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For us there with the sports as controversial quarterback calling kappa nick prepares to showcase his skills in front of n. F. L. Teams 3 years since his last game. At least one person has been killed during protests in iran against a hike in fuel prices well several people were injured as they tried to enter an all refinery in the Southern City of sir john well the price of fuel has been increased to 50 percent iran has some of the worlds cheapest prices because of its heavy subsidies the government has introduced rationing as it struggles to combat fuel smuggling revenue from the increase is supposed to go to families in need but many iranians feel that they will be hardest hit. In tehran and the rest of iran everything is dependent on fuel prices if the price of fuel goes up in the night. Day the price of rent will go up as well as all the Living Expenses including fruit and vegetables it affects everything which is very bad i really believe that it will paralyze a class of society especially the laboring class did you join did they make this decision because they dont have money lift were on dissensions they want to take the money out of the peoples pockets they have a budget deficit. Of more on this lets go to dorset bar shes joining us live from tehran so whats the latest that youre hearing dogs on the protests and the reports that one person has been killed of them well weve heard that this person whos been killed happened at a. Gas station or a refinery in john city in come on province this was apparently part of a protest when they try to storm this refinery in the officials have said from that province that one person has been killed is not clear how he died or what he died from the official that spoke from that province said that the police there fired some warning shots but they did not directly shoot at the protesters so thats still yet to be determined how this person died weve heard also of skirmishes thats been happening overnight in the southern whos a stone province mainly in the city of all but gone and horror about the state t. V. Has been saying that those incidents that occurred in those cities have been as as a result of unknown elements who are armed and firing into the crowds of people in those cities and a number of people have been injured there but in terms of protests ordinary iranians in the capital weve heard in tehran this morning a number of people and motorists that have turned off their vehicles on all the major highways in a form of protest at the fuel hikes and that has caused all the major arteries of the city to be shut down and also how much pressure is that putting on the government. Well there is a huge amount of pressure on the government that is because this fuel increase of 200 percent nearly for ordinary iranians was very unexpected it was a surprise there was no warning that it was coming and the explanation thats been given by the authorities is that this is necessary because of the Economic Situation thats going on in the country inflation is that over 40 percent unemployment over 14 percent and the iranian government has the side of this is the time to do this because they need to provide subsidies to low income families in the country the Government Spokesperson has said that the money that theyre going to generate from this fuel increase price increase is going to go to over 60000000. 00 iranians that are in need of it but many weve spoken to here say that its not just about this fuel hike what this will do is increase prices across the board so any kind of subsidy thats going to be provided by the government is going to be really meaningless because theyre going to be struggling with the increase in prices across the country or outdoor so thank you for that for now that is do offer to buy the latest live and ted on the most of them as a political analyst and editor in chief off news agency and he explains why irans government has done this. Petrol is very cheap in iran its it was even cheaper than Drinking Water there now they are equal each leader of drinking what there is 1500. 00 to him an equal to the price the present the new price of petrol so because of this the population has been using in consuming gas lavishly there has been you know there has been a rip a cautions including heavy traffic jams as well as air pollution and in addition to that because of the low price there is been why a launch of the you will smuggling to the neighboring countries where even at present prices not the ration price that stands at around 1500. 00 tonnes. The open market price thats of 3000. 00 on and its a one floor of the real price of each leader of petrol in the neighboring countries so it is widely believed that fuel still will be smuggled to the neighboring states but the plan mainly has been targeted for increasing kelp and more subsidies to the lower strata of the society it takes time of course it takes several years unfortunately president rouhani has a since he rose to power he stopped the plan altogether except for the handout and now after 6 years he is reviving the same strategy in order to move towards a just plan regarding paying the subsidies. Is now on to other news now at least 19 people have been counted and dozens were wounded in a car bomb attack in northeastern syria the explosion occurred in the city of and and that those eastern countryside turkish officials are blaming the attack on kurdish why p. G. Hightest. Polls are closed and 3 not because president ial are next. Former defense minister go through. And mr sergeant the other 2 main candidates were National Security has been a major issue in the campaign after the easter bombings that killed hundreds of people but it smith begins our coverage with this report from colombo. That got a pie rajapaksa nose as he bowed to the buddhist priest that he can rely on support from voters within sri lankas majority thing. But he also needs support from minority muslims and tumbles to if he is to win this president ial election many of them are nervous of the prospect of a return to power of the rajapaksa. Got a pie was defense chief and his brother mahinda was president at the end of the civil war which the u. N. Estimates killed 40000. 