Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Are using. Britain heading for its 1st december in action in almost a century a very forest johnson hopes will break the brics it deadlock. Was in doha with all the days sport bangladesh stalled around the shock about a hot sun has been banned for 2 years on 3 trips with corruption charges that some more later in the program. Break in lebanon where Prime Minister saad hariri has submitted his resignation to the president after 13 days of antigovernment protests harry reid says hes reached a dead end in dealing with the unprecedented demonstrations and violence but have paralyzed the country so that honda has been following the days developments from beirut. Protesters welcoming the decision by the Prime Minister to resign there are celebrating in the streets there calling this a victory welcoming a welcome 1st step this is what they have been demanding for the past 13 days demanding a new government is formed a government made up of technocrats which are not or ministers who are not allied to any Political Party in order to. Much needed reforms to fix the economy so people are you know satisfied with this move but the biggest question is what will the Prime Minister has given his resignation to the president the president has responded he is expected to respond tomorrow accept the resignation of more is or no will. Be found but clearly the message from the Ruling Alliance has so far been youre not going to be able to topple us from the streets if you want to topple us you can only do that using constitutional tools but now the protesters are planning to open roads theyve been blocking roads not just in the lebanese capital but across the country the past 13 days now they say they will lift those roadblocks and they will confine street action to. Outside government institutions and to some squares because they realize how dangerous it is a staying on the streets. Unrest in the streets of beirut running battles in the heart of the lebanese capital. Police moved in after hundreds of men allied with Political Parties in power attacked government demonstrators who have been in the streets for almost 2 weeks demanding the ruling elite leaves office the Prime Minister saddle how d. D. Has now handed his Resignation Letter to the president. For 13 days the lebanese people have waited for a decision for a political solution that would stop the deterioration of i have tried during this period to find a way to listen to the peoples voice and to protect the country from Economic Security and social changes today i will not hide from you i reached a dead end it is time for us to have a big shock to face the crisis. The crisis is threatening civil peace the protest movement doesnt enjoy the support of the entire country. Is among a number of groups backing the government. The neighbors there are. The iranian backed movement believes there is a campaign to topple the governing coalition to change the balance of power in favor of the pro western alliance protesters deny those accusations that definitely some people try to take advantage of this entire Revolution Movement whereby they will try to ride this wave and its normal but the majority of the people on the streets are not that that is a very good its because. There are celebrations in the streets how did his resignation is seen as a welcome 1st step but what protestors are asking for is radical change early elections and an end to political sectarianism easier said that the question is will this trigger now a process by which hezbollah which is the critical player in the background as well as the president michel aoun and has already had ms. Brown but will those people agree to a technocratic government that would mean giving up power so far the governing Alliance Says it will be toppled only through constitutional means maybe hoping his decision to resign will pressure his Coalition Partners to make concessions a hezbollah led government needs political cover from someone like heidi who enjoys the support of the International Community what began as a spontaneous protest movement is now a political crisis that spilled onto the streets lebanons fault lines are deep and its unclear what happens next a political vacuum a precarious situation a divided street an economy grinding to a halt lebanon has been here before and like in the past it is the security of the country which is facing the biggest risk. Beirut. Many of the protests is also want to tear down lebanons sectarian political system saying it helps corrupt politicians cling to power by keeping the country divided under the. System if said hurry his resignation is accepted only another sunni muslim can take his place similarly the president has to be a christian and the parliamentary speaker a Shia Parliament itself is evenly divided between christians and muslims with each side getting 64 seats theres a further divided so that all 18 of lebanons religious sects are represented the system is designed to prevent lebanon from sliding back into civil war it was brokered by saudi arabia just over 30 years ago well joining me now from beirut is the unease filmmaker and activist lucian bush really thank you very much for being with us i want to come back to the system in lebanon in a moment but 1st what is the reaction amongst most to the protests and your reaction indeed to the resignation of hariri. I think its a victory for us as people who have been in the seats for 13 days and we have demanded this from the 1st day of course its because of the corruption of the of course its because of so many other things but at the same time what is the most crucial thing is that the people in the most of them the majority of the people feel they are not represented in power and governments who are in the. So and for that reason. The people in but we need to go back to the people in an early election so as the people have the right to reform the power d and they have new people. To take the country forward because the people that are. Unfortunately so corrupt that the we have. So many lies before and that we dont have any trust in them in just on that day i mean do you do you see visit another election under the