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To 2 part i was issuance you sort of laying them off the offer than it was issues and thereby you were able to reduce. Rooted out actually more people and i expect that something similar will happen in an next recession but if so then if the recession be last long there sooner or later that you know youre in unemployment figures or i thank so much for your thoughts on that. Well as we move toward 5 g. Mobile technology there are growing concerns that with more devices connected to the internet Cyber Attacks could also increase and nothing exists in isolation you see the world leader in 5 g. Technology is chinas while away which is at the center of that trade war between the United States and china now the u. S. Believes while weighs 5 g. Technology could be used by china to spy on other nations in Sensitive Industries protecting our ability to surf the net to use our mobile phones and apps is a 100000000000. 00 u. S. Dollar a year industry its startling that 88 percent of businesses have experienced Cyber Attacks in the last year and alarmingly one in 3 of been breached more than 3 times in the last year according to research by Cyber Security Company Carbon black. With the trade war a Global Economic slowdown and the president facing impeachment on economics and is of course top with the chief executive of carbon black he began by asking Patrick Morley whether the advent of 5 g. Should concern us in todays world theres an arms race going on and every time a Large Technology moves are made theres risk because theres a whole economy around Cyber Security and around attackers and 5 g. Is going to provide a lot of new capabilities thats going to help a lot of Companies Globally and consumers globally but it same time will introduce new risks and what do those risks look like well interesting thing if you if you look at other Large Technology moves that have occurred over the last number of years what weve seen continuously is that the problem the 2 primary groups that are driving attacks globally which is nation states which are countries like china and russia north korea and iran as well as organized crime quickly figure out how to leverage these next moves from a Technology Platform standpoint in order to advance their aims whether or not those aims are to go collect information about other countries to sway political issues in those countries or if its organized crime to actually make money off of these new technology moves and so we dont exactly know how 5 g. Will introduce new risks we just know it will so walk away is one of the companies which is leading the field in 5 g. Technology the United States believes that one way is the back door for the Chinese State to spy on the u. S. Is that something that you agree with. Well we certainly understand some of the concerns that the u. S. Has stated and and we also recognize that china from an attack standpoint is driving a lot of the attacks as to whether or not wall way actually has those back doors or not we havent actually done the research to be able to say that but we certainly understand that theres concerns coming out of the political connection to the economic drivers that china has and obviously while weight provides a lot of the infrastructure globally right now for countries and and so we certainly take. The point of view that the u. S. Must have some insight but we cant comment on ourselves and you know you mentioned china there are lots as one of the leading nations where its had a coming from but does the u. S. Use similar methods against the Chinese State. Well what we do know is that there are a number of attacks that come out of the u. S. As well most of those in our research are actually from an organized crime standpoint and theyre also from whats called an Island Hopping standpoint which is other countries using the u. S. As a launching point for attacks we also know given some of whats occurred across the globe over the last few years that the u. S. Leverage is techniques as well from an attack standpoint. And as to whether or not theyre attacking china or not again when we look at what what were seeing across the globe we cant comment specifically whether or not their government generated attacks coming out of the u. S. But we certainly see attacks coming from the u. S. And what ways integral to President Trumps trade war with china. Whats the impact on u. S. Businesses from that trade will. Well certainly what weve all seen is that theres concerns across the Global Economy on the trade war happening right now its not just the u. S. Thats impacted its countries across the Globe Companies across the globe are all interwoven today and certainly you know theres recognition that the ongoing trade war right now is not necessarily good for any of the global economies whether or not those are the u. S. Economy chinese economy or other colonies across the globe and when it comes to President Trump himself as well we have a president who isnt afraid of calling out company c. E. O. s or companies or the fed chairman. And hes now possibly facing impeachment how does that affect business. Uncertainty causes concern across Global Markets and for Business Leaders across the globe you have to ask yourself what the potential impacts are to you and to your company and what we see from an attack standpoint. From a Cyber Security standpoint is all of this uncertainty again creates opportunities for nation state attackers to leverage whats happening inside of Different Countries across the globe to drive their own agenda the political instability thats created by. By the impeach possible impeachment process is that healthy for the economy and its a distraction for businesses well i think certainly any time theres question marks about the government in particular about the president it does call and it calls risk from for Business Leaders within that country and certainly we see a bit of that the u. S. Having said that in the u. S. Right now trump has been very aggressive