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Purchase being held for a 19th day now across lebanon as demonstrators step up their pressure on the government i have blocked roads as they continue to call for the removal of the ruling elite and in fact a complete overhaul of the political system theres also anger at president delay in announcing a date for parliament treat consultations these are what are needed to name the next Prime Minister they have also been some rallies rallies held in support of the governments once again we are with stephanie in beirut for a live update how things developing. While the roads are fluid in terms of the roadblocks we were just at a roadblock but theyve now opened the road and theyre moving locations so what youre seeing behind us now is not really indicative of what you are seeing generally across the capital which is a lot of traffic frustration. And different thoughts now i just im going to bring in an astute young student that i watch has been blocking the road since 5 oclock this morning theyre now moving weve kept him with us tell me why it is there is a couple of days when there werent roadblocks here come out today theyre back on the street so basically we gave the chance for the Political Class and order to move on with a resolution is to assign a Prime Minister sorry working on forming a new government obviously were in a political deadlock right now so nothing has happened the government did resign yet we dont have any word on who the Prime Minister may be on whats the next government is going to look like so basically theyre playing with us so theyre delaying their at this time its not point or delay anymore its point for them to take action weve ease it up in the past couple of days weve opened the road weve eased out on the protest in order for them to take a chance to take a step forward and a chance for them to start with their reforms or with us at these appointed Prime Minister and that did not happen and thats why were back on the streets today another factor is that. Both schools and universities have most of them decided to open and resume classes today and for us this means that theyre trying to get life back into the normal and that is not acceptable because at this time were not going back so even if we ease down on the protests the youth and specifically University Students are the heart of this you know revolution or whatever you want to call it so the youth are the main hub and the main source of it so opening back universities and resuming classes is not a right thing to do so tell me what is like when you talk about the youth what do you what do you want to see changed for you for me personally im i you know i have 2 siblings one of them is in the United States and the other one is and the United Arab Emirates for me i dont want to end up like them outside of i want to stay here and obviously all this corruption and the lack of jobs and unemployment is getting us here and all of that is because of the sectarian. Shes sharing system so its time for us to get rid of those warlords its not an easy task question the cultural im going to ask you how hard is this going to be its not its not an easy task and you know you cant just flip the table around a system thats that enriched so what were asking for at least in this revolution is a step by step change so 1st get rid of this government for a minute to government let that government manage the new elections so were not looking for chaos were looking for the exact opposite a gradual change in the regime and the structure and then the Political Class excellent i think summed it up very eloquently there what the protesters demands are there is a political deadlock we havent heard from the president now as to when those consultations are going to start because thats what needs to happen now come all Prime Minister appointed it needs to form an interim government the protesters want not to be nonpolitical is not going to happen is whatever is going to play out here politically in the next couple of days or weeks can appease the street so certainly unpredictable times here couple. Stephanie decker in beirut to other news and protest leaders in pakistan are considering their next move after the Prime Minister declared he wont resign tens of thousands of demonstrators had munched on islam giving him on khan until midnight sunday to step down i say the government is in judgment and propped up by the military the protests and led by the Prime Ministers longtime rival the conservative cleric. Mom come out with us now from islamabad so the deadline passed. Well less than 12 hours ago whats the white house. Where. I had. Diggnation did not come and march on the radio. Program. And the government that they would not allow it but today that it. Looks much more. The tensions of the barge. Large bridge a bridge or day that Security Forces also all door and you again are showing their presence so for the 1st time i rail hope that perhaps cooler heads will prevail them all on our show and said that they were not crossed that red line id also extend a very strong signal using this opportunity of the protesters saying that if anybody was mulling over plans to recognize israel as a good bidders this stage truth and made here is also going to be holding a meeting of the offered nation hour as some people may call it whatever they left of the operation because the Pakistan Peoples Party the budget on Muslim League now watch have not thrown that kind of support more than i was expecting god has poured up our brave face and showing signs that good men rather not take the law into their own hands this has been probably one of the more peaceful protests so far on the other hand the government also mulling over was what concessions could be made so i railed hope come on ok even thank you come