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So disturbing i am just going to show you here the separatists video army shooting. Im just going to press play down hand then play it back up and youll see or hear this lets put the we are right up guys the this is. The shooting horizontal. And you notice that the shots are all his own program not firing this gun. This was really amazing we dont know why we were doing been doing this and the reason you mention the reason you mention history to horizontal is because there were people who were industry yeah and there were suggestions and if the shooters were leipus which would be coming from higher up not from down on the streets there were there were 2 types of bullets i mean certainly from the result that i will to the hospitals and i met some of the. Some of the injured. 2 and they were they were injured from both sides those are the some of them were army and others were from the protesters some of the people in the are being accused. Some of the people in the army accused the riot police they were this was really amazing the riot police are supposed to be the most patient the most the most cool headed but they were the most trigger happy and one of them said. I had to look probably this with us because of the identity of the well if they want it they were going to get most of them. Gun shots coming in from one side and coming out of the other side you know horizontally in their body parts in their body so it shows that it explains where the gun would be bullets or that military personnel that soldier ended up he was firing. In a horizontal i thank you thank you for that and im going to bring you back in the conversation that i want to play a video comment with are from a political activists in istanbul on this is mad and heres what he told a stream protest spokesman was on t. V. It without a Political Leadership and that was an advantage for the protesters at this point im not sure that i think Government Administration can stop this because its created became in a different province say out all for 18 total all the iraqi people are asking the International Community and every human iceland ization to condemn what are going on but bad because thats not what were willing to be and thats the future we ask them for personally i am not sure about the ability of the Iraqi Government to solve the problem and. Making a better choice for the protesters rush i want to bring you back into the conversation but in this video comment says hes not sure of the governments ability to solve this problem you went to the protests as a witness you talk to protesters what were they telling you. Well theres a theres a number of things that have said theyre not exactly the same but the most common one was the fact that they believe the government seeing these protests coming since they happened in 20072013201520162772 and now in 2019 about seeing those free will show that the government can do anything whatsoever and this can be seen from the fact that when the post was actually 1st began it was them on things like the production increased Employment Opportunities and it was proven on their lack of the basic services for once the i guess the whole. Live ammunition in the system i think again most of them on who it was just those that have died had been wounded have been taken some people have no idea what is happening some of the friends all that family members and then in the end complete lack of faith in the government also of so i guess the demands of the protesters transition based on the escalation of between by both sides not just from the government schools or by protesters themselves for example youd have purchases attacking fire trucks or ambulances because prior to then actually used against protesters the became a lack of faith between even among themselves because youd find you know people dressed in civilian clothing suddenly attacking them and take them away so i guess one thought that also has just normal demonstrations for what ive always been demonstrating for over the last few years transition to a complete lack of faith in the current Government Policies and also the system itself because i want to play you a sound bite from the spokesperson of grand ayatollah al sistani his reaction t. S. A very powerful cleric in iraq and lets listen to his reaction thank you i want you to come with the back up and go ahead that plane. None. There are government and its security authorities are fully responsible for the blood which has been shed in the demonstrations over the past few days the bloodshed was either from the innocent residents or from security elements which were entrusted with dealing with them the government is no longer able to shy away from bearing such a big responsibility to go on eric making at that question about the politics of whats going on in iraq quite how significant is that well the shia clerics they always get involved into and into politics i mean some of them and in the parliament some of them actually there theyre active and the and the government so the mix between religion and politics these days it became a fashion but its good that the marjayoun presented by agreeing that the loss is obvious is tiny and show you care. But i who was the lead the friday sermon of karbala there they are condemning those attack against the civilians which is really good thats given legitimacy to the protest and to the protest but it was still hes really i am the problem we need the solution the solution comes actually from the government but not end Term Solutions not just throwing money not just apologizing or anything now you have to really have have a habit and major surgery to change iraq a political system and thats with this with with the protests to right now theyre looking for some good solution not just every time this is since 2011 it says 2010 every time they have they have a protest and the Iraqi Government promised them to have a job for them but this time there is a chaos also what then have the Iraqi Security forces whos