A delegation to take a closer look here in not only in the countrys capital but in other cities that have that have taken part in these demonstrations and the different sectors of society that have joined in on the un russe as you mentioned already and in your introduction there are new sectors even now a week and a week since young arrest began were seeing new parts of the of the country that are joining in where you mentioned the Truck Drivers that are holding a strike today that are blocking roads in parts of parts of the country and it is friday so there is an expectation that the protests which are only now starting to convene for friday will be even larger potentially than the ones that weve seen in the past few days now chiles president have a stamp yet assigned signed some social reforms in an effort to calling the unrest regarding pension regarding regarding electricity bills stabilizing the cost of electricity over the course of the next year in 2 into december of next year but whether or not this is going to be enough to calm arts and minds remains remains to be seen as you mentioned what youre asking is about the response from the armed forces the response from the military which is being seen as a heavy handed crackdown against Peaceful Protesters we know that at least 1000 people have been killed more than 5000 people have been detained and were talking about. Its of injuries injuries from quote unquote less than lethal weapons tear gas smoke bombs rubber bullets pepper spray Water Cannons mixed in with with pepper spray used against protesters and we know that there are confirmed cases of live ammunition used against Peaceful Protesters things that all amount to to what International Observers are calling human rights abuse alleged Human Rights Violations this is the reason why the United Nations is sending a delegation on monday that is going to be here for 4 weeks investigating the alleged Human Rights Violations that continue to occur amidst the unrest here in the country stand by rule thank you for that memorable are joining us live from santiago theres plenty more ahead on the news out including. Hundreds of government supporters rallying in zimbabwe calling for an end to western sanctions casualties of the trade war the work is news jobs are on the line as the u. S. And china proceed on high level talks added sport has this swedish super stoplight whose last day in Major League Soccer is going to find out if the. Police have arrested a 4th person off the 39 bodies were found in the back of the container truck on wednesday for more on this we crossed america money in european broadcast. Thats right stan a 48 year old man from Northern Ireland has now been detained on suspicion of manslaughter and Human Trafficking he was arrested while at Londons Stansted airport he is the 4th person to be arrested in connection with the case as u. K. Police begin to piece together what happened to the 39. 00 victims 2 others were detained earlier on friday the 25 year old truck driver from Northern Ireland remains in custody after he was arrested at the scene on wednesday and hayward has more. Well i think police have made a 4th arrest in this fast moving investigation he is a 48 year old man arrested at Stansted Airport on suspicion of conspiracy to traffic people or manslaughter 2 other people were arrested earlier both 38. 00 a man and a woman in Northern England with a lorry driver arrested at the scene is still being held by police the real focus now of course is trying to identify the victims in the early stages of the investigation it was thought they were all chinese nationals but some beer the maze families are reported to have raised concerns about the welfare of their relatives including the family of a 26 year old woman who they believe could have been inside the container the deputy chief constable of essex police gave this updates are going to speak directly to anyone who thinks their loved ones may have been in the trailer and no you may be worried about speaking to the police and i would like to reassure you that we just want to be able to give the victims family says about what has happened well this clearly is becoming an International Investigation involving the belgian or thought is where the lorry came from and also the chinese authorities who are pushing the British Police to find out exactly what happened on the focus really is on trying to point out where the lorry started its journey and how those people came to be on it in the 1st place. Now a new ambassadors have agreed to grant the u. K. Another brecks extension but are yet to decide for how long they are waiting on u. K. Politicians to decide whether to hold a general election or challenge has more now from brussels. Over to you meetings in brussels this week ambassadors from 27. 00 different e. U. Countries the 28. 00 the u. K. Not of course being included in these discussions have gathered together to try to work out whether there is going to bring the brakes an extension and if so for how long now they are most of the way there but the final hurdle gyration still to be cleared as they broke up on friday they said that there was full of greenlands on the need for an extension that was for the green went to reach a unanimous consensual the u 27 decision and there was full agreement that this should be done by written procedure and that there was no real need to get the leaders of these countries together in a meeting but they are going to keep on talking over the weekend when they broke up on friday they havent yet decided to how long this extension would be for and they will perhaps make this decision they said on monday or tuesday of next week theyre basically waiting for a sign from london as to whether or not there is going to be a general election in the u. K. Which is strange because in london theyre basically