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Let alone. A way. That he has the cutting edge potato. Ones where this sounds is good to get it about the scene b. C. To do. This. And this someone to get it its good its cool. To skate. And he put this on someone little money. And when you pass a good number of people most. Of your life through it to pay. The bills if. You do that but the money. Isnt already modelled post your 1st job to do they do the interview with your affairs are done open to follow all of those things like. This these are people. I look forward to being home. May feel countrymen. Women. True democracy imagines nothing less the reality is that brazil is and is in control of the country when you arrive there is a very strong possibility that you will be arrested how do you expect to lead your dialogue if you were jailed this is time for me to fall back thats not the on yes you thats not bad but it wasnt but something for me is they ask me thats enough for democracy but what about you but my half. I. Just knew i dont all agree on the ira its the Un New Service sometimes that formal power such as france still wield. A long duty Strong Influence madagascars is that true it is so important for us held mother got to get up from this crisis because a plea deal or. Just until she. Now knew it could send out to talk about this but to say. Good place just because we do something good for the country we dont need to. Not start war games with terrorist i have to be brave we have to love each college to do it to do so if i why do you think people here i cannot be anymore for people to watch it and so i have to make a choice. About how many years i have to tell him yes hes made this of my life because to me the goal to me got it here. Not to preform but i you know you have no idea that he i merely wanted to be with me. They come for the sat if such a thing among them really might have. Been the most dont think you know when to use it. For one day speech on days when youre. Home on the market a bit from him you have. A heart. Different than me to come to my desk im visiting the son of a monk but the. Problem for me is do you plan to go see people because they. Dont come up in the sky osuna dimmock the sequel doesnt. Not see boots on the lawn at city hall to the tune. Of its put up to the victim want to see no step one seemed to do the stuff so thats good to me small simple see my gosh all such a symptom oh not so please dont say. Nothing here we need the school we need the schools even mother has gone. To full suffer. The most. Needy and. Its very difficult for people. Only for those who are in for power know come to proofread to advantage will see situation. Places. For people say you done for you if we are here. For the french would definitely. Not in his favor the french of it in view of the provinces influence in africa is being corroded all the time by the chinese by the americans by south africa and they want to keep medicare french yes and they felt if they had to choose between rajah didnt. They would choose roger leader because hes french. Who see it on the cross was the colonial power so if you just go to another goes can you look at me to go see everything about a ghost history from the from the cars the language of the people the business and everything well present drove them out of to do its been explained to me and this is just my understanding of it is that. Even the end of the economy turned on french interests they say the creed for example is change the constitution so that americas short and shes getting is the food which he said he began to open the economy to. All of these tourists signals from still but some of the power she was. Ok and was free have been something as you know is that the true issue. And we lost to the nonnegotiable french position is the rubble of the literature. Since the coup the president has been part of International Negotiations mediated acetic the Southern African Development Community. Said it has drawn up a road map to lead america out of the crisis. But the road map fails to mention the president s rats return home. And we are missing mr president have from the from the roadmap you have heard labor. Leader again say i want to use a clearly the good to be able to say that but we cannot say that if the light at the bottom of the better. Set explicit negotiator does she santa the former president of mozambique. Man and i want his son its ok im sitting in the right super home and say in future. You can get to do the be with. Me as someone people who know that you know what they owe you if you have. That. Or 2 but yes have great to see them do this because they get the. Upper. This is a difficult time for everybody. With my teacher said the king but. I seem to exist to be of no use to a phrase in the discussion above the roadmap not. To fish for president over the line is his return to madagascar. If we can draw an analogy with the house president but i will anon that was chased out of his house. This is a joke if there was a dog it would have solved the problem but be able to time and again i just make the point if you want to dismiss a kid who she doesnt work and we are asking the president here to show good faith and generosity but i also expect that as well to show good faith and generosity he is living someone out of his that was ok but he has to start all over this. Which way to tell those. You cant really believe it can and so and he is not dont know. Just forces outside and inside with him but the president yes what im saying. d is that inside of no use to discuss the. Dystrophin that this is to be exactly in full detail is this debate a whole lot of videotape today tends to be in context of this no yes yes this is a big tent from the 1st vision