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Selfish after one of the most violent days and months of antigovernment demonstrations. And bushfires reach australias biggest city as emergency workers warned theyve already exceeded catastrophic for cuts. Israels military says its killed a commander of the armed Group Islamic jihad in an airstrike gazas Health Minister says a man and a woman died in the attack israel accuses the iranian backed Palestinian Group of carrying out rocket attacks inside israel lets get more now from our aforesaid hes in west jerusalem how is somewhat more than do we know about these israeli airstrikes and the targets they hit. Well yes the main strike was the one that killed but. He is he was a senior figure in palestinian Islamic Jihad he was in charge century of the military operations in the more than half of the gaza strip he was on and lead the Main Military Council of the military wing of Islamic Jihad israel says that they targeted that building he was sleeping in and killed him in a strike that took place about 4 30 in the morning local time thats about 2 and a half hours ago now and that they hold him responsible for a spate of rocket attacks that have been taking place from gaza into israeli territory over the course of the last year not just a few days ago israel made a statement saying that it assessed that Islamic Jihad 4 and that 4 were not interested in an escalation at the current time but they were blaming certain extreme elements within islam make jihad it seems seems pretty clear now that they were trying to target this one individual as a way to try to stem those rocket attacks the Israeli Prime Ministers Office and Israeli Military over the statements blaming him for that these attacks confirming that he has been killed saying that this was an operation that was recommended by the military and by the Security Agency and was approved by the Prime Minister however it is an extremely risky tactic to use israel has not used extensively the tactic of targeted assassinations of senior figures within either hamas or Islamic Jihad but some time a saying this is not a return to that tactic however the general command room of all the Palestinian Armed factions inside gaza has come to come out with a unified response saying that they will respond in kind to what has happened and already weve seen several directions of rockets coming out from gaza into israel so if they were trying to separate out Islamic Jihad from hamas or this one individual from the armed factions within gaza well the response is so far pretty hefty one from the armed factions and harry always comes at a price sensitive time politically for israels Prime Minister. It does its after the 2nd inconclusive election within a few months of each other so this remains a Caretaker Administration it is also the time when the Prime Minister is awaiting a verdict from the attorney general as to whether he will indeed be charged in 3 separate Corruption Cases which could make his attempts to try to form a government here in israel all the more difficult and it comes at a time when hes just appointed a new defense minister he had himself held the title defense minister along with other portfolios as well as Prime Minister it is today that Naftali Bennett who is seen as a certainly has been calling for a much harder line response towards gaza takes office so its almost with his last act as defense minister that the Prime Minister has approved this this pretty risky operation quite a hurry force that there live in west jerusalem harry thank you and in another breaking news story in the middle east syrian state media reporting that an attack has happened near the Lebanese Embassy in damascus lets get more now from Stephanie Decker she joins us on the phone from the lebanese capital beirut stephanie so what more details are emerging about this expos near the Lebanese Embassy in the syrian capital. Yeah were getting more information now this happened in a residential building opposite the Lebanese Embassy. Its a as i mentioned a residential building its an area known to how a palestinian leaders as well were now getting unconfirmed reports that potentially a political leader of the piracy and Islamic Jihad was living in that area to the policies that make jihad has issued a statement that the son of. 9 the who is this political leader has been killed it is not clear 6 whether these 2 are related to Syrian State News Agency is saying that theres been 2 killed in that building but certainly the reports coming out at the moment seem to indicate that this could potentially have been targeted killing 9 the political membership of palestinian Islamic Jihad do of course have a presence 9 inside syria so people were questioning as to the timing of these 22 attacks one in gaza one in damascus. I think if you should tell exact confirmation as to whether theyre linked but certainly did issue reports are getting seems to be that this explosion happened in a residential building that was housing the palestinian Islamic Jihad leader political wing and again to residents in the area said it was a very loud explosion that was information coming out at the moment but certainly these are now bit of a clearer picture that seems to indicate a potential targeting of a political leader of palestinian Islamic Jihad in damascus or i just i think back about in the lebanese capital stephanie thank you. Not too sweeping trains have collided in eastern bangladesh coming up the 15 people friends were approaching on the same truck from opposite directions in brahmana baria district dozens of people have already been taken to hospital. Even iran is expected to arrive in mexico in the next few hours just a day after resigning as bolivias president hes been granted asylum by mexicos government meanwhile the country leaves behind is bracing for more violence as thousands of moronic supporters march towards the