00 people that party also courts nationalists this is a big clue langkow get on with listening to. Some stuff in sri lanka sense of a monitoring election violence say the poll has been free but not necessarily fair with reports of people being pressured on how to vote we have never seen that much influential factors like religious leaders are coming forward to look for more of one particular political party. Such as prima das is the only other realistic contender in this election he gets support from rural buddhists and minority groups who could swing the result in his favor. The Ruling Coalition is choice but this is a government that ignored warnings about the Easter Sunday suicide attacks that killed 263 people prompting rajapaksa to announce his candidacy. Hoping for a new future 3 lanka and. The right candidate and the same there are many candidates so its going to be a very competitive place i just hope that. You know whoever gets elected can deliver on their promises and ensure a safe nation and a prosperous nation and everyone can sort of believe in peace 60000000 people were eligible to vote they have 35 candidates to choose from. And they will speak live shortly but 1st lets go to our finance is at the Royal College in colombo as one of the main vote counting centers the districts the polls have closed tomorrow what happens next. What you see just over my shoulder the main one of the main counting centers here in the Colombo District Royal College is where all the buses carrying the ballot boxes theres just another 1 5 pulling over the barricade on the side of me that are bringing all these boxes to the counting centers so there is a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork just to be sure of this sort of bona fides and you tend to city all of those ballot boxes that there is a sort of a. Achieving of confidentiality and they dont get tampered with so they are being on loaded goes straight into the relevant counting holes and doors votes will be counted they will be tallied against the ballots that have been issued in each polling booth and those votes being cast for each of the 35. 00 candidates in this president ial race will be tabulated obviously to mean frontrunners who target rajapaksa the former defense secretary and subject premadasa the minister of housing and the son of a former president so a lot of activity here outside the Royal College in terms of the ballots that are coming in from the Colombo District this situation ease being replicated in every single district throughout the country where they have 2 or 3 main counting centers that all the ballots come into then counted it is a process where they would be in the 1st place see if any particular candidate was over 50 percent that is a 1st just in case we find that the main candidates and as i mentioned the 2 frontrunners do not fall over 50 percent then it goes to a 2nd count of president ial its a bit of a complicated process but a few hours before we know with the. Situation in mechanism well need to come to play and ill thank you very much for that for now thats been our finances with the latest live in columbus lets bring in burden now and when the talk us through the main theme of the Election Campaign and how it plays out. Well domestically you have this concern over the Easter Sunday bombings and the major intelligence failure that led to those bombings the government it was revealed knew in advance was warned that these attacks were coming it did nothing it was symptomatic of the distrust between the president and the Prime Minister at the time that led to the bombings taking place as a result of that rajapaksa announced his candidacy so security has been a main theme but theres also an International Element to this as well sri lanka sits across a key shipping lane on the indian ocean between east to west when the rajapakse is were in power they were seen as being very close to china taking out cheap chinese infrastructure loans drilling because debt is 45 percent of its g. D. P. And a quarter of that money is owed to china so much so in fact that a port on the Southern Coast chinas been given a 99 year lease on the port in lieu of payment with subsequent government look for a pullback from china look towards the u. S. And india so if we see a change in presidency now will that mean sri lanka looks further again towards china or will it again step back from involvement with china and stays here. Then and thank you for that then its left live in columbus. There are plenty more ahead of the news hour including. I have the right to speak i have freedom of speech just as other people do. Donald trump rejects accusations that he tried to tell the data witness that she testified at his impeachment inquiry and sport well explained by back in a down the summer break saying despite being knocked down for the a. T. P. Finals in london. Israel says its carried out strikes targeting have mass and response of rockets fired from gaza where 2 rockets struck the israeli city of beersheba and the cell phone tonight hamas has kept some distance from the recent exchanges of fire between israel and the Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad 34. 00 palestinians were killed in that violence the worst cross border fighting in moms herefore such as more from gaza where so far no claim of responsibility here in gaza for this latest round of rocket fire 2 rockets fired in the early hours of saturday morning towards the israeli town of beit shaver they were intercepted by the israeli antimissile iron dome system no question know who israel appears to blame for those rockets it is targeted in air strikes that followed a few hours later exclusively hamas targets here inside gaza dance after they had in recent days been targeting Islamic Jihad explicitly so since beginning this round of escalation the assassination of a senior Islamic Jihad commander how mass while supporting is damaging rhetorical hadnt itself been firing rockets up until this point that something that attracted some criticism here in gaza some protests there were protests in the jabalya refugee camp just on friday night requesting and requiring that our mosques take military action as well and part of that has been fueled by the number of civilian casualties that weve seen here inside gaza the most of them in one deadly air strike on thursday me. The Iraqi High Commission for human rights as least 7 people have been killed and more than 170 injured over the past 2 days Security Forces fired live rounds during antigovernment demonstrations on friday meanwhile iraqs top share later grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani called for calm in his we can serve in protest as the angry about why it spread