existing system because a lot of the protests a seem to want the whole system to be torn up when we were describing it just now the kind of very carefully balanced political system that gives power to various different factions or what if you dont do it under that system what do you envisage. What we want is the application of the constitution our constitution actually says that we are in a temporary state today which is the state where we are going towards. Going into us going outside of the confessional system this is part of the constitution this is supposedly only temporary that was 1902 it was supposed to be different in 1906 but it never happened there was no. What it is that supposed to be the authority that when certain a committee that will change the perception of the Events People concerning sectarianism and its relationship to politics and this to happen because the people of color dont have this advantage of making it happen because they give a blank check that in system they are the ready. System and they will never accept that the system to fall into something much more inclusive much more. But to support the for the many people and theres already been some violent protests will have wind could you degenerate further. Well of course the violence has been done from the people in power and from thugs. Sent by the people in power to intimidate them state those who are only demanding for basic rights for everybody after all what your demand for and make the solution will ultimately have everybody in the to have better access to services but that access to basic rights its ready something that everybody would benefit from even the people that today but actually attacking protesters they will be also benefiting from evolving the Current System that because you couldnt sustain not working it has collapsed in many ways and it has collapsed on us the people it has collapsed economically lets even even in terms of of. Ecology political issues d less when we had the fires in lebanon we have a very big scandal where even the basic material used i needed to do. To fight the fires were not there because of court action this is something that in any other country would have stopped and the government. Took us through certain days and i think the government should have stepped down the 2nd day when they got stuck and him any thank you very much to fail thought thank you thank you. Well send her his resignation has given new hope to protest as in iraq who are trying to oust their own government tens of thousands have again been out demonstrating spurred on by reports of Security Forces shooting dead protests as in karbala more than 200 people have been killed since the demonstrations began earlier this month the protesters were joined by a powerful shia cleric. Whos pushing for a confidence vote against the Prime Minister and special reports from baghdad. Candles flickered across 3 or square as the sun set on another day of protests in baghdad with a respite from the tear gas and the stun grenades it was almost peaceful as people remembered those whod been killed soon the chanting singing and dancing resumed as did the tear gas telling sign this you are going to tear them apart from did to see what your i. Q. People are capable of what the government is now seeing is that despite the mounting death toll and the curfews people in baghdad and a handful of cities in the south have a new government in their sights use that after almost 2 weeks protesters in love it on pushed out Prime Minister saad hariri and his government is only in bolding these iraqis ok how do you have a few but i do resignation of a really open the door and give the people a strong motivation the government has to resign here as well an Influential Shiite cleric the solder joint protesters in. His followers control the largest block of votes in parliament yet solder is a late comer these protests began in early october and only on saturday did he echo the protesters demand that iraqi Prime Minister idle abdul mahdi resign the right to get out there not only there is no leader for these protests but we want the United Nations to supervise a new election to ensure it has integrity do not allow any parties to interfere and ensure. Its only just a not for shouldnt. He has promised numerous reforms including combat in corruption and saying he and other top officials would take a 50 percent pay cut and divert the money to a fine to assist the poor but he says if he resigns chaos will return to iraq and as egypts arab spring revealed its one thing to have a revolution and another to create a real democracy i tell you what we dont have any new leaders in our minds right now but well keep protesting a lot of you have joined the protest several 17 year old to get on here both the teachers and the attorneys unions have told their members to stay off from school for the rest of the week i did stats show their solidarity by protesting the name aljazeera baghdad. And just one footnote to that just within the last few minutes so weve heard from state media in iraq that iraqs shia political leader mary says he will work with the populist cleric. On achieving the interests of the people and saving the country is remember there from that report has been calling out for a vote of no confidence in the promises so its possible that things are moving on a pace in iraq well keep you updated on that story just assumes a bit more information. Still to come on the news hour live from london Donald Trumps ukraine advisor testifies to congress about his alarm over the u. S. President s efforts to pressure his ukrainian counterpart. An official report into one of londons worst fire disasters says many more people could have been saved. And in sports south africas coach says england have the upper hand heading into saturdays World Cup Final. Russia says tens of thousands of kurdish led forces have withdrawn from a border zone in northeast syria the pullout was completed ahead of a deadline that had been set for 15 g. M. T. On tuesday russian and Turkish Forces say theyll now start joint patrols in the region are reports from gaza into. Kurdish fighters were treating from the socalled safe zone but turkey says its