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Democratic forces coalition that weve seen again this is an explosion which happened in the town sent a few people were injured nothing major was targeted but again it goes to show how precarious the situation is even in the areas which are under the control of Syrian Forces right now we are also hearing that there have been clashes outside of this proposed peace own cease fire zone. And russell and south of these 2 towns there have been fighting according to the Syrian Democratic forces these are these have been attacks that are launched bias turkey backed forces into these villages which has resulted in the fleeing of civilians as well from these areas again this is only coming from the Syrian Democratic forces we havent had any confirmation from the Turkish Military on that yet on the diplomatic front weve weve heard again in the last 12 hours or so you if you want to recap the Syrian Democratic forces general muslim speaking to both leaders of russia and the United States praising them both actually and scaling back the rhetoric that weve seen in the last few days that the u. S. Has abandoned them this time thanking the russians as well as the americans saying that they have played a role in scaling back the offensive that has been launched against the kurds by turkey on the turkish front of the president has spoken in the last few minutes saying criticizing european leaders and World Leaders saying that there cannot be a war on terror when World Leaders are seem to be sitting with what he calls terrorists and he is also warned. The European Union that he will open the gates to europe for the Syrian Refugees if the time comes so it is happening on multiple fronts but we are in the 56. 00 days or rather agreed upon between the turks and the russians as they have given 6150 was for just to leave about 30 kilometers. On the Turkish Border unless they do that after these 6 days the Turkish Forces with the russians are going to be moving in and taking kurdish fighters out by force osama thank you for that as a sovereign job and with all the latest live in thank you. But plenty more ahead on the news hour including the remains of spains general franco moved after years of controversy over where hes buried. International calls for children to exercise restraint as a violent crackdown leaves several protesters dead and sport time for once makes a spectacular return to action in japan. The 1st 9 people were found dead in the back of a container truck in england are believed to be chinese nationals the bodies were found on wednesday at an Industrial Estate in essex east of london a Northern Irish man arrested on suspicion of murder remains in Police Custody lets go to our correspondent hes joining us live from london if they are chinese law and does it add any clarity to what their journey might have been. Well yes possibly you know obviously a lot of supposition but a lot of people are supposing that they might well have been weak as obviously persecuted by the Chinese State theres a we get the ministry of refugees already in turkey and there are over ground roots from the European Union other bulgaria or northern greece and other places clearly we dont know how they ended up in belgium but certainly the belgian and u. K. All thoughts is are both very clear that since the french or florences dismantled the camps in cali and done kirk north belgium has then become an alternative routes for people who are trying to get to the u. K. And thats why they think that these people ended up there what the belgians are saying that when the refrigeration unit was. Put on the lorry there was the there was nobody in it because it wouldve been sealed and so was not clear is actually when they went in but it does appear that crime gangs are increasingly forms of refrigerated units to put people in i think i would be right in saying the reason is because its a way of avoiding heat seeking technology that Border Guards use to try to see if there are people inside the back of a container obviously come sing equipment if people are in the fridge it is all absolutely so graham nonsense promised and johnson call this then and magine a tragedy but we have seen this before in europe so what does all of the say then about the state of very few resettlement there. Yeah i mean i mean obviously theres lots of. Expressions of horror and things like that from politicians saying we must do more against these criminal gangs but the question that they wont address is that these criminal gangs and people traffickers who are dangerous and violent people who dont care about the welfare of the refugees who kept to get involved amounts of money to do this those criminal gangs wouldnt exist if there was a proper asylum system in operation across the European Union the you makes a lot of noise about respecting human rights whilst while simultaneously putting fences up and trying to stop people from from from coming in just today the European Parliament in strasburg a resolution that was attempted to be passed off for better supports for search and rescue for refugees coming across the mediterranean and it was defeated by 2 votes because the center right in the European Parliament itself with the far rights to defeat its apparently to cheers on the benches from the from the far right so its so similar tenuously you know the europeans are saying look isnt this awful well what well keeping people out and that is the only reason really were these these gangs are in operation now on thank you for that that. The natives live in london thank you. Now chinas government is struggling to appease protesters who say proposed reforms dont go far enough that ill bet is also facing growing calls from the United Nations to respect human rights amateur video appears to show the troops using Excessive Force against