and basically who said it decided big budget you saying that that road map is not a for any further. Discussion on negotiation im telling you i swear to you cannot. Should start by trying to impose it on the road map again its up to you because listen to this in the room with him that he was lazy but the cia quote deals with the sniper just with a clever idea but i think it is its how you. Use a block when we were doing michael when we were we are we didnt work with the little. Kids. Who are not so hot on the not. You arent reaching the solution is not for me myself i can stay here by the ship up before appointing me dumping i dont expect you to be happy because we see you out here on the plane for me dont think anyone that has a famous one. Paragraph attempt. Please dont think im some. The trying to peddle bad things about 2 of our money but almost 3000 they praise that the mother gets caught or. Ever done something to. Improve entry to create a very just if mother gets got nothing noble deed. Its 60 miles down one that. I think. Or feel they have every day been helped in their daily life and day to day. Hope for a. Better future. To him. On. Christmas. This is not. Not think. Im hot. Gins is in paris to not be the french authorities says. He wants to reopen negotiations on the route in big big deal and then after every army major city in full force to. Me the students but this man wont be with certain c. C b since he might end up being some c. Having said. Its a resistance and its a young. Skill any time you have a clear course is perceptible you know about mud and on all day would. A fake with oil although it. Was just great. To see. First hand information from the french saying that the french economical interest is accepting our viewers as a future president that means he has to support active what i dont like that is absolutely no. Willingness to listen whatsoever and they have closed the case the fight is close to compete in where you can stay out ok. And then less than many of Us Population is going to want possibility to react to absolutely and that is why being on the streets and you are watching for that and you wonder why i think for the regime to kill innocent people you know to come down he said yeah yeah this. To feed people he quits just dont they dont bow down to. Chinese. Making the event so this is a bit like not let me. Find the white peacefully. The Prime Minister today a. Mission if true to the british on the 31st about trade i am making this country the greatest players on a tiny departure good night follow any good drama of bricks it on aljazeera a survivor of the genocide there are people who beg me to kill the person when theyre suffering the father didnt have the heart to do it hes dedicated his life to searching the woods for bones of the victims of the srebrenica massacre. And the furious the droll. You know hope of finally laying the pos to rest and giving peace to the victims families doesnt it if i could just find a finger i could bury him bone hunter on aljazeera. And this is different not whether someone is going for someones favorite doesnt matter we think its how you approach an official nothing it is a certain way of doing it you cant just inject a story in fire out. A story 1400 years in the making. A story of succession and leadership. Ill just see that tells the story of foundation and the emergence of an empire. The caliph episode one on a jazz either. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the top stories on aljazeera the founder and leader of isolates that after an overnight raid by u. S. Led forces in syria President Donald Trump made the announcement at the White House Trump says back that he was cornered in a house in syria as it lived province and blew himself up with a suicide vest his body was properly i that the 5 minutes after he was killed trying call the killing a baghdadi a great night for the u. S. And the world well the u. S. Raid was carried out in body shop in northwestern syria the area is just a few kilometers away from the Turkish Border 8 u. S. Helicopters took part in the operation which lasted for around 90 minutes agoo because our al baghdadi is dead he was the founder and leader of isis the most ruthless and violent Terror Organization anywhere in the world the United States has been searching for baghdadi for many years capturing or killing baghdad he has been the Top National Security priority of my administration. U. S. Special Operations Forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid in northwestern syria and accomplished their mission in grand style in other news thousands of iraqis remain in baghdads central to here square the spot an attempt by Security Forces to evict them overnight protesters have erected barricades on a bridge leading from the square to the capitals fortified green zone elite Counterterrorism Forces have been deployed across baghdad to protect the government buildings more than 60 demonstrators have been killed and hundreds injured during 3 days of them stray sions across the country protests began at the beginning of the month triggered by anger over corruption and the lack of jobs exit polls indicate that support for the far right turn a tip for Germany Party has surged in elections in the eastern state. While the f. T. Managed to double their vote the incumbent far left lincoln maintained the top spot chancellor Angela Merkels christian democrats were pushed into 3rd place more in all the stories on the aljazeera news hour thats coming up in this the half an hour stay with us the return of the president is coming up next. Negotiations have at last and were on our way to acetic meeting in person. And they said we needed some say. The president and the coup leader had to it as for me to push