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Would they have a disagreement amongst themselves in the e. U. If they were clear if that were a question of the further delay. I can only tell you that this evening there was very pointedly no conversation or discussion about a delay there is very much a sense that if you dont talk about the delay then youre not going to be sending a message to british parliamentarians that they can feel free not to vote for this deal and they will have a comfortable extension period in which to come up with alternative options that that idea of no deal or no deal breaker has been taken off the table there is a sense here and Boris Johnson pushed the leaders on it today saying look its got to be this deal or no deal i dont want to delay im going to ask for a delay there is a sense here that youve got to stop to talk about a delay for the moment. But yes there might be constituencies among the leaders who have a different view about that emmanuel macro on the french would very much like this to be over would very much like there not to be further can can kicking of the deadlines in the end the e. U. Has been united. In the sense that it doesnt want to be blamed nor any individual member of it for a no deal breaker if a delay is requested and required its very hard to imagine they wont offer one chair how thank you very much indeed. Still ahead this half hour. Yemens government edges closer to a deal that could end a power struggle in the Southern City of agent. And election observers killed in mozambique and Rights Groups sound the alarm over voting irregularities. On the legacy of south africas a n c s the oil party or these what is the point how how does all day. And how perceptions have changed of this former Liberation Movement turned government you think is appropriate for a man who went to prison for defrauding of all im an eruption to run your partys working group on corruption some goes head to head with. It seems not exactly who we are that you are getting a grip on. Deals with poverty unless you deal with the gap you disagree why disagree with that toy this sounds like overwhelming the public the country for the whole of the naming anybody these people are well trained as much a part of the Islamic State machinery as we have been very Inspirational Future join me as i put the questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here aljazeera on march 13th 2019 the f. A. A. Grounded the u. S. 737 max fleet based upon crash site findings and satellite data hundreds of lives lost and boeings boss descending aircraft he mobilized did profit outweigh procedure did regulators allow industry too much control the system failed it failed our passengers it failed the globe fault lines investigates system failure to boeing crashes on aljazeera examining the facts of todays headlines there are protests like this one that are trying to discern and we forested areas that have been already devastated. The agenda for tomorrows discussion youve been out there with the protesters on the streets where theyve been telling you International Filmmakers are world class journalists bring programs to inform and spot. On aljazeera. And again to remind of the top stories here on jazeera kurdish fighters in Northern Syria say theyll abide by a cease fire plan agreed between the u. S. And turkey u. S. Vice president mike pence says turkeys leader. Has agreed to a truce for 5 days to let the Syrian Kurdish forces withdraw from a 32 kilometer zone. U. K. s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has managed to clinch a new brics a deal with the European Union but its unclear if enough m. P. s will back the agreement when they vote on it on saturday. As they should from westminster. We are going to have a very very feisty day of parliamentary activity when employees meet to debate and discuss this bill on on saturday his deal. Boris johnson obviously cannot rely now on the support of the de you pay theyve said that they will not support this deal labor have said that they cannot support this deal so if he is going to get this over the line in parliament Boris Johnson is going to have to scrabble around to piece together every single votes that he can muster hes going to have to rely on all those hard line breaks it is the e r g grouping of conservative m. P. s hes going to have to rely on the m. P. s he threw out of the party the 21 m. P. C. Were kicked out for voting against his deal a few weeks ago hes also going to have to rely on a few labor rebel m. P. s coming over to the deal as well so thats a big oscar and its certainly not certain that hes going to be able to do that the option is really for saturday all he can get this over the line the deal is passed and that means that britain would leave the European Union on the 31st of october or there might be some kind of middle ground perhaps with m. P. s saying will amend this that will give you a deal bots it has to go to the people of ghana has to be confirmed in another referendum a confirmation referendum or the m. P. s dont pass this deal in which case the benefits gets triggered which means that some Boris Johnson although he said hed rather be dead in addition to this has to rights to the European Union and get an extension that it is likely that the European Union no matter what it says would give some sort of extension and that means that britain then goes