on haifa in islamabad asian leaders meeting in bangkok are discussing what could become the worlds biggest trade deal thailand says the next steps in the proposal backed by china will be made in the coming hours there were some last minute doubts about the deal after india in particular writes concerned over chinas involvement also u. S. President donald trump is not actually at meeting but he has invited Southeast Asian leaders to a special summit early next year going higher with more from bangkok. It was interesting like throughout the day here on monday in bangkok we heard some statements from the commerce minister of thailand saying that theyll be something an announcement coming out of definitive announcement coming out of the meeting here today with the 16 members of this trade deal that has the potential to be the largest in the world and then we heard a little bit of a walking back the trade minister from australia whos part of this discussion he said that actually theres going to be ongoing negotiations that we kind of have been hearing over the last couple of days that because the issues that india has with the deal primarily the flood of products Cheaper Products from china going into india those are some of the issues that needed to be worked out so we were hearing up until monday afternoon we were hearing that the likely signing of this trade deal would not come until early 2020 so then there was a little bit of confusion but right now it appears as though the negotiations are ongoing there are some issues that need to be hammered out but it still sounding positive that something will eventually be signed also coming out from the u. S. Delegation particular when it comes to china theyre saying that theres been provocation by china in the South China Sea and at the austrian members here should stand up to that no need to be noted that some of the members of the on their 10 nations who are members of us and have trade disputes sorry territory disputes with china in the South China Sea this has been an ongoing issue theyve been discussions at this summit about rules of conduct codes of conduct for the South China Sea it seems like theres a little bit of progress but the United States telling us and members you need to stand up to chinas aggression in the South China Sea among millions of people in indias capital having to find alternative ways to get to work this monday the number of private vehicles allowed on you down the road has been hollowed in an attempt to clear the toxic small choking the city pollution levels are so high in new delhi that schools have been shot flights have been counseling a public emergency declared in fact experts are saying that if you bring that. There in new delhi at the moment it is similar to smoking up to 50 cigarettes a day. With more now from new delhi. In delhi is unreadable ive been standing 20 minutes my eyes are burning the back of my torch and its not just me because the doctors and saying that they are witnessing a fight times increase in the number of patients who are going to the doctor with elements connected to. The Delhi Government started the all to even call scheme from today for a few days which is expected to hop the number a week goes on the streets and should i do the help and bringing down. A little bit of police because it will reduce regular pollution but experts say that most pollution in delhi and areas around is because a bomb was burning stubble in states rounding delhi and they are not stopping there is no government policy to stop them because there are 2 different Political Parties a ruling. By. Civil Society Members in all the states. All the nationalists. The which is also the party at the center of it is no cooperation between these 2 Political Parties they are in fact morally. Associate in these mosques which some people already but really its pretty hard to. Read and talk and people are going inside and taking these all these even inside their fortys pretty bad i mean its quite what some people are describing the situation in delhi as well this is an apocalyptic scenario in the National Capital of india. Is a 1700. 00 which is very hard it is. People with asthma and. Race. In the news ahead hopes all over. Turning home syrians contemplate going back to their cities could be a dangerous decision. Like pogo was perfect. Perfect our president comes as the whistleblower who sponsored the twin inquiry should be revealed because they gave false information. Hello there it is a very unsettled picture across much of europe a massive plant streaming in really from the west and just look at this in very thick cloud in particular to the southeast thats where the heaviest of the rain is the system that is bringing that rain move very rapidly across from the west and just look at the size of these waves this is on the north coast of spain not far from bilbao and we had winds over 100 kilometers an hour so that system is now right the way across here having amounts of rain pushing into areas of greece and then weve got another system thats just swiftly taking its place across much of western europe how much is there fairly mild even in all that writing sees europe and very warm into eastern sections 23 in book arrest 16 in warsaw these time which is a good 10 degrees above the average a little bit low on cheese davis still very warm snow though to the north but look about temperature moscow 13 celsius and again more rain just sweeping down across once again into Northern Areas a spy in on the southwest of france not much in the way of rain showers into Northern Africa the cloud has been streaming through in the last few hours you can see time which is not too bad in the sort of mid to low twentys but we will see certainly by cheese day is a lower temperature there is there the chance of a few showers i mean might