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A few of the thousands awaiting cataract surgery. Called the mercy list this gives sign in one eye to those who are completely blind. Lose their own bone. Good. Condition from treatments cant wait. To. Move the most list patients are fortunate to jump the 2 year waiting list a mission is to learn to live with all of them under local anaesthetic so none of the patients are going to be really asleep reject them with the local anaesthetic injection every go. You will see that start going away in ok slowly slowly. This simple procedure will change their lives restoring their vision and independence in only 20 minutes. Its agree want to try to give a perfect operation youre going to try to perfect it just there but if you get into their private mix the next step is you. Think of the coverage to be relatively in. Their lives in your eyes normally clear. As you get older it becomes a pacifier. And this was a quote here. We just removed their natural lives we set a catholic and that reversal is going to replace the patients naturally because if we dont put a linsey in the patient given a very strong gloss of the focus probably. This man stays in the. Your case off of the nation when you say you didnt have any pain. No pain or. Finish operation when very nice. That the op was the only way rob is about to perform his last cataract surgery at st johns before completing his 5 year training at barron his last patient is a paraplegic hes hoping to make her life easier with one less disability. By 0 point one and done clear a lot to get to be able to carry to see. Her on lead me to believe in all the big books and. They do and it was. Great the incidence of cancer is extremely high no matter where you go its the bread and butter of any of them of as you practice because its the most common program. Its actually the most Successful Operation that we have in modern made some that means that the results are good one of the reasons i did up from. You when most of the song. I want to vacuum 200 says oh. From others is is probably one of the fosters areas of growth and medicine is just unbelievable i mean a year ago i was telling pressures theres nothing i can do for you for this or that condition and today i can offer them the treatment is just you know a psych saw 3 feet. Ropes move into private practice will allow him to keep up with the latest technologically fine suits which barack turned all this off to. The doctors who operated on 8 merciless patients a month finishes with the last patient of the day. I enjoyed working i enjoy doing new procedures if i can. What gives me excited is getting sidetracked so thats a real big board. And the other thing is this is im also an Academic Institution so. Theres always new things to. The so many things written in forth like that i think in the future we should be able to cure almost all blending and. Kill but. Its got a ball of the. Place in the afternoon rob gets another perspective of barack from the. Plates to floss more or less challenging and very technical a lot of the technical stuff. That the research. Needs to flog. But really its an amazingly liberates experience. Coming up probably the problem of the palm. Pilot. Was. One of the slaughter of all. My mom and dad and not. About. Im going to give up of a little. Over here ok ill wait a minute there are one hospital. Just such a goldmine of experience. I suppose you know about. Going into private practice not. Feel quite confident with the experience of going to. This morning the doctors on call the rifle work to find 2 trauma cases waiting for them the patients have been sent to them from the trauma unit. And this gentleman who tried to hijack a post. Through the broken board versus. The stratosphere the good guys win everything. With south africa having one of the highest crime rates in the world cause hijackings are commonplace acts of senseless violence often accompany the crimes. Of. The dresser and theres little risk there to be the fear the damage its good riddance wants to. Cut its been cut. You see anything that was all. He said about. You but. Its hard to hear a little bit about it called reality that. The f. B. I. Could have. You know will put them all into it and then put. The cost on front that are 1. 100 books the man for surgery and quickly moves on to deal with a case of Domestic Violence that. She says she was the 1st punch. On the right of a has been too many hours of this morning she sustained less rushing to unload and we still need to look at the height to see whether theres be very beneficial as well. Theyve ever knocked out looking down on me look down. Can you see me take tea can you see our little. Sister can you ask her whether she can see nicely with it i with the division is down on the other dont have to be. Here we have one where you can see me concern about 33 just needed to look. Like. Were going to need to operate this i. V. Was ok. In south africa one woman is killed by her partner every 6 our lives leading to the highest rates of femicide in the world. So this morning to see better. You look forward to me please ringback. Cataract operation a good thing you know they only did the right right its like a diet fix by me. Here. Its. Morning morning. How was your not. The boss and your doctor. Do. You think. Its going to. Be up to. The surgery went well that was difficult so 3 cataract was extremely hard but ultimately shell soon very well. But this for its. Just too late too late. This is. Sort of a well. Known of the it was but said to leave actually its quite a special place. That was fading so wetter seeing the light the rind returned recently to to see how much has changed in the decade. Somebody. Live. On a little by little out for. A living i mean dont you. Put that little. Celeste in the nigel the bigger ones so. When we 1st met dr Robert Daniel he was finishing his 5 year residency st Johns Hospital its a way to. A decade on he continues to serve a community he set of a charity called banani which means let us all see in south africa zoo language. This is Incredible Technology what what it does is it measures a childs vision from one