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Continues its military build up for an operation against kurdish fighters amid warnings it colored trigger and news imaginary and crisis and the us urges iraqs Prime Minister to exercise maximum restraint after the death of more than a 100 people in recent demonstrations. Ecuadors government says its open to international mediations the country grapples with a 6th day of anti austerity demonstrations or protest as angry after the government scrapped 40 year old fuel subsidies as part of Economic Reforms linked to an i. M. F. Loan or protesters in the capital briefly stormed the heavily guarded parliament and clashed with Security Forces and other government buildings in quito what also attacked and damaged it comes hours after president 11 moreno announced that he had temporarily moved Government Operations from the capital the center of the protests to the port city of guy or killed. Not sit with the belief that its a democratic system cannot be violated the constitution cannot be violated you cannot damage the assets of the ecuadorians and the ecuadorian people in general and of course even less damage the physical integrity of people thats why were here well motivated also accused of former president law and order and venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro of august tracing an attempted coup could a who lives in selfimposed exile in belgium denied the allegations but he did call for early elections and then. Theres no kookier conflicts and democracy are solved at the ballot box and that is precisely what we are asking in strict adherence to the constitution to allow elections to be held in event of serious social unrest such as the bone we are witnessing a latin american editor Lucien Newman has more now from quito. Im about 200 meters from the entrance to the Doors National assembly where a short while ago we had to tear down Police Barricades and almost make it inside they were pushed back with tear gas and my other 2 other methods with theyve been doing this all day long trying to pass the police these national simply and also gets the president ial palace the president himself still there we spoke to. The federation he told us it is too late now to accept the president s call for a dialogue he says an unwillingness. To stare at the measures that put in place last week there is nothing to talk about. Illyria her. Well lets get more on this now were joined by Gabriel Calderon a Research Associate at the Cato Institute and shes joining us live from very good to have you with us on aljazeera the sebring so the president has moved from the capital to where you are just how much of a threat all these protests to him given that indigenous led protests have removed 3 president s in the past. Well this is certainly a different model the president has sort of surprised everyone not only with the measure of eliminating the euro subsidies but then the decision to apply provisions in the constitution to move the seat of government its a 1st because previously what happened is that a couple 1000 from 2000 to 4000 people could generate so much unrest in the capital that a government with far and what the president has done is to try to move a step ahead of that moving the seat of government so by the time the protesters made it to the government powers and the National Assembly they had they didnt have someone to protest to because they were not they were no longer in there for safety reasons and to save our integrity of the Current Administration and the protesters are saying that the president no longer has a right to the presidency because he has fled the capital you know thats how they see it every what do you make of that. Well the president has been constantly giving information to our National Network t. V. Channels float by the joint chiefs of staff the news in command of the armed forces and the National Police and hes also you know still meeting regularly. Most of the it is and what he has done is basically about the provisions within the constitution which ones he has called a state of emergency and this has been approved by the Constitutional Court so basically what he has done is try to separate the as the survival of the government given the Institution Order provide for that is a new show or will the government now the problem is that there are still main highways our own arteries of the National Territory that are still being blocked and so some of the major cities keep dogs are starting to feel a shortage of foods but this is not because of the elimination of subsidies but maybe because of the blockade they are protesting and you know you said that the move by the president did come as a surprise to many and maybe that was because he said in his Election Campaign when he was elected in 2017 that he wouldnt do this that he wouldnt get rid of these 40 year old fuel subsidies now that he has do you think that he miscalculated the kind of reaction it would have and where to from here. Well the problem is that there is a fiscal Crisis Center has been since the year 2015 and what they have been doing is theyve been postponing adjustments and the way that they have been doing that is raising taxes and trying to meet the fiscal deficit foreign financing and foreign markets or subsidise financing from multilateral like the i. M. F. And other development bends and it came to a point that they could no longer it doesnt not suffice so they either had to raise the value out of tax which was one option on the table and they had to go through the assembly where they knew they didnt have the votes for they had to eliminate the fear subsidies or they had to cut the public sector. Public Sector Workers and so what is the quickest and easiest way and legal or constitutional was to eliminate subsidies which has been in place like you said more than 40 years since 974 weve spent 40 4000000. 