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No you know yes i would say but really how close do you want to get out of. America that is going to have a totally they have all muscles lost but it is going to want to hit the school day well that the. Next on the 6 while the. Lead that was on the money and also said that because i know another that doesnt have that is a much goes on as i was going in there as an admission is not only that theyre going to hold a quote that was all said that motion was the most while they were not also moms also yes i think they did he said well i dont know stuff what are you see theres no stopping. Making so i dont pull that out that i use are not the most of us are. Going on but more for my mentor. In the way supposedly. Theyre getting the flu and a couple. Thats isnt there the socalled v. V. Of the will says maybe. But as it develops simple but as a civilian many of the. Women that is i feel in the last am because i. Was im in the queue of you all for this. Process there but i see elin to want to call mrs and. Valorous holders and something add up but im at a process of the that. It was just saw electrical says it was a consistent story. Similar to dizzy. That i did to this insanity. But i says and that is fuzzy so very fond of all 5 get them. And said i buy this and for has about the bottom i would buy the number though those trust numbers and there is if you. Can fix. Thats a mess sellers are. Left for and there. You go somebody. Mccomas enough to win this year by this i mean. You. Talk a little selfish to muscle. What i eat. And so ive been very gentle because im known with days. That come on. One of you. Will think i did ok. Just off the cover of the 7 of us off our offices that he did not sit up with people suddenly in default invariably. How you say that because he thought the move far landed better than the school itself was i dont mean i dont go there are very few wonderful Office Holders are. On. The scene who would be rooting for me the seeing what was a. Dozen some using their bidding. Most of the way home of the us is. Mushy stuff. Is simple in the way. The form of the. All. Is. They also said the wall also said that middle east still more in a state building point that. Cars are. Not. Sold. Thats one of the few that only fisa the. Events they. Get on with the. 2 us up on. This. And they mafia. I just must because of the old woman i know they will know and they. Will do so. Much. Of course they see a physician or such or quarter of the a they have a feel for it in the goofy. In all to get a sham a feel or book in which by some policy douche. The call made to. Be almost i mean obviously the leg and i always thought they put the book on our fear of middle school mrs darche before the war then we see. In well how they comment on the sygate did the us as are those who are there that still will milk the handles of cars and now cars or bill milk these can only hold that for for. Eric it start but cannot cause our. Dog of the day theres up. That bottle of good ol gail that got it all to the limit that other possible some. Fans are. Used. Well the. One on the bow fast things up well that is also the classic thing that lets you know that that theyll say the things i say to someone of all this but out of focus i think ok. And. You have all of. That before im going to go say a savvy punk boys i know if i was in that thats not the type of the bull i think of the book but isnt that about this sense of yeah you know this is me i thought that was an added fuel to. Those who respect the hope of that i mean. You know anything about my incest even with the side of society that somebodys got so many vassalage up the house up it suddenly data files and all the funny stuff so maybe mentioned like will know me loco i but i want the mike in the. Dome i didnt get a date. Round down my video and without. Really looking at it is of. Course still in the station but. For the scope of us order. Arizona. Versus present government if just for a land where there are only. Its place on all the. Local golf this year will be by ok this is the by emily or you can buy or sell say school since april. It probably lady dont. Those who are simply out because mya. Be. Back here searing a very silly. The beer was it then was out of the element that is always melted in me dollars. That our society but i think its fall out of the thing they dont need the hassle to follow and the they will say oh. Yes you also said the meeting was. All over father that is so that they can then when it is done they said he got to school so i was all mixed up last seen on the style of yall if you call me you then put all this good in sub you wouldnt even. Well while and use that as something what it is that is this he was i think he wanted us both of us. But i think that what i feel like that is awful and that you know had that boarding that morning it is going to be on the you may get a spot you see because i will be this little bit of the end their life. That is of this is that moment somebody got the suspect Something Else but then the 2nd thing that was you could make about this if you made i mean that is my fallback and that is that it does everyone says no so as long as well almost got into the big investment of the dad and then knows that all goes numb but it doesnt have that made you see it for the sex its not sick i mean yes but if he knew that what that if you can advise you will not buy. This if he didnt he didnt we dont we dont believe. One of these you can see the same thing you need is a loser. And it was only. Yes i use this. With a muzzle on what you post about. Me. One little. More. Than one mobile taken. After the genocide the most for another book deal what if several times there has been live to them children were killed and one womans vision uplifted many could last hope though its not isnt this over his existence a photo of using football to empower women transforming lives in her community on and off the pitch theyre able to take their children to school does run talking to students but paschall was reaching its goal women make change all knowledge is