patrols will determine if the withdrawal is in line with the deal is signed with russia last week the safe zone is a 440 kilometer long and 32 kilometer deep area thats what she is from the northwest to maliki on the border with iraq east turkey has insisted on establishing a buffer zone on the border with syria saying its crucial to prevent the Peoples Protection unit the white b. G. From expanding its influence turkish authorities consider the white b. G. A terrorist group. For the us the white pity the main kurdish faction in the Syrian Democratic forces. Was a push into beating myself. The retreat of the kurdish fighters would be a crucial moment for president as a player. Who has been warning against a full blown mystery confrontation if Syrian Kurdish fighters remain in the same zone. Although must be the killer part in the brochure as all know has given the information to all relevant authorities the terrorists organizations have completely withdrawn. It was a tense day a mortar landed near a Russian Military personnel. On the border with Turkey Russia and turkey carry out joint patrols in those areas. Clashes erupted between the turkish back Syrian National army the Opposition Group and the s. D. F. On the outskirts of i know he said and then bitch. In the meantime as the s. D. F. Fighters pull out Syrian Government troops are redeploying taken over more territory. You know we just saw. With that about our redeployment will continue until we reach the iraqi border god willing we will rescue people from the turkish invasion and terrorist groups. But all the ground its russia and turkey the top the upper hand the support rival groups in syria but bad as over the last few years to set aside their differences and broker a deal to end the syrian conflict. Turkey wants to establish observation post in the safe zone warning that any push by the Syrian Government of the yesteryear to move to the area will be met by force possible by the us is iraq going to alter his border with syria. The kurdish led Syrian Democratic forces say they played a key role in tracking down isolator baghdadi who was killed on saturday the s. D. F. Say they placed a spy in baghdad hes in a circle they stole a pair of his underpants which were then d. N. A. Tested to prove his identity u. S. President donald trump downplayed the role of Kurdish Forces in the raid but s. T. s Officials Say they helped to guide us troops to baghdad is syrian hideout they isolated detonated a suicide vest as u. S. Forces approached killing himself and 3 of his children i mean all trump has tweeted saying the man who was meant to replace baghdadi has also been killed by u. S. Troops it doesnt specify who it is but says the man would have most likely taken the top spot in i saw with the u. S. And a top kurdish official and earlier confirmed that baghdad his spokesman and right hand man i will house and 100 year was killed on sunday in a separate rage in the Northern Syrian village of beda. A top u. S. Government official says he raised concerns twice over the president s efforts to pressure ukraine to investigate a political rival alexander been men has been testifying as part of the impeachment inquiry into donald trump why did your castro report from washington. Alexander venom an is a u. S. Army colonel hornet iraq veteran and the 1st impeachment witness with 1st hand knowledge of the july phone call between President Trump and the ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelinsky then man was among the white house staff listening when trump said to the ukrainian leader i would like you to do west a favor publicly investigate trumps political rival joe biden and a Company Called charisma that employed by tin son i was concerned by the call binman said in his written testimony i did not think it was proper to demand that a Foreign Government investigate a us citizen i was worried about the implications for the Us Government support of ukraine i realized that if ukraine pursued an investigation into the bidens and it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained this would all undermine u. S. National security the newly elected selenski was hoping to schedule a visit to the white house and ukraine was waiting for u. S. Military aid needed to fend off russia but trump temporarily withheld the aid as his advisors continued to push ukraine to investigate the democrats and biden. This is about the United States constitution this is about the rule of law this is about National Security this is about abuse of power this is about the fact that the president betrayed his oath of office and the American People trump has denied wrongdoing and attack the credibility of witnesses who cooperated with the inquiry that earned a rare rebuke from a fellow republican i think that we need to show that we are better than that as a nation their patriotism their love of country were talking about decorated veterans who have served this nation who put their lives on the line and it is shameful to question their patriotism their loss. This nation House Democrats plan to vote on thursday to formally authorize this impeachment inquiry even though it has been underway for several weeks so why do the vote now democrats say its to deflate the republican argument that this inquiry lacks legitimacy because it was never voted upon and are to potentially open these closed door impeachment proceedings to the public heidi joe castro aljazeera washington ukrainian troops and russian backed separatists have started to withdraw from a key frontline area in Eastern Ukraine both sides have confirmed a military pullout is underway in the town of the last say into one screen and will be followed by another in the city of detroit the withdrawal is seen as the final step before the leaders of Ukraine Russia france and germany meet to discuss a peace plan to end the 5 year conflict which has killed with 13000. 