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Skillful and hard challenging shock. Aljazeera world examines why egyptians dominate the sport egypt squash champions on aljazeera. This is all to 0 on quick amount of the top stories this hour the Iraqi Military says one person has been killed after a rocket was fired into baghdad heavily fortified green zone it happened shortly after a separate incident at the scene and bridge eyewitnesses say Security Forces shot at least one protester dead and injured dozens more. The pentagon has released the 1st images of the breeze in which it says ice a leader of a daddy was killed on saturday u. S. Commandos stormed the compound were of a dodgy was hiding in syrias edler province. And u. S. Media reporting that the former White House National security adviser john bolton has been asked to testify at the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. As syrian state media is reporting heavy fighting has resumed between Government Troops and Turkish Forces near the border its happening around the town of ras alain the Syrian Government forces have taken up positions following a recent kurdish withdrawal its part of a deal between russia and turkey to start joint security patrols. Has more from sandy are far. Syrian government and the s. D. S. Say that they came under heavy artillery attacks from the Turkish Military particularly in the areas of tel tama and on the outskirts of basra lane now the Syrian Opposition on the other hand is saying that those confrontations were very limited and that the fighting was not between the syrian army and the Turkish Military rather between the Syrian Military and the Syrian Opposition the said there was hes backed by turkey and the situation remains very tense in those areas it is clearly an indication that all the parties are vying for the biggest say the Syrian Opposition backed by took it for example is saying that it wants to extend its influence particularly in the area of us west as fun to be a top toss elaine and prevent the as the air from moving back to those areas and ensuring that the syrian army is not trying to take advantage of the withdrawal of this as the effort to redeploy on these areas the tension that you see now in those areas would pose enormous challenges for the Turkish Military and the russians who are likely to start the joint patrols in the safe zone which has been a pretty requisite for the turkish government took is also them and it wants to set up an observation post along that safe zone and this is going to be a delicate mission for them if the fighting continues what pleased if the Syrian Military is determined to maintain a military presence in the area that stretches from merkel bayani to low fat men beach all the way east towards i miss lee and maliki on the border with iraq however we are dealing with a situation where now you having the. Turkish military jerkish turkish government along with the syrian with the russians becoming somehow the most important players in the north of syria a liability to say the future of that particular area Security Forces in lebanon fired tear gas to Disperse Protesters in the northern town of a day and to government demonstrations continue across the country despite its Prime Minister saad hariri is present nation harry require its own cheese day saying hed come to a dead end in dealing with unprecedented protests that have paralyzed the country president michel aoun has asked harry reid to stay on until a new government is formed say no one has more from beirut. The roads are now open so will schools universities and banks lebanon may no longer be paralyzed but the political crisis is far from over protesters who blocked roads across the country for almost 2 weeks toppled the Coalition Government Prime Minister saddle had resigned after failing to form a Government Free from the influence of Political Parties the president michel aoun has still to set a date to start consultations with members of parliament to agree on a new Prime Minister a post held by a son a muslim replacing heidi wont be easy he is considered the representative of that community. But hariri will insist on a semi technocratic government but the Ruling Coalition is insisting Political Parties remain represented hariri want to accept that so the other scenario is hezbollah forming a government that is more dominated by the Group Something it wants to avoid you. Hezbollah and its allies are the majority in government and parliament but it is under u. S. Sanctions like its iranian backer that is why it needs a partner like hiding who is supported by the west House Speaker to be a birdie is warning against International Intervention it seems lebanon is yet again caught in the arena of the us iranian struggle both countries have weighed in the crisis which began as a protest for Better Living conditions iran is accusing the Us Saudi Arabia and israel of supporting the protesters while the us is calling for a government that will be responsive to the needs of the people protesters who are now complaining their street action to public squares are promising to push for radical change they say they are ready for a long struggle to bring down a stick tarion system that has been governing them for decades that was 2nd demand is the formation of a new cabinet from expertise people who have expertise none corrupted nonpartisan so they can govern and conduct the transition phase and our next demand would be the early parliamentary elections so we are staying on the streets until these demands are met overthrowing postwar leaders wont be easy so far they are refusing demands to hand over power a lot of uncertainty lies ahead senator beirut. Chile will no longer host 2 Major International summits in the coming months president pinera council the Asia Pacific Economic cooperation summit and a meeting on crime a change its because of nationwide protests over economic