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Agreed to a referendum for a new constitution. Sri lankans voting to elect a new leader with ethnic divisions on the rise after the deadly bombing its. Like im. Bringing home as a court in the u. S. Or as a retrial for a black man on death row for killing a white woman 20 years ago. The u. S. President donald trump is facing accusations of intimidation after attacking the latest impeachment witness on twitter while she was testifying before congress Marie Evanovich she was the u. S. Ambassador to ukraine until she was recalled earlier this year with all inquiries looking into whether trump withheld military aid to ukraine in exchange for a promise of an inquiry against his political rival back home as reporters from. On capitol hill. President trump has said he too busy to watch the impeachment inquiry hearings threatening to end his presidency but he found time friday to catch some of the hearing unfolding on live t. V. And he tweeted about the witness on the stand his former ambassador to ukraine a woman he ousted from the post as we sit here testifying the president is attacking you or twitter. And id like to give you a chance to respond read part of one of his tweets everywhere marie of on average when turned bad but would you like to respond to the president s attack that everywhere you went turned bad i mean i cant speak to what the president is trying to do but i think the effect is to be intimidating you vonnegut is a career diplomat who served more than 30 years under president s of both parties in a july phone call the basis for the current impeachment inquiry trying to told the president of ukraine she was quote bad news and would go through some things it was it was a terrible moment a person who saw me actually reading the transcript said that the color drained from my face i think i even had a physical reaction it didnt sound good sounded like a threat democrats say trumps attacks on you of on a bitch amounts to witness intimidation and possibly an additional impeachment charge against the President Trump defended his mid hearing tweet saying he had no intention to intimidate i have the right to speak i have freedom of speech just as other people do but theyve taken away the republicans rights testified she was recalled from ukraine without cause in may shed been bronc fully accused of undermining trump she said and was the target of a Smear Campaign conspired between trumps private attorney Rudy Giuliani and corrupt ukrainian officials or continues to amaze me. Is that they found americans willing to partner with them and working together they apparently succeeded in orchestrating the removal of a u. S. Ambassador you gonna bitch says she still doesnt know why she was ordered home on the next plane she was gone by the time the white house cruised security aid to ukraine and trump pressed the ukrainian president to announce investigations into his political rivals republicans say democrats have been unable to directly tie trub to an Impeachable Offense the problem of trying to overthrow a president based on this type of evidence is obvious but thats what their whole case relies on they getting with 2nd and 3rd hand information but now complicating the president s defense is this new evidence of possible witness intimidation in the form of trumps tweet that materialize before the publics very eyes democrats have tried to build up a radio bonaventure as a sympathetic witness and now trump himself may have helped them make that case while putting his own presidency in greater jeopardy heidi joe castro aljazeera washington and then on top of all that more closed door testimony from the choir is emerging a u. S. Embassy official says he overheard a phone call between donald trump and the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. She had pretends he has more on. David holmes as you accompanied us as you ambassador good and some of them to a lunch following someones meetings with various ukrainian officials including president selenski and during that love someone decided to phone donald trump on his cell phone to update him on how things were going and dont trouble speaking so loudly holmes says that he could actually hear dog trumps end of the conversation and he heard from immediately are so are they going to do the investigations and someone said yes theyll do anything for you that they love you words to that effect and as far as holmes is concerned what they were talking about was the investigations into joe biden and his son hunter biden and Hunter Bidens business dealings with an allegedly corrupt energy firm after that conversation there holmes took the opportunity to ask someone so just dont really care about ukraine or words to that effect and so on and said well he cares about the big stuff so homes are small big stuff i mean like the war with russia and so on and said were all here is really concerned about is the investigation into the bidens and what can politically benefit him. In some ways this isnt new we already knew that donald trump had asked the lenski to open an investigation in 2 biden from the july transcript a partial transcript of the phone call but it does add then to how involved the trunk was in trying to get zelinsky to open an investigation into the bites in how involved he was into whatever someone and Rudy Giuliani were up to in ukraine despite Donald Trumps constant partner stations that there was no quid pro quo months ago theres no quid pro quo on this on this phone call but it adds to that impression certainly from those around in the Administration Like holmes that that as far as they were concerned they came to the conclusion that there was some sort of quid pro quo so thats one thing that also certainly made gordon sometimes testimony on wednesday the current basta more interesting because he did mention it in his last 2 appearances in congress there is yet another thing he may have to be have to remember and he may be in some some trouble as a result. Christopher hunter with us now senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a former federal prosecutor at the u. S. Justice department nice to see you christopher weve got all of that closed door testimony now weve got everything that mary evanovich said for 6 or 7 hours today its all starting to mount up but as the republicans say its all still 2nd and 3rd hand is that going to be a problem Going Forward. Well lets step back and look at the big