00 between 2002013 only subsidies alone which amount to 80 percent of our total public so it was a very restive and costly subsidy and so the government decided that it didnt have any other option and that there were at least a realistic one that you describe these compensating lower quintiles with an increase in their. Monthly cash grants and that they were well as we wait to see how costly this will be for president we thank you very much for your time on that thats gabriel a cow there on live in gear came back to you and. To other news now u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says President Donald Trump will be held accountable after the white house declined to cooperate with an ongoing impeachment inquiry what the white house calls the probe illegitimate democrats have already warned that any star in what it would be viewed as an obstruction of justice mike hanna has more. Ambassador sunderland had flown back from brussels and was eager to appear agreement for the deposition had been reached at the state department but then at half past midnight a voicemail was left on someones lawyers phone saying the trumpet ministration would not allow him to give evidence the failure to produce this witness. The failure to produce these documents. We consider yet additional strong evidence of structure and of the constitutional functions of congress a coequal branch of Government Republican Committee Members all back to the white house move what we see in this impeachment is a Kangaroo Court and chairman shift is acting like a malicious captain kangaroo and theres no pressure whatsoever coincidentally or not a phrase very similar to that use to buy the president an hour earlier unfortunately he would be testifying before a totally compromised Kangaroo Court treated President Trump where republicans rights have been taken away and true facts are not allowed out for the public to see republican members of the house committees insist democrats have been selective in what evidence to make public particularly of that provided last week by u. S. Representative to ukraine could focus which made clear u. S. Diplomats had been discussing the preconditions for a meeting between President Trump and his ukraine counterpart this has to be a fair process and when you have a press release being drafted by our democrat colleagues cheery picking Text Messages when the full text of ambassador bowkers testimony last week would have exonerated this president lets release it ambassador sunderland was mentioned repeatedly in the testimony made public his texts and emails indicating he was in direct communication with the white house throughout the discussions about ukraine his evidence is regarded this critical in terms of understanding the motive behind the trumpet ministrations engagement with the president of ukraine and the house committees are insistent he must testify a formal subpoena has now been issued calling on ambassador sunderland to appear with all these documents. Mike hanna washington. Now jeff house has a noir executive director of the revolving door project at center for economic and policy research and he says despite the white houses intimidating behavior more whistleblowers will come forward its contested right now to see how many whistleblowers would be willing to come forward its clear that there is an effort by the white house to discourage whistle blowing and its clear that to the extent to which the name of any was or borkum you come public that individual should expect torrent of abuse and that is awful you cannot really have a Lawful Society in which people who are bringing forth evidence of abuses by superior officials feel threatened but that is whats going on and so i dont know how many whistleblowers going to be willing to come forward despite the directives from the trumpet ministration but i suspect some more will theyre ready is evidence of that but its not entirely clear and i do think it is something that congress can do is to impeach on this basis it is an obstruction of the clear Constitutional Rights and responsibilities of congress to investigate the executive Branch Congress is interested its the only organ of the government that has the clear right to remove a high official including the president and if its ability to do that is being impeded by the president if their ability to investigate potential misconduct by the president and his team is being impeded by the president that is clearly in and of itself impeachable behavior. Now the u. S. Senate Intelligence Committee has found russia was behind a social media disinflation campaign designed to influence the 2016 president ial election the Committee Report outlines how social media platforms we used to sow division and spread fake news in an effort to get donald trump and acted u. S. Intelligence chiefs trace the account of it and to that research and say thats a rational one eyes ation widely believed to be directed by the kremlin and its echoes findings in the mother reports which led to the indictment of 12 russian nationals linked to the Internet Research agency well moxie mcauliffe skase a saying if the Atlantic Councils erases santa and he says that there is now bipartisan consensus that russian to fit in the 26000. 00 election this report is not is repetitive and that it asserts that russia it was not only involved in a campaign to undermine u. S. Democracy and it lays out in excruciating 85. 00 page detail how the internet Research Associate agency played a significant role but it lays it out from a bipartisan perspective senator byrd senator warner have been investigating this for several years they have a 5 part series of reports that are coming out this year which will both provide a historical document showcasing how the United States was confronted with d one of the most important challenges to his security but also it showcases recommendations about how to move forward from a bipartisan perspective at a time when the issue of russias interference has been not necessarily one that has bipartisan consensus it hopefully will calibrate and showcase the American People that steps need to be taken to help address the threat to the 2020 alexion because as soon as this report states russia still interfering in u. S. Democracy. There are plenty more ahead of the news hour including clouds on the horizon why boston wrexham plan appears to be doomed as the deadline looms ever closer. Fears a massive spread of garbage across streets could trigger another cholera outbreak and peter has the sport including how south africa became the latest side