inequality that have left at least 28 people dead and hundreds more injured animal republic has the latest from santiago. It certainly came as a surprise to many to hear the chilean president announce that 2 Major International summits would be cancelled the Asia Pacific Economic forum as well as a massive as the United Nations Climate Change conference that was expected both expected to take place here in the chilean capital in november and in december the 1st impact of course the 1st concern was over a meeting that was expected to take place between President Donald Trump of the United States and china is being who are expected to sign a trade deal here in l. A. To sort of ease the concerns and fears from Financial Markets over an escalating trade war between the United States and china but another concern here regionally and in in chile is the tarnishing of chiles reputation as a as a regional leader when it comes to matters of the economy chile as an economic model is really been a blueprint for many countries in latin america and for these protests to be taking place over income inequality has certainly come as a shock to many outside of the country and when it comes to the protests this is the reason why these 2 summits have been have been canceled as these ongoing unrest in the country and what were hearing from protesters is that the protests the demonstrations wont only be taking place this week there are more demonstrations that are expected to take place over the weekend and in the days ahead. And you wildfires threatening thousands of homes and the Reagan Library in simi valley california firefighters say drawing winds forecast for the next few days are likely to fan the flames the fire is burning just a few kilometers from another far the Getty Center Museum in los angeles that police has been burning for 2 days and has displaced thousands of people jennifer b. Oakland has more from healdsburg california. We have 5 percent humidity in the air in los angeles and some dangerous winds the air is so dry the winds are coming from the desert theyre not the cool ocean breezes and thats part of the problem the fire that was burning in in the hills over los angeles that burned a dozen homes a few days ago the cause has been traced to a branch that blew from a tree and into power lines sending showers of sparks into the air and spotting fires in the neighborhood that is why the power has been cut in many many of the areas in Northern California where i am in californias wine country and Sonoma County where the largest fire of the last week is still burning this one at 76000 acres it has burned 200 buildings half of those being homes some of them wineries schools churches stores in this area 90000 homes are still in the path of these fires so very difficult times for firefighters who are working to fortify the lines before the wind kicks up again. Twitter is banning political ads saying messages may be misleading new policy goes into effect next month the companys c. E. O. Jack dorsey says political messages should be earned. You know sue says internet advertising is powerful and effective but it brings risks to politics where it can be used to influence votes that affect the lives of millions of people well eric cam is a us political analyst and author of the piece of war he says this change will have Political Campaign seems scrambling to adapt their strategy is. This is huge not only for the business and social Media Community but more importantly for the Political Landscape not just in the United States but across the globe were talking about a major vehicle major lane for giving out ones message is now being closed off completely and so what this does is this in campaigns its in messaging. People from various campaigns scrambling trying to find a way to reach their audience and as we know twitter has a large audience and able to reach many millions of people and so now that lane is completely cut off leaving people trying to figure out how in fact they reach their audience but of course many are looking and wondering what in fact will Mark Zuckerberg of facebook do now that twitter has made this momentous decision this move is i think it will be much welcomed by at least in the United States by the democratic liberal community we do know that in 2016 election President Donald Trump his primary vehicle for reaching his audience was through twitter and now the president has to find another way to reach that audience on a daily basis without the benefit of using political ads. Meanwhile Facebook Says it suspended russian accounts that try to interfere in the domestic politics of a number of african nations it says they cant support of 3 Network Sites a russian businessman who has been accused of meddling in the us elections campaigns talked to people in 8 countries including mozambique the democratic republic of congo and libya. There are fears of atrocities taking place in burundi as the country prepares for an election next year the United Nations special envoy to brindisi says the government is refusing to cooperate or acknowledge human rights abuses i can has more from the un in new york the council was addressed by the special envoy to burundi michel cofounder who said he remained concerned about the number of Human Rights Violations within that country he said that the majority of victims appeared to be those aligned with opposition parties and said they had been little cooperation with the burundi government in terms of dealing with these violations on the humanitarian front he said that being a massive improvement only hard as many people within that country are in need of humanitarian assistance as were the Previous Year the councils reaction summed up by the Us Ambassador we welcome the recent remarks from president in currencies are affirming his commitment to Peaceful Elections and encourage the government to take tangible steps towards this goal one of those