picture here the the big picture is that the president engaged him in pretty much one of the few in numerated Impeachable Offenses in the United States constitution which is bribery this is not even a close call and the testimony that weve heard this week is merely an amplification of evidence thats already been in the Public Record now for quite some time so big picture the president engaged in bribery which is a specifically enumerated Impeachable Offense in the constitution whether or not the senate ultimately convicted him in a trial is a completely different question than whether or not hes committed the conduct thats impeachable he has and whats your thought on that potential senate trial because the the prevailing theory seems to be well its republican controlled go he wont be removed from office but again if we go back to all this evidence piling up do you think is enough to maybe stop turning some republicans. Well you know when congressman Francis Rooney from florida a number of weeks ago had expressed openness to hearing the evidence about President Trumps conduct we saw here in the United States what happens when anybody dares to question this president congressman rooney was quickly attacked and very shortly thereafter chose not to run for reelection and then subsequently fell in line with the republicans in congress who are trying to stop the impeachment proceedings disrupt them in any way that they can so the partisan politics presently prevailing in the United States are such that i dont think its reasonable to expect that there will be a conviction after a trial in the senate instead i think the final judgment will be rendered next november at the ballot box. Lets talk about what we saw today in congress then ambassador you have on of it giving her testimony dont know trump shouting from the sidelines effectively whilst she was giving that testimony and adam schiff relaying it to whats your take on that whole event because the idea of witness intimidation is being thrown around now. And it should be and thats another one of the Bigger Picture lenses that should be used to view this conduct. Donald trump has engaged in this sort of behavior throughout his presidency and quite frankly throughout his Business Career which is to say any time anybody challenges him in any way he personally attacks them in viciously he has been doing that throughout his presidency and he did it again today. We can look at it from the perspective of how he has handled the news media in the United States repeatedly he has incited his followers to commit acts of violence against members of the news media in the United States so the fact that he today while ambassador yvonne of which was testifying was tweeting about her in tweeting about the conduct about what she was testifying is in fact intimidating witness its not dissimilar to what congressman that gates from florida was doing some time ago when Michael Cohen was testifying before congress the lawlessness that has characterized this presidency in this particular president is is very troubling you know the republicans in congress led by paul ryan at the beginning of this presidency had an opportunity to prevent all of this from happening and theyve chosen not to do so the 3rd sort of Bigger Picture lens through which i think we should be viewing all of this is is puring into the future in a year from now and trying to determine what this will look like when its all over here in the United States and how the broader Global Community should interpret these events christiane to from the Atlantic Council joining us from Tampa Florida today thank you for your time. Well this impeachment process in the u. S. Is also focusing a lot of attention on corruption inside ukraine itself caught between the u. S. And russias rival geo political ambitions ukrainians are looking to their president the lansky to steer the nation and clean up its political system to support war from state bassa now in kiev. Ukraine Flagship Initiative in its fight against widespread graft but here at the newly installed high court of anticorruption the cases are rapidly piling up in the dark a former Deputy Governor of the National Bank hes a suspect in an embezzlement case of nearly 50000000. 00 with the bailout package approved for ukraine the i. M. F. Is pressing the government to recover an estimated 15000000000. 00 that disappeared from the countrys banks they include one previously owned by a supporter of president followed him years a lenski reading this is here and the way they really want to destroy all this money to the country this process i mean cleanup it was a very painful for the society for the government for the budget but. Today i can almost almost tell you i dont see any other massive spalls. The impeachment process in the us has focused peoples attention on ukraines long history of corruption. Combating corruption was one of president elect is the most important election promises but has been actually one of the greats richest only cards and the phone. In which he said that the state prosecutor was one person this person has caused some concerns. While many in ukraine consider the us a supporter in its fight against corruption this seems to have changed. You know we see with the grays all of politics its also a term to use ukraine as a leverage for personal political interest by american politicians. So ok lets go found himself directly into the case against trump after he was accused by the u. S. President s personal lawyer of madly in u. S. Elections in 2016 already giuliani claimed lashing gold medal by exposing secret payments to Trumps Campaign chairman paul manner for he denies that claim i feel myself as a target of some american politicians and lawyers who decided to make themselves very useful for mr trump and they manipulated to fire him except for mention it was fake news. For ukrainian today have other things to worry about the landscape is efforts to go after those who have been rich themselves over the years at their countrys expense have impressed many but many also say its only the beginning and the results have yet to be seen step fasten aljazeera here. Its just one other note from washington a former advisor to the us president has been found guilty of 7 offenses including lying to congress and witness tampering this is roger stone he was charged earlier this year during the investigation into russian ference in the 2016 election hes been found guilty of lying to congress