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Bearing the scars of. Meet the victims in mosul who find little comfort in the death of the groups leader. Allow Iraqi Security forces have used live rounds to disperse a sit in demonstration in karbala a medical source has told at least 20 people have been killed in the capital hundreds of demonstrators defied an overnight curfew people angry about corruption and Economic Hardship laura but manley has more. Among volleys of tear gas protesters occupied backed out central to her square while others pushed forward attempting to reach the highly secured green zone thats home to government offices and embassies. Iraqs military in person overnight curfew video posted social media show hundreds to fight it no no no no no to the k. Few we will remain here the care for you is one of the filthy games and tales on hold here im an iraqi mother my sons have University Degrees of something they would help me when they graduate but the jobless fed up with high unemployment and what they call top level corruption theyre calling for the government to resign. Because the south in karbala protests the say they were shocked at life and the mission. Over the past month scores of people have been killed and thousands injured this is a popular demand asking for great a change is great the reforms in the government and Greater Services this curfew is obviously a method by the government to carry out its its plans by. Evacuating the main street areas. Of the cities from the demonstrators demonstrators. Nationwide protests began at the start of the month but pause for 2 weeks as they waited for iraqs leaders to respond to their demands they returned on friday with renewed anger was i know somebody. Today yours are not asking for jobs nor for services the young women want radical a real change from the regime. Thousands of university and School Students defied orders and skipped class to join the protests on monday. Its a huge challenge for Prime Minister up to mahdi whos only been in power for a year hes promised to reshuffle the cabinet and introduce reforms but he refused the protesters demand to resign along with his government. The prominent shia cleric mcdowell solder who controls the largest bloc in parliament has called on the government to announce early parliamentary elections. And with nearly 60 percent of iraqs 40000000. 00 People Living on less than 6. 00 a day many say they have nothing to lose and will continue to fight for a better future. Man the al jazeera. Are the biggest demonstrations in a generation show no signs of letting up in chile president Sebastian Pinera placed a 3rd of his cabinet in response to days of protests Security Forces clashed again with demonstrators tens of thousands marched through the capital on monday latin america until a cinema reports from santiago. There the biggest demonstrations in chile since the end of its military dictatorship 3 decades ago and like then the country is under the watch of human rights organizations the there arriving in chile to investigate charges of police brutality. In front of Chile Supreme Court many protesters were black as a sign of mourning for those allegedly killed or seriously injured by soldiers and riot police during ongoing demonstrations they were looking for someone to be responsible. And theres me next station to the president and to the. Minister of interior who has their hands when i was here with them the university of chiles Human Rights Institute has received more than 600 complaints of abuse of force leading in some cases to blindness and to see. We come in we are talking specifically about attacks against totally peaceful demonstrators who had been shot with rubber and mello pellets directly to the face and who have been gravely injured young people who are now permanently disabled indeed the list of demands on the street is expanding not just with calls for justice but also for the president to be held personally responsible for the alleged abuses of human rights this as president said r. C. M. P. As struggles to find new ways to diffuse the ongoing political upheaval here. Just hours after lifting the state of emergency announced the biggest Cabinet Reshuffle of his presidency replacing 8 ministers including his cousin the interior minister who last week called protesters criminals. Chile is not the same country it was 2 weeks ago chile has changed and the government also has to change to confront the new challenges of the New York Times if this appeal. But the large number of protesters still on the streets suggest chile hasnt changed president pierre says that of authorities have committed abuses theyll be investigated and punished. But neither the cabinet overhaul nor the lifting of the state of emergency is likely to return calm to chile where protesters are already organizing new mass demonstrations for the entire week to see in human santiago. Other u. S. House of representatives will vote this week on whether to formalize the impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump that would lay the groundwork for public hearings and outlined how to handle evidence that incision is in response to complaints from trump and some republicans that the process is illegitimate president has accused the withholding military aid to ukraine in order to pressure the government there to investigate political rival joe biden some. Because the tsunami has moved from washington this is been a main talking point for republicans that the impeachment