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However the story in the u. S. Was the amount of heat this is in this bottom right hand corner where it is just confined to the bottom right hand corner has gone from the eastern seaboard where temperatures were in the thirtys and weve got storms developing in yet another system running out of the midwest which will keep the temperatures back where they should be twentys at best densities behind that it doesnt a particular wintry now in montana nor indeed in western canada where it was recently invent the whole of the west and over the states and kind of reserve back in the sunshine and quite weather from that still a bit of snow to come in b. C. But thats not that unusual that the act was going to be along this line here i think this darker green suggests some pretty big thunderstorms so anywhere from texas up to the Northeast Corner and Eastern Canada with humid weather confined to georgia for the florida and maybe the carolinas but as hot as it was there and is actually not far away from florida you can run yourself down from your eyes down towards cuba the bahamas and see if you can spot the yucatan this is a very wet area at the moment its pretty steady 30 and humid but the thunderstorms can be pretty vicious and that was the case in jamaica they drifting slowly away but cuba is still almost covered in potential thunderstorms. Can see. And experience the world like never before cats are always going to places together. Welcome back a quick reminder the top stories here on the aljazeera north koreas chief Nuclear Negotiator kim yong gil says hes called off denuclearization talks with the United States and sweden saying washington has brought nothing to the table. And iran has been more antigovernment unrest on live fire in the capital baghdad almost 100 people have died in the last 5 days of protests a number of t. V. Stations have also been attacked. And a Court Hearing is taking place in hong kong over the face mask back imposed by the Carrier Group of prodemocracy legislators say the ban undermines the rule of law most of the citys metro stations remained shut after several vandalized by testers. Now a 2nd intelligence official is considering filing a whistleblower complaint against u. S. President donald trump thats according to the New York Times this person reportedly has more direct knowledge regarding trumps dealings with ukraine the president has been accused of using his position to get the country to investigate his political rivals an impeachment inquiry is now underway. Well your sect of state might pump a 0 has defended the state department missing a deadline to turn over documents relating to that inquiry he says his office sent a letter to congress as an initial response speaking in greece he also said he didnt believe people were interested in the investigation i think they want to know about the relationship with america greece im convinced of that right there is this is this is the this is this is whats this is whats wrong when the world doesnt focus on the things that are right the things that matter the things that impact real peoples lives and instead you get caught up in some silly gotcha game you see thats not thats not healthy that doesnt help democracies flourish it doesnt help grow economies what it does is it destroys peoples belief that the people who have this charge right as a reporter as a journalist the people who have this charge arent really focused on the things that matter to people because look i was on the phone call i was im on almost every phone call with the president with every world leader the president has every right to have these set of conversations well pump air was in greece to sign a Defense Agreement that will see an american base established near the Turkish Border on the separatist 8 want turkey against any illegal drilling in the east Mediterranean Sea johnson reports now from athens. The revised defense Cooperation Agreement between the u. S. And greece opens the way for u. S. Military spending here greeces Defense Budget has been cut almost in a huff during its recent financial crisis not only will joint defense exercises increase u. S. Forces are expected to build a new navy and air force base in oleksandr in northeast greece which will supply nato allies bulgaria and romania that route bypasses the bosphorus controlled by turkey suggesting that the us is looking for alternative routes the us turkey relationship is also under pressure in the Eastern Mediterranean thats where turkey has sent drill ships to explore for oil and gas in waters claimed by European Union members cyprus the e. U. And us say the turkish explorations are illegal the United States is eager to partnership with greece on a range of Energy Issues for the sake of your prosperity and a stable Eastern Mediterranean region. Last march i met with the leaders of cyprus greece and israel jerusalem we free countries with free markets want to achieve Energy Security together we want to make sure that rules govern International Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea its Energy Resources and that no country can hold europe hostage greece stands to gain strategically from closer Energy Cooperation with the u. S. As well it is building gas facilities that will allow to transport u. S. Liquefied natural gas to the balkans upsetting a russian monopoly and the bigger u. S. Military footprint helps greece feel more secure in its tense relationship with turkey in the aegean greece is the beneficiary of the