about his contacts with wiki leaks during the election and then his efforts to push one of his associates to back up his lies he was sentenced in february telling. It didnt take the jury long just about 7 hours to find roger stone guilty of all 7 counts obstructing official investigation lying to congress intimidating a witness basically this goes back to the election during the elections dont put out messages on social media that something was going to come with what you call the wiki leaks started with leasing emails that were half from the Democratic Party the Intelligence Community now believes that that was done by Russian Hackers so congress as part of their investigation into potential election interference called stone and he said it wasnt me it was this other guy theres no evidence that i was coordinating between wiki leaks and the Trump Campaign for the prosecution brought out texts emails and witnesses they said in fact he was trying to get information from wiki leaks and he was conveying that to the Campaign Including up to then candidate donald trump the most serious charge here is the potential of intimidating a witness there this witness had messages from stone where he quoted the godfather movie about the mafia and threatened to get rid of the mans dog so now what happens well in february stone will be sentenced he faces up to 50 years in prison but the way federal guidelines work it likely face much less time than that of course no stones going to be looking for his longtime friend and associate donald trump to give him a pardon right now hes probably his best bet to stay out of prison. Heres whats coming up for you on this news hour fears of an escalation in iraq after a bomb targets of protest camp well have a report from baghdad. Im florence. Province china where thousands of villages like this one here have benefited from the boom in online shopping. And in sport the on field attack that resulted in an n. F. L. Player receiving an indefinite ban from the game. Politicians in chile have agreed on a plan to pave the way for a referendum on a new constitution that was announced earlier on friday and its aimed at pacifying the antigovernment protesters whove been out on the streets for weeks but at least for now it doesnt seem to be working the demonstrators have been back on the streets and have once again been tear gassed by police in America Addison to see a new man is there in santiago. Less than 24 hours ago chiles rival Political Parties finally arrived at what many call in stark agreement to read draft a constitution that will replace the one that is a hangover from the peevish a dictatorship it had been a key demand for testers and yet as you can see people are still back on the streets. And there are many reasons 1st and foremost they say that reforms in Health Education pensions and better salaries cant await the estimated 2 years that it would take to rewrite a constitution. For example pensioners i live on 200. 00 a month i need to buy medicine and food but who cares the government is heartless. Others say they simply dont trust their politicians and want to see the small print of the deal but the biggest complaint has to do with the agreement that would require an article of the constitution to be approved by 2 thirds of the delegates many say that would continue to give the wealthy minorities to which power but it makes you feel its excessive 2 thirds is the same limit that we have under the current constitution put there to ensure necessary reforms dont pass the government had a hope that by caving into demands for a new constitution the under arrest or at least the large number of protests on the streets would diminish and while some do say that its a positive step that does require compromise most of the people here believe its just simply not enough. Lets talk to. A spec now founder and editor in chief of chile today hes on skype from santiago bar thanks for your time i think the see a made the point there that its just not enough it is a change it is a concession it is a long term thing its not changing whats happening right now the finitely not so youre talking here about a constitution live for the last 30 years under a constitution that has changed the country the broad well of the as good as developed the country but also on the other side and thats created this huge inequality gap so changing a constitution this whole process of reforms that soften the things youre so you of course its a long Term Solution but of course what will short Term Solutions do to the Current System in chile and they need something more long term to really change. And how do you. Well how do you how do you change a constitution that is as we say its what is there has been entrenched for so long and now the people want a say in this massive change to to the way the country is run how do you even go about doing that so thats exactly what the protesters that are still right now in santiago in another city is out there thats where they question as well how do you change the constitution according to the agreement by the government 1st of all the chileans are going to vote whether they actually want a new constitution and then theyre going to vote in the same referendum on what the body would look like and will be only citizens drafting up a new constitution when the politicians will be a next body and then the people can choose who will be on dead body and then even after the drafting of the constitution there will be a read of vying for old so theres a lot of voting involved but drafting up a constitution in general i mean they will probably learn from the constitution they had before that didnt guarantee things Like Health Care or education so i imagine these things will be part of the new constitution as for the protesters on the streets theyre not going to leave anytime soon up. To now i dont expect them to there are still a lot of anger against the government of course they say ok we do have a new constitution but look at all the bloodshed of the last couple of weeks there have been there there been reports of torture of sexual abuse of course there is this horrendous story about all the is victim people who were getting shot in the eyes so theyre talking about Human Rights Violations here and they say listen we can talk about peace and about reforms but we also have to talk about justice and the other thing is just the fact that they dont have any confidence in the government and they say well you