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Economic recovery but at what cost to the environment. Thanks. A day of celebration has turned into escalating violence on the streets of hong kong tens of thousands of people have defied warnings from the police that it would be quote very very dangerous to protest what is the 70th anniversary of the founding of communist china about 6000. 00 Police Officers have been stationed across the territory and theyve confirmed that their views live rounds of ammunition as well as tear gas and Water Cannons to try to break up the crowds of demonstrators as well a video being circulated widely on social media appears to show a Police Officer shooting a protester in the chest police say the man has been taken to hospital and the Reuters News Agency is reporting that. One person is in Critical Condition. All right well its just after 7 in the evening now in hong kong sarah clarke is our correspondent there 1st of all sara so reports seem to have been borne out by the police that live ammunition is being used at least one protester has been shot we think in the chest and presumably thats the person in hospital in a Critical Condition. Yes live fire has been used a large bullets been used at 2 locations a young my time on the telephone side and chin one thats in the New Territories and thats where that boy was shot was a boy teenager the reports suggest local media that hes 15 or 16 years of age in a high school in a Critical Condition and undergoing surgery in Queen Elizabeth hospital thats one report of the liability weve had as far. As that although at the rally points across hong kong today on tuesday there were 6 different organized demonstrations or assemblies of course there was a big peaceful march where we had tens of thousands of people rally in court right by and make their way through to central it was when they dispersed in central where things started to unravel and i was in the last hour weve had probable its fired in manchaca all the Prince Edward into weve also had petrol bombs trying to one child which is where we are now those picture bombs were trying near the interior which is hong kongs transport system weve had live fires the whole way along this area and throughout one charred willet by those picture bombs we also have reports ensured one or 2 mall i should say where police were of protesters threw acid on those police weve seen the images of the place theyve been scarred blistered and obviously affected by the bombs of the trauma at those places so its a magic scenes across hong kong on Chinas National Day and what does appear to be the case is that many of these protesters have come out onto the streets with the intention with the the the real intent of causing harm to the Police Officers and indeed making this a day that. Would route to watch from from where theyre sitting as they try to celebrate the 70th anniversary of their revolution. Exactly where these protests have been going on for 4 months now and its been building up to this day this is chinas 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china and i want to despoil hong kong protesters want to spoil that celebration and they certainly have we know there are 6000 places been deployed here in Hong Kong Island and as well as on the other side of color inside a nice place have been very busy the pockets of rallies or assemblies and clashes as well as stand offs across hong kong now behind me with the right behind me is completely blocked blocked off areas in front of me are blocked off the police are mobilizing very quickly now i should say 30 ice n. P. R. Stations are closed as a result the trams are being closed for a long time this afternoon so one of the tactics has been trying to stop those people mobilizing or getting to those location points but as i mentioned most of today the 10s of thousands of people rallied that was peaceful its only at the not last few hours where things have started to unravel. Thank you very much sarah clarke then with the very latest from hong kong. Where the day did start a lot more peacefully there had been celebrations and in china itself they were marking 70 years since the communist party seized we have 2 reports one in a moment from rob matheson hes in beijing 1st so lets hear from scott hyla in hong kong. The annual National Day Flag Raising Ceremony in hong kong this year was watched by dignitaries and guests of the government on t. V. For security the 12000. 00 attendees were inside the Hong Kong Convention center for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china officials were concerned that the protesters would disrupt the ceremony a heavy security ring was placed around the Convention Center matthew chunkin chung stood in as acting chief executive as kerry lamb along with a delegation from hong kong travel to beijing for the ceremony there he addressed the ongoing protests now in their 17 week. Hong kong citizens have been shocked and saddened by the violence which has turned the city that well call home and into an unfamiliar place and we are desperate for a way out of this thailand a group of about 100 beijing supporters gathering here with the flag raising ceremony was earlier in the day this is one of several groups who have gone to different locations around hong kong to wave the chinese flag and to sing the anthem ok a small group of prodemocracy protesters made their way close to the venue for the National Day Ceremony led by an activist politician the group was quickly met by riot police part of intense security territory m. T. R. Train stations across hong kong were closed to stymie protesters from gathering a protester groups petition for a march was rejected by police several rallies were still planned well you know why