corruption unemployment and poor basic services. U. S. President donald trump has been accused of intimidation after he attacked a witness on twitter while she testified at his impeachment hearing. The former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine was removed from her post earlier this year cost her his move from capitol hill. President trump has said he too busy to watch the impeachment inquiry hearings threatening to end his presidency but he found time friday to catch some of the hearing unfolding on live t. V. And he tweeted about the witness on the stand his former ambassador to ukraine a woman he ousted from the post as we sit here testifying the president is attacking you or twitter. And id like to give you a chance to respond read part of one of those tweets everywhere marie of on average when turned bad. But would you like to respond to the president s attack that everywhere you went turned bad i mean i cant speak to what the president is trying to do but i think the effect is to be intimidating youve on of it is a career diplomat who served more than 30 years under president s of both parties in a july phone call the basis for the current impeachment inquiry trying to told the president of ukraine she was quote bad news and would go through some things it was it was a terrible moment a person who saw me actually reading the transcript said that the color drained from my face i think i even had a physical reaction it didnt sound good sounded like a threat democrats say trumps attacks on you vonna vege amounts to witness intimidation and possibly an additional impeachment charge against the President Trump defended his mid hearing tweet saying he had no intention to intimidate i have the right to speak i have freedom of speech just as other people do but theyve taken away the republicans rights given of each testified she was recalled from ukraine without cause in may shed been drunk fully accused of undermining trump she said and was the target of a Smear Campaign conspired between trumps private attorney Rudy Giuliani and corrupt ukrainian officials or continues to amaze me is that they found americans willing to partner with them and working together they apparently succeeded in orchestrating the removal of a Us Ambassador you gonna bitch says she still doesnt know why she was ordered home on the next plane she was gone by the time the white house pros security aid to ukraine and trump pressed the ukrainian president to announce investigations into his political rivals republicans say democrats have been unable to directly tie trump to an Impeachable Offense the problem of trying to overthrow a president based on this type of evidence is obvious. But thats what their whole case relies on beginning with 2nd and 3rd hand information but now complicating the president s defense is this new evidence of possible witness intimidation in the form of trumps tweet that materialize before the publics very odd ways democrats have tried to build up maria vantage as a sympathetic witness and now trump himself may have helped them make that case while putting his own presidency in greater jeopardy Heidi Joe Castro aljazeera washington now u. S. Embassy official in ukraine has confirmed to impeachment investigators that he overheard donald trump ask a few cranes president had agreed to conduct investigations into his political rivals david holmes was speaking to a closed door hearing on friday about a phone call he was present for between the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Gordon song and the court took place a day after President Trump asked president selenski to investigate his rival joe biden and his son lets get more on this with our correspondent rob reynolds whos joining us live from washington d. C. So while evanovich was the focus on friday rob how damaging could mr holmes testimony be to the president. Well mr holmes testimony gets right to the heart of the key question here what was the president s degree of involvement in this alleged scheme to leverage military aid to ukraine in return for a ukrainian promise to investigate joe biden and the former Vice President and his son hunter now holmes was present when this phone call took place gordon some of the American Ambassador to the e. U. Was using his own cell phone which of course raises certain questions of security but aside from that holmes said that trump was speaking so loudly that he could clearly over here him he asked if the ukrainians were going to do the investigation and some learned according to holmes replied that the president of a lot of mirrors the lenski would do anything that he was asked so this is a clear 1st hand account you heard in the Heidi Joe Castros report that the republicans are complaining that a lot of the information brought out in the hearing seems to be from 2nd hand or 3rd hand accounts this is a 1st hand account of a person overhearing president from talk about the. Matter at the core of this entire. Impeachment process again though whether he was knowingly using the holdup of military aid as a sort of cudgel over the head of the Ukrainian Government to force it to engage in these investigations not only of biden and his son hunter but also it through this completely discredited theory that the cranium government not the russian government was the entity that interfered in the 2016 election elizabeth right rob and i were expecting another close hearing today what happens next very interesting closed hearing a man named mark zandi he works for a somewhat obscure Government Agency based in the white house called the office of management and budget and it was the o. M. B. As its called that held that ordered the aid. Including javelin missiles for ukraine to be held up for for a period of weeks this was aid that was authorized by congress to be spent to help. Ukraine in its ongoing war with russia and if mr sandy does appear it would be the 1st time that a senior white house or agency close to the white house. Official had it has appeared because the the white house and president drop of sort of order at all top officials not to cooperate with the various house committees that are investigating with an eye towards impeachment so that could again shed some crucial light on a very important question which is what the rationale president from gave to the office of management and budget ordering it to hold up the aid and what so why why he wanted that aid held up mr sandy will be testifying behind closed doors today not in public hearings rob thank you for that for now that is rob reynolds with the latest live in washington d. C. Thank you. Now a former advisor to President Trump has been found guilty on 7 charges including lying to congress and witness tampering roger starr was charged earlier this year during the investigation into russian interference of the 26000. 