A concern and corruption remains rampant the new leader will face a population hungry for change especially the youth many have told us they dont trust the politicians shola can move with these elections are a good thing its the 1st time weve had a debate on t. V. With our president ial candidates we used to watch the debates on t. V. In the United States and now were watching the same thing here in tunisia thats the 1st. National and International Observers were polling stations across the country we knew a gradual slew of people but interestingly we saw many elderly coming in very in the morning and been very well organized and there has been no issues and so so far its been good which is hoping that by now the young people would have come on board and increase the percentage of women ery results later with the official announcement on choose day the winning candidate will need more than 50 percent of the vote and no one expects that to happen the likely scenario out of 24 candidates the top 2 will head to a runoff in november by the end of the day tunisian should know who they are Stephanie Decker aljazeera tunis. Weve got a lot more to come here about including finding comfort after the horror survivors come together for the 1st time since her can dorian smash the bahamas. Downing tools in the u. S. Why tens of thousands of General Motors workers of walked off the job. However no surprises in the forecast across the middle east this drive pretty much everywhere we have got a few showers easing out as he heading towards georgia maybe into armenia by john to see want to see showers 60 something to clap in place here come a little further south 30 celsius there for beirut 5 draw and sunny still into the fortys the kuwait city and also for baghdad as we go on through the next couple of days or 33 there for karate again generate dry a little more class to start to push its way in a little bit some places the plan across the Arabian Peninsula where you see that cloud you could squeeze a spots or 2 with racially right outside maybe to the northeastern corner of saudi arabia over towards the red sea a possibility of a little bit damp weather has set in the case to into the fosse out of amman over the next couple of days here in doha temperatures getting up to 40 degrees celsius by choose they off name quite as hot as that but many of warmth plenty of decent sunshine across southern parts of Africa Cape Town it around 19 celsius but you were in the. Twentys across the good part of the eastern side of the region 27 celsius 7 his book some of the temperature too for harare and nothing up a touch by the time you come to choose day. You know that corruption has reached a level like never ever before in our country. Rank outsider. To president of the United States. Was in the data we will honor the American People with the truth and nothing else discovered. For winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera. Right time for us to take a look at the top stories here it out there this morning saturdays drone attacks on saudi office illnesses have triggered a record jump in brant crude futures trading President Trump says hes authorized the release of oil from americas Strategic Reserves to fill the market gap if needed for the president also says the u. S. Is locked and loaded waiting for confirmation of who attacked riyadhs on facilities the secretary of state might pompei those already accused iran for the attacks which have been claimed by yemens hoofy rebels and tehran is denying involvement. Ballot papers are being counted in chooses president ial election the official results arent expected until tuesday but supporters of 2 candidates kay saeed and the bill called were already celebrating both the candidates having claimed to have won the 1st round sundays very it was 2 news is the 2nd president ial election since the 2011 revolution. And oj area is using hold its president ial election on december the 12th the dates been announced by the interim president Abdul Qadeer Ben Sali the countrys been rocked by months of protests since the former president of frica was forced to resign in april after almost 20 years in power the Palestinian Refugees in lebanon say they dont have enough money to live there demanding asylum in countries like the u. K. Germany and australia protesters say a government crackdown on Foreign Workers is adding to their plight then a 100 reports now from beirut. Theyre demanding a dignified life a future for their children Palestinian Refugees have been gathering outside western embassies in the lebanese capital beirut demanding humanitarian asylum. To live. We want to give our children indication palestinians are criticizing a recent lebanese government crackdown on undocumented foreign labor as refugees they believe they should be exempt lebanese law already bans them from working in many professions and denies them access to Public Services apart of a longstanding policy to discourage them from staying. If we are denied the right to work and open businesses then how do we pay for medical treatment for example and it was says it covers 100 percent of the cost but that is not true only 10 percent of my fathers operation he was a cancer patient and he has since passed away International Aid for Palestinian Refugees has decreased in recent years the un relief and works agency which supports Palestinian Refugees says it is providing services to all of them but it needs 120000000. 