waiting for some kind of indication from brussels about how long the extension is going to be or persons Prime Minister baraks johnson says a general election on december 12th is the only way to break the brakes and passed hell ask men to approve the vote on monday as one hour from westminster. Well if you think the bricks its ridiculous some afraid im here to tell you that it has now entered the realms of the completely absurd bars johnson the Prime Minister has demanded but whether or not parliament back and vote through his brics a deal agreed with the European Union the next week or 2 he says there must be a general election in the u. K. On december the 12th and the Opposition Labor Party having insisted for months that there must be an election is now saying it cole supports that election on december the 12th unless and until a no deal bracks it is ruled out by the European Union to date anyway because its in the depths of winter and difficult for people to vote in rural parts of the country and so on and so in just the same way that the European Union is saying it cant guarantee an extension to breakfast until it knows what the u. K. Wants to do so the u. K. Parliament is saying it counts agree on anything until it gets the extension from the European Union so the 2 sides are in this ridiculous standoff with each other so on monday when all this is going to come to a vote like at the moment the government loses the vote on the election on december the 12th Boris Johnsons government has threatened simply to back all its toys up and walk away and not take part in any sort of government business other than asking over and over again for an election on december the 12th is that so a number of commentators accusing Boris Johnson acting like a spoilt petulant child all of this is obviously got to come to a head or come to a conclusion anyway by next thursday october 31st which is the current deadline and so since the european has a letter asking for an extension by then you have to assume its going to get it but honestly the view from europe i think must be that the politicians here are behaving as much like children as anything else. One of the story to bring in our at least 8 people have been killed after a russian soldier opened fire at a military base in siberia 2 others were injured during the attack in the town of corney in the countrys southeast the Russian Defense Ministry Says the soldier was suffering from a nervous breakdown when he opened fire on his colleagues a man has now been detained i have more from london for you in about 40 minutes time lets not get back to stan in doha. In zimbabwe the ruling zanu p. F. Is holed rowing demanding an end to longstanding western sanctions imposed during Robert Mugabes presidency the demonstrators say the sanctions have choked zimbabwes economy but the u. S. Is blaming corruption and mismanagement. Has more from ari. Some travelled overnight to get out in time for the anti sanctions march organized by zimbabwes government they want the removal of sanctions imposed by the European Union and United States many as they still are being punished by the west because of land reforms by former president Robert Mugabe when many white farmers had their property seized. His successor says sanctions imposed nearly 2 decades ago are hurting the economy. The sanctions were imposed following human rights abuses and electoral fraud allegations the punishments include travel bans and the freezing of assets of some officials in the ruling sun appear party as well as the armed forces of the United States the sanctions are targeted with 141. 00 individuals and companies on its list americans blame government corruption and failed economic policies was about with economic crisis some economists say even though sanctions are targeted every citizen and local business is affected any countrys risk reception is breached or restricted measures that have been put by the International Community even if im a 3rd Party Investor i ask questions 1st before i come into the country to say why is this you know country and sanctions so perfect but isnt such an increase is the country specific. And thats one being you know the american going to. Continue to ignore zimbabwe and say theyre suffering yet another economic crisis this one the worst in a decade there is high unemployment soaring inflation and shortages of fuel cash and medicines the main Opposition Movement for Democratic Change party says the government is using sanctions. As an excuse to avoid taking responsibility this is what this government has done to the innocent citizens of this country that is integrated. To my sophistic to the internal problems. The prescription of democratic rights they made of innocent citizens abduction of innocent citizens and then the external sections of. The e. U. And usa sanctions will only be fully removed when political and Economic Reforms are implemented and the rule of law is respected. A protest is taking place outside the headquarters of the United Nations mission in libya the demonstrators in tripoli are accusing the u. N. Of collaborating with warlords after dozens of civilians have been killed since i lost an offensive to try to seize the capital from the internationally recognized government mahmud of the wild has more from tripoli. This protest has been going on here every friday in this martyr square the main square in the libyan capital every friday for the past 6 months since have started forces launching the military campaign to seize the capital tripoli back in a todays protest is demanding 1st and foremost their immediate removal of the. United nations to put the mission in libya they want to dismiss the mission from libya id say that United Nations mission here in libya has collaborated in a way or another with the warlords or have that by giving him the coordinates of the