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Had forgotten that i was the elector at the mass that he was the celebrant of the mass. Even name. The only church to separate from the bible and father patrick sat right behind him and theres no possible way that he could forget who i was based on the number of interactions i had with him the only thing that would make sense to me is if you know if i was just another kid that he touched. And there was like you know one in the same. Faceless nameless. You know that was his way of justifying it blocking it out thats the only thing i can think of just another kid that he touched yeah seems to be a quite a number of us you know. Patricks accusers had reported their abuse to Family Friends and therapist years ago. But for a long time these men didnt File Lawsuits or seek prosecutions against the priest. Thats because new yorks restrictive statute of limitations law made it nearly impossible for them to do so the legal system should be geared to the needs of the victim not the needs of the perpetrator or the institutions that caused it and essentially were opening the door of the courthouse so when the victims ready they come forward for 17 years legal scholar marcy hamilton has fought for laws that give victims of child sex abuse more time to file claims. And in state capitals across the country the Catholic Church has been her adversary theres a sense of entitlement that they deserve respect and they deserve deference but nobody is going to get respect or deference it so long as they endanger children and thats what theyre doing so long as they lobby against the victims in the state legislatures theyre on the side of the pedophiles. This year 1000 states and the district of columbia brought in the statute of limitations for child sex crimes in new yorks law went into effect in august to sit and hundreds of survivors filed lawsuits against the archdiocese of new york. I didnt think i would be able to do this i didnt think i would be able to tell anyone but when i found out that after now 8 of us have come forward and hes still in ministry in manhattan its something further had to be done jews have became the 2nd man this year to go public against father patrick but his attorneys pointed to an even earlier claim back in 2012 another survivor just like mr kerry mano came forward he came forward he reported to the archdiocese the actions of monsignor product he reported to the District Attorney the actions of monsignor paddock i was with him during that report those years ago this is your proof of claim what does this say here 62712 in 20122012 this man who well call hector filed that initial report here rico who committed the acts of sexual abuse or other wrongful conduct by the john and paddock hector was a 17 year old student at Cardinal Hayes high school in the bronx. Thats when he went to father patrick for help dealing with the sexual abuse hed faced as a child somebody died its close to the family. Child a child unless when i was 5 years old. And im blogging me so the school. And talk about it and get it out and move on. But i said its a wrong person. And he just so does then its a fellow has. Just gone towards my private parts. I phone comfortable. Back again he grabbed both of the handles like to stop when he was holding the handles on the chair what do you think he was trying to say with that style moving the star move. And i left out the room a little baffled just to my head and my knowledge is crying because i just thought something was wrong with me. The archdiocese investigated hectors claim and cleared paddick of wrongdoing the archdiocese has known about the allegations against monsignor for years more than 6 years. Those allegations have been kept quiet by the archdiocese they chose to believe the offender who had been accused and who had no doubt deny it and then silently and quietly continue that offender in ministry from that day to this thats what they chose to do when we met father patrick at church he agreed to an on camera interview. The next day he changed his mind and we ended up on the phone with him. They all have sort of strikingly similar stories and thats where you know it starts to get a little hard on telling us. Theres. Something wrong with them what. Would you pull them close to you is that would that be sort of a traditional way that you would counsel them as i point them close to you your. Choice words were i dont know. Ok would your knees ever be touching theirs. Ok would your knee ever would you ever have your knee inside their leg or anything like that certainly not conscious in your consolation process would you ever see yourself like rubbing on their on their leg are on their thought oh. Never ok did you ever remove any students close any student or alter always clothing or any reason. So did you ever examine them medically examine them no you never did you never examined them. With a stethoscope no one. Ok. Ok all right yeah thats one of the claims of the few of them made was that you could was. There was patrick for years it appeared that paddocks parishioners were not aware of the claims against their priest and heres patrick in 2015 presiding over a confirmation mass through it all it seemed that father patrick could rely on the support of the archbishop and here is a picture of Cardinal Dolan and raising a glass with his buddy father patting. Like theyre pretty close friends. As a Cardinal Dolan