over the set of hits of states to discuss the road. Back would you want to speak from this meeting with actually. I dont. You dont know. Dogs know what ok. Theres a seal is right in full right now you know so it is not just another meeting it is my hope so you go 1st and you know. What it is you could do myself last night you should hear. This on the property just to see which. Of the world they are. In the north and it was usually they are who you should be able to along with other than the middle east but they dont do more because your mother has got in the freedom of lessee. Im john donvan i am going to an invasion dump a mother got to. See on d. V. D. Now tell me what your limbs knew what that he was up. To and i thought nothing but a postal mean almost like the false of a bald insult someone didnt tell me this all moves on fossils is ive got one fucked among us ill sing insult them on a fluke and sneak it in the data not whether. Or not not on the one. Theyre done sometime on but to get the form of this which i challenge. You to specifically nor this piece posted if they dont this is a feature against those limits must be must we give them is even via one of the of us here via the beneath and it was if you want to see who won the vote of any note i think it is a good enough to. Let the law do you know you will find with more nose in again oh thank goodness im still here it might be used and i would have nothing to follow you but i believe in that i think youre ok very much because you want to go she will make the best crude oil on land without a deal yet i trust because that particular you know the metrodome up with this ok big thank you about what you think you know i dont get in the way your jacket and yeah you get there get your. Jesus. And your blood in the trailer thing see this for the city. You have guided us since this morning. Long to struggle is not you to put a Better Future ask. Your prayers here today signal for a vision to all of. Their solution to the problem of the people want to. Be subjected to you can be a she. Only if you will play with the interest of your. Interest. Sex organ it is a meeting of heads of state and government of the Southern African Development Community decided. To hide from seasonal up but it took a lot of. People. For political reasons to be allowed to return to the country and conditions including my problem i dont. Think its a good because they have a late edition already. Here 6 and they say. We must be more like africa. And thats really the. Must find a way cool fashion think it. Would last so you know now to resume this. For us to think of just how this is great i love to see this decision. Because my own no idea if it goes to a match is appropriate but then my feeling is yes its very nice youre ok i received my vaccinations to come for if i were facing us for english hes so busy for a 1st date and that we would see the next but i just got up and hopefully weve booked that this week good. Fish thing he has thank you very. Well might. Be better but hes getting worried if you dont want Peace Process because. He just said oh no fish showed the. Trend. I would say for people who are deeply angry. And pretend business had to be counted. In face to do want to have hands on. If this is all you want about the president s return it says its responsibility is show the future. So what is this difference pros give a chat room and say well we dont accept that so well say the french troops are going to go and support for a drug they probably do that but i think its game over for the really because you are going to get many guests back to being a productive country instead of being a busted i dont force it was a vice i suppose you can still expect they get is based on seeing. The farce is seeing the reality that the reality is that they came up and said they had to return to my guess kind of job will go for the next election frost no sex act. That you will be in the new. Seduction but im just asking the question mark if its like that why dont they approach us. Because the real thing is either not me but i guess theres undoubtedly you just do not. Get up to the station simplistic a negative that all sympathies dont buy a clever man and very easy to feed. It a secret keeping the force. Extremely good it did mean extra and to completely switch on the system i love he said no very good a place on think about it. I was immediately. Going to sue the drug of the love. You easier on you or you a disease to prove david and the bone. Disease end of the world you been the eagle this is a long history norm is being kept out of the country because of the interests of the small clique of people in the far post and that is just wrong that has to be wrong. And gets 20 people handing it back. Dont believe if you dont stack lluvia be classy if you dont any of that was about who should use. The hands remake and most of all keep it would not feed because you dont fuck with these would be good if you dont stand. In the interrogation process this floor all this is being achieved or love is for music to extend above about the kid at all no i think. I actually moved we came to politics and got all you both my sons while you are secular show me all the violent critter talk because you live by the nose but its worth saying again. Its very good. By the people of this crew that you have put in class this is your go to show crew and i just love them trick and i want you to come see as they see something i thought they were doing transform something illegitimate into. It was an alien or it was what bases near the origin is a push a serial put in power. A. Discussion is a poor thing no place in the we can see here put it or put it in will. To recreate any security guy. But this master creased. Oh. And i phone. Case you get my m. I should miss you if you see the little bit i should soon see if you. Think this was a. President thank you if you can be shifted it. Can be a safe room secure it is. Anybodys going to be secure to know its going to get computers because it is a multitude of evidence of money donated to you know which are new and youre going to be able to you know evolution even if you give it a few good would be the issue. Not enough on them votes on all things that the sneers of not the mother say. I mean they in the back of the brain. That is it is not going to play the bad guy for people who want to hear them as. Much as a girl. Why. He can have the world of the. Effect to be able to take up today and expect to be able to take up. A 27. 