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Implicitly and that the doors of the rule court were open to him whenever he chose to return. The same source said that the saudi government maintained communication with. A made him several offices including managing a prominent saudi funded media network. Also so good you brought it with you has been there has been serving in the embassy in london the Saudi Embassy in washington was there because of the weapons they were and i think his knowledge of the regime added credibility to his abortion as a journalist when he spoke out. For shows he kept up his criticism of bin salmoni and the Washington Post demanded spoke to me through this before because most of the that he is working with friends to establish a foundation for democracy in the art of wall promoting back out of them quasi among sleuth people and also fear thing some form of society after consideration. According to a Political Science researcher in istanbul show she was involved in projects aimed at countering saudi digital activity. The program produces contacted some of his assistants on one project but they were reluctant to talk in detail they said they didnt want to jeopardize the future of the new work. Meanwhile back in the saudi capital riyadh a small cell was formed to decide what to do about g. M. O. It weighed up different options and as new information became available it formulated a course of action. It would silence a show she. Permanently. On the evening of the 9th of september 28th seen her show she left the us for what would be the last time he took Turkish Airlines t. K. 8 from washington to istanbul where he arrived on the. Evening of the 10th of september. He planned to stay until the 17th of october as he had a major personal event to plan for his marriage to the turkish ph d. Student. The couple had 1st met at a conference in istanbul in may 2018 they kept in touch met again in july 28th and then jamal proposed to her t. J. And she accepted. Because he is about to get he wanted to establish new life and they were still remember the flat that he bought the furniture to put in the flare and the fact that the scope of the consulate the goods from the comments and they joked with him and they said you are younger. Than i have seen before because you have a story. And then you said you know. That we may continue our struggle for. Generation and i thoroughly. d secure in. Person. I showed she made an injury in trip to london and returned to a stumble on friday the 28th of september landing at 4 o 7 am. 924 the same morning shows she and her teacher went to the Municipal Office in the fatah district of a stumble to check what paperwork they needed. To be. Ticked by the everybody did. The like of the bialek muscle and they are probably they really. Are like the bush on the on the tank out all of the high levels of the you know modern is part of the chart. So jamal and her t. J. Took a taxi to the saudi consulate. Therefore monica like im all about to me now must live off of the side issue and actually get a video listen up. Back to be. A child or 2 and its called each other the way it is. For mr chicken i wonder if that. Band the 2 of them all the talk about the we will all know ecosystems for that. During his 90 minute visit to show she was told the necessary documents will be processed in the next few days. That same evening show she flew back to london having spent. Less than a day in his stumble. I was one of the last people to meet him before he disappeared he was here with me in this office we spent the day together we had lunch together and then he went to the airport i followed him the following they threw away some old cause he was forced to appear on my t. V. Show. But by the time i arrived in the somewhere he was gone and i can tell you that when we met here. Seemed so quite comfortable and excited about the prospects of marriage we discussed. A project to hear how the mind and that is to set up a website to publish translations of reports an author calls and analysts is on the Economic Situation so in india and the region. In london her show she called the saudi consulate in istanbul they told him his papers were ready at that she should collect them on tuesday the 2nd of october 1 30 pm. So her show she left london again for a stumble his fateful final journey. Listening to show she did not stay in Istanbul Hotel but in the place he bought for him and her teacher to live after the wedding. A teacher had been busy putting in furniture and supplies. Only a few items remained and jamal planned to buy them after his return from the consulate. But he never did. The couple had breakfast at the restaurant inside the residential complex and there was a lot to talk about mainly the wedding. Up made out of the. Organization have neither. The arc of us or with a chart of them before but that he opted almost. Didnt. Take the jobs they did the arc of the job by the end of the one but listen a bit about getting me. For the other guy did not believe the. Knowledge of the. Good old out of the way. Call for. Meanwhile what was effectively the saudi hit squad began arriving in istanbul in the early hours of the same morning. 