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A complex and dangerous outbreak but u. N. Human Rights Office has called for the release of a prominent blogger a lawyer and a journalist from an egyptian jail several 1000 people have been in custody since protests against president of the feather l. C. C. Began a month ago blogger at the father was released in march after serving a 5 year sentence for protesting but was rearrested and september his lawyer was the rest of the same day name on journalists as rub their father was arrested by plain clothed Security Officer in cairo last weekend and beaten after refusing to unlock her mobile phone now around 4000000 people flock to this world famous viewing platform every year and now they can go even higher the Empire State Building in new york is just unveiled its new observatory 16 levels above the original gabriel and his own dove went to have a look. Its one of the most famous buildings in the world instantly recognizable from the outside but 88 years after it 1st opened to empower state building is getting a new look and it starts way up at the top so show me where the 102nd floor is so were going to go all the way to the top just 102nd for the summit and the pinnacle of. The ride up the elevator to the newly reopened Empire State Building observatory. And this is the view when you reach the top. It was closed for nearly 10 months during construction but not anymore after opening last week when it was coming to was most famous building and it is the pinnacle of the if i said youre going to have 874360 degree i want to talk to you wish for their city you know that the old observatory was much different there used to be air conditioner units that would come up to about here and block much of the view now theyve changed everything and theyve installed these floor to ceiling glass panels theyre about 200. 00 kilos each and theres 24. 00 of them that give you this panoramic view new york city. While the Empire State Building receives 4000000 visitors a year for more than 100 Different Countries its increasingly facing competition for tourists like from the newly opened vessel structure at hudson yards on the west side of the city and the observatory that opened in 2015 at the top of the one world trade center. And thats why the Empire State Building is in the final phase of a 4 year 165000000 dollars renovation it includes new exhibits and displays highlighting the history of this skyscraper and its depiction in movies. Where there is no shortage of toll buildings in the city managers here hope the new views at the Empire State Building are unlike any other gabriel zonda how does it a new york now to a woman who just made history and space christina caution jessica have gone on a space walk together at the International Space station it is the 1st time that 2 women have done the walk women have previously on a wall. A with men. Still ahead on the news the countdown is on to the biggest day in the history of japanese rugby a head to the World Cup Final against south africa. Its time to sports now heres peter. Thank you very much the upcoming classico clash between boston and then real madrid has been cool 50 to the protests in catalonia. The game machine tool for a week on saturday at the no camp but the Spanish Soccer Federation ever although it must be rearranged due to security concerns learning insisted they could stage the match safely but clubs now need to agree on a new date for the fixture by monday. In america one of n. T. Says of a hole in what we want is for the people to be proud of us when ever we have to play this game thats all i know theres a huge debate around this and thats normal but my position as the rabid red coach is this we will play whatever we have to play and we will be ready Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola has been one of the most vocal voices in favor of cattle and independents who is a native of catalonia has called on the International Community to help resolve the situation the only thing is someone 1000008 are out to help us to sit in and doxepin and talk so. Does arrive the situation arrive sometime it is incredible to think about the situation arrive in the last night with happen in and personal friends that there are 9 years in the jail will be 9 years ages 4 to bolt and hopefully you know europe because theyre for it britain and help us can result is conflict. Bug Areas National team coach casimir bellicose has resigned over saw his teams 6 no thrashing by england on monday a match maad by racial abuse against england black players claimed he did not hear the chants although he did apologize to the english players earlier this week the president of the Bulgarian Football Federation was also forced to resign however eddys outgoing News Conference on friday he seemed an repentance. That a very big role for this hysteria came from england as you know i write letters one to the president of the english f. A. And one to your wife for assuring that there is no racism in bulgaria we have received a great response from all over europe in favor of gary and belgariad fans because these things happen in other European Countries much more than in bulgaria. Japan is gearing up for one of the biggest weekends in its sporting history the Rugby World Cup hosts will play in the quarter finals for the 1st time the japanese take on south africa in the 2nd of sundays quarterfinals before that on saturday england face australia then its the defending champions new zealand up against ireland but of course the majority of the country is focused on japan versus the springboks their success has gripped the nation and their coach says he squad are rising so the challenge the players are really taken over and its a really good sign its coach because when you feel a little bit redundant. You know that this real belief in your team in these real confidence in the team and its that on feeling is the coach. With the players weve grown in the last 4 to 6 weeks and weve grown and weve grown mentally. England have revenge on their mind as they prepare to face australia on saturday in 2015 england had a bitter loss to the wallabies on home turf in the pool stages and it has been 12 years since england last reached the semifinals of the tournament a senior players know the squad and friends are waiting for a victory film move for myself for the team the guys are involved but sometimes do you on the form or you just be in the team so i can say look at it we clearly werent good enough in in 11 or 15. In 19 i feel that were more than capable of what we scored is more than capable of achieving something thats not a normal way to court for not so. Much. Have good right to be. Here