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About 45 minutes drive from here its a very Small Community there are so many facilities that were just simply destroyed a lot of houses here survived because the building codes are pretty high but the insides can be saved but in high rock it seems that even there things like the Police Station and the local Health Clinic theyve completely collapsed because of the storm and people there were telling is how the wind came and the rain came in they knew the hurricane was coming what they couldnt quite handle was the fire seemed to sit over them for so long when there was the concern that Tropical Storm bertha was heading this way people were worried because essentially the ground here is soaked that theres really nowhere else for water to go people believe that things may start to get better soon they might be able to move into that house sometime in september possibly. But theyre not expecting things to get back to normal this side of new years day theres a lot of work to be done here they want to see more from the government they say that internet. Agencies here the government would respond by saying the International Agencies are there thanks to the government but people here want to see more people on the ground helping out giving them advice pointing in the right direction of how they can make things better here weve seen one charity driving around giving out water and food that will help people in the short term the long term here is going to be a big problem and of course theyve got to start clearing away all this rubbish that you see here finding a place to put it and then there is the rebuilding and theres not enough builders not enough electricians not enough plumbers and of course the still the concern about those 32 people missing theyre hoping that that number will come down the government should give us more details within the next 24 hours. Still ahead on the program well be looking at doctors in zimbabwe the situation that calling for the release of a union leader whose they say was adopted by the government also coming up. In an english hockey in the mouth forest where century old trees are being birds down and cut down find out next what the government and kenya are doing to prevent the destruction in east africas largest indigenous forest. Weve got some welcome rain in the forecast full southeastern parts of australia over the next couple of days the little area cloud ruffling its way through the by teasing over towards victoria southern parts of New South Wales are going to see quite a drop in temperatures as a result of that right away and from melbourne around 14 celsius you can see the rain started to push its way through a little further north so sydney 27 degrees on monday afternoon atomic come to choose days fully back to around 13 celsius so well below the average which should be about 2122 at this time if you but we need the right that will help with the bush situation nice on the right into queensland townsville 25 celsius lysaght very radicals western parts or straight as well doubly way seeing temperatures in perth around 80 degrees celsius in the sunshine for abouts of sunshine making its way towards new zealand at the moment weve had some disturbed weather race in lay and that legacy of showers there in the process of pulling away price cars coming back in a warm one left across church on monday around 18 celsius the weather will sweep its way through clear through parts cars come back a bit temperatures not higher than around 40 degrees celsius meanwhile we see some wet weather into the eastern parts of japan recently as in the process of clearing away for tuesday. When say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes. Follow in their footsteps as they forge their way in the was. Aljazeera shares these personal journey its. Inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. The arab. Welcome back a quick look at the headlines now saudi arabia is racing to restore its crude oil or corporations off to drone strikes knocked out half of the countrys output on saturday thats roughly 6 percent of Global Production all eyes are now on the impact on oil prices with markets beginning to open in the next hour. Lawyers have been counted in tunisias 2nd president ial elections since the 2011 revolution but less than half of voters turned out to cost that ballot runoff from will be held if no candidate wins more than 50 percent of the vote in algeria is set to hold president ial elections on december 12th after 30 weeks of protests demanding political change the date was announced in a televised address by interim president of the qatar and sana. Theres been another chaotic weekend in hong kong as tens of thousands of protesters defied a police ban and marched through the city Center Hundreds of demonstrators have also targeted the Government Office complex throwing bricks and gasoline bombs through Police Barrier as a protest as a demanding more political reforms as part of a Resistance Movement thats been raging for 99. 00 days jamila and reports now from hong kong. Another day another rep a suit of unrest. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators defy a police ban to march through Central Hong Kong once again. There is no shortage of anger here the turmoil in hong kong is well into its 3rd month and protests continue unabated. In the form of groups of volunteers from 1st aid medics to lawyers and will be just leaders show that support for these demonstrators is far reaching a full withdrawal of the proposed law to extradite suspects to china was announced. By chief executive care really lam last week a concession by beijings leaders but observers say it may have been given to late protesters say theyre refusing to give in until their other 4 demands are met demonstrators say care relend is just a lackey of the. Everyone knows shes not sincere to face to people at home call a slow as she doesnt respond to all good months will continue to protest. The government is full of hypocrisy its the government that undermine the rule of law police are using on reasonable violence the protest is a using force not ballance its ballance only when it harms people. Water cannons of the respect 6 which have so far only emboldened protesters to surging forward for the last few months these have become familiar scenes the streets of hong kong have become a battleground this is hong kong on edge young people here tell us they are forever transformed by the recent political turmoil and they are risking all to resist what they call creepy authoritarianism from beijing. On just 0 hong kong. A sightseeing buses capsized in Southern India killing at least 12 people 25 others a still missing after the vessel sank in the Godavari River in the state of under pradesh 2000 people have been rescued a state official says citing boats have been banned from operating off the recent floods and hes 36 people are missing after a ferry capsized in the congo river and the on the outskirts of can about was bound for the democratic republic of congos capital when it sank near the commune of man who could 76 passengers have been rescues. Well the democratic republic of congos former Health Minister has been accused of embezzling millions of dollars of public funds that will meant to tackle the boehner crisis but hes alleged that was planning to flee the country with 4 point 3000000. 00 something his lawyer has denied resigned as Health Minister in july the country is struggling to contain a 2nd was to break in history all in 2000 people have died since august last year. Dozens of zimbabwean doctors have marched the countrys biggest hospital demanding the release of a union leader. Zimbabwean Hospital Doctors Association says its president. Was abducted on saturday it recently called for a pay strike after complaining about the poor state of the hospitals and low salaries zimbabwean doctors and less than 40. 00 u. S. Dollars a month several people have recently been abducted tortured and and warned by suspected state security agents to back off from any Anti Government action. If you are truly unfortunate that he ended up coming here to were very weak or if theyre not being able to afford the guns. And see it doctor give it up for grins without food for good or for transport. Were not putting our dog door there looking our board bright in cars going to turn up would indeed be just to survive just to get what good will. Be done for. All nows the United States for the 1st nationwide strike of General Motors in some 12 years is due to start at midnight on sunday 48000 members of the United Auto Workers union will walk off the job after talks of a contract with them with the Motor Company collapse workers of pushing for better wages Health Benefits and job security guarantees. What were asking of General Motors is simple and fair we are standing up for fair wages we are standing up for Affordable Quality Health care we are standing up for our share of the profits we are standing up for job security for our members and their families we got more on the story from. Who is in washington. General motors says that their package to employees is very good and its simply the union that is not cooperating representative for General Motors automaker said that they will not close to plants that were scheduled to be closed they said theyre planning to hire nearly 6000. 00 new employees and that theyre planning to invest nearly 7000000000. 00 in various initiatives that will benefit employees so the company is saying this is just a matter of the union not wanting to cooperate however General Motors has seen a big swing of events over the last decade or so it was just in 2008 that the company was absolutely bankrupt and it was one of 2 u. S. Automakers that received nearly 80000000000. 00 from the federal government to prevent it from simply going under since then General Motors has fought its way back and just in the last 3 years or so its posted more than 10000000000 in profits so this is the way of the union and the workers basically saying listen we stuck with you during the hard times and now that the company is doing so much better the workers are saying we want more of the profits coming directly to us so they say that they will plan to strike in the Early Morning hours of monday. Police in serbia have clashed with far right protesters who tried to stop a gay pride parade attended by the countrys openly gay Prime Minister brown a bitch and her partner joined several 100 others in the annual parade through about great but several hours earlier around 150 far right supporters had gathered in protest at least 5 people were taken away by the police after refusing to move from the roof of the march bernabe it is the 1st openly gay Prime Minister of the balkan state. Now a memorial in honor of the refugee camps set up in india for polish people during world war 2 has been unveiled polands Deputy Foreign minister attended the event where the camp one stood house 5000 polish people fleeing the war apart from barracks it also included schools a workshop and a Catholic Church this was one of 2 polish refugee camps in India Several people who found refuge in india during the German Occupation of poland also attended the ceremony i remember this i have