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The bona the end of the year. We begin to breaking news out of israel its military says one of its as strikes has killed the commander of the armed Group Islamic jihad the group and. Was killed in gaza city gazas Health Minister says a man and a woman have been killed in the strike israel has accused the iranian backed Palestinian Group of carrying out recent rocket attacks inside israel israel has now shot all of gazas border crossings lets go live to how the foresaid in western used them how are you just bring us up to date with these airstrikes what more can you tell us. Well we knew what you just said that the Israeli Military has claimed the strike that has killed. They say is a senior Islamic Jihad commander in the northern part of the gaza strip and as you say they have been blaming Islamic Jihad for the recent rounds of rocket attacks that have come out of gaza in recent months the kinds of escalations that weve seen which have led to israeli retaliatory strikes in the lead israel and gaza towards more and more difficult and dangerous territory in terms of those escalations however this in itself is potentially an extremely dangerous escalation israel has not targeted leadership in this way for some time and so this strike is i think excepted here to be one with which brings with it significant risks certainly in israel south they have closed schools for the day there have been rockets coming out of gaza already. Rockets are mornings have been flashing up and this is a situation which also feeds into an extremely tense and delicate political situation in israel Benjamin Netanyahu remains in charge of a Caretaker Administration after a 2nd inconclusive election within the space of a year hes just appointing today is the day that natalee bennett a new defense minister takes over israel says it is prepared for whatever happens that it is preparing its military to respond as is required but certainly this is a potentially extremely serious step up in this sort of long running confrontation of rockets and strikes that weve been seeing for well over a year now and how they just briefly are reluctant to see any response from the palestinian on groups in gaza. Well yes well really the rockets coming out the idea of a Senior Commander such as this is going to require a response troops in particular Islamic Jihad obviously israel says that it holds hamas responsible for everything that comes out of the gaza strip that is its policy however it has been making a distinction to some extent with these rockets when the when theyve been fired theyve been talking about Islamic Jihad theyve been talking about potential divisions within the armed factions inside gaza so that israel has decided to target specifically this senior Islamic Jihad figure however i think we can expect both hamas and cassandra gauge the military wing of hamas and Islamic Jihad to respond in force and so are up for another round of escalation almost certainly all right a hurry for set there in the west coast im sorry thank you for that and in another breaking story Syrian State Television is reporting the syrian army has fired on a quote hostile target west of the capital damascus its unclear what the target was or if it was brought down meanwhile syrian state media is also reporting an attack near the Lebanese Embassy in the syrian capital lets go live now to stephanie deca in beirut stephan lets talk 1st about this target that the Syrian Military said they fired on some reports suggesting its a draw and what more can you tell us. Here it is its unclear at the moment what is clear is that there has been an explosion around the magic area this is in the southwestern part of the syrian capital there are videos and pictures being uploaded to social media that show what appears to be a residential building on fire there are 2 different reports coming out that either a target was hit in a residential building as i just mentioned or at the air base which is a base used by the syrian army it has been struck before by israel for example targeting what the shipments to have by law so at the moment it is unclear but it is clear that something has been hit you mentioned the Syrian State News Agency saying that its air defense missiles 1 have been activated to intercept some form of projectile in the sky this all happened in the last hour or so so i think we have to wait and see as to the exact target and what has happened but certainly it is clear that there has been some form of an explosion in the syrian capital in the last hours of. The last about test of me because the syrian state media is also reporting an attack near the Lebanese Embassy in the syrian capital of these 2 incidents related. They could be there in a similar area daryn and the image there d which is southwest of the capital of damascus so as we know with these things when they happen initially there can be conflicting reports about the same incident certainly pictures that ive been seeing check cannot bear 5 showed. Residential building to be on fire d there are unconfirmed reports of casualties so its something were going to have to monitor again israel d targeted on d occasion weapons shipments deemed that were going to hezbollah through syria from iran 4 this is something that the israelis usually never confirm. But they have mentioned they have said in the part that this is a red line for them this is something that they will do again we dont know if this was israel we dont know what the target was but certainly i think people are off killing but whether israel has been extremely busy deceiving certainly as you just heard from mary targeting that leader of the palace the mechanic jihad and within similar timing this strike in damascus but again i think very early to any form of conclusion were still not sure as to what exactly the target was sponsible to stepney