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A day in Court South African judges rule for president jacob zuma must stand trial on corruption charges. I am. But 1st they run is investigating an explosion on one of its oil tankers off the coast of saudi arabia irans National Oil Company says the vessel was hit by 2 missiles the ship was damaged but its crew are reported to be safe theres been no Immediate Response from saudi arabia but the u. S. Navy says its monitoring developments closely zain bus ravi joining us from the iranian capital tehran and now we have official iranian reaction to this incident zain what are we hearing. Thats right there in the 1st bit of reaction to come out of tehran came from the Foreign Ministry no surprise there Foreign Ministry spokesman abbas most of the putting out a statement in which he said that over the past few months some other destructive actions were taken against iranian tankers in the red sea investigations into those are underway he also said all responsibility for this incident for the pollution and the fallout from this incident is on the shoulders of those people that he said are taking. Dangerous adventurism taking part in dangerous adventurism as he called it in these waters now that really tells us that as far as iran is concerned there was some sort of external event some sort of external action that took place that damaged this vessel of theirs unlike in may of this year when iran and iranian vessel a did issue a distress call in the waters in that region and was towed to judge the port for maintenance released 2 months later after a dispute over charges for maintenance and port fees but this this a statement from the foreign minister making clear that as far as to her own is concerned this was some sort of external action and iran is investigating it and we can expect more reactions to come in the days and weeks to follow. All right thanks for that update from tehran lets bring in. The hes the director of the Gulf Studies Program at katter university to discuss this and obviously were still waiting for word on what caused this what do you think happened i think what happened is another chapter of this. Oil tanker crisis which started in the gulf and now its coming to the ritzy whats interesting about this incident this morning 2 things one it happened there its you were this area is packed of military presence from many countries in the world including additional players and International Players the 2nd one it happens to iran which been been accused by other players that it was a sponsor before other oil tanker attacks in the gulf so thats very interesting about that iran is being targeted and the oil iranian tanker has been targeted and according to the sources so far the debate about 2 missiles basically attack the. Tanker so as you said maybe its not clear yet but but the those are 2 significant fact about what happened so if it indeed it is proven to be these 2 missiles then is the message here being sent to iran or is it being sent to the International Community i think this is to both actually i think you know we make a deal we talk about mistake actor on of whats happening those are the state actors militia groups whoever they are meant to the states they act based on developments on the ground and they do it and they skate thats basically its my its like hacking whos who does hacking he would not announce himself or who was declared that i did it so whats happened now in the gulf and in the sea is like hacking someone did it and now we will never know who was in exactly who did it they would be speculation they would be sort of expectation but they would be hard it would be hard to say that this state or this minister. Dr have them this actually so what do you make of the timing of this particularly just 24 hours ago the Iranian Foreign minister was calling for what he called a Peace Initiative between iran and saudi arabia as well as other neighbors in the gulf i would say the timecode was and is the target and they did it regardless whats happening on the diplomatic truck thats the thats the reason why i focus on the state actors because they behave regardless whats happening in the political track they do it i think the tunker was an. Oil tanker was an easy target and it was expected to have any activity and that its taken into consideration the military presence so it happened because they found it and it actually thought of that and especially this morning you keep talking about this nonstate these nonstate actors but who would benefit the most from this type of operation they are interestingly many players are benefiting actually iran is benefiting because the victim is it so it goes back to the circular i am the victim others that are it makes the whole scene it makes it makes things more complicated i mean now no one can blame iran in the same time its hard to say theyre so did have a sponsor but it happens that close to its hard to blame to to say all are benefiting and all will be blamed for that thats interesting and just a final thought do you expect iran to respond i think iran so far they are managing very interestingly how they manage the whole crisis i think they will try to capitalize and politically and take the whole thing to the story they are now or the know it if they are trying to send through the media that we need a collective effort to maintain security in the region ok it was way to thank you very much personally when they were us. Now if you can Prime Minister has been awarded this years Nobel Peace Prize hes being recognized for ending the long running conflict between if you eritrea over