but for those in hong kong who see this as a day of National Celebration not a National Calamity as the protesters call it it was an opportunity to fly their colors its got harder aljazeera hong kong. Aircraft funded through the skies above beijing Armored Vehicles rumble through chan and square a display of chinas military strength as president xi jinping calls for economic and political confidence and sends a message to hong kong. We have to maintain their peaceful united in one country to assist them. To keep hong kong and macau is a long term prosperity at the state realty 70 years ago when gentleman square communist Party Chairman mao tse dong announced the founding of the peoples republic of china. In the following 27 years most socalled great leap forward plan to boost farming and Industrial Production led to famine and the deaths of an estimated 30000000 people his cultural revolution clampdown and dissent a year after maos death in 1986 new leader dench helping declared china would open up internally and to the outside world the china of today bears little resemblance to the china of chairman mao the new middle class is getting wealthier and the countrys transformed itself into an economic global power but one of the central messages of things celebrations today seems to be a cautionary one yes we should acknowledge what china has achieved so far but there could be tough times ahead. For president xi as centralizing and strengthening control in beijing some of the president s political rivals have been swept up in his crackdown on corruption as well as the ongoing protests in hong kong and allegations linked to human rights the trade war with the us is forcing chinas economy to slow down this is a not a adversity of High Expectations that is going to be very glorious in the near future its an anniversary in which we look back on the china has been able to attain and we talk about a new era of sacrifices and struggle in 198911 squares all bloodshed one. Ocracy demonstrators stood up against times in 29 teams china is determined to show that its military is stronger than ever but the success of president xi jinping his leadership may depend on how he handles chinas newfound prosperity matheson. Basing. North Korea Says Nuclear negotiations with the us will resume on saturday the countries have had a month long stalemate over withdrawal of sanctions in exchange for disarmament donald trump and kim jong un failed to reach an agreement on the new cries ation of the Korean Peninsula when they last met in february trump and kim spoke again in an historic meeting of the Demilitarized Zone between the 2 koreans. New reports of images suggest President Trump sought the help of another foreign leader if a political gain President Trump trade in Prime Minister to help the Justice Department investigate the miller inquiry which examined russian interference in the 2 of the 16 election yes trailing governments admitted it agreed to help the president s already facing an impeachment inquiry into his dealings with the ukrainian president has he culhane reports. Thank you u. S. President donald trump right now its all about the investigations the impeachment investigation into his dealings with ukraine and now another one published reports say that the president reached out to australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison for help look into how the investigation into Russian Election interference got started and hes not alone his attorney general william barr reportedly did the same with the United Kingdom and italy if true this would be unprecedented u. S. Officials asking allies to help them investigate u. S. Intelligence agencies and the congressional investigation into the ukrainian controversy is speeding ahead on monday new subpoenas for trumps confidant Rudy Giulianis documents and his dealings with ukraine giuliani responded saying he might testify but is still claiming he is trumps lawyer which could imply Attorney Client privilege but analyst jeff hauser says giuliani has publicly said something very different Rudy Giuliani has said that he has not actually trumped personal attorney is doing essentially emissary work on behalf of trump as an individual on the Trump Campaign and that does not provide any sort of privilege which would protect his documents from going to congress the president has been taking to twitter and to the cameras to pronounce hes done nothing wrong the response from democrats in congress will find out and fast decline aljazeera washington. Andrew thomas has more now on the australian connection for the. Spokes person for australias government has essentially said that theres nothing unusual about this phone call in a statement they said that ghostwriting government has always been ready to assist and cooperate with efforts that help shed further light on the matters under investigation and the Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed this readiness once again in a conversation with the president so theyve characterized that there merely as the Prime Minister of australia helping out the leader of a friendly country the us president in an Ongoing Investigation or the Opposition Party here in australia sees things very differently they think that this is Scott Morrison helping donald trump with what is essentially a political investigation into a political problem the militia investigation and they have said that his assistance is in disparate saying that mullah investigation and answer the elder naisi the leader of the opposition here has said that australias Prime Minister has involved himself in what is essentially a domestic issue inside the United States and has a lot of explaining to do well australia is involved in a workplace because it was a conversation between the australian diplomat in london and an aide to the then Trump Campaign back in 26. 