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Kurds the kurds of course have been a reliable ally of the United States and recent years in the effort to defeat eisel many in the United States believing that this decision to pull back and allow turkey to conduct its military operation has essentially let down a very valuable and loyal ally to the United States the u. S. President has been pushing back on that suggestion also noting in this tweet that in his views the turkish people as well as the currents have been fighting in his words forever and the United States should not be injecting itself into an historic conflict now having said that the United States president also cautioned in turkey if there are what the u. S. President believes are inhumane or large civilian casualties he has endorsed a movement in the u. S. Senate by a member of his own Republican Party as well as a democratic senator to sanction turkey that efforts could be voted on as early as next week would not only potentially limit military sales to turkey but could also say at the highest levels including president won his Financial Assets and even limit the ability for the leadership to obtain visas to enter the United States still ahead on aljazeera waters at the center for 30 year old border dispute in central asia we take a look at how it could all be resolved soon. Had off a significant rain in western turkey the fronts gone through now it probably has changed feel the weather in the caucasus and maybe in the fall north of syria you wont notice it in the full cross very much 23 in back or in twentys in tehran nothing in the sky but i think the cloud having brought a bit of rain through might start to change things rather more obvious t 22 in baku northerly breeze clad right way down towards iraq still 40 in baghdad all the saving the sun is the predominant weather type or is it is for the size of course times or any coming down slowly humidity is still fairly high around the gulf states including qatar to the morning and evening as you might expect but hasnt changed a dry spell yet with a northerly breeze showers are still possible on the west side of yemen well the southwest society but not very often and not very many whereas there is much more active weather down here in Southern Africa as a sees the rain starts sure and i go to see at least was to tanzania this is an obvious mass of white cloud thats gone through the eastern cave and up into southern mozambique the picture falls says day is a wet and windy one but not particularly warm in durban but the rain proper just disappears slowly into mozambique leaving a dry site behind. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera this hour Turkish Forces have intensified their military offensive in Northern Syria for a 2nd day there have been air strikes and artillery fire along a broad front on Turkish Forces have crossed into syria through at least 3 entry points meanwhile at the u. N. Security council that is the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Speaking on the crisis lets listen the u. S. Has not in any way endorsed the decision of the government of turkey to mount a military incursion into northeast syria. President trump has emphasized to the government of turkey that they bear full responsibility for protecting the kurdish population and religious minorities including christians and ensuring that no humanitarian crisis takes place. In addition turkey is now responsible for ensuring that all isis fighters in detention in prison remain in prison and that isis does not reconstitute itself in any way shape or form. Failure to play by the rules to protect vulnerable populations failure to guarantee that isis cannot exploit these actions to reconstitute will have cut consequences thank you you. Are right so you were just listening to kelly croft says she is the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations speaking after the u. N. Security council wrapped up a meeting on the Turkish Operation in Northern Syria i believe we can bring in james raise our diplomatic james and strong words from the u. S. Ambassador right. Yes but we need to listen to the europeans now were going to have a Statement Read out by the deputy german ambassador these 6 european ambassadors here. Yes i would like to make the following Statement Today on behalf of the 5 Member States on the Security Council of belgium france germany poland and the United Kingdom joined today by his tonio as incoming you members did on the Security Council we are deeply concerned by the Turkish Military operation in north east syria we call upon turkey to seize the unilateral military action as we do not believe it will address truckies underlying security concerns. Renewed still it is in the north east will further undermine the stability of the whole region exacerbate civilian suffering and provoke further displacements which will further increase the number of refugees and i. D. P. s in syria and in the region. Unilateral military action on his part threatens the progress achieved by the Global Coalition against diane. It will undermine the security of the coalitions local partners including the Syrian Democratic forces and risks protracted instability in northeast syria providing for ground for the resurgence of dyess which remains a significant threat to Regional International and european security. It is unlikely that a socalled safe zone in northeast syria as envisaged by turkey would satisfy International Criteria for refugee return as laid down by you and h. C. R. We maintain our position that refugee and i did he returns to the places of origin must be safe voluntary and dignified when conditions allow. Any attempt at demographic change would be unacceptable. We want to be clear that the e. U. Will not provide stabilization or Development Assistance in areas where the rights of local populations are ignored. Turkey is a key part of the European Union a nato ally and a member in the Global Coalition against diet it is a critically important act on the Syrian Crisis and the region and we recognize tuckeys Important Role as the host country of Syrian Refugees. We continue to urge all parties to ensure the protection of civilians and unhindered safe and sustainable humanitarian access throughout