into kind of an election mode and of course Boris Johnson would fight any upcoming election as the man is he would put it the only man that could get bricks that over the line. U. S. President donald trump has been accused of directing officials to consult his personal lawyer about washingtons policy on ukraine u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Gordon sunland says trump outsourced American Foreign policy to a private citizen Rudy Giuliani so no one told a Congressional Committee investigating trump the giulianis agenda it created a push for kids to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden Giuliani has so far refused to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry into donald trump i did your question has more from capitol hill the white house now says that 4 military aid that was promised to ukraine was hinge on ukraine complying with the president s demand to initiate an investigation but the white house says this investigation had nothing to do with joe biden President Trumps political opponents but rather into the beginnings of the russia investigation back in 2016 in that u. S. President ial election the White House Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney telling reporters that there was nothing wrong with this request he said that it was standing policy for the u. S. Justice department to reach out to a foreign nation to assist with an existing investigation and in fact he said to reporters that anyone would find something wrong with that should just quote get over it but thats it thats why we held up the money now there was a reporter who says the man for an investigation into the democrats was part of the reason that he was on the to withhold funding to break the look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation but that is absolutely prohibited the form of. It which which ultimately then flowed. Mulvaney also says that the witnesses who have been cooperating with democratic investigators in the impeachment inquiry of President Trump simply are doing so because they dislike trumps policies and are now joining what mulvaney calls the witch hunt however that doesnt take into consideration witnesses like the person speaking the 4 panels today the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Gordon sumlin who is a wealthy hotel owner and trump joan or before being appointed to his ambassadorship he is telling investigators that he was troubled when trump directed him to work with a private attorney intends outing what critics have called the Shadow Campaign of u. S. Foreign policy toward ukraine someone also said that he was not aware that joe biden was a factor in the investigations that trump was calling for but he said that had he been that if he was that it would be wrong. A key figure in u. S. President on trumps impeachment inquiry Elijah Cummings has died at the age of 68 use a long Standing Health problems the senior democrats committee is the main investigative body looking into trumps governmental dealings cummings was widely seen as a formidable orator who advocated for the poor and his black majority district he was 1st elected to office in 1906 and had served as chair of his committee since january. The head of catalonia is Regional Government says another independence vote is needed within the next 2 years is in barcelona thousands of people have gathered for a forced march of protests the rest is some of the worst seen in spain for decades demonstrates is angry over jail sentences given to 9 catalan separatists for their role in the failed independence bid 2 years ago maybe 100 people have been arrested since protests began on monday. Im calling as Legislative Council has descended into chaos for the 2nd day in a row a 2nd you know makers were dragged from the chamber by security theyve been demanding an inquiry into an attack on a prominent human rights activist has been battered by months of prodemocracy protests scott had reports. For the 2nd day running hong kong leader kerry lamb had difficulty getting your point across on the floor of the Legislative Council. Was. Drowned out by heckling from members of the opposition chanting slogans of the protest movement now in its 5th month. As on wednesday plans question and answer session about her policy address was twice halted before she could finish. Also know that Probation Council members condemned the protest in the chamber as a Legislative Council i dont think that any electrical members should use any kind of violence including. All physical law and in the chambre to express their will i was before the Legislative Council session the leader of a Human Rights Organization behind the largest peaceful marches over the last 4 months here was brutally attacked jimmy sham was assaulted on wednesday night by as many as 5 masked men who beat him with hammers hes in a stable condition in hospital also the attack on the monk kok area of hong kong was the 2nd in 2 months again sham the head of the civil human rights front and also served with thank you. If the convening of the official human rights which is a code come in hong kong for peaceful protests and that this attack this very vicious attack took place practically on the eve of his for a call for the canal man for a protest parade in hong kong on from day. One of the messages sham has sent from the hospital hes appealing for sundays march to be safe law