00 saying that kick started the motor inquiry George Papadopoulos a young aide on the Front Campaign told Alexander Downer the australian high commissioner in london at the time that the russian so you believe had on Hillary Clinton that they were going to leak during the campaign and that meant that trump was more likely to win the election than he might otherwise have been alexander down effect that information back to australias capital camera and in turn his superiors in town brickell important enough information to tell the f. B. I. And that is where the whole millette investigation began well theres a lot of conspiracy theories perhaps in the us that that initial conversation in london was in some way orchestrated by the Clinton Campaign and that in many ways is what donald trump is trying to prove. In some ways through this investigation but also straight its involvement and here is Scott Morrison the studys Prime Minister say that he will do what he can to help donald trump those inquiries weve got a lot more to come here including a leadership crisis and harry find out why the country now has 2 president s at least one person is killed in haiti as protests demand the president s resignation. How it is not the end of the wet season for japan for south korea or indeed for china this massive cloud here is a Tropical Cyclone mark todd currently pounding the east coast of china heading up towards shanghai during the next 24 hours it will be wind but more especially rain is the problem and then its course takes it toward south korea there will be some spin off rain for japan of course in japan and south korea less so eastern china flooding has been a big thing surat the season so the potential for more flooding is going to be realized as you can see wet and windy and yes were now in october but that might be the end of it for Mainland China because we see now for days on end quiet sunny where there was a very much difference except for a bit of rain in the Higher Ground to the west and that continues to be the case attention near the 30 mark in shanghai and above it in hong kong humidity not particularly high although a little higher than it has been recently such that you catch the seas no rains as they are now exist which is this line through central philippines and towards some off from peninsula but theyre not moving very quickly south and they could certainly reproduce themselves as heavy downpours in vietnam as for india bihars the latest state to see extensive flooding but there is more to come. Every year 50000000 tons of electronic waste is thrown away the majority is illegally dumped in developing countries right now electronic waste is traded out in this way retracing the tech through the criminal organizations making big profits and asking why the west is turning a blind eye. On the waste trail on aljazeera. To take a look at the top stories here at aljazeera police in hong kong of bullets and tear gas at demonstrators disrupting Chinas National Day celebrations some demonstrators were building barricades and setting fire. To shot in the chest and is reportedly in a Critical Condition beijing has been marking the 70th anniversary of communist rule in china with a display of military strength in a speech at the parades president she called for a unified china that includes hong kong. Reports suggest the u. S. President sought the help of another foreign leader for political gain the New York Times says donald trump asked the australian Prime Minister to help investigate the moment. Trump is already facing an impeachment inquiry into what was said in a phone call to ukraines president. The speaker of Irans Parliament has told aljazeera that terror and is open to the idea of dialogue with saudi arabia it follows the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman saying he would prefer a peaceful resolution with iran in settling Regional Security disputes as opposed to military conflict our correspondent said bank has more from. Well the speaker of the house has said that he welcomed reports that crown Prince Albert crown prince muhammad bill some man favors dialogue he said that security and political issues in the region can be resolved through dialogue but also that news will be welcome by some in iran also be seen as a victory because they will see that irans military strategy is working that iran is seen as a Strong Military power and countries that may not necessarily be friends of iran favor dialogue over military conflict he also said that iran will speak to the hootches now this is very important because iran has been accused of being behind the attacks against Oil Facilities in saudi arabia that the rebels came responsibility to and he said that iran will speak to the hutus and encourage them to accept any cease fire until the saudis that its also in their favor this is a ron whose allies are the hutu rebels saying that they will tell the who teased and were to accept a cease fire and work for peace in the region the police and the military in peru say they still support martin visit kadar as president despite Congress Voting to suspend him from Office Opposition politicians and symbolically sworn in his Vice President after his car dissolved congress to stop it electing judges to the constitutional tribunal but the opposition members defied the executive order and remained in congress for the vote Mariana Sanchez has more from lima. Now peru has 2 president s. At the president ial palace and the Vice President. Has been sworn in in congress that happened a while ago and it. Said in a small speech that the. Move by president microscopical was is unconstitutional move although president who started