syria. We remain committed to the unity sovereignty and territorial integrity of syria we reaffirm that a sustainable solution to the syrian conflict cannot be achieved militarily. But only through a genuine political transition in line both United Nations Security Council resolution 2254 and the 2012 geneva communique negotiated by the syrian parties within the un led geneva process this process should not be undermined by any party thank you very much. So that was the german deputy ambassador to the United Nations that jurgen schulte giving a brief statement after the u. N. Security council wrapped up a meeting on the Turkish Operation in Northern Syria basically the e. U. Members are calling on turkey to see its military operation james bays lets bring here what do you make of their statement. Well there was a fair bit of wrangling before they could come up with those words so im told behind the scenes the deputy german ambassador there reading it out germany and france certainly in the National Positions have been using the strongest language with regard to this strongly condemning the Turkish Operation condemnation that word was not in that statement from the new but they have called for this operation to see and clearly theyve also said what their position is with regard to this Going Forward if theyre not happy with what happens to the kurdish population in syria because that adding i think to turkey and this is what theyve said about the assad regime which is theyre not going to support any stabilization in rebuilding efforts if the local populations wishes are respected so interesting statement there d from the European Union 6 European Union members only 5 currently sit on the Security Council but a number 6 is a stone. Which will be coming on to the Security Council from january and before that of course you heard the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations kelly craft making another statement in which i think she tried to match the recent comments of the u. S. Of ministration which in many ways have been a walk back from the original white house statement that came on sunday night which many believe followed a phone call between President Trump and president. Where d President Trump did not make any objection it seems to the operation many believe effectively gave turkey the green light for its military operation and before that we heard from the Russian Ambassador and its clear that russia being very careful in its words here russia not directly criticizing turkey at any stage since the military operation has begun you might think thats interesting because because russia has long been on the other side from turkey since this started the war 8 and a half years ago but russia or i think is pursuing its own military operations it doesnt want to criticize turkey for that reason and see is a scenario where it can push the s. D. F. Forces and the kurds from that border area deeper into syria and force them when we can to do a deal with the assad regime which of course is the main ally of ok james thank you very much. Well u. S. And chinese negotiators are meeting for the 1st time in 2 months to try and end the trade war between the worlds 2 largest economies u. S. President donald trump is scheduled to meet the chinese vice premier lou here at the white house on friday lew has said beijing wants to Reach Agreement to prevent an escalation in the disputes a new tariff i can effect in 250000000000. 00 worth of chinese exports is scheduled to kick in on october 15th the meeting is happening is diplomatic relations reach a new low points on monday the u. S. Blacklisted 28. 00 chinese entities and impose visa restrictions on some officials citing human rights abuses against chinas minority muslim. Political hain has more on those trade talks from washington. The Financial Markets in the United States are keeping a close eye on whats going on in washington as those trade talks begin again and they were boosted by a tweet from u. S. President donald trump he wrote on twitter big day of negotiations with china they want to make a deal but do why i meet with the vice premier tomorrow at the white house and that is the big question does the president want to make a deal but he has said in the past that he wants to wait and make a big deal every issue is taken care of in the negotiations but theyre also floating the possibility that theyll be a smaller deal one in which the u. S. Would delay hiking terrace by 5 percent and about 250000000000. 00 worth of chinese goods thats set to go into effect in just a matter of days and the chinese would take steps on their currency so the big question is is that going to be enough for the president does he want to see a pause in the past he said weve come this far why given now and the white house is sending very mixed messages theyre putting reports in the press that theyre considering taking even further steps things like having the Securities Exchange commission really look into Chinese Companies possibly invention delisting them from the Stock Exchange or they are also talking about the possibility that they pull out government pension money from Chinese Company investments the same time theyre sending the message that they want to work with the chinese when it comes to wall way theyve been blacklisted from buying American Goods they are now saying that while wakened by nonsensitive goods from the us theyre going to allow those sales to go through so the president his team sending mixed messages saying theyre going to get tough theyre willing to make concessions i guess well find out when they meet at the white house which side the president is going to take at least 5 people have been killed in ongoing antigovernment protests in ecuador protesters are angry over anti austerity measures including the increase of petrol prices thousands of Indigenous People have protested in quito calling on the armed forces to withdraw their support of president lenin marino. A 30 year old dispute over scarce Water Supplies in central asia looks to be a step closer to being resolved a land swap deal has been agreed by it was. Done from the for again a valley there with. The story. I think its cotton picking season here on the edge of the figure in a valley the crop is good this year but its