00 people. Britain is set to go to the polls on december the 12th after Prime Minister Boris Johnson won support from opposition parties for an early vote. We are used to the right order the search page the nose to the left 20 so the o. E. C. D. The have. Drawn some called election in an effort to gain a majority in parliament and break the political deadlock of a brics it the vote must still be approved by the house of lords earlier the e. U. Formally granted britain a 3rd delay to the brics it deadline extending it by 3 months from the barker joins us live from westminster. And got what he wanted what happens next. He has got it what he wanted but only 4th time lucky of course the election that he was after one on december the 12th will now go ahead after an overwhelming number of m. P. s backed it there have been some wrangling some back and forth between the government and opposition parties about whether it should be held on december the 9th which is exactly what the opposition labor leader Jeremy Corbyn wanted what johnson is essentially trying to do is to reconfigure british politics to readjust the balance of power in the hope of essentially getting his Withdrawal Agreement his vision for brakes it through parliament as soon as he possibly can but it is very risky for the government is very risky too for opposition parties including the labor party that hasnt been doing particularly well in the polls but earlier on today they did turn around and say that they would now back this snap election so were only a matter of weeks away and for more on what the conservative party are up to next but probably more importantly in terms of the opposition what the labor party are up to next im now joined by kevin craig whos a political lobbyist and Media Relations expert and labor Party Insider now we know that the boys johnson immediately after this vote went to his backbench is the 1922 committee to rally the troops what is jeremy corbins next move well he this evening has come out very quickly with a statement saying that hes looking forward to launching the largest mass participation Election Campaign ever seen in this country the labor partys been very busy today there was a Conference Call for all of its candidates at the next election where the party they had for members the shadow cabinet said were going to have the fight of our lives and jamie colby is actually in recent weeks become a lot more energized at the thought of going out there campaigning because that is what he does very very well and its true its a huge risk for the labor party but after getting reassurances from the European Union the labor party could no longer risk being seen by the public as being scared of a general election so this is an election full of. More risk than ive seen in my lifetime 25 years campaigning and standing for office the labor party ive never known an election so risky for the 2 main parties but its really kicked off in style today and one of the biggest criticisms leveled at Jeremy Corbyn is that hes hazy on breaks in something that Boris Johnson certainly isnt hes got a clear Withdrawal Agreement thats been gathering pace and support and speed in parliament he feels that he now has the backing of the country as well surely the conservative party have this in the back they have no election in the bag we will remember in this country but 2 years ago when the then Prime Minister trees in may started in the election over 20 points ahead in the polls i think weve all but the polls dont really mean anything and its highly likely that conservative and the labor partys are going to be really facing each other in the key contests in this election and thats going to depend on knocking on doors its going to depend on money the right candidates but its definitely not over before it started and the Prime Minister and corbin if i said that they know this is full of risk one of them will not be leading their party on friday the 13th of december 1 of the biggest criticisms also. Directed at the labor party repeatedly it is is that its a Hard Left Party amongst us policy that doesnt stand up for the middle classes in the country most certainly doesnt in any way sympathise with people who may have voted to leave the European Union what do labor supporters say to them the policy ive been involved in some big selection contests for candidates in recent weeks and the labor policy is choosing across the country a really healthy mix of people on the traditional left who were very supportive Jeremy Colvin at the start i mean in london amazing working class black female can dislike florence i show me who really represent not middle england philosophy this very outward looking and encompassing of many different strains of thought so i dont think that characterization of labors is fair i understand why some. If you do it its not what im seeing at the moment across the country in the selections its a really mixed all encompassing labor policy and im quite optimistic that it might pull off another surprise come great thank you very much well just to repeat Boris Johnson is now fine at the starting pistol on the next general election the 3rd in 5 years the question is whether or not on friday the 13th of december the day after the election the country will be any clearer about what its political future will be any clearer on the future breaks it. Thank you very much indeed Public Inquiry says they were grave failings by londons fire brigade and its response to a deadly blaze at an apartment block in 2017 efficient reporters found that few people would have died if Grenfell Tower had been evacuated fast to 72 people died in the disaster china has more. Its almost 2 and a half years since firefighters battled through the night to control the flames that engulfed grunfeld tower in west london 72. 00 residents including 19 children died that night many of them told to remain inside their apartments. Phase one of an independent Public Inquiry has called into question that socalled stay put order and found that the london fire brigade readiness for a high rise blaze like grunfeld was gravely inadequate fewer people would have died but for that said retired judge so martin moore pick who led the inquiry local Community Representatives say the inquiry doesnt tell the full story. For this community we are very well aware of the history and the context in which that fire occurred you know the the context of the now Prime Minister who was then mayor making cuts to Fire Services where they lost 10000. 