you see a stray shot across into algae is. Who was a sponsor cant. Deal with poverty unless you deal with the gap you just just agree with that this sounds like blaming the public the country for the whole of the naming anybody these people well trained. Machine in the. Very end version of populism future join me as i put the questions to my special guest and challenge them to some straight talking political debate. Aljazeera. The top stories on aljazeera this hour protests are being held for the 19th day now across lebanon as demonstrators step up pressure on the government that blocked main highways and roads and there was also anger at president owns delay in setting a date for parliamentary consultations which are required for naming the next Prime Minister there a purpose that is in pakistan now considering very next move is the Prime Minister there is categorically said he will not resign tens of thousands of demonstrators marched on islam about giving imran khan until midnight sunday to step down. And asian leaders meeting in bangkok are discussing what could become the worlds biggest trade deal thailand says the next steps in the proposal backed by china will be made in the coming hours. People in iran are rallying outside the former u. S. Embassy as they mark a significant anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and 40 years now since students stormed the Embassy Compound and held dozens of americans hostage for 444 days they were calling for the u. S. To extradite Shah Mohammed reza. Who led iran until the revolution in 1979 the rally outside that former embassy is held every year more now what does the jabari. The rain ins are marking this anniversary voicing their distaste in this trust in the United States and their policies towards the Islamic Republic over the past 40 years now this incident is a key incident in the history of iran since the revolution of february 979. 00 it is the 1st incident which really shaped irans Foreign Policy and its relationship with the United States those students took the embassy and 52. 00 members inside of it hostage for 444 days because then u. S. President jimmy carter had allowed the shah of iran to enter the United States to receive medical treatment for his cancer the students wanted the shah to come back to stand trial for his crimes in the country this incident really was the 1st starting point which severed relationship between iran and the United States and every year there remains mark this occasion to highlight that they are still very much of the same in the same position when it comes to their feelings and sentiments towards the United States in their policies when it comes to dealing with iran. Iraqs Prime Minister is calling for an end to bloodshed on both sides as the country faces more antigovernment protests speaking for the 1st time since announcing his resignation. He says the demonstrators had achieved their goals but now led to his damaging the economy he did make no further mention of stepping down matthew also met a delegation from the u. S. Congress who say they are backing the iraqi governments efforts elsewhere medical workers say at least 4 demonstrators were killed in karbala in iraq the iranian consulate on sunday hundreds of protesters tried to storm that building they brought down an iranian flag and set others on fire and then in baghdad demonstrators blocked major roads schools were closed to baghdad and other cities as teachers went on strike to show their solidarity with the antigovernment protesters this report from natasha. Protesters set fires erected barricades and even lay down in the road at intersections in central and eastern baghdad as the work week began the roadblocks created traffic jams across the capital preventing people from getting to work some government offices and businesses were forced to close. By we have one demand which is employees joining city is just like us they cant participate by staying at home we want all the government ministries to stop operating we can all unite we are all one people here in Tahrir Square which has become the epicenter of the protests there were signs that people are settling in for the long haul this burned out skyscraper has been occupied since the 2nd wave of antigovernment protests began more than a week ago from the upper floors protesters can see the square and the bridge below leading to the green zone where Security Forces are positioned this was built during the Saddam Hussein era there was one take. This restaurant on top of one of its new thing it has been abandoned since 2003 when it was bombed during the u. S. Led invasion now its become an iconic landmark of these and rusted and it protests volunteers are trying to prevent this building from becoming a garbage dump we are here to clean this place and say things to where we know many people were killed here and asian people that know me know this a place should be a claim its a kind of all the plays stuff on the sally is a University Student and volunteer he says he knows being here is dangerous but this is a revolution what im going to do after graduation theres no jobs so this is this golden age of skilling like like this dust and there. We are we are just like debt peoples zombies no one no one knew no one know that there is people here have dreams want to do things in their lives moussaoui and other protesters say they feel proud for their role in what they regard as a historic moment theyre not following or answering to anyone in their eyes theyre all leaders at tashi going to aim algis iraq baghdad. Fighting in syria has forced many people from ethnic and religious minorities from their homes of course most of been displaced for you know cities of change hands between different groups on the border town of the recent victory of the kurdish fighters by opposition groups