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To the president has announced tough new measures in an effort to stop 3 weeks of antigovernment protests descending into more rioting and looting president Sebastian Pinera is proposing laws to congress to toughen penalties for looting and acts of violence especially by people hiding their faces with hoods and mosques but a protest is attacked upscale areas of the capital santiago on wednesday a series of concession measures have failed to pacify the protesters who are angry at economic inequality with latin america at its newman is live from the capital santiago you see how significant these new measures. Hello charlie well they are and theyre clearly a response to growing pressure on the president not so much from the people who are out in the streets protesting clearly but rather from his own support base right behind me is the headquarters of a Political Party that is part of the Ruling Coalition and it was attacked by a group of people according to its leaders to the leaders of the party this was a coordinated effort it was sacked theyre trying to rebuild it now there are police that you can see behind me that are trying to protect the outside and there is this fear certainly in growing parts of the country and the city that this situation is getting out of control the least in terms of being able to stop violent groups from carrying out acts of looting and vandalism in general so the problem is that he has been focusing mainly on that and he hasnt said very much at all about increasing penalties against abuses by the police for example and thats going to perhaps make the protesters who are going to continue coming out on the streets and already they are doing so in about an hour there should georgia come to this neighborhood yet again if they can make it this far that is making the very angry because these days believe that he is not being even handed when it comes to the criticism of abuses so how are these measures going to be received by those been protesting peacefully for the last few weeks. As i say i dont think that theyre going to be very happy about them although some people most of the peaceful demonstrators say that they dont want violence but i dont know if this is going to provoke those who are carrying it out even more were going to have to wait and see that in the meantime and i need to tell you that in a few more hours the president is going to be meeting with the National Security council of chile which is this hasnt happened since 2014 a very very rarely meets and that kind of gives you an idea of just how house. Severe or rather how serious the situation is you see in human thank you from santiago. The death of a protester on wednesday night has brought the number killed in violent protests in bolivia to 3 parts of the capital it has been lit up in the early hours of thursday as rival demonstrate to groups clashed with each other. Sporadic and intense demonstrations have gripped the country since the disputed election last month opposition supporters say the result was riggs to allow president even morale is to stay on for another 5 years hes already been in power for 13 years iran has accused the opposition of trying to stage a coup and there have been intense clashes between rival protesters in the bolivian town of the mayor of the town was attacked by opposition supporters patricio out of say was dragged through the streets barefoot covered in red paint and activists forcibly cut her hair her office was set alight in the windows of the town hall with smashed protests is accused of having bustin supporters of the president to try to break a blockade. At least 4 antigovernment protesters have been shot dead by Security Forces in iraqs capital baghdad clashes broke out as demonstrators tried to remove barriers needing to 2 bridges ahead of baghdad Security Forces say there is now a bad on the use of military grade take aspirin its on demonstrators off to Amnesty International said they were used to kill protest is not. A crackdown against mostly unarmed protesters has killed more than 260 people since unrest broke out. Destroy the country. For 16 years gets out enough we dont want you the Security Forces of both the ministries of defense under. You why are you supposed to these parties these parties should be rooted out. The form a National Security advisor to us President Donald Trump has failed to appear before the impeachment inquiry john bolton was formally invited to testify on thursday but his lawyer quickly made it clear that his client was unwilling to voluntarily bolton he was fired by trump in september says he will only be willing to testify if a federal court backed a subpoena. Investigation centers on whether president abused his power by pressuring ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden. Joins us now live from washington d. C. So didnt appear today how likely is it that we are going to see him give evidence in this impeachment inquiry. Well Charlie Bolton a house to decide between competing directives from 2 branches of the u. S. Government the white house has ordered him not to talk that hasnt stopped all the witnesses though he is siding though on the air on the caution because the congress is asking him to appear in a legally ordered subpoena and thats why boltons Attorney Says now its going to be up to a court to tell his client exactly which side to obey and his no shows today