00 firefighters 10 stations were plows the cuts in resourcing within the fire service the ground felt our disaster was a blight on the premiership of to resume a she was accused of lacking empathy when she came here and failed to meet directly with residents and survivors its now landed uncomfortably in the lap of her successor Boris Johnson wants in overall charge as mayor of the london fire brigade and soon to be fighting an election. And there are deeper concerns that the lessons of grenfell have not been learned you know kensington and Chelsea Council this self has not faced any real punishment all of these buildings around here every single one of them but they are there is not one of them that doesnt have serious fire safety defects still in there at the moment and nothings been done about them the main trouble. Is the number of buildings we have with a single staircase so youve got to tell a block one the staircase if there is used free media evacuation people will go in the cases anyway because its over trailed it. Phase 2 of the inquiry next year well look at the wider causes of the fire the decisions taken about the buildings renovation fire Safety Measures the combustible external cladding all contributed to making the fire so deadly the fire brigade say residents may well have failed in its preparedness and response but the real culprits they feel have yet to be named jonah how aljazeera london. Theres much more to come this hour war tear gas and water cannon in chile on the 12th day in a row of protests despite mondays cabinet reshuffle. The mounting piles of plastic that are choking one of africas Fastest Growing cities. On a sport the turkish diver who tried to swim 100 metres with one breath find out if she did it. Hello that sunshine is being rather squeeze across more central areas of europe the south in particular the med see more showers and there is a very cloudy picture the last few hours across much of Central Europe weve had some fall the mornings as well look at this is actually cologne but he thought this shroud of fog should be clearing as we go through the day certainly a wednesday we have got more sunshine across much of mainland europe is cool though for celsius and care just to in moscow in the may well be some snow flurries in there as well not a bad day temperature wise in london on wednesday of this the system waiting in the wings a heads east on thursday the temperature will low but also this rain could actually add to some more localized flooding has been so very wet for a long time meanwhile in the central med we have got plenty of rain showers across much of italy and actually on it towards greece and western turkey in the same systems could well produce a few showers into Northern Areas of africa so sunny cloudy conditions algeria on tools tunisia as we go through wednesday and then really its on thursday this is all because maybe its got a thunder storm again same areas so. The same across into tunis and maybe just a parting shot along these coastal areas of libya as well a big cooler in tripoli as well as youll see there a high of 23 celsius for you on thursday. I dont deal with poverty unless you deal with the gap you decide to i just agree with that toy this sounds like blaming the public the country for the current all of the naming anybody these people well trained as much a part of the Islamic State machinery as been very. Popular that altered future join me in the sun as i put the questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate. Aljazeera a policy imposed decades ago woman part that she would select to be goods and the boards changing demographics across asia with far reaching consequences are creating a pool of socially disadvantaged young men so you have the system where people at every level will be get being given money money to agree distro zation our money to get other people to be the services out there examines the politics of population control. And money top stories here. Lebanons Prime Minister has offered his resignation saying hes reached a dead end in dealing with the demonstrations that have paralyze the country he made the announcement shortly after his boss supporters tore through a protest camp in beirut torching tents and chasing away demonstrators. Tens of thousands of people have demonstrated in iraq spurred on by events in lebanon and reports of Security Forces shooting dead protesters in karbala overnight. And russia says. Kurdish led forces have withdrawn from a border zone in northeast syria ahead of a deadline they were set turkey says it will eliminate any y. P. G. Fighters it finds in a planned safe city. The c. E. O. Of boeing has admitted to a u. S. Congressional hearing mistakes were made with its 77. 00 max jet which led to 2 deadly crashes on the planes worldwide grounding that is merely acknowledged errors in the jet software and failures to give pilots enough information on the stall prevention system he also apologized to the victims families who sat behind him holding up photos of their relatives its exactly one year since the line air crash in indonesia which killed all 189 on board the same boeing model also crashed in ethiopia in march leaving 157 people dead. John hendren has more from outside Bearings International headquarters in chicago. In a 2 and a half hour grilling on capitol hill senators questioned Dennis Miller chief executive officer of the boeing company it was on the one Year Anniversary of the crash of a lion airplane in which 100 89. 00 people were killed in indonesia that was one of 2 crashes a total of 346. 00 people died on those planes after that regulators around the world stopped the boeing 737. 