00 election has been found guilty of lying to congress about his contacts with wiki leaks during the campaign and his efforts to push one of his associates to corroborate his lies will be sentenced in february and faces up to 50 years in jail sudans former president Omar Al Bashir has been in court facing charges of possessing illicit foreign currency and corruption but she has admitted receiving millions of dollars from saudi arabia but says he didnt use it for private purposes police discovered foreign and domestic currencies stockpiled at his home after his arrest but she was forced from office in april after months of antigovernment protests well the former president has been facing charges for the past decade in 2009 the International Criminal court charged him with 2 counts of war crimes and 5 counts of crimes against humanity that was for his role in the war and therefore a year later the court of the hague brought 3 more counts of genocide and after he was deposed sudans Public Prosecutor charged the shoot with inciting and participating in the killing of protesters and in august he faced further charges of corruption and illicit possession of foreign funds more than 130000000. 00 was found in his home here morgan has the latest from khartoum. The corruption trial against sudans also president obama bashir is in its 3rd month and on the 9th session on saturday the defense Team Presented the Auditor General as the main witness now the Auditor General was supposed to testify during the past 3 hearings but because he was out of town he has testified today and the judge has accepted his excuse of being out of town and agreed to listen to him this saturday now the defense team is also saying that the media has been trying to sway Public Opinion people in the streets have been saying that the president is not facing the real charges which he should face which are work crimes and crimes against humanity in the Western Region of darfur and the southern regions of blue nile and South Kordofan a newly appointed state prosecutors say that its not their job to hand over the ousted president to the International Criminal court where his facing those charges as well as charges of genocide and an arrest warrant has been issued against him the state prosecutors say that it is up to the Justice Ministry and up to an elected government in 3 more years time to decide whether the president will be tried for the crimes here in sudan or whether he will be handed over to the International Criminal court like many of the war victims in those regions have been calling for over the past few months. Its time for the weather now and has kevin with some one trained weather coming to head on cap and thats right were seeing all the combination of ingredients coming together a here across much of the northern part of tehran over the next day of really iran better because its going to be going down towards the south as well i want to show you whats been going on an area of low pressure spinning right here a lot of clouds across the region well this is what a look like today across the region a lot of snow across the area the temperatures have been coming down well below average for this time of year as well as were seeing a lot of problems on the roads in areas some of the traffic came to a standstill as well as some businesses were closed because of the very heavy snow across the region as we go towards the next few days we do expect to see more snow not just for tehran but look at the forecast map as we go towards monday were looking at a lot of snow down here towards the south just to the north as well that also means it is going to be very rainy and thundery for quite city heres a 3 day forecast for tehran well below average 17 is normally the high this time of year but we could be in the Single Digits getting very close to freezing as we go into the overnight hours and for kuwait city it is going to be the thunderstorms over the next few days this is going to continue across the region theyre also going to be below average in terms of temperature normally they would be about 28. 00 degrees for this time of year a little bit cooler overnight lows though look at this were only getting in to the middle teens back to less. Thank you very much kevin still ahead on the news hour well chinese troops are in cleanup but as they make a rare appearance on the streets of hong kong the palace struggle in lebanon and lack of trust between is just one of a long list of grievances that in sports the finishing touch celebrations are say a major achievement 5 friends Football Team and have the details. Deal with poverty unless you deal with the guy you disagree i just agree with that toy this is going to be laying the public become a treat for the art and culture they mean anybody these people well trained much of the Islamic State machinery. Of a very. Populous an altered future join me in the hot sun as i put the questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate. Aljazeera and investigation into the real powers that control the World Health Organization their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of Public Health can they be trusted with building a healthier future if their loyalty becomes questionable these are the people that are called to the h one n one push is it getting much difficult for you now that w h o s. Who says w in terms of trust that you trust the knowledge is 0. And one is the problem and these are the top stories this hour at least one person has been killed during protests. A 50 percent increase in fuel prices several people were injured as they tried to enter and over finally in the Southern City of. At least 19 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a car bomb attack in northeastern sylvia the explosion occurred in the city of aleppo is east of the countryside turkish officials are blaming the attack on kurdish y p g fighters and poles and closed in sri lankas president ial election former defense minister. And sergeant the 2 main candidates meanwhile gunmen in sri lanka have attacked buses carrying muslim doctors but no casualties have been