on capitol hill was a great disappointment to democrats because bolton has so much potential to really sell the story about why democrats want to impeach trump bolton has the standing the credibility and most likely the motivation to really spill the beans on his old boss President Donald Trump if you look at his standing standing when he was the National Security adviser he was right in the room for these internal private deliberations that went into why the president withheld close to 400 dollars 1000000 dollars of security to ukraine bolton has the credibility because he comes from the far right he was never a affiliated with any democrats theres no accusations of him being a quote unquote never trumper and finally guest to this motivation element previous witnesses have said that he was very concerned even upset that he was being cut out of these policy deliberations toward ukraine which is really what his job was he called this rogue policy a drug deal in which trump was pressuring using his subordinates or pressure the government of ukraine to open investigations into trumps political rivals in the u. S. So the question though is whether how and how much motivation bolton has to come forward with this story he was fired and his chums. He was fired bolton says that he resigned over policy disputes with the president and now it may be up to a court and we dont know how long that would take to make a ruling on whether or not bolton should appear now an adviser to Vice President might pedants Jennifer Williams did appear today how significant could her testimony be. Well williams is the ukraine and russia expert advising the Vice President and she listened to the phone call in july in which trump asked the president of ukraine to do him the favor of opening these investigations into his political rivals also williams was in attendance in a meeting between her boss the Vice President and the list is alinsky in which the lewinsky open that meeting saying where is this money that ukraine was counting on to help defend itself against russia other witnesses said the Vice President had no answer to that and was going to get trump involved but then right after that meeting on the sidelines lower level aides made the explicit request to an advisor to the president of ukraine saying unless you krane says publicly that its opening these investigations there would be no aid money and all of that boils down to the heart of this impeachment inquiry its the question of whether trump used u. S. Foreign policy for the purpose of furthering his personal political ambitions over the interests of National Security and that case will now be made starting next week directly into the living rooms of the American Public who will for the 1st time be able to see more of these testimonies in the open theyve only occurred behind closed doors up until this point but democrats are hoping to give that case directly with these public hearings starting next wednesday castro from washington d. C. Thank you. And in the last few minutes weve heard that a judge in new york has ordered President Donald Trump to pay 2000000. 00 for misusing his Charitable Foundation to further his political and business interests the judges also signed off on an agreement to close the trump foundation. Still to come this hour a former colleague warlord known as the terminator is sentenced to 30 years in prison for murder rape and conscripting child soldiers. And how the issue of catalonia is set to divide spaniards in left 2nd general election this year. How the autumns gnome a time of big contrast and big changes this is no exception Eastern Europe is completely different the west is quite warm despite the cloud in the east of the south and its getting colder in the west these doctored clouds in the bay of biscay are rain at the moment but when they come to slightly Higher Ground overnight in Northern Spain in the pyrenees and the alps they produce a bit is snow in the thames trends of a 12 degrees in madrid only 5 in zurich and a cold day to start the sunshine in london but look at this where the sun is blowing book rest is up to 21 degrees in between the 2 the active front yet more rain is likely and we were to seeing floods in montenegro in albania and its really looks progun to the same sort of thing if not on friday then also asses all moving down through sicily towards greece as well the place to watch. Points contrast here this is bucharest weve had 25 degrees in the last 3 days that is the november record really one below it on saturday certain remains warm sunny i have to say in this part of europe. Just south of the measurements along the coast of morocco algeria tunisia breeze kits a bit chilly and the increasing cloud might even bring some rain to algiers on saturday. Story 1400 years. A story of success. The story of dispute. The girl of. Her minder the top stories here on aljazeera chiles president has announced a raft of new penalties against protesters as he fights to end weeks of unrest the measures target looters and vandals especially those wearing hoods or mosques. For antigovernment protesters have been shot dead in baghdad Security Forces a stopping them from getting nic government buildings. And president s president trumps former National Security adviser john bolton says he will only appear before the impeachment inquiry if he is subpoenaed in a court. French president emanuel macro has criticized nato describing