00 max from flying family members of the victims held about the pictures of those who died in the hearing room on capitol hill and senators were often harsh senator Richard Blumenthal called the planes flying coffins senator ted cruz read Text Messages from the pilot one of them saying that the plane had some agree just problems and in another he said that he had essentially lied to regulators for his part dennis member good c. E. O. Apologized to the families of those who died and said the company had made mistakes this is what he had to say we are sorry deeply and truly sorry as a husband and father myself im im heartbroken by your loss i think about you and your loved ones every day and i know our entire boeing team does as well i know that probably doesnt offer much comfort and healing at this point but i want you to know that we carry those memories with us every day and every day that drives us to improve the safety of our airplanes and our industry. And that will never stop beyond that molly bird did not agree to major changes in regulation and he stuck to his talking points one of the issues there is that the plane is often self certified various aspects of it are certified by boeing and not by regulators that plane was considered an upgrade of a previous 737 model from the 1960 s. And therefore didnt undergo the same rigorous certification process the new plane would have undergone all of this leaves boy with some significant problems the company has had to set aside 4900000000. 00 to compensate airlines it is not producing that plane losing market share to airbus industry and Dennis Miller himself has been demoted he was chairman and c. E. O. Of the company the company has now made him just c. E. O. So that he could concentrate on getting this plane back in the air but its entirely possible that once all of this is over the Company Might be looking for a fresh face. Parts of california bracing for strong winds which are expected to fan wildfires burning across the u. S. State thick smoke plumes can easily be seen from space a state of emergency has been declared as firefighters battle to get the bases under control 200000 people have been told to leave their homes and 12000000 people are without power. All the active fires in california right now most are concentrated in the north and south with many around the cities of San Francisco and los angeles and these are the areas under a red flag warning which means theres an increased risk of fire danger. The wind gusts could be up to 50 to 70 Miles Per Hour it only takes one ember to blow downwind to staring at a fair and which had been named to travel 70 miles so were very concerned about tonight when you do that. Switzerland has lost more than a 10th of its classes in just the past 5 years according to its Home Affairs Minister was addressing a meeting of scientists in Geneva Mountain sources supply about half of all the worlds Drinking Water the World Meteorological organization is discussing how Climate Change could affect supplies and even lead to conflict over fresh water fountains make up 2 thirds of switzerlands territory that 500 last years have been completely lost since the start of the 20th century. Reviving a Strong Economy will be one of the 1st big tasks for argentinas new president that has a better finance gets to grips with currency and debt problems its ordinary arjen times who are feeling the pinch as the risible reports what is are is even raising a family has become a challenge. Its Late Afternoon in legarda a poor neighborhood in one of. My account appeal is trying to prevent the rain from destroying the police she lives in with her children. She has 11 of them and these days feeding them has become a major challenge so i go and beg on the street im not ashamed i sometimes work at a soup kitchen and feed children there and my kids get a meal in some of the schools a recent study shows that poverty rates have been on the rise in the past year the economic crisis has mostly caused by the devaluation of the piece or has had a big impact on peoples lives and the 55 Percent Inflation rate is making it difficult for them to buy food around 50 percent of the children in arjun are poor this not only tradition but also violence were told that many of the kids are living here and up close and killed. One of my sons was killed in a shooting shes desperately trying to protect those she has left. There are a lot of drugs here a lot of they are killing one another you can hardly sit outside because of the shooting so i get them inside. The sun not his real name told us children in the slums do not have opportunities drugs he say is what allows many to escape the problems they face every day death among young teenagers here has become a regular thing. Has been working in the neighborhood for decades trying to fill in the empty space left by the argentinian state she has a foundation that feeds around 600 children who come to this soup kitchen every day. Inflation is making things difficult we have a budget from last year and we are struggling to get the meals children need especially be eggs everything that is protein we can only buy 50 percent of what we need in. The ngo is also trying to keep the children off the streets with education and sports. And. What is crucial to change this is education its what will allow them to dream of going to University Many of the kids we have here dont know how to read and write you cant get out of poverty without education and jobs. And thats something governments here have repeatedly failed to resolve. Even though argentina is a country that produces food for millions of people around the world it has failed to resole its structural economic problems leaving millions of children in the country vulnerable and ignored. Thousands of protesters are back out on the streets with a chilean capital santiago despite a government russia aimed at curbing the unrest demonstrators have been throwing rocks at Police Vehicles deployed to stop the rally from turning violent on monday demonstrators destroyed property looted shops and blocked roads. The protests began several weeks ago over a hike in metro fares but it seems turned into a wider unless of inequality in the country. And not in america to turnitin human is there 1st of this was billed to this latest protest as one of the biggest match made last. Emotion you can him a can you give me. A low high and got a response i dont like your 2nd here yes is so this is supposed to be one of the biggest demonstrations yet as it turned into. Its being billed as the 2nd largest i think that the one last friday over more than 1200000 people is going to be hard to beat but there have been people walking here merging or trying to get to the main Meeting Point