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That oversees the these programs and all of them have a very particular view of islam that im not too sure is shared by most people in the country and certainly not by our security. So its not what i mean there are. One Charles Kurtzman wrote a book in which he said that he actually asked why are there so few islamic terrorists now Something Like that is not a mainstream view in this country so he had to read it should be because there is no basis to the claim that the majority of terrorists are muslim or middle eastern this is literally a son of a phobia at its finest and the fact that we have scholars here like Charles Christman one of my professors actually they d. Bungle stereotypes and actively producing responsible and scholarship that should know about it should not be attacked im not so sure that that is the case when you look at the small percentage of people who are islamic and weve had a long series of incidents of islamic terrorism whether its the Boston Marathon the disco in were lindo 9 alleged in fort hood there has been a long series of islamic but say theres also been a long series of white supremacist terror every i would say its as well and wouldnt a College Campus be the best place for those ideas to be debated so ill posit that what you think about that but i want to bring in another viewpoint Laurie Freedman here on twitter she says a lot of the coverage seems to miss the fact that the catalyst for this department of education letter was an attack on the gaza conference and i think that you reference out a little bit earlier she says it claimed antisemitism the fact that the department of education didnt take it up that claim shes referencing demonstrates how thin this is so this is a point that a lot of people are raising in our community and i want to share a video comment from someone who elucidates out a little bit more this is ohashi is a staff attorney at palestine legal heres what she told a stream. The governments letter really seems to be unprecedented in terms of the level of overreach in trying to dictate whats being taught at these schools the context is that the u. S. Government launched a federal investigation into an academic conference on the. Bus a conference isnt mentioned in the letter but its clear to anyone whos following the story like other middle Eastern Studies departments that depend on federal funding that thats what sparked this investigation the governments trying to send a message that if you talk about palestine there will be consequences supporters of the Israeli Government are really afraid that as americans learn more about the middle east were going to start to question our government as to why its turning a blind eye to the experience of the palestinians and why its providing such unconditional support to the Israeli Government so i shall give that to you because you of course are the copresident of students for justice in palestine when youre a campus what do you make of this point that there is a perceived anti israel bias and so really thats at the heart of this yes so his point is on point i couldnt have said it better myself and i think the other thing to be highlighted here is that his point that if people start realizing injustice that israel is perpetuating were going to draw connections to other its cases of injustice in our own country this country has a history of systematic racism of systematic oppression of colored people we are continuously oppressing and targeting innocent people people color there are so many struggles here that need to be connected and i think thats what people are afraid of their creative scenes that all these struggles have been left unaddressed for so long and palestine is the missing piece because it is really an intersection of struggle that people are trying to suppress so that the rest of us are not liberated in terms of the conversation about anti israel and pro israel ill add that theres there is somewhat of a history of sort of questions and criticism of little east studies as a discipline so during the Bush Administration after the 911. 00 terror attacks there were some attacks on middle east studies that scholars have told me about some of these middle east studies. Centers did lose their funding and scholars told me there was a suspicion that politics and their bias against israel had something to do with it during the Obama Administration it was less about politics scholars told me and more about there was just less funding to go around and so some of these middle east studies that are so lost their funding but there have also been more recent criticisms right so actually a Top Department of education official wrote an opinion piece 5 years ago arguing that middle east studies centers should lose should be scrutinized more potentially because of their view their lack of Viewpoint Diversity and should potentially lose federal funding for their bias against israel and so that person was not in the department at the time now he is people suggest that there is a connection that clearly someone came into the department with an agenda to take on these centers and to strip them of their federal funding and some people say this is an example this threat to strip federal funding from the u. S. You do center is an example of that jay i want to go to you but i just want to share with our audience just a little snippet of the letter that was sent to you and the u. N. Saying as part of education there is a considerable emphasis placed on the understanding that the positive aspects of islam where there is an absolute absence of any similar focus on the positive aspects of christianity judaism or any of the Regional Police system in the middle east the slot of balance of perspectives is troubling it feels like what hes being said quite explicitly is that these courses should have a role to play in us society and i overstating that do you see that j. Is far is playing a role in society. I mean education is fundamentally. The ideas that are produced in akademi are spread throughout the country so certainly they have a role of play now the question is what is that role and. There has to be it leap somebody has to sort of plate umpire when they see something becoming a bit unbalanced and that seems to be the case as i said. There are other total focus of the middle eastern