Transcripts For ALJAZ Trust WHO 20240713

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Joining us live from hong kong so whats happening there now rob still holed up at the university. Absolutely elizabeth this siege goes into monday evening here we are on the outside of this campus its incomplete police lockdown the records on all of the entrances and exits but there have been activity throughout the day a number of students have come out there have been mass arrests and even into this evening we are getting various developments we noticed in the last half hour that in fact some medical teams have been arriving at this particular exit from the campus and it does seem as though possibly some of the students who were been injured because we do know there have been injuries in all of the intense fighting thats going on in the past couple of days it does look as though potentially one or 2 of them are coming out are getting treatment but would also presumably apart from getting treatment would also be facing arrest because the police are determined that all of the people that are inside this campus will face various charges including of course rioting that carries a larger prison sentence now this was the last campus that the students had hold of they seem determined to hold on to this and this whole episode thats what the their fellow protesters would regard as being a narrow it show of resilience has sparked all the protests in the streets around here in fact in the last few minutes or so a large cloud crowd has gathered largely it seems on social media with the mission that they want to somehow free their fellow protesters inside here its not clear exactly how they would do that but they have been trying to move towards some of these heavily defended entrances to the campus and have been pushed back by rapidly moving been deployed squads of riot police and weve been. To the firing of tear gas in a number of streets around here is this tense evening continues Elizabeth Rob thank you for that for now that is rob mcbride violations live in hong kong to other news now irans president says families will start receiving Financial Assistance on monday the money will come from the increase in petrol prices which has triggered protests around the country at least 2. 00 people have been killed since the demonstrations began president Hassan Rouhani says while people have the right to protest the cant spread in security. The inauguration ceremony has been held for sri lankas new president. Victory after a campaign by nationalist rhetoric and promises of better security. Russia has returned 3 captured naval ships to ukraine ahead of a planned peace summit next month the vessels have been moved to a handover location in the black sea where russia sees the ships off the coast of crimea a year ago more than 13000 people have been killed in Eastern Ukraine over the past 5 years in fighting between russian separatists and Ukrainian Forces now there have been 2 explosions in the Afghan Capital kabul a sportsman for the ministry of the interior says an individual threw 2 grenades that god stationed outside a military Training Center at least 5 people have been. Catalonia slated. For alleged disobedience hes accused of defying orders of the Electoral Authority by not removing the Yellow Ribbon thats a symbol of support for. Independence movement from a government building and protesters and georgia have set up barricades around parliament to prevent m. P. s from entering demonstrators are demanding early elections. To pass a promised Electoral Reform those are the headlines trost. Is coming up. Family or Close Friends with cancer Group Experience cancer perhaps. What about diabetes. About infertility family or Close Friends now i want those of you who have put your hand up at least once. To put it up again for any of those questions and look around. The southeast sauce rocky days because its a venue that feeling n. P. P. In. A loop always you wish i could just be on the clock and you would have a face lift which will defeat the deal just will still be just just luck with your descriptions of the bishops it is not what it says you. Know theres a whole loser who can then the me i was 16 or took up or talk on is really. The how wimpy the men but im sure they gave him enough to compensate this gift i mentioned all his own type because if we want to protect americans from a boy here at home we have to end it over there h one n one sars mers universal Health Coverage is the single most powerful concept that Public Health has to offer we will not let the people down. Even because im tired so im going to go to in the courts and be our ideal in our suits in going to this demented event right through to an elementary immediate see duffys on dog run is at 0 net fine nazi on an internet fight once even told me by don often bob got the mike season and amends you on and you might be done its not time to sri. But also to focus i think you can see that everyone knows that theres a kind of official and high level coverup. On the w. H. O. Is involved and. Im a filmmaker i have a daughter. It is important to me that she finds the world in Good Condition that is why i am traveling to the w. H. O. Headquarters in geneva. The american journalist Robert Parsons lived for 20 years now hes been writing about the w. H. O. Until a few years ago every monday the opening day of the world health of