now for more than 3 hours there are huge huge crowds gathering for a protest that is supposed to have center on the demand for the overhaul of chiles Pension System which is one of the most unpopular i would say in the moon in the world its called a paupers Pension System but its really grown beyond that everybody who has a gripe against the system against the government against this countrys growing inequality although its not a country with the highest poverty rate in latin america it does have the biggest difference between the person who earns the most and the one who earns the least of any other country in latin america and so people are really really feeling empowered now and and theyre coming out in large large numbers but about 300 meters ahead of me of the Violent Group has again begun clashing with riot police and so presumably this is going to turn out not to as it with another day of violence lauren as we saw especially on monday when it was really serious destruction both here in this state capital santiago and in other cities in the country what do you think the government is going to do next to try to bring things under control. That is a very good question and im not sure that the government has the answer or is even sure of what to do next stop this has had many people would have seen this as a as a movement that is out of control because there isnt a particular organization Political Party or person that is leading it this is almost anonymous it brings together all the discontent but with no particular head theres no one to really negotiate with now the government significantly put out of call very uncharacteristically to all the Political Parties all this was on monday night in the middle of the mayhem and said please we need your help we need your help appealing to opposition Political Parties and other movements to try to 1st of all condemn the violence that has taken place systematically here for the last 12 days in isolated areas but still significant violence and also to try to come together some night nationwide agreement as to how to address the demands of the people they say they cant do it all at once but that if everyone works together perhaps this could qualms some of the unrest but more people are out on the streets now some calling for the resignation of the president but especially calling for a constituent assembly in the government or rather the Parliament Today began for the 1st time seriously debating that possibility lauren. Thank you very much indeed but just a quick update for you coming out of the United States the u. S. House of representatives have voted overwhelmingly for legislation seeking to impose sanctions on turkey for its offensive in Northern Syria the voting is continuing on that you remember that. The white house and said that it would lift sanctions that it had proposed for turkey after the syrian invasion after the cease fire was announced but it seems that the house of representatives is still trying to impose sanctions to punish turkey over that. Operation inside syria bring you more on that story just as soon as we get a clue. Antigovernment protests are broken out in indian administered kashmir as a group of politicians from the European Parliament visited the disputed territory. Demonstrators are demanding the Indian Government lift harsh restrictions imposed when india revote kashmirs autonomy in august thousands of people have been arrested and communications blocked tuesdays unofficial visit by the m e ps is the 1st by foreign delegation since the lock down most of them are from right wing parties and the met Prime Minister on monday but the trip has not been approved by e. U. Officials at least 37. 00 people have been killed after a landslide in cameroons Western Highlands 12 people are still missing the town of before some of the landslide happened at night when many people were asleep rescue teams are trying to pick their way through destroyed homes and the areas governor says residents should leave as heavy rain continues kenyas president says he wants all Single Use Plastics banned by june 2020 ambitious target follows a similar ban on plastic bags which was introduced in kenya 2 years ago with no recycling infrastructure pollution there has been getting worse nicholas haq reports from nairobi beneath the sky scrapers of nairobi is this mountain of rubbish wild animals and humans come here to find food as a child lilian dont go thought she would become a doctor instead shes now picking out anything that can be used or reused from this landfill today shes found used plastic intervenors drips a plastic torchlight part of a loaf of bread. And a bag of rice you know. What a waste says this mother of 10 supports her family making 2. 00 a day recycling other peoples trash im not because im a family people throw away so much but we try to reuse every bit i do it for my kids for my family but a ban on plastic bags put in place 2 years ago has made her work a lot harder theyve been replaced by polly prop and bags theyre less polluting but difficult to recycle and so less profitable for a dont go who sells them for less than one cent apiece anyone found manufacturing importing or selling a plastic carrier bag now faces a fine of up to 40000. 00 and even a prison sentence still this hasnt stopped the pollution nairobi is one of the Fastest Growing cities in the world more people are moving into the capital than they can contain and with new arrivals comes more waste and so this landfill is expanding faster than the city itself. The stench here is unbearable its a mixture of human waste and garbage burning but what smells less but pollutes more is this it will take 10 to a 1000 years for this to disintegrate in that switch choking this city. Scientists believe humans ingest plastic equivalent to whats in a credit card every week in kenya it could be much more plastic is found in meat and milk president kenyatta wants to ban single use plastic altogether by june 2020 critics argue its too little too late and will be difficult to implement of this total recall to relax on the river from. The west of denver to us but we want somebody else to go west so i didnt is the disposability cost and sure