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As an anti austerity process deepen ecuadors government signals its open to International Mediation for a zone of the crisis. And a cash crisis at the u. N. Which warns it might not be able to keep up its global commitments including paying staff at the end of the month. Kurdish forces of want any military escalation in northeast syria could lead to a return of i saw and cause a mass displacement of people turkish troops are gathering near the Syrian Border in preparation for an offensive against the kurdish s. D. Eth if there is a preemptive strike by ankara targeting the syrian iraqi border in an attempt to cut kurdish supply lines the us president denies hes abandoned kurdish fighters after announcing he would withdraw american troops from the region hes also. Down his language towards ankara praising turkey is a trade partner. The rhetoric the un france and germany have all found at the. Could have a significant humanitarian impacts in the region. And reports from the turkish Syrian Border turkish heavy weapons aim across the Syrian Border towards the town of tilapia. The mainly Kurdish Syrian Democratic forces or s. D. F. Defeated eisel here in 2050 with the help of u. S. Led coalition forces. The turkish government describes the main fighting force of the s. D. F. As a terrorist organization linked to its outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party which is fought against the turkish government for decades the s. D. F. Control around 430 kilometers of syrian territory along the Turkish Border they have fought and worked alongside the u. S. Troops for years they say u. S. President s dont trumps decision to withdraw the nearly 1000 american soldiers is a stab in the back one that gives turkey an opportunity to attack that turkey and how they said threats made by turkey to attack the area is not something new they have consistently done it for years we as Syrian Democratic forces take the matter into account and are fully prepared to fiercely respond to any imminent attack on syrian soil. Turkeys government says it wants to create what it describes as a safety zone of around 30 kilometers in the site syria so around 2000000 of the 3600000 Syrian Refugees in turkey can return. What youre looking at there is a turkish artillery position now locals tell us that the army came a couple of weeks ago to set that position up we want to cross the border as the air forces are saying any military operation by turkey could risk the global fight against leisel there are cells of eisel fighters in s. T. s jails the us President Donald Trump says turkey must bear complete responsibility for any eisel fight is that a scape during a military operation turkey has so far offered no clear plan about how to deal with thousands of children are still fighters on the syrian side of the border towns like to lobby out people who have already suffered years of war are afraid and says. It more in ops people will be wanting to blend displaced there should be go if you ask anyone saying were not leaving but eventually we will be displaced. The prospect of more suffering for the people of Northern Syria is very real the turkish army says preparations for a potential military operation are complete. Aljazeera on the turkish Syrian Border well as the situation develops the u. N. Secretary general has called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint there i spoke to some u. N. Ambassadors about the risk of a turkish offensive in syria. We have heard rumors of turkish interventions and its brings concerns to hers it could have significant humanitarian impact on this region. We are still very concerned with the fights against day the Global Coalition has been doing a great job since 20140 its a success and we should note job it is a success day she still present in syria in iraq the fight against day shes not over with regard to the north east of syria of course is very worrying. We know the concerns that turkey has but again theres only a political solution and we are very afraid that any. Military operation will again have disastrous humanitarian consequences so we are indeed concerned about what we have been reading about the situation. Where u. S. President donald trump has invited his turkish counterpart raja to the white house next month how could how small details. What we do know is theres been a real shift in tone with regard to the u. S. President his relationship with turkey i mean just 24 hours ago the u. S. President was promising on twitter to obliterate turkeys economy if it did anything that was not consistent with the u. S. Wishes now the u. S. President on Tuesday Morning promising a very strong relationship with turkey saying things and reminding perhaps u. S. Voters particularly that turkey is an important trading partner that there is an important value to the nato relationship that the 2 share and that there is a partnership when it comes to the collaboration of the building of the f. 35. 