00 a boarding school will be a pretty awesome dogs choice. To speak listening to the cast many people. Sing to him small simple tests. To. See some small. Live close to the customer i. Think most of us getting. On. To basically. Take on a. Change. To. Keep on going on and off. The want to. See. How we. Must do is to not. Be. On the top floor of the. Building. Ok. Nothing to me. 45. They will put some of the emotion up. It dumb to clean so to do. Nothing but. Love all of the use of the program a mother has got. To smoke to smoke yes do you smoke know. That incest situation but back when you do think well get back within a few things time perspective. Of what my opinion here so my up in just my opinion such opinion of the president no political liability no the not. I think that. If we just trust diplomacy. And. We got purses we can never. Never. Never let. Why. Because. France has many just thinks. Enough to prevent us to cope. You know not expecting her to. Meet all things all this is what is. In the. Pantry that the station agent at. One point. A tactical brick walls. And. The boss the boss of dictation. The phone. About. The activities. You must for instance say. To people to react strongly. To refuse these things. Is always this remain quiet remain while remain peaceful. Peaceful mission to is in shuttles busy. I dont think that they will be a democratic. Affluent and them creation of a of a properly. Elected new regime and. So i think it will be a disaster. In the meantime elections have taken place medic aska. Neither have elemental or know how to or where allowed to run d to me and to Many Community community but no action. Issue story of my. Country where i. Been so. Thank you letter. A little i didnt defend the fish. I didnt say. That they are there last night. Dont. Move. Soon as they think please dont is there but i think so they think so and they tend to like this 16 military some easier around. There and after it they shipped my daughter there and the giftes so wanted to do normal we dont turn off interviews stay like this and they come in there but it doesnt im here and theres a gun. Its with 2 things to do theres not a risk its not not that it is nothing for us noticed. Because if you are scared for the risk its mean the you accept what they do for you. The president says to her start mrs cabell a man and a hoax the machine will allow the president to attend to feel old. Still my im sure even soon on the phone fine opinion found one. Gift on funds get the end of the yeah. Its my mother and i go on the run youre going. To say with. Some outside us you have to cut thomas. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live live. In the midst of. The load not where you. See you saw people. Still you know play a. Different way he she said thats something. You think. If it or not but it ultimately. By the by by a look see you got. The keys to destroy has spoken to that they decided to keep him in concert killing 5 this. Poor Little Princess with the something. And. Put pressure on something. This is the problem but the market poppy owners who. Are into sneak a Mean Community behavior in poor countries. Couldnt. Hello there really a strange place across much of the south on the east of the story weve got dry conditions it is being a very dry few months they are fact tend to like conditions and this is why we are seeing scenes like this this is actually just up the coast from port mcquery in New South Wales continuing to fight fires in New South Wales in fact there are dozens of them but a burning right now in the weather is not going to help these very strong winds and they are dry winds as well and at the time it is no rain in the forecast maybe just an isolated shower into prison at 2723 in melbourne and across into city and very warm again across into perth and adelaide and to choose this time which is really taking an increase in adelaide quite a bit of cloud in the southwest but its bringing any rain with it on a very warm to melbourne at 29 degrees celsius meanwhile new zealand some shadow weather in the forecast both islands showers and some a little bit of sunshine touches around 920 celsius cooling off as we go through chooses just 15 at best for you in christchurch and then weve had some dry weather weather across into japan and now is a turn through monday of dry conditions temperatures not feeling too bad cloudy conditions day but on the whole to be dry with a high of 20 in tokyo. What are you protesting about how does the in question whether on line well i face many people seeing us directly out of translated slavery or if you join us on sams this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very well the name for people to come to that everyone has a voice Climate Change is real the discussion is for real and im here to talk about the solutions on aljazeera in a world of alternative facts and truths unfiltered social media spreads misinformation unfavorable reports become fake commuters fake phoning the enemy of the people of