to qualify for the Rugby World Cup quarter final its. Now an aide to turkeys president says a military intervention against the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces or s. D. F. In Northern Syria is set to begin shortly well Kurdish Forces have warned that any military escalation in syria could lead to the return of eisel and cause a mass displacement of people turkey considers the kurdish militias which dominate s. C. F. As terrorists and wants to drive them away from its border strafford reports from turkeys border with syria. Turkish every weapon the same across the Syrian Border towards the town of tel aviv. The mainly kurdish Syrian Democratic forces or s. D. S. Defeated i see here in 2050 with the help of u. S. Led coalition forces. The turkish government describes the main fighting force of the s. D. F. As a terrorist organization linked to its outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party which is fought against the turkish government for decades the s. D. F. Control around 430 kilometers of syrian territory along the Turkish Border they have fought and worked alongside u. S. Troops for years they say u. S. President s dont trops decision to withdraw the nearly one sells and american soldiers is a stab in the back. A woman gives turkey an opportunity to attack that he got to key out how to get a set of threats made by turkey to attack the area is not something new they have consistently done it for years we as Syrian Democratic forces take the matter into account and are fully prepared to fiercely respond to any imminent attack on syrian soil. Turkeys government says it wants to create what it describes as a safety zone of around 30 kilometers in the site syria so around 2000000 of the 3600000 Syrian Refugees in turkey can return what youre looking at there is a turkish artillery position now locals tell us that the army came a couple of weeks ago to set that position up meanwhile across the border s. T. s forces are saying any military operation by turkey could risk the global fight against leisel there are thousands of eisel fighters in s. D. F. Jails the u. S. President donald trump says turkey must be a complete responsibility for any eisel fight is that a scape during a military operation turkey has so far no clear plan about how to deal with thousands of children are still fighters on the syrian side of the border in towns like to lobby out people who have already suffered years of war are afraid and says. More people will be displaced. If you ask anyone leaving but eventually we will be displaced. The prospect of more suffering for the people of Northern Syria is very real the turkish army says preparations for a potential military operation complete. That aljazeera on the turkish Syrian Border. Now iraqs government is on the pressure to deliver on its promises and jobs and Training Programs after one week of violent protests appear to have calmed more than a 100 people were killed and 6000 and june rallies against corruption and widespread unemployment among can reports from baghdad. Somewhere in this crowd is a hussein hes 30 years old this video was recorded on friday in the Southern City baghdad he decided to join the young people in his neighborhood after he saw them spontaneously protest hes asked us to hide his identity because he was detained on the 1st day of the demonstrations he says the iraqi police made him to leave videos respond and sign a declaration that he wouldnt take part in further demonstrations. I decided to demonstrate because its our legal right under the constitution we didnt demand that the government resign its been elected by the people but we want an end to the corruption and provide justice to all iraqis also we want young people to get jobs housing and older people to get its unfair that some politically connected people have jobs and others dont. His words echoed by people here at. That demanding jobs within iraqs Security Forces Prime Minister id love to lawdy has promised security jobs as part of planned reforms in the wake of these protests are no no not on the sob let alone off and i got you know i came here at 4 30 am to enroll the guard told me to go home and play Computer Games is this how you treat someone who is looking for work what i want. Its not just iraq to pull him wonderful outside the Prime Ministers Office Engineers are also demanding jobs and transparency. And he has fallen into sweeping protesting for 90 days if you dont have the ability to provide us with jobs then why are we going to university why do we study so hard you might as well close the colleges. Iraqi government insists is working to improve the Economic Situation and has announced a set of potential reforms intended to tackle corruption and reduce unemployment the governments under a tremendous amount of pressure not just from Civil Society but also from religious parties and the opposition now some say they want new elections others say that they want reforms to be implemented immediately now theres a low in the protest but how long that last really depends on the protestors and what they feel the demands of being the center iraq on aljazeera baghdad. Now u. S. Secretary of state my pump has the Iraqi Government to exercise maximum restraint hes been speaking to the iraqi Prime Minister and our correspondent robin jordan is joining us live from washington d. C. So talk us through the statement. Well according to the timing of the statement it comes about 24 hours after the iraqi Prime Minister put out a version of his phone call with the secretary of state mike pompei oh for a little bit of context elizabeth consider that it was traveling in europe during the past week when these protests broke out not just in baghdad but in other parts of iraq the conversation according to the state department was that mr pompei you said that he was dismayed by the violence im paraphrasing here that he condemned the violence that those who may have committed Human Rights Violations should have been punished and you could perhaps read that as a reference to those Security Forces who may have used live ammunition against demonstrators during the past week of protests and he also was urged the Prime Minister and his government to do Everything