steps is to allow international and domestic election observers unfettered access to the election process and open and permissive political environment is also critical to Credible Elections political candidates from all parties should be free to campaign without threat of reprisal or interference the council is also addressed by the head of the Peace Building Commission allowed or said that preparations for the elections next year will well underway importantly he said he had been told by government leaders that the current president would not stand for reelection this would remove a major source of friction from Political Affairs in that country. Indian administered kashmir will be split into 2 centrally controlled territories on thursday its been nearly 3 months since india revoked the regions autonomy and sent in troops and visited the valley to see whats happening on the grounds. Cars have started flying on the roads in srinagar the capital of indian administered kashmir but commercial vehicles have not both speed phone connections have been restored but the internet is still cut off shops have reopened but only for a few hours. Almost 3 months after the Indian Government stripped indian administers office autonomy and imposed severe restrictions some have been east but the people of Kashmir Valley are in limbo they are caught between the indian army and the rebels between the need to register their protest and for survival. 16 year old. Student is doing last minute preparations for his social Sciences Exam even when the School Officially reopened his parents thought it was unsafe for him to that they feared clashes between the indian army and the rebels and worried about him getting caught in the middle. And boys belted stornes my parents were afraid i am to get caught in the protests so they didnt send me to school. Riaz am a shopkeeper and a father of 2 says he is forced to open his shop in the mornings but he keeps a chop the rest of the day to protest new delhis decision lowly reopen the shop because it is their livelihood because we have to support our family but i shut it down now in protest to abrogation of article 370. 00. Businesses across the Kashmir Valley are following us of the ball strike the people hope that one day the world may take notice of their silent protest. They could not all the nice like previous times because anyone who could lead was apprehended by the Indian Government. The incidence of attacks and Security Officials are on a rise in recent attacks officials said 5 truckers and 5 laborers from india what gunned down by suspected rebels resolve their resistance will yield results eventually the Indian Government is hoping to dial him out in a battle of wills do you believe this Indian Government will gain progress really protesters in general continuing their opposition just because they taking their kids to school or going to work does not mean they have accepted new delhis decision as a war on aljazeera srinagar did not mean. Supporters of one of pakistans largest islamic parties are heading to the countrys capital as part of a mass government protests these pictures show demonstrators in lahore a day before large gatherings are expected in islamabad jemmett. Party has been rallying its followers across the country to take parts in a socalled freedom march its calling for the removal of Prime Minister iran can earn a new election. This is these are the top stories the Iraqi Military says one person has been killed after a booklet was far as into baghdads heavily fortified green zone it happened shortly after a separate incident at the scene that bridge witnesses say Security Forces shot at least one protester dead and injured dozens more. The pentagon has released a video of the ways in which i say leader of a bucket of a daddy was killed on saturday the u. S. Military says this is the moments when u. S. Commandos stormed the compound well but daddy was hiding in city is it live province an explosion is seen towards the end of footage general Kenneth Mckenzie jr describes all that daddys final moments we believe that the age is a boat trailer that he took down there with him are under 12 years old. But thats about all i can tell you about that i can tell you that that we believe baghdadi actually may have fired from his hole as in his last moments the other people that work that were engaged on the objective were behaving in a threatening manner were suicide vests approaching the right force and that causes you to make some decisions particularly when they dont respond to arabic language commands to stop warning shots in the progression of escalation that you know that our special operators are so very good at. U. S. Media is reporting the former White House National security advisor john bolton has been asked to testify at the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump investigators want bolton to appear next week democrats are investigating accusations that trump withheld military aid to ukraine to force it to investigate his rival joe biden. Syrian state media is reporting heavy fighting has resumed between Government Troops and Turkish Forces near the border its happening around the town of ras alain Syrian Government forces have taken up positions following a recent kurdish withdrawal as part of a deal between russia and turkey to secure joint security patrols. Security forces in lebanon her fired tear gas to Disperse Protesters in the northern town of day and to government demonstrations continue across the country despite Prime Minister saad hariri spheres of nation hariri quits on cheese day saying hed come to a dead end in dealing with unprecedented protests that have paralyzed the country well those are the top stories the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story. More uncertainty in levanon after nearly 2 weeks of popular protests Prime Minister assad has really has resigned but some protesters say theyll