeat itself many say the violence needs to stop. Bolivia is split into it is a good country even more or less is gone and what are we going to do about it i would like to see people unite and find a candidate for elections stop throwing rocks we are killing one another among bolivians and elections will come and we wont have a candidate violence needs to stop. The attempt to pass happened as the interim government is negotiating with a when one party for new elections this people that want to have a new process and live within the must but there are now no saving with with the government for new elections by the radical people within the party led by a more or less are pressuring these people with threatening everything to not do any consensus with the government some type of consensus appears to be the only way out of the Current Crisis a crisis that has this and the a nation on the edge. In the organization of american states says political instability and human rights abuses damaging democracy in nicaragua hundreds of people have been killed jailed or forced into exile since protests against president Daniel Ortega began april of last year opponents want him to step down and to allow elections. In guinea mothers have been on the march to demand the police stop killing children taking part in protests many youngsters have joined the rolled against plans to change the constitution which would allow the aging president to seek reelection the torah gave me as the story. Their banners and plaque on show the faces of boys and young men who they say were killed by police during protests against president alfred conde the mothers have one message for the press. And who they accuse of wanting to hold on to power for a 3rd term. And we are here to tell off a conduit to stop killing our children enough is enough he has to go we dont want to be in power for a 3rd term to continue killing our children. And they say they used force after protesters threw stones at them during violent confrontations relatives of 12 year old mammy do who shot dead last week say that use of force was disproportionate. They want to kill us they kill our children when theyre in bed when they go to school when they play we will be on the shrieked until after conde leaves office. For more than a month that thousands of people have been marching through the capital conakry week after week angry about a possible constitutional change that they say will push me into a dictatorship. In a flash we are here once again to protest against the killing of our children in the prime of their lives a little over 10 days ago we recorded nearly 8 deaths before that 11 this is an acceptable. 81 year old conde 1st came to power in 2010 it with gagnes 1st democratic election after more than 50 years of mostly military rule since its independence from france in 1958. These protesters 10 years of conde of government is enough victoria gay to be aljazeera. Weeks of antigovernment protests in iraq damaging trade some shop owners are struggling to stay in business because of roadblocks port closures and internet interruptions while many say they are sympathetic to the protesters demands they also want a return to stability some manifolds has that story from baghdad. As protesters digging their heels in downtown baghdad nearby businesses face a struggle of their own traders near Tahrir Square have found themselves on the front lines between Security Forces and demonstrators this Hardware Store and the other were burned down in recent unrest staff are still sorting through charred merchandise you know because the antiriot forces were on top of the buildings they targeted them the 2 shops that belong to us this one and that one were burned we werent able to extinguish the fire as you can see it all turns to ash Surveillance Video from adjacent buildings shows protesters throwing petrol bombs the shop is insured but it will take time to rebuild in the meantime shop employees of warre about how theyll support their families and then of course. We have daily labor is this is our livelihood if i dont work 2 or 3 days it affects me on. Its not just the businesses around Tahrir Square that are feeling the pinch port and road closures in southern iraq have stifled trade analysts fear the uncertainty stemming from the protests could have long term adverse effects on the economy. Political stability is an essential part of the Investment Climate i believe that these problems will lead businesses to think practically and to transfer their investment to other countries the partial internet shutdown has head but it does budding Online Business community. Is iraqs main Online Food Delivery company but revenues have dropped more than half since the recent protests began. We have to tell about it application depends greatly on the internet if the situation continues like this we dont think we can continue for the next 2 or 3 months i dont believe well be able to cover their salaries. The lack of jobs is what started protests in the 1st place but now the economy appears even worse off demonstrators say that whatever the cost of the unrest its nothing compared to what has been lost to the corruption and a small price to pay in the interest of bringing about larger change the monopole teen aljazeera. The biggest association of doctors in the u. S. Has called for a ban on Electronic Cigarettes and they ping devices the American Medical Association says its worried about the rise in long illnesses linked to more than 40 deaths its also concerned about the shop increase in the number of people beeping and wants on devices approved by the u. S. Food and Drug Administration to be sold and new york has become the latest member of a number of states suing the biggest the cigarette making company in the u. S. The states attorney general says the company used glamorous marketing to target young people. They allowed minors to purchase its products in violation of new york state law and jewel violated new york state law by repeatedly repeatedly targeting teenagers if you its a vast Advertising Campaigns and selling products in a variety of appealing flavors they can be no doubt that jools aggressive advertising has significantly attributed contributed to the Public Health crisis that has left youth in new york and across the country addicted to its products by glamorizing they being one of the same time downplaying the nicotine found in bathing products. This is al jazeera these are the top stories china summoned to u. S. Diplomats office of the u. S. Senate in washington passed a bill to support human rights in hong kong following months of unrest in hong kong the protesters inside a University Campus refusing to surrender to the Police Correspondent wayne hey is there its pretty scene here outside the Polytechnic University certainly in stark contrast to what we saw unfold over the weekend with hundreds of protestors barricading themselves inside the grounds of the University Behind me and engaging in those long running battles with the police who completely surrounded this sprawling campus the police certainly still here in large numbers it is still cordoned off many roads in the area are still closed and inside there are still some protestors. Britain some in chinas ambassador over allegations a consulate employee in hong kong was tortured he simon chang he says Chinese Secret Police change him up and beat him all to modern information about activists leading the protests in hong kong israeli commanders say warplanes have attacked army targets in syria but the syrians say many of the incoming israeli missiles were shot russians describing the Israeli Military action as a wrong move. A u. S. Helicopter has crashed in afghanistan killing 2 military personnel u. S. Commanders in the province of loga and the Afghan Government are denying taliban claims the aircraft was shot down a top u. S. Diplomat whos emerged as an important witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump is to testify in public for the 1st time gotten some land as the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Hes revised his initial closed door testimony about donald trump restarting military aid to ukraine. The deadline for the main rival to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government expires in less than 12 hours benny gantz is negotiating with other parties his meeting with mr netanyahu as a last ditch attempt to form a unity government has made no progress if gantz cannot get a deal israel could be facing a 3rd election in less than a year. In bolivia at least 3 people have been killed during a security operation to end a blockade on a major fuel plant by supporters of the former president ever marlice that demanding his return he resigned earlier this month amid massive protests those are your headlines the news continues after inside story ill see from 72 more about. The United States says israeli settlements are no longer illegal reverses 4 decades of u. S. Policy it puts the Trump Administration at olds with the International Community so why now a phone call reason this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im in wrong its a dramatic shift in u. S. Policy and goes against the position taken by International Organizations and most other countries the u. S. Says it no longer views the illegal israeli settlements in the occupied way

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