the middle east studies program is. Islam where not minorities theres very little on there let me just awesome just off that it was a little idea of what you are actually studying not being tired curricula and we dont have time for that just give us a little highlight what he what he said and right now i mean i dont even want to be apologetic and so im also studying christianity and judaism because we live in a world where we want a country where christians are not directly targeted whether or not women are ready but of course im learning about and get and receive a comprehensive education from professors who have been taught ive heard at talking as i sense you know what are you studying right now to tell our audience what. A global studies what the hans International Middle east and my minor is a sonic and middle Eastern Studies. So i want to bring in this is from campus watching this is an account that some people take issue with but theyre raising a point thats not represented very much in our community so i want to share it campus watch as all universities are free to design any curricula they wish but theyre not free to use taxpayer dollars and violation of federal policies we believe americans deserve to know their dollars arent being wasted or used to promote by a scholarship and they go on to say that that by a scholarship is being represented by duke and u. N. C. Ill give this one to you could these universities just give the money back. Great thats a great question because actually there are examples so the requirements around title 6 Grant Funding have become more stringent recent years and theres a really prominent example Harvard Universitys middle east studies center no longer accept federal funding because it decided we dont want to comply with the more stringent federal requirements so is there do they have to receive this federal funding note this is a 235000. 00 annual grant for u. N. C. Dukes middle east studies center they could choose to raise that money from private sources or to seek other funding opportunities i think the question is also they said the department of education in its letter raised a couple of events points that it found problematic about the middle east in the center and you can see universities have said actually the things that you found problematic we dont even use federal funding for those particular activities or programs and so you can see and you will use federal funding for some things and not for other things the 3rd thing ill mention is that when you and see him do just wrist which they just received another approval for Grant Funding under title 6 last year they submitted a lengthy grant proposal to the department of education explaining exactly the courses programs activities conferences they would be offering and so they did explain in detail what they would be doing just a year ago jay and i should we show this to you because it is the response by gene and un c to the department of education and they say they value the partnership with his partner education and then in keeping with the spirit of this partnership the consortium is committed to working with the department to provide more information about the programs that will say we just explained is that a good resolution do you think. I think that things can be worked out but i also feel that. Good a candidate education is going to have to keep a close watch on things i would actually like to see them insist on course syllabub i noticed in the response by the by u. N. C. Chapel hill and duke that they have courses one of them was genealogies in the middle east i might not have that exactly right but you know they do catalogue it was critical genealogies in the middle east usually when you use the word critical it in academic setting today it tends to mean a cultural marxist look and looking at the course description it seems to be rather a far left who or i came i think is really on the trail reading into the titles but i see at he will say that you want more scrutiny and oversight ashleigh is your university saying that you know were going to explain more about the programs is that while the problem self or here and other students absolutely not this response is where we insufficient and it actually raises a whole lot of other issues this is scary this is genuinely scary as a muslim arab student on this campus im disappointed i dont kill protected by admit when a station i dont feel like my administration is going to actively stand up against some horrible and racism and one of my professors people i look up to people who mentor i meet people who are going to help when i go into the field of middle east studies and hopefully become a scholar in this field theyre not protecting them and theyre not protecting students theyre being apologetic to a government that clearly does not have the interests of black and brown and large once people in mind so there are 15 middle east studies centers that receive federal funding across the country and ive talked to a few of the directors of these centers and there is broad concern across the field of middle east studies that there is a tribe. Ministration may just be Getting Started that there may be more targeting of middle east studies centers for investigations more approving into whether there was a promo slowed by a certain anti israel bias there is a concern that this is not the end of the story in terms of the trepan ministrations interest in academic courses and programs so if i can just add a point there are things that we need to acknowledge this is certainly not the end of the story and this isnt the beginning of the story this has been going on for decades muslims have been targeted for a very very long time this is something ive had to deal with my entire life this is something my friends my family people i know have dealt with for their entire life but its just coming to mainstream attention now and i think thats a very important new wants to this discussion that its not just a trumpet ministration issue this is a structural issue. I think broadway the question is will this chill academic speech on College Campuses about the Israeli Palestinian conflict about whats happening on the gaza strip i couldnt do the opposite it could make people even more passionate about the causes that they believe it could im and it certainly sounds like theres some