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Begins with joran from the historic powers climate agreement which trump has called unfair. Hello iran has accused the u. S. Of bullying off to impose new sanctions that came a few hours after iran said it would take another step away from the 2015 nuclear deal the head of the countrys Atomic Energy Organization Says it is now offering twice as many advanced centrifuges dosage of body reports from to her own. The head of irans Atomic Energy organization at one of the countrys most important Nuclear Facilities this is where Ali Akbar Salehi announced that iran has now added another 30 advanced centrifuges mahabharata zines. We werent supposed to have 30 chinese centrifuges we wanted to work on it after we tested 20 chinese centrifuges then 3 to 4 years later to work on the 30 chinese centrifuges but we faced political challenges and senior authorities decided to show irans potential power and determination this is another step taken by iran to scale back its commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal authorities here say since the United States withdrew last year and imposed if syriza further sanctions on iran the remaining european signatories have yet to uphold their end of the green meant and until they do iran will continue to advance its nuclear program. That is something the European Union is continuing to warn against we have continued torch run to reverse such steps without delay and to refrain from any further measures that would undermine the nuclear deal you know that we as the European Union remain committed to the implementation of the j c p a way because its a matter of respecting International Agreement its a matter of our security but we have also been consistent in saying that commitment that our commitment to the nuclear deal depends on the full compliance by this announcement was made on the 40th anniversary of the takeover of the former u. S. Embassy in tehran where thousands gathered to mark the occasion they were demanding the return of the former Shah Mohammad reza pat levy to iran to stand trial the shah had been allowed into the u. S. To receive medical treatment for cancer those antiamerican sentiments are still strong and for many here the United States withdrawal from the nuclear deal is yet another example president Hassan Rouhani will be officially announcing a wrong course happening reducing its commitments to daisy you know it very soon but after mondays announcement by your tomic interview organization there will likely be more concern and criticism about Irans Nuclear ambitions in the days ahead north of the bari alpha 0 tax on. Rudd is a senior fellow at the National Iranian American Council she says the tensions between tehran and washington they back to the iran hostage crisis. The timing obviously from the american psycho and siding with the 40th anniversary of the hostage crisis is important because if you look at the history of the United States and iran policy and 1979 is a watershed moment its a turning point in how the u. S. Views iran how americans view iran and has affected u. S. Policy views of iran ever since that 40 years of sort of and it that we see between the 2 sides starts with the hostage taking in november 170 now well the iranian government certainly uses the hostage crisis symbolically as well from the iranian Historical Perspective what we have to understand about november 179 is that what the fear was amongst the iranians was that there would be a 2nd crew that would take out that reinstates the shop because he had been allowed to keep because he had been admitted into the United States 2 weeks earlier that goes back to the 1953 coup which was led by the cia and overthrew Prime Minister mossad and reinstated the shop so there was a very real fear that there would be a repeat of that 26 years later in 1079 other thing to mark historically is that while the revolution happened in february of 979 United States hadnt broken diplomatic relations so this didnt happen until november of mountains that. One could think that there was the potential of actually having diplomatic relations but of course with the seizure of the embassy all the black times were cut. Well thousands of protesters are back on the streets of the chilean capital santiago as demonstrations enter the 3rd week police used water cannon and tear gas to try to disperse the crowds while demonstrators threw rocks they want president Sebastian Pinera to resign even though hes proposed Economic Reforms a lot of america. Knew when. I started im extremely pleased that i am trying to. 6 mark a short while ago the looting began about 150 meters from where we are now there were some and also people with masks that began to grow cocktails at police they have been responding with massive amounts of tear gas to drive the entire demonstration the way we see thousands and thousands of people leaving many people having their faces because of the tear gas which weve had we all agree is much stronger than it usually have been and has been up until now but that many have come back as you can see theres theyre refusing to give up they say that its now or never that theres no turning back now thanks to our big thank you very much as you can see people are want to watch the new constitution others want referendum obviously demanding that the president right away the capital of an opposition political price thank you exception the outlet right in the congress to argue its all refusing to even die out with the government of iraq was received thank you i want to thank you thank you out of the demands of the hour the systemic corruption reforms are not a question of take. Internet access has reportedly been cut in iraq where mass protests in the capital left another 5 people dead on monday live rounds were fired at demonstrators gathering near the state Television Headquarters in baghdad another protester was killed at a rally in the southern town of shock about more than 250. 