can have a huge agreement but you dont risk represent us anymore so theres a lot of obstacles still to overcome. And its just part of a wider i mean we were looking at pictures there of the protests in chile and i thought gosh we could have seen them in any number of latin american countries at the moment isnt it i mean this is this is. Bigger than just one country well yeah of course it is bigger than one country its something we see happening in not only in latin america actually with also in asia where the liberal now weve sold in barcelona of course every country speaks for itself has its own story and especially here in latin america its you could not talk at this moment for example the latin spring i think because its all very isolated protests but on the other side it shows that the people go out there to to change the system they live in do because theyre fed up with people governing them so thats thats a certain better you can see there yeah ok parts found a spokesman a pleasure talking to you thank you for your time today no problem and more protests to tell you about these are in iran after the government hike the cost of fuel by 50 percent the move prompted fears of rising inflation despite teheran promising the revenue would go towards families in need. Sri lanka now where voters are to elect a new president but ethnic tensions are rising after the deadly easter bombings former defense minister got to buy a rajapakse or is widely seen as the front runner but religious minorities look at him with some suspicion for his links to radical Buddhist Monks hes being challenged by a subject. Who is a minister in the current government weve got 2 correspondents to cover the selection mel finance is in a suburb in the show lankan capital well be with you shortly mel i want to start though with Bernard Smith in central colombo bernard. Well thanks very much well there are 20000000 votes 60000000 voters i beg your pardon with a choice of a Record Number of 35 candidates the one who wins 50 percent plus one share of the vote becomes president thats going to be a tall order with 35. 00 candidates so voters get a 2nd and 3rd preference and they will also be counted if theres no out what outright winner when the polls close but it is really only a race between those 2 men. And rajapaksa and much of where this election much of what this election has been about is the fallout from those Easter Sunday bombings that killed 263 people when suicide bombers targeted churches and hotels in sri lanka in the wake of those bombings gotten by rajapaksa announced his candidacy and its potential return of the rajapaksa brothers that has some people were. Saying sebastians in the gumbo has been restored as a place of worship after last aprils suicide bomb attack. 114 people were murdered here on Easter Sunday the bomber was one of 8 who talked to churches and Hotels Across the country killing 263 people. Shell put a silver one of st sebastians caretakers sort all. That. Our i think a righteous government will be good for the chat we can resolve issues of the church and well be able to find out who committed this offense a damning parliamentary report says intelligence agencies and senior politicians were briefed that attacks were coming but failed to act. After the bombing got a buyer rajapaksa backed by his brother mahinda announced his candidacy for the presidency promising to restore security. But that makes muslims like ryan dean nervous one of his textile shops once stood here it was one of hundreds set on fire by british nationalists days after the easter attacks brought down a bit if the way some politicians have been campaigning is anything to go by we think muslims will have to be cautious right wing british nationalist groups openly support the Rajapaksa Campaign but got a buyer has said he will create a secure environment in which all sri lankans irrespective of their race or religion will be able to live in peace. Because Jaffna Peninsula another minority worries about the return of the rajapaksa tamils 15000. 00 people are officially missing after Mahinda Rajapaksa oversaw a ruthless crushing of tamil tiger fighters to end a 26 year long civil conflict. Behi believes her daughter is still alive. The color would be 28. 00 today. There is no place i have not gone in search of her she is nowhere to be found no matter who is in power our play as been the same she fears that what little progress has been made to account for the missing might be reversed by a government that may not want to look too closely into the past. Its only 7 months since the Easter Sunday suicide bombings and security here remains tight and its that fear over safety and stability that rajapaksa is hoping will convert into votes for him Bernard Smith aljazeera the gumbo sri lanka right well lets head out to the suburbs now of colombo in mother part is our correspondent Michelle Fernandez and why dont you tell us about the challenger to the rajapakse as there is such a permit us sir. Basically sergeant has been in politics for over 2 and a half decades he the last he held was the portfolio as National Housing minister he has been working a lot with Rural Communities this is basically an individual who has seen. The cause of terrorism he was 26 years old when the l. T. D. Assassinated his father the former president. Back in 1903 when premadasa took to politics he opted to go in for a rural constituency 5 he has basically made a point of working with the sort of the party stricken communities in this country he has been playing relative sort of a back seat within his United National party but he has been clocking up the goodwill if you like among the communities. There had been. A bit of a sort of a struggle within the United National party to give him the nomination to contest as president he does have to sort of distinguish himself on a Major National scale but he does have a sort of an appeal with the public you see this on election platforms on rallies hes able to make that connection with the common man and that is what hes taking to the people in his bid for the presidency as he takes on ascension be the sort of rajapaksa. Sort of big behave most of the rajapaksa family in terms of. Obviously the former defense secretary him sort of presenting himself as a doer who brought an end to the conflict after 26 years he kind of oversaw that. Conflict on the his Brother Roger parks of the previous president and he says hes the one able to bring back National