remain on the streets until all their demands are met so what happens next and what would another power vacuum mean this is inside story. And welcome to the program im fully back t. Bo it was one of the main demands of lebanons protest movement the resignation of the Prime Minister and his cabinet well after nearly 2 weeks of mass protests over corruption and Economic Hardship saad hariri has been forced to step down he handed his resignation to president michel aoun whos accepted it and has now tox hariri to lead a caretaker government but many protesters say this is not enough and are demanding the president also resigns and parliamentary elections be held there is concern that this could lead to a power vacuum in lebanon last to talk about with our guests in just a moment but 1st this report from aljazeera stephanie deca. It is day 142 weeks and a significant win for the protesters in the form of the resignation of Prime Minister saad had in effect the government but many questions remain and challenges remain we are now at a political crisis yes there has been some easing of the situation on the ground when it comes to the opening of the main road to something had been putting a lot of pressure on the government a lot of pressure also on the people wanting to move around the capital and this country those roads the protesters have closed have been reopened were also hearing that schools and banks are due to open but there are big question marks when it comes to political situation of this. Country what is the Transitional Government going to look like the protesters want a government its cabinet made up of technocrats of people not affiliated to any of the Political Parties but the people now in consultations with the president are going to be people affiliated heads of these parties at the protesters are against a are they going to be able to agree on anything we know there are discrepancies there are disagreements among the Political Parties and are the protesters going to agree on what they come up with there are major challenges ahead protesters also will tell you that theyre going to remain in the streets until the entire government resigns at the names change so i think at the moment difficult times ahead for lead on challenging times ahead for lebanon and unpredictable times ahead for lebanon Stephanie Decker in beirut for inside story. Now lebanon has a very complex system of governance that goes back to the countrys independence from france in 1903 is a sectarian political system representing all religious groups and it was reinforced in the tifa court that ended 11 and 15 year civil war in 1990 the top positions are held by the 3 largest sex the president is always a maronite christian the Prime Minister a sunni muslim and the speaker of parliament a shia muslim the number of seats in parliament is equally split between christians and muslims and proportionally divided among the countrys 18 sects the iranian backed shia Group Hezbollah and its on lies hold the majority of seats in the Current Parliament and the group also has considerable military power the Coalition Government that resigned on monday took 9 months to form following a deadlock over ministerial positions and the earlier or less introduce our panel now for todays inside story in beirut omar xabi a political analyst and former advisor on human rights at the ministry of interior in lebannon in london. A researcher at the institute of Global Affairs at the London School of economics and also in the lebanese capital beirut salim professor of International Affairs and diplomacy at Notre Dame University johm and welcome to inside story thank you for being with us 9 salim in beirut let me start with you saad hariri now tasked with leading a caretaker government with limited powers does this ease the crisis a little bit or does it complicate things further. Well on the face of it it has eased the tension it has led to the majority absolute majority of demonstrates or to get to get off the streets or over lebanon. Most of the roads have been opened over the past few hours since early Early Morning and this has allowed movement the transport nation and businesses to reopen their daughters as of today and tomorrow all institution in the country and all businesses will be open once again after 2 weeks of total shut off the road down so now the president. Is now to conduct consultation with spiderman members which are constitutionally required to see whom do they want or who prefer to be the next Prime Minister and based on those consultations which are likely to be scheduled to morrow by the president ial palace the decision to. Put. Someone to. Form the new cabinet will be decided or declared by the president the next few days will clarify this whole issue on who will be the next the Prime Minister 80 percent 78 percent Prime Minister. May be the next Prime Minister but he has already now before i got into the studio he has been he said that he is putting. Conditions such as they dont want in the new cabinet ministers who are. Seen as. Confrontational or whatever and this may complicate may complicate the situation. Some have suggested that sad harry reids move was in a go she. Tactic. Because the pressure on right now and what are the possible scenarios here well the pressure in my opinion is on the government and on the Political Parties they have tried different ways to scale down the protests to no avail at the moment it seems that the resignation of son harry has been well accepted in the street it was seen as a sort of win for the movement the scenarios Going Forward or i think having a clear mandate for the government stating what the reforms are going to be and being very clear on how theyre going to do them on top of that i think whats lacking at the moment apart from the shape of the government with the technocrats or not which i did it should be technocrat. The disciplines and which is going to