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Earthquake on friday off the Southern Coast but no reports of injuries or damage genuine dogon has more from north. Very easy to underestimate the devastation like this if you only look at it from the 50000 number perspective with at least about 5 people dead almost around 16 global from the other earthquake last week there is a tendency to underestimate the devastation but when youre actually on the ground and you see the enormity of the devastation then you realize that this is something thats going to last the impact is going to last a lot longer perfect example would be the facilities in florida and structures like this hospital behind me this is a District Hospital you know it over the last few days because of the devastation and the impact of the damage and the building all of the patients are being treated right outside the hospital many of them old people who were not able to run out when the earthquake struck at least 16000 people have already been displaced there is not enough food there is not enough water i mean these are very very basic but immersion urgent needs that need to be given and in just this town alone the Calamity Fund has already been depleted the situation in this town is similar all across many parts of north of about the province still had on aljazeera dispersing demonstrators what chiles government is doing to try to and protest against economic inequality. Hello again welcome back to the National Weather forecast for across europe we have 2 different stories talk about out here towards the east it is still the very cold air pushing across much of Eastern Europe as well as into western russia over here towards the west though it is a big storm system coming in off the atlantic and that is bring a lot of rains winds as well as a lot of clouds across much of the region so today it is going to be a very messy day. Anywhere from the u. K. All the way down across parts of france as well we may even see some rain pushing into parts of switzerland and the winds are going to be the major concern not only for today but also going into tomorrow know a lot of the rain begins to make its way across Central Europe but it is going to be the winds that still continue across much of the region so expect to see probably some travel delays as well as Power Outages across much of that region over here towards east temperatures begin to start to warm up a little bit as we go towards saturday with kiev seeing attempt a few about 9 degrees so for london though expect to see the heaviest rain today the Winds Continuing tomorrow and by the time we get towards sunday we expect to see those temperatures about average at 12 degrees there well cross parts of tunisia as well as algeria we are going to be seeing a lot of heavy rain across much of the region and tunis a rainy day for you with the tempter 22 inches 22 as well. As a sponsor. For you know testing about how does things in their online life basement directly out of trends like its lately or if you join us on saying this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come about everyone has a voice in the changes real discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions on aljazeera. Following on the top stories on aljazeera. Inquiring to President Trump is moving to a public phase with open hearings in congress the democrat led house of representatives approved the resolution on thursday formalizing the procedure is. Turkish and Russian Troops are expected to start joint patrols soon in northeastern syria a socalled safe zone that follows a deal between the 2 countries to remove kurdish fighters to a depth of 30 kilometers south of the border inside syria. And schools and banks in lebanons capital have reopened some of the mc least after weeks of antigovernment protests demonstrations continued overnight in beirut with activists demanding that all political leaders step down. Thousands of people who say theyre fed up with pakistans government have started demonstrating on the streets of the capital a convoy dominated by supporters of a conservative Opposition Party entered islam about on thursday demanding Prime Minister iran can resign the group left herat. She on sunday picking up more supporters as they stopped in several cities along the way they say khan who has refused to step down hasnt fulfilled his promise of strengthening the economy come a hider monitoring developments from the capital islamabad talk us through what youre seeing in this convoy that has now arrived in islamabad. Well as you can see behind me there are tens of thousands of paper who have gathered at the revenue of the protests but several kilometers and each direction from the main area where the leaders are going to be addressing the crowd there are way it goes back to on both sides people have brought the bedding clothing food everything including. That day registered for the long haul but it was by far the largest protest we had written it and its lot more bad today now important as you mentioned the. Dating is by modifying the ram on the j u i the jameer dolomite islam their supporters have come from all across the country the mall and i had also been speaking to the local t. V. Networks and he said that he really gave the Prime Minister imran khan 3 days to tender his resignation otherwise he said theyre going to be up to his support to take matters into their own hands the Prime Minister on the other hand remaining determined and also the Security Forces on alert to stop these people from entering into islamabad although life is going on normal in islamabad and route would spend a major section of the road no doubt because she made highways completely jam packed and the government of course said also constituted its own negotiating game but the opposition it seems is not giving the kind of support that they should be giving to the j u i be. God the j u i would say that theres no point returns march against the government so far theyre dead dead supporters who are turning up in very large numbers ok come on high dont thank you for that update from islamic