deteriorating u. S. Relationship with turkey whose dependability as an ally the u. S. Has begun to question not only do the 2 disagree on how to fight the war in syria the u. S. Sees turkeys purchase of russian s 400 surface to air missiles as a breach of alliance in spirit and then theres the increasingly difficult relationship between the European Union and turkey when it comes to refugees reese has to worry not about perhaps an imminent war with turkey but that turkey is. Using all of strengths and all its. Abilities to conduct what one might say is a hybrid war against country. The migrant issue being part of this of course. There are those who believe that the migratory flows are regulated by turkey could be to act as a weapon. Against Greek Society the deepening relationship with the us marks greece increasingly as an eastern border of the western security arrangement in many ways its a renewal of cold war ties in which lines of allegiance are now being drawn through the aegean with the benefits and risks that come with it jumps up. Aljazeera athens in ecuador protesters took to the streets for a 3rd day demonstrating against cuts to fuel subsidies protesters blocked roads and put up barricades in the capital quito despite the unrest president lenin merino says he has no plans to reverse his decision to scrap the subsidies he said he wont bow to those he called criminals nearly 370. 00 people have been arrested during the protests now bushfires are still burning in parts of australia a month after they began and usually early start to fires at the very beginning of spring was because of an extended drought is the worst southeast australia has ever had under thomas reports now from armidale in New South Wales australia for a month large areas of southeastern australia have been burning a month not at the height of summer but in early spring the reason hot dry conditions and the years of drought theres been so little rain to maurice in the ground and replenish rivers reservoirs and lakes that firefighters are fighting fire largely without water were using minimal water but its just a matter of breaking up before breaking up the fuel. For. That all because of a drought. Vi fighters werent able to fight the bushfires effectively or quickly enough and nearly hayes parents had hundreds of cows in these fields now the earth is black and some still smolders 2 weeks after the flames huge losses up to 20250 cows and the cops. Heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking most of the animals bodies havent been found but some have horribly burnt wild kangaroos also on able to escape. The fires have been devastating to some around here but even for those farmers unaffected by the flames things arent much better. Than hasnt been substantial rain on andrew camerons cattle and sheep farm since february of 28 team cameron says the near 2 year drought is the worst on record yeah were currently sitting on 100. 00 millimeters since january laois run for on record nor a 90 with a bad 424. 00 millimeters so were still. A long why belie that with only 3 months of the year to guy less than half of your worst Previous Year yes they scurried yet. Without grass in fields farmers have to buy grain and hay to feed their livestock there were straightly as government subsidizes animal feed it still costs farmers like cameron hundreds of thousands of dollars but Climate Change is making this the new normal and fires in spring something to expect we still have people in the Northern Hemisphere fighting forest was over there as way starting to come into our season over here in the Southern Hemisphere what we saw 1015 years ago was a distinct illini i should between i seasons and theyre saying that theyre actually starting to cross over a little bit they could yet cross over more Andrew Thomas aljazeera armadale australia and became a fossil at least 20 people have been killed in an attack on a gold mining site it happened in the northern part of the country in so province its the latest in a series of attacks over the past 4 and a half years with many armed groups operating in the region some less than a year to alqaeda and i still. Cameroons Opposition Leader has been freed by a military court on the orders of the president or his counter was jailed and generate organizing protests he was released along with 136 other prisoners it follows an amnesty granted to 330 prisoners accused of crimes against the state often in just a portion of the capital yelling day. Opposition leader orders come to breathe the air of freedom as hes driven out of your own demain prison why he spent the last 9 months hundreds of supporters had gathered to see him walk a free man chanting party songs. On the other side of the city his supporters had earlier gathered at the military tribunals why hes been standing trial they wanted to catch a glimpse of the hero. Has to come to him and other detainees arrive in a convoy of prison vehicles to sign their release documents. Opposition leaders say the choice of court to try them in the 1st place was wrong. Its not good for the justice to admit to being division of the executive. Dont assume and i defended. I am not. Proud of what happened a year when. We prepare our arguments against it. In front of the leadership of. The amnesty granted to Opposition Leaders and supporters came just hours after the end of a National Dialogue called by the president from the tribunal they want to turn to the Central Prison to be joined by family members before heading home. The Opposition Leader had been in prison since his arrest for leading protest against an election result he denounced us for lent is party insists the healing process can only begin when such and reforms are carried out. We have the problem of the electoral system that means that we have to discuss it if the reform of the trust is there because we have to make sure that that if there is no point that theres an. Election and if there is not nor reforms of the electoral system now then we can be spread out what happened in the progression will happen again long term president paul bia has promised to implement the recommendations of the National Dialogue that include some form of decentralization of powers to the regions it so far ordered the release of nearly 500. 