not what it used to be and its not because water is scarce here in kyrgyzstan but because in some parts its become out of reach because of a disputed border. The father didnt say every members how he used to spend time at the foot of these mountains with them with the move with them we used to swim in the lake there we practically grew up there we played all day and celebrated all the holidays the whole village would get together to celebrate thats how it was now they have to put in a border. Now demand and the reason why the villages of calicut down relied on are in those big east at the plot of land around the character then reservoir was exchanged for another parcel of land for do away of exactly the same size the characters government says its irrigated flat land which a country lacks this what is part of an agreement between the 2 sides over a border demarkation still not finalised since kyrgyzstan and as big a stand gained independence after the fall of the soviet union it runs for more than 1300 kilometers and its dotted with land claimed by both sides this is disputed territory its all the sources neutral sources mostly water sources close in that territories we have a dams we had we have the lakes and we have a sea we have a lakes and we have a canales which is extremely important for all these neighboring countries and this is also disputed territories over the Energy Sources different than a valley is the agricultural heartland of central asia divided among whose biggest stand and southwest the g. Q. Stem the irony is that kyrgyzstan and upstream water rich country will lies on its neighbor for water in some parts of the figure never. The 2 countries are linked by a soviet era canal network. So the water flows 1st to the kid then reservoir now on land and then back into. Something that back 1st didnt move. So it could just. Slowed greatly the logic is lost in kurdistan but you cant explain why we have water but at the same time we dont keep on thinking about it its like having a garden but you can go for a walk its nonsense. Then now realize im another visit while further inland but water remains as so self tension here with many saying whoever controls its flow will likely emerge as a Regional Power in central asia but up to how many. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera after a meeting of the un Security Council the Us Ambassador to the un has warned of consequences if turkey fails to protect civilians Turkish Forces have intensified their military offensive in Northern Syria for a 2nd day there have been airstrikes and artillery fire along a broad front meanwhile the turkish president says his countrys military offensive will target strictly what he describes as terrorist groups. Also lashed out at countries opposed to the operation. Saudi arabia should look in the mirror they put yemen in the situation and look whats happening in the 10s of thousands of people are dying in yemen saudi arabia you should talk about this you cannot criticize our operation or so egypt you cannot talk at all you are the murderer of democracy in your country because morsi was elected by 52 percent in a democratic election and now you do not allow his family to bury him properly this is the kind of murderer you want him. With 3600000 Syrian Refugees in our country whiting to go back to their homes the European Union look at yourself i repeat at the moment you cannot call or define the operation as an invasion our job is easy we could just open the doors and 2600000 refugees we will see in them back to you meanwhile Kurdish Forces say d theyve repelled Turkish Ground attacks there also were warning of a humanitarian crisis as thousands of residents have begun to flee towns russias foreign minister says the u. S. Is to blame for running what he calls a dangerous experiment on the turkish Syrian Border Sergey Lavrov has called for a dialogue between ankara and so ask us those are the headlines on aljazeera inside story is coming up next to stay with us filipinas president rodrigue he says hes cracking down on the communist insurgency but some fear its a Deadly Campaign to silence his critics as the death toll rises one i want to investigate detaches new war on aljazeera. Fears of a new humanitarian crisis in syria as turkey launches a military offensive against Kurdish Forces turkey says its creating a safe still in full refugees to return home will it succeed and do displaced syrians want to go back this is incisively. Cohen welcome to the program and fully battle hundreds of thousands of syrians over enjoyed 8 years of war are in the firing line of a new Turkish Military offensive troops crossed the border into northeast syria following as strikes dogging Kurdish Forces turkeys leaders say the operation is aimed at paring what they call terrorists as well as creating a safe zone for displaced syrians to live the kurds have been instrumental in the fight against size so the turkish assault began after donald trump ordered the withdrawal of u. S. Troops from the area the us president says he isnt endorsing turkeys offensive and denies abandoning kurdish allies to their fate that turkeys president is defending the military operation into syria surely a whole. You cannot discuss our love for the people of syria but our problem is with the people who are with the organizations like p y g p k k and eisel tear organizations were trying to invade syria we have no problem with our kurdish brothers and syria the only problem is with the terror organizations trying to digress and change it we have no problem with our brothers in the region we are only fighting against terror organizations maybe turkey is the only legitimate power in the land of syria. Well lets look at exactly where this is all happening territory to the west of man is controlled by turkish and syrian rebel forces to the east is kurdish territory mostly held by Kurdish Forces several camps house 2000000 syrians who escaped fighting in other parts of the country and captured fighters are in prisons there as well turkeys leaders say they want to create a socalled safe zone are along the border area to allow some syrians to return the zone with villages schools and homes is intended to be 480 kilometers long and 30 kilometers deep now the start of turkeys offensive