demonstrators. Reports from santiago. Its the worst crisis the country has seen in more than 3 decades. A violent crackdown by police and military against thousands of demonstrators has left several dead thousands of others have been arrested but. The repression has been horrible they beat a bullet to date with claps and didnt hear lies as always the return on top well we always get stepped on. Demonstrators blame the government for a long list of social problems from economic inequality to growing lack of access to Public Health care. There is no medicine there is no supplies to treat wounds we dont have enough stuff there is a massive deficit. According to medical professionals dozens of protesters have suffered wounds from firearms and have sustained injuries to the face and torso from projectiles like tear gas canisters and rubber pellets the United Nations along with International Human Rights Groups are calling for Security Forces who have been documented using excessive violence against Peaceful Protesters to be held accountable. There have been specific cases not only violating the right to Peaceful Assembly but also the right to life and bodily integrity theyre also been cases of Sexual Assault things that cannot be tolerated. On wednesday sub secretary of the interior said he expects that any alleged Human Rights Violations will be thoroughly investigated the end. We are live in state of emergency and im really tired. But this doesnt not just a fight human rights abuses. Well my. Jordi of protests in the country have remained peaceful theres also been widespread vandalism and hundreds of businesses have been looted in military and forced curfew has been announced for a 5th night in a row and has been extended to other cities the concern now as more people continue to join in the demonstrations and violate that curfew is that the violence that weve seen over the past few days will only worsen. Between protests that continue to intensify and a government who seems unable to regain the trust of the public a peaceful solution to the unrest appears to remain out of reach but. Something. Were living as president even with alice has declared victory in the countrys election despite the results triggering weiland protests and a general strike what alice made the announcement even though official numbers havent yet been released his main rival Carlos Messer says he has evidence of electoral forward in sundays vote the Opposition Leader has asked protests to continue unless a 2nd round vote is held well lets go to our correspondent John Heilemann he is joining us live from the pas and weve heard from president morales in the last few hours john whats he been saying. Exactly as you said the main line here is that he has declared himself the winner of this although as you say the numbers of the voting numbers still arent complete harry said officially we know that weve won he also reaffirmed that this was a coup the protests against the voting the voting process he said that thats a coup that its been by the right in bolivia he called the main president ial challenger Carlos Messer a cow wood and a criminal and he said the protest is the come out on the streets have been given money to do so he said theres money behind this so just to put all this into good context weve been out on the streets with the protesters for the last 3 nights also reporting on them we havent seen any evidence of money being handed out of money changing hands we have seen is mainly young people quite a lot of them students quite frustrated with the voting process and also wanting change and of a part of the context that sort of sparked all of this is that the rapid count of the voting on sunday night was frozen with 83 percent of that rapid count completed at that point it looked like we were going to a 2nd round the runoff between colors mr and president morale is it was then started again almost 24 hours later and it seemed then the president rallies was on the brink of an outright win without needing that 2nd round so that really did sort of ignite the protests Carlos Messer of his family said that he thought that the government was manipulating things behind the scenes and the protests look set to go on lets just look at what government supporters and what protestors have been saying in a report. There as the bolivian election dispute continues both the opposition and government supporters took to the streets. The latter to show their support for leftist president ever more rallies and some Francisco Plaza for them hes the only one who took the people into account. I had done to fight with this person whos changed the destiny of the country the government before just looted the Natural Resources and this persons distributed the wealth and stipends for older children and the pregnant women. They say morale is who was the front runner in Campaign Polls when the election fair and square you live e. T. L. Hit by sight of the opposition who have a loses in the voting booth has to respect the democratic perseus democracy is not coming out with sticks and burning public buildings or not recognizing results democracy is respecting the people have decided. That there are significant doubts about the election the supposed rapid count on sunday show president more on this and challenger carlos missa heading into a 2nd round runoff with 83 percent of the votes counted. Then that counts for 24 hours when it resumed president more on his was suddenly on the brink of winning outright in the 1st round the Vice President of the electoral tribunal said the delay discredited the electoral process and resigned the organization of american states called for a runoff. Carlos mencia says peaceful protests would be needed to force the people see your symbols louisas if we dont mobilize if we dont show our Democratic Power in the street this government will do what