00 to be able to Fund Operations until the end of the year palestinians have been living here for more than 70 years since the creation of israel but now the situation is getting worse unemployment was already a problem before the recent decision by lebanese authorities that requires them to take work permits are not only expensive but they are also difficult to get palestinians who own shops like us are were also affected by the government crackdown this 27 year old lost his livelihood in a country going through a severe economic crisis. Told me i have no right because im a palestinian. Many of us are graduates the use of children. They are not allowed to work there is anger and resentment among the almost 200000 refugees they say they should be given special status and not be treated as Foreign Workers but many have lost hope in their host country and theyre looking for a better life outside lebanon. Beirut. Well causes us all to make a General Motors says have gone on strike for the 1st time in more than a decade fulci 8000. 00 people are expected to walk off the job at 31. 00 factories across the country the United Auto Workers union is pushing for better wages Health Benefits and job security guarantees they threaten to stay on strike until an agreement is reached but there are talks shut chilled for monday but weve been speaking to Michel Martin and his a reporter for the ultimate of news thats based in detroit he says it was one to great to share profits and explains how the strike could impact general maes as. It could cripple g. M. If the strike lasts long enough currently the automaker has been preparing for some type of action and they have a 77 days supply of new vehicles on hand that number fluctuates depending on what vehicle youre talking about and theyre more profitable more popular s. U. V. S and trucks they have a lower days supply in the fiftys but if this drags out and then it essentially means they cant build any products dealers wont be able to sell those new products because there wont be anything there this is a very significant action its sort of the last resort that the union has in negotiations recent impasse and we dont know yet what the impact will be on General Motors it depends on how long the strike lasts but workers in less than 10 hours now will leave the Assembly Lines and picket lines outside of all g. M. s facilities workers are looking for higher wages theyre looking for retention of very lucrative Health Care Benefits that theyve been able to keep. Theyre looking for a greater share of the profits that General Motors ford and chrysler have been able to amass over the years and theyre also looking for protection for temporary workers to try to find a way for them. Reach for terri status a small plane has crashed in southwestern colombia at least 7 people have died and 3 others have been injured far feiss have been trying to stop feel leaking from there are aircraft which crashed just minutes after takeoff the cause of the crash is unknown and investigations underway 2 people survived the crash but the u. S. Pharmaceutical company purdue which manufactures the controversial painkiller oxycontin has filed for bankruptcy it comes just days after the company reached a tentative settlement with some of the states and local governments which is suing the company over claims that feel the Opioid Epidemic much of the crisis has been blamed on the overprescribing of addictive painkillers like oxycontin the settlement is worth up to 10000000000. 00. Now rebuilding has begun in parts of the bahamas the island chain that was partly flattened by hurrican dorrian 2000 people are still missing and heavy rains from another tropical song have hampered rescue operations but as alan fischer reports now from grand bahama one of the islands hardest hit some communities have come together for the 1st time since the hurricane which was the most severe since records began. For many this was the 1st time to come together since the hurricane the church a source of comfort after some difficult days once more the hugs were warm the tears were real the stories of survival frightening we watch our house and our homes destroyed i mean limb by limb you want to call it. Sometimes over 20 feet. Over the roof into the roof because were you know sustained some damage in that area. But luckily dead didnt see us theyre sharing what they have one man and his family are sleeping in a friends one woman has a working well so is sharing Water Community coping together we lost Everything Everything we might as a salvage some little shoes and pants and stuff to get our stuff again a few of my Church Members lost everything you know so i thank god that i didnt have that major damage in my house like some of them but were all alive and were holding on. Just a short distance so we in the hudson neighborhood the work to rebuild has already begun. Many buildings survived but ive been left a shell by the storm waters. Is probably about a kilometer from the sea but at the height of the storm the water was so high it would have been above my head simply inundating all of the houses in this area. People are saving what they can but theres not a lot left to see most of it is. Salt water and sewage backing up into the building. But the everything is you know. But while saving the contamination sewage george like many families here is hoping things will start improving before the end of the year getting back to normal thats not even under consideration for no alan fischer aljazeera in freeport on the island of grand bahama a former Health Minister from the democratic republic of congo has been arrested accused of embezzling 4300000. 00 of public funds raised to tackle the a bolo epidemic Police Allege only a longer was planning to flee the country and escape justice something his lawyers deny the Ebola Outbreak is the 2nd worst in history with more than 2000 people having died in the past year. And dozens of passengers are still missing after a boat sank in the d. L. C. Police say 76. 00 people on board were rescued 36. 