press freedom is under attack. In a brand new documentary series we explore the media landscape of the future how are journalists the world over coming to terms with this new reality and finding ways to challenge mainstream misconceptions whose truth is that anyway coming soon on a. Aljazeera. Hello im Barbara Starr and this is the aljazeera news hour live from london thanks for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes the u. S. President confirms i saw a leader abu bakar out by the daddy has been killed in a raid in northern syria. U. S. Special Operations Forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid donald trump reveals unprecedented detail over how the operation was carried out. By human chain running the length of lebanon protesters joined forces to continue their campaign for political change polls close in argentinas president ial elections a vote likely to be influenced by frustration over the countrys growing economic crisis. And im really hard in doha with sports south africa are through to the Rugby World Cup final the springboks beat wales 19th 16 and will now face england for the trophy and a repeat of the 2007 find. The founder and leader of i saw is that after an overnight raid by u. S. Led forces in syria President Donald Trump made the announcement at the White House Trump says up about baghdad he was cornered in a house in a province and blew himself up with a suicide vest a White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat has more. A car daddy is dead in a rare sunday morning News Conference President Donald Trump announced to the world the leader of i still had been hunted down and killed by u. S. Forces he died like a dog he died like a coward trump says the u. S. Confirmed the identity of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi at the syrian compound minutes after he died using d. N. A. U. S. Forces reportedly spent 2 hours at the site obtaining intelligence including isis future plans well 3 children died in the raid 11 more were captured along with a small group of adults describing the raid in great detail terms say u. S. Special forces were met with gunfire as they descended from helicopters onto the northwest syrian compound where al baghdadi was hiding he was cornered in a tunnel where he detonated a suicide vest to avoid capture he died after running into a dead end tunnel whimpering and crying and screaming all the way and he had dragged 3 of his Young Children with him they were led to certain death. Our big daddy had been under u. S. Surveillance for weeks trump thank russia turkey syria and iraq for cooperation with the mission but he minimized the contribution of kurdish intelligence even as its kurdish fighters that for years help the u. S. Destroyer baghdad is caliphate trump says russia and turkey were even consulted in advance of the mission but not Democratic Leaders in the u. S. Congress we were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because washington leaks like ive never seen before and i told my people we will not notify them until the great people are out not just in but out the u. S. Defense secretary says the death of al baghdadi will be a devastating blow to eisele but countering the ideology will be more difficult for the president s supporters in congress believe this is a turning point the killing. Is a game changer in the war on terror like a scene reminiscent of the raid ordered by us president barack obama an al qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in 2011 truck watched the mission from the situation room of the white house he was surrounded by the u. S. Vice president defense secretary National Security adviser and the u. S. Militarys joint chiefs of staff president trying claims the death of isolator al big daddy is even more significant than president obamas killing of al qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden its a headline trunks likely to play up as he campaigns for reelection 2020 kimberly helped get al jazeera the white house offer more in this International Affairs analyst calvin dark joins us live from washington d. C. Sir thank you for joining us welcome to our jazeera now the killing of but that is obviously a strategic success for the for the trumpet ministration but what do you think it does to them from the situation to pull out of syria in the 1st place how do you think that this changes the way thats being viewed within the United States which overwhelming thats had a negative impact. I think that i dont know if it was planned this way the way that he rolled out of this decision but i think that this is going to erase or mostly a race all of the criticism that the president has received since the withdrawal in syria because he has you know even with his most staunch supporters in congress who have been criticizing the withdrawal of troops President Trump has said over and over that it was strategically brilliant i think is what he said and that people will be thanking him for the decision that he made now the. Killing in the raid of baghdadi obviously is a key moment in the fight against terror and whats happening in syria with turkey but i think this will be the proof that donald trump uses to say see i told you this was the best decision and who is going to criticize that other than the Democratic Candidates for president and the democrats have been criticizing him of course and on this is fairly obviously the mission to kill out that he but the fact that congress didnt know that even the gang of 8 were made aware thats a group of sort of senior politicians both democratic and republicans and also and nancy pelosi saying that she wants to see the trumpet ministration present a Clear Strategy for the defeat of eisel do you think that the