something that was a sumptuous reception at the w. H. O. Given by the director general that was the great centerpiece of the body bed and talk to. Me it was it was a very good situation for paul to hear peabody together in an informal setting. Now more than ever it has that sort of thing has spent replaced by private reception at they are organized by industry. And im particularly pleased to have the 2 ministers of health they have industry spends a lot of money for them its just part of the cost of doing business. Its a way of making correct contact with the people who back in their home countries have taken the decision to formulate and implement Public Health policy. The suffering of millions of human beings and scores of companies will be alleviated and many many thousands of lives will be safe. Either because in total going to go to one seat but you look when dont i know 30 people each dont want fealty to supposed to them but please. Who has positively changed everything smallpox was completely eradicated which was the 1st time ever that a disease was why you dont save each 1000000. 00 on vaccines and care of the sick and iron. According to Robert Parsons the w. H. O. Is infiltrated by the industry from the very start. This was an english this was in the canal Francisco Examiner anyway i was not happy with my coverage because it made them look. Less them good. Ever since the 1950 s. Studies have shown that smoking damages the health but for decades the w. H. O. Does little to oppose the back o. Industry. Because far as i can work up. You know as i work on a raffle thats right but i am surprised the majority of politicians take no action against tobacco advertising for decades. Nothing is done to check the profits of the Tobacco Industry until charges are brought against it by its victims and by the usa. Gradually the Tobacco Companies are obliged to publish their internal documents. Their strategies to combat the w. H. O. Are made public one example is the boca raton action plan from the year 988 senior figures that Philip Morris met in florida and drew up a number of sophisticated strategies to limit the power of the w. H. O. The 1st and most important this organization has extraordinary influence on government and consumers and we must find a way to diffuse this. The w. H. O. Gets under pressure everyone is. Better back a companys have operated for many years. With the deliberate purpose of subverting the efforts. To control. Its the heart and Soul Institute that water up at a vis the calls. Of course its also 3000. 00. Dollars or so. Out of 3 things all the right organisms. And all help the stars so great that theyre talking to. One of these institutes is led by the American Lawyer Paul Dietrich Philip Morris finances it with 240000. 00 a year at the same time dietrich is a consultant for the w. H. O. Regional office in america when his double role becomes known dietrich moves into the finance industry. He wont agree to talk to me in the w. H. O. Report on the strategies of the Tobacco Industry 6 other consultants are mentioned the british toxicologist Frank Sullivan for instance claims that passive smoking doesnt harm your health his study on the subject is financed by Philip Morris. In the year 2000 sullivans collaboration with the Tobacco Industry becomes public but he still continues to advise w. H. O. I mean with 2 Department Leaders commenting tobacco under the auspices of the w. H. O. We have a 0 tolerance approach as i said the director general says the Tobacco Industry is our number one and i would say and we wear that badge very proudly is Frank Sullivan still a w. Joke and. Absolutely not i mean we have it and we have a they cant because the names of all those persons are well known through the documents but now theyre even going to consult to w. H. O. For example in 2002 lets say. Not that im aware of as well too and again the policies that are in place now is that all consultants no matter whether theyre working on Tobacco Control or Infectious Diseases or anywhere in the organization have to sign a declaration of interest but this means a lot of trust the interesting bit they should be reviewed trust i think that you should trust you trust you cant just start by already being suspicious of all the people and their capacities to do things ok thank you so much. And also. They always say ok we had a problem and there were a Single Person who were corrupt this was the sullivan. And so on. But i always thought it wasnt really persons and now its over or could you say that segments of. It would have all of the Tobacco Company documents which show how major corporations operate and the pharmaceutical companies or the Chemical Companies do not operate any differently their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of Public Health so these are the people that are the h one n one push. Swine flu h one n one is presented by the w. H. O. And in the public media as a huge threat wrongly as that leader emerges. If youve been diagnosed with probable or presumed 2009 and one or swine flu in recent months you may be surprised to know this the odds are you didnt have a 2001 flu in fact you probably didnt have flu at all. Many countries including germany italy france and Great Britain concluded secret agreements with pharmaceutical companies before the swine flu incident which obliged them to purchase swine flu vaccinations but only if the w. H. O. Issued a pandemic level 6 alert. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic given. Reason. Right now. Sun over. The in. The me but i can see for trigger minutes youre not stopping to must and if you can just be sure. To do news to get the. Most. Swine flu makes considerable profits for the manufacturer. And 1st quarter profit taking at. One point. 6000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars from 1. 00 i tried to arrange an interview with the person responsible for swine flu at the w h k g fukuda he was often on television at the time but i get an appointment with the official press spokesman 11 countries officially reporting 331 cases of influenza a h one n one infection with 10 deaths. Between pharmaceutical companies and government we have to be aware of this of course you have to be aware of everything thats going on and it is extremely easy to after the fact say well maybe should not have done y. And a should not have done b. However think about the opposite what would have happened how the influenza killed 50 percent of the people it infected and there was no. No no no. I meant. Another year another year in low amazing. Me including. Is there a. Group but who says hes not. At the time im pregnant and i am sure its crowds in all forms of travel public media exaggerates with words and images the dangerous. From swine flu. Is how i mean weve been. Pretty good in windows. There. He said i dont like guidelines. That were below him is it could they have declared the condom make a level 6 also with the 0 at the finish no. I meant to. Say that he the. Center be in mortality that same clue yet as if it did you deal. In the me. So this is. This was removed. Before. P. P. Youre missing the i going to Pharma Industry in so fan ill see i know good and feel trying to get at the heart. Of the like a local to do like phone calls and also that of all of. It was to me or. Us all but instead of just us of course would like to have a vaccine tomorrow we would have wanted to have it just city in 2009 miss kinealy is a member of the w. H. O. Swine flu working Group Previously she had worked with a French Pharmaceutical Company trans g. The press spokesman doesnt allow me to interview her so i try to approach her directly at a conference i asked miss kinealy why the criteria of severity was deleted from the definition of a pandemic. To. Expand. The. The truth there. Didnt it was. There. Value. Of it. So. You set. Up with. The show. Because the quote was not really. Marcum sakhi so dr norton i dont have. Enough. To do do you hope for example to do it was asked for. Dont talk. Its going to show that men know we did. Dissent and give us an officer after the recent after of an in and funny lend and funding. Neighbors if you know im interested f. L. Industry. The w. H. O. Working group on swine flu consists of 13 external consultants to report conflicts of interest Neil Ferguson declares consultancy fees from Glaxo Smith Kline baxter and rush the manufacturers of the swine flu vaccines and medications not a problem for the dollar. In 2007 Albert Osterhaus loses his voting right on the dutch Health Commission due to his conflicts of interest he declares to the w. H. O. That he has shares in the Pharma Company viral clinics which is suspected of profiting from swine flu he also declares that he is the chairman of his w. I. Describing it as a group of independent scientists in fact it is partly financed by vaccine manufacturers. I can tell you there are no Scientific Meeting today organized that is not being spun the sponsored by industry and rightly so industry is making the vaccines its not the National Institutes that are making the vaccines any longer industry is doing i very curious. At the moment im working more with the private sector as well so i started still consulting from time to time i used to working with this utopian scientists against influenza yes on the channels that particular organization because i saw it you declared this is a conflict of interest i know its not a conflict of interest but i declare also what might be perceived as a conflict of interest in him and you have to be very careful so at least if you say that and of course people can hold it against you yeah but at least i can always say and ive always done that say hugh you are you at least you show what you do it was written that independent group of scientists yes when i looked and of upset as so is it its funded by vaccine for q a sense of no no its not funded by some money comes from from from vaccine produces but theres money coming from many other sources as well and thats the same with w. H. O. And a lot of other you know organisations as long as you are transparent and show what youre doing its fine i think how is that percentage of funding i dont know exactly but there is there is a substantial part of the funding comes from elsewhere from meetings comes from comes from european projects come from and there is a percent just coming from industry as well and thats completely transparent so its fine to bring it up again but for me its usually. I dont get any hard figures. Either without any facts without transparency i cant make any progress here. I hear and i hear. That. More. Stuff. Is. Not only. Stuff. I think this kind of a scam. Its keep. It. In the case of the pharmaceutical industry its even more difficult for the w. H. O. To maintain its independence than with the Tobacco Industry on the one hand the dollar is dependent on the pharmaceutical industries for baser to medication but the industrys financial interests mustnt damage the. Health one thing is clear today the pharmaceutical industry is part of the Health System just like the governments. Politics are losing power and thats also reflected in the financing of the w. H. O. And the 1990 s. All countries froze their membership contributions in the wake of the financial crisis. Today and organizations foundations n. G. O. S and industry contribute almost 40 percent of the w. H. O. Is annual budget the 2nd largest source of finance right after the usa is the bill and Melinda Gates foundation. 