who is whos doing what whos shooting this innocent protest that is that the army is that the police is the militias is that p. M. S. So you know the key problem with this. You know what i mean is that we have a very weak government we have a very political process a process that is led by that theres you on the one hand they are very much respect that they have been many wise in some of their intervention is the news of that ultimatum for the government was very good but on the other hand politically nobody seems to be in charge in iraq the most powerful man today there are dismissed the customs today many die r. C. T. The iranian i. R. C. If you come out there who comes to iraq orders people around and it seems from what weve been hearing from some government sources that the area and u. S. Have taken charge of the over the process of the process of crushing the approach that whats happening now. Same way as the green revolution it had all around you iran it was crushed there and you have your tactics are being used today against the iraqi protests that you and i thank you and i we know Iraqi Government its a consensual government and the middle east when you have a consensual government that means its going to be weak which means going to be around you are going to be run by various Political Parties and hes the head of the state is not very rigid the head of the state the Prime Minister hes actually compromised part that hes not hes not an elected this that i mean dr mistah that i did yesterday he was a compromise figure out of a peak time pick him up from what i would has and has had to take back you created the big power vacuum created the big political vacuum created this being crippled by iran and its agents said well its an essential government never worked and the middle east even in the muslim or arab world we have won enough in pakistan consensual government in iraq consensual Government Back in the days in yemen consensual government. Consensual government that is what i think i do not hear rational rational trying to get an. You know i just want to say that 8 i do you agree with i think he was that the rockies view that the iranians are quick and complete control of the government actually when i was on the ground focus is actually complaining that they feel like oh American Intervention and the increase of the reigning intervention in the country is actually a big family purchases but the fact that the young boy or not doesnt matter said action saying this on grounds they actually believe its the right. If the route we are seeing is. Going to do more. Really look so they were not really going to try to. Get people every single day even people who are not people for example who want to be in or if they were hired by. One of the big lot of people who are. There are people who are not going to actually be American Intervention. Exactly thats what im saying good things there think america is whats being bystander all of this happening when its you know its one of the general if you dont interfere get death to america if they are not going to connect elected so its them if you do them if you dont time thats the good thats im going to stay away from this is this chaotic issue thank you for that how tired from i am i just want to get back to the community. Pushing forward on what is going to happen next there is conjecture from fattest here on twitter he says were calling for the resignation of the government mr ive delivered the transfer to a caretaker government change the electoral law in such a way in order to end the continuous domination of grand parties or the results. Calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister do you think that that is something thats bigger than just this one person here or and do you think its feasible its not feasible its a big thing i mean that ive been had theres one person you get rid of him its a name and one person to get rid of him you remove him those grand Political Parties and islamic parties and they all just as long as lamas and they go to bring their own a studio again they will bring their own mini me so you have dr evil right there watching the minute he was doing the dirty business and so its the designation of the is not the solution the solution its these Political Parties us who are the heads of the Political Parties who run iraq since 2003. The those of us being or. Persecution that reform and theyre asking for or changing the formula is being repeated we have been trying to see things over and over again says to those are the 3 and expecting that result this is really not working let me just go back to russia russia im going to show on my computer some of the key reasons why people were out on the streets this last time in october so we have a population of 14000000 in iraq 60 percent to 20 percent unemployment and in the Transparency International league of corruption iraq comes in and what number 168 which is not a good showing if you could ask. I knew really tapped into what those protests that wanted what would it be out of these most recent protests what would it be what would they want what would they settle for. What. Right we did weve just lost which will certainly lead to the point of very difficult to connect he will arrive at the end of the show so i was just going to get a quick wrap up thought there from russia russia so we that we lost that but its also very difficult connectivity in iraq right now because the protests and its spotty which is why we were having difficulty that weve russia and of course the government cracked out on the internet which is what we got a lot of tweets about but some people managed to tweet us so i want to end with this from most of our who says the protests that shook iraq are winding down but younger iraqis remain determined and the generation gap thats developing will have an impact for years to come thank you to iran he was russia good to him for joining us on ash and today and you can i will next time online at st its on. The story of one of the most successful p. R. Campaigns