it wants with the election results. Opposition supporters scarcely needed telling wednesday was the 3rd day they marched. Is that. We are fighting to defend our fight because ever morale is not respecting the will of the people he is not respecting the laws he is not respecting anything his time in government is over and it isnt just in the pis but across the country there are many people here that feel the especially in recent years democratic standards have been slipping. Especially the countrys Industrial Center santa cruz street battles. President were only says called an attempted coup citing the burning of government buildings your position say instead its a cry for transparency and change. So in the press conference just an hour or so ago president were released was definitely not conciliatory is basically saying that these protests are a coup and there is thats not going to mean that this situation is diffused and we were to know that there are more protests some rope blocks planned in the pies for later on on wednesday john thank you for that thank you john john homan with the latest live in the. Now the remains of Francisco Franco the military leader who ruled spain for 36 years have been exempt from the state mausoleum hes been repaired alongside his wife in a cemetery north of the capital madrid franco led spain from the end of the civil war in 1939 until his death in 1975 lets go to our correspondent sagna guy you go she is joining us live from men go to be oh thats where the remains are being reburying its been quite an operation sagna one that the government has tried to keep as low key as possible but why they doing this you know 44 years since franco died. Well elizabeth really it comes to the fact that there has been a lot of extensive debate about this and where peoples opinions lie on this following the end of the dictatorship but really this has become an issue where people have felt especially the Younger Generation that this needs to be done as soon as possible because. As the socialist government has said that this is really not a time not no place theres no place in spain modern democracy for such a symbol for example you dont have a symbol of this prominence a monument of this prominence for example to out of hitler just outside of berlin so why should it be the same case for Francisco Franco who was a dictator so with all that in mind the Prime Minister better sancia said that he was going to do this when he entered into office last year he decided to go for it then he faced a legal challenge from francos own family but then that got passed last month by the Supreme Court they unanimously agreed that the exhumation must take place a month later its happened and now the family are still currently in the cemetery theres a ceremony taking place before the remains are buried. And so knew the criticism that the government is doing this you know to win some votes ahead of the upcoming election but both sides of the political divide kucing each other of using both for political gain. Well thats right but its also important to remember that it is conservative and far right politicians who are most vocal with those accusations because in the previous election they were the ones that were hardest hit really with that in mind but also because it really comes is about a source of tension within spain itself how wed actually puts to bed the ghosts of the past with this in mind the Younger Generation do want to see the ghosts of the past put to rest and certainly it seems to be more becoming better more than country a modern european country would want to do that to. Sagna thank you for that for now that phone your guy a go live and thank you. This time for the weather now in a stormy Southern Europe jenny certainly is elizabeth 1st let me start with the east because this is what part of the problem is weve got this warm dry weather across the east High Pressure in control and its stopping all the systems in the west and actually progressing further east was and so this is what were saying just look at this this is how to go to in catalonia in spain and this is the damage that has been done from the floods just in the last 24 hours and look at it it really is widespread the for all city in the strength of these flash floods as they happen of just wiped away roadways and also demolish buildings not just there because once a system actually moved away from catalonia it pushed on into Southern Front so this is and again a similar story the feast at the streets are just flooded with all this rain water now on the upside it is actually in most cases moving away quite quickly and actually beginning to see those flood waters but as i say that on thursday this is tim is working fairly slowly east wood so weve got more rain throughout the day across into and again across into saudi and you corsica it will continue to work its way slowly east was but it doesnt really move but securely fall because youve got this blocking High Pressure across the east so we could well see some flooding into southern portions of italy and down across into sicily as for the weather across the east the temperatures really all very well above the average for this time of year look at this the caressed athens these temperatures are actually as much as 13 degrees above the average and it doesnt really change over the next couple of days because as a say High Pressure in control meanwhile the rain stays to the west and also to the north and by then elizabeth you could even see some snow into northern regions of the u. K. Jenny thank you and still ahead on the news hour one more than a dozen people have been sentenced to death and bonded they shove a matter that triggered a nationwide protest and in sports the olympic champion who slipped out of baseballs world series. All i worked as stay with most of my wife the rest internment and