triggered panic people escape the battleground with the few possessions they have aid groups and the United Nations fear a new humanitarian crisis in a harder has more from on the border between turkey and syria. International aid agencies are worried and warning really about the possibility of a humanitarian crisis as a result of turkeys military operation in northeast syria they are sounding the alarm there saying that this is going to create even more human suffering it is going to create further displacement hundreds of thousands of people displaced people already live in this corner of syria the best the f. Controlled region did not come under attack by the syrian army but the s b f engaged in a serious fight with i still across much of the north and east of syria so many towns cities have been destroyed among them rekha so so many of these people have no homes to go to and there are already displaced and with the latest bombardment we saw thousands of people making their way further south according to the turkish government this operation will serve 2 purposes 1st it will ensure its security interests because it considers the wipe e. G. The Syrian Kurdish armed group a terrorist organization they want this group this. They dont want the school to have any presence along its border at the same time they want to create a safe zone to allow millions of Syrian Refugees to return now the International Community is still not onboard with that plan the e. U. Making it very clear theyre not going to provide funds because if it believes in one way or another it is going to cause a demographic changes but if you talk to the turkish government or the arab opposition in syria they will say that the wife was responsible for demographic changes in this corner of syria because they pushed many arabs out of the area over over the past few years so it is yet another battle in this ongoing war in syria a very dangerous battle now pitting 2 communities against each other the arabs and the kurds and this operation this Turkish Operation will definitely cause even more suffering among the population. Center for their for inside story. Lets bring in our panel now in istanbul met charlie managing editor of the english language sub daily newspaper in turkey on skype in geneva bracieux carbone a director for the near and middle east at the International Committee of the red cross and joining us from london is chris doyle director of the council for our a better British Understanding a Nonprofit Organization that works on British Middle East policy welcome to you all thank you for being on inside story gentlemen. What are the objectives of this Turkish Military operation in northeast syria in the short medium and long term. Well i think if we begin from sort of medium and long term we can see that turkey is aim is basically theres 3 parts to it 1st of all he wants to clear the Security Threats posed by the y. P. Long its border with syria it wants to ensure that there is a political stability brought to that region specifically and in the long term we can say that turkey wants to ensure the safe return of the nearly 4000000 refugees once a political stability is achieved in these regions and a safe zone is created but in the long term i think there is one thing that took has made it clear and that is the territorial integrity or syria should be protected and a political transition must happen for a democratic transition must happen for syria to to establish its political stability in the country so how is it taking a long term goal responding to the warnings of risk of a humanitarian catastrophe with this new operation warning some various International Organizations and what are they going to do to make sure it doesnt happen with this operation well 1st of all turkey has a very good record of ensuring civilian safety and security during its 1st 2 operations in syria and i fight i think. All of range in africa as a good example of that turkey will take very small steps and baby steps literally to ensure that. Safety of civilians is maintained turkey will take it will use its technology and intelligence to make sure that it strictly and only targets targets terrorist positions rather than just a random bombing which you know some of the other actors in syria have done previously let me bring on. Fabricio. Thank you for your answer on that let me bring in for bristow boni in Geneva Bristow the focus of the 1st phase of this takesh operation in northeast syria has been mainly along the border between 2 Syrian Border towns what is your concern today as an Aid Organisation what impact do you think this operation is going to have on the lives and livelihoods of the civilians so live in this area. For the time being its mainly speculation. What we know is that north east syria which you choose places like iraq like then i saw the camps of. Its an area which suffer quite a lot over the last 8 years and we can say that the population in this area they are really on the you know to have really a hard time rebuilding their lives its not what the contamination it is really heavy. Military operation which is ongoing now its obviously a concern. Because we have already you know we. Appreciate in this area that the 2nd element is there are many people in this area so its very dependent on on humanitarian aid if i go to the camp of ill where you have 68000 people. 