law. Iraqs president has promised to hold early elections and says Prime Minister odd robin matiya will resign but only once a replacement is agreed large crowds again made their way to its a higher square in central baghdad on thursday night more than 200 people have been killed in weeks of violent antigovernment protests sara looks back at how we got here. Its been a testing time for iraqs leadership exactly a month ago a young iraqis responded to calls on social media to start a new wave of antigovernment protests. And theyve been doing so ever since in the capital baghdad and elsewhere in iraq oh here is a war and political turmoil have left iraqis feeling desperate they all demanding change but up with the unemployment to cops in Health Care System and corruption they want an end to a bureaucratic political system thats been in place since the u. S. Led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein was still when will we stay like this we are a nation that loves life our country is rich you steal from us we will remain stuck fast men and women together protest in iraq have been reoccurring over the last few years but this time many of criticized the governments response as heavy handed Security Forces have used tear gas and i munition against the demonstrators within the 1st week alone more than a 100 people were killed and thousands more wounded and the death toll has been rising ever since the United Nations has called for the protection of Peaceful Protesters activists and journalists say theyve been intimidated the internet has been cut off in some areas and theres a curfew in place but those on the streets have largely ignored it its a new journey earlier this week either Lobdell Matty who became iraqs Prime Minister a little over a year ago pledged to reshuffle his cabinet and bring in reforms a promise that hasnt stopped the protesters from demanding his resignation. Mocked others saw through deeds parliaments largest block in his political rival in parliament headed im going have also called on him to resign on thursday iraqs president but home saleh said that he is ready to step down if a replacement is agreed upon the kind of place he was i want to include civil groups in order to have the aspired reforms within the Legal Framework and in a manner that preserves Public Interest peace and security the Current Situation cannot go on we are truly in need of reform and massive changes. It took 8 months to form iraqs new cabinet at a time when many iraqis say they dont trust the government but its not clear how long it will take for these reforms to make any difference. What is known know is that these iraqis insist theyll keep on protesting until all their demands are met so to hide out. The u. S. Is imposing new sanctions on iran this time targeting its construction sexor state department is accusing to revolutionary guards with its considers a terrorist organization or being involved in the industry its also identified for materials it says have been used in irans Ballistic Missile program and has issued an embargo on their trade. Chilean government says the damage caused by 2 weeks of unrest has surpassed a 1000000000. 00 to major summits due to be held in santiago have been cancelled and despite a 2 day Public Holiday the demonstrations for social reforms are continuing our line america editor of the c. N. N. Reports from the capital. But the neck to finance this are locking up their Hardware Store in downtown santiago after taking out everything with saving. It all we had in this stall but there hasnt been a single day without looting weve lost 60 percent of our income particularly we have commitments bills taxes and salaries to pay i dont know how well manage. Until 2 weeks ago chile was the envy of the region home to the socalled chilean economic miracle. But an explosion of social unrest has changed all that. While most demonstrations are peaceful who did an extremely violent groups all over the country have been burning and pillaging private and public property. That includes this emblematic Public Library that was just ransacked. Until now the vandals have respected our center but yesterday they went too far they took the books and everything. The damage so far has well surpassed a 1000000000. 00 according to the government tourism is also being devastated and not just because of the cancellation of the cop 25. 00 and the apec summit which would have won millions of dollars into the economy in this area for example downtown shops have been burnt down even though hotel seriously damaging to its reputation as that americas safest and home this country. Many Shopping Centers and hundreds of damage supermarkets remain shut along with Small Businesses all of which will impact jobs. The very large percentage of the population because the small companies. Employ so that would reflect people so the government will have to think very measured. Congress has in fact passed a bill at lightning speed freezing electricity prices until the end of next year and obliging the Power Companies to reverse a 10 percent tariff hike that went into effect this month. It wont be enough to appease the widespread demands for profound social and Economic Reforms but too many its proved that their politicians will only listen when they are under extreme pressure. You see in human scent the. Colombia has launched a military offensive to find the gunman responsible for the murders of 10 people including 5 Indigenous Leaders in the southwestern provinces of. Its believed the dissident faction of the fark and now demobilized rebel group is responsible for the killings. Caravan of grief. Beloved governor. Christine about this there was the top spiritual leader of this semi autonomous indigenous reservation in the southwestern province of kalka. Noise she always fought against the presence of weapons in our territory against Drug Trafficking and working to strengthen our process. She was killed on tuesday together with 4 indigenous guards by armed groups who profit from the Drug Trafficking of cocaine and marijuana in this conflict weave in the region criminal groups she openly confronted. To the armed groups i want to say this is our house and dorothys we tell you you are not welcome here. The colombian government is blaming at this event faction of the now demobilized rebel group fark for the murders the attackers crippled the governors car with bullets in a grenade as the community tried to stop them from entering their territory 6 other men were wounded. Others caught up in via tact to save themselves by jumping off this cliff president to travel to the region to condemn the attack and then announce to the ploy meant of 2500. 