Possible to respond to the protesters demands which are largely economic in nature get rid of political corruption make employment much more possible for a very young population make certain that the basics of life electricity clean water available food make certain that all of that is plentiful and that people arent having to live in what they are calling desperate circumstances this is the 1st official comment that weve been able to determine from the trumpet ministration since these protests started a week ago and its a very tough statement elizabeth assurance ross thank you very much for that for now thats rosin jordan with the latest on that statement from washington d. C. Thank you. Now the European Council president is warning boss johnson not to play games as the deadline for breaks it inches closer russias media is reporting that german chancellor Angela Merkel has made it clear that a date is overwhelmingly unlikely thats following a quote Frank Exchange with the british Prime Minister laurence lee reports now from london. By the time Boris Johnsons cabinets arrived for their morning meeting westminster was awash with the news that downing street had decided to play hardball with the European Union. Probably they havent even been briefed on the suggestion of the u. K. Looked like readying itself to collapse the talks on a compromise deal but that does appear to be the suggestion so just with the delaying of disruptive and annoying tactics of the opposition we say on behalf of the 17400000 enough enough enough we need to leave. Downing street then brief that the german chancellor had demanded that the economy of Northern Ireland stay in the news all thats putting the last nail in the coffin but the e. U. Insisted the talks were not yet that technical talks are continuing today so i dont see how talks could have actually been broken down if they are happening today and in the days to continue there is no denying the loss of faith the president of the European Council donald tusk tweeted this Boris Johnson whats at stake is not winning some stupid blame game at stake is the future of europe and the u. K. As well as the security and interests of our people you dont want to deal you dont want an extension you dont want to revoke. Which is latin for where are you going. With parliament suspended from wednesday opposition parties now assume johnston will call an election next week after accepting a breakfast extension as demanded by parliament and then campaigning to leave the e. U. With no deal by getting them to then offer the extension cuts on the 17th of october on the 18th of october when European Council meet he would then be able to say to parliament and to Jeremy Corbyn in particular ive got beat. I want my general election now and i think in those circumstances jeremy called would be highly likely to say yes the blame game between london and brussels mirrors the entire debate theres precious little left except bad blood certainly the European Union never really thought that Boris Johnson administration was actually interested in the deal because his proposed compromise over what happens in Northern Ireland is so complicated and convoluted the e. U. Thinks it was basically set up to fail if hes assume though that if Boris Johnson asks them for an extension to breakfasts they will draw in states if only as a last chance hope that a different government might be elected in a National Election which could save the u. K. And the e. U. From a no deal brics it barnsley aljazeera in london. Still ahead on the deans our satirical costume itself quick on the latest target of chinese censorship but its creators are backing down. By striking doctors in zimbabwe is that the pay rise offered to them is more than day and a cure and as iran prepares to allow female fans into football stadiums exclusively with one of the women helping drive change and have country. The weathers slushy fun to drive across a good part of china at the moment some cloud does some lively showers just around heartland into the gulf of tonkin northern parts of vietnam can expect to see some rain over the next dial to the hong kong temperatures here at around 31. 00 degrees with the next couple of days some of the pictures you go through perhaps showers down towards the southwest tending to peter out in the process in vietnam does that lousy dry by this stay dry to into indonesia but quite a rash of showers across malaysia pushing a little further north towards southern parts of india china can expect to see the usual hefty showers from time to time some big downpours there over towards Southern Vietnam you notice also looking rather wet the my peninsula will deposit some ultra because but to see some very heavy rain see as we go on through the course it will be some sunshine in between these are of course heat of the day showers sunshine say making its way across northwestern parts of in the end now but still some rather larvae showers downpours the monsoon rains of course over towards a more feast bear being go all over towards bangladesh into the eastern side of the country still some showers rolling up the west and gets a little bit of rain to affecting parts of sri lanka. The weather sponsored by countdown and. When youre from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. You have to fight to defy stereotypes. And on the morning dont champion the stories we dont often hear told by the people who live them you know might join one when they. Go by the. Sound of the box set this is us. On aljazeera. Office a photo opportunity for manning. And big profits for. If you but its tourists flooded europes must see destination. Tensions rising. With local communities paying a heavy price for popularity. Asks what are the true economic and environmental costs of europes tourism. Zira. Good to have you with us on the aljazeera news hour and these are our top stories thousands of protesters have clashed with Security Forces in ecuadors capital quito during a set for the day of violent demonstrations protesters are angry after the government scrapped fuel subsidies as part of Economic Reforms linked to an i. M. F. Loan. Us house Speaker Nancy Pelosi says President Donald Trump will be held accountable after the white house