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Country are not going away. Is latin americas most developed nation but over the past week protests have highlighted a growing anger among the citizenry. The unrest began over an increase of 30 to the cost of Metro Transport which amounts to about 0. 10 of a dollar. That cost increase was like a spark to a powder keg in a country where many were already complaining about a worsening wealth gap between the rich and the middle class because. Say a solution out of the crisis will require a delicate compromise from the countrys political elite and the perception is that she is not in a crisis genus in the vehicle situation but we are developed enough for everyone to have Better Living conditions so its a matter of these tributes should if we can better these tributes their wealth and the opportunities that exist in chile everyone is going to. Ill be better off. After a week of unrest demonstrations and cheetah have spread to other parts of the country a recent National Poll found that 83 percent of chileans are in favor of the ongoing social mobilizations even in sheilas smallest communities far away from the protests that have paralyzed the countrys capital the discontent from citizens is palpable for everyday chileans the crisis isnt about an increase of 30 pasos to the cost of Public Transportation its about 30 years of policies that many see as being bad for the nation. Fishermen like who say they hope political leaders will act on the demands of demonstrators before their quiet seaside town joins in the protests when read about. Now vietnamese people smuggled into the u. K. May have been among the 39 people found dead in a container truck on wednesday only a report said they were all chinese the container arrived in essex on a ferry from Belgium Police are continuing to question 4 people including a truck driver from Northern Ireland who was arrested on suspicion of murder well lets get more on this now were joined by joanna james executive director of freedom united thats an anti slavery activist organization and shes joining us live from london very good to have you with us on aljazeera so weve heard from weve heard from the british Prime Minister as soon as we heard news about this container truck and promise that johnson called it an unimaginable tragedy but from what we know about you know the possible identity of the victims the village that they took i mean this is not an uncommon exercise as it. Absolutely no its not my sympathies are very much with the families and of course im not going to speculate about this case as you mentioned the information still emerging but it is not uncommon for many in my own work and freedom united we are aware of many cases all around the world of people who are trafficked. And we dont know of course in this case if it is exactly the circumstances but certainly the action of moving across borders happen now those people me because. They are not able to take legal migration really the question of trafficking is about exploitation and what happens to those people at the end sometimes people may be looking for ways to cross borders that actually unexpectedly lead them into a situation where theyre exploited and the question we want to ask ourselves is why is this happening and. The. The reality is that in a world where immigration routes are increasingly closed down it creates a market for an illegal economy the stakes are raised hired charges can be made of people have to pay higher costs and that means raising the stakes and increasing the risks and these are risks that people are taking because they are pushed into it by a system so what can we do to solve this so well i think the minister of journalists just wants to cling on and on that knowledge because the talk so far again from Prime Minister johnson others in the past has been about cracking down on people smugglers but do you think that incidents like this i mean again this isnt the 1st there was a terrible incident in 2015 in austria hungary where at least 80 people were found dead. Do they can they get governments to actually look at their immigration policies that might be driving off in the judgment Asylum Seekers to illegal measures. The really pertinent question of course we know the process the from the Law Enforcement 5 prosecutions are low when it comes to. Smuggling as well as trafficking for truck in cases of trafficking we dont see many cases because it is a difficult difficult to enforce but even if we were to have success in creating a deterrent through affective up occasions of laws we have to also remember the wider context of what some of those drivers are that many in fact be making those law undermining both Law Enforcement efforts so yes lead. Migration is without doubt one part of the solution but i would also look really widely and say why is it about people a lot able to realize their potential d our hope and what is it that really pushes into situations where they had to take a risk just to look for a decent life as you had giants with james rather we thank you very much for your time on this we do appreciate it that is joanna james live in london thank you. Repenting more ahead on the news hour including going nowhere these trucks have been stuck at nigerias border for moms and their cost and businesses millions. No longer a mans world how yemen civil war was pushing more women into doing jobs traditionally done by men and for the 3rd time in as many games the Home Team Struggles and base for this world series patience when its played in force. Turkey says the kurdish withdrawal from syrias northern border is going as planned despite reports of sporadic fighting in the region could his forces have until tuesday to completely withdraw from the socalled safe side in which runs 30 kilometers and to sylvia to turkey to moscow have said to no more troops to patrol the area and clear it of any remaining fighters ancora has also rejected claims by Amnesty International that its forcing some Syrian Refugees to return to the region lets get more on this our correspondent asama been job it is joining us live from shannon or for near the turkish Syrian Border its been a fluid few days asama word clashes even car bombs so what is the situation in the northeast today is the withdrawal going to plan as turkey has said. Well if there is some sporadic fighting which is still happening. Especially south of the town of ras line this is where kurdish. Forces have been accusing each other of carrying out attacks advancing into each of the trees and theres been planes and counterclaims so it is a fluid situation in that part but by and large the ceasefire seems