mass indoctrination all we got children are now in the process of reeducation or chinese assimilation forced labor and the use of high tech surveillance were being complicit in the human rights abuses that are trying. To geisha an integer chinas systematic repression of the weakest tell the world on aljazeera. Overthrown and exiled their point saying if you all thought this vicious and we kill you an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that the truth. And. Nothing to do you think it is in the interest it is return of the president on aljazeera. Its good to have you with us on the aljazeera new sound these are our top stories lebanons president michel aoun has value to fight state corruption he also says hes open to constructive dialogue with protesters hundreds of thousands of people across the country have be demanding political change with many calling on the government to resign turkeys president the one says of kurdish y p g fighters appear in the socalled safe saw and agreed with russia will use its right to crush them and the offensive will restart of the group doesnt withdraw at least 30 kilometers inside syria. And bolivias president even what alice has declared a victory in the countrys election despite the results triggering a violent protests but out is made the announcement even though official numbers havent yet been released his main rival carlos mesa says he has evidence of electoral fraud and some to explode. Back now to our top story and theres been a huge turnout of protesters every night in the Northern City of tripoli since the protests began last week traditionally a support base for the Prime Minister and now the people of the city and across the country are united against their leaders Stephanie Deca is in tripoli. For a week now thousands of come out into the square in tripoli to join the chorus of voices across the country calling for their government to go. As all eyes were on beirut a few nights ago this video shows you dont mind when viral donts music played with jubilant crowds many 1st thought this was the route when it was actually here in tripoli the city many see is far more conservative. I didnt plan for this i didnt plan for this i was like all the people i was going to. All the people. We met up with the man behind the music he says he played it spontaneously didnt expect this kind of reaction all the people there all love each other. Their children are breathing everything everyone everyone is here because there is no one on top of them the protests have mobilized the youth here a leaderless Grassroots Movement that has inspired many. It was like a domino effect among the youth center for sally says the protests have given her renewed hope ill screw whether she thinks there are challenges ahead its going to be difficult we are scared. And we are aware that. We are going to a bit of a chaotic period after this but when you are aware means youre ready and when youre ready if this is the 1st half of succeeding. When youre scared you either do things or you either withdraw or this gives your perseverance to continue especially. When you got strong out of many disappointment tripolis traditionally your support base for the Prime Minister sad but the sunni majority city has been neglected it has some of the poorest areas in the country and the most hideous thing would be said that we are defending the rights of all children in the rights of all citizens to live in a Clean Environment were asking all those in power to resign and be held accountable financially all of them we will stay here until our demands meet the protesters come from a crosssection of society that is what everyone is telling us is so important in a city thats been stigmatized due to a pass spillover of the syrian war when gun battles were fought out in the streets the people have come together against the ruling elite. They also want to change the sectarian system which they accuse politicians of exploiting in order to keep people divided but there seems to be a stalemate now the government isnt standing down the people arent leaving there are unpredictable times ahead Stephanie Decker of tripoli. Not a bond of the court has sentenced 16 people to death over the murder of a young woman in march among those sentenced her School Principals who were. Tied up doused in kerosene and set a life after refusing to withdraw a Sexual Harassment complaint against. Police say he ordered her murder from prison although hes denied involvement can be a child he has more from. One of the most sensational murder case with a verdict of 16 people today one of the fastest in the countrys history what is unusual about this particular case is that a 19 year old mother of a school student. Was set on fire by a classmate along with 3 other people for filing Sexual Harassment complaint against her mother for School Principal now whats more unusual about the practice. Made the statement after she got burned 80 percent of our body to our brother in our brothers mobile phone which went viral in social media as well in local media and the local Community Leader along with the local politician and police tried to hide this fact and tried to prove this case this caused outrage across the nation there was protest rallies people wanted justice even the Prime Minister got involved he wanted justice to prevail and so he did today rather different than flyers appeal this particular case in the higher court family has been given Security Protection because that been coming under increased threat from from unknown people now in bangladesh and this particular year at least 2000 cases of Sexual Harassment against women and girls have been fine on an average of 11 for dead this is quite a large sum this particular case one of the fosters might be a deterrent this is an issue socially has to be resolved and the code has to be much more