photographs of it that was the entrance to the camp and i am earth through cleats how much. The. Harness went to all this trouble to find it to restore it and put it here it is an honor for us that somebody went to the trouble and i really am i feel like crying it is so in both. Our time media is saying that at least 86 tigers who were rescued from the infamous tourist attraction in 2016 have now died authorities have confiscated nearly 150 tigers from a buddhist temple where visitors took selfies with the animals and also fed them the temple it promoted itself as a nature sanctuary but was later investigated for wildlife trafficking and animal abuse. Climate change activists have targeted London Fashion week members of the Group Extinction Rebellion briefly built roads calling for an end to socalled fast fashion protests took place outside former spice girl turned design a victoria beckhams showing off her latest collection about 30 demonstrators that they want to draw attention to the fashion industrys impact on the environment a battle is underway for the survival of the largest forest of its kind in east africa kenyas government is a victim tens of thousands of settler families in a bid to protect the now forest from carryings but as nicholas hack now reports Indigenous People say their homes are still at risk along with the forests rare wildlife. Deep in the mouth forest are people who communicate with honey bees. These concerns are intentions explained secure macho to her nephew collect the honey with a pure heart she says and youll be unharmed hanging from the branches are wooden hives people built to protect the bees its a relationship they have cultivated over centuries which is at risk. The bees dont really unsub buck but you know what theyre thinking its obvious but if theyre angry theyre upset with the live destruction in these forests. East africas largest indigenous force was cut down to almost half of its original size over the course of 100 years british colonisers of kenya invaded and killed people to turn part of their forest land into te plantations then came 50 years of kenyan government logging when settlers who moved into the forest were given title deeds to the land. Won a Landmark Legal battle against the kenyan government 2 years ago the verdict recognizing their land rights and need for compensation for their suffering now kenyas government is evicting 60000 settler families from their forest in the distance right behind me are trees that were burned to the ground to make way for farmland and pastures to use for people who want to feed their animals and right here is a 200 year old red cedar tree that was cut down days ago now it will take centuries for part of this forest to grow back and thats why the government here is taking such drastic actions to protect the environment at risk of extinction say environmentalist our 173. 00 species of animals including the bongo elephant and the golden cat sen the drama from the messiah tribe plays jazz music to his cows. The need soothing explains because too many animals are dying this country is littered with carcasses of dead animals because of the drought the model reeva which gives this county over 2000000000 shillings every year dries up. The sea and when you go down and look at the river is horrific. It is a fragile ecosystem in which the survival of the bees depend on the you kick and their survival depends on this forest Nicholas Hawk and the mouse forest kenya. Just a quick look at the stories making headlines saudi arabia is racing to restore its crude Oil Operations after drone strikes knocked out half of the countrys oil output on saturday at around 6 percent of global supplies all eyes are now on the impact it could have on oil prices with markets set to open in about half an hour iran has accused the us of deceit after washington blamed for the attack the iranian president Hassan Rouhani has called for regional talks to resolve the crisis. What is concerning is the wrong path of the americans in the region they are supporting saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Instead of confessing to their role in creating instability they point the finger at other countries in the region dialogue between regional neighbors is the only solution to resolving the conflict. Votes are being counted in tunisia 2nd president ial election since the 2011 revolution electoral officials made a last minute plea to young voters to take part with nationwide turnout at 45 percent among the 24. 00 candidates vying for the job as Prime Minister yousuf shah had a 2nd election will be held if no candidate wins 50 percent of the vote algeria is set to hold its president ial election on december 12th date has just been announced by interim president bill carter and salah. A sightseeing boat is capsized in Southern India killing at least 12 people 25 others are still missing after the vessel sank in the Godavari River in the state of under pradesh 2 dozen people have been rescued. Aid operations of resumed in the bahamas as Tropical Storm humberto moved on after dumping heavy rain just 2 weeks after dark and dorian devastated the islands and those who would threaten to hamper Recovery Efforts but forecasters say the storm is now tracking north away from the occupied ago 1300 people are still listed as missing though as a result of dorian and the official death toll remains at 50 and tens of thousands of prodemocracy protesters have defied a police ban and marched through Hong Kong City Center Hundreds of demonstrators have also targeted a Government Office complex those are the top stories coming up next on aljazeera its time for