to be holding according to moscows goodish forces have begun to draw some local fighters are saying they havent seen that Massive Movement of the fight is leaving the 30 kilometer area that you discussed and significantly now on the diplomatic front has been very active trying to tell us about the message that it wants to set send across and now we have the German Foreign minister today in the turkish capital discussing with his turkish counterpart the situation inside syria as well as by a large amount as its worth noting that in just a couple of days ago called turkeys incursion into syria as an invasion turkey has protested against these words and said that its european allies are not beside it when it needs them the most it says that its a nato its a nato force and it is fighting a group who has designated as a terrorist organization it needs all the support it can get really theres also been under discussion would be this International Aspect of the safe zone turkey says that it wants to implement it but Russia Germany has proposed something along the lines of an International Safe zone where International Forces would be deployed to keep the peace that is something which is under consideration consideration by turkey but has been flatly rejected by russia you have to realize that russia is the dominant force in this region it has spoken to not just the turks but the kurds as well as the Syrian Government its forces are patrolling Northern Syria with Syrian Government forces and after the 6 day pause in fighting as agreed upon between her and moscow it will be going on joint patrols with the turkish government. Thank you for that. Thank you. 10th day of antigovernment protests on the way and 11 and this is the scene in the capital beirut where demonstrators have blocked roads Security Forces are involved people to call in for civil disobedience until the government steps down and theyre frustrated with corruption and the spiraling economic crisis thats going to cause fondant stephanie she has been monitoring the protests for us from beirut so what is the situation there on the 10th day stephanie. With the 2nd weekend of these protests where marches square where it remains quiet but it is early days the main thing happening at the moment is that the army is trying to clear the main arteries the roadblocks that have been in place and that it really crippled this country at that they are negotiating with the protesters in most of these areas d theres been some incidents of minor scuffles but the major message really is one of negotiation and theyre trying to do this peacefully i think its going to be key to see what kind of a crowd turns out here today in terms of the momentum can be sustained certainly the protestors not happy with the speech of the house on the some of the leader of hezbollah yesterday who came out to say basically that to this was not the way to topple the government im not the people should open the roads and question the leadership because what people are saying is that this is really about a Popular Movement people who say that they have been led the country has been led into complete disrepair by a small political elite that has been siphoning off the funds while the people pay the price and anyone you speak to across the social sectarian divide really has the same issues when it comes to particulars and we spoke to one protester her name is bad she pretty much hadnt slept in days losing those routes and this is what she had to say which is pretty much the message that most people have. 7 7 barely has barely slept this week. Running on adrenaline. She and her friends are blocking roads in downtown beirut to keep the pressure on the government. The protests that have erupted all across lebanon have not come from nowhere. This has been building for years have seen. Protests. Was very clear. Very poorly. Explained feels like. The problem. We were running. Every day. Was. That we. Were. Overly. Bright. The 2015 garbage crisis was another turning point politicians who had collected off the streets fueled by their business interests resulting in the country drownding under piles of garbage it triggered demonstrations then too the same message is coming from everyone out protesting now whether sunni shia jews or christians their leaders have become rich adair and levon helms expects that unity in a society that is defined by its tearing allegiances is a 1st. Not alone when she accuses lebanons leaders of exploiting sectarianism to keep the people divided. Its a little bit about it except you know our religion leaders are all over the politics from iran over its taking on the saudis thank you bribes what is it from the state there is more than its a. Lot of these protests may have been triggered by a proposed tax on using social media outs to make phone calls to before that a large part of the population was already at a boiling point most recently the forest fires spread across lebanon the government couldnt control them its fire aircraft in disrepair it had to seek help from abroad. Perilous is just one voice among many governments have come and gone and theyre failures of piled up to become unbearable but the leaders who govern this country have remained the same for decades and the people want accountability Stephanie Decker aljazeera beirut. And a few moments well have the weather with everton but still ahead on the news our. Recurring Economic Crises have long affected businesses and now it could impact the countrys election and find out what happened when the reigning n. B. A. Champions this isnt the Boston Celtics thats coming up with creator and sports. Harlow we have dry abroad to clear weather moving across japan as we go on through the remainder of the weekend we have seen some very heavy rainfall recently flooding into parts of hama shoes because say from these pitches this is some very heavy downpours some landslides as well as been widespread destruction as a result of this latest round of very. Very disturbed weather but as i said things will improve as we go on through the next couple of days with they have brought us guys pushing back in behind the claim skies now the worst of the wet weather now moving out into the open waters but we have still got a legacy of showers coming in behind the weather systems here as we go on for the next couple days we will see brought the skies for many but over the past 12 hours or so huge amount of rainfall just to the north of tokyo to the south of sendai 181. 