30 years ago and starting microsoft there was we had a very ambitious vision a computer for everyone. Now i join you in seeking to achieve an even more important vision which is good health for every human being today the w. H. O. Relies on voluntary contributions like that from the Gates Foundation but these are often linked to conditions. The w h os annual budget amounts to about 2000000000. 00 cocacola spends twice that much on advertising alone and the hospitals around lake geneva spend 6000000000. 00 a year. When it was founded the w. H. O. Could decide how to distribute its funds itself now 70 percent of its budget is tied to particular projects countries or regions. If the w. H. O. Receives funding to fight malaria for example it cant use that money to combat it mona. They have a lot of delays says will fellow put it in very face size limits at present w. H. O. Does not have the operational capacity or culture to deliver a full intelligence and Public Health lets call. It. What does the director general of the w. H. O. Think about that. I want to ask her what constraints she is under. Me having. A story 1400 years in the making. A story of succession and leadership. And jersey it tells the story of what the client of tennis. The end of an empire. The kind of percent 3. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticized repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was powerful if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 idea if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world in china cancer drugs can be pretty bit of leeks pensive some desperate patients travel to india to buy cheap generic versions but what cost when a stollers those smuggling to survive on how does the era where we were. When we were. Out. And i am Elizabeth Rodham in doha with the headlines of aljazeera the Hong Kong Government has warned that it will postpone upcoming District Council elections of violence doesnt stop in the latest protest riot police surrounded a University Campus after a petrol bombs and arrows were fired at them. Most alarming. They did weapons were used in a fairly static universe to reach has become the 2nd factory as there was a refugee for extremely violent viruses that development so rare is this retreat critical level rather just the story in turn to murder. Of course. In other news irans president says families will start receiving the Financial Assistance on monday the money will come from the increase in petrol prices which has triggered protests around the country at least 2. 00 people have been killed since the demonstrations began president Hassan Rouhani says while people have the right to protest they cant spread in security the inauguration ceremony has been held for 3 lankas new president got the biologic packs or he claimed victory after a campaign marked by nationalist rhetoric and promises of better security russia has returned 3 captured naval ships to ukraine ahead of a planned peace summit next month the vessels have been moved to a handover location in the black sea russia sees the ships off the coast of crimea a year ago more than 13000 people have been killed in Eastern Ukraine over the past 5 years and fighting between pro russian separatists and Ukrainian Forces there have been 2 explosions in the Afghan Capital kabul a spokesman for the ministry of the interior says an individual threw 2 grenades at guards stationed outside a military Training Center at least 5 people have been injured. Catalonia. Is on trial in barcelona for alleged disobedience hes accused of define orders of the spanish Electoral Authority by not removing the yellow robe a symbol of support for caution on independence from a government building. Protesters in georgia have set up barricades around parliament to prevent m. P. s from entering demonstrators are demanding early elections after parliament failed to pass a promised Electoral Reform bill well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us trust w. H. R. Continues next and i have the news hour for you in just under 30 minutes thank you for watching. And the filmmaker i have a daughter. It is important to me that she finds the willing Good Condition. I can tell you the Scientific Meeting today organized that is not being spun sponsored by industry and rightly so industry is making the vaccines its not the National Institutes their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of Public Health universal Health Coverage is the single most powerful concept that Public Health has to offer. People. Since i cant get to speak to market jan i meet one of her close advisors. A sink its simply a perception to sink that can be external independent review. But. The pendants and who is controlling