back of it in the lebanese capital stephanie thank you well adam iran is expected to arrive in mexico in the next few hours just a day after resigning as bolivias president hes been granted asylum by mexicos government meanwhile the country he leaves behind is bracing for more violence as thousands of marana supporters march towards the capital that has the army is conducting a joint operations with police against what they call examples around his resignation followed weeks of protests international monitors points to the regularities in last months elections Marianna Sanchez has more now from the power. He is on his way to mexico marcello what are the foreign minister of mexico said that they sent a plane that belongs to the government of mexico to secure a safe passage of the former president there they have a tradition of granting asylum so thats what they have done with president former president evo morales and also with 20 other former government officials who have taken refuge in residences here in the past. Residences that belong to the government of mexico now moralists as he was leaving were not sure if he said this from the airplane or as he was getting on the plane said that he was thankful for the government of mexico for taking care of his life lets not forget that hes been he has tweeted in the past 24 hours since he resigned that that there was an arrest order against him and that police were out to get him something that many politicians that weve spoken to have completely denied that there was no order of arrest against him then morales also said that it hurts to leave him for political reasons hes also been tweeting and saying that this is a result of a quoted top. Regional allies as we got our cuba venezuela have said that they support this version including mexico that this is a quote it stop. Meanwhile there would be imagined meeting of the organization of american states on tuesday to discuss bolivia u. S. President donald trump has weighed in saying morocco is his departure sends a message to venezuela and nicaragua that democracy will prevail in jordan has more now from washington d. C. The 1st message from u. S. Officials a day after. As bolivias president the Political Violence between all classes of the bolivian population needs to stop and needs to stop right now officials also told reporters during a background briefing on monday that they do not consider what happened politically inside libya to be a coup against government they say that today believe that a report put out by the organization of american states or. What kind of arms what they had been. More honest and members of his government fired the road up to october 20. 8th they do not believe that anyone who is a member of. Political party who was involved in what theyre calling an electoral fraud should be allowed to stand to replace him as the new president when elections are held perhaps in the next 90 days finally these u. S. Officials also said that they are very concerned about the rule of law being respected but they said it is noteworthy that the military obeyed a law that it been recently passed basically preventing them from getting involved in the security situation because of longstanding historical fears of another military junta taking power not to speeding trains have collided in eastern bangladesh killing at least 15 people the trains were approaching on the same track from opposite directions and Brahman Baria district dozens of people have already been taken to hospital. Ill concede a carrier has labeled protesters as extremely selfish and says theyre trying to paralyze the city demonstrators are now setting up barricades to stop traffic heading into the city center in the past few days that in some of the most violent protests since rallies began 5 months ago a pro beijing supporter was set alight and a lot of it was shot by police will do the good pollen joins us live now from hong kong t. V. So this is the 2nd time that kerry has spoken in 2 days what motive she have to say. Thats right the 2nd time shes spoken in the last 24 hours this time as you say shes put the onus firmly in the protest on the protesters saying that their violent actions are causing disruptions that inconvenience to this city as you said was calling them selfish she also tried to reassure the public saying that the Government Departments and various transportation departments are trying to put the infrastructure back in place to circumvent the blockades and the general strike as being called by the protesters to limit the effects and allow people to go on with their daily lives but saying that several metro stations thats one of the main mode of transportation for most people here in hong kong have been shut down due to the fact that police riot police have fired tear gas in them and there are been protests in them so governor it seems that the governments attempts to limit the effect of these blow kates are of the civil disobedience is exacerbating the situation here and david just tell us where you are and whats been happening there with the protest. Thats right i mean one of the universities now several universities are having protests today there has been chair gets fired at several universities about 10 universities have also shut down classes have been canceled this is not the focal point it seems of the protest Movement Ever since the violence we saw on monday a lot of University Students have taken it upon themselves to join the Movement Even if they werent part of it before im at City University its one its a Prestigious University here in hong kong the protesters have set up blockades and barricades as you can see theyre blocked one of the intersections here this is not one of the main roads used and so transports can still circumvent this area but the Shopping Mall nearby has also been shut down with fears that protesters will start taking their action