00 prisoners including those who fought against the state many years welcomed the recent release of hundreds of Political Prisoners and rebels say its an important 1st step towards healing divisions in the country the pressure on the rebels to do the same but have so far dismissed recent government concessions as cosmetics. Many leaders of the separatist movement calling for the creation of an independent state of them remain behind bars its not clear if they to meet again their freedom soon already some cameroonian say the government had conceded too much of a decrease. You know in the room now the trade war between the u. S. And china has led fashion brands to shift production areas a hot spot for many of those companies is bangladesh but locals there say low wages in the governments lack supposed to safety and labor standards are not set in the countrys best interests on the charger reports. Bangladeshs Garment Industry is 2nd largest clothing exporter in the world after china it accounts for 80 percent of the countrys total exports and its expected to benefit the most from the fall out of the u. S. China trade war u. S. Retailers are placing more orders with bangladesh to offset increasing tariffs on chinese goods because of the fact that there is no trade war buyers in the u. S. Because of the present age theyre looking at this region and bangladesh is certainly one of the beneficiaries of those orders coming in to avoid the effects of the trade war chinese factories are relocating to elsewhere in asia bangladesh is low wage gives it a Competitive Edge in this labor intensive industry bangladesh has the most sustainable supply chain currently and we are the most compliant therefore there is no reason for bangladesh not to gain from this from this opportunity but we would need the help because consistently bangladesh has suffered a decline in prices so we seek the cooperation and empathy of the rest of the world. Apparel exporter has boomed in recent years but workers are not satisfied with the new minimum wage set by the government last year. Trade war with china is turning out to be a blessing for a banker this is a Garment Industry which has benefited from a rise in demand for its good but on a recent study 91 percent of the workers said their income in themselves and their families. There has been criticism from the Workers Union and n. G. O. S that the rise in export benefit only the factory owners and International Buyers not the workers gloppy part of being a garment worker lives with her family in a small one room quarter she struggles with her Monthly Expenses without her husbands income it would be hard for the family to get by. Its still very difficult for us i have to spend a considerable amount for my Childrens School fees and other expenses like medicine food rent and so on although the countrys government export to the u. S. Market grew in recent months things may not remain so rosy if president trams goes ahead with his plan any impose additional tariffs on apparently imports bangladesh already plays 15. 3 percent duties to the u. S. Amongst the highest of any nation tender child really ill just. Bangladesh. Time for a quick check of the headlines here this hour north koreas chief Nuclear Negotiator kim yong gil has called off denuclearization talks with the United States in sweden he says washington has brought nothing to the table delegations from both countries went to discuss ending its Nuclear Program in exchange for sanctions being lifted. In iraq theres been more antigovernment unrest and live fire in the capital baghdad. Almost 100 people have died in the last 5 days of protests a number of t. V. Stations have also been attacked. A Court Hearing is taking place in hong kong over the facemask ban imposed by leader kerry nom a group of prodemocracy legislators say the ban undermines the rule of law most of the citys metro stations remain shut after several vandalized by protesters from a group of prodemocracy legislators say theyve applied for an injunction on the mosque as it undermines the rule of law today is about offshore terrorism versus the rule of law i would say this is one of the most important constitutional cases in the history of hong kong are we facing off or terry where the government can say whatever is law is law and that whatever it is apply and we say when they would be repealed then we would be repealed or is it the case that hong kong still have the rule of law that we are still governed by the rule of law and the common law principles of the separation of powers and that is why the Legislative Council is here are asking the court to make a determination on the legislative roll off the Legislative Council there are warnings of a dire situation in yemen after weeks of fuel shortages the countrys old ministry is blaming the Saudi Led Coalition for imposing restrictions on fuel tankers the Ministry Says one tanker was allowed in 2 weeks ago but only provided enough fuel for 5 days Officials Say the shortage is affecting every day life jordans government says its reached a paid deal with the Teachers Union to end a month long strike protests by thousands of teachers was the longest Public Sector strike in the countrys history. That affected more than 1500000. 