company. The army is conducting joint operations with police against what they call vandals or rather his resignation followed weeks of protests as international monitors pointed to irregularities in last months election John Heilemann joins us from the airport now in mexico city john so what help did mexico give to get moron is out of bolivia and when his plane then due to land in mexico where you are. Things have got more complicated now because the mets come for a ministry its just sent a message to the reporters saying that its going to be 7 hours. Its 7 hours away from here we are where we are in mexico where president morales is now just following his plane on the flight tracker it seems that he did it how it why or what the minutes can Foreign Ministry is calling a technical stop so thats whats going on at the moment of course probably why its actually below bolivia so hes getting farther away from mexico now and since the plane that. Came to get him actually needed to refuel in lima which was above believe its only going to make it more complicated for him to get now to mexico so weve yet see whats going to happen here its been government has been quite welcoming of president or at least president and that is men who are Lopez Obrador has said that it was. It was a decision that he respects from president were at least to stand down to try and avoid more violence and bloodshed but as you said that seems to be continuing him believe it despite the fact that he has now left the country not just his house he tweets. A couple of hours ago his house was attacked but also the house of the Opposition Leader he said his house was attacked and also the rector of one of the countrys Biggest National University Said his house was attacked so it seems like theres quite a lot of mayhem going on in the streets believe you john how ordinary mexicans viewing this story and what are they make of events in bolivia over the past few days. John did you have lost you would be all right we seem to have lost John Heilemann there for the time they let me try one more time john let me just ask you how ordinary mexicans theyre viewing this story what do they make of events in bolivia. We have lost our home there in mexico city if we can well go back some of that later in the program apologies for that but there will be an urgent meeting of the organization of american states on tuesday to discuss bolivia u. S. President donald trump has weighed in saying morale of his departure sends a message to then israel and nicaragua that democracy will always prevail wasnt jordan has more now from washington d. C. The 1st message from u. S. Officials a day after and flopped as bolivias president the Political Violence between all classes of the bolivian population needs to stop and needs to stop right now officials also told reporters during a background briefing on monday that they do not consider what happened politically inside libya to be a coup against evil monsters government they say that today believe that a report put out by the organization of american states or oas farms what they had been. More honest and members of his government fired the road up to october 20. 8th they do not believe that anyone who is a member of. Political party who was involved in what theyre calling an electoral fraud should be allowed to stand to replace him as the new president when elections are held perhaps in the next 90 days finally these u. S. Officials also said that they are very concerned about the rule of law being respected but they said it is noteworthy that the military obeyed a law that it been recently passed basically preventing them from getting involved in the security situation because of longstanding historical fears of another military junta taking power. Americas oldest living president has been admitted to hospital in atlanta 95 year old jimmy carter set to undergo a procedure to any pressure on his brain from bleeding after a series of fools he served as president for months and some to 7 to 981. When we come back. One. Plans to rewrite a constitution that dates back to its military dictatorship. And when the smallest planet puts on a big show the rest of my current zooming between the sun and the more that stick with us. Weve had some rather lively whether its a parts of the middle east recently not quite as expansive over the next couple of days ago but you some rain and snow over towards afghanistan a little bit of clout there into where pakistan nothing much to speak of couple of around 14 south. In karate destroy a cross iran now into iraq into kuwait nasi fire and try over towards the levant as well little bit of cloud just making its way out of that eastern side of the as we go on through wednesday just heading over towards the caspian sea no great change in conditions at this stage just notice eastern possibilities down could see a little bit of weather to go on into was a staple for much of the region it is dry it will be largely dry across iraq minister as well following on from the excitement of the last 24 hours or so chad just getting up to around 29. 