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Anger and protests in bolivia after janina and yaz declare says self interest a leader and the departure of evil mandalas ended the crisis opened a new chapter on the role long regional and world alice playing this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the show im samis a than bolivias leadership is in turmoil the president has quit and fled his replacement doesnt have the governments full approval Senate Leader jeanine and he as is declared a self interim president but is fiercely opposed backers of former president evo morales boycotted the vote making congressional approval impossible and he has claimed the post anyway critics are calling it a coup but the us is supporting her by anna sanchez has more from the past. Protesters clashed with police and the army on the streets of believe you live rounds were shot tear gas didnt dispel angry believe ians who demanded interim president jennie to resign on her 1st day in office shes facing a country in turmoil god social and political disputes are battled on around including the National Assembly on wednesday some of it will matter less is mass Party Members tried entering congress at the end i had resigned from the senates presidency she tried to come back the police blocked the way you know to get this government is trying to portray the court it as a natural thing where legislators and we need to get to the assembly. On the other side of the barricades his foes shouted adversaries a reminder of what sparked the political crisis that forced president to resign. The interim president is reliant on Security Forces to restore law and order she appointed military commanders before the cabinet. Taking up command of the armed forces at a crucial time for the state to bring this stage to an end and a new elections. For the interim president has said that she wants to bring peace back to the streets of the country and that means the police will continue their patrols with the army. Stability naming a new Electoral Court and calling on new elections in december is the priority of the Transitional Government but analysts say nothing can be done without negotiating with more or less his supporters the president must begin a dialogue because the m. E. s party is a reality whether people like it or not otherwise if theres no dialogue were lost. From his refuge in mexico former president pledged to return. Western sleep will be if my people ask for it were ready to go back to pacify the country but National Dialogue is important otherwise it would be difficult to stop this confrontation. In the capital some roadblocks were removed and Stores Opened after weeks of near shutdown but just for a short time. Thousands of angry believe ians were back on the streets early a reminder of just how far believe this from coming out of the crisis. But in a scientists i just believe you. All right lets bring our guest into the show now we have joining us via skype from so craig then Camelback Romero political analyst an advisor to the left leaning. Voters party in so craig in moscow Dimitri Babich political analyst at rossi has survived News Media Agency 33. 00 is also a specialist on latin america and on skype again from cochabamba in bolivia catherine leather director of the and they in and the and i should say Information Network a political and social justice think tank good to have you all with us if i could start with them. Does it look like you need only as will now be able to take over and be in control of bolivia. Good morning no i dont think so actually there is a lot of irregularities in this process she assumes as a president without a quorum and assembly and yes of course were not talking about a coup probably is not right the definition of good but there is a lot of things that indicate that this is not really a democratic process so. Yes shes a woman and yes it might be really get like an advance for womens rights your believe yet but i dont think that. Its really representing what we are thinking i mean this is a right wing politician coming from the eastern side of the region. And yes so i dont really think if she is repressed ending the democratic. Issues here believe yet but she is representing like the conservative visions of politics what im trying to say is that when she assumes as a president she does it with a bible in her hand and without discourse about getting back to to the government so its i think its very concerning because democracy and believe you know is really frightened fragile right now. Yes i think she is she is not really going to negotiate with us party and simply more and i think youre let me bring in the perspective i guess the counter perspective and maybe take that to katharine given all the resignations the narrative goes shes simply the next one in line in throne i disagree with that completely thats an accurate and i agree with my colleague in suki days that her positioning herself calling legislative session without the presence. With an empty chamber its important to note that the mosque party pulled the 2 thirds majority of both houses according to the guidelines of both congress and the resignation has to be accepted by the winery in the chambers none of those things happened nor does she have a right become interim president there are people in line in front of her and this is a completely Legal Process with rubber stamped by 2 tional tribe nor ruling based on her cot prior constitution let me jump in if i may go katherine also this question to get a. Again from the counter perspective could any of that have happened could you have had an orderly resignation given the chaotic circumstances the narrative goes the president you know fleeing even more as you know very quickly claiming his life was being threatened his home was being attacked was there the possibility to go through an orderly constitutional by the rules by the book transition. Absolutely the president morales the hand president a formal letter to be considered on the floor of the Libyan Congress in compliance with the legal resolution that absolutely its important important to note that yesterday marked legislative tried to go into thinking emmert. Congress building in it were beaten by police and tear gas at the scene multiple contusions there was a later snatching where they are we need to legally new here. Lower house of congress who would be according to the levy constitution legally in line are very firm let me again ask who is to blame for that for that process being aborted which protests well was it the protesters on assad rates domestic role do you see an outside hand in moving things in the direction of what sign call a coup well. Morale had agreed to comply with the results of the oas audit you know i thought it would be irregularities mediately call for new elections and im all Tea Party Commission to develop a strategy to all i like to do like will drive you this did not stop the violence this was the demand of the opposition he had complied we leave the violence continues mons were attacked and only