00 fighter jet that the u. S. Of course is very fond of now in the midst of all of this the u. S. President is also saying that he will not in any way abandon the kurdish fighters that the u. S. Has been fighting alongside to defeat eisel in recent years but i can still tell you that the shift in syria strategy out of the u. S. President that was announced late on sunday evening is not sitting well with even members of his own Republican Party one of the latest senator marco rubio who has called the president s stance morally repugnant and a stain on the nations reputation even as the president touts the benefits of the relationship with turkey in the United States there is considerable concern about turkeys actions into northern into the northeast region of syria and how that could affect the can the Kurdish People particularly the kurdish fighters that have been so loyal to the United States. The white house says it will not cooperate with an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump it says the investigation which was launched by democrats without a full vote by the house of representatives violates a constitutionally mandated process trumpet ministration has also blocked the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. From appearing in front of congress as part of the inquiry my kind of reports. Ambassador sunderland had flown back from brussels and was eager to appear agreement for the deposition had been reached at the state department but then at half past midnight a voicemail was left on someones lawyers phone saying the trumpet ministration would not allow him to give evidence the failure to produce this witness. The failure to produce these documents. We consider yet additional strong evidence of structure and of the constitutional functions of congress a coequal branch of Government Republican Committee Members all back to the white house move what we see in this impeachment is a Kangaroo Court and chairman shift is acting like a malicious captain kangaroo there was no pressure whatsoever coincidentally or not a phrase very similar to that used to by the president an hour earlier unfortunately he would be testifying before a totally compromised Kangaroo Court treated President Trump where republicans rights have been taken away and true facts are not allowed out for the public to see republican members of the house committees insist democrats have been selective in what evidence to make public particularly of that provided last week by u. S. Representative to ukraine could focus which made clear u. S. Diplomats had been discussing the preconditions for a meeting between President Trump and his ukraine counterpart this has to be a fair process and when you have a press release being drafted by our democrat colleagues cheery picking Text Messages when the full text of ambassador bowkers testimony last week would have exonerated this president lets release it ambassador sunderland was mentioned repeatedly in the testimony made public his texts and emails indicating he was in direct communication with the white house throughout the discussions about ukraine his evidence is regarded this critical in terms of understanding the motive behind the trumpet ministrations engagement with the president of ukraine and the house committees are insistent he must testify a formal subpoena has now been issued calling on ambassador sunderland to appear with all these documents. Mike hanna washington. The u. S. Senate Intelligence Committee has found russia was behind a social media disinform ation campaign designed to influence the 2016 president ial election the report outlines how social media platforms were used to sow division and spread fake news in efforts to get donald trump elected also in jordan has more from washington d. C. The report from the senate Intelligence Committee is part 2 of its investigation into illegal foreign interference in the 2016 president ial election as many people already know it was the Internet Research agency run by a man with very close ties to the kremlin that was behind the massive social media manipulation that was designed one to destroy Political Support for Hillary Clinton the democratic nominee to to build Political Support for donald trump the republican nominee who is now the us president and 3 something that many people did not know before now to want to destroy the reputations of those republicans running against mr trump including the u. S. Senators ted cruz and marco rubio and so the senate Intelligence Committee is calling on the general public on the u. S. Government and on Tech Companies to try to find ways to promote more transparency to try to promote ways of closing off the back doors or security flaws that allow Incorrect Information to jump from website to website with rapid speed and 3 it does call on the American Public to be much more sophisticated about what it reads on social media to be much more skeptical to ask questions to do research and not simply like or read tweet information just because it seems to confirm their world view they had no that that might be the hardest part of trying to stop what they still say is a very deceptive Disinformation Campaign leading up to the 2020 election. Protesters have clashed with Security Forces in ecuadors capital as the country grapples with a 6th day of anti austerity demonstrations thousands of Indigenous People have converged on quito barricading roads and burning tires theyre angry the government has sparked 40 year old fuel subsidies ecuadors president has temporarily moved the government away from quito to the coastal city of q a latin america at a solution here newman has more. You know im about 150 meters from the entrance to the National Assembly in a park which is practically the place where the indigenous groups of this country meet and that is exactly where theyve been coming convened and there are thousands and thousands of them have come from all over the country to protest