Security. On the other hand not losing sight that after the easter bombings National Security has become a major factor promising not to sort of drop the baton if you like on National Security talking about the former army chief. Naming him as a potential sort of a minister in his cabinet one of the first 6 people hes actually named as who is going to be given the portfolio of National Security or defense. Is also talking about doing away with the entire drug talking about the economy hes talking about womens issues so this 5 ascension me is what he says hes going to be doing for the country and he says the country needs young blood and hes the man for the job. Thank you milby more from. Sri lanka today as that election goes on. Still ahead on aljazeera. Only external say please dont tell policy on i was just sort of tensions on the streets of bolivia that is. A journalist caught up in the unrest in a former finance minister could be lebanons next Prime Minister but thats angering protesters even more. Sports as well we will hear from chinas most successful swimmer who is fighting to save his career at a legal hearing in switzerland. Had a thats a nice amount of sunshine 3 more eastern and southern sections of china the crowd with any rain is coming off the plateau as you can see his streaming east was but not really making it to shanghai so for saturday 22 celsius a nice sunshine 26 in hong kong its generally dry and levels are a lot lower however you will see the rain approaching in the philippines to the north across into news on this is the latest Tropical Storm it will be steadily strengthening but meeting a very slowly the next couple of days the main concern will be the accumulation of rain we could see some localized flooding warming up on sunday in shanghai 26 and remaining at about 27 in hong kong so to the south this Tropical Storm as i say will impact than all the philippines but moving very very slowly the rain meanwhile farther to the south across into these northern sections of borneo all over across into much of sumatra again the may and insula and on sunday as you can see a similar pattern there mostly dry to south and it should be a dry day in jakarta no chance of any showers there few meanwhile the rains continuing to come down you lose all we could see about 300 millimeters just in the next 3 days and then to india that all want to showers further to the south conditions caring quite well across from northern india still warm in new delhi at 27 on saturday on them by sunday no change under those sunny skies. Good weather sponsored by cats all around us. From lagos to jerusalem to by a mob the government is playing through the mud hole and form a milestone in history my embargo. 3 short films that show how people take a stand against evictions and that struggle in communities the 1st time they arrested i was 11 years old a. J. Selects on aljazeera. The british iraqi journalist whos visualizing complex statistics in a simple form i think youre off as a summary sites of opportunities to break apart from systems of power and so you collect in a way that makes a represents a Different Community challenging mainstream misconceptions and hype the pie crates and hunting instructions doesnt alienate people it doesnt make people feel like im not smart enough to understand this truth is it anyway on aljazeera. Youre in the news here at aljazeera and these are our top stories u. S. President donald trump is facing accusations of intimidation after attacking the latest impeachment witness on twitter while she was testifying before congress or evanovich was the u. S. Ambassador in ukraine trump is accused of pressuring ukraine to investigate his political rivals politicians in chile have agreed on a plan to pave the way for a referendum on a new constitution to pacify government protesters have been on the streets for weeks but the rallies have continued in santiago on friday and sri lankans aversion to elect a new president at a time of heightened ethnic tensions after the bombings in easter the front runner former defense minister got the biology has been challenged by a minister in the current government. And back to latin america nonbelief here is expelling all venezuelan diplomats accuse them of meddling in the countrys internal affairs and as well as a key ally of the former president evo morales who resigned this week and sort of in mexico after weeks of protests and on friday demonstrators were back on the streets demanding a democratic handover of power this report from to raise the book. Once again clashes in the center of. Supporters of former president try to make it to the president ial palace notice a member of the a mighty Indigenous Community he says he wants democracy back when the then i was. We only have these chin straps and sticks we dont have weapons but we will defend ourselves but we have our hearts in the right place and we want to defend democracy. Even though some protests are violence people want to gather peacefully to demand elections but the situation is so tense that even journalists have become a target i was just at only tear gas by the police on purpose this is whats happening in the middle of a plateau where people have been protesting peacefully a Police Officer just threw tear gas on my eyes many of those who protest im not happy with the interim president is anyone yes who they say does not represent them a series of tweets posted by her and very fired by news organizations in the past have offended the indigenous majority here. She took Office Without consent if its not even the me what the military to come and call for elections the armed forces are also trying to quell the protests theyre carrying the indigenous woodpile a flag which for many is more important than the national one bolivias interim administration has made a Foreign Policy shift and ask venezuelan and cuban officials to leave the country they say they have been organizing unrest in the wake of the resignation of former president evo morales. These people were arrested for possessing firearms without a license they are foreigners theyre venezuelans libyans are clearly concerned because there are these types of groups looking to destabilize a government that has been legally established which is headed by president jeanine. Protesters from the city of cochabamba have been trying to reach the capital. Some social media show that several people have been killed in clashes with the military and the police