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Nobody wants to touch these tankers and this these wounds are then taken out the International Trade and thats thats thats a substantial piece of hardware that goes out and obviously supply to. The places shoot up weve also got to laze that its not just the china connection there are there are other aspects to the increase in tanker trade as well as you know the venezuelan sanctions are also in place similar to indian crew doing venezuelan goold are all sort of under the lens but that puts away another piece of get out of circulation and as you know that i am more 2020 said to kick in in the next 3 months which basically means that the ships need to adhere to or rather stricter level of pollution control so a good number of ships have actually in the docks and theyre going in blood grid scrubbers and things like that so all these things things put together is what is currently impacting the rise in. Danko flits is that cost of that increase in cost being passed on to the likes of you and i obviously the. Transporter already has that if i know that is taking the crew once hes got to pay an additional cost to ship his crew hes going to mark his products the final end product that comes out of the refinery the gasoline the petrol the l. P. G. At a higher cost which you and i have to be unfortunately iran has always said that it has the means to get oil onto the market in spite of the sanctions there is a lot of sanctions busting going on here how is that happening. Youre going to realize i mean even if you look back 304050 years in in history the informal trade. The informal crude sales whether it was a barter system or totally off market sale of crude has always existed in iran from the times of the shah in the seventys when iran was producing at its peak about 6000000 barrels of crude there were always barrels that were available off the coast of iran north of the coastline of the arabian gulf states where crew was sold informally of course that was and that has continued to list a i mean if you were to stand on any any one of the gulf states along the coastline and with a high powered by knockers you you could even today see these small barges having 203040000 barrels of crude which was obviously iranian in origin and it was being sold at high seas so iran has always found a way to get its crude to sell its crude our way from the eyes of the formal market as it were of course this this crude was either pull forward was either. Siphoned off given the seepage is in the iran supply chain but now what were seeing is a surface if not sponsored state sanctioned sale of iranian crude. Away from the prying eyes of the west so help me understand this happening by means of high seas. Things like that help me understand this then then the sanctions are concerned iran is still able to trade with any anyone who wants terms of oil its just that the payment cant be in dollars is that how the sanctions work so its ok for them to come offshore and offload from one tanker to another as long as the payment isnt in dollars the kind of strange and aspect of the sanctions that came in early early last year was section 1245 of the n d 8 the National Defense authorization act which actually imposes penalties on Financial Institutions which are in any way connected with it in united including that includes banks Financial Institutions lenders and government treasuries as well so whilst iran has the crew and whilst there is a huge appetite at least amongst consumers to take that group very few people are reluctant to get that crude into their refined into their inventor easy to find reason because its difficult to pay for it how do people. For the longest time never accepted dollars they had benchmark in yours of for the longest time any even when the sanctions were not there and i. O. C. And i. D. C. Always dealt in your dollars today even that is difficult it is today selling its good its down from 3 and a half 1000000 barrels for millions battles a day it was about 3000000 barrels a day earlier this year even today by most estimates theyre still selling port 100000 odd bottles of cool every day are a lot of that is is money that is it augured away from International Banking tons. Some amount of it is done in barter system. White boards i pads. I phones washing machine the likes and it is a good amount of good that its got only being stored on credit by the iranian government in the hope that when the sanctions go theyll be able to engage that iou fascinating project many thanks david being with us regards to your own counting the cost thank you agent good to be. Back for years the u. S. Has complained that the e. U. Has illegally subsidized airbus putting the american plane manufacturer boeing at a financial disadvantage now the World Trade Organization agrees and it says the u. S. Can impose 7. 5 1000000000. 00 in tariffs on a wide range of european products in response those tariffs which have just kicked in at a drop in all of oil prices are putting spains all of industry under enormous pressure and zeroes charlie and looks at the repercussions of those tariffs on the families that the penned on all of oil exports for their livelihood. Harvest time in spain should be a time for celebration on of this year its a time of anxiety as they shake down the trees the u. S. Is imposing a new 25 percent import tax on that olive oil tax to decimate this 5th generation Family Business unable to compete with cheap imports. Was good enough. The vessels that are carrying Spanish Olive oil to the states havent even reached their destination so whats going to happen they were sold before these tariffs were a threat so pushing a 25 percent margin on top of this will kill our competitiveness. Spain is the Worlds Largest producer of all of oil exports to the us a worth 440000000. 