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A bungler dish will be moving potentially hundreds of thousands of ring the refugees from the camps and coxs bizarre to these these units that they built to house them on this island how close are you how close do you think we are to seeing that potentially happen. Theyre running as are not when we were in cox those are our people are not building to move from one camp to another everyone is willing to return home if there are restriction of our our rights our Citizenship Rights and there is an accountability and protection for us for doing a community so they want to again here also there wont be anyone in Tree Movement of the ring yes from one camp to bus one char ion and russian char island is very flood poor area now recently in those are in the refugee camps we have seen houses have been flooded and and people who are living there for many years and now the absolute its all imagine what are the consequences in busha nge are in there are some emergencies and even the humanitarian send the doctors to reach our island in 23 hours so it means we are risking putting these really in your community again in but entire island at risk of losing their lives john quickly in late july i believe it was the u. S. Government decided to impose sanctions on top military leaders in me and more but many critics said that that simply didnt go far enough is there any indication that that is making any kind of a difference when it comes to me and mars approach to this. Yeah i mean part of our rights is calling for more sanctions take place against me m. R. Officials and military own enterprises in the country there should be you know a global arms embargo as well and the u. S. Government can go farther in their sanctions and they have i think you know the travel restrictions that they put in place and you know naming general min online which the u. S. Government did and they sanction him i think that was a good start but i think they can also you know they can move it further and they can implement more targeted sanctions against other military and Police Officials the u. N. Fact finding mission they have you know at least 100. 00 names of people that could be responsible for crimes against humanity and genocide sort of pyrites in. 18 put out a report on the atrocity crimes that took place and we name 22. 00. Military and Police Officials that we believe should also be investigated so theres a lot more that can happen and theres a from the International Community anita show ive been to coxs bazar 4 separate times in the past year and a half and i can tell you that the types of atrocities that have been described to us weve been in the camps are among the worst that my team and i as journalists have ever encountered are the men and women and children who suffered so much trauma and so much abuse do they come close to getting the kind of help whether it be medical whether it be social whether it be counseling that they need. It is very important that you have asked this question because many many visited the cocks bazaar be having to you may have met many victims including children and women and if every want to highlight one point when people go to our people in any interviewing taking testimonies they return home be severely traumatized and they are not the direct victims and did receive the counseling unfortunately our very young Children Women victims of rape people who have lost a sibling so lost their parents and they have seen how their parents have been killed in terms of dies they were forced to see they havent received even a single psychological support counseling sessions and are talking about 65 percent of decent out of 1100000 population and it may be psychological support or medical support now i ds a huge gap because. Camps are not equipped are not to appear to provide Tertiary Services Specialist Services have even met kids children who have been directly shot and they are paralyzed and they are having complications like you had to keep it is and which needs Plastic Surgery and there are no help for such children so these are huge deficit and i think the International Community beside. Looking for politico so lucian dish would be also aiding in supporting the very traumatised Rohingya Refugees psychological support medical support and also education because 65 as i said 65 percent of the people are children and losing our generations and these are didnt have seen i have bitterness trauma and if you dont put these children are dont create a hope for them they will be easily radicalized and displayed become a problem for the burden of this government for the people have been a vision also in for me amar in the future thats why its very important that all despots all the odds are met. All right joining us now from london is ronan li a visiting scholar at Queen Mary University of londons International State Crime Initiative ronan thanks for being with us look i think a lot of people that maybe follow this story just from time to time dont quite understand the magnitude of the persecution faced by the rohingya i mean were talking about decades here right could you go into a little bit about the waves of migration that weve seen in the seventys the ninetys in the past couple of years from me and more into bangladesh. Well weve seen 4 major waves of forced migration from me and mother bangladesh and the common denominator every time is when me and maos military interacts with the rigging the direct result is atrocities against rohingya civilians and tens of thousands of. Being sent to bangladesh during the seventys they claimed that what they were doing was checking Citizenship Rights within me and ma the direct result was atrocities committed against civilians and hundreds of thousands crossed into bangladesh that was repeated again in 1992 when again 200000 drinking or thereabouts were forced into bangladesh and many of those subsequently returned but returned to the same kinds of conditions within me and ma that had led them to leave in the 1st place again during 2016 there was a forced migration when me and muslim illiterate i used an excuse which was that there had been a dead bin unrest in the region and 90000 ringgit were forced into bangladesh and then as we know during 2017 the largest forced migration ina