is among a select group of the vaticans most powerful men. For a time there was even talk of him becoming the next pope. He promised respect and obedience to me and my successors to god to speak of this good work you know bring it just so. We wanted to know how long Cardinal Dolan would take father panix word over that of his accusers. Once again we found ourselves in church looking for a chance to greet the man who catholics refer to as his eminence. As dolan greeted parishioners he appeared to be in good spirits. That began to change once we asked him about father patrick the archdiocese and now suspects these things against father patrick for 7 years now and i was wondering why is he still an active ministry or losing their Security Risk from doing this but theres a moral obligation here you were telling me you were going to take your free speech as a rationale for sure there are genuine shooters in multiple allegations or are you are you probably are you. Are you willing to her arms away are you willing to her in harms way and one hottest. Place for calling everybody or states one thing and welfare before us and. What messed up their families. Im going to bring himself up well you know face a. Priest bullying is that although you dont want to walk you for example if we dont have a copy. Of a silly question plagiary are going about the welfare of children in need to carry the worries there are many sure that is thank you think about it you know about it for 7 years or more finessing said they sensed a few chance. Its stones policy to suspend a priest while the church investigates allegations of abuse against him. But when we spoke to patrick on the phone he seemed confident the dolan would keep him in ministry whats the message to the public that a priest thats been accused of sexually abusing children gets to remain in their job as a priest still working with children. Like. The archdiocese has a 0 tolerance policy. Which are substantial. And i dont want to go on a week after our encounter with Cardinal Dolan we got an update on paddocks case i have decided to step away from my role as pastor here. To step in way. We still had questions. Where would patrick be during the investigation and where was he now and he could be anywhere. In the boats in the park or the beach. You know he still is listed on the parish website as pastor. His letter to the parishioners basically said ill be back when this all blows over. That is the story of the Catholic Church abuse scandal is that a perpetrator is identified and they then disappear into another parish or they disappear into another state or they just evaporated they are gone. Archdiocese officials declined to answer our list of written questions. However they revealed that father patrick hadnt just stepped away hed been suspended. The rectory where father attic lives its right up here its right next to the church and he stepped away from the church a few weeks ago but he didnt say where he was going or what he would be would be doing while this investigation takes place. When we returned to the parish weeks later patrick was still there inside the church compound. Father patrick. Nice to see you richard again yes we were wondering if you might have a few seconds to chads going. To do the case but i know that theres been a lot thats happened in the last few weeks and we were just wondering where how youre feeling now and whats basically here if youre not in active ministry and more are you going to stay here and. Where are you going to go during this time. You cant disclose where youre going to be are you going to be in ministry at all. Because you can tell us. Well now we know where father patrick is hes still here in the rectory but he couldnt tell us where hes going to be. During this investigation or even if hes going to be in ministry which was interesting. In september a review commissioned by Cardinal Dolan concluded that there were no active priests under his watch facing substantiated abuse claims. Meanwhile the archdiocese faced 2 new lawsuits accusing priests of abusing minors at least one of them is an active ministry. This is left all of our people you bewildered frustrated and angry our good and faithful priest demoralized and us bishops somber and contrite. I have also heard this chilling comment more than once Cardinal Dolan weve been so let down that were beginning to lose trust in you bishops. That stings without your trust i dont have a lot left. So i would ask him. She lost my trust. What do you expect to do about that. I know you dont want this out i know you doubt but have you asked for forgiveness so is your holy priest. And why the being there what he thats what i want to say us is because i know and you know. I wasnt just. A survivor of a genocide there were people who beg me to kill the bathroom when theyre suffering but i didnt have the heart to do it hes dedicated his life to searching the woods for bones of the victims of the srebrenica massacre. And here is the draw. You know hope of finally laying the past to rest and giving peace to the victims families. If i could just find a finger i could bury him bone hunter on aljazeera. Rewind to 10 days with the new scenery. I ran. Out to see this documentary. The wind continues with police girl 1000000 years and hours and peoples money being taken in for their whole lives for the money and. Just down in training one day on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. Hello