00 people have been killed since protests began on october the 1st. But a former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine maria vonn of each told an impeachment inquiry she felt threatened by donald trump a transcript from her testimony from last month has been released evanovich said ukrainian officials warned her the president s allies were looking to hurt her reputation on monday for officials called to testify before the inquiry never showed up kimberly how good has more from lexington kentucky where President Trump held a rally. As the impeachment inquiry in the house of representatives accelerates democrats making public the testimony of at least one of those closed door hearings with the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine testimony revealing what the president says was not the case that he had a desire to have one of his political rivals former Vice President joe biden investigated by the Ukrainian Government the u. S. President as he spoke here in kentucky in advance of local elections to take place on tuesday urged his supporters to fight back accusing the democrats of a politically motivated investigation saying he is the victim of yet another which hides he also says that this is a war on democracy and the senator from Kentucky Rand Paul going a step further urging the media to expose the whistleblower who brought the situation to light saying that it is time for the media to print the whistle blowers name now this is a race here in kentucky that is being watched very closely not because its a president ial Election Year in fact there are only a handful of states including kentucky that are Holding Elections this week but this is being marked as a bit of a brahmin or a test for president trying to see how much the impeachment inquiry is affecting him outside of washington and what the president maintains that the voting public is more concerned about Kitchen Table issues like wages and jobs this is a race being followed very very carefully is seen as a test of just how much the president is able to be resilient when it comes to his own reelection chances in 2020. A u. S. Appeals court has ordered president don trump to hand over a years worth of tax returns to new york prosecutors the ruling allows them to enforce a subpoena for the documents from trumps Accounting Firm the president has tried to prevent the release of his Tax Information as part of an investigation into alleged preelection payoffs. A protesters in lebanons capital and other parts of the country are blocked roads as they continue to demand a change of government the wave of demonstrations began last month plunging the country into political turmoil Prime Minister quit last week but theres still no agreement on his replacement they know hala reports from beirut. Protesters in lebanon are escalating their struggle against those in power again closing roads to pressure the governing coalition to form a government independent of Political Parties this is the main highway linking the capital beirut to South Lebanon we are blocking the road to tell the people who are sitting at home that hey listen we are doing this because you are not raising your voice because you are being silent Something Like these young men continue to support the beat the sectarian Political Parties they are diverting traffic caused by road closures there is tension in the streets day 19 of this protest movement and people here say theyre still the term meant to take control of their future but they are facing a Political Class just as determined to stay in power public pressure has forced Prime Minister saddle had he to resign but the president michel aoun has still not set a date for binding parliamentary consultations to choose a new Prime Minister theres a lot of back room of the city back door horsetrading trying to identify whos going to be the Prime Minister but also what kind of cabinet. They think is needed or that they find acceptable lebanon is not on the brink of economic collapse weve started sliding into you know not an economic and but serious economic challenges and the protests are making the economy suffer even more frustration is growing especially among those who need to get to work every day and want their children to return to schools but others say they are ready to make a sacrifice not another person. As a shop owner i cant open and be against the people in the movement of course this harms business but im enduring because i want to stand with the people and their rights. Its a fight for a Better Future but some of it is angry over the high cost of living also benefit from the status quo they are not backing the socalled revolution calling for a complete change of the sectarian based political system so are other lebanese who seem unwilling to take a step into the unknown set of. Beirut. As the lead on aljazeera indias capital take steps to reduce record levels of pollution but will it be enough. And philanthropy or hypocrisy will look at what apple is promising billions to ease the u. S. Housing crisis. How are they still rain and snow falling out of the sky at the head of this cold front and away trailing down towards afghanistan but once its gone through there isnt very much left is still a chance to shower to iran possibly eastern iran the more likely afghanistan to be arms and its clouding up over the caucasus and turkey otherwise things havent changed very much not permanently temp is still the high twentys in lebanon for example in the low twentys in turkey just below that in tara this cloud might suggest a shower but nothing of substance were below 30 now in iraq not much of a breeze blowing but a hint maybe the temperatures have dropped permanently for the next few months is trying to set up thats usually quite a strong one but 1st susan was low she mitzi and its 37. 