witness. On the ground seem a costly technocrat and the defacto leader of opec has been ousted will his replacement a Saudi Arabias Energy minister fare any better if you can struggle to get more for its oil boss the cost of adapting to a warming planet counting the coals on the edges even. Was. Asked i. Never had a duty to have him. Do the. Last think it. Came to. Me would be. Dependent on a child. When i did it i just felt that if. My adult told me. You are going to go to going to town on it im going to do him as an eye. On what i am it does not run without a fight. And not just most. Shop with pride in it on ones own mum with the love. Of a family i want a man of any campaign. I look at what i want to look at really got up and then id be sitting there waiting on i dont look what im on doing what im going to not leave out on. Saturdays i dont try to learn to that im a hostage. Or the egg. And. I dont. Good seems like most of us dont know how to use in Nicky Campbell the whole war audition was the iraq invasion was in mildly thank you wed better. Be sure to have a. Good time on the. Road while the man. That i. Was. I wanted. To know got on. Then well. I ha not going to mimic and his allies are needed here to be only one of the greatest didnt in your doctors could i mean or doesnt he. Hello. Then i got a. Jury and then. A little child as an attorney on a. Human. Body. And i must. Tell these of the. Horrors that if i were the young son of. The minor amount of the way they do you little girl or boy would have made a lot of money in the old world of the d. S. And. Not our economy running. Around monoculture theyre going to decades ago me and my sister will fight you know how to go home and think im not going to run a kingdom system or will. So i want to. Get the. Money out of the bank. Out of. The. Bottom and let me live on a mother were going to call it dont follow hold on to me youve got her on going on like your home what are you a well known as the ambassador of. Problem at all so you. Are of all of the following to tell you what im on and im going to zoom in here more homo to develop the crown fish dont want to live long i want out of all of them malo. To the. Rabbi we shouldnt be there again. He was just curious. So. I want to. Go to the meat of the. Oh. My god i dont know. I mean to. Be good the. Asian mr disprove. Everything here because its true which of these are going to see. Showpiece or again this is the last fan my journey as full as living for a canadian city. And. Im just thinking that. She have this. Shake and throw me money if. Im not going to go out and live on the lawn now. And then around the world when i am. I dont know maybe i didnt i mean ive been going were going to be out. There doing young gang a little bit there your mother home and theres a lot of holding on has already got being ironed out i did you know that my grandmother voted right i said im going to get my gun that ive literally on the hour every month already on another do so i would then of the law going to go there do you mean all about the right size. Mobility wherever i was to get a better one be in the chair. And got it wrong me i love your show love put the book on me. Then well know games are going to get back to me on throwing a good strong to be true for last year was when i was the right course i mean it also was already won a lottery. Salute and my survival for that doesnt i will one of the points of the so this is a book that is a little. Like bus a little bit of sidewalk a little of a dozen. Cars going to my saloon and. My engine would be. Done by that by the one saying. My in my shorts and im a little her image of the month or so. Down there what ive had to boy boy be like. I dont mind to see what i want to fix it. Ive got on this i dont want to fix it. She moved off a model wife she. A lot of baggage your words are the one in been months i must learn minutes or visit. As hard as i would love them honest men. And men for i do none finance to my should be yet im still less than 100 and some are no. More thought of me. In the thought of the title i shall know. Its just. As. And. Some who would still. Be. It would still be the. Machine of the natl should deal with the law. And that i. Couldnt even. I havent found a. Judge and no doctor. Knows old boys. Disposable but this. Time. I. Dont mind theyre going to stay there. Very good so the big deal looks like about me. As an. Emergency fund their owners are very. Top im going to which is very heavy looking good very good. For their girl go to school with our sugar member or more im going to sit. In the little. 6 and i shouted what is with them on the bus going to hide behind and i. Can never learned. To write in writing and i. Have been rather hard on the rigi out of my one cure. Your. Knowledge of course. Of course is going to. Go to a new low. And im going to gamble on the rest of our when i only get there when i get to. See her ill write it. To you in the end already. The result was i dont know if i can. Im a bit of back and. I have energy is just going to. He. Is. One of the very by the day. Im going to go on and on about my pulling this out on the. Run alive oh. 7 0 oh. You mean yeah when im on the ground. Theres no monologue im of it in their moment but i dont read them to me not sure yet not to. Do with someone in front of these are in trouble i mean it didnt organize. That over the moon. Well i was kind of. Going to. Be there got a ball i didnt go. And. Then what is a holder of that as theyve been given to do you do you get. That out of. Them going and i mean they really. I mean that i havent done when i

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