and to demand that either president border no repeal the austerity measures that he put in place last week or that he resign he is not here as you just mentioned but that hasnt stopped them from coming here and in fact about half an hour ago they managed to break down the barriers that the riot police had put up and almost made it into the National Assembly in other parts of the city where we were near the president ial palace theyve been battling running battles between police and protesters that have been penned off with tear gas they too were trying to reach the president ial palace to make the point that they are hearing that theyre not going to need keep all the Political Capital of this country until they get what they want in this city all right still ahead on the program as the brics it deadline to. The u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson is criticised for playing stupid. On the promise of jobs to stop widespread protests now iraqis are demanding the government for these 3 but its. Striking we have a direct. Deposit queensland lives in New South Wales but some welcome the coming for you to see this area just. Go. Back on recent days 27 impressed but then as we go on through never sort of the country. Perth gets up to 29 degrees arm where the state 26 as we go on into thursday and slushy fine in try from a got those showers the show is just not in the way into the east coast of queensland so whats a weather also not begin to new zealand over the next day or so thats the case into the south on a lot of the cloud rolling across the ditch south island turning increasingly wet and windy not a bad day for the north island on wednesday but the cloud of rain will filter its way in here as we go on into thursday cloud and rain making its way towards to pad over the next couple of days in the foremost super typhoon the base at the moment it is fine and dry and thats the case wednesday going on into thursday big start see the outer bands of the system pushing its way and thats going to gradually making its way further northwards running up towards tokyo as we go on through the course of the weekend. When youre from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. You have to fight to defy stereotypes. I dont know the meaning going to. The stories we dont often hear told by the people who live them in all my only joy in one line when theyre. In a club and survived the initial. Sound of the box set this is you. On aljazeera. Again undermined at the top stories on aljazeera a Kurdish Forces of want any military escalation in northeast syria could lead to a return of i saw calls of mass displacement of people to accuse preparing for an offensive against the kurdish s. D. F. Which it considers to be a terrorist group. The white house says it will not cooperate with an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump it says the investigation which was launched by democrats without a full vote by the house of representatives violates a constitutionally mandated process. Thousands of protesters have clashed with Security Forces in ecuadors capital quito during a 6 day of violent demonstrations over the fuel price rises. The United Nations is suffering a cash crisis and is warning its operations around the world could be compromised a 3rd of its Member States havent paid their share of the costs including the u. S. Which owes more than one 1000000000. 00 its told aljazeera it will provide the vast majority of what it owes by the end of the year all diplomatic efforts have james base reports. If the un hadnt already made severe cuts to its budget it wouldnt have had enough money to stage the high level week of the u. N. General assembly when World Leaders visited new york last month secretary general antonio good terrorists said the organization is confronting its worst financial situation in a decade the organization is facing a c. V. Here financial crisis to be more specific as c. V. A liquidity crisis the question is simple without cash the budget cannot be properly implemented our work in the already forms and at risk the secretary general was very clear about the dire problems the un is facing but at no point did he list the countries that are causing it by not paying what they owe and surely youve got a big problem here and you need to name the people responsible for it theres 193 Member States 129 have paid up in for the balance as not of those who havent paid the us which has the largest g. D. P. In the world owes by far the most a sum of over 1000000000. 00 and 55000000. 00 thats more than all the other 63. 00 countries on the list of those who havent paid put together the u. S. Also owes well over 2000000000. 