00 in mecca was fairly low humidity as well in the arabian sea briefly will get some. Man but thats tuesday not wednesday or wednesday probably probably that Tropical Cyclone with a dissipated back towards india they have been sebago ups and downs in Southern Africa tensions weapon my back down again its warming up i think in the next couple of days on the eastern side in south africa 13 joburg so if you were in durban ask for showers where they are quite few and far between. Whether sponsored by qatar or. What are you protesting about how does this impact where their on line life basements will see them directly translated slavery or if you join us on saturday this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmars not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice in the changes for all the discourse in this world and im here to talk about the solutions on how to 0. But again youre watching i just need a reminder of our top stories this hour the u. S. Has put a new round of sanctions on iran they target its most senior military body and people connected to the Supreme Leader thats after to irans decision to take a further step back from the 2015 nuclear deal. Thousands of protesters are back on the streets of the chain lay in the capital as demonstrations enter a 3rd week they want president Sebastian Pinera to resign even though his government has posed a series of Economic Reforms. The former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine marie your vonage told him an impeachment inquiry she felt threatened by donald trump a transcript of her testimony from last month has been released evanovich said ukrainian officials warned her the President Trumps allies were looking to hurt her reputation. Of the United States has formally begun withdrawing from the powers climate agreement the global pact was set up to fight Climate Change. In 2015 and was ratified by 185. 00 countries President Trump says the treaty puts an unfair economic burden on American Workers france says it regrets the decision the us is the only country to pull out of the court Kevin Trenberth is a Senior Scientist in the climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research he says no country is required to stay in that deal and thats part of the problem. Its disappointing and the problem is of course that theres no international governance. Is relatively weak body called the United Nations and it requires individual countries to play a leadership role and to set up various kinds of treaties and the u. S. Is not playing a leadership role on that you know if all of the other countries could get together and set up a tariff system against the u. S. Maybe they should maybe thats what should happen the statement ive seen from the United States from my pump ayos says that theres a cost to the workers in the United States but what he what they have not considered is the very high cost of no action you know there are countless benefits. To taking actions against the Climate Change in the trouble is that many of them are countless they relate to the quality of life and greater security and fewer refugees in many of these things do not have a dollar value on them and you know even last you know the last 10 years its estimated that the actual cost in the United States is 35000000000. 00 a year this is from the g. A. O. And the and the department of energy and so the failure to recognize these high costs that are already occurring is to me just not doesnt make any sense at all earlier we spoke to mandy going to secor a former Deputy Assistant administrator at the Environmental Protection agency join the trumpet ministration she says a parish climate accord fails to create meaningful Emissions Reductions. Well for the United States it was a bad deal a lot of the costs were born on the backs of American Workers and Important National operators that president trying to prioritize and committed to revitalizing during his presidency which weve seen in a number of different applications so the peers climate accord it had a lot of cost to the American People and at the end of the day when it comes to how you would purport to measure success the Emission Reductions it failed to achieve any needful Emissions Reductions that was going to have a measurable impact on the climate so warm a range of factors with regard to impact of the United States economy the workers and also whether or not it proves successful it was a really good decision for the president to get out and when the the biggest qualms we had as well was that the quote unquote commitments from india and china did nothing to mitigate the fact that the majority of the missions growth will be coming from those 2 countries for the foreseeable future by indias capital new delhi has restricted the car use off to record levels of smog their Public Health emergency has been declared and the Supreme Court has called for more action on child water reports now from new delhi. This brown haze has enveloped new delhi anything above 400 on the citys Equality Index is