the manner in which is going to tackle the reforms is offered to us and right amar nash in beirut as 9 salim has said the Political Party is now headed for consultations with the president but these consultations will be with the same political establishment that the protesters on the streets have been criticizing so you wonder whats the point of it all. Exactly exactly i think i think what will happen is that we will have a government that is not very much different than the government that we had i mean there will be some changes but these changes will only be you know small details the problem that the people were took to the streets and there were screaming and shouting against the government in a movement that was called the revolution because they reject the whole political system the this system is based on as you as the introduction of your show you know showed the pointed out very clearly this is a sectarian system and you know theres so much corruption in the country and theres a failure of the government to deliver basic services to the city to the people and people the reason for that is that people in the government are being appointed in the government because of their sectarian allegiance not because of their capacity to deliver or the competence you know and that and that is the major challenge and the people are angry now right im not saying the people did not present i mean the people who are striking did not present any alternative they were just saying that they were angry that the government fails to deliver and that corruption is widespread all over the country so what were witnessing right now is that were witnessing yes im sorry i was going to just jump in you talked about the sectarian system yes you talked about the 60 sectarian system but do you think that lebanon on can do away with this sectarian system thats been in place for what 4050 years now what are the other alternatives if not the sectarian system in a country thats so diverse when it comes to religion since all. Yes yes i agree fully but you know there are you know the majority of the people who took to the streets in the past 13 days are young people this is a young generation coming out and saying that we cannot continue with this tradition system that has failed all along since the independence of this country to actually deliver the services hot a bit i mean he made this is one of the most expensive countries in the world we have inflation that is you know shocking i mean people are not really happy with the Economic Situation theyre not happy with the Political Representation we just had the you know bali meant 3 elections a year ago and you know you had more than lets say the minimum numbers more than 30400000 people on the streets and there was nobody to represent them so that shows the failure of the electoral law that is also based on sectarian divisions and sectarian division the distribution of power i mean this is a distribution of power based on religious groups and the new generation has had enough of that the new generation levanon as i can see them as i met them in the in the protests and i see them there against the whole system they want a system that delivers basic services to the people and we frankly dont have Social Security system that is in place we dont have an Education System we have some serious challenges in this country and that new generation is saying no to everything to the whole Political Class and is not presenting any of turn the right serious challenges. Theres no doubt about that. Challenges but how dangerous a moment is this for lebanon you think. Well the danger is for the Current Situation to be misused by certain Political Parties in love and on the the point i wish to make before i jump into this issue is that the Movement Towards nonsectarian lebanon needs to be an incremental one it needs to be a phase of a phased process to get us from the current status quo to the desired lebannon shocks are usually not very well accepted by by the masses both those on the street and those who are not but at the same time shocks can be also ridden along the waves by certain Political Parties or certain infiltrators. Ok what im saying is that we are all for the Movement Towards nonsectarian lebanon and i think this is what we are all calling for let me let me just bring in 9 salim in there what i wanted to bring you in on that point of the political system in lebanon which is so complicated but which has been in place now for decades do you think it can be changed in a country like lebanon and in 2008 we remember hezbollah took full control after a similar crisis do you see such a scenario happening again can there be a purely. Hezbollah backed government. Well if the situation goes into total deadlock that may become a credible scenario or probable scenario i dont think given the current circumstances. That hezbollah leadership is sinking in anyway to take over the country it is not in the interest and they cannot manage the country if they decide to take a military order militarily they can do that but they pull it politically they cannot rule the country so this is not. An issue that is probable to happen. Regarding the system the system has been sectarian for a long time and it is difficult to change it overnight the 1st step to change the system is to change the election will go to an election based on which parliamentary election where it took took place last year. Basically do nothing for a non sectarian system to be applied so as of now there is no possibility that the law will be changed so is the next. Period after a new government is established and depending on who would be would be in charge of the new government 78 percent is going to as i said to mr assad how do you. But the fundamental point if we are to go into a nonsectarian system you need to change that election to put an election and that remains to be seen there are big question marks on