reported now chinese soldiers have been sent on to the streets of hong kong for the 1st time since antigovernment protests protests began in may the troops were seen helping beijing supporters dismantle a fence and clear road blocks near calhoun tong garrison the soldiers rarely leave their barracks they were last seen a year ago cleaning up after the typhoon man could probably fried has more from hong kong it was a very quick operation lasted less than an hour and the soldiers didnt have to travel far this is their base here the sentries are standing just off to my right here and basically they came out there they didnt travel very far they came up this this road here moving bricks as they went and turned the corner at the top of the perimeter up there and they were back inside inside the camp where they wont wear uniforms they were in their sports kit so it really could be looked at is quite symbolic depending on your politics and as we go there is a lot of politics here on the one hand it could be seen as a fairly innocuous gesture this is just a public spirited action by the local garrison coming out as you mentioned that its not the 1st time that troops have been deployed they came out a year ago to help clean up in country after thai food so it has happened before but then this is not the country parts we are in the urban area them. Of cow loon and overall this site is one of the University Campuses where weve seen protest and i have been angry standoff between students from this campus and soldiers inside here who they were show pointing lasers at having said that we have not seen any angry responses from protesters that the removal of their bricks in fact of anything theyve really played it cool theyve kept a very low profile theres been some chatter on social media saying though it doesnt really matter well just replace the bricks when we are good and ready but there will be others in the pan democratic camp who will see this you know as a further gesture as a further symbol of more erosion of hong kongs autonomy and the autonomy its meant to have within china. Now at least 14 civilians have been killed in attacks in eastern democratic republic of congo police say its revenge for the armys offensive against rebel strongholds the attacks happen in 2 locations in the beni region of north kivu province last month the Congolese Army announced an offensive to get rid of red rebels affiliated to the allied Democratic Forces the a. D. F. Has been operating along the d. M. Z. Uganda border for more than 20 years now zimbabwes government is threatening more disciplinary hearings if doctors start return to work the been on strike for nearly 3 months of a poor pay and working conditions how do we toss a has more from her body principal was fired earlier this month along with hundreds of other genia doctors in zimbabwe. The government dismissed him for going on strike to demand better pay and work conditions in Public Hospitals he says he wasnt paid in october and because hes now unemployed he wont get paid in november soon he will have to move out of this department. 2 weeks. And a pittance. Thats. In terms of the bar was once busy Public Health facilities on usually quiet the waiting areas and awards are deserted the strike has dragged on for more than 2 months most doctors were fired after they failed to attend disciplinary hearings the reason was that they couldnt afford to pay for transport zimbabweans are struggling to deal with the worst economic crisis in a decade they are shortages of foreign currency fuel power and medicines this doctor strike is a now the hardship that many people here say they have no choice but to enjoy. Watching her daughter braxton suffer is painful the 3 year olds temperature is very high but neither nurses nor doctors are working at a local clinic. Nice and. A lot of people are going to die if my child starts having fits in the middle of the night she could die if the hospitals were working doctors would tell me what medication and injections she needs i am scared i could lose her if she gets really sick but mary says she understands doctors want to better pay like millions of others in zimbabwe story inflation has eroded salaries and life is hard but the worried mother just wants her daughters pain to end. Like she thinks its a tonsils but says right now there is no one willing to help her. Now from lebanon where protesters have been on the streets for nearly a month among their long list of demands is electricity consecutive governments have failed to provide their citizens worth 24 hours tricity since 1975 Stephanie Decker has the story from beirut. Theyre making a point of being here around the clock the 24 hour protest calling for 24 hours of electricity the problem is we dont have 24 hours electricity provided by the government this is. So huge of this fact we have each person has to have a house we have to have a generator to fill the gap where we dont have electricity. So we will end up being. Electricity so the electricity is 6 hours a day. The government electricity and we have provided electricity for our eating our money literally. Reform of the Electricity Sector is part of caretaker Prime Minister sad how to reform plan but with the ongoing political stalemate those reforms are as abstract as the idea of an interrupted electricity let alone has had functioning 24 hour electricity since before the civil war thats before 975. 00 thats why everyone has to rely on alternative sources and that translates to a mess crisscrossed electricity cables running streets and its like this across most parts of the country this couple tells us the situation is unbearable. Your government doesnt provide enough electricity to your house why we have to use generators but if you go to the areas where the politicians live electricity is a valuable 24 sevenths so they dont feel all problems as they dont live in a blackout the demand of those on the streets government supplied uninterrupted 24 hour electorate. Although its a demand that isnt new my parents have been asking the same you know its its insane that my parents 3040 years ago have the same. Things that they need the same things i would asking right now you know we pay taxes what we get nothing in return our roads arent functioning well the government the ministries on our own functioning well and yet the people are surviving and yet the people are still here still working imagine how much more productive they can be when the government gives them just