declined to cooperate with the ongoing impeachment inquiry democrats have warned that this would be viewed as obstruction of justice or trump says the investigation launched by House Democrats violates the constitution and an aide to turkeys president says a military intervention against the kurdish led syria Democratic Forces is set to begin shortly Kurdish Forces have warned that any military escalation in northeastern syria could lead to the return of i saw it and cause a mass displacement of people. To yemen now where fuel shortages making life even more difficult for millions of people the hokies who control the capital sanaa say they havent been any shipments of fuel all basic necessities despite the withdrawal of their fighters from the key port of her data mohamed at the ports. Our son ali collects plastic bottles from this pile of garbage and sun are he has a lot to choose from because a shortage of fuel means the citys garbage is not being moved out to landfills this has become the only way for others to survive. And being then. We are happy that this place become the main garbage Collection Center we sell plastics for 3 us dollars but it hardly covers the needs of our family. Many of the citys garbage trucks are part of this deposit in the capital the man charge of operations here says at least 2 tons of garbage are piling up every day is appealing to the international community. Will consume nearly 300000 liters of diesel a month even in the Current Crisis we wont be able to deliver our services to the community if the crisis persists trucks on low the garbage him at this makeshift Collection Center this is our 1st initiative to cut down consumption of fuel. Health experts are warning of a president mental crisis that could drag another cholera outbreak the recent one you know that at least 3000 people. Who call an International Health officials warn this fuel and garbage crisis could hamper their 1st to eradicate cholera so far at least 100 yemenis have died from the water Borne Disease this year a good enough to help get a current fuel crisis is likely to undermine our efforts to lower the case of cholera and of a mix the spread of garbage and sewage water main reasons behind the spread of such diseases. The crisis has not only affected garbage collection its also making it difficult for people to move around the city public transport is difficult to find how manasseh used to work as a driver for a private company. Lost my job because the Company Owner couldnt allocate diesel juicer the severe shortage of it now i cannot even afford to refill my gas cylinder as gas prices are high as well life has become very difficult in our country. The hoses say despite giving up control of course including in the south and the last years sweden agreement shipments of fuel and other goods and not coming through. In accordance with the sweden agreement the port of her died has come under the supervision of the un especially after the hutus retreated far kilometers in compliance with the signed agreement. For millions of yemenis like as an alley and his friends what was already a difficult life has become even more challenging those who were once able to feed themselves and now picking through rubbish and the hopes of earnings and living. As it are. Now an activist who was jailed for rioting in hong kong 3 years ago is a back in court for an appeal hearing and a large crowd gathered outside the high court in support of edward nail he was sentenced to 6 years in prison for his involvement in a violent clash with police here and comes at a time when hong kong has been gripped by months of demonstrations against the growing influence of Mainland China in the territories affairs. Meanwhile u. S. Politicians are telling the n. B. A. Not to back down against china after the general manager of the Houston Rockets Basketball Team tweeted support for the protests in hong kong where chinese businesses have been 7 links with the u. S. Based governing governing body and. T. V. Rights deal is on the threat matheson has the latest from beijing. Just 7 words have plunged the u. S. National basketball into a geopolitical crisis with billions of dollars in chinese sponsorship and t. V. Rights at stake on friday Donald Morley general manager of the Houston Rockets n. B. A. Team tweeted fight for freedom stand with hong kong in support of antigovernment demonstrations there. China is furious it regularly complains about what it sees as foreign interference in internal matters we are not apologizing for daryl exercising his freedom of expression i regret again having communicated directly with many friends in china that so many people are upset including. Millions and millions of our fans frantic attempts by madi in the n. B. A. To pacify china have resulted in fierce criticism particularly from u. S. Politicians hong kong has been part of china under the one country 2 systems plan since it was handed over by the u. K. In 1907 just months after paying billions of dollars to extend its streaming deal with the n. B. A. A Chinese Company 10 cent says it wont show any more rockets effectively cutting the houston t. V. Off from chinese basketball fans so as iraq is fan very disappointed as a chinese i feel very disappointed by his comments basketball is popular in china chinese style ya ming played his entire hall of fame career with the Houston Rockets hes now chairman of the China Basketball Association which says its canceling a Cooperation Agreement with the rockets the n. B. A. Is not the only organization to have to apologize in the face of chinese anger in the past gap the Marriott Hotel group and daimler car company have all had to backtrack the Hong Kong Airline Cathay Pacific even sacked some of its staff who publicly supported the protest in hong kong because it was worried it was going to lose access to valuable chinese airspace analysts say anyone who accepts Chinese Investment should be aware of chinas sensitivities he crossed the line. And then which. Many. Swung. From overseas we know we know it shouldnt you know no one. China is not the only country to use investment as leverage but critics say that when the n. B. A. Has been faced with a choice between freedom of speech and the risk of losing billions