00 millimeters of rain here in just 12 hours hence that rainfall that flooding that we have say with a fair bit of plastic in places are going through sunday a chance of one or 2 showers as well but these will make their way over towards the east of the country brought the skies come back in behind well see temperatures freshening up a little but lots of sunshine as we go into monday. The weather sponsored by countdown anyways. November on aljazeera. 30 years after the fall of the berlin wall well be looking back at that to find that moment in history whose truth is it anyway polish journalists from around the world who are taking on those determined to modify the truth. Of spain will hold its own connection in 4 years after aprils inconclusive vote join us for coverage. A new series brings people together to discuss some of the big issues of our time and turkish president andrew on will meet with u. S. President trump at the White House Well bring you the latest. November on. I mean theres a problem in doha these are the top stories this hour in iraq 42 people are dead and more than 2000 and just after a day of nationwide protests many young iraqis spent the night and baghdad starting your square demanding political and economic reform. Broad police in chile have fired tear gas and pellets at some of the 1000000 people and the largest antigovernment demonstration and decades president Sebastian Pinera says hes heard the message of protesters complaining about inequality and the rising cost of living and vietnamese people smuggled into the u. K. May have been among the 39 people found dead in a container truck on wednesday early reports said they were all child means the container was found in an Industrial Estate in essex east of london. Now a russian woman jailed in the us for being a Foreign Agent has arrived home after deportation maria 13 it was released early for Good Behavior after 7 months to 18 month sentence the 31 year old was convicted of conspiring to influence u. S. Conservative activists and trade in the National Rifle Association Gun lobby. To bolivia now where the u. N. Says it supports an audit of the disputed president ial Election Results the e. U. Us and. You know leaders have a 2nd round of voting process to continue and often the electoral tribunal confirmed the controversial reelection of president evo morales extending his volta nearly 2 decades John Heilemann reports from. There was no way through the cars in the southern zone of la paz the bolivian capital on friday. Groups of neighbors stood on street corners stopping traffic to protest against president evel moralise and the vote count the claimed him the outright winner of last sundays election. And people are coming now that the government concede and they have a whats happened is the only way that they can show back thats why from young to old we all have to get our one to streets. Its now the 5th day of protests not just here but in points across the country the European Union and the organization of american states have both expressed concern over freezing of the supposedly rapid vote count for almost 24 hours when it was pulls it was heading towards a runoff between morale is the nearest challenger carlos meso when it came back online the president was on the brink of outright victory the opposition has called for a 2nd round what they say is fraud the president rejects that asking where their proof is what his popularity is for them in this election but many still stand behind him as a leader whos almost hold poverty and presided over a flourishing economy and hes 13 years in charge for them the street blocks for an unjustified nuisance. Summons notice they have to accept that they lost without president evo morales weve got nothing to complain about his work with whoever wants it and with the government before there wasnt anything ive personally been able to buy my car with a credit line. That is specially in recent years analysts say that the electorate authorities have become uncomfortably close to the government many feel democracy is slipping an eye for those who are taken to the streets this is where they draw the line. The lights turn green but theres no cars heading down an avenue that would usually be full of the its not all of the capital city la paz but especially in the south groups of neighbors have blocked off most of the roads. Elsewhere in the country protests continued the general strike into the industrial home of santa cruz the Election Results are in but the discontent he continues to home and. The powers. To spain now are a judge has ordered the shutdown of a social media platform and used to mobilize independent protests and catalonia so your guy ever has more from barcelona they vowed to return to the streets following the sentencing of 9 catalan politicians and activists for sedition 2 weeks ago that tsunami democratic a leaderless Anonymous Organization called on protesters to blockade barcelonas airport one of the most defiant acts among days of protests that occurred throughout catalonia the riots that came after which caused damage and disruption the likes of which had not been seen in decades. Catalonia as usual peaceful protest movement became drawn into a controversy over the tactics used to encourage civil disobedience and the question was raised who or what is tsunami democratic today in the spanish of the Supreme Court ruling was unowned which is a direct affront to the human rights the only person to be associated with a movement so far marches to cities catalan manager Pep Guardiola who has advocated for the session of catalonia for his message to catalans to get behind the tsunami democratic came out on the day protesters occupy the airport the reaction from the spanish authorities was swift a judge ordered their websites and social media platforms to be shut down part of an ongoing investing. Into the movement of charges of terrorism when we mind this young but hobbss. This. Political party which where we hide behind the 1st of the referendum and also the same organisations are now behind this anonymous platform but its some kind of a political leap that has to be preparing this action for a lot of ones they dont mean of their website what it is that it on july 2001000 so we might. Have been preparing this for a lot of time so anyone who wants to join the tsunami democratic or they 1st have to download the app on an Android Phone and then they have to activate it by getting a q. R. Code from another user that code can only be used for a limited amount of times now theres no account of such thats created however the user has to agree with being able to track their location so far the app is still awaiting activation but the movement has already called further action before and after spains general election next month in a bit to make further waves in catalonia. Aljazeera barcelona. Now with protests taking place in so many parts of the world the u. N. Chief is warning leaders to listen to the problems of their people and tonio tariff says while every situation is unique there are common themes if you school here there is a growing deficit of trust between people and political establishments and rising students to the social contracts and all these also wrestling with the negative impacts of globalization and new technologies which have increased inequalities within societies. Even where people are not protesting they are hurting and want to be heard. Now inflation devaluation and recession the words most times they used to hearing its part of the history of current Economic Crises that no government has been able to solve traceable has moved from the capital now on the eve of the general election on sunday. 