disputed border territories. When mitt became Prime Minister in april 28th. He made it clear that he wished to peace talks with a retreat. In close cooperation with the side yes. The president of a vitriolic. Mood quickly whipped the principles for a 4 and then for a Peace Agreement to end the long no peace no war. Between the 2 countries lets bring in al jazeera as robyn kriel is joining us live from if europeans capital addis ababa and i suppose its a big day for 5 robin whats the reaction been like well during proud as a nation that was the Statement Issued by the Prime Ministers office and really you do get a sense of that pride here in ethiopia surprising to some perhaps because as if europeans everyone is very focused on the now on the fact that perhaps the economy isnt going as well as they would have liked to see they do everyone does want that instant change when you do get a rock star type leaders such as dr b. As hes affectionately known here coming into power but hes still incredibly popular seen as the person who bought the country out of those docked times that state of emergency and what some analysts have said would have been a civil war had it had anyone other than him taken over and the hard work i suppose for dr doesnt stop here robin he does face a lot of challenges going ahead just talk us through some of those. Well definitely and that is the overwhelming message released by groups such as Amnesty International International Crisis group saying really the work begins now that he needs to continue and continue striving for that peace continue to make sure Human Rights Violations are negated that Political Prisoners are released i mean weve weve seen a lot of those positive reforms but at the same time those challenges and ill just list a few of those while his peace with eritrea is incredible there is still quite a lot of work to do there for years if the opium has been a dictatorship and while he did let out many critics and many opposition members some of those opposition members have become even more active here now that they are allowed back in ethiopia and its really the that if some of those ethnic tensions those rivalries the threat the threat really of a fracture eyes ation huge economic problems a gigantic youth bulge that is coming up here in the opiah that will mean for vost unemployment if his market based economy ideas do not full forward as well as a huge number of internally displaced people mostly resulting from that ethnic conflict that i mentioned in fact the 2900000 internally displaced people from the figures that weve gathered ok robyn kriel thank you for that update from this lets bring in our diplomatic editor james bones joining us from the United Nations for reaction from there james. Yes its just after 20 past 6 in the morning here in new york at u. N. Headquarters but we already have reaction from the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrace thats because hes on the same time zone as the Nobel Committee currently in copenhagen hes issued a statement ive often said that the winds of hope blowing ever stronger across africa Prime Minister ahmed is one of the reasons why his vision helped ethiopia and eritrea achieve a historic rapprochement and i was honored to witness the signing of the Peace Agreement last year we also have reaction coming from europe in the form of a statement made on twitter by the German Foreign minister heiko marse by choosing him the Nobel Committee is honoring a truly outstanding african leader his courage and his foresight is an example and a model far beyond africa interesting too that we have reaction coming from one of the worlds leading human rights organizations Amnesty International they say ethiopias Prime Ministers receive the Nobel Peace Prize this award should push and motivate him to tackle the outstanding human rights challenges that threaten to reverse the gains made so far so clearly Amnesty International certainly saying yes well done but there is more work to do and i think that my while explain why this award has gone to the open Prime Minister this year and weve seen this pattern over the years with the Nobel Peace Prize when they see that there has been good positive progress they quite often award these prizes at an early stage hoping that then it will be the motivation to follow through and to solidify those peace efforts within the ethiopia but also between ethiopia and eritrea and as a wider example across africa all right james mates thank you their sense of ari has more on Prime Minister ayad peace efforts since taking office. Prime minister ahmet was sworn into office in april 2002. Since then the 43 year old former Army Intelligence officer has launched a wide program of political and Economic Reforms such as ending state monopolies and allowing private sector competition in industries such as telecoms aviation and power his biggest success so far was the peace deal with neighboring eritrea and ng in nearly 20 years of military stalemate following their 2 year border war in june last year the Ethiopian Government agreed to hand over control of the disputed border town of bad me to eritrea until then if you appear rejected the International Boundary commissions ruling in favor of eritrea amid some predictable style isnt popular with all if yo peons the most trust him the only problem they have but i have now is they wanted the change to happen immediately. We have a lot of economic problems in this country are a lot of the economy is growing very fast the amount of expenditure thats going into infrastructure has been at the expense of livelihoods he played a central role