00 students in Public Schools the deal will raise teachers allowances from 35 percent to 60 percent from next year for those with the headlines the news continues here on his era after counting the costs so much and by that. Recently reelected for a 2nd 5. We asked the president of malawi a battle aged Election Fraud and corruption allegations made against you even how corrupt is malarky the president of. Aljazeera. Hello im sam is a that this is counting the cost of aljazeera the weekly look at the world of business and economics this week germany heading for recession with anger merkel put aside their concerns about that and splash the cash this stimulate the economy. The worst wildfires in decades and the rising threat of thats a terrific asian farmers in the amazon fear their livelihoods are on the threat. Of dollars in black gold along the way patagonia could help and argentinas economic problems because the country have a plan to satisfy Oil Explorers and environmentalist. Germany is europes engine of growth right now its splattering though and could slip into recession finds itself caught in the middle of the u. S. President s trade war with china thats hurting Global Growth and as one of the worlds leading exporters its one track that cant escape or vats tips german industry which accounts for a 5th of its economy into recession and unemployment is holding up at almost record levels thats just one positive for the economy but then has also been running budget surpluses over the last 5 years and has enough headroom to stimulate the economy but chancellor Angela Merkel isnt willing to travel down that road that when it came goes to the heart of the countrys problems. The production line is a busy place these cars will be on the road very soon helping drive the German Economy as they themselves are driven and yet for some time their overall direction of travel has been worrying the construct is under god as a comic and country with high export numbers germany is facing considerable challenges the politicians need to take urgent steps to strengthen the country as an industrial location again particularly on the International Stage we need rapid consistent implementation not long discussions one complicating factor for manufacturers is their commitment to low and eventually no emission vehicles part of a revolution in thinking whose cost implications are considerable he offered if you would the world. As if. Yes some. Just in this. Journey thats what i feel that my. Job is because assembling an electric car takes 30 percent less work than does a conventionally powered one some models on the market today have more than 100. 00 fewer working parts than petrol powered alternatives all of which worries trades unions a glance at the figures shows the scale of the problem last year vehicles represented almost 17 percent of all german export revenue amounting to more than 263000000000. 00 in the 1st half of this year overall germany exported more than 750000000000. 00 worth of goods down to 6 point one percent compared to the same period one year earlier but in one key canonic indicator the situation is more rosy unemployment is at its lowest since 1980 such figures give confidence to germany. Political leaders who recognize potential recession is close at hand and are willing to consider some kind of stimulus package. As mine as it is theres a constant stream it with Solid Financial Foundation as we are in a position to counter an economic crisis with many many billions of euros if one actually breaks in germany and europe will really do it there because its come there she and i cannot mix an active policy against the crisis these are adults mostly that yes. But what makes the carmakers predicament standout is that other areas of the transport industry are still growing as in berlin with the increasing number of east scooters and electric mopeds one firm says its experience has been very positive you can apply the service to every big city where the needs of an easy and more Flexible Transportation is there. Since the beginning was started in 2016 with balances then we expanded every year and one new city except this year 2019 we expanded in our active cities with 500. 00 which is person. Other industries are also expanding such as in construction where turnover in building completion work was up almost 5 percent in the 2nd quarter of this year on the same period last year and the number of people employed in construction was up 1. 