it as brain dead in an interview with the economist magazine macro warns European Countries they can no longer rely on the United States to defend the alliance he says the u. S. Under donald trump appears to be turning its back on its commitment to nato german chancellor Angela Merkel says she disagrees with quote drastic. The International Criminal court in the netherlands has sentenced a former congressmans rebel leader to 30 years in prison the harshest penalty ever given oscar and to gander was convicted of 18 war crimes including murder rape and using child soldiers from care were donna eastern democratic republic of congo catherine so i reports. Rape and conscripting children as soldiers offenses committed by. That along with other war crimes have led to him being sentenced to 3 decades in prison he ordered fighters to carry out attacks in the tory province over to yes in 200220032 drive out one Ethnic Community judges of the International Criminal court in the hague described his involvement in atrocities carried out by rebel soldiers as a substantial for rape of civil unions as a crime against humanity and as a war crime went the 8 years for a murder and attempted attempted murder as a crime against humanity and as a war crime said he is for prosecution as a crime against humanity said 2 years of imprisonment we move into gander was called the time in a town by people in eastern democratic republic of congo the crimes committed by the patch arctic force for the liberation of congo rebel group included modern Sexual Violence and the sexual slavery of female child soldiers one as young as 9 and tug on the lead the military wing Thomas Lubanga was the head of the group and is serving 14 years in jail at the i. C. C. This man says his 2 brothers were killed by the fighters with a deeper meaning to the we lost many family members Sisters Brothers uncles we also lost a lot of property. Eatery might be the focus of this case but in another town more than 800 kilometers south victims of a massacre 150 people were killed in one day in 2006 have been following Court Proceedings kinley they claim to have done to was one of the leaders of rebel fighters who attacked their villages in q one and was in charge of the killings almost everyone here in q 1. 00 lost a loved one of those we talked to said. That and the fighters he led them off protecting a rival rebel they also say they want justice killed were in the queue and rebecca shows us has scars she says her husband and one year old son were killed in. Whats happening with and tug on the should be a deterrent to all those who want to come and terrorize us in the villages those people destroyed our lives and is the 4th person to be convicted by the i. C. C. Turi sais he deserves to be in jail for life. One job is still waiting for Justice Catherine saw aljazeera q one job east and democratic republic of congo. Became a faster as president says his Security Forces will hunt down the people responsible for killing at least 47. 00 employees of a Mining Company gunmen attacked a convoy of 5 buses from a canadian owned mine named in the east of the country despite a military escort more than 50 people were wounded no one has claimed responsibility but groups linked to iso and al qaeda have staged dozens of attacks in the region in recent years. In an address to the nation president has called for his people to unite to tackle the violence. New forest. We must remain dignified and courageous thats why i willing gauge the defense and Security Forces to track these terrorists and i call all of our people to mobilize against the terrorists i ordered the recruitment of volunteers for the defense of the homeland in the throat only a general mobilization of the sons and daughters of the nation without any consideration for the region ethnicity political opinion and religious faith can defeat these murderous faithless lawless who dream of submitting our mission and our courageous people to their mercy south sudans president and Opposition Leader have been given another 100 days to reach an agreement over forming a unity government president salva kiir and his longtime rival react which are met face to face in the ugandan capital come part of the talks brokered by neighboring sudan and uganda the 2 men fell out in 2013 sparking a conflict that left hundreds of thousands dead regional leaders agreed next tuesdays deadline was too soon for them to resolve their differences. The leaders of a band the cambodian Opposition Party have been blocked from returning home sam rainsy and new secure have been living in selfimposed exile and were stopped from boarding flights in paris and malaysia they vowed to return this week to lead demonstrations against cambodian Prime Minister hun sen Robert Malley has more. From his home in paris sam rainsy says hes determined to return to cambodia hes been in exile for much of the past decade raese says he wants to gather other opposition politicians from the band Cambodian National rescue party to lead protests against Prime Minister. Was telling us he says its to restore democracy to the country but as he arrived as an airport in paris in an effort to return home this happened and not enough for me. And the allowed to vote because the international. Right for his authority. They certainly have received from very high up the structure not to allow the people his deputy musak is one of several Opposition Leaders who fled from