the independence of the independence. Of course is right. You know. Everything because this world is. And you have to do what you can to make sure that the independence of the science is as good as possible it will never ever be perfect. I mean. I know. This was very keen that any companies could come in. And. One professor. Has also been offered me a 500 new models to export in order for. Producing one via. Professor you mash is contributing to the trivialisation of the rest of radioactive contamination in public. Youre. Only going to. Hear it you are. Well Peter Doherty can. You match downwards together with the w. H. O. In cases of nuclear catastrophe. In the w h l downplaying the dangers of Nuclear Radiation is it for example keeping silent about a rise and fire my cancer. Its difficult to find anybody who is allowed to talk the mayor of matsumoto. Is also a doctor and has founded a convalescent camp for children from camp dominated area. Was. A name of the new sample whether smith talking about the. Sun or she working out there so when i was about it i was having a fit. Can cause you know i will commit you know my. You know when you are. Should i think you need that you are much easier. With all. This. You call the 100 that keep you were at. Your door more. Or using interview if they must. As a result of experience after trying novel the w. H. O. Recommendations for iodine were revised in the year 999 under the supervision of the british scientist keith faber stout and member of staff at the w. H. O. When i started my program mr riccio within a few weeks i learned that there was a claim that there was a large number of thyroid cancers in children and this ended up in a mission to minsk. Astonishing number of children who had been operated both oregons a quite Young Children so to see as we did on that day plus i think it was 1112 maybe cases in one place at one time or having been operated was really quite extraordinary. We took it from their. Bed russian colleagues i was too short papers in the journal nature to draw attention to it after the papers were published w. H. O. Me to withdraw the paper from nature. Read a paper published with about 5 or 6 other people all agreeing on this position. And crys lost me to redraw that they perform publication. After the being published work try so. Geneva that yes its written but. You see fit you with my career he said your career will be shortened if you dont do this. And wasnt sure. Did you have any contact us w h o f thats a typical accident you know much a lot of them and doesnt all this sort of the go karting is gotta go on and no you should at the to tell you muscle and all that i think youll still get us as far as it goes they should have it on 20 and the close out of them has done a mock up did not and you go i say stay here. When you. Was a successful tended to my stuff. Then there were so horses of this mother then i was and all. That and all so much so you are not i dont i mean to myself its so you have them under that. They mustnt stop will be. As ended up they could just as only 000000000 that she got of that and then i send this to a grandmother i have no all that occurred almost. I still find it beyond belief that naoto kan was convinced at the time that no radioactivity would emerge after the accident. Just one day after the accident a monitoring station of the organization c t b t o recorded raised levels of radioactivity 200 kilometers from the Nuclear Power station. I mean. I. Think. Maybe what im im. Doing it. Like take. There you dont buy that kind of man can we scare the mom. Gave them on and then that i but i mean yeah yeah what have you come up with another mistake if i had there was needed to be one of the sort either their children we know youve got a young man if my to see my team either movement there. To meet their hey listen im all i gotta and i not been wrong so no they were right there. And thats what is going on all settle down other than all so they move which isnt going to distort the weather so your weather each day and i do still are still going to do you know the letters in a studio cooks but who is right in putting the mothers name and also you can see it so it is out of the window and so it will be an all simpler which will call to you so if thats what that night i couldnt even think um was too much. What do you think today about iodine intake i asked a Nuclear Accident well again its more or less what was said in the video people are not taking all it on as if it were the job of these authorities have not said that that should be there and they have distributed are you going tablets prepositional them but have not yet i asked anyone to take them taking i dont like tablets in the absence of. Radiation is actually for you you need to much i dont mind taking iodine to the exposure and i stand by that from todays point of view was the exposure given at that time in most affected areas or not you know again thats almost 5 years ago and i cant remember the process from day to day and certainly we would have adopted though our recommendations based on the information we were getting. But there are these guidelines and its written in yeah you should take i have been within the 1st 6 hours after a Nuclear Accident. Thats in the air and its also clear that it was not given in. Its all its effects i mean thats something you dont have to look up its obvious ok. I really think you are