2 thirds of those people are children 40000 children there. And they are totally dependent on my 18 you know as i. C. R. C. We provide how to 1000000 liters of water every day to walk to trucking 10000 me use we have a feed off on going and now can so its that this support is disrupted and that in addition were not in a position anymore to keep on working according to our principles of independence and you try to crystal in london your thought says mehmet said turkey believes this military operation will bring. Would bring about a safe zone that is essential for the stability of northeast syria at what are your thoughts is this operation going to been prepared since the ability to Northeast Area what i think you can see from the reaction internationally is that there are not many other countries not mother and many other institutions who believe that its going to be their reality i think that there are great fears that actually what will happen as a result of this turkish invasion is actually the storing up of ethnic and sectarian tensions that would be pitting turk kurd and arab against each other in a way that actually will disrupt the stability of the region for not just years but perhaps even longer i think in the immediate term there is massive fear and youve heard about the humanitarian situation but people are fleeing they dont know where to flee to there arent clear areas that are going to be safe i dont think it is talk exactly who turkey has been bombing shelling accept her and what will happen i think that it has been another example of a collective failure of the International Community wants or in which there are no actors who have. Behaved and have a nice outstanding record it is absolutely true that other parties have on civilians certain regime is used barrel bombs the anti Isis Coalition of pretty much leveled huge parts of iraq or in its operations but that doesnt excuse turkey from its obligations and i think going into Northern Syria i think that its got to demonstrate which it hasnt as yet it really is going to produce security for the people there and i think also on the issue of the return of refugees those refugees have to be returned voluntarily to the areas of syria that they come from not to the area that turkey wishes them to be and i think there are very very Major Concerns there right that this would be a very serious violation of International Law while turkey is hoping that 2000000 of the more than 3600000 Syrian Refugees. And the whole scan be returned to this safe space in Northeast Area now we spoke to noor adam whos a syrian refugee a journalist and commentator living in france right now and he told us that returning home was not a reality for many syrians like him lets take a listen of course i want to go but for a man who i mean its not safe for anyone who would like to come back even like you for the civilians over there i mean foreign most of the people get out from syria i mean theyre like starting your life but the big quote was so in that area it will supplant and they cannot go out because in our country need like an. Opening there the whole bit open the door for daycare efficiency on syria and then a candle or from any Family History i mean i know people there and there are so i mean theyre like tragic like and no one them and even respond for the for their even have to accept and their country or the light make a new life for them so to me as if it is of course its not. Right to come back to syria and but theyre very tragic on civilians who are stuck in there also of syria and who i can more than one more than one group start to hit and russian. Government turkish then they take a ices and like the only end the only one who was infected from all of that is are the civilians mehmet telekinesis are they Syrian Refugees in turkey who are willing to voluntarily return to go to this safe area that turkey is planning to establish in the northeast look there are there are nearly 4000000. 00 refugees from syria in turkey right now so it will not be realistic to say that all of these refugees 1st will be voluntarily returning to turkey will make all these 4000000 refugees returning home and and 3rd to say that none of these refugees will will go back to. The established zone saw there all demain one of the main reasons why turkey wants to establish design is to enable those who want to voluntarily return to syria to basically establish an area where they can actually go back so turkey will of course not do this by force but in order for turkey to say hey those who wants to go back to syria there is a place for you as on must be established and i want to comment on on the previous speakers some of the remarks he made 1st of all i think one thing should be clear and i think that the western media particularly has been. Doing some sort of a distant formation about this whole operation and that is being turkey waging a war against the kurds turkey is not in a fight with the kurds turkey has launched an operation against the p. K. Case syria affiliate which is the y. P. Terrorist group there is a huge we should make a clear distinction between the kurds as a minority or as an ethnic group and the y p g p k k so to say that turkey is fighting the kurds on its own is a mistake i think to begin with and with regards to community arion. Comments made i think 1st of all it hasnt been a full 24 hour i think maybe its just been 24 hours and youre asian it started it is early days when it let me allow add let me allow us going to respond to what you just said about the kurds at christo your response to that theres been a lot of criticism of turkey from the International Community about this operation or human Rights Groups for years have been reporting about turkish maltreatment of kurds both within turkey but also elsewhere and i think that there is very little credibility in the claims that you know turkey is sympathetic to the needs and interests of the kurdish population in syria it sees kurdish groups as potentially wanting to stablish an autonomous or semi autonomous presence or even worse for them states. Perhaps in Northern Syria and this is something that certain turkey says as a considerable threat so yes you cannot deny that there are some threats of course nobody is not saying. I hope from certain kurdish groups to towards took you but there has to be something that is justifiable and you know. Proportionate and i dont think that an invasion of Northern Syria again is one of our and lets bring back catherine feeling to the conversation integrates i want to go back to this notion of save zone the techie want to establish a northeast syria to allow for the return of Syrian Refugees how feasible is this and what goes into moving such a non number of people one of them to 6 of such an operation i mean 1st of all we need to acknowledge that countries like iraq turkey jordan lebanon i really sure during a massive burden when it comes to refugees is not just an economic a burden its a political one eats the social fabric of those society and i really believe that as a starting point we should show. Support and accept to share the burden which in our view its not always the case we are also in favor of the return of refugees to to their place of origin but it needs to be but in terry. The dignity and it needs to be sustainable when it comes to a safe zone again if its recreation were not sure what it means its probably more a military concept a pretty good concept than a humanitarian one. In this area if the Public Services are provided to the population willing to go back if they would they want to go back and tell the most welcome but. From from where we are we see that to bring back 2000000. 