the videos could not be independently verified by al jazeera and then from mexico it will more or less said new elections are the only way to calm the situation down. Here for the sake of democracy if the interim government of bolivia doesnt want me to take i have no problem not taking person new elections i just wonder why there is so much fear of evil but im willing to see it priorities and willing to bring peace to. But there are questions over whether his party will be allowed to run because its been accused of committing fraud bolivia desperately needs meaningful negotiations that would allow elections to take place soon as many believe only an elected president will be able to take the country forward he said well ill just pass. On just an update to that story were now hearing 5 people have in fact been killed in those protests in bolivia today to iraq now where one person has been killed and more than dozen wounded in a bomb blast in baghdad and explosive placed underneath the car detonated on friday evening Security Forces said the blast happened near Tahrir Square a focal point for the protests that have gripped the iraqi capital for over a month earlier at least 2 people were killed and Dozens Injured as Security Forces fired tear gas and live rounds during the antigovernment demonstrations iraqs top leader the grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani called for calm the new weekly sermon at least 320 demonstrators been killed thousands have been wounded since this all began on october 1st protesters are angry about widespread corruption unemployment and poor basic services mohammed judge room has been out in baghdad today. So the smoke that youre seeing there thats coming from the lebanese where the squarest about 300 meters to the north of where we are we are in Tahrir Square which is the epicenter of the antigovernment demonstrations here in baghdad you learn you square that is a square in which there have been repeated clashes this cycle of violence that keeps happening the last several days when antigovernment demonstrators that are there trying to get around these concrete barriers that the Security Forces have set up so that people in that square cannot then approach the bridges that lead to parts of the city where there are Government Installations where this is the epicenter this is really the only place where its lawful for people to protest and theres a lot of cars. Predicted here because while you have the violence going on in places like Atlanta Square here you have a times almost a festive atmosphere but you also have ambulances and medics bringing the injured from those other clashes here for treatment if you look around me here are several ambulances there are volunteer medics there are tents full of medics and these took drivers that act as as ambulance drivers as ad hoc ambulance drivers bringing the injured here for treatment so while you also certainly since all the all the tension because of the violence that goes on in other parts of the debt here you also have a pass about this fear at times and if you look just around me there are families here this is a friday its a weekend there are families here there are mothers and fathers bringing their children to see this historic moment you have here a stretch of wall where there are many murals protest art thats been painted and repainted almost every day for the last several weeks so theres a lot of Different Things going on here in Tahrir Square now everybody ive spoken with here today theyve told me that they do not believe that the government is actually listening to this actually taking their demands into account they say theyre going to continue to come out here to tell they feel the government to actually try to really try to make the forms and listening to their demands. And still more protests around the world this time lebanon where people are rallying against reports that a form of finance minister accused of corruption might actually be appointed the Prime Minister as they blocked roads some were beaten and had to be taken to hospital Human Rights Watch is condemning the violence by Security Forces this from jamal show in beirut. Friends and family come to visit friday night in hospital relieved that hes still alive but outraged at what happened to him 30 whos been participating in the antigovernment protest in lebanon sees he was attacked and beaten by soldiers early on friday morning he shows me his injuries telling me hes lucky to be alive some of the used maximum force against me more than 20 soldiers were beating me with their batons the butts of our guns eventually i was knocked out unconscious i was then dragged along the floor and thrown onto the side of a street fair he had gone out to protest shortly after it was reported that a former finance minister must suffer the was being touted as lebanons next Prime Minister fellow demonstrators were angered that a man accused of corruption was being considered for the job so they blocked a road in protest the armys response was to beat some of them. Fed his friend had his head cut open when a soldier hit him over the head with a baton he was filmed on local t. V. Raising his hands shouting at the soldiers you might want blood but our protest is peaceful. There are concerns here that freedom of expression has been curtailed on friday Human Rights Watch issued a report which documents not just the physical crackdown on free speech but also how politicians are using laws to imprison those who criticize them politicians and other Public Officials have started resorting to the from the defamation laws to silence the critics over just the past week we saw 3 case 3 definition cases being filed to 5 the heads of lettuce by heads of Political Parties and one by a public official the rights group sees theres a noticeable shift in how Security Forces are now dealing with protesters. Weve been very alarmed by the crackdown that has happened over the last few days so we saw no joy in the 1st few weeks of the protests that were for its arrest of protesters for protesting for you where they were present but they were limited by what we saw yesterday was incredibly alarming what started off as training as protests on october the 17th of transformed into a month from the uprising that has all but power lies the country economically and politically throughout this time the government has failed to deal with the protesters demands in a way that pleases them now the apparent increase