00 but those working in the fields have not had it easy lately last years record harvest caused all of oils Purchase Price to plummet by 34 percent and more and more countries are planting their own articles joining the market piling the tariffs on top of this would lead to collapse i. Am last week thousands of out of workers took to the streets of madrid demanding the e. U. Push back on the new terrace and prop up the industry and say they dont understand why nick grimm and the politicians had with us should penalize their products. We think its very unfair because the Agricultural Sector acts like a Monetary Exchange for other industries that have nothing to do with the sector in this case is the aeronautical industry which has nothing to do with us what other producers are already feeling the squeeze around 845000000. 00 worth of spains agricultural exports will face us tariffs the e. U. Warns it will retaliate with its own import taxes if they win that parallel case against the us next year it will have the makings of a texas trade war. Fish farmers in northern malaysia are calling on the government to tackle the issue of marine pollution they say the poor quality of seawater of course the huge financial losses aljazeera florus louis reports the state of. There have been fish farms here at the mouth of the korean river in penang northern malaysia for more than 40 years but owners say the quality of the seawater is degrading and they believe that is causing their fish to die and they blame a nearby landfill for polluting the water. We depend on the sea for living if all fish can survive we are going to have to shut down the farm if there is no fish in the waters will be out of job its role on the northern shores of penang island. Says his caged fish have been dying as well he too blames the Water Quality the State Government says the polluting of sea water may be caused by runoffs from an illegal quarry operated by Marine Research as say the increase in jellyfish off the coast of penang is an indicator that the sea water is becoming more polluted but say their studies suggest that thats not enough to cause fish to die as the same basic know is difficult for us to actually pinpoint on one factor the ocean is a very dynamic environment. Is a ball and. Affects as well as. The Climate Change that causes course the pollution. Its not just those in the fishing and Aquaculture Industries who are affected. Water rates and as well as hoteliers tell us that on some days the pollution from this river is so bad that a foul smell hangs in the air and the water turns into a dark almost black color on those days they tell customers to avoid swimming in the sea. The local government says residents have to do their part and if so cross illegally sashi it to deter the system the people of this not to be or for duration theres a point to the 3 system and to call the whole system but the people here tell us that they dont think enough is being done to ensure this proper and vironment are monitoring nor tackle coastal pollution in bangladesh steel prices are soaring and its mainly because of the trade war between the us and china its having a knock on effect on the rest of the economy with house prices skyrocketing and construction taking a his town there choudhry has more now from the time of tony. Small Home Builders are the hardest hit the shop owner lives with his extended family next door to where his future home should be taking shape been done wrong. Building a roof needs a lot of rods if the prices were like before it would be done by now but with steel prices shooting up work on building our home a lifelong dream has stalled now we wait for the prices to go down. Bangladesh relies on importing scrap metal from the us to make steel rod which are the backbone of the New Buildings but that become more expensive to build because they import costs have risen. President trans trade war with china is impacting bangladesh a still industry which imports a significant amount of scrap iron from the United States protectionist measures taken by the Us Administration is reducing supply and increasing prices and so the cost of constructions have gone up in bangladesh the capital dhaka is the heart of the still drug market still traders say business is bad and on accomplished im a little bit. Yes theres an impact with sols almost coming to a halt people who are planning to build a home a very cautious now as i have to borrow money while the market is volatile. Some still traders are stockpiling stocks betting prices will rise when or if the trade war eventually ends yes the price is changed. Why are writing more on speculation and when it went up sharply president trams tariffs are costing poorer countries as well his own and china theres been a construction boom in bangladesh over the past 20 years or so but the high price of Construction Materials such as steel are threatening to start a recent economic growth. Show for this week if youd like to comment on anything youve seen. You can tweet me im at a finnigan on twitter please use the hash tag a j c t c when you do or you can drop us a line counting the cost of aljazeera dot net is our email address as always theres more for you on line at aljazeera dot com slash c. T. C. That takes you straight to a page and theyll find individual reports links even and tire episodes for use of catch up. But thats it