00 or 30 again in doha that a bit of chad is to central and northern parts of saudi arabia could squeeze a spot of rain here southern parts of amman catch a spot a right or 2 here as well plenty right in the forecast for southern parts of south africa over the next day or sat in the eastern cape it looks rather disturbed and those showers they push up and the pulse while that does in bob way and into zambia over the next couple of days. In a territory thats been under constant siege for 12 years. And in a state of perpetual conflict with its neighbor. Women are swimming against the tide and challenging stereotypes in that isolated society. Aljazeera wild follows 5 palestinians making a difference. The new women of gaza on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here at this hour the Israeli Military says one of its air strikes has killed the commander of the armed Group Islamic jihad in gaza city israel has accused the iranian backed Palestinian Group of carrying out rocket attacks inside israel and to shut all gaza border crossings and another breaking story syrian state t. V. Reports that when casualties after an attack near the Lebanese Embassy in damascus state media also says a hostile target was shot down by the syrian army in the town west of damascus. And in the coming hours polygamous former president is due to land in mexico where hes been granted political asylum overall ralitsa resigned on sunday after the military demanded he step down. Now a new bush fires have broken out across eastern australia sydney is now shrouded in smoke as soaring temperatures and high winds fanning flames toward its outer suburbs the region has been designated a catastrophic fire danger for tuesday up to 600. 00 schools and colleges have also been closed off and 70 fires are burning across the state of New South Wales under the sort of conditions there is a significant amount of unpredictability instability and aggressive far behind you and fast bred you we know that under under dis of catastrophic if a far starts and types hold if we are not there so quickly that we can bring it under control if it types hold we are not going to stop it we are not going to control farmers on a catastrophic conditions they have the ability to develop and grow extremely quickly. Under thomas has more now from. Authorities in australia are well used to these bushfires and they have a 6 point scale of which catastrophic is the very highest warning level that they can issue and its based largely on weather conditions on tuesday is expected to be very very hot high thirtys right across New South Wales and parts of queensland as well the winds are likely to be very very strong already theyre picking up but theyre gusting later on today as predicted at 80 even 90 kilometers an hour and there is a lot of very dry fuel for the fires to burn there means trees that means shrubs that havent had water for months and months theres been a serious drought right across southeastern australia in recent months and years all these things combined mean conditions are as bad as they can get on the one hand its about fires that are already burning and there are more than 50 across New South Wales alone and an increasing number of those already on tuesday are going out of control the authorities have not managed to contain them and they are beginning to impact on peoples homes and playful places of work and thats one concern the other concern is that new fires start in the winds for example power lines can fall over sparking new fires and once a fire starts in these winds and in this heat its very very hard to put them out the big concern is around the suburbs of sydney sydney a very highly populated city but its largely been carved out of the bush as its called in australia and the concern is when fire meets people thats when you lose lives so well thirtys are doing all they can to issue warnings to get people to think about what theyre going to do the head of time to evacuate early and to be extremely conscious of even the smallest box and to put those out fast because once fires are burning in these conditions its almost impossible to put them out. Carol lam has labeled the protesters as extremists selfish and says theyre trying to paralyze the city demonstrators are now setting up by. To stop traffic heading into the city center in the past few days theyve been some of the most violent protests since ronnies began 5 months ago approach beijings support i was set alight and the not to missed was shot by police more difficult holland joins us live now from hong kong so did i just tell us where you are and whats been happening today with the protests. The board this dearness a very unusual protest this is right in the Financial Center of hong kong this is the heart of our own problems beating heart what were seeing is thousands of Office Workers who are giving up their lunch time to protest now this follows an incident yesterday where protesters Office Workers had come out on the streets to protest or other people who had just come out for lunch had been tear gassed by right police to try and disperse them they were out on the streets in support of the young man who was shot yesterday by the riot police so what are you seeing is now thousands of Office Workers many of them dont usually take part in protests theyre out here in solidarity with the protest protestors theyre calling for a 5 demands not one last the far demands that the protesters have been calling for from down from government and from beijing and theyre calling on people to stand with hong kong their hats are off and there are no such a symbol for 5 i did not have not seen said yesterday police had very quickly shut down his protest material get out getting a lot of criticism from the hong kong public on the current free of these protests there are bands of pride police but they have so far not ventured to this area and i just want to point out that this is one of the main areas replied by not 3 shopping malls could essentially be the heart of own home was and did this is the 2nd time weve heard to carry lamb in 24 hours what more did hong kong need to have to say the facts right carrie last spoke. For the 2nd time today and 24 hours earlier yesterday she had told the protesters their ballot actions would not sway the government in any way and it was visual thinking that a violent protest right now i mean the government given to their demands to date shes been calling the protesters selfish and saying that theyre disrupting daily life in hong kong trying to garner of support from the wider hong kong population saying that the Government Departments are trying to reserve act the right of it for structure so that daily life can continue here but instead of what is see her