in this position with this option you tomorrow so. Ive been preparing accordingly. Well its no Tour De France but the conditions are just as harsh for the 85 lists competing in the crocodile trophy Mountain Biking race swimming is a rite of passage Andrew Thomas has this report from memory in australia. Organizes dont like to call the crocodile trophy the toughest Mountain Bike race in the world they think that label scares riders off but with 8 stages and 8 days covering almost 700 kilometers and a combined vertical climb of more than 13 kilometers its hes very challenging fate off the heat the heat is killing us my life and its of course i feel like ive been fighting for another time and more than 80 riders from 16 countries are taking part in this years event the race is 25th anniversary the crocodile trophy is the oldest Mountain Bike race in the world established by a veteran road cyclist who used to compete in the Tour De France the idea was. Doing a race like longest would have crossed and his ranch was at the 3 star car the race takes place in the scrubby hills and lush rainforests of North Queensland it is hot and humid but otherwise its ideal Mountain Bike territory so its very nice right. Beautiful roach theyre rolling very good. And youre feeling im feeling fine for my very fine time in real brandt actually many crocodiles around here at least not ones are visible from the tracks but there is plenty of other wildlife and more significant hazards silk a cross has been the race doctor 5 times injuries are common there were things broken hips broken collar bones are very common as well elbows. Me me. And of course bruises and crosses and crosses every day Mountain Biking has been an olympic sport since 1906 yet still lives in the shadow of road cycling its that which attracts the big sponsors and the money this event costs around 200000. 00 to stage most riders have to pay entry fees and theres no prize for winning. An usually this is a sport and an event where professionals people paid by sponsors who make a living from Mountain Biking compete with amateurs people who say its like pot but alright they want quite big surprise that. This is a pretty big event but Mountain Bike is what their sport to grow with more prestigious for their pedaling Andrew Thomas aljazeera or even australia. Ok thats where well leave it for now ill see you again later for most news. Thank you very much peter will do stay with us on aljazeera were back in just a few minutes with another thank you for watching. My father simmons was. Taken by the Chinese Government all i want to stay with my son stay with my wife and so on this is one of the human rights abuses of our time we decided to talk about it. Just. Tell the world. The truth about chinas systematic repression of the week is. Tell the world coming soon on aljazeera. At night in a stock. Patrolled the streets. Of. Gang violence the maternal approach to. The stories. Told by the people who lived mothers of rincon this is europe on aljazeera. United in their anger against politicians protestors across lebanon call for revolution as the Prime Minister issues an ultimatum of economic reform. Hello and welcome to aljazeera live for my headquarters in doha with me in the product also ahead a harsh warning to separate as protesters and the rest worsens the government warns they could face prison. A fragile truce on the turkey syria border president to end the long wars the offensive will resume with and minutes if all terms met. And bolivias president faces an uphill battle despite being one of the frontrunners in sundays election. The calls for political change in lebanon a growing louder with tens of thousands protesting across the country they calling for revolution lebanons Prime Minister solved 80 has given rival groups in his gollum. 72 hours to find a solution to the turmoil thats and the country at least 2 people have died in demonstrations which have entered this 2nd day Stephanie Decker reports now from beirut. For a 2nd day and night thousands filled the streets of beirut calling for the government to go. The way. For the 1st time on such a large scale its not about where your allegiances lie in this deeply divided sectarian country its not about cos all walks of life are united against the Political Leadership here thats what the rights of that country. That garbage and all over the green grass fed up with all this has got here for the future. Theres no future for jobs at all and im not acceptable anymore we have stood up for a long time and now its time to dog protesters blocked all major roads bringing large parts of the capital to a standstill they remained on the streets well into the night the army used tear gas and water cannon to try to disperse the crowds the army has said that it will from now on come down harder on the protesters that it doesnt want to see these kinds of scenes of destruction on the streets but everyone weve been speaking to say that they will continue to come out to protest that they are fed up of years of empty promises by the politicians and they want change years of a crippling economic crisis has left many lebanese struggling to make ends meet its been made worse by political upheaval and the arrival of one and a half 1000000 Syrian Refugees who fled the war lebanon as the 3rd largest debt in the world the government is trying to secure 11000000000. 00 in aid banks Russian Foreign currency last month the state of economic emergency was declared the latest protest was triggered on thursday when the government announced plans to charge people feel. Using the Whatsapp Messaging Service that was the Tipping Point for population for straighted by a growing cost of living what many call a dysfunctional state the mass turnout forced the government to drop the tax plan but it hit a nerve resulting in nationwide protests. Prime minister saddle had to be cancelled fridays Cabinet Meeting and says his efforts to bring in much needed reforms have been repeatedly blocked by others in government no one is taking responsibility here but im giving our partners in the government a very short deadline 72 hours to give us a solution that can convince us and the people in the streets and our International Partners but there is Little Trust Left in the political elite who has run this country for decades people hungry people are struggling people are tired everyone says these protests are on precedented and they are determined to continue Stephanie Decker aljazeera beirut. Bail is a professor of Political Science at Florida Atlantic university and he says that they have been many indications that lebanon was heading to the flash point. It has been building up for quite some time and the grievances