members were attacked and politicians of people aces were looted and burned it was a very violent process and that is the people who are pushing that issue they are to blame for this there is already highly atory pilot no respect for the rule of law are they not let me bring them in 3 babiche interest discussion looking at things from a global perspective to what extent will outside forces and powers whether theyre in the regional or global superpower have some influence if not decide on what happens next in bolivia. Well i hope that they seem for and so will be minimal because obviously bolivians should decide their future themselves and i can tell you that on the russian side there was certainly it nor involvement in this situation because. Russia doesnt have business in bolivia well there is a small violator of trade but it is minuscule compared to the trade that bolivia has with the United States or with china russia does have some commercial interests in venezuela because its an oil rich country and the leadership of this country invited russian business and russians in general in order to. Cooperate and find altoona t. Of markets so dont give ways of development for when your soil is so its a very different story right now in russia there is a big discussion what exactly happened in believe it because if you have the police and i mean to you know me to jump in so well on the one of the moscow so quick and the speed of what were happening why was moscow so quick to comment on whats happening in la paz if as you said you know russia really has no interest in whats going on there. Well we have no commercial interest economic interest but of course ideologically russia is very concerned about whats going on in ledge in america because obviously this is a very important region where our small and also small countries are now deciding whether they can develop independently of the United States and there was a globalist influence so mr morales he was popular in russia he visited russia just recently. All russia was very impressed with his success in developing small and Medium Enterprises semis in bolivia economically he was seen as a successful president as for the fact that he stayed in power for 14 years i think its a huge hypocrisy on the side of the United States and some other countries. To limit their amount of time that president s can be in power let me remind you that finland which is the most economically successful country in the world it was ruled by the same person or forechecking and for 35 years here from the 50 s. To the age yes right and all i say i guess you know that let me play last i can use it to have a voice from the other side i want to try and play that devils advocate on this show i guess the question would be all the suggestion or claim from the other side would be its one thing you know if what happens in finland happens according to the constitution the rules but for many of the protesters the way they see it those who are opposed to have them around as they felt the way that he was handling the question of cons of president ial term limits wasnt going according to the constitution let me let me bring that point back to vim and say it in the way you characterize this was almost like theres a vast conspiracy here of people from the rightwing and the religious groups which are making some kind of coup but isnt the fact that there is support apparently from the military the police the Roman Catholic church i mean does it does that make you question whether you know there is more broader support for this new administration of any as you know were godless of whether she did the transition in the right or wrong way well im not trying to justify whatever moralist has said in the past days that he is going to mexico because of a coup driza lets stay with the biggest to big picture and to read a lot of irregularities in this passage months. Actually since 2016 there is a lot of indications that of the executive power has been intervening at the electoral power in order to. Benefit will moralists for a force but still a sion and lets lets fix to the to the big picture. And government from the in a yes that is trying to stay in power for with any kind of manipulation lets try to stay with the big picture there are 2 big blocks i mean yes on on one side and other right wing politics on the other side that are trying to stay in power or to go to power at any anyway. And yes there is a conspiracy sion from a policy for police in the past days trying to boycott at m. E. s because of some demands that the government doesnt have the how and didnt satisfy but the thing is. So why does the military say on sunday before no more ellis is resigning why doesnt military say we suggest moralists. Yeah resign from the presidency so theres a lot of questions that we dont get were not really getting to get clear picture here about what really happened and believe youre right but we can shift the question to looking forward and ask catherine can the lawyer lists the moral as royal loyalists in congress now block i mean how much of a serious threat can they pose do you think to janine i mean as is a saint. Well that remains to be seen their position its legal and constitutional its important to know that you can at complain about it im constitutional move from morality or the term end justify that with unconstitutional. Added to behavior as the i mean its group has done it remains to be seen who will end this power play but legally and constitutionally the mob blocked the mosque Congress Even president until his resignation is except it is legally president of bolivia until the end of the constitutional elected term which we get into that need night to 22nd excuse me january 22nd so its not clear whats going to happen very worrisome appearance with a new cabinet government minister or to a movie you know saying that hes going to hunt down anyone whos committed sedition hunted down a former minister because hes an animal systematic locking hari coca growers from entering kerchief on the city at gun point be pushed against cars handcuffed photographed. And sent back that theyre not welcome to not have the sense that we will none of its acceptable to buy a violation of due process and a basic human rights and i think its something that the International Community needs to focus on and let me invite you mention the International Community because that was going to be my next point lets take it to dmitri to what extent do you think were going to see an appetite develop among some countries not only moscow but nicaraguan mexico for example of condemned what they see as a coup or i go. Condemning what theyre calling the breakdown of law and order even argentinas president saying you know what weve gone back to the era of the seventys where military interventions take out popular governments where. As he put the you know u. S. Backing. In a we going to see some kind of regional divide in how much of an appetite might arise for intervention in bolivia do you think dmitri well its not a secret for a new one that the United States