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Certainly the tone. Certainly has been better and i can update also from this place press conference which is just kind of come to a close as adrian brown mentioned in his story the Deputy Commissioner has given a resolute defense of that particular Police Officer who fired that live ammunition at the 18 year old at tuesdays rally he said the Police Officer had to act quickly because of the imminent threat to his life that the questions were asked by journalists as to why the Police Officer didnt shoot followed the chest while i should like to know the needs of the legs and i said that the the Police Officer felt under threat hammers spanners shop and objects were being used on their colleagues and the police they also said the lives of the place officers are under threat and increasingly in danger they said that the place is simply carrying out the g. T. S. And the critics are failing to wait nori the threats that the police and they are facing they say that should be smearing the police and theres been a further update on the number of people injured the please. Said that 30 Police Officers were injured in tuesdays demonstrations 5 are still in hospital and 2 us still as to including 2 of those who attacked by acid bombs so that was in the New Territories they said 104 protests are also theyve been hospitalized 269 people were arrested yesterday and there are ages between 12 and 71 years of age so you can see a huge diversity of generations who partake in the dissipating in these demonstrations and after 4 months of sustained protests virtually every weekend does it look as though theyre going to continue. It does mean saying or not wednesday weve seen about a 1000 people who rallied and walked to march between central shan one and back to advocate which is where government headquarters is and where a lot of these protests have focused and weve got another rally i believe this sunday which will be in support of the indonesian journalist whos followed on by with using rubber bullets and bean bag rounds on sunday its rally weve had Court Appearances of 97 people whove gone through the court today and theyve been charged with running outside in this place press conference there repeatedly referring to writing acts and when you refer to rot in the riots an offense that will incur heavy penalties and i think up to yesterday tuesdays rally i think were seeing an escalation of violence from but side but bunts sides are also showing defiance in their support for pushing him pushing ahead in these demonstrations right sara thing to about 10 oclock there live in hong kong. Its been a year since journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered saudi arabias consulate in istanbul to get documents he needed for his upcoming marriage he never came out investigations by turkish officials indicate that he was killed and dismembered by a saudi hit squad Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin salma says he takes responsibility but he denies ordering the killing. Is demanding answers from riyadh the crown prince monley does. It is meaningful that this was broadcast close to the october 2nd date it sounds to me like it was something that was said to weaken or listen public pressure secondly if that is not the case and it was carried out under the crown princes responsibility then we would have the right to ask him about the details then why was jamal killed and why has the public not been informed about the death until now i am talking about the details for instance we dont know where the body is his funeral prayers have not been performed there is no b. Real if he carries full responsibility then i believe we should be able to ask these questions in that case mohammed bin some months should give an answer. From we go to Andrew Simmons our correspondent whos outside the Public Prosecutors Office in istanbul weve also got. Hes outside the consulate itself the saudi consulate in. Jamal of course this is where the crime took place many people in many groups now determined that this crime will not be forgotten. And theyre coming to organize more your service martin which theyre calling. Trying to. Put the fire in methods that not only rob this crime not be forgotten but they will continue to call for justice to be delivered in order for those the perpetrators of this murder to be held accountable. But also to get on so is true questions that remain unanswered like where are the remains of jamal specialities body but also its a call for protection of other journalists particularly in a region not releasing a lot of oppression and crackdown on a free press and that is one of the messages that. Is legacy is based on it is that sets free press and the need for there to be people who speak truth to power aside from this Memorial Service which will have speakers including human rights activists including friends and colleagues of to model a trophy as well as other figures like the Nobel Prize Winner to Michael Cottman from yemen and others there will also be an unveiling of a memorial stone in this green square which is just in front of the consulate and thats significant for a number of reasons for us to be obviously it is at least a place to remember and pay respects to. The last place where he was seen alive this year was entering that building particularly as there is no grave for him because we dont know where the remains are but also it is an insistence from his friends and loved ones and those who want to continue in his footsteps thats if there is a physical reminder all of this slain journalists considering that the saudi authorities there are reports that they have sold the consulate building behind us so its future is still unclear so that is whats going to take place today no doubt there will be a remember a call once again that justice must be delivered and those who are responsible for the murder of the marshal she must be held accountable all right jim thank you for that lets go to andrew now Andrew Symonds hes outside the Public Prosecutors Office and andrew so many questions remain said weve seen the film say directing had questions re ed and at the crown prince himself what are the turkish authorities like did you do to follow up on this. I think theres a lot of sympathy for her teachers if you express their earlier because there is a solemn atmosphere obviously 7 kilometers away where jamal is right now in front of the consulate here at the coal complex this house is the Prosecutor Generals Office and his colleagues his prosecutors who have been working flat out during this past