in the violence fight against illegal land grabbing activities in the or a mere region 4 years ago the government stopped a controversial scheme in 2016 but disputes continued and resulted in people being killed that fight is seen by many as boosting its political career hes from there or rumor tripe if you o. P. s Largest Ethnic Group which spearheaded the protests to force his predecessor to resign an assassination attempt 2 years ago failed to stop his Development Plans for ethiopia. And activists a military Intelligence Officer a land grab opponent an unpredictable politician a peace maker and now abi adamant can add Nobel Peace Prize winner to his list of accomplishments door such a bari al jazeera. A south African Court has ruled the former president jacob zuma must stand trial on corruption charges his lawyers had argued the case was politically motivated and should be thrown out zuma is expected to be back in Court Next Week for his trial hes accused of taking bribes from a french Weapons Company in exchange for 180000000. 00 in government contracts in the late 1990 s. From john miller has this update from outside the courts. The Court Judgment was handed down in under 2 minutes and jacob zuma was in and out of court in in just a few minutes the court had decided that jacob zuma will indeed stand trial thats due to Begin Next Week but its also worth remembering that the former president does have the option to approach the Supreme Court of appeal to appeal this judgement and perhaps further delay his day in court which is a huge cheer said for a long time he wants to have the opportunity to do but its at the same time hes also tried to delay the Court Appearance ultimately wanting that trial thrown out essentially jacob zuma should be back in court with the week however its not quite certain just how long that trial will take and when the South Africans will have answers for a case that has been going on now for almost 15 years aside from this court case and the charges of corruption fraud and racketeering jacob zuma does face other allegations of corruption during his time as president of south africa and thats culminated in whats being called a commission of inquiry into alleged corruption the former president also having to answer questions there while that commission is ongoing. U. S. Treasury department has imposed sanctions on the wealthy group to family for their involvement in corruption in south africa the group those have been accused of using a friendship with the former president jacob zuma to engage in widespread corruption and bribery u. S. Treasury says the move shows its commitment to supporting Anti Corruption efforts in south africa the group. Excuse me deny any wrongdoing. Now forecasters say a typhoon heading for japan will be the most powerful to hit tokyo in more than 60 hears people in china chiba prefecture are securing their belongings ahead of the arrival of a super typhoon how could this on saturday and many are still recovering from a strong typhoon that struck last month. Well in a few moments well have the weather with jenny but still ahead right here on the aljazeera news hour flying to fly for education students paralyzed city Centers Across colombia. And why there is renewed fighting in the mountains off me and more. In sport a boxing World Champion is in intensive care following a car accident details coming up with santa. Hello there this is a typhoon this and this is all of course weve been following for the last several days it is a huge and very powerful typhoon and indeed japan is still recovering from a typhoon facade that was indeed just a month ago right now sustained winds of turn 20 kilometers an hour gusting of course hard not to 170 kilometers an hour and its moving a little bit quicker than it was 24 hours ago still to the north northwest at about 22 kilometers an hour now all of this is powerful typhoon is already generates waves that are just tremendous in hyson size and power a 16 meters which is 53 feet and this is still the full cost track so its still house a storm system go right the way through tokyo now of course ahead of the storm the rain already beginning to come on shore in 5. 00 visibilities downs just 303000 meters in tokyo and this is the full cost of the rain will continue to come down ahead of the storm actually making landfall and that of course is the either thats what were talking about here and that is expected to happen evening hours local time in eastern horseshoe close to tokyo so really between 8 and 9 oclock at night this is the track the storm will take over 42000000 people against be in the direct path of this storm and this is the rain that is expected to accumulate. At the hof anita in some areas. The weather sponsored by catherine was. In world of illegal trade what you have here is not just park a logical objects youre talking about a political dimension where the spoils of war are smuggled and sold to auction houses and private collectors the bang for selling and artifact is where finances the beheadings of muslims in the middle east dont sell dont thats one quick solution. Trafficking on aljazeera. For many. And the 1st few the disc tourists flock to europes must see destination. Tensions rising. With local communities paying a heavy price for copy. To the true economic and environmental costs europes tourism on. Hello again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour nato. Calling on turkey to actively strengthen its operation in syria he says nato must find a sustainable solution to isolate prisoners in syria. On turkish troops say theyve captured 15 villages from Kurdish Forces during