here are. International trade moves with your support of having free trade would not change your money or the japanese or chinese dogs or germany controversial immigration policies that you want to as a well founded youre a persecutor 1st should be able to con a missile off melissa from syria has closed the door to Syrian Refugees like a buffalo maybe her son goes head to head with senior trump advisor stephen all this year the trump deficit crossed the trillion dollars do the urging of the world not to reelect a little from well no not cut it out and go on aljazeera. October on aljazeera. As the deadline of october the 31st gets closer stay with us for all of the ninetys developments on bricks in. The hot sun will host a new series of interviews with outreach tackling the big issues about town blogging does expects an environmentalist will assemble in iceland to discuss the future of the optic faultlines just back taking a microscope to the most contentious issues facing america and looking coverage of the announcement of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner october amount to soon. As governments fail to cut emissions scientists are proposing drastic measures to save the planet. People in power away use technological endeavors to counter humanitys pollutants against the risks of further meddling with the environment do you ever feel like this is playing god is actually quite unsettling and quite frankly makes me question. Klein attackers on aljazeera. China started. The by. Donald trump calls on china to start say joe biden proved this as his former ukraine envoy testifies before the impeachment inquiry committees. Hello there i am how im headin in doha and this is al jazeera also coming out. Of. Iraq is defying a curfew to voice their anger after 31 people are killed in antigovernment protests across the country also my was. A knife attack at Paris Police Headquarters leaves 4 officers dead. Arab citizens in israel staged protests against what they called police in action on Violent Crimes against them. The u. S. President says he wants both ukraine and china to investigate his democratic rival and former Vice President joe biden and his son told trump as their drug china into the controversy as trade talks between the 2 superpowers are set to ring you now this all comes as former u. S. Special envoy to the ukraine begins testimony during 3 committees as part of the president ial impeachment inquiry could volcker is the 1st key officials testify as investigations into trumps dealings with ukraine ramp up now the house intelligence Foreign Affairs an oversight and Government Reform Committee as will question volcker behind closed doors he resigned from his post on friday after a whistle blowers complaints of mars it said that trump tried to pressure ukraines president investigate democratic rival joe biden. His son volcker is also one of the witnesses that sections state might pay and tries to block from appearing before Congress Returns he reports now from washington d. C. House democrats announced on wednesday that they would subpoena the white house for documents related to their impeachment inquiry if they dont receive by friday theyve also asked for documents from the state department and President Trumps personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani but they warn that no one should think they can avoid cooperation through then p. Legal action challenging congresss authority for example so we are concerned that the white house will attempt to stonewall our destination much as they have stonewalled other committees in the past. Its why i say the white house needs to understand that any action like that that forces us to litigate or have to consider litigation will be considered further evidence of obstruction of justice and of course that was an article of speech meant against nixon the implications for the white house clear from the democrats dont think you can hold the impeachment process up in the courts if you dont cooperate with the inquiry will simply roll that in to potential articles of impeachment as obstruction of justice and well infer that the reason youre not complying is because what the whistleblower said initially was true that the white house donald trump once again attacked the whistleblower who alleged he was abusing the office of the presidency to undermine the 2020 lections in his interactions with the ukrainian president this country has to find out who that person was because that persons a spot in my opinion but later in a press conference with the finnish president mr trump said he would cooperate with House Democrats in their inquiry however he grew irritated as he was asked exactly what he had been asking the ukrainians to do in the 1st place biden and his son are stone cold crooked and you know it is son walks out with millions of dollars the kid knows nothing you know it and so do we go ahead as you put it like the question sir was what did you want president selenski to do about present my President Biden and his son hunter. You talking to me yeah it was just a follow up of what i just asked you ready we have the president of finland ask him a question i have one form i just wanted to follow up on the one that i asked you which did you hear what do you want you hear me ask him a question im troubled president ial campaign released a new ad that all during the impeachment process is simply the democrats attempting to undermine democracy because they comb them at the ballot box its nothing short of a coup and it must be stopped its a message that those seem to be resonating with trumps base at least the campaign is reporting tens of thousands of new donors and huge sums of money pouring in she abrahams the washington. Will go so hard to come strong capitol hill shortly where the hearing is taking place for 1st lets get the latest from our White House Correspondent kimberly home. Kimberly this impeachment inquiry appears to be rattling President Trump doesnt. Indeed everyone day after that very antagonistic exchange with reporters donald trump was back in the White House South Lawn in front of the