of dollars chinas money talks rob matheson aljazeera beijing. And a satirical american t. V. Show has become the latest to spark anger in china after the show took aim at chinas human rights record the cartoon shows south park produce an episode depicting prison camps and political indoctrination it also examines how hollywood would sell senses to appeal to the Chinese Market well the program was quickly taken offline in china and a Video Streaming Service in the country stopped showing south park episodes while the shows creators issued a tongue in cheek apology they said like the n. B. A. We welcome the chinese sense into our homes and into our hearts we too love money more than freedom and democracy but other companies have bowed to chinese pressure a video game maker Activision Blizzard has kicked a Hong Kong Esports competitor out of the tournament after he voiced support for the protest movement they also seized his prize money for i phone users in hong kong and macau a recent Software Update stopped the taiwan flag m o g from showing china considers taiwan a rogue province even chinese celebrities are taking a stand in august a number of them cut ties with Luxury Fashion brands the saatchi coach and she after the labels identified hong kong and taiwan as countries now china has denounced the u. S. Decision to impose visa restrictions on a number of its officials over beijings treatment of muslim minorities earlier washington blacklisted 28 Chinese Companies that develop facial Recognition Technology saying its being used to repress wiggo muslims in the west region of sion jank Rights Groups say china has detained around a 1000000 wiggers and other muslims in what it calls reeducation camps china says the camps of Vocational Training schools and necessary to fight terrorism. There are fears an outbreak of african swine fever in north korea is spreading south korea has reported 13 cases of the disease which is fatal to pigs are harmless to humans but the government insall says its struggling to get information from pyongyang when he reports. South korea is on high alert for a possible threat coming across the border from north korea this time its not a military threat but a biological one in the form of african swine fever and it may be an impossible one to defend against because of the 250 kilometer long Demilitarized Zone that separates the 2 countries from well you know. We cant control the spread of the virus from other countries like china airports or seaports however we have Little Information about north korea i mean its a relief that there is no exchange of people or goods but even if the south becomes free of the virus we will always continue to have a big headache in a lot of. The South Koreans arent sure where the virus came from but the 1st case was reported in north korea in may intelligence reports suggest its now spread around much of the reclusive country last month south korea reported its 1st case prompting the government to begin culling pigs on farms in the area vehicles coming in going from places where the disease has been found or being sprayed with chemicals to prevent it spreading further. Proving that the virus came across the border from north korea will be difficult if not impossible obviously there is no human or vehicle traffic through this area but there is animal traffic and last week the body of a dead wild boar tested positive for the disease elsewhere evidence of what south korea is trying to avoid china the Worlds Largest poor producer has seen almost 200000000 pigs killed or culled and its production is forecast to be down by 25 percent this year the virus is now being found in around 50 countries and is wiped out more than a quarter of the worlds pig population to help them fight the outbreak the South Koreans have been trying to get more information from the north. Unloaded and as we have mentioned previously we have informed the north of the operator of the in the south and also proposed to corporate on quarantine efforts but theyve had no response in the meantime dire intensifying their battle against african swine fever but they know theres nothing they can do about whats going on in north korea wayne hay aljazeera island south korea. The bangladesh now a students have staged a 2nd day of protests at universities after an undergraduate was beaten to death the 21 year old was allegedly killed by a ruling Party Activist for criticizing the government on his facebook posts 100 child he has. Hundreds of student gathered there at the Dhaka University campus to protest against the killing of a fellow student allegedly by the Ruling Party Members a proud father 21 year old story up bangladesh engineering and Technology University was brutally murdered by the ruling party strong wings member on sunday late evening similar protests been held in other parts of the campuses across the country here some reaction. Anyway and thats why we are in handy for tasks to ensure that the maximum amount of punishment goes for we are here because our friend was killed brutally and we want to put up honest with the highest punishment and we want the proper justice uproar was jailed for merely posting a critical review on the government recent signing an agreement with the Indian Government on water sharing gas export and few other items now the strewn across here are outraged all across the country for this killing the nation is outraged this is not the 1st time the ruling party story when members have been used as an auxiliary force to suffer arrest and repress common students Free Expression and dissent against the government. Now former colombian president has been testifying before the countrys Supreme Court as part of an investigation into whether he participated in what miss tampering and bribery it is the 1st time former president has been called to testify the 4 court on allegations that could lead to criminal charges. Reports from bogota. Surrounded by bodyguards and political allies former colombian president climb the stairs of the Supreme Court and tuesday with the country collectively holding its breath. For the 1st time a former colombian president could be facing criminal charges as supporters and opponents of the still popular right wing leader