backed by turkey has renewed their hopes of returning home but that carries risks as hash from a whole bar reports from some new front. This is what we mains of the syrian army and church in tel aviv are. Derelict and abandoned for years passive it was set on fire in 2014 when i still took over. The syrian army as were forced out of their villages and never went back even when the city was taken over by the largely Kurdish Syrian Democratic forces. Into a 1000 to 50. Of them capturing tell there was an important step allowing them to link up the other areas they control along the Turkish Border from maliki near iraq in the east to capernaum the west. Last month the Turkish Backed Syrian National army or s n a swept through to. People here say the fighters said houses on fire during their retreat. Out about the im going to be a fly problem get to my reaction the house was burning for 4 days i have lost all of my furniture i didnt make it father maurice me and we have been driven out of our homes for 4 years we have suffered a lot at the hands of the east. For now a local council has been set up to run the city but the situation remains delicate. A car explosion on saturday killed at least 13 people and left Dozens Injured to turkey and the s. And they accused of the bombing in. Tel aviv is part of the socalled safe zone that turkey has established on syrian territory near its border to ensure the s. D. F. Is no longer stationed in the area tel aviv has changed hands many times during the 8 years of war in syria and religious minorities have a perception that at all forced out of their villages now the city is in the hands of the opposition and no one knows if those people will return when there is no sign of an and to the conflict possible but ill just charlie offer all took its border with syria the whistleblower who prompted an impeachment probe into the u. S. President says he will answer questions from House Republicans donald trump has repeatedly called for the unnamed official to be revealed. The inquiry is due to begin public hearings this month after several weeks of closed door testimony trampas accused of threatening to withhold military aid to ukraine unless it investigated his democratic rival joe biden. Also again threatened to withhold federal aid from california after its democratic governor criticize the u. S. President s Environmental Policies there have been wildfires in california for the past 2 weeks Fire Fighters are containing them and have lifted all evacuation orders and thousands of residents are returning to their homes however 175. 00 houses have been destroyed and another 35. 00 have been damaged. Relatives of women and girls murdered in mexico are demanding justice for their loved ones demonstrators marched through the capitol carrying purple crosses inscribed with the names of the victims and want to highlight the high rates of violence against women in mexico the u. N. Says on average 9 women or girls are murdered in mexico every day. Bolivian opposition politicians are calling for a new election to resolve ongoing unrest protests began in october when president evo morales won a 4th term opponents say the vote was fraudulent and accusing the electoral board of favoring morales the president has rejected calls to resign and urged protesters to wait for the results of an Ongoing International election or did a prodemocracy politician in hong kong has had part of his ear bitten off by a man armed with a knife the district councillor was attacked as he tried to stop the man leaving a Shopping Mall the assailant also slashed several people before he was restrained and beaten by the protesters themselves. The rebels in yemen say the saudi u. A. E. Coalition is forcing sudanese troops to fight and die on the front lines and it comes after a recently released footage showing casualties of sudanese skirmishes against the hope these 100 are tub as more details from santa. All the forces these prisoners of war are from sudan and so were there did call each. A lady that probably the sudanese Regime Forces soldiers to fight as mercenaries in return for money within the ranks of the aggressor Coalition Forces other states limited their role to join in the airstrikes or little force and the sudanese regime through its forces into the ground warfare where many of the Coalition States refrained. Im able to verify the authenticity and countdowns of the photos observers say the hoa fees are using it to send a message to sudan as a new leaders to pull Sudanese Forces out of yemen. And the losses of the sudanese mercenaries amount to 285. 00 killed and dozens wounded on various fronts of the border. Healthy off the shelves say these are weapons and equipment taken from a prig aid of seventies soldiers and this hope the fighters says teachers are among the sudanese fighting in support of and u. A. E. A led forces here a mass says the houthi say a sudanese captive is sending to his family. Our yemeni brothers have been treating us very well if you happened to watch us on any t. V. Screen rest assured we are doing well that with these accused. Also pushing Sudanese Forces onto the front lines and not prioritizing them and prisoner swaps. When we came to saudi arabia we were told we were going to fight for the legitimate governments army after that Coalition Forces pulled out and shot us in the back did bodies we lived on the roads for dogs and boltons to devour other wounded sudanese soldiers died out of negligence. Like the chaff of the Sudanese Community in yemen told us that sudans new leaders should reconsider the decision made by the ousted president to dispatch Sudanese Forces to yemen and. This is the work of the former regime of the sheer who was toppled by the sudanese people and it is known that bashir and his regime was part of militias filthy laid down to