00 troops to the region. Clearly the murderers and those responsible for this crime a Drug Trafficking organizations dissidents outcasts what they want is to maintain the drug traffic light business and seek to silence him in indigenous communities. Yet his announcement rang hollow for many here trade center attacks have increased since the signing of the peace deal with fire in 2016120 Indigenous People have been killed in the last 14 months theres anger and fear among the community most believe the governments response has been too little too late and could even prove to be counterproductive but this is useless it will only bring more violence more conflict and more did all military presence is not the solution the solution is social investment in the communities to in the need for Drug Trafficking for the people of track where you know their response to their repeated calls for help has been inadequate leaving them mourning the dead of their last tragedy and wondering who will be next i listen to them and just see that that where you are. Hundreds of people have descended on the International Monetary Fund Building and one of sirens demanding the organization should leave argentina. Want the government to spend money tackling poverty instead of paying the countrys debts argentina is facing a deepening economic crisis and owes a record 57000000000. 00 to the i. M. F. Hong kong protesters have taken advantage of halloween to defy a ban on wearing face masks demonstrations were held in a busy Party District with police using shields and tear gas to disperse crowds antigovernment demonstrators have been protesting against the ban on face masks at rallies which came into effect early october protests have raised her 5 months over chinese mainland influence over the territories affairs. The marathon and race walk events at next years summer Olympic Games will officially be held in south poor oh thats after tokyos governor reluctantly agreed to change the venue local organizers were shocked when the International Olympic committee an ounce the move 2 weeks ago over heat concerns the i. O. C. Has agreed that no other events will be moved and that tokyo wont bear the costs of changing the venue. You know as the host city in respect to the importance of building the system to strive for the success of the games although we cannot guarantee with the i. O. C. Is decision the government of tokyo has decided not to interfere with the decision of the i. O. C. Which owns the authority to make the last decision. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera in the u. S. The impeachment inquiry into President Trump is moving to a public phase with open hearings in congress after the house approved a resolution formalizing the procedures some schools and banks in lebanon have reopened after weeks of antigovernment protests demonstrations continued overnight with activists demanding that all political leaders step down turkish and Russian Troops are expected to start joint patrols soon in northeastern syria socalled safe zone follows a deal between the 2 countries to remove kurdish fighters to a depth of 30 kilometers south of the border inside syria. A day after the philippines was struck by a powerful earthquake people are worried about aftershocks the magnitude 6. 5 tremor struck the southern philippines on thursday killing at least 5 people and thousands of people protesting against pakistans government has started to rally in the capital in a convoy dominated by supporters of a conservative Opposition Party entered islam about on thursday demanding Prime Minister imran khan quit or has the latest from islamabad these people have gone where they have gone where their food supply campaigning on the road and the moron are giving an interview to a local television station that is giving giving 3 days after their government are dying. To be up there in the pretty good baghdad nic move to the situation quite critical if it indeed a very big rally iraqs president has promised to hold early elections and Prime Minister will resign but only once a replacement is agreed large crowds again made their way to how do you square in central baghdad on thursday night more than 200 people have been killed in weeks of violent antigovernment protests hong kong protesters have taken advantage of halloween to defy a ban on wearing face masks demonstrations were held in a busy Party District of police using shields and tear gas to disperse crowds antigovernment demonstrators have been protesting against the ban on face masks at rallies those are the headlines the stream is coming up next on aljazeera. I think the Prime Minister. We should do to give a break take a look at it. And making this country the great just plain old it pretty much is the. Drama of bricks it on al jazeera. Welcome to the stream other stations around the u. K. Say various facing Constant Police buzz online and face to face as the atmosphere around proxy grows more toxic of the ok. As the u. K. Prepares for a general election we look at the impact of intimidation on elected representatives and what it means for u. K. Democracy join the conversation through twitter and you tube. Members of the u. K. Parliament say they are subject to threats and intimidation from opponents and even some of their constituents as people are made at odds over the future direction of the country reports of abuse suffered by m. P. s and other elected officials particularly women have risen dramatically since the 2016 brecks at referendum a parliamentary report says the problem is now