3 of mohammed bin solomon special Protection Unit came on a commercial flight from cairo. To private jets from riyadh landed an hour apart on the private runway. H. Said s k one landed at 3 30 am carrying the head of the assassination team. Trip and 8 other men including 2 of the key players. The team checked into 2 hotels near the saudi called. Surveillance cameras in both hotels showed the men leaving at 940 and 10 50 am and cameras at the consulate monitored their arrival there. Is no say leaked all the recordings that 2 planes came from so they are via to the entire Mission Airport of the 2 and 15 men. Checked in a hotel in istanbul and before. Arrived to consummate they entered the. Car we did feel that even though that you cannot see inside the fact that our team arrived in turkey the circumstances of what they actually did the timing is concerned and also the composition of those people in terms of their forensic expertise that ranking one at least is alleged to be a very senior ranking Intelligence Officer and the fact that its also claimed that at least 7 of that team are extremely close in terms of the security in a circle of the crown prince himself all of this is very strong circumstantial evidence it all suggests that not only were these people implicated in the whatever how has happened. It also suggests that what the intention actually was. At 1 14 pm so the cameras showed her show z. Entering the consulate. He gave her t. J. His mobile phone and left her waiting for him outside. She has been missing for 5 days. We also reported his disappearance to turkish going shopping in washington very concerned about the whereabouts of running a prominent common target journalist was lawfully mansour and his countrys consulate in istanbul on tuesday and have been to march since a t. J. Continued to wait but as the time pursed she became increasingly concerned and contacted some of jamals friend whose. Side would stand for much done for love as the going to be done. Done by the germans. To become sort of us or members of the former caucus here in the making to me either because of its off or back to come other will that id like to call for there although on the mitchell this to me on in all the largest army can come on the roof and im going out to say or us are going to say go over means it and i will not sort of back to your article that gets me or he said tomorrow to say old war machine may have us or the former you know the. Band you want to make your to do what with the hyla top of the girl of whether you had a child you said no more than his in the search didnt sort of the one they each mention in the opera jobs. For the music in the suburbs they were for a lot of them however. With a default share of the big that it was sort of that they wanted to get in which whether candice and shall fall for them for a couple that make them a the obama team in one of their copy got to go to a live picture from the capitol for a child or cafe or push while the child like you folks in about the become to be on what we hope that it wants to be of us or the way out the way awesome a little be. Used to. Your question sherman see them its no democracy to consuls like you did bush start the community their demands are more than just the problem over your question like youve missed. The problem all strictly geog the onus is on the back to the bone have been you know removed the net and out of the top of that if women are among the injured minister this could happen in the same bush term how confident of. A coven the most not of them. That the number. Reaches and him yet its. Still worth it you know and then they havent most of it in that. Same question and theres no cable to solve it which sounds so long but on how can the have to have guests have a shorter. Mr davis no works not tom bare the truck stops here now michigan theyre. Getting yall good. Mike im not enough how about. 2 for. The mr cool for me are. You 7 thats about where you want to mother polly mother. As international speculation about her shoulders he grew one theory was that hed been kidnapped as part of an illegal operation to take him back to saudi arabia. The turkish government broke its silence the day after her showed his disappearance on wednesday the 3rd of october when it made this statement. Be they could be. Who. Stumbled. While president 1st commented publicly on sunday the 7th of october. That investigation was led by the Turkish Intelligence Service who suggested that they had audio and even Video Evidence of what had happened inside the consulate. But publicly the turkish government played a long game seemingly as a way of avoiding any allegations against crown Prince Mohammed bin salma. It also helped distance king solomon from the case. It was a drip drip strategy in which the turks used leaks as a way of responding to the initial saudi statements about the case and of dealing with the Us Government when it began to comment under increasing internal political pressure. Then you know that are. Coming up in part to saudi arabias continued denials the american president s defense of the royal family. And the turkish strategy for applying political pressure on both countries it would appear to people such as myself anyway some kind of ongoing behind the scenes negotiation with the saudis and the americans and secondly of course in terms of perhaps not wanting to damage the integrity of some future prosecution. Flying cats know your ways and experience the world like never before catatonic ways going places together International Trade would you have supported having free trade would not change your money or the japanese or chinese dogs or germany controversial