00 people in these areas which is today a conflict area its going to be a massive challenge and. And its going to be difficult i believe and having traveled to the region and spoken to people fabricio do displaced syrians want to go back today under the Current Conditions i mean the war is still going on talking to 2 syrians they all want to go back if you look at the survey made by unit shell all of them i mean close to 90 percent of syrians wants to go back i mean who wants to be a displaced person living in very difficult conditions no perspective so 90 percent of the syrians wants to go back but it wants to go back if Safety Security is provided and today in syria. Despite the great efforts of many actors you might an actress pretty good actress eat still difficult for refugees to be reassure that. They would be safe and secure and especially if we talk about an area like northeast syria which is today an unstable area and as i said you my 1st intervention if its contaminated by a weapon by unexploded ordinance by mind every day you have people injured if not killed so i would say not the syria for return of refugees i mean a dramatic change is needed its. Probably to ask an important question about the safe stone whether its a humanitarian concept turkey has said that Development Projects have been planned for the safe return of Syrian Refugees can you tell us more about these plans i mean once the military operation is done then what what is in place to welcome these refugees back to the other side well 1st of all if we look at what. Up in an african one thing we should make clear that the administration will be given back to the locals like it had it has happened in africa and local councils elected by the locals will be established but aside from that when it comes to infrastructure and providing Services Turkey has a very clear plan in fact president. Recently announced that plan and there will be villages set up there will be some small town set up there will be schools hospitals even a leisure areas but for all this to happen a force of political stability and security must be established and i think part of the big picture is clearing a terrorist group from the region before a political transition happen in north sea north east syria as well as in syria as a whole country and turkey has been part of the a stunning group too and thats also an aim to contribute to political transition turkey has been the only country with boots on the Ground Fighting against that also aims to bring stability to the country with regards to some of these speculations i think we should. Think of we should give turkey support for its going to tension rather than saying hey you cant do this and let the Terrorists Attack your citizens along your or i mean the e. U. Countries and the us i mean the e. U. Countries mostly have been against this plan but what about all the refugees that are in turkey and want to go back to europe i mean what do we do with these we can contain them forever and we cant keep them you know keep them within our borders because they dont even want to go back to christine 120 years later that act christo and what do you say to that techie says it cant bat at the but not these refugees and need that the International Community should do more to help especially the europeans ive been arguing that for a very long time that turkey jordan and lebanon have not got the help that they deserved and that they have been left to carry the burden and i think it was wrong for europe by. Fences and borders and Everything Else and that it is actually completely mishandled the whole refugee issue but that doesnt mean that turkey come along when you hear president one announces plans a u. N. General Assembly Says not speculation overturning want to 1000000 Syrian Refugees into this area Northern Syria now that is not identifying this is some voluntary plan taught it is saying here are a number of jews theyre going to go back and here are a number of towns that are going to spend in a 27000000000. 00 project and theyre expecting other countries to contribute to that now it does mean of course that we have to find a solution to the refugee issue and ultimately of course you go back to the entire failure on syria from day one and turkey has been caught up in that europe has been caught up in that and there are all the actors concerned of exacerbated this problem i think the other issue and security youve got to mention the issue that this will only benefit these actions the possibility of isis stylish breaking out of these camps and posing a greater threat because they will certainly try to profit from the chaos of war that will go on right now present ardo and had some very harsh words for arab leaders particularly for saudi arabia and egypt earlier about this Turkish Operation because the arab league as you know has called for an extraordinary meeting over this Turkish Operation well what do you make of that i talked about the various actors who have a responsibility in this what about the arab league. Well absolutely i understand where hes coming from and that of course you know you have had saudi arabia and other partners going into yemen and there has been a disaster there when the worst humanitarian disasters of the 21st century so there are many countries in the region that can actually stand up and criticize turkey without being very hypocritical you can also add israel into that as well in a way that it deals with gaza but none of that should take away from the fact that there are obligations here in terms. Of International Law in terms of. Rules for civilians and thats not unfortunately going to be the case that its going to be a hit i fabricio in geneva ill give you the last word on what impact whats the scale of the potential humanitarian