about his willingness to call call out different organizations etc so i think the u. S. Economy at least right now is a bit used to it. Wildfires are still burning in brazils amazon forest prompting a warning from some scientists that escalating deforestation could eventually turn the rain forest into a dry savannah despite present. Caving into pressure and placing a 60 day ban on fires for clearing farmland wildfires are only just slightly down from the highest number in a decade the sinew and reports from the state of matter gross or. 60 year old agronomist. Walks through the charred remains of his land for the 1st time since fire destroyed it all those this is the sum these were my seedling beads 4 years of work here you would grab the dirt and it smelled differently it had life now its an. But governor will apply to sustainable system without artificial fertilisers only native species to make the land more productive. But all his work to grow his 1st pineapples sugarcane fruit trees and corn went up in smoke in just a few minutes he says that d. N. A. Filmed this video on september 7th just before he had to run to save himself. He describes whats left a surprise to total dysart occasion. The characteristic of the snakes of forest is its ability to survive decades of fires but with every new fire it becomes more degraded and smaller until it withers away and the only thing left is it does it. Last month the number of wildfires in the amazon tripled compared to the Previous Year and as elsewhere here in the most impacted state they continue spreading until a week ago all this looked like a kind of in chanted forest what scientists call an environmental corridor with more than 100 native species and not just trees but also animals like wild deer armadillos wars pumas and many many more are the fires have destroyed all this in some cases were accidental in others intentional but in all cases they were manmade. The Mato Grosso State Environmental Department argues that the number of fires is relative. Compared to 20 i tane which was a rainy year the. Amount of deforestation will double this year yet if you compare it to other years its quite everetts nothing extraordinary. But thats not really the veil says shes lived in the area for 20 years and says her family never experienced anything close to an wildfires came right up to their doorstep they survived by a miracle she says. Im very frightened still too afraid to even go to work because i dont want to leave the house and my family alone its generous. Shes right to be worried the temperatures have been hovering at nearly 43. 00 degrees for weeks the start of the rainy season is at least a month away and even that wont guarantee that this vital Tropical Forest will be out of the danger to sea and human ill just see that shot blathered be let out a swimmer is ill argentina is tapping into its shale oil results this try and find a way out of its economic troubles with Michael Moore at the basin in patagonia is said to be the 2nd largest shale Oil Development in the world throws about reports. The vacuum one of the shale for mation in argentina by their own year is home to some of the largest and convention an oil and gas deposits in the world. Even though it was 1st discovered a century ago exploration and development in the area began recently and it has changed the life of one year as created in the province of no can forever. Game to find work she says thousands of others are doing the same. There is a real state deficit not only companies are bringing people to work here but there are others who come to find work because there is full employment here my grandson found a job in a few days that doesnt happen anywhere else in the country the oil and Gas Industries booming here and companies from around the world are flocking to walk on water which means dead cow in spanish. 4 provinces in the country covering an area of 30000 square kilometers one of the remains largely untapped and thats why argentina needs for incompetence to help explore and exploiting this area but the current Economic Crises and Government Policies oppose a major challenge to this area that if well developed could help solve argentinas endemic economic problems last month that government announced that contracts would be paid at a set Exchange Rate far weaker than the market rate it also froze an increase in the price of fuel for 90 days now it authorized this morning crease but Companies Investing here i worried and some have in their operations he said what is the leader of the powerful Workers Labor Union he says im one of the meets predictability. In this activity there cannot be uncertainty you need to give clear steps this Business Needs to be like everywhere else in the world why do we have to be different we all have this wealth and should be able to generate job stability we want to create legislation that the guy who is in power in argentina they cannot be changed in detail the Business Needs to be run by development in this area comes with a cost to get the oil and gas out Companies Use fracking last year greenpeace told and british dutch group shell of dumping highly toxic waste threatening wildlife and human health. The extraction of oil and gas is not ecological we have to begin with that it has an impact on the environment and the residues of what they extract and up somewhere we have to develop more plants to deal with these residues and even more investment in these areas we have to mitigate the impact of future generations. Is in desperate need of funds and hes one of the ways it has to get but only a serious long Term Government plan is what will guarantee that what is extracted here will change argentinas future for good. And thats our show for this week but remember you can get in touch with us via twitter use the hash tag a j c t c when you do. Counting the cost of aljazeera dot that is our address theres more for you online at aljazeera dot com slash. Thatll take you straight to our page which has individual reports links and entire episodes for you to catch up on. For this edition of counting the cost im sorry say that from the whole team here thanks for joining us. To strengthen the good you have to show do good all the more with the come still fight against corruption. This for new cierra which heroes like know who are about to be refused a 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight the dark are used to shine a light lets make the road to bed to please nominate your Anti Corruption mirror. Almost 100 dead after 5 days of protests in iraq but efforts to hold an emergency session in parliament failed. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera life from london also coming up. Protesters the fi a masked baron in hong kong where much of the city has ground to hold out for another night of violence north korea says its broken off Nuclear Talks with the u. S. And sweden blaming washington for the failure and how baby edward could help bring the northern white rhino back from the brink of extinction. Thank you for joining us we begin the program in iraq where there has been more antigovernment unrest and live fire in the capital baghdad Officials Say that at least 5 protesters have been killed after a 2 day curfew there ended Security Forces were deployed in their hundreds to keep demonstrators away from central squares in the capital 98 people have been killed and thousands injured over the last few days parliament attempted to hold a session to discuss the protests but it was boycotted by some politicians the demonstration started in anger at widespread corruption and the lack of basic services the speaker of parliament made this statement a little earlier. My loans will be given in the form of credits bank credits the initiated for the purposes of establishing factories and providing equipment this will enable us to steer away from any corruption so facilities will not be given interest loans yet will be created for the establishment of factories imran khan has more now from baghdad. It was a saturday of politicking in iraq however was that the emergency session of parliament didnt actually convene the speaker of the parliament decided that he was going to convene the session he announced that however 3 Major Political blocs decided that they were going to show iraqi law requires a minimum number of m. P. s before any session of parliament can take place the 3 major blogs are led by. An influence of shia muslim cleric here one by the former Prime Minister high the other body another by very senior an influential politician assault on the j. V. Almost the same reason for not turning up they said the government didnt have an agenda it could implement and therefore this wasnt something that they wanted to take part in the speaker of the parliament. Then gave a press conference where he was surrounded by his Party Loyalists actually sounded more like a Campaign Rally than a press conference in this he delivered a manifesto way he promised to deliver sweeping social and Economic Reforms he said hed give people jobs hed reform the Agricultural Sector he was clearly playing to the protest at a gallery and hoping that the protesters may well try and support him against the government itself now when the protesters do that well not a lot of what weve been hearing from the protest movement itself is that its the system of governance that needs to change not just the government now the protests ongoing a Key Development took place in nasiriyah which is in the south of the country protesters attacked and down all of the Political Party buildings there and now the challenging in syria now syria is free of Political Parties here in baghdad that have been more people have been killed in clashes with Security Forces over the past saturday over the saturday rather and we are hearing in the background some gunfire so its clear that although the clashes might not be taking place in takrit square which is a focal point they are definitely taking place within the city itself. Thousands of protesters in hong kong have defied the government wearing face masks masks this fight the leader caroline banning them from public demonstrations most of the citys metro stations remain shut after several were vandalized by protesters overnight friday night also roads blocked fire is set and the tax on police which led to an off duty officer shooting a 14 year old protester in the leg in self defense the injured teen has now been arrested for to participating in a riot and assaulting a policeman along calls leader kerry lamb has vowed to crack down on the violence. The rights as extreme acts made hong kong enjoy a dark day last night it is made hong kong paralyzed everyone is worried anxious and even scant the Hong Kong Government has the greatest a temptation to suppress violence i appeal to everyone to support the government to stop violence in a legal way scott heide law has the latest now from hong kong. A march and some sporadic protests here in hong kong on saturday much less than what weve seen over the last 48 hours and much less than weve seen in previous weekends and peaceful for the most part on saturday thats what we saw a very different picture on friday night and part of the violence that took place on friday night after this mass ban was announced for the m. T. R. Train systems they were shut down and that really kind of crippled this city what this thing through the malls most major malls will close as you can see small shops also shuttered that because they anticipated there to be violence on saturday but it didnt materialize because protest leaders canceled all the events also on saturday kerry lamb the chief executive of hong kong issued a video statement where she looked at the violence on friday night as justification for this mass spend she also said it was a very dark day here in hong kong protest leaders when they said things were going to be canceled on saturday pointed to sunday its going to be a big day they hope theyre planning a rally and a march that they say hopefully