cameras defending his phone call once again maintaining that his phone call with the ukrainian president back in july was in his view perfect and that this is a hoax this whole investigation what he didnt deny was that he in any way pressure the ukrainian leader to dig up dirt on his political rival in many ways he doubled down on. They should investigate because such as a company thats the only form of well these companies if you look at it by the way likewise china has started as a security issue is that a bug that goes what ive been to china is just about as bad as what happened with. With you crazy so i would say that president s alludes to. If it were me i would recommend that they start an investigation into the device because nobody has any doubt that they were broken. Was 2 boys in the making of all of this. Yeah the former Vice President has been speaking to reporters it is important to point out that he is seeking the democratic president ial nomination to run it gets trump in november of 2020 he maintains that numerous Media Outlets have investigated the president s claims and there is no evidence to suggest that he or his son hunter biden in any way by a lated any of the terms of when president or rather Vice President joe biden was in office and hunter biden was working on an Energy Company in ukraine having said that this is sort of the underpinning of the impeachment inquiry that is taking place on capitol hill and we should point out the number of Trump Officials now ensnared in this net seems to get wider and wider there are now new allegations against current Vice President mike pence that u. S. President donald trump may have involved him in trying to pressure ukraine to investigate joe biden now apparently the Vice President was unaware of President Trumps efforts having said this we do know that pence did not intend selenski inauguration as a result of the request made by the president so this is certainly very problematic for mike pence and then we should point out that nancy pelosi the House Speaker whos heading up this inquiry main. Theyre going to continue to investigate look for facts look for answers she believes this is a question of u. S. National security the u. S. Constitution and the integrity of u. S. Elections Kimberly Holcomb from my feelings very much indeed lets cross over now its a compass ohio where the pools door hearing is still a misery and those who are referring to the job. Right here in civil. Helos. Kurt volker the former u. S. Envoy to ukraine has been testifying in the security floor of the u. S. Capitol where reporters are not allowed hes been there for almost 3 hours now as soon as we hear any information about what hes telling these Committee Members will bring that to you but he does have the potential to be a very important witnesses to democrats in their effort to push forward this impeachment inquiry volcker has had just resigned from his government position on friday that was only hours after the whistleblower report named him as part of the trump ministrations efforts to put pressure on ukraine to open that investigation into joe biden according to that whistleblower report the day after trumps phone call with the president of of ukraine who volcker met with a lot of near zelinsky in person as well as other ukrainian officials to try to help them navigate trumps demands now the big question never kratz want answered is why i trump was withholding close to 400000000 dollars in u. S. Military aid to ukraine when he made that phone call trump has deny that this was any sort of quid pro quo that that he wasnt withholding this money in order to pressure ukraine to comply with the investigation of biden however the timing is suspicious and perhaps volcker would be the person that can shed some light on the president s motives another question that deborah. Thats one answer to why volcker assisted in court and aiding meetings between ukrainian officials and the personal attorney of President Trump do i would usually ani who has been spearheading apparently this effort to dig up dirt on transport opponent ok for now heidi thank you very much indeed a sense other news now the iraqi Prime Minister is calling for calm after 3 days of and see government protests left at least 31 people dead and 11 alone were killed on thursday. He has asked for sisters to raise their demands with his office so a solution can be reach the iraqi president salsa crackdown on corruption sacking a fire isnt Government Employees says widespread anger against a lack of jobs and purpose is iran come as the latest from baghdad. They defied the curfew imposed by iraqs Security Forces. And for not following soldiers orders bullets were fired at the. Government demonstrations in the capital baghdad for the past 3 days have also spread to other cities such as bus or the city yet a number of as the violence escalated Security Forces blocked major roads i mean today it is also blocked in most parts to sever social media i protesters are demanding a change of government as well as more jobs less corruption and an end to religious discrimination you know i dont want to. Despite the curfew we are going out to call for our rights we want to change the regime theyve arrested our people theyve done things to our people that they did not even do to die and they beat them up and humiliated them while firing live gunfire what did we do are we suicide bombers were here to call for our rights. Dead has risen steadily and over a 1000 have been injured. Since the defeat of ice or protests to say nothing has changed them despite the promises of politicians. Did what they know what theyre not even with the curfew i swear to god we will not retreat were demanding a simplest rights the simplest rights to be for you know what we 2nd fights ourselves for our country to be sacrificed for iraq our people come out not for yourselves but for your children. Iraqis are also unhappy with the abrupt dismissal of. The Counterterrorism Forces in the fight against i sold out and i say the governments reaction to the protests

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