undermine the whole region even their participation was not appreciated by this aggression which was launched under the false title of arab coalition. But the 30 or so that hes Army Commander has dismissed the video psychological warfare he said how these are backed by regional powers with their own agenda has said sudan has to take part in the conflict say more than 6000 or so danis soldiers are part of the saudi the wall street fighting they are merely 6th grade remains along the coast lines dredging to a. Base. On the millions of people in zimbabwe are able to get medical treatment because its just too expensive now most dont have Health Insurance and rising inflation and corruption have been blamed for the collapse of the Public Health care how to answer reports. Marketa lana worries finding drugs for chronic illnesses is going to get a lot harder for poor and struggling zimbabweans some Public Health centers have no drugs for hiv patients the cost of one months supply at a private pharmacy is roughly 60 u. S. Dollars a Civil Servant owns about 70. 00 a month if youre into the needs youre putting into place because you really need it for you to maintain your lane. If you baby here at least that means you dont get to look after the children because all the people that. Those who can afford it go abroad for the treatment others used a while start expensive private facilities a luxury millions of others dont have is the way has more than 20 registered Health Insurance and we have about 800000 members the government has its own Health Insurance for Civil Servants which caters roughly to 340000 workers that means most people here dont have medical coverage while children under the age of 5 basic feature a Public Hospitals everyone else without Health Insurance pays cash for such Pain Management the patient must have 3 killer i mean try to access to medication. The medication is becoming extremely expensive. Traditionally and historically that medication has been funded largely by donors but with finding the donors themselves not through lack of world but because of pressures on on their mostly local donors they are unable to support that doctors have been striking for nearly 2 months of a poor pay and work conditions its another sign the Public Health sector is in trouble after numerous negotiations broke down the government issued this ultimatum doctors coming to work will be disciplined. So the 1st thing we have a smoke coming to work there will not be paid some here blame the collapse of zimbabwes Public Health care system on corruption and the states failure to prioritize government Officials Say wish to impose sanctions are the reason for the crisis not them but its patients who end up suffering and as a bobbys economy worsens there is no sign this issue ation will improve soon how to. Deal with al jazeera these are the top stories protests have been held for a 19th day now across lebanon as demonstrators stepped up their pressure on the government the main highways and roads and there was also anger at president delay in setting a date for parliament treat consultations these are required to name the next Prime Minister more from Stephanie Decker now in beirut so we were just at a roadblock but theyve now open the roads and theyre moving locations so what youre seeing behind us now is not really indicative of what you are seeing generally across the capital which is a lot of traffic frustration and different roadblocks now i just im going to bring in. Young student that i watch has been blocking the road since 5 oclock this morning theyre now moving weve kept him with us tell me why it is there is a couple of days when there were roadblocks here come all today theyre back on the street still basically we gave the chance for the Political Class in order to move all of the resolutions to assign a Prime Minister story working on forming a new government obviously were in a political deadlock right now so nothing has happened. Protests leaders in pakistan are considering their next move as the Prime Minister has categorically said he wont be resigning tens of thousands of demonstrators marched on islamabad giving him one can until midnight sunday to step down. Asian leaders meeting in bangkok are discussing what could become the worlds biggest trade deal thailand says the next steps in the proposal backed by china will be made in the coming hours there were last minute doubts about the deal after india raised concerns over chinas involvement also u. S. President didnt attend the meeting but has invited Southeast Asian leaders to a special someone to early next year and millions of people in indias capital having to find alternative ways to get to work this monday the number of private vehicles allowed on new delhi roads has been hull ved in an attempt to clear up the toxic smog choking the city pollution levels are so high in new delhi schools have been shut flights cancelled and a public emergency declared those are your headlines on aljazeera up front with many hot sun is coming up next. In 2020. The parley. With the nation has a troubled history. With disability. And disability. 0 as House Democrats move yet another step closer to impeaching donald trump does the u. S. President have any credible defense left ill ask one of his closest allies the conservative media mogul whos been dubbed the trump whisperer. Im in the hot sun also on the show our back row baghdad is vicious leadership of ice came to an end when he was killed in a u. S. Raid last weekend so is this the beginning of the end for eisel or will the ultra violent groups survive its leaders demise thats our debate but 1st with a flurry of damning testimonies in an impeachment resolution clearing the house this week democrats in Congress Just turned up the pressure on

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