their basic Living Standards electricity is just one of a long list of grievances including Water Infrastructure Waste Management were told that decades of widespread corruption and mismanagement means that hardly anything works here the way it should Stephanie Decker aljazeera beirut. To france now where police have fired tear gas to break up protests in paris as the Yellow Vests Movement marks its one Year Anniversary the demonstrations began on november 17th last year and the rising fuel prices and cost of living they made it turned into Anti Government riots that spread across the country and during their peak 300000 people took part in saturday protests but that number has gone down in recent months but lets go to our correspondent joining us live from paris weve been looking at pictures of a lot of activity and tear gas and a whats going on there. Yes thats absolutely right its all taking place here on the plaster italy which is one of the squares in central paris demonstrators have basically taken up position within the center of the square which is essentially a roundabout and as you can see its been subsequently surrounded by riot police the riot police are firing volleys of tear gas into the square so youre getting a real struggle between the lines of police and demonstrators the reason why ive got this on is because there are occasional volleys of stones coming from within the square and this general direction we do know though of course that the number of people taking part in these yellow vest protests has dwindled significantly over the past year but this is the anniversary of the formation of the Yellow Vests Movement and organizers said by very clear that they were going to use this day to reassert their presence whether or not they would continue to have any clouds here in france and particularly here in the capital is really yet to be seen but clearly from what were looking at here this is an attempt by the movement to remind the country president micron that they are very much still present and a year on the remind us where the movement does stand now. Well as i mentioned its dwindled a number. Largely for 2 reasons firstly they have achieved one of their key aims which is to have the tax on diesel fuel and posed by president micron lifted he pretty much had no choice he introduced that tax in order to bring down Carbon Emissions but it backfired. Catastrophe catastrophic really really for the for the president it was seen very much as a tax on poor sectors of Society People dependent on like cars who live outside metropolitan areas and cities like paris and the movement was joined by a whole spectrum of different people from the far right the far left and pretty much everybody in between end up becoming an anti Macron Movement the president himself has been holding talks and debates in town halls up and down the country has won back some support but there are still some hints that more demonstrations could happen a demonstration in the december the 5th has been planned by trade union groups who are angry about some of the reforms that have been introduced by present microland to do with pensions we may see a situation in a matter of weeks where the trade unions join forces with the Yellow Vest Movement and with students and that could be particularly onerous particularly risky for the president who feels that he has done a lot to calm tensions here not only in paris but across the country thank you for that for now that is the latest on those protests in paris thank you. Now Security Forces in bolivia have shot and killed 5 protesters in the town of soccer. That is the most violent incident since president even when i resigned earlier this week and interim government is in charge but rallies calling for a democratic transition of power have continued to rise about has more from the past. Once again clashes in the center of all of us. Are supporters of libyas former president who will more or less try to make it to the president ial palace nobody is so good at this hes a member of the a mighty Indigenous Community he says he wants democracy back in the memo somebody got bibles we only have these chin straps and sticks we dont have weapons but we will defend ourselves but we have our hearts in the right place and we want to defend democracy. Even though some protests are violence people want to gather peacefully to demand elections but the situation is so tense that even journalists have become a target i was just only tear gas by the police on purpose this is whats happening in the middle of a plateau where people have been protesting peacefully a Police Officer just threw tear gas on my eyes many of those who protest im not happy with the interim president is anyone yes who they say does not represent them a series of tweets posted by her and very fired by news organizations in the past have offended the indigenous majority here. She took Office Without consent if its not even the me with the military to come and call for elections the armed forces are also trying to quell the protests theyre carrying the indigenous woodpile a flag which for many is more important than the national one believe yes interim administration has made a Foreign Policy shift and ask venezuelan and cuban officials to leave the country they say they have been organizing unrest in the wake of the resignation of former president evo morales. These people were arrested for possessing firearms without a license they are foreigners theyre venezuelans libyans are clearly concerned because there are these types of groups looking to destabilize a government that has been legally established which is headed by president jeanine. Protesters from the city of cochabamba have been trying to reach the capital. Videos and social media show that several people have been killed in clashes with the military and the police the videos could not be independently verified by al jazeera and then from mexico it will more or less said new elections are the only way to calm the situation down. Here for the sake of democracy if the interim government of bolivia doesnt want me to take i have no problem not taking person new elections i just wonder why there is so much fear of evil but im willing to sit priorities and willing to bring peace to. But there are questions over whether his party will be allowed to run because its been accused of committing fraud bolivia desperately needs meaningful negotiations that will allow elections to take place soon as many believe