in the use of violence by sections of the Security Services will only increase the younger felt across several sections of Lebanese Society the army issued a statement on its troops or accounts late on friday saying it was its soldiers who came under attack from protesters and merely acted in self defense no mention was made of the demonstrators who were injured in the attack if the idea behind attacking protesters was to scare them off the streets ferguson its done the opposite. I love. That theyve now increased my strength tenfold im just waiting for the doctor to discharge me and i will go directly to protest. Danny his 16 year old daughter should be in school her father tells her there is no future for her in a country that has no freedom or Justice School can wait he sees what the revolution cant its her future that hes fighting for. Al jazeera they dont israels military says more rockets have been fired from gaza are in the early hours of saturday 2 rockets were fired towards. Raising more doubts about a cease fire with the Palestinian Armed Group Islamic jihad a truce was agreed on thursday after the worst cross border fighting in months killed 34 palestinians. To it is planning to ban political ads from next week as the campaigns for the us 2020 president ial election heat up the social media giant announced the ban last month saying a political message should be earned and not bought twitter will still allow companies and advocacy groups to run ads promoting awareness about social causes. South African Airways workers have gone on strike to demand higher wages and to protest against job cuts the 2 day strike has forced the struggling state owned carrier to cancel dozens of flights south African Airways says the walkout will cost it more than 3000000. 00 u. S. Dollars a day the u. K. s Prince Andrew says he let the royal family down by staying at the house of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein he had been awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges when he took his own life in august the prince has now made his 1st Public Comments about his ties to abstain after footage emerged of him at the finances manhattan home about 10 years ago the problem was the fact that once he had been. Convicted easter with my stable and thats thats thats the bit that. I kick myself for on a daily basis because it was not something that was becoming a member of family and we trying our polled the highest standards and practices and i let the side down some percent. Of people in china do more of their shopping online then any other country in the world in many remote areas people of embrace technology becoming online entrepreneurs turning once sleepy villages into ecommerce hubs arent slowey as that report from village in province in china. In less than a decade legion home has transformed his life the former street snack vendor is now c. E. O. Of his own company it makes camping equipment and has an annual turnover of there are 9000000. 00 puts it down to hard work good luck and the rise in online shopping. As the internet develops our Shopping Habits change there are also more opportunities to make money we can do business from home whether you are one person 100 people were on the same platform everyone can find something assumes. His success attracted the attention of others in village who asked him to teach them how to start an ecommerce business at least 16 family thats about 10 percent of the population here are involved in ecommerce in one way or another mostly as middlemen selling products made by others. But some like lucian friend are more on to printer he sells wood salvaged from old houses in the village. Doing ecommerce gave me more flexibility i have to work any way either at the factory or at home i make about the same money but i have more freedom doing this i can take care of my children or go fishing if i like. Across china there are thousands of villages like. Rural communities whose fortunes have changed because of the internet. Is owned by chinese multinational. And is chinas largest digital platform its where many economists businesses that 1st start. Villages where at least 10 percent of households are involved in the economy and that have a combined turnover of at least one and a half 1000000. 00 a year are known as top villages. And the government has been supportive infrastructure like law just sticks and transport this village is mostly operate on a free market basis with some gliders or help from the government. Not everyone strikes it big in economists but some showing that the internet and businesses can be a potent combination Florence Louis aljazeera village province china. Writes finishing the season at the top of the tennis world. Would. Be ideological battle over abortion arson for our. Lawmakers challenging a womans right to choose the groups thats been ignored now for decades as. Against those lined up to defend that choice were talking about being able to make decisions for our bodies investigates the abortion bans on aljazeera. An inspiring quest for knowledge that led to remarkable achievements aljazeera wells meets the algerian entrepreneur. Who helped pioneer computing in the arabic language and the egyptian islamic scholar honored for his contribution to arab culture both building successful lives abroad but never forgetting beverage. Arabs abroad the translator and the innovator on aljazeera. Welcome back a look at the world of sport now heres andy thank you very much n. F. L. Player Myles Garance has been suspended from the league indefinitely without pay the Cleveland Brown starts in apartments with a helmet journey came on thursday garrett was involved in a fight with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback mason rudolf he ripped off rudolph helmet and then smashed him over the head with it there are suspension is at least for the rest of the season which will take him 6 regular season games and any involvement in the playoffs is the biggest bond ever handed out by the n. F. L. For a single gang incident rudolf said he had never experienced anything like it before. Yet i thought it was. Pretty cowardly really bush league which you know it was pointed out there to watch i havent seen a replay but yes i really havent seen it the way that. Mahlers embarrassed. Snidely show he understands what he. What he did you understand is totally unacceptable. And we got to get through it all the league is already under scrutiny over its concussion