do you want to. Study after study demonstrate the israeli perspective dominate American Media coverage that part of this can you get through your thick head that this whole mosque a terrorist organization the only thing that youre going to say is what we want and if you dont say it were not going to speak it would be very hard for ordinary americans to know that theyre being deceived the occupation of the American Mind on aljazeera. Lucky lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. At night in a stalking somali bombs patrolled streets police. Look of. Pain of Gang Violence they use the maternal approach to prevent crime. But its. A do. The stories we dont often hear told by the people who live the mothers of rain could be this is europe on aljazeera. The United States of america wants turkey to stop the invasion. The u. S. Demands an immediate halt to turkeys offensive in Northern Syria and announces sanctions against top turkish officials Syrian Government troops meanwhile deployed to the outskirts of the kurdish controlled city of mom raising fears of a direct confrontation with turkish forces. Hello this is al jazeera live from my head. Back to people also ahead voting is underway in mozambiques general election its 1st softer a peace deal between the government and the opposition plus thousands protest in spain after separatist leaders are given long jail sentences holding any legal independence referendum. Us President Donald Trump as impose sanctions on turkey saying washington stands ready to destroy the turkish economy if it continues down a destructive path in northeast syria the sanctions song several to. Official straw poll so signalled his intention to increase tabs on take a steel imports and his Council Talks on a trade deal hes also called for an immediate cease fire and tasks Vice President mike pence to lead a delegation to ankara in an attempt to begin negotiations. Let me say the president could not have been more firm with president or want. The United States of america simply not going to tolerate. Turkeys invasion of syria any further and were calling on syria to stand down to end the violence and come to the negotiating table and thats the reason the president sending me to the region to make his intentions very clear and were going to be looking were going to be looking for turkey to take strong action in that regard the humanitarian cost of turkeys military operation is of ready to be felt unicef says an estimated 70000 children have been displaced in just a week of fighting while tens of thousands of people are in need of food aid as safely the violence turkey says its establishing a safe zone along its southern border the 1st phase of which stretches 120 kilometers wide and more than 30 kilometers deep into syrian territory that his forces are battling for control of. The situation there is fluid with both sides repeatedly claiming they have control of the town so now in addition to take his shots making their presence felt. And they have claimed full control of. As we see in the areas in yellow turkish led forces have also cut off the m 4 highway a vital supply line that runs through kurdish held territory from iraq take us forces and the syrian ally is on the outskirts of man and this sets up a potential clash with the Syrian Government troops which have also sent reinforcements into the outskirts of the city a spot of a deal with the kurds theyve also taken control of top and moved into. Also entered and raise the Syrian Government. Province and the border city of commissioning that speak to a chance for our correspondent on the ground hes in on the turkey syria border so charlie a potential flashpoint what are you hearing about the situation on the ground right now. So the around money were hearing that as you say Syrian Forces inside the town and on the outskirts we understand the Free Syrian Army fighters that been brought in by the tips of her to separate in this operation are around 10 to 15 kilometers away with the military interesting lee just to george attention to the kind of ethnic complexity of that area these Free Syrian Army fighters are arabs and many of them live in mom beach they have their old old family homes where they had they were forced out during the fight against eisele was fighting isolated a fighting the s. T. A. So. Obviously this area is very important for them as a point of reference in terms of where they are from and of course there are questions among military analysts also as to whether the level of discipline within those forces can be kept whether the can keep them disciplined enough from not pushing any further forward we know that most go is very much part of trying to coordinate between both sides both the syrians and the turks to try and avoid any escalation between the 2 militaries but with respect to mum base with respect to qubani with respect to all these towns we understand the forces are in close to the border talking about that town rahsaan line on the east which we visited in the last couple of days in which the Turkish Military have repeatedly at least twice said that they were in control of it we now understand that there is ongoing heavy clashes there so that is still being contested a very fluid situation in the last hour or so that being repeated volleys of artillery fired from positions close to here so yeah all eyes basically on what we understand russia is trying to do to try and avoid what could be a serious escalation here and what about the humanitarian situation charney a lot of aid organizations that been worried about a new crisis in the syria conflict. Well thats right and things have gotten even worse place since the syrian army was brought on board because you now have tension hundreds of thousands of civilians stuck between those armies we understand that go into the u. N. At least 160 people that fled their homes have been forced to flee their homes already there was some interesting information coming out of the i. C. R. C. Today the International Red cross or yesterday they were