and welcome to the aljazeera news which means the whole robin live from our Global Headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. This was an outcome created by us the United States and nobody else. Donald trump claims credit for a serious cease fire thatll be enforced by turkey and russia. Also has been described as an unbelievable human tragedy 39 people are found dead inside a container truck near london. And with his rival Benyamin Netanyahu unable to do it former general benny gantz is asked to form israels next government also. Sending money should be as easy and secure sending a message facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg defends his companys embattled project to create a digital currency. Could have a company with us here on the aljazeera news the us president has ended. Sanctions against turkey saying that its offensive against Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria is finished as turkish and Russian Troops take over territory previously patrolled by the u. S. Troops said its time that someone else fight over this blood stained sand our White House Correspondent kimberly held it was the story. He promised a withdrawal but on wednesday u. S. President donald trump announced that some american troops will remain in syria trump says a u. S. Brokered cease fire between turkey and kurdish fighters known as the s. D. F. Was a success as a result u. S. Sanctions imposed on turkey earlier this month are no more so the sanctions will be lifted or less something happens that were not happy with trump left open the possibility there could still be new sanctions and tariffs on steel exports from turkey to the United States the invitation for president ratchet tie of error to one to visit the white house next month is also still on for now trump says it may happen in the meantime he says americas work in syria is mostly done we have done them a Great Service and weve done a great job for all of them and now were getting out let someone else fight over this long blood stayed sand. Truck fired back at critics abroad pushing them to pick up where america has left off he wants washingtons allies to help detain eisel fighters and repatriate them to their home countries. But trump syria policy faces domestic criticism in the u. S. Congress even from within his own Republican Party senator Mitch Mcconnell is promising Bipartisan Legislation to push trump to cancel air to ones white house visit and halt the u. S. Troop drawdown should it need to speak up we cannot effectively support our partners on the ground without a military presence the Democratic Senate leader fears u. S. Actions will have grave consequences for kurdish fighters fata alongside u. S. Forces to defeat eisel hes particularly concerned with reports the United States withdrawal has now allowed some eisel fighters to escape the president s incompetence without a one in syria has handed isis a get out of jail free card and put simply put american lives in danger well it was about Foreign Policy President Trump white house address was geared to a domestic audience already campaigning for reelection President Trump is keen to show hes keeping a Campaign Promise withdrawing u. S. Soldiers from a generation of war kimberly help at aljazeera the white house. Now the chief of the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces has reportedly thanks russia for its work to end hostilities in Northern Syria in a Video Conference with russias defense minister says the leaders discussed the progress by the deal announced by russia and turkey on choose day russian officials told the s. D. F. Chief that they will increase the number of military police near the syrian Turkish Border asama binge it has more now from the border area. This area that president calls belong bloodstained son is about the 800 kilometer long border between syria and turkey more than half a 1000000 people have been killed in the last 8 years and the situation on the ground remains precarious on weve been hearing about 2 incidents which involved bombings and explosions in the kurdish held parts and the russians are warned that warned the kurds to make use of these 150. 00 i will do vacate the various 30 kilometers deep inside syrian territory or face the turkish advances as the turks have agreed with the russians that they will be coming in 10 kilometers deep into syrian territory all this is happening while the Syrian Government is also taking an active role for the 1st time in 8 years along this border area Syrian Government with the russians is going to be moving in to try and vacate areas from beach to commission the and make sure that these areas according to its agreement with the turks are clear off kurdish fighters it is interesting to see the Syrian Democratic forces coming out for the 1st response after this deal gentleman has spoken to the u. S. President on trumbo and he said that trumper the shorten that their partnership in syria is not completely over there will continue to Work Together although previously we have seen from the Syrian Democratic forces statements after statements where they feel betrayed by the United States alludes to the areas in near the iraqi border in the roads or province where Oil Facilities are located and the u. S. Forces according to u. S. Rep. And im going to be there working with local partners to make sure that those Oil Facilities dont fall in the hands of