confront. Each other in front of the tribute. Was the protesters calling him a criminal and the beast as as his supporters are known trying to silence them with horns. What they did was that we came here today to finally demand justice from our system what are you by is an assassin who belongs in jail this hearing is just the tip of the iceberg of all the crimes he has come as it. Would have us 8 years in office were beset by corruption in serious human rights abuses but for many colombians he remains the countrys savior the president who fought colombias rebel fighters bring the country back from the brink of becoming a failed state now hes being investigated for witness scampering in a case dealing with his alleged connections to paramilitary groups. His supporters who questions the courts independence hes simply the victim of a conspiracy. He has persecuted this country as criminals can realize drug traffickers he demobilize paramilitary thats why hes the victim of a plot against one its a conspirators in the political left trying to take over the country and they will feel that the judges of the Supreme Court have been preparing this hearing for over a year and said they have at least 100 questions for only a bit to answer. This is the 1st day of closed door Court Proceedings and its highly unlikely that decision will be released before at least another couple of days of questioning leaving the country in suspense about the fate of this trial is a person who raises passions both from supporters and detractors alike and so i think that regardless of what happens nobodys going to be per perfectly content with the courts decision but we need to stand by it and stand by our institutions was leaving office. Popular and divisive equally and glorified whatever to try to use decision risks for deepening divisions in the country. To zimbabwe now where striking doctors have defied a Government Order to return to work they rejected a 60 percent pay rise saying its not enough to keep up with soaring prices how to toss the reports from harare tendai miss us 16 year old son broke his leg last month she took him to a Public Hospital only to be told doctors have been on strike over pay and wages for more than a month her sons been admitted but she says all nurses can do for him is keep him comfortable. I dont have x. Ray vision i can see whats happening inside his leg what if it is infected and rotting we are begging the government to talk to the doctors patrick a dear and a 7 year old son blessid were told to come back after a month when maybe the strike will be over d. Ease just a charm or they had to do is remove his coat they say only specialists can do that i dont understand they are meant to care for the sick it seemed heartless. Until there is a breakthrough zimbabwes Public Hospitals are barely functioning doctors have long complained about pay and working conditions they want their salaries in u. S. Dollars or the equivalent amount at the official bank rate. Last week unions rejected the governments offer of a 60 percent Salary Increase saying after deductions they are taking home basically nothing this is the entrance to the casualty ward usually its busy with many people coming in and out but several patients say theyve been turned away only emergency cases are being treated. Where possible contingency measures have been put in place. Some of the wards have been combined for ease or for provision of services and the government has requested assistance for im a uniformed. Forces we have doctors from the army from the police as well is from the prisons the country is suffering its worst economic crisis in a decade president innocent and douglass bring the economy back from the dead and its patience but those words will be difficult except for straight to doctors and those who need medical care fuel prices go up every week that means Everything Else drastically increases for the poor living in zimbabwe is becoming increasingly challenging. Aljazeera. Portugals caretaker Prime Minister has been tasked with forming a new government despite his Party Falling just shy of a full majority well the countrys president met leaders from all parties following sundays election and declared antonio cost the premier designit the socialist party one hour from talks with his minority governments of far left allies from the Previous Legislature now this years nobel prize in physics has been awarded to 3 scientists for their research into the universes history and structure the prize will be shared between a canadian american James Peebles and to us was scientists michel maior and did a year kilos or peoples developed a framework thats become the foundation of the current understanding of the history of the universe while mayo and kelloggs won their discovery of the 1st planet outside the solar system thats an exoplanet orbiting a star. Now more than 800000. 00 people in california will have their power caught in an effort to prevent new wildfires residents have been stocking up on ice and other items of preparation for the shutdown which is due to start a midnight local time on wednesday its the largest preventative outage in state history as dry windy weather increases the chance of fires that may be several days before power is fully restored. Johnson and johnson has been told it must pay 8000000000. 