abiding and peaceful scott tyler al jazeera hong kong. The u. N. Says theres been progress in peace talks between yemens government and southern separatists the 2 sides fell out in august where the separatists seizing control of the port city of aden sounded negotiations in jeddah aimed at rebuilding the coalition as it battles against hooty rebels the u. N. Special envoy for yemen says an agreement is within reach as i said at the outset many of us had hoped including myself here in riyadh had hoped the new agreement could have been announced today. I understand were not quite there yet but it certainly does seem the progress has been made very significant progress during the jeddah talks under the leadership of the kingdom of saudi arabia. Or fights to their strenuous diplomatic efforts the saudis there are encouraging signs as i say that an agreement aimed at resolving the issues between the government of yemen under president heading and the Southern Transitional council may be well within reach. And israel has taken a seat on the Uns Human Rights Council despite widespread criticism of the countrys own rights record other latin american countries had objected to its kind of the sea with costa rica mounting a rival unsuccessful bid for the seat Advocacy Group groups have also been critical Human Rights Watch said a vote for venezuela is a vote for torture and murder election observers from the European Union of criticize mozambiques election saying it wasnt a level Playing Field between the government and opposition ballot stuffing was reported at several polling stations and many observers were subject to violence one was even murdered by Police Offices as there was markham web reports from a shy shy capital of gaza province. It was right here that anastasio matter velie was shot by 5 gunmen last week he died shortly afterwards in hospital he was an observer in mozambiques election and the director of a rights group. From his colleague Fernando Young tabby told us hed been within minutes before at a Training Session for local observers and shy shy the capital of gaza province he says anastasio killing sent a clear message from friday. It makes me feel scared im living in fear after this the situation is worse were being followed it doesnt sit well with me anastasio and his colleagues had raised concerns about 300000 socalled ghost voters on the electoral register in gaza province before he was shot and his killers sped off in a car just down the road they hit an oncoming car an overturned was right here 2 of the men died at the scene 2 others ran away and one was taken to hospital with bystanders immediately recognize them and identified them as members of a special police unit its only because of the car crash that in this case the identity of the killers was revealed. International rights group Human Rights Watch has documented 14 cases in the last 5 years where activists and officials from government and Political Parties have been killed or attacked in similar ways. The attackers normally disappear question he is no longer aware that there are more i think was on this than on this it was to provide them out on why members of the Security Forces boy there around the country killing civilians. Anastasio is killing wasnt the only violence during election campaigns opposition parties through their rallies were stopped in some areas by ruling Party Supporters and police after the Murder Police suspended 2 Senior Officers they told us theyre still investigating and theres no evidence of political involvement in the killings usual government us on whats being said by some organizations and journalists is entirely their own responsibility the police therefore doesnt agree with these statements that go beyond the police duties. The Electoral Commission says its run a free and fair poll since tuesdays voting opposition and some observers have complained of serious irregularities in the vote counting process the killing of anastasio will certainly affect how safe people feel to speak out malcolm webb aljazeera province mozambique a dutch judge has ordered the detention of an austrian theyre suspected of holding a family captive this week 5 siblings and a man identified as their ailing father were found at a farm in the Dutch Village of rena veldt its thought it theyd been held in isolation for years the 58 year old suspect has been charged with unlawful detention and harming Others Health could you offer you any time on our website he tells their victory meant between turkey and the us their offensive in northeast syria. One of the top stories around is there are kurdish fighters in Northern Syria say theyll be abide by a cease fire plan agreed between the u. S. And turkey yes Vice President mike pence says turkeys leader to one has agreed to a truce for 5 days to let the Syrian Kurdish forces withdraw from a 32 kilometer zone thats where turkey wants just a safe zone where it can return Syrian Refugees penned says turkey will agree to a full ceasefire once the kurdish fighters have left the area today the United States and turkey have agreed to a cease fire in syria. Turkish side will pause operation for peace spring you know order to allow for the withdrawal of why p. G. Forces from the safe zone. For 120 hours all military operations under operation peace spring will be pause in operation peace spring will be halted entirely on completion of the