crisis we could see here if this takesh operation goes on for a while we dont know how long its going to last obviously its early days but what are the risks here for the people who work on the ground this crisis needs to and it will add it unless a crisis the syria crisis it will and only with a collective action and we dont see this happening. On that we have a hard time to believe that the use of force will bring any peace and he says that belief in syria beyond even the use of force we have very difficult issues to address we raise that issue of the refugees which is dramatic but we have also another one we should never forget is the 100 thousands of people who are in camps today people who came from the last territory have by the Islamic State group mainly civilians mainly children who had done absolutely nothing and i think this last minute area offensive show again that status quo turning a blind eye to the situation of these people in those camps is not an option and collective action is needed no one we solve this alone thank you so much well leave it on that note thank you very much for being part of this discussion mehmet the resale club only and crystal i thank you for being on inside story and thank you for watching you can always watch this program again any time by the setting our website at aljazeera dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com for stash a. J. Inside story you can of course also join the conversation on twitter the handle is that inside story for me fighting back when a whole team thanks for watching i thought i would. To strengthen the good you have to show do good all the more with your gums to fight against corruption. Destroy news heroes heroes like know who are about who refuse to 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine a light lets make the road to bed to plage nominate your Anti Corruption nero now. A clandestine world of illegal trade what you have here is not just archaeological objects youre talking about a political dimension where the spoils of war smuggled and sold to auction houses and private collectors the bank for selling an artifact is where finance is the be headaches and muslims in the middle east dont sal dont crack thats one quick solution trafficking on aljazeera. Al jazeera. The u. N. Security Council Meets to discuss the syria crisis the u. S. Ambassador warns turkey of consequences if it disregards rules during its operation against the kurds meanwhile fired salonga turkish Syrian Border as anchor us steps up its offensive against kurdish fighters. Youre watching aljazeera life from a headquarters in doha im dating you navigate also ahead top u. S. And chinese officials kick off a new round of talks to try and end the trade war thats hit economies worldwide. More anger and ecuador as indigenous Groups Joined the antigovernment protests against austerity measures. Protect syrias citizens or face the consequences thats the message by the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. To turkey following an emergency meeting of the Security Council kelly craft says turkey is now responsible for the security of both the people in the region and i still prisoners held there it comes as european members of the Security Council urged turkey to seize the operation. We are deeply concerned by the Turkish Military operation in north hes syria we call upon chucky to seize the unilateral military action as we do not believe it will address truckies underlying security concerns renewed still it uses the northeast will further undermine the stability of the whole region exacerbated civilian suffering and provoke further displacements which will further increase the number of refugees and i. D. P. s in syria and in the region would have a correspondents covering developments at the United Nations and from cali on turkeys border with syria but 1st looks at how turkey is military operation has played out so far. Turkish airstrikes and artillery bombardment are targeting the defenses of the kurdish led Syrian Democratic forces as the turkish Army Advances into northeast syria on some fronts turkish soldiers and their local allies the opposition Syrian National army pushed a few kilometers deep capturing several villages in mainly spare sleep Populated Areas the s. The f. Is outgunned and outmanned by the 2nd largest army in the Nato Alliance but kurdish led forces are putting up resistance promising to make any battle long and hard the flap to rain however will make it difficult to hold their ground in the face of heavy firepower their media focus of turkeys air and ground operation is a 100 kilometer stretch of territory from the Syrian Border town of tel me to the border town of ras alain to the east it is an area the u. S. Military would drew from earlier this week it seems the turkish army and its local allies want to secure areas before moving into towns. International aid agencies are warning of an impending humanitarian disaster they also warn of mass displacement turkish commanders say civilians and civilian infrastructure are not the targets of the Campaign Thousands of syrians are already on the move fleeing hostilities which are still largely confined to border areas but the safe zone turkey says it wants to create extends 480 kilometers along the border and 30 kilometers deep turkey says the operation is about getting rid of a Security Threat it considers the Syrian Kurdish armed group the y. P. G. Which forms the backbone of the as the f a terrorist organization the turks also want millions of refugees it is looking after to move to the safe zone both the money so you know for years syrians fled from morocco. Yes they fled from iceland the y. P. She took his province of song is home 2400000 serious and the 125000 of them live here and this Turkish Border town they need to be able to go home. The western arab countries are not on board with turkeys plan that some say will create demographic changes president Pressure Type argonne hit back. With 3600000 Syrian Refugees in our country whiting to go back to their homes the European Union look at yourself i repeat at the moment you cannot call or define the operation as an invasion our job is easy we could just open the doors and 2600000 refugees weve seen them back to you but. Saudi arabia