the push into Northern Syria tens of thousands of people have fled the area since wednesday and 3 turkish soldiers have been killed. Prime minister abu ahmed has been awarded this years Nobel Peace Prize hes being recognized for ending the long running conflict between and eritrea over disputed border territory as well as domestic reforms. So back to our top story and thats the turkish operations against kurdish fighters in syria we can now speak to Syria Research our chris doyle hes joining us live from london thanks very much for your time with us on the aljazeera news hour so just a couple hours ago we saw that press conference between the nato chief foreign minister where nato is basically saying turkey does have legitimate security concerns but is calling for for restraint is this a difficult position that nato finds itself in because turkey on one hand is an ally but at the same time its now gone into a sovereign state. Entire International Community is in a very difficult position because its divided and we saw that Security Council yes there was a failure. To get together president ial statement because objections from the United States russia. And the same advice next year so its a Senior Member of nato and it is sex is the 2nd largest on forces of the audience and the members who have been totally united so they are acknowledging turkey dont have that gets me its curious incidents of course has a no more running issue with the vote in here and then more serious punishment some pay serious the why we do what you can protect the action when its. That sent all these countries in nato nuts with super you know moms because they can. Go very very quick if we could see ethnic cleansing see the mass displacement of civilians thats already started and if this operation wants to. So very intense military actions its very difficult to see what this sentence could also have been actions of course for security for syria in iraq if isis presents isis members and fights break out of the various camps that are controlled by this or in the Democratic Forces so no members are very concerned about black so all in all. Its a picture the bar is them going no its they who took it will act as nato itself with restraint but i dont think theyre very optimistic that this is going to be easy to his friend so when you look at what may happen next week and that is the countries at the e. U. Summit are saying that they will be discussing sanctions on turkey does this pressure turkey do you think in any way in rethinking its strategy. Well the European Union is the largest trading partner so here is also the largest foreign investor so so so he does have a Significant Interest in listening to your community but again its that its present but it was. Very clear he has friends to weaponize the issue of Syrian Refugees there are 3600000 of them in loans and he writes yesterday European Union saying if you Start Holding this invasion then well open the doors and the refugees will go into into the European Union now this is obviously you know again that is think its a very risky. So the europeans are like you say well we have our weapons around and sanctions are part of the trouble its not a challenge for the European Union is that its the lack of unanimity to impose sanctions on to the you know requires all the Member States to if its not clear thats going to be the case i think it will be intense to turkish operations how far into syria you know what sort of suffering that the operation in genitives and what do you make of the statement that was put out by the Syrian Deputy Foreign minister because he practically blamed the Kurdish Forces for the ongoing turkish offensive going on in Northern Syria and he also did say that the syrian army is ready to confront all challenges coming at a time when the Syrian Governments ally russia has been trying to push the currents somewhat towards the Syrian Government. The Syrian Government is actually quite nice they pleased the situation for a very long time it is believed that eventually kodesh forces will actually turn towards mass its because they will do this to get attention from the Turkish Forces this is something theyre very very long getting and they know that in the end because its will terms of that route of trust turkey because of. Doric issues with the kurds so at the moment this is very much playing into the masses hands they can see opportunities to kill and take territory in the east maybe iran terrorists who are innocent or theres no in that its currently controlled by the syrian Democratic Forces or the Syrian Government will also seek to exploit. The deficiency because there are many syrian arabs who resent being controlled you know by the waikiki by coach force particularly in a city such as rock which its dominantly syria not so you know for certain regime. Certainly see this as a its a present in that isnt it will maintain their very. Strong criticism of turkey but at the same time they also perhaps like to move the syrian Kurdish Forces to the baskets is there it is really an option ok chris doyle we thank you very much for speaking to us on the aljazeera news hour thank you. The President Donald Trump has held its 1st Campaign Rally since democrats launched an impeachment inquiry against him trying told a crowd in minnesota that hes done nothing wrong hes accused of illegally pressuring ukraines leader into investigating his democratic rival joe biden john hendren as more. Thousands of protesters calling themselves whistleblowers greeted President Donald Trump in minneapolis demanding his impeachment. The largest crowd of demonstrators in recent