this issue and the general oun general aoun may go in that direction and he may have majority bringing together his only Group Hezbollah. And if you are allies and they would have more than 70 members of Parliament Giving vote of confidence for the new cabinet. Cabinet but i dont think he is going in that direction if he is to form a new government from the old march 4th ian marsh. Coalition 11 on that will incur on lebanon are forming sanctions particularly american sanctioned it because has our law is under us sanctions the sanction 9 salim both omar and the last say yes just let me just bring 9 back into the conversation 9 both omar and bill and say you cant change the system overnight the political system in lebanon overnight so how do you achieve the radical changes that the protesters are demanding. The fundamental change is that the 1st Building Block in the changes and reform is to deal with score abruption ok d and corruption now has been for sort of 2 years in government we need 1st of all as a 1st step to get to a cabinet that will address corruption at all levels or. Administration of the or sort it is from the Minute Council of ministers all the way to the badness in 4 years of government ok as off now there is no will on the on and no consensus on dealing was corruption because also have been ruling the country for the past 30 years as they are part of the part of some of the squatter option lets lets hear from now in london how do we how do we change things how do we achieve the radical changes that the protesters have been demanding. Well i would like to actually did flip that and said that we are on the verge of economic collapse and the central question now is less on the on the on the structure of things but more on what the reforms that the new government with is going to deliver and what kind of mandate with this government have the the form of the government is of course important for consensus given that we this is the decisions core lebanon we function by consensus consensus politics. But at the same time we must not ignore the fiscal deficit of around 10 percent according to the i. M. F. And that there is a movement on the street that has put pressure on the on the government so any failed steps Going Forward will not be met with with roses the other thing to say is that once this has kicked off and the momentum it took. For the past 14 days. This will not stop this will not stop very easily which is which is i think. The symptom so that the process will not will not stop at the moment the momentum is there its going to probably going i but its avoiding to know that there are 3 things that are that have been radically changed in people in the streets one is political beliefs one is individual preferences towards the political system and 3 social connections that have been formed in the process the 3 of these can catalyze the movement to keep Going Forward and this is evidence that has been shown in hong kong and in other places that the whens once the momentum is there once people actually attend one protest the likelihood of them attending again is significantly higher of the actual keep going omar in beirut lets bring you back into the conversation it took we know 9 months for her to form the government that resigned that handed its resignation on monday how long do you see this crisis lasting in lebanon and again the same question i posed to the other guests how do we achieve the radical changes that the protesters have been demanding if not changing the political system. Well. Its possible that it would take a long period of time to have a new government it could take a long period of time to name a new Prime Ministers i think the crisis remains its a system that is going through many difficulties there is no consensus there are various groups that are looking for their interests there is no feeling of National Unity or that any really any political political position that is for the interests of the country as a whole they are very sick theyre in groups and political groups calling for their own interests and the interests of the own sect or their own region or that all parties and this is this will lead to more challenges the discussions will be over power sharing and how theyre going to do power sharing based on sectarian principles and thats whats going to take place and this may take a long time to resolve this is a system that is a total failure and what were doing now is some patchwork and trying to actually bring in a government that will also be a total failure theres no not much hope for the same system to actually have some substantial change we can actually analyze this for hours and now indeed i was going to ask you and you mentioned the fact that this is obviously a very complicated situation thats not likely to be resolved anytime soon and we know that the political dynamics are complicated and theyre not only internal but also have regional implications and theres a complex web of allegiances that involves countries like saudi arabia and iran what would be the regional implications of a power vacuum any prolonged political crisis in the middle. Well we had the power vacuum before we had the you know in the past we had the problem with a power vacuum there was no president for a long period of time and that didnt change the situation and he the continue the government continues to fail to deliver if there is a power vacuum or if there is no power vacuum the problem is in lebanon is the there is no National Unity and nationally and will power to build the nation every nation thats supposed to serve its citizens and that is what the why the young generation to to the streets and screamed loudly one slogan in arabic its good money and it can everybody they were they were fed up with everybody i mean and that created problems because some sectarian groups could not actually take that their secretary and leader was also included in that