there right police have tried to clear this area with little luck they have come far tear gas even rubber bullets and bean bag rounds protesters left the area and came right back and set up the blockades it seems like this is the kind of day we. All right so that was a difficult problem that just giving us an update on events in hong kong but its time for a short break on aljazeera when we come back a court rules netherlands masri palgrave the children of dutch woman were joined by some in syria but its unclear what will happen to the mothers plus a renewed push to head to the polls the main political factions in the palestinian territories for elections more than a status. Color weve had some rather lively whether its a part of the middle east recently not quite as expensive over the next couple of days ago but you seem right is no way over towards afghanistan a little bit of clout there into where pakistan nothing much to speak of couple of around 14. In karate destroy a cross iran now into iraq into kuwait nasi fire and try over towards the levant as well little bit of cloud just making its way out of that eastern side of here as we go on through wednesday just heading over towards the caspian sea no great change in conditions at this stage just notice eastern possibilities down could see a little bit of weather to go on into was a staple for much of the region it is dry it will be largely dry across iraq minister as well following on from the excitement of the last 24 hours or so chad just getting up to around 29. 00 or 30 again in doha that a bit of chatter to central and northern parts of saudi arabia could squeeze a spot of rain in southern parts of amman catch a spotter right or 2 here as well kenny right in the forecast for southern parts of south africa over the next day or so and the eastern cape it looks rather disturbed and those showers they push up and the pulse water does in bob way and into zambia over the next couple of days. Whether sponsored by catalona. What are you protesting about how does this impact whether on line will i face mental state im directly out of trance like its slavery or if you join us on sat this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice Climate Change is real the discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick reminder the top stories here at this hour the Israeli Military says one of its astronauts is in the command of the armed group of Islamic Jihad in gaza city israel has accused the iranian boats honesty and group of carrying out rocket attacks inside israel and has shocked old gaza border crossings in another breaking news story Syrian State Television reports theyve been casualties after on a tuck near the Lebanese Embassy in damascus state media also says a hostile target was shot down by the syrian army in a town west of the capital. And in the coming hours bolivias former president is due to land in mexico where he granted political asylum to the morale is resigning on sunday after the military demanded he step down. He bushfires a broken out across eastern australia sydney is now shrouded in smoke and soaring temperatures in the high winds fanning flames towards its outer suburbs the regions been designated a catastrophic fire danger for tuesday up to 600 schools and colleges have also been closed more than 75 as a banana. The state of New South Wales under these sorts of conditions there is a significant amount of unpredictability instability and aggressive far behavior and far spread you we know that under 100. 00 days of catastrophic if a far starts and takes hold if we are not there so quickly that we can bring it under control if it takes hold we are not going to stop it we are not going to control farmers and a catastrophic conditions we have the ability to develop and grow extremely quickly under thomas has more now from sydney. Authorities in australia are well used to these bushfires and they have a 6 point scale of which catastrophic is the very highest warning level that they can issue and its based largely on weather conditions on tuesday is expected to be very very hot high thirtys right across New South Wales and parts of queensland as well the winds are likely to be very very strong already theyre picking up but theyre gusting later on today as predicted at 80 even 90 kilometers an hour and there is a lot of very dry fuel for the fires to burn there means trees that means shrubs that havent had water for months and months theres been a serious drought right across southeastern australia in recent months and years all these things combined mean conditions are as bad as they can get on the one hand its about fires that are already burning and there are more than 50 across New South Wales alone and an increasing number of those already on tuesday are going out of control the authorities have not managed to contain them and they are beginning to impact on peoples homes and playful places of work and thats one concern the other concern is that new fires start in the winds for example power lines can fall over sparking new fires and once a fire starts in these winds and in this heat its very very hard to put them out the big concern is around the suburbs of sydney sydney a very highly populated city but its largely been carved out of the bush as its called in australia and the concern is when i meet people thats when you lose lives so. A doing all they can and if you warnings to get people to think about what theyre going to do in their head of time to evacuate and to be extremely conscious of even the smallest box and to put those out fast because once fires are burning in these conditions its almost impossible to put them out. For us come out on our top stories bolivias president of iran is heading to mexico and ask him or nothing john holeman hes in mexico city john so just talk us through what help did mexico give to get out of bolivia and when to do to