immigration policies that you want to as a well founded euro persecutors should be able to con a measure off minister from syria hes closed the door to Syrian Refugees is that compassionate mehdi hasan goes head to head with syria trump advisor Stephen Moore this year the trump deficit crossed a trillion dollars you will be urging everyone not to reelect the will from well no im not im not in a good. Incarcerated. In russias toughest prisons stripped of their liberties. And unexpected creative opportunities. Lets sing in contest like no other offers a chance of redemption and hope for the toilet. Bowl you visit lives inside and out a tale of fingers and murderers on aljazeera. Hello again adrian from going to here in doha the top stories on aljazeera Iraqs Parliament has announced an urgent session for saturday to discuss the demands of antigovernment demonstrations the death toll after 4 days of protests has now reached 44 security force. Using live fire to disperse those who are defying a curfew in baghdad where iraqs highest religious authority grand ayatollah ali sistani has urged protesters and Security Forces not to use violence his representative read out his appeal. Now and. We hope that the voices of reason and logic can prevail for the best interests of the country all the officials have the responsibility to make the right decisions to move forward everyone should be aware of the danger of excessive violence before it is too late the government of hong kong as an acting emergency laws including a ban on face masks a protest rallies chief executive kerry has been unable to stop 4 months of increasingly violent demonstrations home call its not in a state of emergency and we are not proclaiming that hong kong is entering a state of emergency but we are indeed in an ok sion of serious danger which is a state a condition in emergency regulations ordinance by the chief executive council to exercise certain powers and i would say that we are now in rather extensive and serious public danger a new dam in ethiopia is threatening the supply of water to countries downstream representatives from sudan ethiopia and egypt a meeting in her tomb to discuss how the water can be sure that perus president has sworn in a new team of government ministers as most in this carter prepares to govern without political opposition his supporters marched in the Capital Limited show their approval for the shutdown of the opposition controlled congress on monday opponents the accuse him of staging a clue. Hundreds of facebook and instagram pages have been removed for being what the tech giant says are fake accounts Facebook Says they ran misinformation campaigns mostly targeting the middle east and north africa most supported the u. A. E. Saudi arabia and egypt and were critical of iran and turkey dozens targeting indonesia or so removed. The headlines the news continues right after the murder in a saudi consulate which continues next. And left his native country in june 27th. He went to the United States and began writing for the Washington Post where he was critical of saudi arabia and crown Prince Mohammed bin sell money in particular. In october 28th he visited the saudi consulate in istanbul to collect some papers which would enable him to marry his turkish feel safe. But he never accepted the building the saudi government initially denied any involvement or responsibility but the turkish authorities cleverly drip fed leaks of the evidence theyve collected inside the consulate. Of course where reliant upon what they are leaking or claiming elements within the Turkish Security establishment and official and no doubt they have their own reasons for that that may depend on geo political reasons in terms of undoubtedly it would appear to people such as myself anyway some kind of ongoing behind the scenes negotiation with the saudis and the americans and secondly of course in terms of perhaps not wanting to damage the integrity or some future prosecution. The Turkish Foreign ministry summoned the saudi ambassador demanding clarification of the incident. This triggered the 1st official saudi Statement Issued by the saudi consul general in istanbul on wednesday the 3rd of october it said that the consulate was monitoring media reports of the disappearance of the saudi citizen. After he left the saudi consulate in istanbul. It said the consulate was also following up and coordinating with the turkish authorities to discover the circumstances of her show shes disappearance. The Bloomberg News agency published a statement by mohammed bin cell man on wednesday the 3rd of october before the official saudi press aide. See followed suit 3 days later. M. B. s said quote my understanding is he entered and he got out after a few minutes or maybe one hour adding that showed he was not inside the consulate and that quote if hes in saudi arabia i would know it listen all of our conference like me in the army take. Some other action look at all the bacon i made the army tick. Tick on christmas will there be some money there when i get it thanks for the sort of solitude not by me but for my garden. But im watchful of the thought of course if i get me back to jim i didnt call forth on whether the bus could be adequate to duty and float him some good to me or they were scared to return or. The very 1st beginning of the event has been happen mr advani or when the said on earth kingdom also gaar be an authority clearly