months turned a chant trump fans once reserved for Hillary Clinton back on the president. Because trumps 1st rally since an inquiry into impeachment proceedings began on september 24th through we feel that term does not support the values that are going to come and support donald trump i think its a raw deal. Surrounded by thousands of supporters of his own in one of the longest speeches of his presidency trump fired back in his latest assault on a favorite target former Vice President and democratic president ial rival joe biden he was only a good Vice President because he understood how to kiss Barack Obamas ass. Speaking in her own Congressional District trump portrayed minneapolis own ilhan omar as the face of the Democratic Party how the hell did that ever happen i didnt have i didnt. Charge or is willing omar is it america hating social. How do you have such a person representing you in minnesota im very angry at you people right. Outside protesters and trump fans were a picture of a nation divided this is the gauntlet that the president s fans have to walk past thousands of anti trump demonstrators in order to get to the rally. For impeachment going there with. It came hours after f. B. I. Agents at washingtons Dulles Airport arrested 2 soviet born men who were linked to the president s attorney Rudolph Giuliani over alleged Campaign Finance violations the 3 are shown together here on a social media post. Well hello minnesota. Leading the cheering crowd inside the arena was the man who would be president if trump were impeached Vice President mike pence in a state the president narrowly lost in 2016 and hopes to win in 2020 they want to raise your vote like it never existed they want it will raise your voice and they want to raise your future. But they will fail because in america the people rule again. Outside in the liberal bastion of minneapolis or are. The calls for his removal from office grew louder john hendren aljazeera minneapolis. And ecuador the deaths of at least 5 protesters in the past week of antigovernment anger is provoking an increasing backlash against the president s lead in marinas impose austerity measures and cut fuel subsidies which caused petrol prices to double overnights protesters responded with a nationwide strike are latin america at its release in newman has the latest from the capital crito. Thousands of indigenous sickly dorrance from all over the country called for justice for a middle aged man killed during a National Strike on thursday. At the doors peoples on between says he was one of 5 People Killed in more than a week of protests but i do not believe that when somebody says theres an abuse of police force and weve also asked the government to lift the state of emergency which has generated more violence i think the government has lost control of the situation. Inside peoples Cultural Center building the edges of that good was indigenous confederation paraded a policeman on to the stage. The colonel in charge told al dizzier hed come to negotiate the release of a patrol and then whod been detained. But they were not allowed to leave until hours later thats the protesters allegedly and the police has only added. Explosive conflict and after 7 patients. Gathered here i was asking for i was left it was. His cabin. His downloads put Indigenous Leaders have stopped short of asking for president Lenin Morenos ouster they are demanding instead the immediate end to what they call Police Repression the release of all detainees and the immediate resignation of the defense and interior ministers as a precondition for a dialogue with authorities the interior ministry is being blamed for Police Firing tear gas into a university where women children and elderly people had taken refuge rather than the other island. Children because we have no one to care for them but you interior minister a woman are an assassin. The president what i know is refusing to give in to demands to restore fuel subsidies which he removed in exchange for a 5000000000. 00 i. M. F. Loan or a former Assembly Deputy says ecuador cant afford desperately needed credit and that price of acapella capacity that moreno has to be able to negotiate with International Banks and make them understand that we are a country with an enormous political crisis that we cannot be treated as though we have a stable democracy that needs a small fiscal adjustment here an adjustment can bring down the whole deck of cards. Indeed ecuador has a history of governments being toppled for a lot less something few people here have forgotten you see in yemen al jazeera people. Students in colombia have paralyzed city Centers Nationwide to demand. More funding for Public Education right police in the capital bogota fired tear gas and stun grenades at protesters throwing rocks the 6th round of protests this month began with students at a Public University and the gym corruption understander and petty has more from what. What started as a peaceful demonstration with almost 10000 students a vote public and private universities here in the capital of book that ended up in more clashes with the police as the protesters arrived here in Central Plaza believe our school skirmishes broke out some protesters with their face covered started throwing stones at the police and the Police Responded with the tear gas and stun grenade that and took over the last of all the protesters dispersed this is the 6th demonstration in the last 10 days in. As students are protesting a number of cases of corruption in the administration of public universities also demanding more resources

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