year with preparation for indictments for the suspects there are 15 here in turkey on the list another 3 out of vance team that went to riyadh and then back and in preparation for this crime a lot of the attention recently has been focused on what preparations were made clear evidence in leaked phone conversations that there was a state organized plan as soon as Jamal Khashoggi went into that consulate on the october of september the 28th and then returned october the 2nd in this gap between that a massive operation have been planned when i say massive i dont necessarily mean on the ground but in riyadh at state level with saudi tiny a close advisor to mohammed bin. Actually organizing things hes not been seen for many months its thoughts its rumored rather that hes been killed poisoned to death that was that a state murder if it did indeed take place could this be following a pattern where people inside saudi influential people in inside saudi who may have evidence on them once they are eliminated thats unclear but as far as the investigation goes it is complete it does in the views of the prosecutors here conclude that the walls. Of those murder charges could be directed at 15 people or at least some of them in particular there is an. Indictment we know of. Madrid who was the leader on the ground now this man who was a close advisor not advise a close aide to mohammed bin salamander and his former bodyguard very deep in the intelligence world and the intelligence world now has kicked back with all the evidence tapes bugged tapes spy ware in phones youve heard it all more or less spread out over a year and its conclusive what happened what was organized despite all the attempts by saudi arabia to cover this crime up and also want to import factor and thats the court case or what is described by many observers. A secret operation really to cover things up that court case has 11 people on the indictment list and 5 facing the Death Penalty and the lot goes to say for wait and watch now turkey isnt so hopeful there could be an extradition or any International Inquiry. Wants that International Inquiry and wants justice done she believes the mohammed bin solomon is responsible but where do we go from here the fear is nowhere in terms of International Justice and you simmons live outside the public cant Prosecutors Office an example thank you very much indeed. Theres a count here and our desire get breakfast down the british Prime Minister bar something gets ready to make his pitch to the Party Faithful in manchester. A mounting grassy area in europes highest Mountain Range is being transformed by rising temperatures according to scientists. Hello the rain seems to have arrived now in malaysia nice steady run a shastri in the west was in the breeze the top end summer in the philippines occasionally as you know something vietnam the bottom and edging towards indonesia its showers and a bit of sunshine so this looks like a mess and certainly if youre on the nice it will be heavy rain from sort of way the west woods to sumatra including kale and singapore this is no surprise this is a seasonal slow change in australia because were not transitional season but were so far away from the equator its been quite vicious changes in temperature and weather type warming up now though particularly in tasmania and victoria with temperatures in the middle twentys which is fairly typical now and yet only 2 days ago we were talking about the low teens melbourne just about the same as per anywhere really on the mainland rather 20 more perth is cooling down melbourne is cooling down whats going down because once again given that we are in spring really a change to the southwest is to a change to a cold wind. Now across the tasman sea the active weather is still active not as vicious as it was but given the breezes are from the south is not that warm 10 to 13 degrees more clout than sunshine but not much rain. On the streets of greece anti immigrant violence is on the rise that all you have to go from all the potential of the sun that prove this is a plus or something and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims a vicious beating. A slam is helping the Pakistani Community to find a voice the stories we dont often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack this is iraq on aljazeera. Brian todd for us to take a look at the top stories here down to 0 protests in hong kong coming out in support of the teenager who was shot by police during demonstrations on to say the British Foreign minister has called the use of live ammunition a disproportionate response. Its been a year since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi you cited saudi arabias counts of this in this temple. Film say is still demanding answers from riyadh and the crown Prince Mohammed bin sound. Of the u. S. President donald trump has denounced an impeachment investigate should against him as a coup a war of words between House Democrats and key members of his cabinet has erupted as more with this is a being called to testify in the impeachment inquiry the teacher castro reports. The president of the United States is accusing sections of his own government of attempting a coup and she was day donald trump tweeted i am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment it is a coup intended to take away the power of the people their vote their freedoms the late night tweet from the white house came after reports of merged that yet another government watchdog has agreed to meet with Congress Steve linnik the state Department Inspector general will reportedly deliver an urgent briefing on wednesday even as the head of his Agency Secretary of state mike pompei oh so the testimony of state Department Employees was not feasible bomb pale a staunch trump ally also accused democrats of intimidating witnesses in their fast paced impeachment probe while democrats accused pump aoe of the same but the senate tried. Credibly damaging to president draw because it would lay out for the American People great detail. All of the charges and all of the evidence against him and we put the president on the defensive and he would have to answer the charges with real arguments and real analysis not with talking about civil wars. 2 former state employees will testify to congress behind closed doors the ukrainian envoy who resigned last week will give his deposition on thursday the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine will have her turn october 11th both are mentioned in a whistleblower complaint that President Trump leveraged u. S. Diplomacy to pressure ukrainian president