00 to the separate Un Peacekeeping budget james pays out jazeera but the United Nations. The president of the European Council has accused the british Prime Minister of engaging in quote stupid blame games as the bracks a deadline edges closer this is british media say the german chancellor has made it clear to Boris Johnson that a brics a deal is overwhelmingly unlikely or ensley reports. By the time Boris Johnsons cabinets arrive for their morning meeting westminster was awash with the news that downing street had decided to play hardball with the European Union. Probably they havent even been briefed on the suggestion of the u. K. Looked like readying itself to collapse the talks on a compromise deal but that does appear to be the suggestion so just with a delaying disruptive and annoying tactics of the opposition we say on behalf of the 17400000 enough enough enough we need to leave. Downing street then brief that the german chancellor had demanded that the economy of Northern Ireland stay in the news but in the last nail in the coffin but the e. U. Insisted the talks were not yet dead technical talks are continuing to date so i dont see how talks could have actually been broken down if they are happening today and in the days to continue there is no denying the loss of faith though the president of the European Council donald tusk tweeted this Boris Johnson whats at stake is not winning some stupid blame game at stake is the future of europe and the u. K. As well as the security and interests of our people you dont want to deal you dont want an extension you dont want to revoke. Which is latin for where are you going. With parliament suspended from wednesday opposition parties now assume johnson will call an election next week after accepting a breakfast extension as demanded by parliament and then campaigning to leave the e. U. With no deal by getting them to then offer the extension perhaps on the 17th of october on the 18th of october when European Council meet he would then be able to say to parliament and to Jeremy Corbyn in particular ive got the stench i want my general election now and i think in those circumstances jeremy corps will be highly likely to say yes the blame game between london and brussels mirrors the entire brics a debate theres precious little left except bad blood certainly the European Union never really thought that Boris Johnson administration was actually interested in the deal because his proposed compromise over what happens in Northern Ireland is so complicated and convoluted the e. U. Thinks it was basically set up to fail it is assume though that if Boris Johnson asks them for an extension to breakfasts they will grant states if only as a last chance hope that a different government might be elected in a National Election which could save the u. K. And the e. U. From a no deal bricks it morally aljazeera in london. French president Emmanuel Mccall has led a National Tribute to the 4 Police Officers killed by their own colleague last week the states knife attack was carried out by a Technology Administrator who had links to an ultra conservative muslim theyd meant now the governments coming under increased pressure to explain how warnings were missed. To reports from paris. It was a somber ceremony in heavy rain Police Officers carried the coffins of their 4 colleagues killed in a knife attack on thursday pariss Police Headquarters by a man whod worked alongside them for years investigators say the attackers had been radicalized after converting to islam the french president called on the nation to be on guard against what he called dangerous ideas 1st on the block lets come together on stubbss islamism stop its deadly ideologies or to our nose or rights and i will fly police say the killer was 45 year old mikaela harp on a computer expert who worked for the police and 2003 most recently in the Intelligence Unit french media report that investigators searching his home found a u. S. B. Key containing the names and personal addresses of hundreds of Police Officers the president of frances National Assembly has called for an investigation some of the attackers colleagues say they raise their concerns about his behavior with their superiors but that they were ignored the French Interior minister has admitted pain isnt procedure but he says there were no warning signs of. The attack it was someone who was relatively well regarded his qualities were noted there were no signs of radicalization this man didnt hide that he converted to islam but its not because youre a muslim that you are a terrorist. To parliamentary committees questioned kasten air over possible security lapses some opposition politicians say he should resign soon look pretty tricky was you missed that the politicians who must take responsibility its clear mr because danielle is not doing his job in terms of security politics by not telling the truth and not giving police the manes they need to work. Police Union Leaders in france say moral is low and officers are increasingly the target of public anger and assaults but few Police Officers could have imagined that someone within their own ranks could have turned against them so violently. Aljazeera paris. The u. S. Has announced a visa restrictions on a number of chinese officials over what it describes as the repression of wego muslims in the Western Region of. It comes a day after washington blacklisted 28 Chinese Companies to develop facial Recognition Technology saying its being used to oppress muslim minorities Rights Groups say china has detained around 1000000 we guess and other muslims in what it calls we educate camps china says the camps are vacation training skills necessary to control terrorism iraqs government is under pressure to deliver on its promises of jobs after a week of violent protests appear to have calmed well 100 people were killed and 6000 injured during rallies against corruption and widespread unemployment imran khan reports from baghdad. Somewhere in this crowd is a hussein hes 30 years old this video was recorded on friday the Southern City baghdad he decided to join the young people in his neighborhood after he saw them spontaneously protest hes asked us to hide his identity because he was detained on the 1st day of the demonstrations he says the iraqi