only an elected president will be able to take the country forward that he said well ill just see that. The politicians in chile have agreed on a plan that will pave the way for a referendum on a new constitution the step towards replacing the pinochet era constitution was announced on friday after hours of negotiations the vote is aimed at pacifying antigovernment protesters whove been on the streets for weeks the referendum is due to be held in april next year for the markets have reacted positively to the move with the chilean pace over covering from some historic lows now 2 people were wounded after a gunman opened fire at a High School Football game in the u. S. Police say one of the wounded as a young boy whose condition remained serious or players and spectators ran for cover as the shooting broke out during a playoff game in new jersey on friday. Now to libya where foreign nationals living in the capital have been left with a stark choice they can stay in tripoli where they risk their lives because of the fighting or they can head home to poverty without their wired reports on why some have chosen to stay. Feeling has haunted this moroccan family since the shrapnel injured their son and brother know below for him and his sisters their lives will turn into a nightmare a rocket landed on their house in the salon neighborhood in southern tripoli the explosion blasted shrapnel into every corner of their whole. Ibrahim says he came to libya along with his family to earn a living as an electrician 5 years ago he is grateful his family survived but his wife says their children can no longer sleep properly at night. Were explosions every hour in this area my children have been so frightened that even the sound of thunder in the sky scares them in my son wakes up at night crying. Forces loyal to the world flee for hefted have been targeting residential areas with airstrikes and heavy weapons rights organizations say some attacks could constitute war crimes. A u. N. Panel of experts has recently blamed have to the military often civil in tripoli for creating case throughout the country but also revealed that the u. A. E. Jordan sudan and turkey have violated the arms embargo imposed on libya by supporting the warring factions many civilians have been killed or wandered by a random rocket or strikes since fighting began in april the tripoli based government says the United Nations mission in libya is not doing enough to protect them and those displaced by the fighting say theyre called for help have gone unheard lucinda a British National says the house of her libyan father in law next to hers in gaza have been a shared area was targeted by an airstrike her husband they brought him as the escaped after have to his forces came for him because he campaigned against their war to seize tripoli the family moved to this house in their neighborhood but it is not far from the front line as we were speaking to them a rocket exploded nearby embedded themselves. Despite such a threat lucinda has decided to stay on well ive tried to reach the International Community because i see theres very little voices in the media. In english for them to and some whats going on and of course the same much propaganda you now have to came to save tripoli from terrorism and isis and everything which of course isnt true. And theres no voices out there saying what is true and what isnt whats really happening here on the ground. Every friday in the main square in tripoli lucinda has been joining the protests shes worried the United Nations might take action against have to this force is says theyre supported by some Member States like france and russia. Ibrahim and rockley as a as a family they face a bleak choice either to leave and face poverty. And face the threat to their safety. What i do hate. Tripoli. Still ahead on the news hour how a motorbike pilot forced to premature entered this race joe well have the details shortly. Make stories generate thousands of headlines these protests are saying down with the system and down with all of the parts with different angles from different perspectives just because we came to prison theres a me right stop at the gate separate the spin from the facts the western media jumps on stories without taking down the misinformation from the journalism its about telling the stories there are those human beings out there with the listening post on aljazeera. 50 years ago britain forcibly removed the inhabitants of this tropical haven and leased it to the u. S. Military. For 5 decades geragos islanders have preserved their culture in exile and theyre now as collating their struggle to return home. But their fate still lies in the hands of their colonisers. Another paradise i witnessed a documentary on the. It is time for sports thank you very much its been almost 3 years since calling cap and it played american football but now the former quarterback will get to showcase his hands again to prospective teams in atlanta today 11 n. F. L. Teams will attend an official workout the calf and. Care as a San Francisco 49. 00 a made global headlines for naming during the Pregame National Anthem in protest against Racial Injustice he prefers to claim that the n. F. L. And its teams colluded to keep him from playing cap and a coup says he will have around 2 hours to demonstrate his skills in hopes of being signed by this plenty of question whats motivating the n. F. L. To do this now given the n. F. L. History in this case and the way its been sort of cobbled together i think the aspersions about the workout are very justified the n. F. L. Effectively blackballed capron it for over 2 years they. Entered into and it was a settlement over it with kaplan exclusion grievance in february and since then no team has expressed serious interest in him. I think this is the n. F. L. Zx attempt to try and bring the matter to a merciful and by either cap or nick not showing up to the workout which was hastily arranged or caprona showing up and not doing well in the workout an n. F. L. Team can say oh well he doesnt have it anymore the 3rd possible outcome and complication for the really isnt happening does this work out and is amazing and if a team still dont sign him i mean cabaret has made it clear hes working out every day for 3 years if he wants to come back to the n. F. L. So i think kaplan the based on his career based on his experience he has the right to say i belong in the n. F. L. And i think he does. Meanwhile Myles Garrett has been suspended indefinitely without pay after attacking an opponent with a helmet during a game on thursday the Cleveland Browns star was involved in a fight with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback mason rudolf he ripped off rudolphs helmet and then smashed him over the head with it suspension is the biggest band ever handed out by the n. F. L. For a single game incidents. Is semifinal day of the season ending a. T. P. Finals in london one player who wont be involved is well number one rafael nadal he was knocked out on friday despite winning his final match but he still had reason to celebrate now courts. Rafael nadal back is the year ending world number one for the 5th time in his career at 33. 