withdrawal the u. K. s Prime Minister has managed to clinch a new breaks that deal with the European Union 3 years since the u. K. Voted to leave the e. U. 1st johnson says this is the final chance to achieve brecks it with a deal on the 31st of october but hes managed to change some terms over whats become bricks its Biggest Issue of the border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland but its still unclear if enough m. P. s will back his agreement. Yes President Donald Trump has been accused of directing officials to consult his personal lawyer about washingtons policy on ukraine yes ambassador to the e. U. Gordon sunderland says trump outsourced American Foreign policy to private citizen Rudy Giuliani summerland told a Congressional Committee investigating trump the journey on his agenda included a push for kid have to investigate former Vice President joe biden. The head of catalonia is Regional Government says another independence vote is needed within the next 2 years in barcelona thousands of people have gathered for a 4th night of protests demonstrators angry over jail sentences given to 9 cattle and separatists for their role in the failed independence bid 2 years ago. If you stay with us this is europe is up next more news for you after that often are. On. Some of that it was so yeah i miss that yapping about i said i got an sob i won. A loon im not alone and i looked at least believe it you know london. Is in on. It its like. I said not the minimum awesome im not a mom little bottle of water but im dumping that yeah. I saw. On that not that i lie i made her life as it went. When i had been assigned. When if you. Ever. Because you literally. And then. Let it go by the monica didnt than it could. Yes and. Thats my sister. In law had to come in so close and get them being discovered that. When you. Look at what was. Then you know the need or below condition it to one key but they had to she looked it up they hadnt. Been on in the. External of the her head not the one that you have a collective that extraordinary because a man on the unit. Was. More than. Willing to talk about them a way to meet that one to. My mother then i want to go bob biggest many were 100 and i will call on my. On for. Them and im. Certain i have them im going to head a lot of the hay and i look at me so i mean has or had no one is a nazi kind of forgotten. Im not go how common and i surely do sure the bullies can only. Have done it airco how lucky i was to the little you know for man or i dont have a gun. You know firms a member has called them a cli well hasnt been a wash i certainly how i should play and while im has some i like youre in a small group stand up. Well you home a living. All. Along to see the shape they take. All of the computer your office and make it in history very thick. Well who knows. About a kick. In she. Knew we were going to see this was something its not the nobody in of them. Who bomb like. Going to look i. Think it was me who doesnt know how much fun how do we know what the house also meant i mean it must. Have been in thing then that incredible how this could be a in that you love well i love the show. I know that the house as it were into her made the arm of a 40 something sort of q. R. Code and im addicted either way and i would exist like Human Progress than i expected i have thus not expect because i what i said i think im going toward a center but i think youre cool then im about to behead linda gonna put a hostile seesaw monitor on my. Father that mother and the car dealer will join in on what has mark a little seahorse a Little Market thats adult little in a tiny bit of africa where they dont go off on expected or expected without us of course how could and im half a dork and then i wouldnt maybe you know what i spent now could have been ask a legit fan of them and if they were all well go. I dont got all this on myself guy like theyre a oh im and all that i like there. In the heartland of mel that i get it oh ok you have. Your mother so why not have. What it was like you know. Yes we can yes. Yes we can have yes we got yeah oh yeah youre going to. Go out ok though. I look at me because what a minimum i. Mean. I dont go. In marijuana but you know what about dogs in the should school not be in clique and it might be similar in manhattan or in. Half a minute admission at book to an infant isnt going to. Have them go to iraq. But they didnt get it signed that bond. But oily but. I did not. And the larger. Wildcats it up to. Me but owing to the. Police and no money to hire. Me im paying my. You know. I sure. Dont. Plan on after you not to show fear of that in the jewish when i am down here. Where you soon. Out of my own admission i think i had the. Job a. Jewish. Book on. How to. Run. Im on the no go zone. But our law hoffa when asked what. Kept us. Into by then man in my cock in her head untie. Me shake. It welcome on the. Horizon to the 2nd coming and i think i can see the light of the. Air dont waste time there neither does a lot of the night was nothing so good. And i get isaac. And in league a little. Liability. There was a. Little. Bit you say good without so how can we. C have were not making this about. The middle and warders we. Are used to leave the audience to the had to you didnt you didnt. Get there but i would have gotten caught out when i hit up me that are going up. Going to have to be all about the other kids