commonplace and undermines politicians upwards to represent the people on wednesday culture secretary nikki morgan declared she will not seek reelection after suffering abuse and that her and her family a day earlier liberal democrat m. P. Heidi allen announced she will stand down and she is exhausted by the personal abuse she has suffered on line and in the street from all of this were joined from romsey hampshire by cowal i know shes a conservative member of parliament shaista aziz is a Labor Party Councillor for Oxford City Council she is also code vice chair of the fabian Womens Network she joins us from manchester can lead better. Is ambassador at the joe Cox Foundation an organization working with communities to build a more Tolerant Society she is near the town of keaton in West Yorkshire hello ladies good to have you i wish it was over a better conversation that were about to have i have to show you or this tweet i am sure in your various different work you have seen is just phillips is an m p she says here this is so chilling im not scared of an election i am scared i might be hurt or killed and to show you what jess describes herself as a labor m. P. For Birmingham Yardley and then just down here saudade unseemly a grotesque according to a little man on the internet that is alluding to some of the behavior that is happening on social around politicians came you happen to know that this isnt just Online Harassment for jess things have actually happened offline as well can you tell us a little bit more what do you know. Yeah absolutely i mean you know to start with the only reason that im doing this this evening is because i know to my very day a personal cost where this level of abuse and intimidation can lead cox was the british politician who was murdered on the street in june 26th just prior to the referendum and joan was my sister and i live and i feel the pain of that day every single day of my life and there was a very brief period of time after joe was killed where people said a lot of the right things about how we had to do things differently and we should be more kinder and more compassionate in our politics and that lasted for a very short period of time within weeks of joe been killed things descended into the toxic kind of debate that we see now and its definitely got worse in the 3 and a half years since that time so i know Jess Phillips i know i know lots of m. P. s ive got to know lots of them some of who knew joe and some of whom didnt and the level of abuse and intimidation they are facing at the moment is unprecedented and very very worrying and its very difficult and im aware that its difficult for me to be objective and i am in danger of being accused of scamming going but for these women in particular when theyre but men as well this is their reality and they are very very scared about their safety can we thank you for sharing reliving that for us on line so many people say what it is that youre referencing you talked about a toxic debate getting worse people online say part of that is because the rise of social media and the fact that so much of that debate is happening online so i want to direct all of your attention to this article the conversation the headline the people who abuse impedes online and one of the writers of that piece sent us a video comment in it he talks about the kind of people that take to the web take to twitter to spew this abuse this is Liam Mclaughlin is a researcher at the university of south or to manchester and heres what he says. So what do we know about people who abuse and hes online firstly we know that they dont wake up in the morning and think theyre going to abuse an m. P. s what they do is quite reactionary in nature theyll see a tweet on their feet and respond to that or the see something in the news or theyll see how to constipate interest in a scene the most abuse comes in the form to reply to an m. P. s tweet or it spikes massively whenever brets its being debated in the house of commons. Caroline ill give ballin to you because you told our producers ahead of the show that you have your notifications for your social accounts turned off why is that. So that was a friend of mine a colleague did that for me i was the immigration minister for 18 months and the level of abuse i was getting online well so horrific and i gave my phone to a friend in the house of commons and she just filled with it for about 3 minutes until they go notifications gone these people are not going to trouble you anymore and that is one strategy to deal with it simply turn off the notifications that look and i have some really brilliant dedicated staff who will always alert me and more importantly the police to when there is a direct threat but i also have an amazing 21 year old daughter who sometimes shell send me a text message in the dead of night that just says i love you mommy and in her world that is code for the for the she knows im taking the lead with the use online and she just wants me to know that there are good people out there to my kind that there are people who say well this is on line say what you think you tend of unification you dont have the rebate but this isnt just the peace and harassment that is happening online can you never see a little glimpse of your offline life as well you know so i think thats a really important point to make its easier to ignore it when its online and i take the view its your experts this is sad people alone in their bedrooms late at night to send online abuse and theyre quite easy to ignore when somebody walks up to you in the marketplace or rumsey which is the beautiful market town in hampshire and says youre a traitor who deserves to be shot that enters the real world that leaves you feeling afraid and its great to be with kim the seedling because although i didnt know joe well i knew that joe cox was a kind person a person who whenever she reached out to me in the house of commons if id made a speech the. She thought was ok she i can remember her due to me she reached out to touch my whole staircase and separates the each and you know that was for somebody who i really didnt