out the program asked president to Close Congress if he received a 2nd. No vote of confidence which happened today was declared the vacancy of the president to say i was unfit he was. Moral incapacitated to continue being a precedent now this happened without an impeachment without a trial which of course will raise questions about the legality of this move and congress in the meantime president. Of the military in the president ial palace they have gone there to show their support he also received the resignation of his cabinet members and sworn in a new Prime Minister or chief how its known here and outside of Congress Protesters supporting the sky are confronting the police the riot police throwing tear gas for some time and. Protests have continued for some time in this crisis that has been going on now. Violent confrontations between police and government demonstrators in haiti at least one person was killed opposition leaders in the country have refused to take part in National Dialogue instead they want more demonstrations. Reports earlier on monday the streets of the haitian capital Port Au Prince were once again taken over by thousands of demonstrators. Its been 3 weeks to see the unrest began and protests against the heat. President show no signs of letting down. Was not exactly what were looking for a president show of melbourne ways to put him in jail because the haitian people dont recognize him as the president of haiti weve been fighting for so long but things dont improve all the government does steal. Clashes between police and demonstrators have become commonplace so have attacks against private businesses and police stations. Authorities have been accused of Excessive Force using tear gas and live ammunition to disperse demonstrators one local journalist was shot during the most recent unrest but over the past few weeks the violence on the streets has claimed several lives. Despite the Police Standing in our way were not afraid of anything we will continue to do what we have to do. Demonstrators blame haitis president for a laundry list of problems the country is plagued by double digit inflation currency devaluation and an ongoing fuel shortage thats wreaked havoc on Public Services and International Delegation of ambassadors known as the core group are attempting to mediate haitis ongoing political crisis but opposition leaders or unwilling to sit down for a National Dialogue saying the only thing that will stop the unrest in the country is the resignation of president juvenal noise. Official say Public Schools and several Government Services will remain shut down until the unrest subsides but with opposition leaders calling for more protests no one really knows how long that means. For the prince. In indonesia and the members of parliament have been sworn in following a night of more protests and hundreds of arrests indonesians have been demonstrating nationwide over the past week have been demonstrating against proposed legislation that they say will curtail freedom and cripple efforts to stop corruption mohammed has more from jakarta but if any. Inside Indonesias Parliament the swearing in a 575. 00 members taking an oath to uphold the countrys laws and democracy. But outside tension is palpable parliament has come under fire for rushing through several controversial bills before the end of the legislative time what initially started as a student protest turned into a Wider Movement of Civil Society groups trying to protect their rights thousands of taking to the streets over the past week calling for a revised anticorruption to be repealed critics say it weakens the power of the Corruption Eradication commission and only benefits the elite and corrupt officials when the law its the freedom of indonesia we cannot express ourselves we are really i guess in some cases demonstrations turned violent protesters threw rocks petrol bombs and lit firecrackers around 26000 sick. U. T. Personnel responded with tear gas to disperse crowds on monday. Mass protests led to president joke of a daughter delaying the passing of some bills 5 will be up a discussion in the new parliamentary term but the most controversial a pending criminal code which could discriminate against religious minorities outdoor sex outside marriage ban abortion and even make it illegal to insult the president protesters say the measures could turn indonesia into a repressive society how can we call our country democratic when the nation is piloting the peoples right women one be allowed on the street after 10 we know that many in the nation women who work late to support their families this is very unfair and demands have grown beyond legislative issues there are calls to end for spying is and to military action in west papua the government has tried to make changes to its goals for many years detaching from the wars that have been established and start following the rule for many here it could reverse progress already made pressure is mounting on the president as he heads into his 2nd 5 year term in office he maintains the upcoming laws and bills may require more consideration while his caught in a tug of war between appeasing the public and political elite analysts believe all i should be on the new parliament to communicate with more transparency the new congress can see ok if im not. From the public then there was like more write all of these generations and you in the us has shown all of us that they can make a very good public aware of slackness. These are some of the biggest demonstrations indonesia has seen since 1908 the protesters say they want the president to side with them and hear their aspirations and for now they say that demonstrations will continue for him Mohammed Al Jazeera jakarta. In taiwan divers are searching