by god if youre. Going to get in a little bit of this its not a look at the building in the morning and then im not. Going to go out today was the night that you demanded they have. Been very much ado wow for a bit to. Get the. Ball. On the. Last bit. You know. We do not have. The you. Dont really believe they have. Got. This big. Man a. Little further on. This other thing to go out and elevating and so its i think smart down there even tailed off some of the stock that has really stunned us for the cauldron a local korean dunmore example are down the city running into turkey is also the 2nd visit by kim purity out of. The deal to 1st do spirits and their high level times and there was a knock on the field stuff going on the stand and massacre this girl could have some of our feet are smart enough not to smoke the lawn comedy in town have all of us obvious like to listen to more melted without talking to me. For most of this and more government not another top 40 mar for talk but really nothing so funny as a walk toward the top and who had. A group within his ear that a group only and i in a cheetah with. My band oh well if he. Would have. Had they would and i had their hand in the song what i. Saw at that height. Back up to make good on the cut hey i dont think so. But if they dont. Grow. Thank. You were going to. Thank. You. Diana didnt mean to. And i dont mean to joke minister. Oh. But what a moment to not come as you did in an absolute you want. To have your image that im looking at that im an innocent and that he and at least thats what i am and it minutely. If im wrong oh. Well. Put out a list as you just you know im here are grab your money yeah i really am a dollars are yeah but. This is you know this. No holy book oh i hope. For a talk. To her come on cut a willing. To make me joe. Horn. Org. Board. Thats in my mind or your bar order to much my home town the most but i still found the marks of the receipts. For the steer received the. Book food clean up to the photos from a new mini song movie who decided new to give it. To. The kids at that would fall more due to the so. Bad. Was. The mock. Thank. You out. Was. Much. Better than being inflated by half an hour the minimum. That a mom will. Dont get he said yeah its going to have a problem but at the board well you know something about it think. You know how to do the much lead clock the committed to the mom that is what im good at that a lot of so that is what they had in the end of may. I mean ultimately you move him or youre going to lead and the other bomb where youre your way it is an underling the men may have him at them alone and if mr spence come or more somehow to bomb or you know that 3 year ill turn your had drama from in a bomb looks all but this is from march so they are an mc to where most understanding of a little metal for a dissident some of it you have believed me as they have it there believe me im full of it into sawyer mr ingham edited. Extract extra line and oh yeah and i learned so at school again i dont commit in front of me but live it are you and the dog and the lusaka youre about to let this clue out a bit of fact in one man bruschi but lets say youre stuck at only when a man brought him drink could be for the battle make. Brought on board. The brother of the noble throw them in a pool. About a proud day this marial folks go at kaamelott a shame to make in the tempest with me. Can we stop a new. Ok deborah. The. The. The. The. The. How i weigh have had a real contrast in the weather across australia recently weve had heat wave conditions its a good parts of queensland down to the southeast in cola very different story behind this cold front hayseed just sliding away from victoria since a very active weather some some very downpours some snow as well some large hail some fun in the snow also thrown in for good measure High Pressure is in charge behind that its a generally looking dry air and prices for a time 23. 00 celsius that amount in temperature is just not going up a touch for the time being further north of 28. 00 there in praise but in a similar temperature actually for perth they will see the temps again even higher as be going into sas day to decrease by sas they often do cooler on the other side of the country back down to 16 in melbourne south westerly winds coming in walsh alice possibly more wintry showers today i will say be the case there into tasmania just notice want to welcome shows that just around the gold coast the Sunshine Coast as we go on into the weekend that west of weather thats making its way across the tasman sea is going to push this way have its was new zealand some very wet weather coming in for a time temperatures struggling to reach 12 degrees in christchurch but picking up to 20 by saturday. To strengthen the good you have to shore do good all the more with your gum still fight against corruption. Needs hero church heroes like know who are bad or who refuse to 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine a light lets make the road to better plage nominate your Anti Corruption mirror now. This is al jazeera. Alone or in tale of this is the al jazeera news hour live from london coming up. Today the United States and turkey have agreed to a cease fire in syria. The us Vice President says washington and turkey have reached a deal for a 5 day ceasefire in Northern Syria kurdish fighters say they will abide by the truce. A