should look in the mirror they put yemen in the situation and look whats happening in their tens of thousands of people are dying in yemen saudi arabia you should talk about this 1st you cannot criticize our operation or so egypt you cannot talk at all you are the murder of democracy in your country. Leaders of turkeys government and military commanders havent spelt out the scope of their campaign much may depend on planned talks between our 2 gone and us President Donald Trump next month but the growing criticism of turkeys actions in syria is another battle the government in ankara is facing. On the turkey syria border lets bring in our diplomatic editor joins us from the United Nations so what would you say is been the main takeaway message from the ambassadors after the closed door meeting. Im afraid its a message that weve heard so many times when it comes to syria in the last 89 half years and its not really different even though we have the new development of the Turkish Military operation and that is deep division in the u. N. Security council you just have to look at the fact that the Security Council was meeting in open session for a meeting about colombia and when they decided to discuss syria they went from the main Security Council chamber into the consultation rooms next store where they have the closed sessions of the Security Council i think they didnt want their divisions to be on display you heard from the European Union you heard what was said in their statement a moment to go and its clear that there was a lot of wrangling behind the scenes to come up with that e. U. Statement among the 5 members of the Security Council who are from the European Union and certainly france and germany wanted the strongest language france im told didnt want to any mention of what turkey had done over the last 8 years in terms of its role taking in so many refugees a lot of wrangling there one assumes there was a lot of wrangling potentially in the u. S. Administration because the u. S. Also made their statement at the end of the meeting and of course it had to take into account the u. S. Position seems to have evolved in recent days after that initial white house statement following the talks between President Trump and president on sunday which some say gave the green light to turkey to launch its operation this is what was finally said by the u. S. Ambassador. Turkey is now responsible for ensuring that all isis fighters in detention in prison remain in prison and that isis does not reconstitute itself in any way shape or form. Failure to play by the rules to protect vulnerable populations failure to guarantee that isis cannot exploit these actions to reconstitute will have cut consequences you didnt hear any statement from the president of the Security Council speaking in his capacity as the president representing all of the council because if hes going to read out words at the end of one of these closed meetings every Security Council member has to sign on to those words and i can tell you the Russian Ambassador vasoline the bones ear told reporters that they wanted if there was to be a statement one that covered all the issues of syria and not just this particular issue of recent days so again Clear Division among the Security Council all right james meigs thank you lets get an update from Charles Stratford whos joining us from cali thats near turkeys border with syria and weve seen pictures charles our fire is raging along that border area what can you tell us about the states off the operation right now. Well certainly the last couple of hours it has been relatively calm in this area certainly in relation to the incredible bombardment in the day im just hearing what sounds to be machine gun fire in the distance the turkish army has been along this border telling civilians on this side to stay in their homes and we understand according to sources the least or maybe up to 9 civilians have been killed by incoming artillery fire from across the border. We understand. The humanitarian crisis. James talking about in the u. N. Is light at the forefront. Of the agencies and people who work in the humanitarians in this region and around the world 15 humanitarian aid agencies have come together and a warning of a massive crisis and they have some figures just to put some context of what the syrians are facing. As an estimated 450000 civilians live within 5 kilometers of the perimeter. Around 90000 of them have been internally displaced in these aid agencies trying to put as much pressure as they can only International Community to force you to take great responsibility in your very being hitting civilian areas and acting as they describe it according to International Law but as we heard from james and certainly evidence on the ground would suggest here that its going to be very difficult to do the to say that they are targeting. Targets military what they describe as terrorists. They say that theyre trying to set up this safety zone to try and really halles some. Of the 3600000 refugees living in this country but when youre getting statements being made by such a large amount of humanitarian organizations so concerned for all those years of thousands of syrians across the border it just shows you you know what these people potentially are facing as we heard him say this package thousands we understand of already started fleeing the sound tell ill be behind me has an adelaide tricity now for at least 24 hours we saw it getting heavily bombarded. And literally in the last few minutes we have heard certainly according to sources that the turkish authorities in this area are now trying to push the media back to what we believe they think will be a safe area now what smells for the next few hours remains to be seen but the situation very tense and obviously a very frightening situation across the border ok at Charles Trafford thank you for that update i mean while u. S. President donald trump has doubled down on his decision to withdraw troops saying hes trying to end what he calls an endless war kimberly hellcat has the latest reaction from washington u. S. President donald trump taking to twitter on thursday morning a series of 2 tweets where he indicated hes talking to both turks

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