cambodia fearing arrest she to try to return to cambodia but was detained after landing in malaysia and since being released a day before her News Conference in jakarta was interrupted by the come podium ambassador to indonesia so youre here and this is a. Very kind. But shes a. Shes a criminal we have chosen to go back home to cambodia by land. We have high hopes that high land that is a chair. Would be on the side cambodian democrat. Partys acting leader sam rainsy has been part of cambodias political fold for decades he was a finance minister under a unity government in the early 1990 s. The 400 senseis power in a coup in 1970 he says had his own Opposition Party but he left cambodia many times to avoid government charges against him cambodians trying to bully all its neighbors keep c. N. R. Exiles out or arrest them and send them back we dont think that anybody is going to actually cambodia dirty work to arrest people and actually. Argue c. N. R. Fissionables like all cambodians have the right to return to their country. Sam rainsy says hes ready to return home and bring in and Prime Minister hun sens government and restore democracy in cambodia even if it means prison or worse. The speaker of Lebanons Parliament says he will nominate saad hariri to be the countrys new Prime Minister just a week after he resigned from the row a rare he was forced out after almost a month of protests and has been exploring the possibility of forming a technocratic government but demonstrators according for a complete overhaul of the political system that concerned that no makers like speak a nappy barry has been in his position since 1902 will ignore their demands. Iran has canceled the accreditation of an International Atomic Energy Agency inspector who was stopped from entering a Nuclear Facility last week to iran says it stopped the entering than a tense uranium enrichment plant because she tested positive for traces of explosives the u. S. Has called her brief detention and outrageous acts of intimidation this is iran rolls back on another commitment under the 2050 nuclear deal resuming enriching uranium at one of its underground facilities. Has more from tehran. The latest incident about the specter of being briefly detained in iran what happened last week when this female inspector was entering that tense Nuclear Facility according to the authorities here she was discovered with what theyre calling suspicious material she was then briefly detained and later her credentials were taken away from her this comes at a time when iran is scaling back its commitment to the nuclear deal which has placed about 150 i. E. Inspectors inside the country the reigning president Hassan Rouhani announced the 4th phase of iran scaling back its commitment and that is the restarting of 4 grow Nuclear Facility now this is a facility that has the capability to enrich uranium up to 20 percent and under the nuclear deal of 2015 this facility became a Research Facility only but as of thursday no longer is one it is now operational all this is happening because iran says since the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal last year and imposed a series of sentients on iran the remaining signatories of that are there europeans are not upholding their end of the deal now until the europeans show that there is still committed to this deal iran will continue to scale back its commitments and they are urging the europeans to return to full compliance to the deal and when that happens iran will do the same. A Doctors Without Borders hospital in yemen has been forced to shot after a missile and drone attack in the red sea city of maka the government says nearby warehouses used by its allies with a target of the attack causing huge explosions which killed 8 people none of the hospitals patients or doctors were killed or injured the government is accusing the rebels of carrying out the strike. At least 9 people have drowned trying to reach Spains Canary islands the Authorities Say their boat capsized when it hit rocks close to lands a received early on wednesday 15 migrants were thought to be on board the dinghy when it set off from agra dear in morocco 4 people were rescued another 2 a missing on sunday voters in spain go to the polls for the 2nd time this year the election was called in september after the socialist failed to gain enough Parliamentary Support to form a government one of the key issues will be an independence for catalonia a divisive issue that recently sparked violent protests in barcelona journal reports from barcelona. When Spain Supreme Court found 9 catalan separatist leaders guilty of sedition in the pursuit of independence shock quickly turned to anger on the streets of barcelona were sent along to a series of late night confrontations with police and the question of capital and independence came to dominate yet another Election Campaign spains force in 4 years. Its a very difficult moment on india and i can only speak for myself not for others because people have reacted in different ways. Husband joachim was catalonia interior minister when the region held its illegal referendum on independence in 2017 he was given a 9 year jail sentence. Did. I think this ends any hope of reconciliation and also any confidence that people had to find a political solution there was a time for that but i think its over now. The clamor for independence that divides the country also divides catalans a greater proportion