against the government against corruption against unemployment against so many things just to blow up yesterday you know and i saw it coming myself i was in lebanon in august and i could see you know people are not happy you have many people are hungry many people you know they need the job have high unemployment and also they look at the Political Leadership and they and they say and they say openly now its like a mafia like Political Leadership look at the economy that look at the political system as the spoils you know and every leader or every leader of his sect you know always they want to say i want to have his share or her share so dearly what we see is the popular social Movement Across 6 tarion movements you know is a significant and radical reform thats the one to other news now Nevada Police and spade have fired rubber bullets at several 100 protesters who surrounded the Police Headquarters in barcelona and set fires in the streets more than 500000 people descended on the regional capital the demonstrators are angry at the jayme of mind separatist leaders for their role in catalonia failed independence bid 2 years ago Spains Interior Ministry says protesters who assaulted police faced up to 6 years in prison saw the guy go has moved from barcelona. The vote began as a day of the still protesting as now descended into rioting. In the city center just between the police and these protesters it started off with tens of thousands of people coming out from inside the city from the city into the city center then they began to take on the Police Outside the national Police Headquarters here in the city the smoke being thrown. Right this in turn throwing pavement so the police very very quick escalation into violence. But the streets in barcelona have now launched a been cleared with only a small number of demonstrators remaining police and Fire Services and working to put out the fires tonight after the violent clashes. Explosions and side a mosque and a stint of honest during friday prayers have killed at least 62. 00 people no ones claim responsibility for the attack and none of the taleban says it wasnt involved and its condemning the violence alexy obrien reports that. They went to the mosque the peaceful contemplation but minutes later dozens were dead or injured the house of prayer destroyed. It was time for friday prayers and everyone had gathered in the mosque when suddenly a bomb exploded and many people got hurt that. Was the 1st one victim says about 300 people were packed into the building in rural hoskin maina and mango ha province when the blast happened and the roof collapsed on to those prying below. The no wonder the enemies of religion and their homeland blew up a mosque during friday prayers the Afghan Security forces arrived in the affected area immediately and helped to transport the wounded and remove the dead from the rubble. There arent enough ambulances in afghanistan so the wounded were lifted into any car available and rushed to hospital. Outside chaos as a stately stream of vehicles books in the injured. Both the taliban and i still linked groups are active in the east so the message that has come from the government is that its the taliban and its taliban seen as partners who are responsible for the attack on the other side we have heard a statement coming from the taliban condemning the attack. A taliban spokesman describing it as a crime against humanity. The armed groups being engaged in peace talks with the u. S. In an effort to end the increasingly brutal 18 year war but last month President Donald Trump declared the talks date blaming a surge of violence by the tally. The attack comes just a day after a u. N. Report said afghan civilians were dying in record numbers Amnesty International says the blast demands the worlds attention. But where many now have life changing injuries and mass graves are being dug many feel the International Communities forgotten them brian aljazeera. Took his president of the on has won the offensive in north east and syria will resume with the minutes of kurdish rebels dont abide by the terms of the 5 day ceasefire but the truce is largely holding despite both sides accusing each other of violations cynical sort of reports from istanbul. Reports of superadded fighting continuing in syria the day after turkey agreed with the u. S. To paos its military operation for 5 days turkey says the power is to allow the Kurdish Peoples Protection units or why p. G. Time to withdraw from the border region both the why p. G. And they are oppositions National Syrian army accuse each other of failing to abide by the deal the us stays its a ceasefire turkey says its a temporary suspension of its military operation which began 9 days ago turkeys president trajectory bragged on refused at the reports of violations he expects the why peaches with rubble from the designated safe zone area over the next 4 days and the u. S. To oversee the process are done is warning that defensible resume within minutes if kurdish rebels dont abide by the terms of the deal. So the issue of the safe zone would be solved with us can realize their promises when the ceasefire is due to end but if the promises are not realized as soon as events are operational peace spring will continue more rapidly than before at least 15000000 of turkeys 80000000 citizens are kurdish turkeys leaders are repeated reiterating that their target is not the Kurdish People but the y. P. G. Because of its links to the p. K. K. Which is designated as a terrorist group the European Council president donald tusk is urging turkey to immediate the withdrawal with forces from syria so called ceasefire this is the approach we expected. In fact its not as she said the month of capitulation of the cuts. I think that we have to be very consistent here. And we have to do to raise the rate our call for turkey to put a permanent end to its military action immediately. Ses turkey isnt using the safe zone to gain territory and he wants at least a 1000000 syrian war effigies in turkey to go home. It is not a problem for us if Syrian Government forces control the areas cleared of p. K. K y p g at the end the aim is to clear the safe zone of these terror groups secure in the designated safe zone as a challenge for turkey presents are gone as expected discuss that with russias leader Vladimir Putin during their planned meeting in such a next tuesday. And their due to meet again in geneva this month where a political solution to the conflict of syria is expected to be negotiated. Well one of the most senior members of Republican Party is the latest to criticize his decision to withdraw troops from northern syria

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