wasting your time on this topic and then we should move on to other topics because i only have until 12 oclock is it that you can Say Something critical about the japanese government i. Work on the basis of facts and if i dont have the facts and the information about your fingertips im not going to speculate. But in general is it possible. To criticize nations im a im not going to say anything more about this what should i say anything or no this was a general question not in relation to. Well lets move on to another topic ok is it getting much difficult for you now that w h o has us trust. Who says w. In terms of most trust that you. Then iraq academy of science books this one. Comes up with an estimate of 995000 deaths but that is world wide between 986 and 2004. And of course that makes a dramatic contrast with what the establishment says which is still around 50 deaths and possibly 4000. 00 cancers as a as a final total. We have been in front of the World Health Organization headquarters in geneva for 7 years now and it is a permanent peaceful protest. The other Major Mission is that the World Health Organization has never considered anything except cancer. As a Health Effects through committees or minister that role models live as much as an inch of the newsgroup if you use the bus your initial yes you me here right. Because it just got huge students. Really are going to share. In this very similar thoughts on. The school. And yet they are already here. For. The rest of. Us. Church to. Ask you can get people to believe differently and give you more you just look to be of tremendous gusty. Since jan oh well we know that there are other diseases one of the diseases unfortunately. Its cardiovascular disease in. Syria diseases other than cancer theres a book maybe you heard about it of the academy of science which was reputed by the new york academy of sciences because its so when sound. But thats not show yes if you read the account of the statement from the new york academy of sciences and 2011 or 12 they were puting it at the board and let me give you this this is from the journal of radiology not angry are you ok the york academy of sciences which talks about all the flaws of that ok ok so i should also if you something in her book review by independent to you. Yeah yeah. Ok read this and then we meet again. Hello this is brilliant frank what does it mean exactly that the new york academy of science repudiate the chairman bill book the editor tells me that the Academy Never repudiated the book he permits me to record the phone call and later he withdraws his permission is in the able to speak freely either. Perhaps the publisher of the turn of a book can help me. Orning good morning the original Contact Person at the new york cademy of sciences you know agreed to publish the book and then there was a big truck to the new york academy and they didnt think it was a good idea and i suspect that they were pressured by the Nuclear Industry but i dont know for sure. The influence of the Nuclear Industry. The International Atomic energy agency. Was to promote the safe and peaceful use of atomic energy. The w. H. O. Is concerned with health these are different priorities but the 2 organisations are working closely together. For example together with other un organisations they are compiling a report on the Health Consequences of her novel. Im a critic. And they. Tended not to invite critics for their 2 reports one of. The thing was that the would be whole series of going on between w. H. O. And i i quite senior levels very senior levels. And they would. Predetermined what the line they would take thats why they had. Struck. Me in riyadh 2005 over 2005 to put a line across this is that this is what were going to do. The trouble was that many many people came. Near out works at the w. H. O. Shes responsible for the risks of radioactive contamination i deliberately make an appointment to see her in paris the press department wont get in the way here to make sure she agrees to see me i dont tell her what i want to talk about until we 1st meet. Its like you have long saying that there have been one. Of these kind of. Cements is because they look one of their own. And then the money. 1000000 this is it but this is because they are looking at a broader patch of population one view that you think you can hide 1000000000 but seriously yet do you seriously think that course you have more. How can you seriously believe that accident caused 50 deaths. But its still on the docket of websites. So we wrote the other report. And the initials are t o r c h which is torch we said right away that we expected somewhere between 30 and 60000 altogether worldwide future death because the plume from chernobyl went right round the world. Not hemisphere and whiles the concentrations were low far far away it doesnt matter because the many many millions of people there are 600000000 people and europe alone. And they were all affected even if its all kinds of it is at sea in the vein thats youll see even 5 caning if you had them that mention outside of it often in regular in the soviet union. We were not using cancer mortality figures but rather incidence is because as you know most of the cancers can now be treated in therefore that will not work valid the associated i dont know whether you have not is but our Health Risk Assessment is only with the log of but i mean if one side of the experiments