Field Hospitals that have been targeted by have to his forces over the past 6 months the latest one was a couple of days ago when i was playing with to have to sort of hit a Field Hospital in southern tripoli and one medic was killed in that attack now the protesters here say that the International Community which they blame must intervene immediately to stop half that forces from targeting residential areas and protect civilians as you know stan that you have to have been accused of committing crimes by targeting get residential areas and killing innocent civilians including the women and children for the past 6 months. Now to northeastern syria where a car bomb has killed at least one person and left Dozens Injured its the 3rd attack inside the safe sun declared by turkey in 3 days and it comes as the u. S. Is sending additional troops to help protect syrian oilfields washington says the move is to prevent oil from forming back into the hands of isis fighters president only trumpets called for all American Forces to be withdrawn 2 weeks ago saladin job it has the latest now from some near the turkish Syrian Border. Theres been more fighting in Northern Syria forces loyal to the Syrian Democratic forces the kurdish fighters are saying that Turkish Forces backed by turkey as well as arab fighters on the ground have been attacking their positions something thats been denied by turkey turkey saying 5 of its soldiers have been wounded and there has been more violence these are clashes that have continued for the last 24 hours despite the cease fire but theyre happening outside the ceasefire zone turkey has insisted that kurdish fighters should leave the 30 kilometer area on the turkish Syrian Border deep inside syrian territory in these 150 hour window which expires on tuesday feeling that turkey will move in with force on the diplomatic front between hearing from the Turkish Foreign minister reiterating his demands for his best and our lives including the European Parliament as well of the United States that turkey wants them to be on the same page as turkey in is fighting what he calls and what president are drawn has been calling terrorism out hes been speaking specifically on the issue of the kurdish general who many senators in the United States have vouch for and want him to be granted a visa so you can come to the United States the turkish stance on this is that the Turkish Justice Ministry wants him to be arrested gentlemens doom who they say is actually shane is wanted for crimes inside turkey a nato army hes been carrying out attacks and theres an interpol Red Notice Issued for him so it is a fluid situation diplomatically and on the battle lines despite a cease fire although the guns predominantly have fallen silent but fighting continues on the ground. Still ahead on aljazeera facebook c. E. O. Unveils plans to fight misinformation that will be enough to satisfy his critics protection for a revered rock a ban on climbing the route in australia comes into effect in sports business week when the drink at the indoors in basle the reports claim. That we have seen some rain showers across northern sections of the middle east and the rest a fair few in the fall caused kinds of cloud in the last few hours and then you notice that all disturbance here this is still sitting across Northern Areas of egypt that will continue to produce some rain showers as a good friday into saturday it will work its way slowly east as but again we could see some flash floods with this the ground of course is so very dry and then much of the north and the west of iran again well see these widespread widely scattered showers its a dry picture on sunday slightly through the eastern end of the med 26. But the cloud continuing really further to the east and maybe again just a shot across into terrine meanwhile across into Arabian Peninsula it is mostly fair it is mostly dry this of course just on the screen as a tropical cycle or not it. Was the west itll take several days that probably by monday even choose theyll begin to see the outer bands of this storm system. Along the coast of oman but as i say that is a few days away meanwhile we have got some rain in the 4 calls for the next couple of days is cloud streaming by through cape town it will bring the rain showers we could also see some showers across into. Its a case of scattered thunderstorms with a high of 35. November on aljazeera. 30 years after the fall of the berlin wall movie looking back at that to find that moment in history truth is it anyway follows journalists from around the world who are taking on those determined to modify the truth. Spain will hold its connection in 4 years after aprils inconclusive votes join us for coverage a new series brings people together to discuss some of the big issues of our time and turkish president andrew on will meet with u. S. President trump at the White House Well bring you the latest. November on. The counter the cost to africa opens up its borders in the hope of it relating the success of the European Union nigeria shuts its borders blaming smuggling and tax evasion plus airport expansion and the creation of a Regional Media hub counting the cost on aljazeera. A lot youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder about top stories this hour a pledge from iraqs Prime Minister to reshuffle his cabinet and introduce reforms as filed to tom growing protests at least 7 people have died several 100 have been injured during demonstrations in baghdad and across the country. Indonesias transport Safety Authority says boeing is partly to blame for the lawit lion air crash a year ago all 100 and i do know and people on board were killed when the boeing 707 max plunged into the sea. Truck drivers in chile have blocked a mine highway as. As protests into a 2nd week the unrest started last will go for a hike in mid fried