killing of al baghdadi brings us any closer to actually seeing from the u. S. What their strategy actually is in syria. Well i think that i would like to see a strategy too but there may not be one i do think that this is a turning point in how the u. S. Voters as we approach 2020 see the u. S. Role around the world particularly in syria but i think that one of the most unfortunate things about this announcement and i dont know if it was done on purpose or not but every time it seems that peoples suspicions that donald trump has some type of illicit relationship or back and forth with russia he always does something to give credit to that for example i understand they use he was saying that there are leaks in washington he didnt want to tell nancy pelosi and other Democratic Leadership about because of the leaks but imagine he gave russia prior notice before the 3rd in line for the presidency nancy pelosi so that really is going to raise suspicions and it puts a cloud of politics over what should be a strategic u. S. Victory well so he was reluctant to give any information prior because of leaks but he wasnt that worried in the News Conference that he gave explaining the details of the you know of the attack and the killing about baghdadi when he actually released quite a lot of details that that surprise you is that normal. Its definitely not normal and as i was thinking back to the announcement that president obama made after the killing of Osama Bin Laden i really saw the contrast and part of it i believe is trumps desire to make it about him and to make it look as if he was involved in every step of the way in this leadership but then i also think part of it is he has demonstrated since the very 1st week of his presidency that when it comes to keeping classified information classified in secret that either isnt a priority of his or not something that he does well so as i was listening i was appreciative of the detail to know what happened but also a little weary because im not convinced that he would know what not to share and what to share. International Affairs Analyst calvin joining us live from washington d. C. Sir thank you for sharing your views with us thank you well the u. S. Raid was carried out in but thats in northwestern syria the area is just a few kilometers away from the Turkish Border 8 u. S. Helicopters took part in the operation which lasted for around 90 minutes aljazeera correspondent ally the new so if was one of the 1st journalists to reach the scene of that raid. Well then again this is the house targeted by u. S. Helicopters and they approached the site at midnight and sealed the off before they stormed it one person was taken away others were killed in a car passing through was destroyed and u. S. Forces also handed over 3 children to one of the neighbors and requested they take them far away and then come back after the operation was completed 7 dead bodies have been recovered so far this home was then bombed by u. S. Helicopters accompanied by a recon plane in a war plane this house a c. 2 a belong to. The people we were told by an eyewitness he bought the house 2 years ago the owner of this house was not the target the target was a bug daddy as you can see the house is totally destroyed leveled to the ground the operation lasted for. Well trunkless thanks russia syria turkey and iraq for intelligence which led to the raid sullivan defied has more now from ray handley on the turkey syria border. There have been many questions that have been raised about how long he was there why did the us to use despicable a time to take him out the u. S. President saying that he had been scoped in his words for days now and they decided that it was the right time to take him out he also thanked russia syria iraq turkey as well as kurdish fighters in syria so people have been asking questions about why in that particular order what sort of intelligence or information was given heard from the general who leads the kurdish fighters saying that there was for months a collaboration which happened between them and u. S. Intelligence officials about the look where abouts of about that again the u. S. President saying that he had received some useful information from the kurds but he thanked everyone in the same breath weve been also hearing reactions from various countries who the president thanked the Turkish Defense ministry was the 1st saying that it had been informed of this particular incident before it happened in northwestern syria we also heard from the russian Defense Ministry saying that it was not really aware of where there was u. S. Planes had passed over areas that controlled and saying that another death alluding to the fact that. He has been reportedly killed before does not change the situation on the ground and finally we also heard from the iranian information minister accusing the u. S. Of creating isis being a monster of their own creation has been killed and does not mean much so it is going to be interesting as information now results in next days about how this attack was carried out the timing of this attack the timing of the u. S. Pullout from the border region between turkey and syria and then repositioning of those troops in Eastern Syria closer to the oil fields. Reporting there well as it took questions from reporters donald trump said he notified russia ahead of the baghdadi raid. We spoke to the russians or you tell them we told them were coming here. And they said thank you for telling us they were very good. You know you know i did not know why. We didnt tell them we think youre going to be very happy because you know again they hate isis as much as we do you know what isis has done to russia so no we did not tell

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