saying they were very concerned about turkish artillery and air strikes military damaging important civilian infrastructure like Water Infrastructure they were saying that the town of africa with a population of around 400000 people they said that it already been affected Water Infrastructure damage there is another organization go mercy corps a u. S. Organization of the words in the with the seriousness of 2014 the day pulling theyre pulling their people out because they say the security situation is so bad we understand that they are not alone mostly syria was never syria was never an easy place for humanitarian organizations to work and when youre hearing reports of feisal fighters or affiliates scaping from what were s. D. F. Controlled prisons that is only complicating the situation for aid workers on the ground thank you very much for that update fred lifeforce you not check the in a techie syria border. President typewriter one has written an opinion piece for the wall street journal titled turkey is stepping up where others fail to act he wrote the International Community miss its opportunity to prevent the Syrian Crisis from pulling an entire region into a mouse some of instability many countries have had to deal with the conflicts negative side effects including irregular migration and an uptick in terrorist attacks operations be spraying he says represent a 2nd chance to help turkey and proxy wars in syria and its restore peace and stability to the region the European Union and the world he says should support what turkey is trying to do. Lets turn our attention to other world news now and polls have opened in mozambiques general election that could see the governing party extended. All the vote is taking place 2 months after the signing of a peace deal with longtime rival the Opposition Party president felipe a new c seeking a 2nd term but he faces a strong challenge from. The 2 sides fought for 16 years in a conflict that kills nearly a 1000000 people. And explains what system in this election. The ruling for limone party you mentioned have been in power ever since independence from portuguese colonialists in 1075 they fought. And now the largest Opposition Party but formally a rebel group fought each other for 15 years in a in a civil war that killed more than a 1000000 people and this peace deal most recent peace deal that was signed in august is the 3rd meant to be the final deal to end that conflict once and for all it was a truce in 1902 but there has been violence since then this 3rd deal meant to finally bring it to an end but if were namo and its supporters feel that this election isnt credible isnt free and fair then of course it makes the peace deal very fragile indeed and theyre already serious complaints from the opposition about inflated Voter Register in in ruling party strongholds and also violence throughout the campaign so if this election isnt seen as credible its really going to strain up the steel in south africa former president jacob zuma has appeared in court facing 16 charges of corruption but the case has now been adjourned until next year zuma is accused of taking 267000. 00 in bribes from a french arms manufacturer the charges relate to part of a 2000000000. 00 during the 1990 s. While he was Deputy President he denies any wrongdoing lets speak to father miller our correspondent in pietermaritzburg. There was a brief really appearance in court for zuma today. Well only were outside the court where the zuma appeared a short while ago and as you say that appearance was very brief and the court decided to order china to allow for us tomorrow to potentially appeal a quote rule on our part that said that he should stand trial as the man has argued that any trial would not be prejudice. Constant because of a number of delays when too many would argue that those delays were caused by the former president himself who also says that there would be no probable grounds for a successful prosecution now we are waiting of called the jacob zuma to accredit support. Group outside the clothes but a very vocal one is expected to address the supporters they need time for now and this is important for the former president in terms of this display of support during a time where hes surrounded by so many allegations of corruption there are no other allegations the 1st charges today of corruption thats almost facing but certainly not the only allegations tell us more about those. Problems also most also expected to appear at a commission of inquiry into whats been called state capture or corruption here in south africa during his years as president and its alleged that his relationship with the prominent Business People benefited their interest where they also had an influence on the appointment of ministers another high ranking officials and there are lot of questions around what people see as the plundering of a state owned enterprises and the extent of corruption that in many instances has brought some of these enterprises to its knees so zuma is expected to reappear at the commission he was there a month or 2 work away he was very defiant he didnt want to answer very many questions but hes also maintained that hes not guilty of any wrongdoing fully thank you very much for that family day miller live for us in pietermaritzburg south africa. Head on aljazeera mexicos government says the countrys murder rate is improving but the evidence on the ground doesnt support that. On the victims and damage found in the aftermath of japans deadly typhoon. Hello the rain reports from west pop here are of significant downpours and theres the line that goes through sooner ways and through border this whole lot of course is the seasonal rain going with the sun but its going south fairly slowly wont get a job for the next day or so the clouds increasing and so to go shop attention in sumatra borneo is a long way north as well along the coast of vietnam seems quite wet cambodia central tall and on the southern philippines also are in

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