fish by revolved into a wider frustration over income inequality. Californias biggest Utility Company is admitting that its Electrical Equipment may have sparked a wildfire burning in the states wine country the blazes destroyed dozens of buildings pacific gas and electric is imposing sweeping blackouts affecting around half a 1000000 people to stop any further the fire as another fire in the Santa Clarita area has forced more than 50000 people to leave their homes Family Friends and political colleagues have been honoring the life of us congressman Elijah Cummings at a Funeral Service in his hometown about 4000 mourners filled the life democratic politicians on church in Baltimore Cummings was a key figure in the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trumps presidency former president barack obama and bill clinton were among those in attendance. Eliza cummings. Was a man of noble. And good heart. His parents and his face planted the seeds of hope and love compassion. And righteousness and that good soil of this is harvested all the crops that he could. For the lord is now called allies or home to give his humble faithful servant writes well larry ham is a political analyst radio host and author and he joins us now from washington d. C. Eric nice of you to join us i was reading where before he passed a logic coming said to his wife man of come a long way and if you look at his life and of course devoting it to civil rights and then seeing the 1st black president elected it was an extraordinary journey. It most certainly was but not only that to become the chairman of one of the most powerful committees in congress it was also no small feat for the congressman a congressman and a time of increased polarization in washington this was a congressman who had friends on both sides of the aisle and fact if you look at the funeral today mark meadows jim jordan trey gowdy members of the House Freedom caucus a caucus that is seen on the far right of very conservative caucus closely allied with President Donald Trump these were people who cummings called friend and they spoke eloquently about him and i think its a testament to his level of comedy as well as the the bipartisanship that he showed during his successful tenure as a congressman in washington its interesting you point that out because of course he did play a key role in the impeachment hearings but he did have friends across the aisle and im wondering now given the Political Climate there is in the United States in the lead up to an election next year with the the likes of the logic cummings gone that politics in the United States is broken you dont see that bipartisanship in the genuine friendship these does. Thats a so true so many of the lions of the congress are no longer here and allies of cummings is one of the the ones now who is no longer there in fact we heard the speaker of the house refer to him as the master of the house this was someone who was seen as a giant someone who could reach across the aisle someone who when you spoke to him you saw not a politician d not a democrat but you saw a good man a man who who served the people of baltimore and who so d served them ably and was someone who you look to to as a Guiding Light and that light will be sorely missed particularly given that moment that were in right now in washington where youve got an impeachment process thats going on and the level of fracture thats taking place you dont have the the giants like and allies are coming who could heal that rift in the midst of the turmoil that we see taking place in washington right now barack obama was saying its up to well this now to finish that would be legacy every 10 thank you so much for joining us thank you facebook is testing its newly launched news tab with us uses thats in an effort to combat misinformation the social media judges partnering with several news organizations to have this story syndicated on the platform a team of it says will hook you right content to facebooks bug while at facebook has long been criticized for failing to the spread of false information through. Were having a team of people who are choosing which content to show which creates a relationship in a dynamic where we have a reason to go out and pay for that content to go get it into the system so that we can choose to show it rather than just having it be ok im im following you know one of these organizations and ill get to see whatever that publisher assange. Lawrence dodds is the us tech reporter for the telegraph newspaper newspaper and joins us via skype from San Francisco lawrence are good of you to join us this is what publishes a news outlets have been calling for for a long time hows this going to work in doesnt satisfy them now where its not as finance them but remains to be seen i think theres a lot we worked out the precise financial formula that its going to work and what things there has been any certainty on in multiple incidents question today with News Executives is whether this is actually a viable way to fund these behavior in the future how much difference this can really make to any street which is financially into your plan. Journalism in reason so distressed face because this has just had to settle a case about the illegitimate inflation of video metrics which many journalists blame for destroying whole newsrooms destroying jobs not as their organizations chased hes sort of metrics that tend not to be true so its unclear what happened but theres at least grounds here for reimbursement you can see that in. Meeting with the times of the chief executive it use corp today. You can see that there was some happiness and certainly it will go some way towards restoring facebooks relationship with media which is something that can help in other regards restoring the relationship with media but there are still so many questions