for survivors after a bridge collapsed on the fishing boat video shows how the 140 meter long grey. Gave way at the port of nun fangirl its reported an all time her on the bridge fell setting vehicles on fire firefighters suspect some fishermen were trapped in the wreckage and 6 who survived are in a Critical Condition in hospital the refugees and migrants are being moved from an overcrowded camping greece following a fire on sunday at least one Asylum Seeker was killed in the marine camp on the island of les boss its been home to 12000 people thats 4 times its capacity the great governments changing its policy of containing all new arrivals on lesbos to distribute them nationwide but greece is also preparing to host its 1st summit on the mediterranean the burgeoning oil and gas industry the country will soon become a hydrocarbon producer its hoped the revenue will help pay off the billions of dollars of debt pastor jones or opus reports the drive for cash comes at a risk to the environment greece produces only about one percent of the oil and gas it consumes it spends more than 13000000000. 00 a year importing the rest the government wants to keep more of that money in the Greek Economy it has spent a decade selling concessions for oil and Gas Exploration along the countrys west coast and off sure the benefit of the greek state from the royalties will be significant. Were going to really were the 1st months of 2000 the gold in the future for all these the state will have from that all things will be more than 250000000. 00 per year these royalties could be repeated dozen times over if other areas of exploration bear fruit and they would be used to create a National Pension fund Domestic Production would also mean Corporate Tax revenue and jobs every was issued. In exploration is supported by another 4 positions of the entire industry i mean you have a defining you have 3 you have a story you have transport think most importantly perhaps it means Energy Security greece currently imports 3 quarters of its total energy needs that makes it one of the most energy insecure countries in europe and vulnerable to rises in International Oil prices hello nic petroleum believes they could find up to 140000000 barrels of oil in these waters in the west patters gulf that alone could cover greeces needs for almost a decade but theres a serious downside the waters of greeces west coast are a key feeding in spawning grounds for vulnerable populations of sperm whales dolphins monk seals and other marine animals Scientists Say drilling could disorient or even kill these animals if greece is here to make sure that oil drilling does not start its not only an ill conceived experiment for Marine Environment or are now entering their own its very dangerous for a climate for our local communities and of course our National Economy a single accident could damage greeces 56000000000. 00 Tourism Industry or oil and Gas Exploration is said to continue for now but it is creating a divide between those who see the potential to monetize hydrocarbons and those who see greeces true treasure in its history and Natural Beauty jumps out opal us al jazeera in the path of scoff. Take a look at the top stories here it out is there are police in hong kong are fired for lifts and demonstrators disrupting Chinas National Day celebrations some demonstrators a building barricades and setting fires one protest shot by live fire in the chest is reportedly in a Critical Condition in hospital sarah clarke has more from hong kong. I fire has been used a lot of bullets been used to locations young my time on the calendar and chin one thats in the New Territories and thats where that boy was shot at the white teenager the reports suggest local media that hes 15 or 16 years of age in a high school in a Critical Condition and undergoing surgery in Queen Elizabeth hospital thats one report of the libelous weve had. Or like haitians although at the rally points across hong kong today beijing has marked the 70th anniversary of communist rule in china with a display of military strength in a speech at the parades president xi called for a unified china one that includes home. Now were just getting news of some kind of attack in Finland Police are saying that an attack on a school is left at least one person dead several others are injured it happened in quo piro in the east of the country. The report suggests the us president sought the help of another foreign leader for political gain the New York Times says donald trump asked the australian Prime Minister to help investigate the miller probe president drums already facing an impeachment inquiry into what was said in a phone call to ukraines president. Perus police and the military chiefs say they still support Martin Vickery as president despite Congress Voting to suspend him from Office Opposition politicians and symbolically sworn in his vicepresident after a visit dissolved congress to stop it electing judges to the constitutional tribunals but the opposition members defied the executive order and remained in congress for the votes or a trial today those are the very latest headlines from us here at aljazeera coming up next its inside story. After months of protests fears of more violence in haiti demonstrate to step up their demands for the president to resign so whats fueling beyond race and how will the government respond to peoples grief and since this is inside story. And welcome to the program. For months now people in haiti have protested in sometimes violent demonstrations that appeared to be getting worse a deepening economic crisis and growing fuel and Food Shortages have sent people to the streets theyre demanding the resignation of president of iran

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