faster and efficient in giving verdict well lets get more on this now were joined by minot she ganguli south asia director for Human Rights Watch and shes joining us from bombay from mumbai and neighboring india very good to have you with us on this congo really do you think justice has been served for no stretch with these sentences. Well the question here is much bigger hundreds of women in burma the arabs are. Victims of Sexual Violence every year these are about 700 reported in pretty 18000000 more are not even going to put it and so the question really is is the state going to absorb itself by having prosecuted this particular case where there there were protests a little is ok because what what is needed right now is much more what is needed right now is institutional reform the fact is that this this this young woman went to the police and complained about the abuse and the police sentinel she was not treated properly even the by medical authorities so entire system has to respond much more to complaints of Sexual Violence and and to make sure the survivors a better predicted this guy should not have become a victim of murder she only this only occurred because when she completed then that the perpetrators apparently were able to organize 1st threats and then this horrible attack on and when you talk about how people have to be better protected witnesses have to be better protected victims you know i understand bangladesh doesnt actually have witnesses protection nor weve seen massive protests around the country after what happened to us but is there the political world to change the many laws and ban that theyre right now which dont actually protect abused women and girls. No i absolutely was of it im in and this is a much bigger problem and unfortunately too often we see that governments tend to try and absolve themselves with when a case becomes very big and it goes away taking the easiest and actually im not a great writes when we approach basically these people going to get the captain punishment is handed out and somehow it is imagine that this is showing the resolution of the government to be for or against its abuses that is not going to get him one the Death Penalty is not what what succeeds what succeeds its systemic reform witness protections critics sitting across the centers where we have people where graves of i was can get proper counseling Legal Counsel and psychological counseling medical you know this entire thing has to be done in a in a way that looks still its a survivor and the other part of this is and this actually this particular case shows this when people are in positions of authority in the populace that it positions of the current in this particular case the accused was of what the teacher is a religious carrick and they respected him in society and then happens is that that the community as a system tends to favor the puppetry to over the victim and that should not happen and these things need change is things need of the elite overhaul of the criminal justice thats right because there is actually a nor isnt there and bank of the states that you know when a man is prosecuted for rape or or an attempt to it may be shown that the accused was of generally immoral a character. Thats what i mean you know quite often that the shaming or bleeding or victim is the way that is this these situations proceed and we put them the most basic thing is is there when when a woman actually open comes the social stigma that is attached to the situations and the points. Crying in a Police Station how is that case ill give him an office as i close up the street to take this to me properly not that happens in a blind fight is that you know its sort of its almost as though the completed this is the one that has cheated most aggressively when the timing so and it begins just at that stage just 1st of all finding the support and overcoming the stigma to go and make it in the experience in a Police Station and then also just slew of other procedures that go to i mean this young woman died and but there are many other women who have then appear in court testify with all too often they are subjected to humiliating and and very aggressive questioning by the by defendants by depending neuer sawe who try and blame the victim now because everybody has the right to a fair trial including some of those accused of it but it has to be done in a way where the victim of Sexual Assault is has her rights protected as well in a scandal we thank you very much for your time on the story we do appreciate it that is not she come going to live in mumbai thank you. Now the leaders of egypt in ethiopia have met to discuss a multibillion dollar dam project causing a diplomatic dispute between the countrys president to add them further l. C. C. Spoke to ethiopian Prime Minister well during a summit in sochi they say theyve agreed to resume the work of the committee trying to agree on the dams operating terms egypt fears the european blue nile project could restrict already scarce water supplies. Now high level trade talks are expected between china and the u. S. On friday negotiators are trying to finalize the 1st phase of a deal in time for a summit in chile next month or china has said it wants to be a world leader and technology but Rights Groups have accused it of using its Tech Companies to target its settlements Florence Louis has more from beijing. From low tech to high tech thats how china is transitioning its Manufacturing Base the government has identified High Tech Industries as important drivers in its a bishan to become a global superpower Companies Like these at an expo in beijing are part of the socalled forced Industrial Revolution some of the technologies here are helping to improve peoples lives i have been using this device for almost a year at 1st i was

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