being asked about this many facebook is very powerful there are so many people that it breaches the types of stories that it chooses to create the potential for fight news to proliferate the accusations of propaganda and bias is going to have to do with all of these. Absolutely i think this is quite a good way for it to try to deal with all those facebooks news feed has already undergone a lot of changes to trying to manage face east in favor of updates from friends and family and people that you sort of know more personally it will help facebook to have this dedicated tap that it can always point to and say look if you disagree with a lot of whats up then you dont disagree with us you disagree with the Mainstream Media you disagree with our society already thinks of factual information and you disagree with independent Fact Checkers and you disagree with not true its really dangerous and yet we have to remember that facebook going to try this once and it went terribly this was in 2016 where the company was accused of systematically suppressing conservative news in the team where humans chose what stories to promote and thats and thats partly because facebook was trying to do it on the cheap teamwork that they were contracts as they were outside of contract as their parent you know paid very well treated as part of facebook and it came back to bite because one of the leads thats in fact this even was biased and that was actually looking back at the start of this but small kind of 3 year nightmare over elliptical last election experience mixed use all of this stuff it was the 1st sort of rock to move in be avalanche which continued after the 26th you know actually because this was just before the election and culminated ultimately in the Cambridge Atlantica scandal which wasnt blatant but was still part of this big fall in facebooks reputation as a site fighting a lot of fronts questions of privacy questions of of influence questions of propaganda of course cryptocurrency as well as remember from just last week lawrence were out of time thank you again for joining us Lawrence Dalton from the telegraph. North korea is calling on south korea to demolish hotels in a resort complex that the 2 countries once operated together gun was opened in 998 as a joint project but the south suspended access for its citizens in 2008 after a north korean guards shot and killed a south korean tourist the resort was a major source of income for pyongyang north Korean Leader kim jong un though is now describing the area as shabby and capitalist well south korea has abandoned its developing nation status following pressure from the United States the self declared status grants special privileges under the World Trade Organization which seoul had mainly used to god its Agriculture Sector south korea was one of several nations criticized by donald trump for claiming that status despite being among the richest countries in the world. Businesses across the United States are hoping for a resolution to the tribe war with china before too many jobs are lost because it is chinese trying that manufacturing in chicago up particularly where it is john hendren explains. From the chicago skyline follow the southbound tracks for half an hour and youll arrive at the latest battleground in the u. S. China trade war in this gleaming new 100000000. 00 manufacturing plant chinas c r r c is building the 1st of 800 Passenger Rail cars for chicagos elevated trains but congress is now considering banning the company from making trains here unfortunately. We along with some others are the Collateral Damage of a much bigger issue the trade war and the political. Strife and issues that are going on between china and the u. S. Is wires. Here meet the next potential casualties of the trade war we want to be a part of special forces. For that to be taken away from us would be disheartening of course when we were just after the world to work c. R. C. Has 300. 00 workers at a plant in massachusetts in plans to double the 90 here in chicago but china has a major image problem here we cant allow china to require sulphide a force to go. With donald trump sparking an economic battle with the worlds 2nd largest economy the bill to blacklist china from Passenger Rail projects that receive federal funding which is virtually all of them has drawn support from both parties since pullman built its last car in 1968 no american manufacturer makes Passenger Rail cars the trade war launched by the trumpet ministration aims in part at increasing business and employment here in the United States but mistrust between the 2 countries is so great that the u. S. Seems intent on punishing. Even if it means it also hurting jobs in manufacturing here at home some members of Congress Fear chinas growing Economic Dominance and the National Security threat posed by what they claim could be listening devices imbedded in rail cars critics call them spy trains c r r c calls that ridiculous c r c is not doing that. When. Bill still rail cars and delivers than to the Transit Authority takes full control of the rail cars economists say the u. S. China conflict has begun to slow trade generally there have been a number of Economic Outlook economic forecasts that have said that the trade war is beginning to drag on the Global Economy generally trade is affecting Global Growth and that threatens to derail not just chinese manufacturers and american jobs but the Global Economy john hendren aljazeera chicago a 5 missile strike in lab bach has permanently close to climb this offer a decades Long Campaign by digitas people hundreds of tourists flocked to the route for the last chance to walk to the top its been cited side for the thousands of use by site of the climbing old rule is disrespectful and for thomas reports from the national park

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