of whom according to the polls dont support the cause like business owner. Societies in order to to grow to develop they need stability stability is the main ground for confidence when this confidence and the Companies Invest consumers spend money everything its a whole everything its at this moment stable so at this moment without we can say that we are society on whole it looks as if one so again a divided catalonia will not find comfort in the ballot box its true that the session ist question is the big issue in this election but thats mainly because the big parties are competing against one another over who takes the hardest line against cattle and independents at the landing and it has captured all this of benson and then last another level because its. Like. Silence of the status quo in this that reality of the of this theyd and its a challenge that nobody seems to have any answer for you know not so far i would say. My impression is that this is going to be enough sort of like us they made a situation for a few years the polls predict no majority with a socialist leader Pedro Sanchez is expected to score highest and will likely try again to form a coalition but no scenario offers hope to the separatist cause in catalonia so the scenes that followed the sentencing of its leaders in october may turn out to be among the last desperate throws of a movement with nowhere left to turn jonah hold aljazeera barcelona. Pollution levels in indias capital new delhi have declined slightly but its still very unhealthy according to Data Collected by the us embassy the capital remains engulfed in thick smoke in the river yamuna has been covered by throw off touch turned up by polluted currents officials have declared a Public Health emergency and restricted the use of private cars in an effort to tackle it. New zealand has passed a Climate Change law aimed at reducing its net Carbon Emissions to 0 by 2050 the bill cleared parliament with near unanimous support and will require the government to prepare measures that minimise the impact of Climate Change an independent commission will also be formed to monitor progress on reducing emissions Prime Minister dissin dodd and says she believes the door puts new zealand on the right side of history. And south africas World Champion Rugby Union Team cant be accused of downplaying the world cup victory theyve started a mammoth 5 day victory parade across the nation it starts in front of hundreds of thousands of cheering fans in johannesburg see the 1st black captain to win the sports biggest prize showed off the trophy to the crowds south africa and won the tournament for the 3rd time when they beat england on saturday in japan. The top stories here on aljazeera chiles president has announced a raft of new penalties against protesters as he fights to end weeks of on rests the best in pena is measures aimed at people looting or carrying out acts of violence in the course of protests the punishment increases if the person is wearing a hood or mosque prosecutors are now investigating 800. 00 allegations of abuse by Police Including rape. At least 4 antigovernment protesters have been shot dead by Security Forces in iraq capital baghdad more than 40 people were injured after Government Forces fired live rounds and tear gas theyve been trying to remove barriers preventing them from accessing the green zone where government buildings located. To destroy the country you plundered our wells for 16 years get out enough we dont want you the Security Forces of both the ministries of defense and interior with you hitting us why are you subordinate to these parties these parties should be rooted out no party. President trumps former National Security adviser john bolton says he will appear before the impeachment inquiry if it subpoenas him to compel him but hes also threatening to take the Democratic Committee to court if it does so he has been requested to chair at the inquiry on thursday but did not attend the president s accused of pressuring the ukrainian leader to investigate his democrat rival joe biden. Cambodias exiled Opposition Leader sam rainsy said hes been blocked from returning to the country from france the deputy leader of his cambodia National Rescue party was also detained in malaysia when she attempted to fly home and planned to set off a National Movement against autocratic Prime Minister hun sen. And congolese warlord who was known as the terminator has been given the International Criminal courts longest ever prison sentence 30 years ago and to gander was found guilty in july of war crimes including murder rape and sexual slavery the judge stopped short of giving him a life sentence for the crimes committed during a bloody ethnic conflict in 2002 those are the top stories stay with us the stream is up next looking at how indias decision to revoke kashmirs autonomy has had an impact on identity. And i welcome to the stream indias government now has direct control over kashmir but what does the end of the territories semi autonomy mean for People Living that if any ok imo it could be a god send us your thoughts on whats happening in kashmir through twitter and you tube. It is now 3 months since indias government sent thousands of extra troops to jammu and kashmir and ended 7 decades a special status now the region has been divided board under federal control the government says the new union

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