00 others say they are feared to have drowned that happened in maluku thats close to the capital kinshasa the boat went down overnight in the congo river as it was heading for the capital. About 50 fires are continuing to burn across queensland and New South Wales in eastern australia about 20 homes have been destroyed another 30 have been damaged favorable conditions on sunday did help to slow down the pace of the destruction but crews remain on and it with hotter windy a Weather Forecast for the next 2 days fires have been burning across the states for more than a week destroying an estimated 55000 hectares of land. With crispin true so too was own feeling and jumped through over rain forest over river and came so fast i always thought of oil never come up there it will never get across the river. Theres a u. S. Congress continues to debate possible gun control measures texas has moved in the opposite direction and has made guns more accessible and thats despite 2 Mass Shootings in the cities of our paso and adesa in the month of august i do joe castro has more from mission texas. Last months 2 Mass Shootings in texas took at least 29 lives. And here at the Mission Skeet and trap club the incidents have apparently driven up business its gone up extremely yes maam the shooting range manager jeff simpson says the number of people whove come to practice shooting to qualify for a license to carry a concealed handgun in texas has more than doubled what do you think is behind that. Its people that are. Hoping to protect ourselves simpson says he is a prime example he says last week he had to use his gun to scare off several adult male migrants here near the mexico border who wanted to take his phone i carry a gun. All the time that im here so i didnt pointed out i pulled it out i did my polling i didnt chamber it i didnt pull it out but it made them leave me alone since the reason Mass Shootings in texas its actually become easier to legally own and carry guns in this state 8 progun new laws passed prior to those shootings took effect this month they include allowing guns in School Parking lots apartments and churches Texas Governor greg abbott a conservative republican responded to the latest Mass Shootings with executive orders to increase Police Training and Public Awareness he rejected calls from democrats for more gun control this is absolutely the wrong direction for us to take its going to be measured in the lives lost not in the lives saved but it was a gun carrying Good Samaritan who ended the 2017 attack on a church in Sutherland Springs texas an armed bystander chased away the shooter after he killed 25 people but before he could kill more. At the shooting range members say owning a gun requires discipline and practice but even here there is support for removing weapons from people who. More likely to use them to cause harm to a lot of people feel theyre safe by just having what thats not the case texas has the most registered guns of any state more than 700000 whether that makes texas safer or more dangerous is still unclear. Castro aljazeera mission texas. Thanks. Time does it take a look at the top stories here it is there saturdays drone attacks in saudi officer this is have triggered a record jump in brant crude futures trading u. S. President donald trump says hes authorized the release of all over americas Strategic Reserves to fill the market gap if needed vandana hari is c. E. O. Of Energy Market Analysis Group vanda insight she says the lack of information coming from south korea a saudi arabia is making the market even more volatile a much of the spike is likely to sustain and of course i think while its realty is going to remain with us as well because a lot of the picture as to the extent of damage to the. The expected restart resumption how long that will take a lot of that big onsets have yet to emerge but the president also says the u. S. Is locked and loaded while it waits for confirmation of who attacked riyadhs all facilities the sexiest state those already accused iran for the attacks which have been claimed by yemens who rebels tehran is denying involvement. U. S. Pharmaceutical company purdue which manufactures the controversial painkiller oxycontin has filed for bankruptcy it comes just days after the company reached a tentative settlement with some of the states and local governments that are suing the company over claims that feel the Opioid Epidemic much of the crisis is being blamed on the overprescribing of addictive painkillers like oxycontin the settlement is worth up to 10000000000. 00 workers at u. S. Automaker General Motors of gone on strike for the 1st time in more than a decade 48000 people are expected to walk off the job at 31 factories across the country they want better wages Health Benefits and job security guarantees. At least 50 fires continue to burn across queensland and New South Wales in eastern australia about 20 homes have been destroyed and another 30 damaged favorable conditions on sunday hope to slow down the pace of the destruction those are the latest headlines from the news continues in about half an hour after 1. 