getting support from the wider on call public were still seeing that there is why in my sympathy towards the protesters as you can see here where you have thousands of all these workers thousands of people that may not have been part of the protest movement not taking part and voicing their concerns for the safety of the protesters and joe hong kongs future in general all right to do the part and the timing there in hong kong to thank you. Protests have once again broken out in chile with riot Police Firing tear gas and water cannon the demonstrators in santiago that comes despite president Sebastian Pinera his plans to rewrite the constitution a central demand of protesters. Well the current charter dates back to the era which many say excludes protections for essential rights in areas move was aimed at appeasing demonstrated so been protesting against income inequality for more than 3 weeks in america and its of the reports from santiago. The unmistakable sight and sound of the quick chiles national dance. In the same plaza where some travelers largest protests are taking place these people came to remind chileans that there are things that unite them all they feel like this is a decisive time its making us reflect on what we are and what we want to become we need to feel empowered and also take responsibility for the solutions to these. One of them is a new constitution in nearly 4 weeks of unrelenting protests its widely being seen as indispensable to pave the way for structural changes to chiles free market system. The current constitution was imposed in 1900 under the pinochet dictatorship and. The model of the 1980 constitution hands Education Health Social Security and Labor Relations over to the private sector the state plays a minimal role so people are feeling abused by a constitution that instead of benefiting the collective needs tends to concentrate resources in a few hands without providing the necessary services. But other experts argue that the current constitution is not to blame rather the laws and Public Policies that have failed to meet peoples needs. Im not saying theres a new constitution cant improve the magna carta but i fear that will be a huge question between peoples expectations and the reality of what the constitution came and cant do. After nearly 4 weeks of unrelenting protests its widely being seen as a necessary step to pave the way for structural. Changes to chiles free market system. For many thats no longer enough former president ial candidate alexandra de year says premier that must call for early general elections but fortunately can tackle a new national charter. Discredited but we need to legitimize social changes by turning to our citizens they inevitably an unnecessarily must be consulted actively and that starts by letting them choose who will represent them. The undemocratic origin of chiles current magna carta is a disputable like e. U. One will not rectify all the countrys wrongs but it may be a good way to start over to boost the tarnish legitimacy of the countrys democracy you see in human aljazeera santiago. The uns atomic watchdog has confirmed that iran is increasing its enrichment of uranium breaking its commitments to the 2015 Nuclear Agreement the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed enrichment is taking place in irans underground plant one of the most significant breaches of the deal to date they use says its extremely concerned about the violations Turkeys Interior Ministry says the country has begun a program to repatriate captured i saw fighters an american and german were deported on monday with a Danish National expected to follow fighters from island france on the netherlands to be deported in the coming days Officials Say just over told 100 deisel fighters are currently being held in turkish prisons. A dutch court has ordered the netherlands to repatriate more than 50 children a woman who joined i saw in syria 23 women had asked the court to allow their families to return home from the whole camp in Northern Syria but as lois lane reports now from the hague the judge ruled the mothers need not be sent back. Figuring out what to do with women and Children Associated with the enemy isnt a new problem for a country but when you bring i sill into the equation it becomes hugely controversial. At issue in the netherlands what to do about 23. 00 dutch women and their 56. 00 children under the age of 12 many born in the vast desperate el whole camp in Northern Syria their families have demanded they be brought home the government had said no thanks excel than i was even a kindler and for ordering in his ruling the judge demanded that the dutch state had a juicy to show it was trying to repatriate the children and their mothers to if the kurdish come command has said so and all within 14 days so if the kurdish resort authorities saying were only willing to give back the children if the dutch authorities also take back the women then thats the way it has to be and that has been the kurdish position until now they wont give any children unless the mothers are also brought back among the women there is child who was a little girl was innocent looking as anyone but a family say she suffered Mental Health issues growing up was targeted by eisel supporters in the netherlands and persuaded to go to syria to be a bride so a fighter and this is chatty and now she lost a foot in the explosion but she doesnt have children and so shes stuck her family a devastated we had her passport when we saw that she was running for 2nd travel to syria for the possible to wait for yes of course every family did that dutch government dont get their responsibility again they said yes there are dare its not our problems and its very hard to to hear that so what might the dutch government do now putting the onus on the dutch authorities to go into Northern Syria to get these women and children out is one thing whether the dutch