show that he has left the consulate all the responsibilities belong to the so there are been authorities and. You know that so they are. And their social media. Army started to program. And this is a very detailed plan and action after intelligence agencies they are trying to lay. The other such kind of ridiculous story fabricated stories. The 5th day after his disappearance saw the 1st news story about. A turkish official told reuters that the polices initial assessment was that he shows she had been intentionally murdered at the consulate and that his body had been moved abroad. The saudi government issued a denial an official source at the saudi consulate in istanbul also denied the reuters story that quoted turkish officials saying that her show she had been killed at the consulate he denounced the source of what she called these quote unfounded accusations. But i could. Martin johnson. And you were left. Out of use for india. On. Saturday the 6th of october. He invited reuters to the consulate and took them on a tour simply to show that her show she was not in the building he denied that she had been killed insisting that he left. But admitting he couldnt prove it because the consulate surveillance cameras hadnt saved the images. Of why he would have a c. C. T. V. System that is working doesnt record seems. Impossible to believe the only reason why you have a recording system is a lack of money and this isnt something that afflicts saudi arabia for sure. On monday the 8th of october u. S. President donald trump made his 1st Public Statement about the case. At the same time the saudi ambassador to the u. S. Prince khalid bin selma inabilities stated publicly that allegations that he had been killed or detained by the saudi authorities were completely faults and unfounded. He then left for saudi arabia on the pretext of cities clarification. For the king of saudi arabia the king firmly denied any knowledge of it. He didnt really know maybe i dont want to get it is fine but it sounded to me like maybe he should have been. From the photos they. Wanted to give an exit from of course we know just formed by and of themselves and we know that from started speaking about him before even the saudi government with us so he wanted to give them the exit therefore they can use it to cover. This unfortunately was. A inspiration. To me talking with. The american. Albeit. Without going make them want. To be all the more like your. To get. A medical act within the hour nothing nothing changed about them up with a good. Luck. On monday the 8th of october the turkish newspaper. Reported that the Intelligence Services while on the lines in the movement of 26 cause owned by the saudi consulate in istanbul it said they wanted to determine their whereabouts on the day show she went missing. C. C. T. V. Cameras close to the saudi consulate showed to cause a black Mercedes Vito 34. 00 c c 1865 and another miss a d salute 34. 00 c c 2248 driving to the saudi consuls house an hour and 15 minutes after her show she had gone into the consulate. They were parked in the garage there for 3 days. On the 4th day they were taken to the car wash near the consulate where they were kept in. The Program Producers obtained these pictures from inside the car wash itself showing the 2 vehicles being fairly clean. Turkish investigators believe that is dismembered body was taken from the consulate to the consuls house in the Mercedes Vito. This c. C. T. V. Image shows the veto outside the house before Turkish Police searched it. And on tuesday the 9th of october the Washington Post published the now famous c. C. T. V. Video of Jamal Khashoggi entering the consulate 1 pm on tuesday the 2nd of october. The 10th of october the b. B. C. Reported that the turkish media had published pictures and names of those they said were members of the hit squad. The New York Times also ran the story reporting that her show she had been cut with a bone sole 2 hours after death and that the orders to assassinate him had been issued from the highest level in saudi arabia. I mean so more pictures and i dont. Realize your guys are really members of the. Monster as a bodyguard. Let 11 days after her show shes disappearance on c. B. S. s 60 minutes donald trump was still insisting that the crown prince denied any knowledge of what happened. But warn saudi arabia of serious repercussions if it were proved to her she had been killed. This is something youll be surprised in the say that theres something really terrible and disgusting about that if that were the case so were going to have to see were going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment if they go on to claim that these people were acting without the authority of the saudi government and of course they can prove that by. Relinquishing the diplomatic immunity of these people and actually writing a few turkey for trial but if that happens of course there is a very big risk that those people who are put on trial for his capital offense will name the people that made the decisions and that may not be convenient of course to the saudi government. On the same day as the c. B. S. Trump interview the british french and German Foreign ministers issued a joint statement calling for an independent Investigation Force the governments in britain america would like to draw a line of that arrest and pretend it hasnt happened but i think public pressure is enforcing the media to then force