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Forensics to realty the police to the deputy chief constable pippa mills gave a statement in the last hour in which she said that she basically announced that and said that the 25 year old man remains in custody on suspicion of. Warned that this would likely be a lengthly inquiry and said that the removal of the body was just to maintain dignity but they hope that by taking that lorry itself away that they would be able to return the Industrial Estates over my shoulder back to the lease holders and the tenants within a relatively short space of time we have seen police cars and police found leaving in the last few minutes so it looks like the Police Presence here is winding down. Paul thank you so much for that for britain joining us live there from grays. Still ahead on aljazeera. Roads are blocked across live in all his antigovernment protests continue for a 7th day. The weather sloshy fine across the eastern parts of china at the moment but over towards the west we have got a little more cloud just spilling through and i think this is going to be the main focus for some wet weather and some wintry weather as we go through the next couple days and as that thick a cloud there into western pass in the east is fine 29 cells is that the hong kong on thursday simba temperatures you go on into friday but by friday you can see how that wetter weather and the snow over the high ground said self in across the western side of the country some lovely showers to just pushing down with that on the show breeze into central and northern parts of vietnam for a time may manas slushy truck was a good part of indochina to try to close the part of northern india but the Southern India which will cease to sort of india fair bit of cloud had northeast the monsoon of course has now said plenty of rain pushing right up across but that should isha all the way up into west bengal of towards the western side of the country that we have got this developing system him may well become a tropical slightly as we go on through the next couple days keeping a close eye on that one but either way as dragging that wetter weather up across kind of taka pushing up into could see some wet weather gradually pushing up into mumbai. When say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes. Follow in their footsteps as they forge their way in the was. Aljazeera shares these personal journey its. Inspiring stories of people perseverance on their chosen path. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. If youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder of our top stories this hour. U. S. President donald trump says washington will lift sanctions imposed on turkey it responds to their offensive in Northern Syria this month trump warns the terrorists can be reinstated if ankara does not on a its obligations now that comes as Russian Military police stop trolls in northeast syria thats is part of that new deal with to a key under the agreement by president and putin why p. G. Fighters have 150 hours to pick through or at least 30 kilometers deep into syrian territory. Emergency services in the u. K. And found 39 bodies in a container truck in essex in southeast england a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland has painted arrested following that discovery. At a government protests in chile a being described as the worst to hit the country in nearly 30 years at least 18 people have been killed in the past 2 weeks a coup a few at a state of emergency have been imposed originally there was anger over a hike in royal prices now protesters cited fighting government oppression. Joins us live now from santiago in santiago give us a sense manuel about the the ongoing resolve that is saying amongst protesters that. Not only have the protests continued stand theyve evolved its no longer just a demonstration or protest against an increase in the cost of metro which by the way were outside a metro station now you can see a couple of military personnel that are standing guard there are parts of the city that are making an attempt to return to normal but theres really 2 worlds here in the chilean capital one where everything appears to be normal despite the presence of military on the streets and then another part of the city downtown an iconic part of the chilling capital thats traditionally been a place where pollute political movements begin that even now as we speak protests and clashes are taking place police and military using tear gas smoke bombs Water Cannons to Disperse Protesters now on tuesday evening the chilean president took to National Television making a formal apology saying that he apologizes for having a lack of vision proposing a set of social programs to to to call to calm the on rest but that there is momentum here there is momentum behind behind the demonstrations that weve seen and a whole host of demands its no longer just about an increase in the fare of metro people are complaining theyre there theyre calling out the government for not doing enough for Public Education not doing enough for public for the Public Health system pensions minimum wage all of these things combined have led to this to this to to to this unrest in the streets of this anger by demonstrators now we are selves have had to move from our location prior to this for safety reasons not only have members of the press been injured by projectiles launched from police but theres also a certain amount of hostility from the more radical elements within these protests against the media theres a huge distrust of the media now the big concern at the moment stan is the good that were hearing expressed from from the United Nations from human Rights Groups is the response the attitude from Law Enforcement against Peaceful Protesters being characterized as as a crackdown as a heavy handed response we can we can. Infirmed at least 18 people have been killed more than 5000 have been arrested since the unrest began nationwide and the videos that are starting to surface on social media while we cant conform confirm our very troubling stand by joining us live there from santiago Russian Oil Giant Lukoil has announced its pulling out of a troubled Saudi Arabian Gas Exploration project that Russias Lukoil is to transfer its 80 percent stake in a Gas Exploration project to the state on saudi aramco lukoil says the government of saudi arabia has not been able to make the project economically feasible the 2 firms are still planning to Work Together on exploration in africa and respect just on the Russian Oil Giant Lukoil pulling out of that Gas Exploration project in saudi arabia mum to celebrate is an International Oil economist and joins us live from london its nice to have you with us just quickly is this just about economics is it just about the numbers didnt add up here. It is more of them that. Look like any investor in the world once good return on its investment now there are dark clouds some rounding saudi out armco in terms of there is scope of at passport potential