a lot of years olinsky to investigate trumps domestic political rivals the lewinsky deny the allegation on tuesday new colu. Ive never felt any influence on me there are a lot of people in russia in the west standard ukraine who would like to influence me but im the president of ukraine of independent ukraine and it seems to me that my stats show that it is impossible to influence me President Trump says the ukrainian investigation is a hoax he has repeatedly tried to discredit the whistleblower and Intelligence Officer who remains anonymous trump has said on twitter that he wants to find out the officers identity even as a Senior Member of his own Republican Party says the whistleblower ought to be heard and protected heidi joe castro aljazeera washington. The british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to lay out what downing street says is his final offer on brets it and it would involve we understand customs checks on the island of ireland is you to give a speech in next couple of hours at the conservative Party Conference in manchester in the north of england from where our correspondent rory chalons now joins us and it wont just be of course his party the Party Faithful the members of the conservative party will be the whole country and the whole of europe are going to be eagerly awaiting to hear what Boris Yeltsin has to say. And you can see some of them now they are queuing behind me this queue going into the main order story and stretches past me out the door and all the way down the side of the building so obviously the conservative Party Faithful very clean keen to hear what Boris Johnson has to say and the e. U. Is as well in fact many people involved in or interested in the bracks of process want to know what Boris Johnsons big plan is and the Daily Telegraph newspaper says that it has seen these full plans what it is calling 2 borders for 4 years now what this means according to the Daily Telegraph is that the u. K. Would leave the e. U. But Northern Ireland part of the u. K. Would sort of stay half in half out it would leave the Customs Union but would remain part of large parts of the Single Market until at least 2025 and after 4 years the Northern Ireland assembly would be able to decide whether Northern Ireland should stay aligned with the you all whether to swing back so the u. K. Is by then independent position so essentially Boris Johnsons big pitch is to replace what is currently a frictionless border between Northern Ireland of the republic of ireland with 2 much more sticky ones one that actually is on that border the current exists. And another one crucially between Northern Ireland and the mainland and that is a significant step from the British Government to make a special case for Northern Ireland this is his as he puts it take it or leave it pitch to the European Union. And if i remember rightly i think that was something that to resume a had ruled out categorically said no british Prime Minister whatever countenance separating out the territory of Northern Ireland but what does is dependent upon is it dependent upon now the the agreement of of the irish in dublin the Northern Irish the d u p and of course then eventually europe. What this has to please all 27 Member States of the European Union and that is the big challenge one thing that seems to have been overcome is any opposition from a Democratic Unionist Party thats the Northern Ireland Political Party that has propped up the conservatives in government in 2002017 they want Northern Ireland to stay absolutely firmly connected to the United Kingdom so for them to accept some sort of special case for Northern Ireland is a big compromise but the the signs coming from dublin the signs coming from the e. U. Is that this plan from Boris Johnson is a nonstarter that its still cherry picks parts of the European Unions customs and Single Market regulations and that it sets a time limits on this this kind of special case for Northern Ireland and the public arent violent and that they say is unacceptable all right hurry thank you for that drove the germans our correspondent at the conservative Party Conference in manchester in the north of england. The United States is urging north korea to refrain from provocation after its latest missile test one missile was fired into the sea towards japan possibly from a submarine for the 1st time in 3 years the test came hours after the north said it would resume dont incur ization talks with the u. S. On saturday. Perus Vice President has resigned 24 hours after congress nominated her the faded other yours as interim president her decision is the latest twist in a deepening political crisis after president martine biz carter dissolved congress on monday as many other sanchez reports from the capital lima the right wing opposition and now accusing him of being a dictator. Outside boost Congress Hundreds of Police Continue to reinforce security around the building only allowing members of congress is Permanent Commission to enter the premises. That was to be a rebel lawmaker who supported swearing in an interim president on monday came under attack angry peruvians who garbage him to show off just how disenchanted peruvians are with legislators their. Legislators helped to be one of their own with big credentials others going to seat others are involved in Drug Trafficking there was a marquee of sex offenders in their cars decision was good. The worst political crisis in decades has left confused a day after president michel discovered this solved congress the Vice President sworn in as new interim president resigned or so this that i also posted a letter on her twitter account same the constitutional tribunal should decide whether discussed this issue to Close Congress is legal. Watching the drama unfold some peruvian say things should have gone in a different direction. We have to learn to respect the state powers maybe this will change things around but why can this car wait for a year if you couldnt govern he should have stepped aside. Critics of discover say hes a weak president now members of the opposition majority say new dictator and hes this isnt is or could it possibly a little too literally we will go to International Organizations to protect our rights but also we will march alongside peruvians to. A colorado mark received in the middle of this uncertainty and as the hours go by president being discussed position is consolidating he has the army he has the police but most importantly he has the approval of most peruvians. And opinion poll in may said 71 percent of peruvians disapproved of congress 63 percent