00 the spaniard is the oldest player ever to end the season in top spot fitting reward for an incredible 12 months that seen the doll win 2 grand slams and lose just 7 matches all year. 44 no doubt one of those 7 defeats kerry in 4 days ago against alexanders arrive and eventually prove terminal to his hopes of winning the a. T. P. Finals tardo for the 1st time were going into his match against the already qualified stephanus its a past the down knew he had to win the hard Daniel Medvedev could be derived in the day 2nd clash if he were to reach the last 4 however he was up against a player insists the past he was beaten in this tournament and playing some of the best tennis of his career the world number 6 from grace taking a tighter opening set on a tie break but that serve to galvanize the doubt even more to the left hander from my all coproducing 11 winners and just 6 unforced errors as he took the 2nd set 64 to send the match into a decider. In that decider once again both players match each other short for shots but after nearly 3 hours on cold it was the 19 time grand slam champion. Dol declined the search and the match 76647 far. More of an adult when was made academic alexanders arrive sort of Daniel Medvedev in straight sets dr who is the defending champion here broke the russians in the opening game and never looked back as he recorded a 6476 victory and put the semifinal date with his good friend dominic team were playing the semifinals of the world tour finals so i mean playing here against your friend means that both of you have done incredibly well throughout the whole year and so obviously also this week so its a great honor obviously to play against him hes been unbelievable this year and its going to be a fun match hopefully the other semi sees Roger Federer take on stefano says its a past those matches take place on saturday the whole package aljazeera. The l. A. Lakers and Sacramento Kings produced a friday night thrill in the n. B. A. As ever it was the bron james who played a starring role in the rights of the game high 29 points along with 11 assess the whole match came down to the final play it just seconds to go the lakers were leading 99 to 97 harrison bonds had a chance to tie things up for the kings but Anthony Davis was on hand to provide the block and give the lakers their 10 victory this season. Football and there are 10 more euro 2020 qualifiers to be played this saturday with croatia germany and the netherlands all in action meanwhile finland have been celebrating after they qualified for a major tournament for the 1st time in their history they put their spot 2020 thanks to a 3 no win over liechtenstein when seals progression from group j alongside Group Winners italy and marks a huge turnaround in form in 2016 they didnt manage to win a single competitive match. Sebastian vettel will be looking to convert pace into pole later in sao paolo the german lead a ferrari 12 in practice ahead as sundays brazilian grand prix but it was an incident filled friday afternoon red bulls alex album crashed out bringing 1st practice to a pregnant short and. Outgoing polish driver also failed to set a time in the 2nd session when he spun off the track to meanwhile the macau motorcycle grown pretty had to be abandoned after a pair of crashes brought out the red flags 1st this collision between Robert Hudson and magic 70 forced a 20 minute delay and shortly after the restart a multi bike pile up into the race altogether 3 riders were taken to hospital but all were conscious with no life threatening injuries. That is a useful for now i have just thank you for that and that does it for this al jazeera news out of a do stay with us were back in just a couple of minutes with a full news Bulletin Board will be back live and paris monitoring those protests marking and yes from the get a vest and stop stay with us. To deal with poverty unless you deal with the go you decide oh i just agree with that toy this sounds like blaming the public the country for the art and all of the naming anybody these people well trained as much a part of all of the Islamic State machinery. Of a very merging of Popular Culture is future join me as i put it up for questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here aljazeera. When the news breaks. When people need to be heard. And the story needs to be told. 145000 prisoners under its care with exclusive interviews. And indepth reports that month or not i think to protect the. Jews iraq has teams on the ground and thats a story the seeing right here to bring you more rewards we need documentaries and life means. The british iraqi journalist whos visualizing complex statistics in a simple. I think youre off as a summary excites opportunities to break apart from those systems around and so you collect in a way that makes a represents a Different Community challenging mainstream misconceptions the by creating 100 instructions it doesnt alienate people it doesnt make people feel like im not small instances on this truth is that any way on aljazeera. From lagos to jerusalem to buy em on the go. To the street. 3 short films that show how people take a stand against evictions in their struggling communities the 1st time they arrested i was 11 years old a. J. Selects on out to 0. Violence on the streets of paris as a protest as mocking one guest star to the gallows best. Known welcome to aljazeera live from our headquarters and with me and as the product also ahead iran raises the price of fuel that introduces rationing sparking protests in parts of the country. Polls close in sri lankas president ial election National Security is a top issue after the Easter Sunday attacks and chinese soldiers make a rare appearance on hong kong street

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