does not like i will more or less person as it let me remind you of that scandalous story which happened i think in 2013 when the plane that was staking morales from moscow you know the american suspected that he could be carrying. Mr Snowden Edward Snowden the whistleblower from the n. S. A. They were concerned that the chorus might be carrying him in his plane to believe that so let me remind you that the plane with morales was forced to land in austria and the plane was searched and there was a boy basically a threat to the live for ever more or less and the planes crew so let me remind you that that was an emergency summit meeting of the legend american president s where this section of the United States was condemned and you rightly point out that the same voices were heard their voices from argentina from europe why is wrong. If you know anything or is not too far fetched to me place in america so i think well obviously there are many people in the legend america and there are many governments which are not happy about this trend they suspect rightly or wrongly that mr morales lost power because someone influenced or basically just bribed the army and the police and that brings some very bad memories ok ill follow that go i think it will depend on the United States but let me remind you that mr trump has openly openly called on. That army all venezuela to abandon the government there so i thought that was that everything going on in venezuela letter if the time will come back that point but since were getting short i want to come back to vim and say what is the possibility of a that this leads ultimately to a breakdown in the institutions of democracy if this goes d on in a form thats deadlocked in the congress and perhaps even the return of even more alice well im not i dont think that a moralist is coming back anytime soon to leave but what im pretty sure is that the next elections in 90 days will not have a lift party participating in elections will have to take some disputes between the right wing parties in bolivia and that is really concerning because we will not have a plurality in democracy which is really important element of democracy. Just what we will see on a congress as. Well big barri yes the congress men and women not really trying to negotiate something with jenny or her party and what we will see will be a really conflictive scenario and you ask a simply what right my big concern is is that the left believe is going to. It will it will have like a big work in the next years to reconstitute itself so its very concerning because a democracy right now democracy as we can see it like the constitution and everything it is only justifying one side of politics and believe yeah indeed one site is right wing politics with bibles which religions and putting in danger for example the secular state and believe youre so its really concerning what is going to happen in the next years because we are going to be to see like a competition between only lived up next summer. Only the right wing parties dont really concerning what will happen to the left wing parties then i won the katherine our is the suggestion on this show that theyre going to be generated from parliament and become somehow persona nongrata in politics some where does that leave the the element we havent mentioned so far the ethnic divide in the country well i think its important now that this particular conflict and the tone that it is taken has increasingly deteriorated in to the police destroying the we. Symbol of the flag of the symbol of the indigenous movements that predate morale and many attacks on indigenous people. Groups far right groups far right groups that use the nazi salute like the Santa Cruz Youth League and their former leader who is now one of the main spokespeople on the right its important to know right now that mosque Congress Members mosques Union Leaders Union Leaders affiliated with mosques are p. C. Get red repeated threats right by telephone mail now publicly so its very important to understand that you 1st have to create a situation where there is of a basic respect for the law and human rights because its impossible to know if a misconduct in a cafe but i think weve got only a minute left let me quickly give the last perhaps 50 seconds to dmitri and say what is the risk here that this will unravel other places like venezuela well i think there is a huge risk because our previous but disciplined has said if indeed all their leftist part of the political spectrum is removed that is not going to boss unnoticed in other countries a lot of people in the ledge in america will interpret that as current or right the way in cool so there can be a backlash there. Can be kind of a broader backlash not only in your story hour where as we see their western supported candidate for presidency it is nowhere to be seen and we have a very embarrassing situation but maybe also in other countries people in latin america do not want every make over the 70 s. Right so that will be i think very sad if their true make is made by anyone who history often doesnt go the direction anyone thinks so itll be interesting to watch where it goes right now in the americas but thanks so much to our guests for coming and giving us their thoughts on this thanks to come a big romero Dmitri Babich and catherine the and thank you too for watching you can see the show again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com for further discussion just head over to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle there is at a. J. Inside story from me sam is a band and the whole team here for now its goodbye. I. This is the opportunity to understand the very the frank way where there. Is little. In this life the most incredible stories are often true. And cheering go on experiences. Makes the unfamiliar for me. In this life no versity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something much greater of the soul and this law is what i want to lose is freedom of expression. The right to mortgage. Sean and a lot into the darkness. Because your dislike of the designer to understand. Makes us human. And the human condition is universal. Told to mold is there a we they dont believe in the 2 state solution do you still believe in the 2 state solution we listen what i said was that pakistan would never start a war im anti war we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the world is there a. Element of the problem in doha with the headlines on aljazeera hong kong has confirmed its economy plunged into its 1st recession in a decade its been blamed on the increasingly violent antigovernment protests and the escalating trade war between the u. S. And china students have blocked parts of hong kong for a 5th day theyre calling on the government to commit to hold in local elections on november 24th rob mcbride has more from hong kong earlier today friday again we saw more of these flash mob type demonstrations in particular here on Hong Kong Island especially in the central business

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