others so it is a situation the worth monitoring but at least for the next 60 is that for the 150 hours as agreed by the russians and the turks the guns will be falling silent p. J. Crowley is a former deputy weiss White House Press secretary joins me now from alexandria in the state of virginia good to have you with us on aljazeera again mr crowley i mean the president is really not mincing his words but they are causing deep offense at home and abroad and they have done with the various statements that hes come out with in the past 10 days well i think the president you know in his is right to say you know. Hell is better than the alternative fair enough but thats a transitory tactical situation. He really is trying to mask what is a profound strategic failure for the United States the image and so of Russian Forces moving into areas where the United States used to have those issues i think youre sending shock waves across the region everyone from the middle east and beyond is having to recalculate their relationship with the United States or a liability of the us now live and the credibility of its words indeed how much of a concern is it on the ground there in the u. S. That it is perceived that the u. S. Has given up this space within the middle east in this area of influence in terms of allowing now russia to really set the new right the new pages in sort of middle east relations regarding this particular incident. Well certainly the president. Has a point up to a point that the American People are tired of what they see as endless wars but you know what the reality is that assyria presence was relatively small 2 or 3000 american troops it was highly a mission that wasnt very costly certainly narrative well who seen in iraq in afghanistan or most importantly in that chokehold gave the United States a student table at some point arent you couldnt dition some sort of International Conference regarding how a syria will be governed Going Forward and what the rights of among others the Kurdish People will be by by withdrawing as he has just precipitously the president has ceded background to to russia to turkey even to iran i mean how how this action you know fits in with the ongoing maximum Pressure Campaign against iran is anyones guess where you just mentioned that you know americas seat of the table might have diminished slightly is the only table the president wants to sit behind is the one in the oval office when one does that whether these statements that hes made and the position that hes taken is really for his electoral base as we head towards the 2020 president ial election. Well theres no doubt that much of the rhetoric that he used today change straight from some of these Campaign Rallies and hes done in recent days and weeks certainly she envisions american Foreign Policy as need to mention her in your Reelection Campaign he certainly seems withdraw all American Forces as our ears electoral mandate its not so much that you know about that mandate its how hes gone about done it and if it does you know cost serious concern here at home or abroad or impact in terms of the United States position released and we are that its for the moment to leave it there mr crowley its always a pleasure to get your analysis on a subject like this we look forward to welcoming you again and ill do there thanks vito thankfully. No Murder Investigation is underway in the United Kingdom to the bodies of 39. 00 people were found in a container truck Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pointed the finger at people traffickers the Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn says its an unimaginable human tragedy the grim discovery was made in the town of grave east of london where paul brennan reports. The circumstances of the grim discovery are still uncertain ambulance paramedics were the 1st to be called to the scene the police wont reveal who it was who raised the alarm but it was immediately obvious that the people inside this container lorry were beyond medical help shortly before 1 40 am today we received reports that a number of people had been found inside the lorries container at the wall to great Industrial Park on easton avenue in grace Emergency Services attended but sadly all 39 people inside the container had died police now believe that the container travelled from zebra to purfleet and docked in the thora carrier shortly after 12 30 am on wednesday morning but they also say that the tractor part of the truck is believed to have originated in Northern Ireland and the British Parliament the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition were united in shock and sorrow now this is an arm imaginable tragedy and truly heartbreaking i know that the thoughts and prayers of all members are with those who lost their lives and their loved ones i do pay an enormous tribute to the Emergency Services whove gone to the scene to deal with it all of us who just think for a moment what its like to be a Police Officer or a firefighter to open that container and have to remove 39 bodies from it and deal with them in a program in an appropriate and humane way what unimaginable horror did the 39 victims and your refrigerated lorries are designed to be at tight that those 39 people suffocate in a claustrophobic and terrifyingly inevitable death or did they freeze to death in temperatures below minus 20 degrees celsius. 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