for this edition of couse in the costs im adrian for the good from the whole team here in doha thanks for being with us the news on aljazeera is next. The environment doesnt know any boundaries what goes out into the environment goes around the world. And crowns that its a very modern way to do pop. Voices the measure of progress. The domestic population. You believe your. Music will kill people are more vulnerable circle of poison on aljazeera. What are you protesting about how does this impact their online life face minstrel scene almost directly out of translating slavery or if you join us on saturday this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice on the truth shes thrilled the discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions on aljazeera new yorkers are very receptive. Because it is such an International City theyre very interested in that global perspective that al jazeera provides. A focal crisis in lebanon deepens now a key parties but the government as mass protests continue. Im Richelle Carey this is aljazeera life and also coming up. Would be for this country. U. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson is forced to ask the e. U. To delay after a setback in parliament. A plea for calm and barcelona after days of violent protests against the jailing of cattle on separatist leaders plus. Really historic moment for australian aviation on the really historic moment for world of huge. More than 19 hours in the air just makes a test run for the longest commercial flight. The crowds demanding political reform in lebanon have been good. In an unexpected boost by a member of the very government they want to bring down that of the christian force his party announced his ministers would resign in a celebrated by thousands protesting for a 3rd night but they want total change say to her reports from beirut. Theyre up against the Political Leadership that is clinging on to power and they have used force to do that. Day 3 of protests lebanons army and Security Forces are being accused of heavy handed tactics which are further inferior rating demonstrators they havent left the streets despite the crackdown and arrests their demands remain the same that was. The end of the government should resign and early elections must follow the response from the Ruling Alliance whats clear one act play out well now that we dont want the government to resign if it does it will take one or 2 years to form a new government and the economic crisis will worsen any will be made up of the same Political Forces may remember who. The. But that is what protesters dont want they want change tension has been building for months these are difficult Economic Times and they blame those who have been in power for decades for corruption and the mismanagement. The. Many here are unemployed some cant pay their Childrens School tuition fees others cant buy medicine or pay for their hospital bills the defiance is palpable people are behind us and if you think we are all gathered as live in these from old age and from order were saying one word week come up any more accept you. As giving them and support you supporting the last mines that the government has put on. No more yesterday president how do you decide we have 72 hours the 72 hours im not going to change anything the plans to impose more taxes triggered the protest Prime Minister sato how d. D. On friday gave his political partner 72 hours to come up with alternative sources of revenue for the budget it seems the political elite are scrambling to find a solution but that appears to have done little to call the anger tens of thousands are protesting what has made clear the majority of lebanese have the secretary general hossam the stroller said if hezbollah supporters decide to protest they will change the equation and balance of power other lebanese consider that a threat and the child of the iranian backed will have a military way closer a law also told those on the streets they wont be able to topple the Ruling Alliance oh i love announced political and sectarian divide is deep but those who are raising their voices are standing united carrying only the lebanese flag this is the biggest nationwide protest in years but there is a large number of lebanese whose allegiance remains with their Political Parties its unclear how much those on the streets can achieve. Beirut. For a 3 month extension to parliament forced Prime Minister Boris Johnson to send a letter seeking a delay after he lost a crucial vote he did not sign the letter any also included another document saying an extension would be a mistake in parliament unfolded hundreds of thousands of people marched through london to demand a 2nd referendum it was the 4th rally of its kind since britain voted to leave the European Union in 2016 or a challenge was there. Was you. Ask. You was its fair to say demonstrates is that the peoples vote. I dont like breaks it much thats an easy thing to. Take stunt was speaking to me. What was that. They turned out in their hundreds of thousands in london hoping m. P. s voting on Boris Johnsons breaks it deal in parliament would hear them. Because we dont want the peoples vote coming is appalling so no deal is bad yes this deal is back yes the only thing you like is im a right i want to go back to the people and if the people in now say its we still want to leave youd be happy with that would you much happier but of course most of the 2nd referendum would overturn this particularly if the leave if i could be split between Boris Johnsons deal and no deal why you hear what im trying to say we has with you know up to 50 yes im raising my children have paid my taxes and you dont trade with me and im treated like a 2nd class citizen for a deal thats been a wreck the economy and the future of my children we have screwed up big. Butts m. P. s didnt reject Boris Johnsons deal and they havent given the country a sunken referendum. All they have done is passed an amendment which requires Boris Johnson to request to brets it deadline extension of 3 months to the right 322. 