can move and it can mean that everybody slogan and you know the this is this actually shows that i think on one hand theres a lot of optimism for the future because you can see the future event of a generation to fuse the sectarian system or a large part of it on the other hand its problematic because these young people dont have a representative there just and they dont want that at present if they dont want to actually form a new Political Party theyre just taking to the streets to actually the majority of these people took to the street to actually scream out against the failure of the government the corruption that is so widespread now has there been any Intelligence Forces and any external forces or manipulated the masses im sure i mean that would be that is the role of any security or intelligence force that is that wants to have a new road or a role in that but that doesnt eliminate the actual call for the new generation for a better country thats based on democracy and away from the sectarian Power Division and away from the corruption because so much money has been ripped off theres no place in the sea ports around beirut for to park a yacht there are so many and theres the than percent of the population the. Is living a glamorous life with a thanks to corruption and thanks to government corruption and the whole power sharing system and the apartments for sale for 10000000. 00 where theres the rest of the people dont have money to actually you know before schooling and basic medical health care and thats a very serious problem and i think that is where i would like to focus on that issue i mean for all the actual political analysis yeah i think the time now is to talk about the basic principles basic issues that are the basic services of the government that are not being delivered 9 sally let me give you the last word because were almost at the end of our show. You know as omar said its always been the same people that have ruled lebanon at least the same name sahar revicis. And the other is do you see things changing any time soon and also theres been what about the prospect of new elections that has been one of the main demands of the protesters would that resolve the crisis. A new election will have brings the same groups will have been controlling the power will bring them back unless the election laws are changing then that will change a correlation of forces in the country and if the those same the groups will have been in a successive government in recent years and recent decades if they are to remain in power there will be no duty for them as implemented in the country because those 2 groups are the ones who have robbed the country of is the source of corruption has become very much in demick in the country pandemic all over the various that out of government if we are to see the same groups there is no optimistic outlook for the country as far as reforms are concerned unless we go into government or for new groups that neutralizes the old establishment and bring the new faces into the forefront of politics then we will be having a real substantial reform which will take us on that old to a salvation from this whole mess which have been for many years now gentlemen thank you very much for a very interesting discussion i wish we had more time but im sure well have the opportunity it will have the opportunity to do so in the coming days here on aljazeera thank you very much for being with us 9 salim. And thank you for watching you can always washes program again any time by the setting our website at aljazeera dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com for sash a. J. Inside story you can also also join the conversation of course on twitter a handle is at a. J. Incisively for me for me back to glenn holton thank you for watching i found. My. Another day another explosion. From one of the thousands of i. E. D. Strewn through the landscape of this lawless tribal region in pakistan with only the most basic equipment a fearless bomb Disposal Unit are determined to counter the horrors of the relentless taliban onslaught. On do with faith a witness documentary. On aljazeera. Culture a downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and maintain their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are and whether. This is a suburb of the india capital new delhi tibet so be refugees here since 964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up better businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. How much of. The gods on the scale of modern slavery in the u. K. Is enormous were just seeing the tip of the iceberg really to something called the modern slavery act im just been surrounded with the time come rushing to punch someone in the stall i havent Companies Need to start to understand that this is exploitation if it sounds too good to be true it probably is and there are some very very nasty people out there aljazeera investigates britains modern slave trade. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to aljazeera. Im home i had seen in doha the top stories on aljazeera they rock you military says one person has been killed after rockets was farden to baghdads heavily fortified green zone it happened shortly after a separate incident at the scenic bridge witnesses say Security Forces shot at least one protester dead and injured dozens more thats going to aim has more from baghdad. They say a 3rd night of a curfew went into effect a short time ago and in the hours leading up to the midnight curfew we had 2 incidents one as you mentioned was in the green zone at about 10 15 pm local Time Military sources are saying that 2 rockets were fired into the heavily fortified green zone that is where top level government offices are as well as the british and american embassies and what were hearing is that one soldier was killed he was manning a checkpoint near a restaurant and another soldier was injured were also hearing