is a sham because house lawmakers have yet to take a formal vote authorizing the hearings in fact last week a group of republican lawmakers stormed a hearing room where a witness was giving evidence saying that it was being done in secret even though republicans were taking part in the process because the hearing wasnt out in the open they were in open to the public they were critical of that last week a federal judge actually refuted this claim and sided with democrats saying that they were well within their rights to hold these hearings that this had been done before prior to a formal vote on an impeachment but the administration is appealing that decision and nancy pelosi says that while it is a baseless excuse shes attempting to take that excuse away from the republicans and not give them reason to justify withholding documents and preventing witnesses from cooperating now the white house may still try to claim that witnesses have immunity and dont have to testify democrats have been dealing with that by taking them to court and trying to get it resolved there but thats a process thats likely to take months to resolve so by changing their tactics democrats are saying that they are just going to use this as evidence of the administration trying to obstruct justice and bolster their case for impeachment rather than trying to fight to get the witnesses in front of them. A firefighters in california battling wildfires across the state around 200000 people have been told to evacuate their homes and a state of emergency has been declared Andy Gallagher reports. Fueled by strong winds and dry conditions wildfires continue to rage across california in Sonoma County north of San Francisco winds of hurricane strength help the kinkaid fire creep closer to its population help santa rosa the blaze forced 200000 people to evacuate its daylight revealed homes and structures while fire now covers more than a quarter of a 1000000 square kilometers Officials Say its 5 percent contained im cautious when i say this but near stork the wind event at a scale and scope the likes of which we havent seen in some time that precipitated today with a new statewide Emergency Declaration because 43 counties now are impacted by red flag warnings and by the Severe Weather conditions to the west of los angeles that get the brush fire threatens hillside communities with a number of homes already damaged the citys mayor has warned some residents they may only have 15 minutes to leave the szell say 500 firefighters and now battling blazes that weather conditions are expected to worsen we have firefighters from the ground and air they had a very Quick Response to this theyve been able to try to anchor that fire working on flanking it but it just moving in such a quick area to prevent 5 starting in other areas electric companies have cut power to more than 2000000 homes and businesses its thought the kinkaid fire may have been started by a downed cable according to the California Department of fire and forestry this states experienced its deadliest and most destructive fires in the past 2 years is by seasons a starting early and ending later Officials Say Climate Change is to blame and gallica aljazeera. The u. K. Parliament has rejected a proposal from the Prime Minister for an early general election in December Boris johnsons motion failed to get the 2 thirds majority required he says will try again for a december election with a new bill in Parliament John holl reports now from london. Because the majority required has not been reached the news have it for a 3rd time in recent months Boris Johnsons attempt to secure a snap general election was rebuffed by parliament with the Opposition Labor Party abstaining the Prime Minister wasted no time in and seeing his plan b. We will not allow this promises to continue one way or another we must proceed straight to an election this house cannot any longer keep this country hostage millions of families and businesses cannot plan for the future labor leader Jeremy Corbyn arrived in the chamber after the vote to respond i understand the bill will be table tomorrow we will obviously look in scrutinize that bill and we look forward to a clear definitive decision that no deal is absolutely off the table and there is no danger of this Prime Minister not sticking to his word the proposed legislation expected to be tabled on tuesday is a socalled one line bill amending the fixed Term Parliaments act it would stipulate that an election will take place on a certain date the 12th of december says the Prime Minister and it requires just a simple majority of one vote to pass rather than the 2 thirds majority needed under the current law which would appear to offer a better chance of success after all the liberal democrats and the Scottish National party have earlier announced a very similar plan they want an election on the 9th of december we are just focusing on getting a general election wed have to do that with a bill to change the fixed Term Parliament act which could happen this week triggering the election perhaps at the end of this week and then the election day taking place on the 9th of december little difference between the 9th and the 12th of december you might think but the earlier date could tales to go. From its ability to push through its bricks it feels and allow students to vote before the end of the winter semester a crucial difference possibly even for opposition supporters. All that is certain now is that bricks it will not happen as johnson