00 the news to the left 306. 00 so the allies have it the eyes have it on lot. And he breaks it demonstrates his its taking this as a battle victory even if they fear losing the war. Well the many thousands of people who have marched in london on saturday know that what paul newman has just done does not stop rexs well what it does crucially is get them more time and more time means a better chance. That they can achieve their aim a 2nd referendum. Aljazeera london. Speaking to people in the port city of hall where a majority of voters back in the referendum well here in home more than 2 thirds of people voted to leave the e. U. Back in 26 even speaking to people over the last couple of days people still believe that they made the right decision im really want to get bricks that over the line they are simply fed up with the process and believe that any delays are unnecessary they want politicians to concentrate on other matters bricks it to be done come on this is democracy say. Leave lets lay down to everybody now. Especially. Given what were always given a small child was sort of. I want to go through. This i would compromise. Except if something does not mean. I think its just going on my. Way. I would like to think that we would have a peoples vote again now that we have more information id like to still be able to be given that chance but i would still remain he would lose if we leave what of course some businesses are concerned about what that might bring in the challenges that it could pose because they have strong economic links between hold on the rest of the e. U. There is a real strong feeling months of people here that it is time to get out of the e. U. The brics it is so divisive up and down the country that you go 101530 kilometers away and you get a completely different viewpoint. But as the europe managing director for the Risk Research and Consulting Firm Eurasia Group he believes the extensional they granted leaders may hold off on announcing their ration. This does not require a negotiation with the e. U. Ultimately the extension decision is now a decision that the European Council e. U. Heads of state will make among themselves so boris was very careful in the language he used he did not say he would not send a letter he said he would not negotiate an extension while he does not need to negotiate because thats an internal matter for the e. U. 27. 00 and i think thats a decision that they will come to probably in the middle of next week once they have seen how developments play out in the 1st few days of early next week monday and tuesday does know that Boris Johnson wants to deliver bracks it by the 31st of october he said hed rather be dead in a ditch than request another extension so this is hardly going to come as a surprise in the elisa in paris or in the chancellor in berlin i think they understand politically Boris Johnson does not want an extension but hes been forced to do that by the knocked in by the Oliver Letwin amendment that was passed today in parliament so i think its or frankly expected on the e. U. Side as i said what theyre now going to do is wait to see where the bars can cobble a majority together either for a meaningful vote on monday or to the extent thats blocked by the speaker whether its 2nd reading of the Withdrawal Agreement bill that will take place on tuesday he can get an imprint for vote of confidence on his deal and until theyve seen that i dont think they will make a decision on the length of the extension which is really the issue theyve now got theyve got to consider. Sainz acting Prime Minister has dismissed a call for dialogue by catalan leaders or independent supporters protested for 6 day in a well on saturday theres been anger since Spain Supreme Court sentenced 9 separatist leaders to prison for their role in any legal independence referendum in 2017 Charlie Rangel is in barcelona. With the mood here is very unstable the protesters who are south to freedom from the civil forces everything how the police some who own fastens and take afghanistan to stay thanks to the focus of a yet to retaliate gun protests of even come up trying to antagonize the police that if you hold back into the crowd one of their own the sons of the we are peaceful people who are now sitting down because the police have announced that they will start advancing on this now behind me are thousands. And seymour exits to the square have you know so when they move forward that is going to be a bit of a scrum the hotels in the businesses have led to if they suck. It up the sauce is a lot of the windows have nots and bear in mind that if they feel there is every body at these protests it would join by thousands more these demonstrators who said that while they had started protests against those sentences handed down to the codependence council and leaders on the monday they were now very concerned about the Police Brutality that they had seen on friday penneys responded to a protest with rubber bullets and tear gas into 152 protesters 3 if we are now in critical condition. Still ahead on aljazeera. Huge wave of support for one man one

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