are actually prepared to do it themselves is Something Else again because theyve always said its too dangerous but the americans have in some a sense of that theyre prepared to go into al hole to before the task for them very likely then that the dutch will be trying to outsource their own problem. The big problem in any number of European Countries is Public Opinion which overwhelmingly insists anyone who went to syria within the last 5 years you know exactly what they were doing and should lose their rights assuming they are brought home the next question will be what to do with them lawrence lee aljazeera the hague. Chief executives says he was wrong describe the murder of Jamal Khashoggi as a mistake daryn i made the comments during a recent interview in which he compared the journalists murdered by Saudi Arabian agents last year to a fake talent he caused by one of the driving cars a c. Says his remarks were made in the moment and were something he doesnt believe. Stargazers around the world that witnessed a rare show as mercury apos directly between the earth and the sun the smallest planets in our solar system could be seen as a tiny black discus have traveled across the Sun John Hendren aborts from chicago. Around the globe in fair weather and foul astronomers turned their telescopes to the sun was this little dot right here on monday the sun shone a little less brightly as mercury transited across it leaving a freckle of darkness on the message star for a small planet thats a pretty big deal transit or mercury is cool because it just doesnt happen all that often. A transit occurs when a planet like mercury or venus process face of the sun as seen from earth. Every century it only occurs for mercury 13 times there are only 2 planets between the earth and sun the last time mercury was visible crossing the solar face was in 2016 the next in 2032 transits a venus or even rarer if you missed it in 2012 and want to see it live healthfully it wont happen again till 2117 for centuries when mercury transit of the sun nobody noticed because its so small by comparison to give you an idea how small if this is the size of mercury that is the size of the sun. By watching the way planets cross the sun in our solar system scientists are able to identify new planets or exile planets in others more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered since 1992 universes billions of years own this like human life is only so short and theres only so many things we can see in our share a lot of time so for me its like being able to see as much as bad our universe as possible and learning more about the universe by watching a pinprick of darkness crawl across the sun helps those of us here on earth understand a little better how we fit into it john hendren aljazeera chicago. Time for a recap of the top stories here at aljazeera the Israeli Military says one of its air strikes has killed the commander of the armed Group Islamic jihad in gaza city israel has accused the iranian backed Palestinian Group of carrying out rocket attacks inside israel and to shut all gaza border crossings are a force that has more now from western. Israel says that they targeted that building he was sleeping in and killed him in a strike that took place about 4 30 in the morning local time thats about 2 and a half hours ago now and that they hold him responsible for a spate a rocket attacks that have been taking place from gaza into israeli territory over the course of the last year and syrian state t. V. Has reported there been casualties after an attack near the Lebanese Embassy in damascus state media also says a hostile target was shot down by the syrian army in a town west of the capital. In the coming hours bolivias former president is due to land in mexico where hes been granted political asylum ever morale has resigned on sunday after the military demanded he step down 11 weeks of protests over his disputed election. Americas oldest living president has been admitted to hospital in atlanta 95 year old jimmy carter is set to undergo a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain from bleeding after a series of falls he served as u. S. President 977 to 981. 2 speeding trains have collided in eastern bangladesh killing at least 15 people the trains were approaching on the same track from opposite directions in bremen barret district. Kerry has labeled protesters extremely selfish and says theyre trying to paralyze the city demonstrators are setting up barricades to stop traffic in the past few days theyve been some of the most violent protests since rallies began 5 months ago. You support a satellite an activist shot by police. A new bushfire has broken out across eastern australia fires near sydney have shrouded the city the smoke up to 600 schools and colleges have been closed as more than 70 fives burned across the state of New South Wales and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after counting the costs of station time so much and. Take hold hundreds of followers to a tropical. No one a student mr gates the secretive sect accused of abuse and violence featured. On aljazeera. Hello im Kemal Santamaria this is counting the cost on aljazeera and we feel that the world of business and economics this week. Is the birthplace of neo liberalism but will it also be the death of it by looking at how this doctrine has ended up undermining democracy over the past 4 decades and our case study is the south american countries hit by protests for nearly a month now also this week money makes the world go around but is there such a thing as the wrong kind of investment is a Corporate Tax dodge taking hold out there in its depriving the developing world of much needed money. And well take you to thailand one of the Worlds Largest Sugar Producers and export has but much of this sweet stuff shouldnt be here right now and thats not good

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