that one of those rockets landed very close to the United States embassy about 110 meters from the perimeter that made you have been intentional one of the things that protesters are very upset about is what they perceive to be foreign meddling in their Domestic Affairs they cite the United States and iran truthfully during the protests most protesters have been focusing their ire on iran chanting iran out and carrying signs that say iran leave iraq the other incidents that is worth of note and still emerging the details are still emerging is that there were clashes if you will people were injured lets put it this way people were injured they were on a bridge near talk were square in baghdad thats where the epicenter of these protests have been since the they began on friday and they apparently breached a wall a concrete wall that had been erected reseated its on several bridges to bar people from passing over a bridge this one would have led to the green zone when that barrier was breached and protesters began trying to march over the bridge were told that Security Forces deployed tear gas and the Iraqi Human Rights Commission says maybe about a dozen people were injured by tear gas canisters. The pentagon has released the 1st images of the raisin which it says isolated in a bucket of a donkey was killed on saturday the u. S. Military says this is the moments when u. S. Commandos stormed the compound well but daddy was hiding in syrias province an explosion as seen towards the end of the face it general Kenneth Mckenzie jr describes all but daddys final moments we believe that the ages of 0 children that he took down there with him are under 12 years old. But thats about all i can tell you about that i can tell you that that we believe baghdad he actually may have fired from his hole as in his last moments the other people that work that ring gauge on the objective were behaving in a threatening manner suicide vests approaching the right force and that causes you to make some decisions particularly when they dont respond to arabic language commands to stop warning shots in the progression of escalation that you know there are special operators are so very good at u. S. Medias reporting the former White House National security adviser john bolton has been asked to testify at the impeachment inquiry into president dont trump investigators want bolton to appear next week democrats are investigating accusations that trump withheld military aid to ukraine to force it c. Investigates his rival joe biden. Syrian state media is reporting heavy fighting has resumed Government Troops and Turkish Forces near the border Syrian Government forces have taken up positions following a recent kurdish withdrawal its part of a deal between russia and turkey to start joint security patrols. Security forces in lebanon have fars tear gas to Disperse Protesters in the northern town of up day and government demonstrations continue across the country despite its Prime Minister saad hariri resignation president michel aoun the has asked harry to stay on as a template caretaker until a new government is formed about shop states these continue after aljazeera world. I. Remember that. I must be almost. As big. On one thing that. You. Are doing you. Are often in. If you. Have 15 more dogs then you. Leave. That. House and i think when i get done you. Finish. Line here. For frankenstein. And. Then tell the mine and they absolutely have. To kill the. Home. Although you come in here you got up and you know were. Going to be little mean tennis was bush. Is can they. Wish. That that they will see if there were hardly any. Way to go. To iraq then why then what about saying. Phase we put the ammunition in. Although most of the and if they. Come in and i mean if they need. Would you want to know what the navy can do this lawyer. In the hole i got up. The phone with. One of. The survey had i want to write about id. To buy the senate even then for a good. Quarter of the. Right if they. Didnt have a good then. Commit them and had them i can see that this mean in the. Senate even. Though there. Are a very very remote rural risk for stroke you could. See them investment us open more champions ronnie you know what louis. Thanks. And work on the house and. We will support the last year to lie low in the she internet about. The kind of more from him i will not afford a car study skills course almost. And i will model most of it takes a few up to thailand for the squash fed they would fair enough that. I was not but although i am not for easy work at the mystical we. Come our modern way ben elected to hell most of the little. Effort failed to come to columbus to be. Told to animate further the binyam of a nama brother who offends a little at the name for final battle for the will lose world. Will be too long and i will. Often find a look at our motto. Lost a lot of. The wood fear and the battle of will to know the. Exact city lives on a muslim site i conceive of the york times and a 10 year final with al fayed exactly as your own will find them without fear exactly resume and activity can it be to get them squashed almost or let me anywhere world worry all day and then this has it. We will cite our. Summary of the probable sadness rate if the member let me. And i will model will squash the fall of our lilo blocker though that can fairly be date. By the kid. Next to levels of doubt about scene from machine holy camel radical arsenic a mineral ive never missed that if you want my novel in geza danial uglier than at this out brain body of some esteem going to battle to lalun fear or fear of a steady theme but of the continental model the homage of anna a man i mean or you who work in captain is very little of the wild west levels and i will model most of the fixable delisle and fit again 2nd system m. T. B. F. While the maximal bowler are my lungs of cumulus clouds ramel

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