promised on october the 31st the Prime Minister has formally accepted the e. U. s offer of a 3 month extension with the possibility to come out sooner if Parliament Ratifies a deal this parliament or a new parliament will depend on whether and when Boris Johnson gets the election she craves joho aljazeera london. A still ahead on that is it a struggling for treatment town u. S. Sanctions are hitting irans health care. And the new emergency measures people in south africa have to take as droughts and Climate Change start to take effect. Hello again welcome back well we have been watching a little bit of a storm system here across the eastern part of the med thats bring some clouds and some rain over the last few days to parts of turkey as well as into beirut and aleppo now the storm system a showers will continue as we go towards tuesday making their way a little bit more towards the east and in the Higher Elevations we could be seeing a little bit of a localized flooding as well down towards baghdad though expect for tuesday or wednesday a little bit more rain pushing through with a temperature of 28 and over here towards tehran we do expect to see a coup attempt a few of 21 degrees there well here across the arabian sea we are watching us a clone which has been moving quite slowly over the last few days but still very very strong in this region we dont expect to see a landfall with the storm but we do expect to see an impact here along the coastal areas of amman as we go towards tuesday expect to see and into wednesday expect to see some increased storm surge as well as a rip. And and that could be quite dangerous there must got though you are going to be seeing some rain and some clouds by the time we get to wednesday with a temperature of 30 degrees while johannesburg was a very hot day here on monday coming down to about 27 degrees as we go towards tuesday clouds in the forecast across much of the southeast durban a little cool a few at 21 degrees and by the time we get to wednesday it is going to be a little bit warmer johannesburg at 28. 00. Discover the world of aljazeera. The best films from across on network of channels and the 506 boys and 2 good none of them have citizenship fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world. Culture 0. 0. Again youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories now Iraqi Security forces have used live rounds to disperse a sit in demonstration in karbala a medical source told the news that at least 20 people were killed in baghdad hundreds of demonstrators defied an overnight curfew. In chile police have clashed with protesters again as tens of thousands marched in the capital thats this by the president s decision to replace a 3rd of his cabinet in response to demonstrations demanding Better Living standards the u. S. House of representatives will hold its 1st vote on the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on thursday formalize the process and lay the groundwork on how to handle evidence. Of the u. S. Says isolated i will back it about that he has been given a c. Burial after he was afforded religious rights but there are no plans to release images of his death a video emerged. From northwestern syria that appears to show explosions at the time u. S. Troops raided the compound where baghdadi was hiding he detonated a suicide vest killing himself and 3 of his children as u. S. Forces close in on him on saturday. Iraqis in mosul are welcoming the death of isis leader the countrys 2nd largest city was seen by iceland 2014 and its way back that he proclaimed himself the groups leader much of the city was destroyed when fighters were driven out in 2017 and as natasha the name reports many in mosul still bear the scars of feisal rule. Yunus basile was 15 when i saw fighters accused him of stealing they dragged him to a Public Square and chopped off his right hand in front of a crowd yunus says he wasnt stealing simply helping his uncle move furniture after eisel seized his home for good measure i cant remember what happened to blindfolded me and gave me pain killers before hand afterward to pain was. I dont see any future when they cut my hand to cut my ability to work to marry. To get it got a year earlier his brother azel dean was shot 3 times by eisel fighters that was punishment for earning less than 5. 00 a night while looking after a car park without permission he says to hospitals refused to treat him because i saw order doctors not to hes paralyzed and hooked to a colossus to me bag if the family could have afforded to celebrate the death of Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi they say they would have and it would have surpassed any muslim holiday feast but the death of the former ice a leader brings fleeting solace as in. Their most situations worse than my brother i have no help im depressed about my life in gods hands now when shes. In the 2 years since i still was defeated in mosul people have continued to struggle more than 300000 are still displaced 53000. In homes flattened people feel abandoned by the government and theyre angry the brothers mother has been trying to get the Iraqi Government to provide disability and health care to her sons for 2 years like others we interviewed the family members say theyve encountered one viewer craddick obstacle after another just about everyone here seems to be scarred by atrocities even with baghdadi dead and eisel socalled caliphate a memory iraqis in mosul we met say they remain imprisoned by bleak Living Conditions as