0. Give to the people who will be attending the workshop we listen. Apologize for someone who is also terrorizing we meet with global news makers and the stories that matter. Chinese kickin. Soul and the the prosody me joy. Me love you. Indonesia has one of the highest numbers to the. World. I am a side of the good luck can it be stopped before its true lights were sleepwalking to the sasser one o one east investigates how the illegal wildlife trade is wiping out indonesias recreations. Soloway seas forests adopted the goal of bigots of asia home to a melting pot of life. Many of the creatures that live on this indonesian island a found nowhere else in the world. Cup on. Capitol hill. Think out. Of a. Public bus. This looks like a childrens gang but 10 year old rev on and his friend while hughes at the innocent face of a mickey and often illegal wildlife trade and im not the only. At the entrance to the National Park thousands of butterflies are sold on maddest by trade is like. In a. Yes and in doing all. The end. Thank you very flimsy yeah. Everybody can fly he is essential to the forests food chain ended survival but syriani sells them for just a few dollars when a. Long couple get the answer which butterfly in hand is the rarest out of 5 and. This one up here really called a ripple in bed when the spot of life is a protected species had a venue for making money that american business. So fragile that yeah. Yeah good looking people said. To me what ive seen this butterfly can fetch close to 60. 00 on the black market. The fact it could soon become extinct isnt a concern syriani has a family to support. Why the 4th of the low if you so special do you think. They said we need the funding im buying a gun someday. That muscle for what we need. If we did it then some better and that and with. The new guy. I was. The money. From the butterfly trade is banned lies the frontline of this driving illegal wildlife trade. In the north of the way see the town of manado is a gateway to the rest of asia. One i dont need to own along with. The. People so my point being that im not. Going to the little bunny on the one hand you know. I need. A new. One when i dont own one little. Leads investigations as part of a specialized indonesian Government Task force called. Its his job to protect the forests and the animals. You know theres a 1000000 people in. The bronx you know. That ports like these seizes animals from across the region as a smuggled in and out of the country when the. President. Recently he called these trade a smuggling 14 rig or endangered the how many ports up there and also the way i see where animal trade is coming in and going out i know what hes. Going to mean you know just wondering you know why im wondering if you know the people or why no. One but you should know that. Donny has just 26 offices to this entire region and faces an enormous task. One animal is prized to the levels a river i achieve mick. Well monkeys that has human like features its called the yaquis out here they live side by side with locals so if it started to fall there it would be infected legally in somebodys backyard and yet it critically endangered by not exactly sure why theyre keeping it publicly told there in fact. This is the birth. Of it and then. The iraqi is one of more than 900 species protected by indonesian law but many locals have no idea do you ever let him off. For you know. Really how long after being here you dont want to. But i would. Go on with what. Do you think is the right place for him. You know the best of it if. The balance keeping yaquis like this could mean 5 years in jail or 100000000 repeated fine thats more than 20 times the average monthly income he. Moved from what ive seen what i thought some of the no single idea. The most important thing. You need but it could be them all of them but i thought i would be seen as and i dont think money hire. Someone out of. The love i want to be with him. As it so 1st offense today are not escapes with a warning. When an animal is see its brought here to the tacit craigie wildlife refuge but the more we love the president. Its the only refuge of its kind in the region and its almost to capacity how many mechanics do you have here testing currency there is a 100. 7. Wow cards from 5 different species in solo easy and in the most. Critically endangered one in the mid 2. What condition do you think this little guys in this point. In the poor nutrition scottish and. Alright be careful were going to get quite close over here so they might grab your hair careful with it ok the refuge is enormous. Every kind of animal is he. From a bring it tends to sunday its whats in you sciacca dolls yeah im with a trade it is well yes all of them have been taken from traffic is or people who kept them illegally as pets. Were the bird fans are now. Free. Press is still 1st arrested. Many different species. But theres a surprisingly biggest threat then the trade many of these animals are also hunted to be eaten. Mostly they being the wall or the meat so the hunters take it back home. Kill it as a food when they have to be thats what they take. A bad. So what trait is having the worst impact and why it. Because its that already you cannot send him back to the wall. Wow. That is an incredible new. From a Lookout Point really tells me the scale of the bushmeat trade will have impacts that reach far beyond this refuge so how bad is this then this is bad because its not sustainable all of the species are cuts from the wild and directly from the wall and if its the keep going on 8090 percent of the wallet in seoul we see are facing extinction. Where sleep walking into. A political disaster. To find out more about the bush may trying to climb heading inland to visit while locals coal and extreme market. Here in tom on the taste for bush made run state. Steeped in local tradition just about every kind of animal is for sale. People need to walmarts up much our. Money q what do you want. People for the job why do you get away. Like you have got a little bit stronger about libya its a lot of meat. David and his family have been selling push me here for a tease mostly to indigenous locals called mina hoss and thats why the people love pushed me so im not. Going to do. You know how like. This trade is barely regulated every animal he has been caught from the wild and is sold in huge quantities is the rare the animal the better and. Yeah but you gotta walk in the hollow so mark him for a. Monkey put on your

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