meter in one second and it gives us an automated result from there we are able to screen our children who have pathology and we then expose them to full i examine national and allow them to be treated in the 1st old environment. Because this is so simple and so portable we literally in a in a toilet. We can deliver this to everybody got. 5. Minutes portable quick went. And set up his clinic anyway including this toilet in a Community Center you can examine 300 or more children in one session. It was his time at st Johns Hospital. To inspired him to continue serving to pull even though he now runs a successful private practice with the latest technology. I think spending. A very. The experience on to me of that. Group of people. The aspects of life we dont all have. To daniel treats adults its an eye clinic based in the church. In english we call it a cataract so the cataract means that the lens inside is. So were going to arrange for you to have an operation. 10 years later the plight of you average person in the community is are there for gays no better perhaps even a little worse than what it was this is a great motivator for us to keep giving back to these communities and too little but to improve their lives. Well thats it from rewind for this week there check out the rewind page on aljazeera dot com for more powerful films from. From may and is a problem and the rewind team thank you for watching and see you next time. Newsstand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera. A new political sitcom after 27 years of dictatorship and the bellew describe them that we have can we overcome it can be challenges here looks at the new democracy and ethiopias fos changing Political Landscape through the stories of 4 divests ethiopians know them or simply this is my studio where i shoot the sitcom. My ethiopia on aljazeera. 0. 3. 0. Youre watching the news our life from a headquarters and. Coming up in the next 60 minutes a humanitarian crisis in the bahamas where tens of thousands need help after Hurricane Dorian. We have all this. These horrible war. Ukraines president says a mass prisoner swap is the 1st step towards easing tensions with russia. Hong kong police and protesters change tactics during the latest antigovernment demonstrations. And iran steps up its Nuclear Enrichment program and warns that time is running out to salvage the 2050 nuclear deal. But we 1st bring you breaking news from the United States and President Donald Trump has just tweeted he has revealed secret meetings involving the taliban and the Afghan Government and hes saying theyve been cancelled so he tweeted a short time ago unbeknown to almost everyone the Major Taliban leaders and separately the president of afghanistan were going to secretly meet with me at camp david on sunday they were coming to the United States tonight unfortunately in order to build false leverage they admitted to. An attack in kabul that killed one of our great great soldiers and 11 other people i immediately canceled the meeting and called off peace negotiations what kind of people would kill so many in order to seemingly strengthen their bargaining position they didnt they only made it worse if they cannot agree to a ceasefire during these very important peace talks and would even kill 12 innocent people then they probably dont have the power to negotiate a meaningful agreement anyway how many more decades are they willing to fight so these are the latest tweets from the president of the United States canceling those secret meetings that were supposed to take place this weekend with the taliban at camp david more on that a little later in the news hour but well move on to the bahamas and well tell you about news there where thousands of people are fleeing the destruction left behind by Hurricane Dorian so the u. S. Coast guard is evacuating people to the capital now many are coming from the hardest hit islands of grand bahama and abaco and more than a 1000 people have now arrived in the u. S. State of florida the United Nations says more than 70000 people are in need of assistance but relief efforts have been hampered by damaged piers runways and downs communication and at least 43 people are now confirmed dead the government saying the final death toll could be staggering or those evacuating or leaving behind widespread destruction. To be really really as they got to be legally what you see in the movies like those and the. Clips you are joining you do is that its just a. Meanwhile rap all over has more from freeport in the bahamas you were in freeport grand bahama just outside of the airport as you can see behind me this is an aircraft that has been kind of delivered here by the storm surge from Hurricane Dorian again this was a category 5 hurricane wind gusts upwards of 350 Kilometers Per Hour it wasnt just those strong winds that caused so much devastation in this part of the country was also that storm surge exactly where we are right now just next to the airport tarmac this would only a couple of days ago was under 2 meters of water now at the moment there is still a lot of concern over shortages of Food Shortages of water and shortages of medicine but weve heard from the World Health Organization that help and Disaster Relief is on its way weve heard that somewhere around 8000000 tons of Food Supplies have arrived in nassau and are are and will be delivered to the island most affected in the northern part of the country the im going to grand bahama and the island of abaco just a couple of days ago we were on abaco is in island as arguably was the worst hit powerlines still down trees snapped in half debris covering the roadways but but but much of the island is now being cleared up as to in terms of roads theres access in terms of aircraft theres access but there for that for many of the people that are still there theyre their number one priority is getting off of these islands getting out of the bahamas until a sense of normal normalcy returns. Well Hurricane Dorians destruction continues landing in canada on saturday with winds up to 150 kilometers an hour more than 300000 people are without power as the storm battered the province of nova