old 0 mosul iraq of the u. S. Special envoy for syria will hold talks with Foreign Ministers from turkey iran and russia before syrias Constitutional Committee meeting gap a distance said the 1st meeting between syrias government and Opposition Leaders could lead to a broader political process in the country the 150 member Constitutional Committee will be launched on wednesday in geneva it was finalized off the nearly 2 years of negotiations. A truck driver has made his 1st Court Appearance before a Court Appearance following the discovery of 39 bodies in a container and u. K. Last week charges against him include manslaughter and people trafficking has more. It was a very short hearing only 5 minutes long Morris Robinson appeared via live video link come from an undisclosed location wearing a gray sweatshirt he spoke a handful of times to confirm his name his date of birth and his home address and county in Northern Ireland then came the charges 39 counts of manslaughter including other charges of conspiracy to traffic people of immigration violations and of Money Laundering to no application for bio was made but the prosecution did say that bail should be denied on the grounds that this is a very serious case and that bay believe the robinson would be likely to obscure if it were granted and that means that he remains in custody until his next hearing on november the 25th while he will appear then at the Central Criminal Court the old bailey in london one of the highest courts in the United Kingdom if he pleads guilty there than sentencing will be decided if he pleads not guilty then the court here in chelmsford said to the trial would take place next year for Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed his outrage at the death of the 39. 00 he said that is the shortest the entire nation and he has called for justice as well as also signed of book of condolences for the 39. 00 found at the back of the lorry only a few days ago the police were struggling to exactly identify who the 39 are many of them didnt have any paperwork on them for them to use old Fashion Police techniques like using fingerprints or distinguishing marks to identify the identities of course of these people and they working closely with officials in vietnam as well under the die. Direct orders of b. S. Vietnamese Prime Minister the investigation is very much ongoing. A bolivian Opposition Leader Carlos Messer has ruled down negotiations with president morales after disputed Election Results protesters blocked roads and shops remain closed 1 in bolivias capital after messer called a strike. He accuses the government of rigging the results to prevent a runoff morales who won last weeks president ial election as acute his rival of mounting. A hong kong activist joshua one has been barred from running in the upcoming local Council Elections warning as condemned the decision accusing the government of conducting and conducting political screening and censorship and government spokesman said one was disqualified from next months poll because he supports selfdetermination for the territory on cross chief executive kerry lam says the government will stand firm against violent protests after 5 months of public unrest continues demonstrators set fire to shops and threw petrol bombs or riot police during rallies on sunday the officers responded with tear gas Water Cannons and rubber bullets demonstrations forced hard kong into recession. Sanctions imposed by the u. S. On iran are being blamed for limiting their peoples access to health care their Human Rights Watch report says economic penalties a stop in companies from financing humanitarian imports like medicines and u. S. Denies its policies affect medical supplies but as i said begg reports from tehran banking sanctions driving up prices and blocking supply chains. Having to battle cancer is tough enough but here in iran patients have to deal with medicine shortages and increased prices its not better to stop one of the last of course high cost of treatment impacts as under the sanctions and come to economic problems it really had families some patients have to spend 200. 00 to 300. 00 a month. Iran produces most of its own medicines but drugs needed for a diseases and specialized treatment need to be imported the United States says medicines i exempt from sanctions but the banks are not and thats what doctors here in iran say is the problem. At this Cancer Center and to her own doctor they can says they are having a difficult time because of the sanctions we have the shortage of the medicines also we have the problem for. Enhancing the price of the medicines and also we could not transfer money in the contrary because of the banks sanctions. But its not just medicine that doctors are worried about this american machine treats to miss it was bought from the u. S. Before President Donald Trump imposed more sanctions on iran i hope this machine does not break down because. We could not provide any real extra pocket for that if anything breaks ball and peoples lives are and i 1st Human Rights Watch says under International Law the u. S. Should monitor the impact of its sanctions on a rainy writes an address any violations its sanctions might cause it also says European Countries are afraid to do business with iran and more needs to be done to assure them that they can export vitally needed medicines a matter of safety for those prices a very high the Radiation Therapy and medicine are expensive i bought some medicine and paid 4500. 