17 years ago the workers of the Printing Press took over this building when the owner filed for bankruptcy and failed to pay them any type of compensation. And a myth on silas was one of those workers he says it hurts him to see argentina is in a crisis once again before. The situation was already difficult many years ago but these past months everything has deteriorated even more the government increase the prices of electricity and we have to create festivals to pay the bills we are resisting because we have a history of resistance but its not easy. Inflation recession and the risk of default are affecting all sectors of the economy these days and this place is no exception sources say that around 40 small come down every day mostly because they cannot cope with the rise in the price of Utility Services and because of a drop in sales the problem that this is facing for example you can increase in the price of some of the products like paper this is what is called thinking about rich. History seems to repeat itself in argentina over and over again. Since the 1940 s. Argentina has had at least 16 crisis 15 of them happen because the country ran out of dollars and we have a currency problem people dont save patients and dying patients and we have an export problem will have enough dollars so every now and then. Governments doing flayed the economy by borrowing their way to growth at some point that this is the goal of the nominated the start. Taking around and greater start asking for money and out resorting to a crisis like this is the meaning of it 1. 00 of the only reason is that the says this is one of the reasons why its been so difficult for marketing to get the economy going and why he ended requesting a loan from the i. M. F. But patients were exaggerated and i think people some people within the government believe that the whole problem of when there was populism about there and illiquid cost so they believe that changing the cost would solve the problems facing the browser more structure. But until now no government has found the solution to the problem lack of consensus and predictability have led argentina to the crisis it struggling with today. In the middle are the millions who are filled with uncertainty about what will happen next he said well ill just see that when osiris. U. S. Airlines will be banned from flying to all the cuban airports except havana from december secretary of state to my pump air requested the move that will bar flights to 9 cuban airports the u. S. Transportation Department Says as a consequence of cubas ongoing repression of its people the yemens internationally recognized government in southern separatists have reached an initial agreement to stop fighting yemens minister of information warmer and reality tweet of the day will be signed with in 2 days the separatists seize control of the port city of aid in august a saudi led negotiations in jeddah have entered we unite the Coalition Fighting host the rebel since 2015 and Coalition Member the u. A. E. Has been supporting the separatists. Now 5 years of war in yemen has seen many men killed in fighting so women have increasingly become all the sole breadwinners and forced into traditionally male dominated jobs. Reports. Its a story we see often during times of war women forced to work long hours in grueling manual jobs with husbands fathers or brothers killed by fighting. Many of these yemeni women of different ages are now the main source of income for their families. Bushra lives in the southwestern city of time. With no one to look after 2 children she takes them with her to work. And a fellow who learns american all the circumstances made as good a job it has plenty of difficulties but what can i do ill work even if they tell me to dig a hole in a mountain for my children out to anything. Bushra as one of a number of women in her village defying traditional norms here labor is usually done by men but its not been easy. Women are faced a backlash from their communities despite it being their only source for a meager 50. 00 a month. The work is hard and tiring i used to work as a painter and id come home filthy we had objections to us working but would tell them we have to feed our children we received help from organizations but not anymore im in a difficult situation. Community leader abdul huff is can any says locals complained about women doing manual labor and mixing with men but things are changing. And some traditional parts of Human Society frowns upon working women but were seeing a change society is starting to accept the idea that those especially dont divorced or displaced foreman are alone. With. A United Nations funded program called cash for work is teaching men and women basic skills to help them get jobs. Theyve worked in different kinds of jobs like flooring Painting School restore ations agriculture and tom making roads even though the community refuses women to work they have no choice this is what forced many of them to take part in this project. Years of war in yemen have devastated its population one way to help women get through it has been achieved by making small changes at the community level. Aljazeera. Business owners and nigeria lost hundreds of millions of dollars since the government closed a Border Crossing with may bring in as a one address reports from one of the hardest hit towns Border Guards so theyre trying to stop illegal goods being smuggled in. These trucks have been stuck here at the nigeria binny border for 2 months. Court by a sudden change in government policy theyre not allowed to go forward and cant go back. Has been importing and exporting goods for 23 years he says hes never seen anything like this here come to our government should they hand over to us goods that weve already paid import duty for

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