we dispose all of us just a number. Then do catch for now though dealing with trash continues to be considered mostly womens work a burden others dont seem yet willing to carry Nicholas Hawke aljazeera nairobi. World. Business updates. Going places together. Business updates. Going places together. Now heres peter with the sport. Thank you very much learned one of the worlds best players the bangladesh star all rounder struck about how sun has been banned for 2 years on 3 corruption charges the 32 year old has admitted to the International Cricket council he failed to report approaches by bookmakers to fix matches back in 2018 matches were in a trice series between Bangladesh Sri Lanka and zimbabwe and the Indian Premier League to one year of that sentence has been suspended but he will still not be able to return until october 2020 to collect the average up to receive all of us you obviously extremely sad to have been banned from the game i love but i completely accept my sanction for not reporting the approaches the i. C. C. Anticorruption unit is reliant on players to play a part in the fight against corruption and i didnt do my duty in this instance. We spoke to e. S. P. N. Cric info assistant editor see the arts monger in daily he believes should have known better this is the same person who had reported approaches the suspect approaches in the nurse book and 8 and 2010 and it was also a nurse that looked at 13 people Corruption Case it means you might have made a conscious decision to not share this approach with. You that makes it. That makes it sound really bad for bangladesh cricket because i think it was the captain of the side when these are made to him and we all know how bookies operate the board of the captain to try to get the motivation he cannot be the only one that he is operating. Or a group of cookies or a whole industry is operating room i dont think is the way easy. Spend outside when youre watching all the cricket and were seeing the i. P. L. As were seeing that it really woke up i think that when it. College athletes in the United States can now profit from brand sponsorships and endorsements the new rule was approved on tuesday the change is likely to benefit athletes in the highest profile sports such as american football and basketball the sports are responsible for billions of dollars in revenue even at a College Level california already approved legislation last month to allow student athletes to indorsement money theres been a huge upset at the w. T. A final thing shinji in china world number one ashley barty has been beaten straight in was originally supposed to play naomi osaka but she pulled out of the whole tournament with a shoulder injury so body faced osaki for a place to keep the persons who pulled off a shock when in 3 sets both versions and body are still in contention to beach the same meets. But in the bench each is another who can still make it into the semifinals she needed a win over the czech republics patrick a bit of on tuesday to keep those hopes alive though the swiss certainly had to fight hard to get the win 6316 and 6 for the final school she who played little licks. Arsenal boss you know i am really hasnt ruled out stripping granite shocker of the gunners captaincy it follows ugly scenes during the sides 22 draw against Crystal Palace in the English Premier League on sunday the swiss was booed off the field as he got subbed shucker whos form has been heavily criticized the season responded by jaring the crowd he also used expedience steering hes angry exit off in the face liverpool away in the league cup on wednesday. At the moment i am not this begin and im not the one to think about that the 1st peace corps he and i prefer. Keep moving taking each each a step. Day taking that this issue on their way to this day of light and the best possible south africa dr because says england have the upper hand heading into saturdays World Cup Final because they have a more experienced coach the springboks are aiming for their 3rd world cup trophy which would equal the record held by new zealand by ross mrs england have the age because unlike him any jones has already coached in finals with australia and south africa were excited but we feel the pressure weve found ways to handle it and try to to work around it they would have the upper hand in terms of it is experience of being of south africa and australia but you know weve tried to find our own ways how to handle that and so for so good but certainly said it will be a big day for us to see if we can go that last well finish with a world record by a female free diver from 30 this is 34 year old. Men who are losing in through the icy waters of gill indeed a cave in Southern Turkey which dates back to the ice age freediving the swim without any breathing equipment but this time she wasnt so mean without any friends incredibly she managed to go 100 metres with just one single play i learned thats all the sport for now more later peter thank you very much and thats it for me arent enough this news hour im back in a minute with another full round of the days news thanks for watching. In the land of the free the cost of medication is killing people this particular pill is going to be anywhere from 800. 00 to 1100. 00 and citizens are desperate entire bus load of americans coming to walmart and canada to buy insulin because just where they can afford it faultlines investigates the spiraling costs of prescription drugs in the usa i will have to make a decision as to when to stop treatment and choose to die so that i can leave my husband with enough the cost of living on aljazeera. A story 1400 years in the make. A story of succession and leadership. Tells the story the foundation and the emergence of an empire. The caliph episode one. Jersey the. Celebrations in lebanon as Prime Minister saad hariri submits his resignation to hezbollah supporters test through a protest camp in bay ridge. Says al jazeera live from london also coming up. Currys move galvanises protestors in iraq are pushing for their own Prime Minister to quit. Russia says Kurdish Forces have withdrawn from the border zone in northeast syria ahead

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