land there in mexico where you are. We know that hes on his way now we dont know when hes due to land it could be 3 or 4 hours the plane that went to get him from mexico refueled in lima so if theyre doing the same thing on the way back its going to be quite a while before he arrives here he has been sharing photos of the mets can foreign minister actually has been sharing photos of expresident now moralists on board the plane hes holding up the mets can fly he looks pretty tired the expresident now morale is well also tweeted a couple of hours ago another photo of where he spent the night before this what he said my 1st night outside of the presidency and it shows him basically in a very makeshift sort of almost like a tent within a very humble room so obviously life just changed completely from him on sunday morning he woke up and he was the longest standing leader in latin america at that point and now hes flying to exile here in mexico yeah john i would a difference a day makes and how will mexicans be reacting to the news of morale as is seeking refuge there i mean mexicos foreign minister even described events in bolivia as a coup. I think theyll be mixed reaction because definitely a lot of interest i think im not sure how much. See but were just outside the hangar the president to hang in here we think that plane suits alone theres already quite a lot of different media teams here. That of that have also come out to try and see what happens i dont think you can see the hangar behind us but there has been a lot of interest in this country president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and his government are from the left so theyve since this is all been happening have been sort of saying that they support president were is president Lopez Obrador has said that he thinks his decision to resign he respects that because it was to try and avoid more bloodshed think mexico is going to be somewhat deployed did as it has been built between the left and right here about how its actually going to be received by the government at least president got his orbitals many supporters a popular president here he will be well received then we have to see what happens to him next he said that he just could be in mexico to he gets fresh energy to return but what happens in bolivia theres a lot of violence a lot of destruction thats going on on the streets there so everything still up in the air over the John Heilemann there live for us in mexico city john thank you Turkeys Interior Ministry says the country has begun a program to repatriate captured i saw fighters an american and a german were deported on monday with a Danish National expects to follow fighters from france and the netherlands essential to be deported in the coming days Officials Say over 1200. 00 eyes will fight his account of being held in turkish prisons for meanwhile a dutch court has ordered the netherlands to repatriate more than 50 children a woman who joined i saw in syria 23 had asked the court to allow their families to return home from the al whole camp in Northern Syria but as long as the reports now from the hague the judge ruled the mothers need not be sent back for figuring out what to do with women and Children Associated with the enemy isnt a new problem for a country but when you bring i still into the equation it becomes hugely controversial. At issue in the netherlands what to do about 23. 00 dutch women and their 56. 00 children under the age of 12 many born in the vast desperate el whole camp in Northern Syria their families have demanded they be brought home the government had said no thanks excel than ours even the kindler and for ordering in his ruling the judge demanded that the dutch state had a juicy to show it was trying to repatriate the children and their mothers to if the kurdish come command has said so and all within 14 days so if the kurdish resort authority saying were only willing to give back the children if the dutch authorities also take back the women then thats the way it has to be and that has been the kurdish position until now they wont give any children unless the mothers are also brought back among the women there is chaiyya who is a little girl was innocent looking as anyone but a family say she suffered Mental Health issues growing up was targeted by eisel supporters in the netherlands and persuaded to go to syria to be a bride so a fighter and this is chatty and now she lost a foot in the explosion but she doesnt have children and so she stuck her family devastated we had her passport when we saw that she was running for 2nd travel to syria for the possible to wait for yes of course every family did that dutch government dont get their responsibility again they said yes there are dire its not our problems and its very hard to to hear that so what might the dutch government do now putting the onus on the dutch authorities to go into Northern Syria to get these women and children out is one thing whether the dutch are actually prepared to do it themselves is Something Else again because theyve always said its too dangerous but the americans have in some a say to that theyre prepared to go into al hole to perform the task for them very likely then that the dutch will be trying to outsource their own problem the big problem in a number of European Countries is Public Opinion which overwhelmingly insists anyone who went to syria within the last 5 years knew exactly what they were doing and should lose their rights assuming they are brought home the next question will be what to do with them Lawrence Lee Al Jazeera the hague. Tubas chief executive says he was wrong to describe the murder of Jamal Khashoggi as a mistake. Or how she made the comments during a recent interview in which he compared the journalists murdered by saudi arabia last year to a fake talent he caused by one of driving cars c. E. O. Says his remarks were made in the moment and was something he doesnt believe americas oldest living president has been admitted to hospital in atlanta 95 year old jimmy carter is said to undergo a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain from bleeding after a series of fools he served as u. S. President from 177 to 981. Doctors and democratic republic of congo have told al jazeera they have to reduce the number of a bowl of cases does erode by the end of the year more than 2000 people including 160. 