4 percent on last year which explains perhaps why at least in public ministers are upbeat. Whats most important of course is that the states total debt is on the decline so the clout of this yes will follow below 60 percent of g. D. P. This means that for the 1st time since 2002 germany will stick to the upper limit of the masters treaty whats noticeable is that Public Perception of the threat of recession has not grown yet analysts say the absence of negative indicators is the reason as of a month when see when you look at the Economic Expectations its clear that consumers see a rising risk for reception at the same time they dont see any direct effect on themselves yet they believe their consumption can remain unchanged as a 2nd which allows the major most of manufacturers to continue to hawk their way as as here in the frankfurt motor show at b. M. W. They say the risk of recession is not something they worry too much about well were actually doing quite well in the German Market so with our new products we are gaining market share in the German Market so in that sense we are actually quite optimistic we see a positive impact of our new vehicles and yet the underlying reality is that overall the car industry here is proving less popular abroad for 2 years the trend of export sales has been downward and explains why this is the one part of the German Economy where alarm bells on now ringing dominic cain aljazeera speak. Well joining me now via skype from brussels is of us hes a senior fellow at bruegel good to have you with us so should the German Government be considering a stimulus package right now. The German Economy shows very serious signs of weakening and in particular eurozone economy and orders from the eurozone and also he car so i sync it would be indeed a time to consider some fiscal stimulus in germany this would also be motivated by defect that in the past 7 or 8 years germany or these had a much better budget position than planned so the order is somehow other than the budget that is but it turned out to be better it means that germany has a lot of fiscal space and i see it should use this fiscal space now to give a stimulus to germany and that would also benefit the test of the euro area for a talk about how to use that fiscal space spend businesses often complain about the poor infrastructure do you think thats an obstacle the growth of the government should be addressing with that fiscal space yes the number of reports which look at Public Infrastructure and many of these reports indicate that there are major investment needs there so clearly Public Infrastructure is one avenue on the other avenue would be to providing tax breaks for investment because investment is very low in germany so anything which can stimulate affleck investment and also private investment but very much come theres always a question of how far you go in using any fiscal space do you think the government should give up on the balanced budget rule that its been following that a more fundamental question with the current balance budget rule public debt of germany will be used to very very low levels. Now the most recent forecast of the i. M. F. Such as that gross public debt g. D. P. In germany will decline to just about 40 percent intensity 24. 00 which is barely below the masti 60 percent where you and i think a country like germany could afford having a larger public debt and also there are major investment needs at least for the transition to a Carbon Neutral economy so i saying that the budget rule should be considerate and much more forceful Investment Program need to be implemented in germany thats interesting and when you when you listen to not only what youre saying there about what the outgoing head of the European Central bank mario druggies been talk about when he said you know central governments need to do more is it in the kitty of really the European Central bank is that the limits of its sort of policy abilities or more needs to fall on National Governments in europe Going Forward i think so on the e. C. B. Has slightly kind of that was its rate from minus 0. 4 minus 0. 5 percent to 10 hours that it feel resume government want purchases but only 20000000000. 00 euro spent months which is just one force of the amount of the mass the amount the e. C. B. Perches in 2016 so clearly the e. C. V. Is reaching the limits of its monetary actions and now i think even before i mean many many years ago in my view fiscal policy should have taken a much more stronger or in supporting the euro eurozone economy but especially now when the e. C. B. Reaching its limits fiscal policy should be even more important why when you look at the unemployment picture for example in germany its holding up pretty well how might that change if the country heads into recession. Unemployment is very low germany almost just st percent at the same time its also important to emphasize that Labor Force Participation is going up which means that more and more people would like to work even those who in the past the kids didnt want to go or which is a good news but either recession a number of jobs will be at risk we are hearing very bad figures from german manufacturing and sooner or later it might lead to decrease in employment i think it is still take time even during the Global Crisis of 200789 german employment held up quite well partly because employers moved their employees to 2 part i was issuance you sort of laying them off the offer than it was issuance and thereby they were able to reduce. Rooted out actually more people and they expect that something similar would happen in an next recession but if so then if the recession the last long there sooner or later that you know youre in unemployment figures or i thank so much for your thoughts on that. Well as we move toward 5 g. Mobile technology there are growing concerns that with more devices connected to the internet Cyber Attacks could also increase and nothing exists in isolation you see the world leader in 5 g. Technology is chinas while away which is at the center of that trade war between the United States

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