police made him delete videos respond and sign a declaration that he wouldnt take part in further demonstrations. Or help i decided to demonstrate because its our legal right under the constitution we didnt demand that the government resign its been elected by the people but we want an end to the corruption and provide justice to all iraqis also we want young people to get jobs housing and older people to get its unfair that some politically connected people have jobs and others dont. His words echoed by people here at both on that demanding jobs within iraq Security Forces Prime Minister id love to lawdy has promised security jobs as part of planned reforms in the wake of these protests are no no not on the sob that almost i got you know i came here 4 30 am to enroll the guard told me to go home and play Computer Games is this how you treat someone who is looking for work what i want. The its just iraqs pole who want reform outside the Prime Ministers Office Engineers and also demanding job and transparency. As he has fallen into sweeping protesting for 90 days if you dont have the ability to provide us with jobs then why we going to university why do we study so hard you might as well close the colleges. Iraqi government insists is working to improve the Economic Situation and has announced a set of potential reforms intended to tackle corruption and reduce unemployment the governments under a tremendous amount of pressure not just from Civil Society but also from religious parties and the opposition now some say they want new elections others say that they want reforms to be implemented immediately now theres a low in the protest but how long that last really depends on the protestors and what they feel that demands of being this into iraq on aljazeera baghdad more than a 1000000000 people worldwide are living with a Vision Impairment or blindness because of a lack of basic Health Care Plus according to a new report by the world health organization. Many people exactly want at least 1000000000 people do not have access to the care they need for example there are 65000000 people around the world that need a cut that acts but do not have access to it or there are 1000000000 people around the world that would need glasses but they dont have access to that glasses and i think every one of us who wear our glasses and would imagine how life could be with glasses 24 hours a day and for 300. 00. 65 days a year can imagine very well how defeat call it all the activities that we can that. We would not have access to is simple pair of glasses this years nobel prize in physics has been awarded to 3 scientists for their research into the universes history and structure the prize will be shared between canadian american james peoples and swiss scientists michelle mare and da. Mabels developed a framework thats become the foundation of the understanding of the history of the universe. Well recognized for that discovery of the 1st planets outside our solar system an exoplanet orbiting a star. I dont mind at the top stories on al jazeera Kurdish Forces of want any military escalation in northeast syria could lead to a return of eisel and calls a must displacement of people to troops are gathering near the Syrian Border in preparation for an offensive against the kurdish s. T. s u. S. President denies hes abandoned kurdish fighters softer announcing hed pull american troops from the region but he has invited the turkish president to visit the white house next month to be how could how small 24 hours ago the u. S. President was promising on twitter to obliterate turkeys economy if it did anything that was not consistent with the u. S. Wishes now the u. S. President on Tuesday Morning promising a very strong relationship with turkey saying things that reminding perhaps u. S. Voters particularly that turkey is an important trading partner that there is an important value to the nato relationship that the 2 share and that there is a partnership when it comes to the collaboration of the building of the f. 35. 00 fighter jet that the u. S. Of course is very fond of. The white house says it will not cooperate with an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump it says the investigation which was launched by democrats with hours of full vote by the house of representatives violates a constitutionally mandated process well earlier the Trump Administration blocked the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. From appearing in front of congress as part of the inquiry Text Messages show gordon somnolent is a central figure in allegations that trump tried to pressure ukraine to investigate a political rival. The us senate Intelligence Committee has found russia was behind a social media dissin from a shin campaign designed to influence the 2016 president ial election the Committee Report outlines how social media platforms were used to so division and spread fake news in an effort to get donald trump elected. Protesters have clashed with Security Forces in ecuadors capital as the country grapples with a 6th day of anti austerity demonstrations thousands of Indigenous People have converged on quito barricading roads and tires angry the government has scrapped 40 year old fuel subsidies and those were his headlines on al jazeera this is europe is next. Aljazeera states with every single. Him up its a moment of this now he can. Use in something and yet invent a box of us from the bottom up

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