know to work and that sadly didnt have a chance to get nowhere and you suddenly hear a gentleman that melted say to you in your own constituency the town you grew up in you deserve to be shot and you think its 3 years since a colleague of mine was shot. What sort of level of political discourse do we now have that just because i might disagree with that man on brets that it thinks i need to be killed late is that this this keeps occurring to me as im watching the sort of things that youre going for in your experience and what is going on in the u. K. That somebody would come up and say that in the straight. I think whats going on is that i respectfully cited faces of misfortune the is being normalized. Normalized by people who need ships who are all using very toxic racist language and this should be normal and. I honestly was lucky enough to. Keep those i went to show for 5 years and she was one of the kindest most polite to subdue the and women other than about the pressure to her friends and you know what happened to her should have been the moment when people actually pulled back a stop to thinking and doing but im not. And if we just look at you know the United States of america when youve got a man who is being very present and who has the type of access to such the documentary towards women and also he would u. K. As a visible muslim woman the fact that my Prime Minister that amount of good luck to be the Prime Minister u. K. By all to be the fiftys the talk of language teaching all minority women is just not acceptable and i think if you take a cue from that but i also think the point that you make our lungs up the tree when youve got people i did god to keep old. Sprouting hate. It may just be me and my hope people are living it may just seem like it was actually just from a pilot was women and it builds from that and i think often were told to shrug ships off and to kind of just get on with it well im sorry which is not i think a lot more not nice to be dug out of people who are going out of their way to spread hey fred edition from ations and they ought to be talking women are specifically to targeting minority women i met during. One of the well i would also want to also add to that i think in terms of of politicians and what politicians can do to improve things you know what should i send how answered. About joe is really heartwarming to hear and theyre absolutely right you couldnt meet a kind of person that doesnt mean that it was afraid of little bush passionate debate and would certainly let you know what our opinions were on things but she always did it in a polite and respectful manner and i think this is where politicians have to step up and understand that they also have a very Important Role to play in terms of how they behave and how they speak to each other and its fair to say in the past few weeks weve seen some pretty poor behavior from some politicians and again for me this is across the political spectrum and its across the bridge that divide so i think its really important to not just look at people who are who are giving a politician time that is also equally wrong but politicians have to think about their role in this as indeed do the media and journalists and all the people in how they report things because i think the only way things will change is if we take this holistic approach and we all think about our responsibility because i understand the anger and frustration that people feel i am extremely angry about whats happened to my family but i am not giving into the anger i am channeling the anger and doing something positive to create a positive legacy for joe in terms of bringing people together we all have to change if anything will change carolyn i want to direct something at you because im so glad that kim just made the point she made because there are people in our audience making that it exact point right now so this is dave and id like to get your thoughts on a few peoples thoughts that run along the same line dave says while it is totally unacceptable its because the m. P. s are ignoring peoples wishes and breaking promises another person on twitter barry reed says citizens have suffered at the hands of egos of politicians for hundreds of years well paid and apt why wouldnt the population finally be tired and angry at the status quo and one more ill share from you tube someone watching live over there writes in to say that he believes this theres cause for this because are we not allowed to be angry with m. P. s. Its room over on you tube what would you say to people with that perspective so i think its perfectly legitimate to be angry i think its perfectly ok to have were past discussions and debates about what is wrong with brets it why you havent managed to deliver it after all of these years but i think we have to make our political discourse of a much higher caliber i think we have to play the ball not the man or woman and i think we have to make sure that we are careful about the language we use thats critically important and people have heard me in the house of commons calling out colleagues that have used careless language that have nor thought about the impact of the words they using and what might seem ok to say traitor in one breath to pretend that people have somehow betrayed the population actually the 650 members of parliament in the house of commons each one of whom is trying their best to do the best for their own constituents of course we dont all agree you know thats the beauty of democracy they have to agree but i think its really wrong to say that were deliberately trying to frustrate the will of the people with in ect actually some of the people that you will meet in the house of commons in the most brilliant intelligent caring hardworking individuals and to try and portray all of us tar us all with one brush is just very wrong and i think them came you mention the media and you are a lot of these cues are being taken from the extreme language should be news but i think to lead when you flash the word trade across the front page of a leading newspaper

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