00 in damages after a man taking its anti psychotic drug respect all grew breasts a jury in the us found the pharmaceutical giant had failed to warn the cholas mary and other young men of the side effects johnson and johnson has labeled the award grossly disproportionate and says its confident it will be overturned. Still ahead on the. Whole the. History. Thank you very much south africa have booked their place at the Rugby World Cup quarter finals with the threshing of canada in cobi the springboks school tame tries in an emphatic 667 victory was there enough hattrick in the opening 20 minutes well fly half elton yankees kicked 16 points canada also had to play no than half the game with just 14 men of the josh lawson or center for a shoulder charge the bonus point win potentially put south africa on a collision course to make japan in the last 8 the boks would be looking for revenge if that does happen japan beat them when their mates in the pool stages of the 2050 world cup 7 time european champions ac milan have sacked their coach marco jump elo of the just 7 games in charge jump elo oversaw 4 defeats during that time it leaves milan in 13th place in the italian said they are and already 10 points behind leaders you ventus they last won the league in 2011 and their only soloway since then has been the telly and super cup meanwhile the u. A. E. Chairman who is also the head of european footballs Clubs Association and they are nearly says he will continue his attempts to reform the Champions League despite his master plan being rejected last month and he wants to change how clubs qualify from domestic leagues but as aljazeera as lee wellings explains hes facing strong resistance from within the game. Andrae and yeah they were speaking up one of the biggest Global Sports business events called latest which is like i said the home of english rugby twickenham or the world cup is being played in japan before paul was very much what was being discussed here on the controversial subject of how european football to look in the fiction now and yet hes really pushing for reform that will bring friends the Champions League effectively to the bigger clubs smaller clubs fights against that last month are not trying to hold out a fight but he says it really is about meritocracy we want an inclusive platform and these are the principles inclusive plan for all clubs based on sport emerged overseas and the historical bridge and that is challenging the access is that is that this is them through the domestic leagues exactly what we want or do we want to also value the sporting married on the page through International Competition itself the most important thing is that the qualification for the International Competitions has to go via the domestically. Just the connection which the fans would like to have this is contained in connection with the least in the majority of the clubs would like to. Otherwise they did you kill the dream and if you queue the dream you killed the interest for the competition. There is currently a lot of tension and suspicion around european cup football and its future so those that are involved are worried about it i need to make to get in the on told here in london again next week most of the worlds leading cobbs are involved in this and i want to get this right i might show that the future is bright irans female football fans already to make history on thursday when theyll be allowed into the stadium to watch their mens team play cambodia in a world cup qualifier but the decision has been made by protests in tehran with demonstrations outside the Parliament Building a correspondent saying baz ravi sat down with irans Vice President of the and Womens Affairs for an exclusive interview. Sometimes this issue is blown out of proportion i think the important area which is sometimes now overlooked on this issue of womens. Attending different football events or entering the stadiums is the issue of sports for you vonnie and women in general. Women are now entering for several years in National Leagues championships in different fields including football including volleyball including different types of sports you know your government the government youre a part of is arguably one of the most progressive that iran has seen in recent memory certainly but you have 54 on one side that is pressuring iran threatening to ban iran from International Competition on the other side you have hard liner saying that they dont want women to have open access to be able to enter the stadiums freely in some ways it really seems like the government is caught in the middle its like dancing in a 2 headed snake you know how do you how do you square the circle how do you think we see that now were seeing the results were seeing that the government has made serious efforts that and and we hope to see a game where we have women sitting in the stadium and watching them i think that we were moving ahead. American gymnast simone biles made history at the World Championships in stuttgart on tuesday shes become the most successful woman ever to compete at the event after winning her 21st middle the u. S. Took gold in the team event for the 1st time in a row biles has tipped to win more titles when the individual competitions begin later in the week at the shanghai masters tennis Roger Federer had an easy ride into the last 16 on tuesday the 2 time champion beat albert ramos when you lost in straight sets to progress andy murrays run at the 2 numbers ended in round 2 by fabulous form i can thats all the sport we have for now stay tuned for more again later. Thank you very much peter and that does it for the news hour thank you for watching. On behalf of her majestys government i apologize on reservedly historic apology for one of the darkest episodes in British Intelligence and theres a growing agreement of that the libyans could be quite useful to the west 8 years after the death of gadhafi aljazeera world investigates western collusion with the Libyan Security services. Gadaffi rendition and the west. On aljazeera. And the slaughter of the most incredible stories are often true. And cheering doll experiences. Makes the on for me or for me or. In this life diversity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something much greater than ourselves in this life what i want to lose is freedom of expression. The right to mortgage. Sean and a lot into the darkness. Because you dislike the desire to understand the world. Makes us human. And the human condition is universal. One simple mistake could be fatal. To fishing as a deep sea diver carries immense risk to the lives of those willing to take the chance but for former north koreans. Deal pitching new tea for a prosperous new life in the south with his family was an even bigger risk to take. A witness documentary on aljazeera. Telling calle says the ecuadorian president stands firm against amounts to reinstate feel self that is. Hello welcome to our jazeera life and im latina and its also coming up. The white house says it wont cooperate with what it calls an illegitimate impeachment inquiry by the democratic party

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