considered very severe it rules about paos and has does for millions of people. It is bad every winter but this is the 1st time the government has declared a Public Health emergency. Just to shut 3 says he doesnt like wearing a mask while driving his scooter but its necessary for never gotten out of here the reason im wearing a mask has increased pollution i dont have any illness but i cough all night and the last 4 or 5 days my nose is watering my eyes are burning hot. Children in the elderly are especially at risk says she suffers a heart condition and the pollution has forced her to go to hospital. I have a cold a cough and my chest hurts since Pollution Increased everything hurts now doctors say because of the toxic small they have treated 5 times the usual number of patients over the past few days some People Living in Indias National capital say its become a gas chamber the State Government is alternating the days pass can be driven on the roads between those whose registrations and. Even but farmers leave behind me is the iconic roster but the problem or president s house its a Tall Building but today one can barely see it the government has taken the step to have the number of possible recalls on the street that should reduce air pollution a little but as long as farmers keep burning stumble in neighboring states the evolution is expected to continue to be very severe in new delhi. The spammers in the adjoining states of punjab and haryana have harvested their rice and now need to clear their land for their winter wheat crop burning is the quickest way environmentalists say that needs to change but i think at the end of the day farmers need to sort of put pressure on the government to ultimately provide markets that are needed to shift away to other crops but pharmacy if they are to change their practices and invest in cleaner technology and machinery they need support from the government thats on top of it tackling other sources of pollution meaning those hoping for cleaner air are unlikely to have immediate relief. Aljazeera. Or the u. K. As a brace it Party Leader Nigel farage has hit out at the government as he unveiled his partys candidates for next months snap election he wants the party to compete against both conservatives and labor candidates in the december vote farage isnt running himself but honestly wasnt the party really. Back to the party slogan is change politics for good and certainly the 600 prospective parliamentary candidates in the hall here are the Party Leadership even if they dont have a manifesto yet come up with a load of policy ideas and suggestions that from another party might seem to be quite progressive things for example like abolishing the unelected house of lords voting reform to make everybodys vote count policies on the environment pumping money into the abandoned british regions things like that when National Firearms the party leader for the euro skeptic for some 25 years took to the stage to a standing ovation he made it very clear as he has and over and over again that their partys policy in this election is to try to take votes from the conservative party and the labor party to try soon as he puts it all to the entire dynamic of the Election Campaign and i say this to you and ill say it as i took this country there will be no backstage without the back seat body. For all that there is though a little concern inside the party its 10 days from now until nominations close it is not all clear yet exactly how many candidates the bracks it party is actually going to stand and some of the prospective candidates ive spoken to in there say they dont know if theyre actually going to be able to contest a seat or not and if theyre only told in say 10 days time then theyre worried that they wont have time to prepare and as well is that the bracks the partys been shuffling out of this around different constituencies it was not entirely clear to some of them where indeed they are going to be standing as well is that nigel farage the party leader who had been expected as he because hes authentic figure to be standing for them in parliament has said hes not going to stand at all because you want to travel the country trying to gee up all the local candidates instead and one or 2 prospective candidates have said that theyre local activists of very unhappy about this indeed because it looks like nigel farage is worried that in mind ill be able to win a seat so they still present themselves the Insurgent Party they could have a big effect on this election but its not at all clear its early days till the things are very very volatile. The Southeast Asian countries and 6 other nations wrapped up negotiations on what could become the worlds biggest trade deal talks were held at the as the end summit in bangkok china is strongly pushing for the deal but india says it wont join scott hilo reports the joined hands at the r. C. On summit the 10 members of the association of Southeast Asian nations and 6 other nations china india japan south korea new zealand and australia have been working to push forward on negotiations for a deal that would comprise 40 percent of the worlds economy and nearly half of its population some one host thailand had hoped for at least a provisional agreement to be signed but reservations from india prevented that saying it could not join the agreement as it still has issues and concerns as a bloc has positioned itself to become a Central Power in the indopacific region capitalizing on its geographic and geo political position and friends but when it comes to superpowers the us and china some feel that it backs off and is taken