galvanizing of activism around this and certainly theres been a lot of campus activism about it in the past few years sara thank you so much it. Really appreciate your time today and thank you chris for watching and following on and i think i will see you next time on the stage. At the house and holding erik prince to account. Head to head on a. Just off one of his main highways immediately family collects as much water as possible from the mountain above. A nationwide blackout left millions without power a regular water supplies. But this water is not portable the Health Ministry is recommending people treated with chlorine but with none available other than i made the hopes that boiling it 1st will make it safe for her family to drink dr. Says the increased consumption of untreated water in the last 3 weeks is making an already catastrophic situation worse than im going on with all right i think we dont have the precise numbers yet but we know that in the public and private hospitals theres been an acute increase of cases of severe diarrhea that require hospitalization including children under 2 years of age which can be fatal local and International Public Health Experts describe the crisis its a complex humanitarian emergency. As political prepares to execute the people in power investigates disturbing allegations about the tactics used by the we can play we know that was broken and we know that campaigns over spent we know that russia tried to build a relationship with one of the key campaigns. Paid for bricks it. On aljazeera. A british flag ship that iran detained in the strait of homos is leaving arabian waters 2 months after it was seize. I mean parker this is al jazeera live from coming up. Here is a cover. If you have us democrats search for anyone who may have evidence the president tried to get ukraines leader to investigate his political rival. So those words dont mean much for me. The u. N. Investigator who probed the shorties murder dismisses the saudi crown princes comments saying hes to blame for the killing plus. Im on the richardson of the world athletics championships in doha the 1st time since 2003 the event ones have you saying on the start line. The british tanker that iran had detained has now on the move and leaving iranian waters the sterner imperial has started transmitting its location for the 1st time in weeks its owners say theyll comment further when theyre all trying to reach is International Waters the stand imperial left. Port where it was taken after being seized in july according to the Reuters News Agency the ship has set its destination is put rashid in the United Arab Emirates while irans revolutionary guard seized the ship in the strait of hormuz 2 months ago to iran said it had violated maritime rules but its owner says the company isnt aware of any formal charges it was detained just weeks after British Military seized in a rainy an oil tanker in gibraltar. Well lets go live to our correspondent whos in saying what more do we know about the ship. Well new what weve been hearing in the last hour is reports quoting the owner of the stand. And theyve said that theyre expecting the ship to Reach International waters by 10 g. M. T. So just in a matter of approximately an hour earlier this morning we heard from local port authorities in hormones gone province add on the robust port who had said that they had carried out the order to release the ship at approximately 9 am local iran time 530. 00 g. M. T. So that would make sense that the stand and para will reach the u. A. E. In just a matter of one hour what the reports quoting the owner of the vessel have also been saying is that there is a well prepared security plan in place once the ship reaches International Waters of course and we know that the u. S. Is putting in place a Maritime Coalition to secure the waters of the gulf iran also now saying its putting forward its own Peace Initiative for the region how does the release of the ship all play into this. Well what we heard from the owner saying that there was a security plan in place really does it really is just the tip of the iceberg it scratches the surface here there is a great deal of concern for the security of the vessel despite iranian assurances that they would release it now that it has been released iran made overtures by releasing early on 7 members of the crew that were nonessential on humanitarian grounds but there is still a great deal of. A lack of certainty when it comes to iran and ships navigating this waterway the United States of course after attacks earlier this year on oil tankers that they blamed on iran we have to say there hasnt been any evidence produced to suggest so but it would United States and its regional allies blamed oil tanker attacks on iran earlier this year and called for an International Coalition ahead of going to the u. N. General assembly irans president Hassan Rouhani said that he had his own plan his own Peace Initiative for security in the hormuz strait that would involve only the regional actors the countries in and around the waterways of the gulf and that is exactly what he proposed at the u. N. He has said that Foreign Ministers of odds are it will stay behind in new york to discuss the exact details of that plan with other World Leaders at the u. N. General Assembly President Hassan Rouhani is due to land back into iran later today and it does not seem that the release of the ship is necessarily a coincidence it seems like a coordinated plan for. The release of this vessel to help compliment the plan that zarif will make to suggest to World Leaders that iran is the main stakeholder and the main provider of security and should lead the way for the security of this waterway the same to thank you very much same bus robbery and terror on. Saudi arabias foreign minister has urged the International Community to band together to combat iran after attacks on 2 Major Saudi Oil facilities this month the kingdom says iran was behind those attacks but to iran has denied it abraham bin abdulaziz i was addressing the Un General Assembly. Today we bere historic responsibility the credibility of this organization and the entire world is its stake the Iranian Regime is lived with one of 2 options either become a normal state that respects International Laws and norms or face an internationally unified position that uses all instruments of