wanted it closed on tuesday many said they felt relieved which it took with it im happy because finally they brought down the rats nest they supported corruption. The want all those involved in corruption and jailed and are hoping that believe scotland we delivered up to sire if he prevails again a scientist to see that he needed. A few of fires are being reported in the amazon rain forest in brazil recent data shows a 35 percent drop compared with july and august brazils president gioia bolton are ordered a 60 day ban on controlled fires following the International Outcry about hundreds of blazes and the environmental destruction. A massive chunk of ice remember rapidly melting last year is threatening disaster in the italian alps emergency orders have been easier to close roads and ban the hikers on the italian side of mom blog as Natasha Butler reports Climate Change is being blamed for the glasses potentially imminent collapse. The more prominent in range is the highest in europe jutting dramatically into the sky on its southern slopes in italy is the plot of past year glazier for as long as anyone here can remember the vast expanse of slow moving ice has been part of the landscape but that could soon change Scientists Say the glacier is melting at an alarming rate because of Climate Change and could collapse the fate that is happening is that the movement of the of part of the front of the glacier is much faster than the rest of the glacier and this means that we have a sector of the glacier that train. Laps or part of it the section at risk is the equivalent in volume of 100. 00 lympics swimming pools below it a valley popular with tourists if part of the glazier was to break away would cause a huge avalanche of snow ice and rock the wooden danger anyone using this road that is why the local mayor is taking no chances he has closed this road and walkers and hikers are not allowed to access any of the mountain huts in this area the mayor says the shrinking glazier shows how Climate Change is transforming the region. This is evidence of Global Warming we have higher temperatures in the summer and winter now so our mountains are in crisis our glass is a diminishing we must take responsibility and stop this as well chris and he lives in parts of our glasses with some tories staying away livelihoods are also it risk. And i really hope the outbreak so soon so its over because its hard for me to work i make cheese but theres no want to buy it. How long the plan passed your place you can remain intact is unclear but Scientists Say its case is far from unique nearly all of the more blah ranges glaciers are shrinking. Faster because of Climate Change what once seemed able to withstand the pressures of time is now very visibly fragile the tasha butler aljazeera italy. Lets have a look at the top stories here at out of their protests in hong kong are coming out in support of the teenager who was shot by police in demonstrations on tuesday the British Foreign minister has called the use of live ammunition a disproportionate response a protest leader has dismissed the Hong Kong Polices assertion that the officer acted in self defense. If he had not defend him self he would not even be in the i. C. U. He would be in a mortuary. The government considers itself lucky that he did not die on schools. Even despite the object of an unquestionable truth that the courts by multiple field reporters on the cameras the p. R. Officer of the Hong Kong Police force this year is still somehow shamus in our can fabricate the whole 13 out of thin air. 3 years enchanters Jamal Khashoggi entered saudi arabias consulate in istanbul to obtain documents or is upcoming marriage she never came out investigations by turkish officials indicate that because she was killed and dismembered by a saudi hit squad the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin salmond says he takes responsibility but denies ordering the killing u. S. President donald trump is in alcee impeachment investigation against him as a coup his secretary of state might prompt payer has called an order for 5 of his officials to appear before congress bullying the chairman of 3 of the investigating house committees say any obstructions by pompei will be considered illegal. The british Prime Minister Boris Johnsons expected to lay out what downing street says is his final offer brecks it could involve customs checks on the island of ireland if you to give a speech in the next couple of hours at the conservative Party Conference in manchester in the north of england perus Vice President has resigned 24 hours after congress nominated messages of a jaros as interim president president martin the visit carters decision to dissolve congress on monday provoked protests in the capital lima and opposition accusations of him being a dictator and arielle says she hopes her decision will lead to elections to resolve perus worst political crisis for decades all right check today those are the latest headlines coming up next this is your talk to aljazeera. What guarantees will you give to the people will be attending the manana workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone its also terrorizing we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter does their own. To get of would put it in the army just maybe how. Would one could be a. Good job given to me who. We should look at but. Not world of jordan. Today is one very big good celebration the day off done and thats why we are going to collect the things you can see here in their order we broke and we will broke and you have to go from our country and this and that this isnt from fusses im. Theres been about had their head. Nailed to the interest. Of the man. So the limits. On what they can tell you about the baby. You know that. Many. Mothers going to. Any. Mans ahead will explain to me to. Show them. To. Be man. Enough to buy what ive got so that im not going to get just a subset of the my. Pets it must. Must really suck. To get on there somewhere Something Like that kind of. Tell its a. Little bit tough to see you know some of the subtle. Its not going to get dropped your son and son of a lot. Sooner. Than. Me. Not some of us the jamaat to do you get a sitter for sort of from. Your heart a hanging of bucky jewel be precluded. Book dumped out of here. Or let you know. If. Youre not supposed to get home like you. He. Would it be your head will go down dont come in but ill get a start and. The back of. The little man says ive got the. Tape. But. Ill get stuck here. That the sooner the better. For you

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