the governments in the west to actually at least in the short term appear to be taking action and the of course is in our judgment from the saudi perspective. Of course we have to increase the thought because of the pressure not. Because the media because of the republicans and the democrats in the congress but theyve made a serious rocky ride to find an exit even if you increase that. So from. Found himself very pressed imagine he is secretary of state. To riyadh. Korea you want to learn your realities they say so but i am not really sure whether he ran in order to investigate what has happened inside the kingdom or sudhir of b. A or to fabricate a story. The fallout from the her case reverberated around the Saudi Stock Exchange with its index falling 7 percent when trading began on sunday the 14th of october 28th seem. A saudi statement was released fretting to retaliate firmly against any action taken against the country. On that same sunday king selma and broke his silence on the case for the 1st time when the Saudi Press Agency reported that the king had spoken to turkish president over the one on the phone and quote thanked the president for welcoming the kingdoms proposal to form a joint working group to discuss the disappearance of the saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi. The king quote stressed the kingdoms keenness to protect its relations with ankara. The next day the Saudi Press Agency reported that the king of spoken to donald trump who had quote praised the progress in saudi turkish joint cooperation in investigating the disappearance of her shows you. Again on monday the 15th of october saudi and turkish officials entered the consulate a joint team led by the deputy general prosecutor in his stumble and agents from the turkish counterterrorism directorate. That evening the Forensic Investigation Team arrived. They worked 9 hours through the night until dawn on tuesday the 68th of october. The forensic teams left carrying some pools of soil and a metal door from the consulate guard. Media attention then quickly switched to the consuls house next for forensic inspection. While the saudi consul general himself mohamed el a table departed is stumble amid rumors of his impending arrest by Turkish Police. Meanwhile the turkish government ramped up its pressure on the saudis. After all those friends each investigation. Made a couple of telephone calls International Leaders including the king solomon of king the more so they are and after that. It realized that the fabricated story of question has left the consulate is incredible so they accepted that mr question has been killed inside the consulate the film crew was able to monitor the movement of Saudi Security stuff between the consulate and the consuls house from friday the 12th to wednesday the 17th of october. The program produces later established that this included chemical expert abdel aziz alger newbie and toxicologist khalid yards of ronnie. This was the group that was reported as having deliberately destroyed evidence of the consulate and the consuls house it is possible to fully clean the premises of forensic evidence but what you dont leave is evidence that you have fully cleaned and therefore that also again is can be used and often is used as circumstantial evidence against the accused person. On saturday the 20th of october after repeated denials saudi arabia finally admitted that her show she was dead. A statement by the saudi Public Prosecutor announced the arrest of 18 saudis for questioning and suggested that the murder had occurred as a result of a quarrel. Closer than a small act into law for the up to that. Then what do you believe. It. Then it was. On sunday the 21st of october. And the crown prince made 2 phone calls to. Jamals son to offer their condolences then on tuesday the 23rd of october they summoned him and his uncle. And used it as a photo opportunity. Then the turkish Government Strategy of leaking evidence finally brought the saudi attorney general. To turkey to coordinate the operation of his investigators. He arrived in istanbul on monday the 29th of october by private plane. He held 2 meetings with his stumbles chief Public Prosecutor for done after which his office made a formal statement. And said that there was no tangible outcome from these 2 meetings quote despite all our efforts and good intentions to reveal the truth about the killing of her in his countrys consulate. The statement went on to say that immediately after entering the consulate the sharjah had been strangled as part of a premeditated plan and that his body had been cut up and disposed of. The Public Prosecutors statement crystalized each of the 3 main countries positions. The turkish authorities stood by their story. Saudi arabia continued to counter the leaks by the turkish government. And the Us Government continued to defend crown Prince Mohammed bin salma anxious to protect american commercial interests. Some members of the u. S. House of representatives and senate took a more robust position criticizing trumps action and demanding that saudi arabia and n. B. S. Be held to account. Other arab countries commented very little. And that the ballot brown bread mortar the murder fighting computer and your own propaganda shop and the norm are to hand out an accounting of how to right or bomb you have frank have found you can respond to our magic act of faith that. The audio recordings shared