new brakes agreement is reached between the u. K. And the European Union attention now turns to numbed and a promise to Boris Johnson faces a battle to get the deal through parliament. And u. S. Congressional impeachment inquiry has washingtons top envoy to the e. U. Accuse President Donald Trump of outsourcing Foreign Policy to his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Im joining us roscoe with the sport as bosonic unsafe it can hurt a states outclass to come back safely despite continued protests in catalonia. Kaddish fighters in Northern Syria say bell abide by a cease fire plan agreed between the u. S. And turkey yes Vice President mike pence says turkeys lead it to one has agreed to a trace for 5 days to let the Syrian Kurdish forces withdraw from a 32 kilometer zone thats where turkey wants to establish a safe zone where it can return Syrian Refugees and says turkey would agree to a full ceasefire once the kurdish fighters have left the area today the United States and turkey have agreed to a cease fire in syria. The turkish side will pause operation few spring you know order to allow for the withdrawal of y. P. G. Forces from the safe zone. For 120 hours all military operations under operation peace for a movie pause in operation peace spring will be halted entirely on completion of the withdrawal is just. We will not stop the operation yet but we will put it on hold because a cease fire can only be agreed between 2 self and states. Terrorists are the target of our operations so we will bring it on hold to allow these terrorist organizations to withdraw from the area once they leave the area and completely withdraw then we will stop our operations. There what is following developments from the town of actor kalai on the turkish Syrian Border and she joins us live now so the reaction from the from the kurds is that they are going to abide by this house are going to work in practical terms on the ground. Well yes they say that theyre going to abide by this agreement and withdraw what it means is that theyre going to have to withdraw from approximately 30 kilometers of territory from the Syrian Border but the s. D. F. The kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces making it clear that this agreement only covers the area between Russell Laine a tele via 2 Syrian Border towns 120 kilometers apart so this safe zone that is now going to be created according to this deal you know spans the depths of 30 kilometers 120 kilometers this is an indication that this solution may stop the conflict for now but its not a long Term Solution because the s. D. F. Hinting that they could oppose and carry out attacks against those inside this safe zone turkey is calling this a win yes it has repeatedly said there will be no cease fire unless the y p g the Syrian Kurdish armed group which makes up the backbone of the s. D. F. Would draws from the border it got that it also it also restored its relationship with the United States a nato ally a 7 decade relationship that has been restored because before the arrival of the u. S. Delegation to ankara earlier today relations were very bad the United States imposing sanctions threatening even more sanctions now turkey will no longer face the threat of sanctions more importantly this restored relationship gives turkey a stronger position in negotiations with russia the turkish president is heading to russia to sochi to meet with his russian counterpart on chews day what they were supposed to discuss is some sort of security arrangement along the border because what russia wants is for turkey to leave syria and for the Syrian Government to take control of the border area in fact since the u. S. Declared its. Pullout from northeast syria its russia that has filled in the void taking up positions along front lines and a clear message to turkey no you cannot advance so an empowered or the gun going to to meet russian president putin but definitely theres going to be hard bargaining because these 2 countries they have had differences over syria in recent years but they always try to maintain their relationship because their interests go beyond syria so hard bargaining ahead but now we are hearing from damascus that theyre going to consider this safe zone occupied territory to know how to thank you very much. White house correspondent can be how could joins us live from dallas texas and President Trump has already been setting this is a big win. Yeah he certainly has he is set to speak at a rally in the arena behind me in the coming hours but already as he touched down here just outside of dallas texas he used the opportunity to fire back at his critics who had previously stated that his letter to president narrative one where he was attempting to work some sort of deal he was mocked openly by not just democrats but also members of his own Republican Party that the letter he had said was a joke it was but that it can no idea how to negotiate with foreign leaders so donald trump doing a bit of a victory lap in the last couple of hours not only thanking the Vice President and the u. S. Secretary of state but also the to the kurdish fighters and the turkish leader president heir to one. Very happy to report tremendous success with respect to turkey and i want to thank president earl warren i want to thank. Our Vice President my parents our secretary of state by capell great job all of the people that we