policy but n. F. L. Writes about frost says this incident is in a class of its own in the n. F. L. Theres a lot of shock about what miles did. So it doesnt look good in the n. F. L. So everyones talking about it and it brings up all the old issues of violence and head trauma and is this going to dangerous to a lot like kids playing it head trauma is going to happen and if you have large men who are athletically superior going at each other in in very small areas youre going to have hits that you would rather not happen. And as tragic as that is its sort of an accepted area of the game but when you have a specific level of agreed upon violence and then you go outside to this yeah i mean i get the. Desire to compare the 2 things i dont know how much one has to do with the other the n. F. L. Still has a lot to do in the area of actual head trauma in games but what miles did i mean i wouldnt call it football id call it assault. At least 11 and f. L. Tames have confirmed that attend cullen capn extracts and lancer on saturday after 3 years on the sidelines the league has set up an official workout for the former quarterback so he can prove easy ready for an n. F. L. Return during his time at the San Francisco 49. 00 ers captain it made global headlines and mailing during the Pregame National Anthem to protest against racial injustice. You know how really this is serious in the south for him to get back in leaders i think you deserve to lose me so i was 3 years in this and just you have not had a job or. Baseball things out of letters to disappoint you to make you lose your looks good to be the motivation behind a good thing like anybody whos done all we do see often a down as we knocked out of the season ending a. T. P. Finals the world number one recovered from being a set down to beat the finest its a class in its final great match in london but that wasnt enough to put the doubt into the semifinals alexanders vera be damned medvedev in fridays late match that eliminated the middle one consolation for the spaniard who did receive the trophy for finishing the year at the top of the World Rankings what can i say and i am so happy. Honestly. You know after all the things that they went through there in my career in terms of injuries so i never thought that the age of 33 and a half i will have this stuff in my hands again are chinas olympic swimming champion soon yang is fighting to save his career the 27 year old is accused of refusing to cooperate with doping officials since hold a rare public hearing at the court of arbitration for sport that the drug testers had failed to prove their identity when they came to his home to collect an out of competition sample the 11 time World Champion has already been cleared of any wrongdoing by swimmings governing body but the World Antidoping Agency is appealing against that decision. Because of the doping official i filed a complaint she came with her assistance without proving identification and also she wanted to film with her mobile phone she said im your fan so today im coming here to see you and i would like to take a picture but from my point of view this is really ridiculous i cannot trust or well the 3 time olympic Gold Medalist previously served to doping suspension in 2014 for using a banned stimulants and says he took that to treat a heart condition so hes now accused of smashing a vial of his own blood with a hammer to stop anti doping officials taking a sample from his home during a visit in september 28th seen the most successful swimmer in chinese history could be banned for up to 8 years if he loses this case a verdict is expected and so next year fill in the celebrates in reaching a major football tournament for the 1st time ever theyve put their spot at euro 2020 thanks to a 3 nil win over liechtenstein the win sales progression from group j. Alongside a great win is italy it marks a huge turnaround for them in 2016 they didnt manage to win a single competitive match and home players on the long board has the halfway lead at south africas nedbank golf challenge former open champion louis stays in the lead after the 1st round but shots like this sort of drop into 2nd place on 9 under par lombard had a 2nd round of 65 to grab a 2 shortly at the tournament known as africas major. Ok there is a force looking for not more lighter. Thank you very much andy coming up over 300 hours g. M. T. Here on aljazeera the headlines of course that aljazeera dot com whenever you want them and then how to market them will be with you in about 2 and a half minutes time another full of news im Kemal Santa Maria thanks be to. The u. S. Is a Tipping Point its time to start telling us right now that we have just 12 years as the worlds leaders to agree on a solution. To taking matters into their own. Were talking you know even. With his actions to get people to understand that he kills people and that it kills people now its critically both runs with the peoples doors on 00 i was taken to. And i was severely beaten up. In forced labor sector the intention was to make sure that. No longer entitled to either basic rights or Citizenship Rights once their villages were burned down were funneled into what is now become complex where im moving are basically your friends exiles coming soon on aljazeera. From the aljazeera london Brokaw Center to special guests in conversation as the resistance and i see joy in the midst of pain your books do that unprompted uninterrupted why are all of us people of color and theyre just one color but that is why dont they should every people have no color but exactly Fatima Bhutto meets Marc Lamont Hill i very much thought i was going to get shot but look at a bad movie studio unscripted on aljazeera. News as it breaks democrats did was they said we will have a vote and lay out the procedures Going Forward for the public testimony weve detailed coverage here in town plans meaning Financial Center a place that is usually teeming at shoppers during the weekends and tourists from around the world tend to a 1000 years for this to disintegrate and thats whats choking this city. I have the right to speak i have freedom of speech just as other people do. Donald trump accused of attempting to intimidate the former Ukrainian Ambassador testified at the impeachment inquiry. On how i had seen this is al jazeera my from doha also coming up. To alexa newsies are with ethnic divisions on the rise to the deadly bombings

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