at that by the whole of phase and the cost of repairing the damage inflicted by the whole of his on Saudi Oil Infrastructure last month or so when you would be is they add in that a mention of risk to any investment in saudi out on call there is there has been news that the saudi out arm call as well as look of oil had differences on the price they want to price their gaz discover it is and sell it but that comes in the ally of declining gas prices and volatility in the gas prices in the global guys market as are so geopolitical concerns here security concerns and that set against a weakening in the price so it could normally what what impact will this decision by lukoil to withdraw from this project have or will that be offset by by continued exploration working together in places like africa. Well look he said that it will continue to cooperate with saudi arabia an effort it can cause and. Effect stan and other parts of the world however saudi arabia is badly in need of gas and you guys and he sources because they need them for their oil industry and they need them for a better chemical in the us and they need them for to be no mystic use and if that is the generation as well so there is a good need by saudi arabia for the new guy as it is a new guy as a resources so it to fix our debt a. B. N. This way however. From look points of view they are like any investor out of they want good did it on their investment how about a i think they in the future russian oil and Gas Companies will still call put it would saudi al gore bob there are at this time sow doubt on cause biasing through a bit of difficulty time if you are left to pay billions of dollars on a sturdy pair the damage inflicted by the who it is on the 16th of september on their Oil Infrastructure and at the same time theyre out of trying also to put hasnt a good picture to the world says theyre out of trying to launch their ip or saudi out anchal how all of our in my opening and the a. P. All already and ip of saudi arabia will never see the light of days for to be a general reasons one. Risk of litigation by the United States in addition to 911 and also paresis 10 question marks about the the exact size of saudi improvement over. Yes i just cited 2 big issues here both the ongoing questions about the i. P. O. And now this decision by luke to pull out of the project with saudi aramco to sell it i thank you so much for giving us the top thank you protestors in lebanon on the blocking roads across the country as part of the 7th day of demonstrations the army is now trying to reopen main routes the demonstrations continue despite the governments approval of unprecedented Economic Reforms protesters are now calling for complete political change saying to heart reports from beirut. They try to reclaim the streets but the people stood their ground lebanons army has been ordered by politicians to open roads across the country the same politicians these lebanese want gone there were skirmishes a few injuries but at the end the military took a step back theyre trying to intimidate us to be honest i. Think that the by National Force are going to back up people are going to be afraid to come and actually they publish the opposite all of us rushed early on instead of coming at like 5 or 6 pm for a party this is the main highway connecting the capital beirut to North Lebanon protesters have been blocking roads in the hope of pressuring the government to resign Prime Minister saddam had 80 who said protests will be tolerated in squares ordered the Security Forces to clear the streets he has all the stuff process he has all the stuff. Hes hes seeing that the people there are not using any violence they are so peaceful its not clear if the presence of cameras stop the soldiers from using Excessive Force but not long after the army command issued a statement making it clear daily life must not be disrupted people chant revolution or revolution we want the fall of the regime and protesters are still very much defiant they are were. Using filling the streets it seems levanon will witness a prolonged period of unrest if the lebanese government refuses to resign. The governing coalition has not been able to write off the protest movement which has spread across lebanon it is now entering its 2nd week. My son graduates next year and all he thinks about is leaving lebanon and he cant find a job here i dont want my children to leave i want those in power to return the money they stole. For decades protests like these were ineffective because the majority of the lebanese people allied themselves with one Political Group or another that may change hard its different now the people on the street and when you are talking specifically about people who are affiliated politically. But its clear what they want is accountable maybe they didnt do it during the elections they are doing it now on the street no one can pretend to represent the street today the protesters are trying to seize their country from politicians who have been in power for decades for now they have overcome sectarian and political divides and are controlling the streets this is the 1st time lebanons political leaders face such a serious challenge but that may change if the army chooses to protect those in Power Centers for their beirut. Now to protests in bolivia where president says he will take measures to quote defend democracy and is confident he will be declared the winner of saturdays or sundays election theyve been demonstrations across the country after the vote was frozen before the freeze it looked like a 2nd round of voting would be needed afterwards. On the brink of an outright win john home and force. In the past believe a confusing election is being disputed on the streets. And started peacefully Opposition Leader khaled turning out the head of a march the field oprah. The captains main avenue. Tens of thousands was angry because a supposedly rapid vote count from sundays election has been repeatedly suspended they fear thats because the government is manipulating the figures ensures a complete raga if they do worry they. Are worse to make a final decision was it is an order hes already know it worked in progress over usually there is something that is not knowing where was it wanted to reach the electoral tribunal to voice their discontent but the seemingly Irresistible Force in the movable object and it began was some protests as throwing stones curtains of tear gas launched by police. They tried to resist ducking down lighting small fires to disperse the gas and i was going to go on to say i was in fear of the truth is that weve never felt like this we thought that yesterday was bad but today theyre really kicking us hard in the fire smoke helps us to feel better the ballot papers proved a popular choice of fuel but it wasnt enough people are running here because they try to block off the center there are 3rd sync with tear gas so there is a lot of nerves here was a good reason she was hit by a tear gas canister. A wednesday morning president ever more on his call these protests an attempt to kook and said the opposition were full of the delays in the vote count because of. How does the coup express a south they detain the counting process burned government buildings and regional electoral tribunals threatening elected candidates and they dont guarantee the safety of the members of the electoral tribunals was he called on bolivians to come out and defend democracy thats what these young people also say that doing that means more not less conflict ahead john homan how does it or the pass. I mean. Boeing says its quarterly profits a fall of more than 50 percent its due to the grounding of the 737 max aircraft after 2 crashes killed 346. 