to a by definition a defensive posture one that says please dont make us choose between the United States and china and yet at the same time it will say please allow us to be central in the region in terms of the way the region is governed in terms of other regional architecture so theres a contradiction there a great deal of that stems from the pressures of the u. S. Isnt chinas trade war and direct investment from the 2 largest economies in the world because of the downgrade in the u. S. Delegation here at only 3 of 10 regional nations sent their leaders to the summits with the u. S. The rest set lower level officials now this is a switch from meetings over the weekend they were attended by heads of state but the u. S. Commerce secretary said the u. S. Is fully committed to the region we will continue to champion the values that have served the end of the surface so well. Respect for the sovereignty of all nations the peaceful resolution of disputes an open commercial environment with transparent agreements that encourage Investment Income activity and the r. C. N. Leaders might have a chance to hear that american commitment from the top amid the criticism of us President Donald Trump skipping the summit this year he has invited them to a special summit in washington early next year its got hardly aljazeera bangkok a Technology Giant apple says it will set aside 2 and a half 1000000000. 00 to provide Affordable Homes in california Tech Companies have been blamed for contributing to the states housing crisis well reynolds is in los angeles. California has more Homeless People than anywhere else in the us last year there were approximately 130000 people in the state without housing a 30 percent increase over 2017 according to the most recent Homeless Count 59000 people in los angeles were living on the streets or in tent camps Rehab Centers or shelters in San Francisco the figure is close 210000 apple which is valued at 961000000000 dollars announced a 5 point plan that devotes 1000000000. 00 for an Affordable Housing fund another 1000000000. 00 in assistance for 1st time homebuyers and opening up 300000000. 00 worth of property apple own for low Income Housing development another 200000000. 00 will be focused on a San Francisco housing fund and support for that citys poorest and most vulnerable as Technology Companies expand their highly paid workers drive up the price of housing making rents an affordable for middle and low income households california has a chronic housing shortage in part due to restrictive rules on new development in many cities and towns the San Francisco bay area where apple is headquartered ranks as the most expensive place to live in the u. S. Apple c. E. O. Tim cook said in a press release that quote we know the course we are on is unsustainable and apple is committed to being part of the solution california governor Gavin Newsome called on other companies to follow apples example last month facebook pledged a 1000000000. 00 package of Housing Loans and grants in california and in june google announced a similar 1000000000. 00 effort to create Affordable Housing economists say however that by themselves the billions promised by Tech Companies will not solve the housing crisis extensive new government housing. Seas and massive Financial Investment or also needed they say robert oulds al jazeera los angeles. This is agency thats going to round up of our top stories the u. S. Has put a new round of sanctions on iran targeting its most senior military body and those connected to the Supreme Leader thats are terences is decision to further step back from the 2015 nuclear deal Internet Access across much of iraq is reported to have been cut its seen as an attempt to disrupt protests against the government on monday Security Forces killed at least 5 people in baghdad more than 250 have been killed since october 1st thousands of protesters are back on the streets of the chill am capital santiago they want president Sebastian Pinera to resign despite the government offering a series of Economic Reforms police have used water cannon and tear gas to try to disperse the crowds while protesters have been throwing rocks. You see a new man has more from santiago. People are like you want to know prostitution 1st want to ask him to. The president right away in the cabinet in opposition to the crisis exception of. The kindest refusing to even like the government. Thanks thanks thanks. Thanks stomach. That much of. A former Us Ambassador to ukraine told an impeachment inquiry she felt threatened by donald trump a transcript of marie yavanna beaches closed door testimony to congress has been released she was recalled from her post in may after what she described as a Smear Campaign against her the u. S. Has formally begun withdrawing from the powers climate agreement the global pact was set up to fight Climate Change in 2015 and was ratified by 100 85. 00 countries it is the only country to pull out of the accord those are the headlines the stream is next. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to. 0. Of africa australia the americas even parts of the arctic from the looks of this map the world is on fire. Stream this is a look at all of the global wildfires burning this year with a panel of experts about the rise of these fires and the efforts to prevent them the show and join our conversation you can tweet us at a. J. Stream or leave your comments in our live chat as you could be in the st. Louis professor of defense or the 1st addressed by you are you very true to fight for dad was a reverse it

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