strategically by turkish intelligence turned out to be graphic and incriminating. They were authenticated by the United Nations investigation which published its findings in june 29th teens. The recordings have her shortly entering the consulate or 1 15 pm on the 2nd of october and going to the consul Generals Office where mohamed el a tape was with the trip an officer from the saudi Foreign Ministry and a special god to mohammed bin salma they questioned her about his intentions of returning to saudi arabia and he said he did want to return in the future then they said they would have to take him back but that there was an interpol order to that effect and that they were coming to get him. To show she said that there was no case against him and that he had people waiting for him outside. The recordings then have a short fight followed by a conversation among the hit squad is here sleep hes raising his head keep pushing bushehr dont remove your hand pusher. According to the u. N. Investigation her show she was then injected with a sedative and then suffocated with a plastic bag. Then a doctor in the team cellar ultra baby started cutting up to show shes body. About 2 hours later the recordings pick up free different voices on the stairs. One ordered the visa lounge to be closed another appearing to be a technician transferred c. C. T. V. Data and reset the surveillance cameras. The 3rd was most to file murder any dressed as a Jamal Khashoggi lookalike of Jamal Khashoggi was a premeditated murder and theyre now telling c. N. N. That they even believe the saudis went to the extent of setting up an audi double here to pull out all murder any appeared to complain about wearing who shows shes clothes shouting its scary wearing the clothes of someone who was killed 20 minutes ago. Shows his shoes didnt fit him properly so the team leaders allowed him to keep his Running Shoes on. All mud and he was told to walk along 4 streets before taking a taxi to the sultan our district where he disposed of her charges clothes. On the 19th of june 29th teen the un special rapporteur on arbitrary executions and yes kalama published her investigation into the murder of Jamal Khashoggi it included a direct indictment of the saudi or for it is for their involvement in what it called extra dudish all execution. Said that there was credible evidence requiring further investigation into the involvement in the crime of high level saudi officials including crown Prince Mohammed bin salma himself. I didnt know mr i believe that you we take on. I hope. The fact that you execution will never be repeated including by the state of saudi arabia to which she was so attached. Although a year has now passed since her soldier is murdered the question remains as to where his body is. Didnt trip carry it in his diplomatic luggage when he flew on one of the private jets that took the assassination group to cairo and dubai the following evening. Was the body bear a dirty yellow villa which was inspected several times by Turkish Police. Or was it scattered in the belgrade forest where the saudi military attache our commander. Was seen before the assassination. Or was it dissolved in acid and disposed of at the consuls house mom found she was killed with body to the fire ruby has denied any involvement in the disappearance of her shirt however in a c. B. S. Interview on the 29th of september 2019 mohammed bin solomon was asked a direct question about what she. Did you order. Absolutely not this was a heinous crime like this but i take full responsibility as a leader in saudi arabia especially since it was committed by individuals working for the saudi government. In exposing. And. This wont be one. In judgment. On mean. Hello there plenty of scattered showers across Central Regions of brazil to the north as well also a line of rain showers working the way down areas of peru but in particular some heavy rain coming in and telling to stay in the same region into southern brazil empire the next couple days friday 28 in. Not assholes as it has been but look at how much of my saturday down to 18 degrees celsius meanwhile ahead of this weather weve got a very warm day in rio 35 which is about 10 degrees above the average for this time in october and then in the caribbean widespread showers and scattered thunderstorms particularly active in the across much of cuba thats where the rain will stay over the next couple of days also fairly wise but further to the south. And also the yucatan peninsula still seeing some rain today but generally just to the north around as you can see and thats where conditions across and on into honduras and then the United States now the heat has been the main story across much of the south in the southeast one more day of that this line of cloud thats the dividing line between the the much cooler drier behind on that warm air ahead of it so 35 on friday its already cooled off in new york and then by saturday but down to 25 degrees there meanwhile some rather heavy rains and thunderstorms across much of the upper midwest. The weather sponsored by cattle ranch. But Al Jazeera World tells the dramatic story of the birth of a nation and how a political agreement reached my france in 2 newseum would spark the bitterest of a few. This guy the long dont see it in this document we will still occupy rivalry conflict murder division. To have tunisia the battle for independence on aljazeera. This is al jazeera. Hello im