sent over the last 3 days we said early group this is an amazing outcome this is an outcome regardless of how the press would like to damp it down this was something that theyve been trying to get for 10 years you wouldve lost millions and millions of lives they couldnt get it without a little rough love as i call that. Now up to a full few hours ago there was some question about her november 13th meeting between the turkish leader president erica won and u. S. President donald trump thats on the calendar for november 13th one of the very prominent members of the white house staff saying that if a negotiated 2 deal was not worked out that there was some doubt about whether that meeting would still take place but u. S. President donald trump says in light of the recent develop. Of the cease fire announcement in fact that meeting is still now scheduled to go ahead and what about reaction from congress what do they make of it. Well there is very much out cautious reaction and some criticism coming out of the u. S. Congress that its interesting because its coming from members of the president s own party there is not a victory lap being taken by many members of the u. S. Congress who were irate with the president that this Turkish Military operation was a result of him pulling back u. S. Troops in northeast syria so not only has the great condemnation of recent days particularly in the house of representatives but now in the Senate Prominent republicans are speaking out saying that this is a very fluid situation over the next few days and there are real questions about whether turkey will even abide by this agreement so there is Even Stronger condemnation coming from senator mitt romney a president ial candidate again a republican he still points out the fact that the damage done to the relationship between the United States and the kurdish fighters that worked alongside the United States to defeat eisold that that is not being repaired in all of this in fact what he says is what we have done to the kurds will stand as a blood stain on american history. Thank you very much. Robert pierson is a former u. S. Ambassador to turkey he joins me live via skype from chapel hill in North Carolina just to pick up on one of. The question there of whether turkey will actually abide by this agreement what do you think with your view i mean your experience of with turkey what you think they will abide by. I think they should abide by it they have gained territory they want it without firing a shot and he of the kurds dont withdraw on time and in a manner that is acceptable new now to be on the responsibility of the us so turkey had to says want to clear victory here and they should make sure that the agreement is abided by and not do anything to interfere with it and what about russias role in this and desist this throw tekken more into the ambit of russia after all tech has recently bought their Missile Defense system and yet its a nato member but now its going to having to deal with russia on the ground in syria isnt it yes the russians want turkey out of syria and so do the sort of the damascus government so sooner or later the turkey will be compelled to leave the territory of syria as they were able to leave aleppo in mind beach and had lived so its just a matter of time but the russians of course were happy to see the turks and the americans at odds with each other and theyre delighted to see the withdrawal of all American Military forces from syria says gee you could you think that its a mistake in the us techie relationship that that this whole episode has happened in the way that it has. I certainly do and i think it could handle 100 ways that would have been better but we have to deal with the reality and we are you know and so now we have the problems that will appear my end exists now and i dont need to go into all those but id be happy to hear interested just want to one of those especially what happens to the kurdish fighters in that they said theyll abides by the agreement but where do they go now where do they go and word of those 160 ricky as 1000 refugees have been displaced in these 8 days of fighting can they go back home safely i doubt it in the in the a legit reason for this incursion to have at least a couple of 1000000 Syrian Refugees really repatriated to syria also remains on stop they may not be going back to territory that is a home for the you know it will cost billions of dollars to make it happen so all in all its a disaster or what about the the techie u. S. Relationship to think it will survive theres been a lot of bad blood in the last couple days or was that a sort of undiplomatic language to think that the fact theres a deal now puts out on the carpet and theyre all great mates again i think its damaged now theyre not great mates again but at their they relationship was on lack of support by now and the with baby steps well he had can be resuscitated and move back to for example the discussion of a trade agreement between the u. S. And turkey and do other confidence Building Measures i would call him to try to repair the relationship but is really in difficult straits at the moment and there is no open door ahead of us right now that looks like a clear road to improvement of the past and that former ambassador to turkey thank you very much indeed for joining us from particular. One

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