pressure into tyrannous well in jordan has more now from the un. The saudi Foreign Ministers remarks could have been delivered by the Israeli Foreign minister or indeed by the us President Donald Trump thats because mr assad was very very critical of what he said has been irans deliberately provocative and violent behavior across the middle east most notably with the attack on a saudi oil process a facility in the east of that country back on september 14th mr us often called on the International Community to unify and to try to make it very clear to terror on that this sort of behavior is an act of war and is not going to be tolerated he used language which the americans have been putting forward in recent months regarding iran using maximum pressure to try to get the government in terre haute to change its behavior and to ultimately return to negotiations with the u. S. On its Nuclear Program however its worth pointing out that even though this attack happened nearly 2 weeks ago there is yet to have been a Security Council meeting to discuss what happened and to try to figure out what should be the diplomatic way forward which is of course something that ambassador sitting on the Security Council really prefer to pursue that said its very clear that the saudis are not thinking that theyre going to be making any friends with terror on any time soon and that although this Automatic Process of continuing their political rivalry will continue. Irans president is demanding proof from those who blamed the attack in saudi arabia how so new and he says talks with the us a possible but only if sanctions are lifted he also says donald trump maximum pressure tactics king diplomatic editor james spays reports from the u. N. They spoke at the same podium in the Un General Assembly hall they were in the same city for 4 days but all high hopes of a breakthrough following a flurry of diplomatic activity led by the french president Emmanuel Merkel came to nothing no progress and no meeting between President Trump and president rouhani the dangerous deadlock continues his trump perhaps was preoccupied by the impeachment allegations against him that were being formed while he was in new York Developments the iranians were clearly following closely mr president while youve been here in the u. S. How closely are you following Political Developments here and is irans best hope now President Trump either being impeached or being defeated in next years election. With regard to whats happening here in america we hear the news of whats happening but it doesnt matter for us because its an internal matter for america whats very important for us is that the American Government restores the damage trust back to the world. For now the u. S. Is focusing on the drone attack in saudi arabia and it clearly wants to use its assertion that iran was behind that to add to its maximum Pressure Campaign on terror ron what i expect to see happen is when saudi arabia concludes its investigation and is done with the site exploitation where the attacks took place and cake they will then refer this matter to the u. N. Security council for appropriate action i think thats the right thing to do because this was an attack on the world and it requires a response from the world u. N. Officials agree that this is coming back here to the Security Council the u. N. Have had 2 separate experts in saudi arabia and theyre mandated to formally report their findings. Is aljazeera the United Nations. Us democrats are appealing for any witnesses to Donald Trumps phone call with the ukrainian president followed him as well and ski to come forward trump has been accused of trying to persuade the ukrainian leader to investigate his rival joe biden the allegations are now at the center of an impeachment inquiry by House Democrats john hendren reports from washington d. C. Democrats have a new word for the white house response to a whistleblower this is a cover up the accusation follows a newly released whistleblowers report that says the white house trying to lock down the transcript of a phone call in that july call President Donald Trump pressed ukraines president to find dirt on a rival president ial candidate in this case former u. S. Vice President Joe Biden reads like a classic organized crime shakedown the report says u. S. Officials told the unnamed whistleblower that they were directed by white house lawyers to transfer the transcript of a conversation to a separate Electronic System that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information even though the call did not contain anything remotely sensitive that left trumps new acting director of National Intelligence explaining on capitol hill why he withheld that mid august report from congress until thursday we consulted with the White House Counsels Office and we were advised that much of the information the complaint was in fact subject to executive privilege a privilege that i do not have the authority to waive so a white house transcript of that call shows that trump repeatedly urged ukraines Volodymyr Zelinsky to investigate whether joe biden sought to interfere in a conflict of interest probe of the Ukrainian Gas Company for which his son hunter biden worked at the time trump was with holding nearly 400000000. 00 in aid without explanation under fire denies using any pressure what these guys are doing democrats are doing to this country is it grace but theyre going to tie up our country because frankly this so tied up this so its made up as the director of National Intelligence testified here on capitol hill President Trump was at the United Nations talking to staff he told them he wanted to know who told the whistleblower about his phone call adding that they were close to a spy and then he said something that sounded menacing. This is. The least. According to the whistleblower several senior u. S. Officials were concerned by the president s call now exhibit number one in hearings to decide whether to impeach donald trump john hendren aljazeera washington still ahead on aljazeera the government seems intent on whipping up to say. A former british Prime Minister takes aim at Boyce Johnson accusing him of being reckless and divisive well explain why. And what a real change in the u. S. Means for the hundreds of thousands of refugees hoping to

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