adrian forgotten this is the news a live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Iraqs parliament calls for an emergency session as protests continue around the country despite a few years. Hoping to restore order after months of protests hong kongs leader and acts a colonial era law banning face box of demonstrations. Turbulence over the river nile how ethiopia is ambitious dam project is angering egypt. And going where no diver has been before campaigned to protect the worlds oceans gets a unique insight into an unexplored reef off the coast of south america. And im santa how much live at the National Stadium one more chant is have been crowned at the world athletics championships one of them Katherina Johnson thompson and lance had ever if the world title. Iraqs parliament will meet in an emergency session on saturday to discuss antigovernment protests that have left 44 people dead. Earlier on friday Security Forces fired live rounds at demonstrators people came out on the streets for a 4th day despite curfews in the capital and several other cities theyre angry at a lack of basic services and corruption almost 2 and a half 1000 people have been injured. But promises by the Prime Minister are to fool the people and they are firing live gunshots this was a peaceful protest they set up these barricades and the snipers sitting right there since last night. We need a government that will be just for the people that will end unemployment there will end ignorance not increase corruption and we need a government that will hold the corrupt accountable from 2003 until now. Live now to iraqs capital baghdad i was there as imran khan is there for us a month whats behind this emergency session of parliament thats been called. Well officially what the government want to do is take a listen to the protesters demands and to discuss it and see what practical steps that can be taken what were hearing from various political analysts that it may well be a driver to try and make some sort of announcement that will satisfy the protesters and get them to go home whether that actually happens or not remains to be seen there is a curfew still here in baghdad were now into its 36th hour and theres no sign of it coming to an end what the government have said is that the curfew will remain in place until further notice the Prime Minister spoke very late on thursday a friday morning sorry very early on friday morning sorry and he tried to placate the protesters by saying look i just need a chance is only my 1st year in power i need to make some cabinet changes i want to try and bring in a basic income for poor people and i understand your frustrations and i will deal with corruption that wasnt enough to keep people off the streets throughout the day here on friday weve been hearing gunshots fire out also weve been hearing that protesters are gathering in small number but now its normally around this time that they try to march on tucker a square which is always been the focal point for the protest movement so we are expecting people to defy the curfew and be out on the streets once again earlier on friday in round one of the countrys senior religious figures spoke will he have any more influence over the protesters and the Prime Minister. Well certainly he has a lot of influence within the country itself he is one of the highest authorities the highest authorities in iraq when it comes to shia islam however his words seem to be conciliar is he one political analyst i spoke to suggested that he played almost a father leave old almost chastising the protesters and asking them that hes on their side hes listening to them but he wants something to happen before its too late lets just take a listen to what he had to say now and. We hope that the voices of reason and logic can prevail for the best interests of the country all the officials have the responsibility to make the right decisions to move forward everyone should be aware of the danger of excessive violence before it is too late. Now the protest movement is leaderless and it doesnt belong to any religious party or any Political Parties seemingly just all of the people so whether his words will have any impact on the protestors remains to be seen but like i say he is one of the most even though the most influential shia cleric in the country so politicians certainly hoping that system on his words will help however from what were seeing on the streets of baghdad it looks like the protesters will come out and they will defy the curfew i was there as iran contra porting live from baghdad iran many thanks thats not happened for 50 years hong kongs leader kerry lam isnt forcing colonial era emergency laws to clamp down on weeks of antigovernment protests a law forbidding the use of face boss to rally is comes into effect on saturday demonstrations are now in their 19th week the governments latest move follows a recent increase in violence during the protests chief executive kerry lamb says that it will be an effective deterrent but despite the use of emergency laws lam insists that the city is not in a state of emergency. Hong kong its not in a state of emergency and we are not proclaiming that hong kong is entering a state of emergency. But we are indeed in an ok sion of serious danger which is a state a condition in emergency regulations ordinance by the chief executive council to exercise certain powers and i would say that we are now in rather