we peacefully but we have very large numbers compared to what weve seen over the last couple of days but obviously the police with this new law emergency law in place they will be looking to crack down on any illegal activity. North koreas chief Nuclear Negotiator came young says hes broken off the nuclearization talks with the United States delegations from both countries were in stockholm to discuss pyongyang ending its Nuclear Program in exchange for sanctions being lifted on wednesday the country test fired a new Ballistic Missile launched from a submarine hours after saying it would resume talks negotiations have been stalled since the one noise summit between u. S. President on the trunk and the north Korean Leader kim jong un ended without agreement back in february was she ever tense he joins us live now from washington d. C. As she about what else do we know about the reasons at the North Koreans had for breaking off the talks we havent heard anything from the trunk of ministration yet but we do have that statement from the north korean negotiator as you mentioned kim yong gil we now have more of that statement its it was conveyed to us in translation so its a little bit little bit stilted but this is this is the gist of it the negotiations have not fulfilled our expectations and finally broke up without any outcome its totally due to the fact that the u. S. Would not give up their old attitude the u. S. Raised expectations and offered suggestions like a flexible approach new methods and Creative Solutions but they have disappointed us greatly and dampened our enthusiasm for the go by bringing nothing to the negotiation table these talks were held at a crucial moment when the situation on the Korean Peninsula stylings at a crossroads of dialogue or confrontation therefore we have to come to the negotiating table with a responsibility that we should ensure results to promote the development of the d. P. Ok the democratic peoples republic of korea is about the line from the North Koreans the u. S. Is not coming to these negotiations with any new ideas. Back when they spoke in february and the other times that President Trump and the north Korean Leader kim jong whom at met it happened with great ad fair a lot of attention focused on that what we action is your beam coming out from the u. S. And maybe the white house itself to the statement from the North Koreans we have a thing yet today but look as far as the trumpet minister is concerned always those who supports diplomacy with north korea not just on the top musician we. Know little mr snowden has feel that diplomacy is better than nothing remember the situation we were in just a couple of years ago when there was enormous fear about the relationship between washington and north korea would seem to be seem to be deteriorating is that some sort of diplomatic process is better than nothing yes there are these short range missile tests every now and then which maybe north korea flexing its muscles but the long range missile tests the Nuclear Tests there is that sense that both donald trump and kim jong il need some sort of win because this has been dragging on that donald trump still doesnt have any major Foreign Policy achievement going into the 2020 elections came drove into who began this process has nothing to show for it doesnt exactly make him look terribly good to north koreas north koreas elite so its probably that that north korea saying that the u. S. Has been brought anything to these negotiations we did have a leak last week which suggested that the u. S. Was bringing something that there would be a temporary suspension of u. N. Sanctions on north korean exports of textiles and co if north korea saw the dismantling of their own go nuclear plums and stop enriching enriching uranium if that is what they offered and we dont know it clearly wasnt enough for north korea but as as a so often the case in these situations we its very difficult to gauge how serious this is the city loss of less than a day in sweden we dont know whether theres more to come so we might pump air earlier today did say that expressed the hope that this would be the 1st of many rounds of negotiations shavers hansie with the latest on that story from washington she have thank you. Staying in the u. S. A 2nd intelligence official is considering filing a whistleblower complaint against President Trump thats according to the New York Times trump is accused of using his position to pressure ukraine into investigating his political rival joe biden and his son opposition them across of longstanding pietschmann investigations on friday a subpoena was issued to the white house for documents related to the complaint President Trump has called for a vote to approve the peach went inquiry before he will cooperate well earlier the u. S. Secretary of state mike pump aoe defended the state department missing a friday deadline it had been given to turn over documents requested under a congressional subpoena state department sent a letter last night. To congress. Which is our initial response to the document request well obviously do all the things were required to do by law. As a member of Congress Wants article one has a certain set up there is never to as an obligation to make sure that we protect officials at the state department. President donald trump has signed an order preventing immigrants who cannot afford health care from entering the United States people relegating to the u. S. Will now have to prove that they can afford medical costs or get Health Insurance within 30 days of their arrival the new rule will be applied to people seeking immigrant visas and not those already in the country it will not apply to Asylum Seekers refugees or children. Still to come in this half hour bowl or on air. For the 1st time in 150 years ethiopias old Roma Community are allowed to hold their thanksgiving festival in the capital and tragedy in Thailand National park is a rescue attempt by 5 elephants

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