belong to a year this is kind of anticipating that those experts from iowa here are not on the best of their science which is the case i dont think they were there to represent any interest i mean it was criticize that there was no color just on our radio biologist also no scientist who published critical articles on has effect of Nuclear Energy but when you need to do this equate poor it is not a question of bringing an activist to from the left when an activist a from the right when is a question of science whats happening is that there are groups outside that they want to use those as evinced to say you see Nuclear Energy is is bad is dangerous why with want to stop the use of the Nuclear Energy which is a different cost doing anything it could also be the other way around that Nuclear Industry. Tries to not to tell the whole truth about it has impacts. Really i have no doubt for sure we are dead and we are doing the best that we can and with this report of everybody recognize that there is a need for i. Have institutions in the good sense i mean with weight. And powerful institution would be the best for all of us and i will fight for that. For the rest of my life. Convenes Public Health officer and i think my record of credits that he will need to fight and not afraid. Aside is to the United States this past spring maybe observation that this generation of children. Is the 1st generation in modern history. Is not going to be as healthy as their parents. That should not be. What do i do with this knowledge now go out on the streets together with independent who are just go home again. And i at the end now is there any real and. Margaret chan carries on. Right its over to you folks who would like to start the round of questions. Is it on to you ok lilian frank over in media its a question to dr chan we have just learned that area. And Climate Change Global Health challenges but im asking myself how can we meet them if theyre constantly losing power important donations they want to week. One could even compared to the titanic i would say so isnt it your responsibility dr chan to step down before the end of your 2nd term an audit to signal to the way that your organization your ship is sinking. You are also an excellent question if i tell you that picture as an organization only 30 percent of my budget is predictable funds other 70 percent i have to take ahead and go around the world to beg for money. And when they give us the money they are highly linked to their preferences but they like it may not be the priority of the big so if we do not solve this you know. Were not going to ask them to be as great as we were. Hello the rain in brazil is movies with as youd expect this time of the year stretches now from rio up through the area that its been currently very dry its left a gap of course through star power downs where year ago i missed a paragraph or sunshine it would now have a sentence approaching 40 game but as there is at 28. 00 theres not much in the way of sherry stuff on the Pacific Coast its pretty much bone dry and chilly something that he 2 very few showers in peru will bolivia but take the line up through ecuador that is quite wetness chew up through columbia to know so that there are few showers in the caribbean and active from the came out of the us though they dont often dig this fog has produced some significant rain so in honduras a 140. 00 millimeters or thereabouts last 24 hours the front is slowly moving that is making progress in this direction most of its witnesses coming out in nicaragua costa rica and panama but it goes up through jamaica haiti east and south of cuba and that something where it will linger for the next 2 days thats a place to watch was significant dipoles that and further south in costa rica now it came out of the u. S. But the current winter in the u. S. Is not too savage you see a lot of tired then moving from west to east but the resultant forecast not lotto but a rain day on the east coast. Whether sponsored by his. Own culture the cost with breaks it make America Great again to make it india. Globalization or is it just a little bit of a big plus francis richest man is worth 100000000000. 00. As an Unequal Society counting the cost. For the last 2 years these students have been collecting rubbish every day its helped clean up the campus and helped build some of its facilities for every 2 kilos of Plastic Waste they collect this School Receives a brick made of plastic and cement. For some activists this may not be the most ecological way to eliminate the problems but this is seen as an immediate solution to the growing problems of landfills across the Country Waste can now be used to manufacture building materials. From lagos to jerusalem to by a mob to go through. An old School Milestone in history. 3 short films that show how people take a stand against evictions in their struggling communities the 1st time they arrested i was 11 years old a. J. Selects on aljazeera. 0. 000 out of the problem and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes after a day of violence and arrests in Hong Kong Police and protesters are locked in a tense standoff at a University Campus. Cops a lone years regional leader goes on trial in boston accused of disobedience and the victims of the worst massacre carried out by colombia as far as a finally being buried almost 2

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