extensive and serious public danger. So show you some live pictures from hong kong its way past 9 in the evening there at the moment you can see there are still protests on the streets how serious scott hyde is down there on the streets with the protesters scott whats been the reaction to terry lambs announcement. Age and yet were not causeway bay no this is a very interesting kind of protest movement that has kind of gone through most of the center part of hong kong throughout the day they started gathering even before kerry lamb made that announcement and they went into the financial district and then it kind of shrank a little bit but then they were blocking major intersections right in the center of on conns financial district and then they marched over here to causeway bay and there are thousands here now ajor and theyre really just kind of pouring in its all been fairly peaceful the really hasnt been much of a Police Presence we saw a little bit when we were up by the Legislative Council thats the seat of government here in hong kong theres a little bit of a Police Activity there but no no no no gauge mint if you will with the protesters then they made their way here now how are they reacting to this announcement they say its kind of business as usual theyre continuing on theyre not going to go up by this band theyre not worried d about this face mask banners you can see a lot of people here have a face mask they are just going to continue with their protesting they say it was interesting one protester even said that this is an issue thats bigger than just hong kong this is something that john is doing that is dangerous for the world so the protesters here for the most part are saying were going to stay steady on and continue what theyve been doing for the last nearly 4 months d or so with feelings running so high school what happens next. What happens next we know this weekend that there will be some protests we didnt really get word until today kind of later in the day on friday after this announcement so we are expecting there to be protests possibly in malls weve seen that quite a bit over the last several weeks we know that thats probably going to happen and then theres going. Be a bigger one on sunday and probably a march or rally of some sort they kind of withholding them all the details until just before the event itself but we can expect to see more this weekend it was really kind of a big question mark you know after that big big showing we saw on october 1st tuesday and then the takeaway then i guess the steam from what was going on in beijing as they celebrated their national day here there were very big protests and violent protests so there was a thought that maybe theyre coming down this upcoming weekend doesnt sound like thats going to be the case on to sarah scott hired to live in hong kong with a colonial era emergency ordinance regulations were last used in 1967 and give kerri lamb sweeping powers the law allows hong kongs chief executive to enact any regulations whatsoever in the case of an emergency or public danger anyone in breach of the mosque ban could face up to a year in jail and a fine of just over 3000. 00 u. S. Dollars defying a police order to remove the mosque could also lead to jail time and her lung is a China Affairs analyst he joins us now live from hong kong via skype good to have you with us the governments overreaching here isnt it this surely is the the road to authoritarianism. But lets face it put it in the political context the n t mosque a lot more actually is being introduced by number d of once nations including many states in the United States carrier d and germany france spain so its nothing new as far as the western societies but hong kong is very different. These laws are there on the statute books gathering dust but now the whole i was descending into a state of anarchy as you could see not from today because the days or the bulldozers repeated by peaceful but if you look at what happened during the past months you see massive not only abandoned as all but throwing off petro ballrooms surrounding police stations and also street site. Which enters it but either against people of different opinions how under does this solve the problem is sure this is just going to antagonize. The protesters further driving an even greater wedge between the protesters and the government. Well again its not lot going to solve the problem i dont they dont even carry members. But is likely to at least inter some or the militants that are liabilities from committing certain acts of vandalism or all ringback or ready ready even terror in the way that theyre behaving out is. Because the mosques give them a sense of security and they can escape they are they can hide their identity and then quickly disappear and then escape any any responsibility so its look that this law at least some of the more other than elements for your part way to say i think that most people do not accept that theres a school d and the end of protests because there is a true will groundswell of dissatisfaction and anger that the monster left for this respirations seem to be not listened to so and if its not going to stop the protests what will well i think that the want to put this is austin for actually. Its almost impossible because the 1st. Man has been met with draw all d this controversy extradition bill that threatens to

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