asia since the end of the 2nd world war 700000 drinking forced into bangladesh and made credible accusations from International Bodies as we see now including the United Nations that acts of genocide were committed i mean atrocities against civilians and most certainly crimes against humanity john quickly we only have a couple of minutes left someone ask you to please keep your answers short as you can but you touched upon something that i want to follow up with you about and thats mainly the issue of mobile internet partial shutdowns in bangladesh and ive been speaking to a lot of refugees the past week obviously they cant communicate as often as they could in the past and theyre really worried about what this means ive seen you tweeting a lot about how symbolic the mobile phone is for because this is a way that they were able to document in the past the atrocities that were committed against them could you speak a bit about this issue and how important it is for the ring and just how scared they are right now. I mean mobile phones inside Rakhine State for many years and even still to today are highly restricted range a call with a smart phone or call with International Numbers in their cell phones in Rakhine State can be prosecuted d they can be beaten they can be extorted for money so now that ball of ash is also limiting Internet Access and sim cards you know their engine know this process well on their end to want to communicate with the out by world and not have you know rack trainer the ability to access and cards creates an environment where human right to be says can happen and go on documented. That were flame the country in chelton 17 to bangladesh documented you know the atrocities that happened against them so theyve used mobile phones and internet to disseminate information to journalists human rights monitors and been able to show the world themselves whats happening to them are what we have run out of times were going to have to leave it there thanks so much to all our guests anita sugar ronan leigh and john quigley and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a. J. Inside story for me. And the whole team here if i can. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticized repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was palpable if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 2030 years if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world. Aljazeera will meets 2 arab women with roots in the middle east who both build successful lawyer supreme over the last 5 years ive achieved a great deal of partnership with the countrys leading from the never forgot where they came from. To try to put forward a different takes than the stereotypical image of muslim women are observable the businesswoman in the council on aljazeera. We will be taken by this mighty force liberal the United States army the sober life out of the closet dependency we have this. Way. And the reality of the 21st century to get here. Only if the persons that are sending out you should be child should not my child soldiers relocate on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Swear every. One of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would get what it is you know its that each others lives but it is but the good because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real story so ill just mend it used to do the work indepth generalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. Old tied up in the israeli election as the vote count goes on theres no clear idea who will be the new leader. Well on down jordan this is al jazeera live from also coming up saudi arabia says its all supplies will there was stored by the end of the month following an attack on a key facility. The brakes are on on indias economy. But one industry is suffering more than the other. On the irish Childrens Home that became a mass graves some violence and families threaten legal action to uncover the truth. Votes are being counted in the lection in under 6 months according to exit polls both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And the Main Opposition Party failed to win the outright majority and its not clear who will be in the best position to form a Coalition Government sorry for such reports now from. The music blared Benjamin Netanyahu smiles but more than 5 hours after voting finished it was clear this was no victory even if he was far from ready to admit defeat in such. A government committed to the jewish state there neither will nor can there be a government that relies on. Arab parties but the exit polls suggest he doesnt have the numbers to dictate he may not be given 1st chance to form a government 5 months ago Benjamin Netanyahu waited several hours before making his speech waiting for the numbers to swing in his favor this time hes waited longer for the numbers appear to have swung in the other direction 5 months ago he made a victory speech this time it was a speech of defiance it seems clear that his grip on power has weakened need to be ticked off at the opposition blue and white headquarters the mood was very different former army chief benny gantz didnt repeat his premise youll victory declaration from april instead his tone was a man ready for a grave responsibility and if he had thought so we need to be patient it wasnt an easy mission as we see now netanyahu did not succeed in his mission when comparison proved that the idea of blue and white succeeded big time and is here to stay it was equal vindication for. Letting you know his former ally who collapsed the Coalition Talks pushed his secular agenda and nearly doubled his israel between 2 parties vote. We have only one option a National Liberal government made up of israel by to noon and liquid and blue and white the presumption is that he demanded. At 1st replaced netanyahu was leader but thats something it shows no sign of readiness to do. A couple who is the leader of the lake could support for him is strong and in times of crisis it gets stronger it all came after a friend etic final day of campaigning against aping netanyahu is tactics urging supporters off the beach telling him his party was on the verge of defeat and you know who seemed to spend the day in one long emergency broadcast on

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