00 people boeing says it expects Regulatory Approval to return the plane to Service Later this year the company is also cutting production of the 787 dreamliner because of global trade uncertainties. This is al jazeera and here are the top stories u. S. President donald trump says washington will lift sanctions imposed on turkey in response to their offensive in Northern Syria earlier this month he said turkeys temporary cease fire is now permanent but he warned the sanctions can be reinstated if ankara does not honor its obligations early this morning the government of turkey informed my administration that they would be stopping combat and their offensive in syria and making the cease fire permanent and it will indeed be permanent however you would also define the word permanent in that part of the world as somewhat questionable we all understand that but i do believe it will be permanent ive therefore instructed the secretary of the treasury to lift all sanctions imposed on october 14th in response to turkeys original offensive moves against the kurds in syrias northeast border region well that comes as Russian Military police have now started patrols in northeast syria thats is part of that deal with under the agreement by president s of the one and putin y p g fighters have 150 hours to withdraw at least 30 kilometers deeper into syrian territory. Emergency services in the u. K. Have found 39 bodies in a container truck in essex in southeast england a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland has been arrested following that discovery and he government protests in chile are being described as the worst to hit the country in nearly 30 years at least 18 people have been killed in the past 2 weeks a curfew and a state of emergency have been polished meanwhile in lebanon protesters theyre out on the streets for the 7th day they are blocking roads across the country although the army has been trying to reargue by routes theyve made a number of arrests banks schools and universities provide closed those are the headlines and news continues here on out to 0 after this. Thank. You thought thank you. Very much i mean thats the claim im quoting you know so. I think. You. Know it was a good judgment on my q had. You. Been chipped blue and i dont mean to see him and i said im pinch opinion but a flake of. Metal but he. Was in a good. Thanks. I am. Coming out on. A new one they are too much to. Add to the list and all you. Have to. Pay and the. Book was a book and thats all. That it. Will hold the way. Theyre going but the up. To. 658 was the moment you said it was completely email me for that i know it. Alone make. Her eat meat. Mean again made the guys secondly i did a good go at it they said the host is a little. Multilingual even. But today we dont want to sell him a. Martial arts are still going to dirty. Pool without me as i have no business. And im unheard of identical learned to what theyre going to reap in monitoring their im the most elegant fighter they have killed anything with. Yes harm along with others and theres. Oh. That part of the. Fabric of it must have a you will get into Good Behavior dont you really if i think you have something but it will grow out of the woman of the old. Man here who was. By then had anybody. Of his if he gets across a valuable system with him why then understand the. Time i did my talk how to deal. With it from. Within a minute when the coolant but the expectation sent. Me a good idea. But my minute month to. Go it would go deeper than. Me well. The. Week. I make a comment on it that. Im good with other than the words yankee he would say yes i will good will. All of them all right were going to. Go. To get the movies on the lower level with only one more. A little. Hotel of them with some negligible made of it all had they got the lead on to the i do believe that. Im somehow the one in the eyes on the. Look. Of with another one. Of them in the on top of. That all the way it looks like that isnt on. My legs talking about that ive only done one. Of those they give us a hint they. Look a lot of the surface. Of the universe we have a birthday going to think of a god that having another. Baby and going to give us a bit of the time i think is a little. More difficult for them. But i guess this was the now im going back to work im in the summer. And have tomorrow will be diminished not even at a time yet to that im not gonna think thats all that far from the mc i need to take you friday keep track of your mom i dont think i. Might have a case if you havent got it about to get the hay we need be beat. Why has it got to be applied to be one of us though i dont have any doubt that part of your book by the way of which youve been a big bad behavior. And then you get up in on a high low all. By heart of me. You know my heart i mean the luxury of being here in a good cause but are we going to be mean or we allow our. Way back to being or be resigned. If you cannot come up that many of the. What. Do. Very. Well. In the city. And that is policeman time. I dont mess with a good school safeguard not. Going to just check it out for my skin temperature all right. Operating as observed by anybody up there he can put it in the coming. Up on my part i could be good. Maybe was about the money coming out. My mouth when i talk informed it but the other looks i got out of here going to take a look at the box i jumped in with the digger but the son is in the new school was talking about dont think it would help with either the money good logan but too good work that but you put it in the muslim boys about 2 good work that their parents who come with government money who have us go to some of mines that need to know about but you know about here because im just sure. Youre somebody. From. 10 to one carrier for a guy but youll just have a filing down when are we going to let you receive us and think yeah my love for you but light one up on me. But not whether what i found on the phone now would you have. Done enough might. Have been. Something. Different i mean we cannot know what. This recent article had gay or whatever would come about. That the city would be good none of them. Were not in the end i was there will go to one of them coming. To the end. To. Kind of timeout i havent heard yet. But they are out there which isnt of the

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