00 Health Workers have died since the most recent outbreak began last year catherine so reports now from mangina where the 1st case was diagnosed. I see why is what is known as an airborne a Contact Trace off from the northeastern city of benny in the democratic republic of congo she looks for people who have come in contact with a ball of patience and mourn and has their health for 21. 00 days but that was fast morning stop is the home of a woman whose they died of the disease this month and then another neighbor where tended the burial this is not an easy job if you go in and out with sometimes people are hostile others go into hiding or dont give their proper address but we explain to them that what were doing is for their own good the number of people becoming sick has reduced in auburn towns and cities like benny but doctors are still struggling to contain the disease in the villages father out as we head to mangina town the number of stops on the road for people to wash their hands and have the temperature checked tells us approaching ground 0 its in villages in this area where the fast cases of the fall of i discovered nearly a year and a half ago. Lost 13 relatives including his mother and then we got sick 1st relatives nursed her until she died when we buried her and thats how more people got sick. Some communities have been hostile to Health Visitors resisting attempts to get help several Treatment Centers and thousands of Health Workers have been attacked educating people about their ball issue is a big priority. For example here the everyday life. And the time theyre not getting on was. I mean this is like the you remember how the bill of the morning responders are all to wacky in volatile areas where rebel fighters ambush villages at will while Health Organization Officials Say despite this problems theyre hoping to have 0 a bullet cases by the end of the 2 is important to make sure the situation in hartford i talked about is under control. The challenge is 1000000 term of security but also making sure that you dont have. Big cities like. The market in beni as kittys performed simulating a death and safe burial its a serious story told in a simple way the performers hope it will drive the point home that it is real and dangerous can be treated if detected early Catherine Story aljazeera mangina eastern democratic republic of congo. Part of a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera the Israeli Military says one of its ass strikes has killed the commander of the armed Group Islamic jihad in gaza city israel has accused the iranian backed Palestinian Group of carrying out recent rocket attacks inside israel and a shot all of gaza border crossings how to force it as more from western muslim. They have been blaming Islamic Jihad off for the recent rounds of rocket attacks that have come out of gaza in recent months the kinds of escalations that weve seen which have led to israeli retaliatory as strikes in the lead israel in gaza towards more and more difficult and dangerous territory in terms of those escalations however this in itself is potentially an extremely dangerous escalation israel has not targeted the leadership in this way to some time and in another breaking story Syrian State Television reports theyve been casualties after an attack near the Lebanese Embassy in damascus state media also says a hostile target was shot down by the syrian army in a town west of the capital in the coming hours bolivias former president is due to land in mexico isnt granted political asylum iran has resigned on sunday after the military demanded he step down because leader carol lam has labeled protest as extremely selfish and says theyre trying to paralyze the city demonstrators are now setting up barricades to stop traffic heading into the city center in the past few days have been some of the most violent protests and rallies began 5 months ago a pro beijing supporter was set alight an activist was shot by police. New bushfires are broken out across eastern australia via as near sydney have shrouded the city as smoke. The region has been designated a catastrophic fire danger for tuesday up to 600 schools and colleges have now been closed as more than 70 fires across the state of New South Wales. Americas oldest living president has been admitted to hospital in atlanta 95 year old jimmy carter set to undergo a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain from bleeding after a series of falls he served as u. S. President to 7 and i think he won those are the headlines continues. After the st stage of themselves but. There are we. Believe in the 2 state solution do you still believe in the 2 state solution we listen what i said was that pakistan would never start a war and to walk we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter is their own. And here in the stream today should twitter allow political ads we ask what role social media plays in politics and what impact a ban on political ads will hop join the conversation tweet us at a. J. Stream or leave a comment on our live chat and you too will be in the stream. Twitters c. E. O. Jack dorsey recently announced that the company will no longer allow political advertisements on its platform the move the company says is to make sure politicians and political campaigns tell voters the whole truth its the 1st such declaration

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