00 plus the cost of radiotherapy process of very high those who do not and enough i dont know how they could deal with it patients and doctors are hoping there will be some relief from sanctions but with no negotiations between the 2 countries most fear it will be iranians who will continue to struggle. Big ol jazzier the run. Of south africa is experiencing what many farmers say is the driest season they can remember the hot weather and lack of water have prompted the government to impose emergency measures and its warning that Climate Change could lead to the so called a day 0 thats when reservoirs are totally empty for me the miller reports now from a region where some areas have seen no rain for 6 years. The Northern Cape province is known for its wide open spaces mining cattle and sheep farming shadrack whole footed doctor has been raising cattle at bump classical close to 40 years and says the dry conditions and low rainfall in the past 5 is the worst hes ever seen hes spending a 1000. 00 a week on feed for his cattle because they have nowhere to graze on the parched land by hour by hour by about. Its very very difficult weve had very little rain since 2017 this year weve had nothing at all im selling my cows because of the drought and ive saved nothing. He sells his cattle at a local auction which are more frequent these days as farmers get rid of livestock that are a drain on their finances but the market is flooded and livestock prices are low another farmer says trying to survive the drought is almost impossible but. If the rains dont come in puts pressure on us because we cant farm and cant provide jobs the knock on effect is that people dont have money to spend in town businesses are suffering because no one is buying anything. The farming lobby group agree is a says at least 60000. 00 Agricultural Workers in 3 provinces have lost their jobs and the industries lost millions of dollars the government is providing some relief to farmers battling the drought its spending 2000000. 00 to buy and distribute fodder to farmers to feed their animals but this is a short term plan and many say its not enough water restrictions are being enforced in cities across south africa. For the 1st time in years the water level in the ball down which supplies johannesburg and the capital pretoria has fallen to just under half full thats especially critical because South Africans use 320 liters of water every day the global average is about 170 liters the situation is very serious however. It is not one that calls for. Panic it is under control. There are libraries that supply of water at an acceptable price for the quantity and quality is essential for the future development of south africa the government is expected to announce new Water Conservation plans and how its going to improve supply infrastructure but the concern to ensure taps dont run dry is clear with the government calling restrictions on water use the new normal for me tamala aljazeera Northern Cape province south africa. This is as you say lets get a round up now to the top stories Iraqi Security forces have used live rounds to the press a sit in demonstration in karbala medical source told us is there at least 20 people have been killed hundreds of demonstrators defied an overnight curfew in the capital baghdad calling for political and social reform and oversight by the publisher day with the youth want to radical and real change of government those currently in power have led the country for 16 years but they offered nothing we are fed up. No no no no no to the curfew we will remain here because hes one of the governments games there cretan that vehicles are banned and everyone who doesnt go to work will face punishment but such things one scare as we remain here even if you lose 1000 people. The Security Forces in chile have clashed with protesters again as tens of thousands marched in the capital was this by the president s decision to replace a 3rd of his cabinet in response to the demonstrations. The u. S. House of representatives will hold its 1st vote on the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on thursday voted formalize the process and lay the groundwork on how to handle evidence trumps accused of pressuring ukraine to investigate political rival joe biden son thousands of people in los angeles have been forced to leave their homes to escape a fast moving brush fire burning in the west of the city series of wildfires burning around the state would nearly 200000 people under evacuation orders. Hong kong activist joshua wall has been barred from running in next months local Council Elections the electrical mission called his nomination invalid a government spokesman said one was disqualified because he supports selfdetermination for the territory those are the headlines youre up to date right now and alexander its counting the cost. Hello im adrian figure and this is counting the cost on aljazeera a weekly look at the world of business and economics this week as africa opens its borders in the hope of emulating the success of the European Union nigeria shuts its borders blaming smuggling and tax evasion. Despite a slowing economy continues with its Infrastructure Spending ahead of the 5th the world cup will talk to Qatar Airways c. E. O. About airport expansion as rival dubai puts its project on hold. Plus cant count out build on the success of homegrown giants aljazeera and be in sport by attracting more Media Companies to set up shop here

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