scotia the military has been sent to support the region where roofs have been ripped off and a crane has been top olds north carolinas governor roy cooper spoke a short time ago saying although the storm has passed theres a lot of work to do before things are back to normal. We have about 45000 people who are still without power most of those people are here in daycare and in hyde kaminey today i traveled to visit some people who had storm damage i went to emerald isle to the r. V. Park that was hit by the tornado there was significant damage is damage to many homes there we talked to a number of people who live there and a lot of volunteers who came to help it was amazing that no one was hurt or killed at this r. V. Park i talked to a man named bill who was drinking a cup of coffee when the tornado hit any showed me where he had on the floor and there were boards in beams all around and i dont know how he survived but he got by with a few scratches. In south korea at least 3 people are dead and more than 160000 homes are without power there because of typhoon it hit the southern areas of south korea with winds up to 196 Kilometers Per Hour 200 flights were grounded across the country north korean state media says the leader kim jong il held an emergency meeting to discuss disaster prevention efforts he reportedly scolded officials he described as helpless and unaware of the storms seriousness. Lets not return to our breaking news story out of the u. S. And president trying to revelation that he had planned talks this weekend with taliban leaders at camp david but that now those meetings have been cancelled she every chance is joining us from washington d. C. So the tweets just coming in just a few moments ago what are we to make of them. You know we often talk of i dont trust trees but this one seems to actually be real real news actually everywhere we had a succession of events over the last few days. The u. S. Envoy overseeing the talks with the taliban had said about a week ago that there the agreement in principle had been reached with the taliban but they rushed off back to qatar eviler the negotiations out apparently ended about round of negotiations that ended on the day then we the president of afghanistan was going to be coming to washington on friday but then we took that we found out that actually he was going to delay that visit to washington all these rather sudden unexpected events in the last few days and now we have this from donald trump suggesting that the reason why gone he was going to be coming to washington was because talks were going to be held at camp david with the taliban let me just go over the tweets unbeknown still almost every one of the Major Taliban leaders and separately the president of afghanistan were going to secretly meet with me at camp david on sunday they were coming to the United States tonight unfortunately in order to build false beverage they admitted an attack in kabul that killed one of our great soldiers and 11 other people i immediately counseled the meeting im cooled off peace negotiations what kind of people would kill so many in order to seemingly strengthen the bargaining position they didnt they only made it worse if they cannot agree to a ceasefire during these very important peace talks and would even kill 12 innocent people that they probably dont have the power to negotiate a meaningful agreement anyway how many would decades are they willing to fight so. I was pretty astonishing stuff the suggestion then would be if this tweet is to be believed the talks are off these talks adult trump have been have been putting a great store by because this is a major promise hes made to bring the troops back from afghanistan before the 20 twentieths action he was committed to that despite disagreements within his administration is now she looks a security adviser john bolton for example being. Left out of the talks because no one really trusted him they thought that he would try and sabotage the talks other members of the republican Foreign Policy establishment the democratic Foreign Policy establishment also warn against a precipitous withdrawal but seem to be really pushing for some sort of withdrawal if. We look to to come about because the numbers we were hearing were about 5000. 00 troops to have left by early next year perhaps however theres a still a lot of confusion as to what that actually mandible the parameters of the deal was who is negotiating walk and so on but those are the sort of ideas that were being thrown around but apparently dont hold off the talks at least according to these latest tweets yes so is this going to be seen as a sort of significant setback for that pledge that hes made in the past to bring the american troops back home how do we know he just tweeted for them so we dont really know whether this is it or whether this is just the beginning of another process because clearly dont from the stuff some sort of Foreign Policy Foreign Policy victory has not let me have this was it was one that he thought might be achievable but we dont know or at least this hall for the hour the talks are off with the taliban and the key pledge that dont trump is made which he thought from which which seemed to be making some progress to bring of these some troops back from afghanistan is now. Is going to happen or is at least in jeopardy we just this is all happening minute by minute right now yeah and all we know right now is that those secret talks have been canceled ok well leave it there for now she had thanks for that update from washington and russia and ukraine have carried out a major Prisoner Exchange thats being hailed as a 1st step in easing tensions that led to moscows an accession of crimea and a 5 year long conflict in Eastern Ukraine 35. 00 prisoners have been released by each side this includes 24. 00 ukrainian sailors who were captured near crimea Victoria Gate and the reports. Its the 1st positive move in 5 years between ukraine and russia a filmmaker and a group of sailors landed in kiev appleton a long anticipated prison a swap the release of ukrainian filmmaker all legs and so he was jailed for 22 years is seen as a major concession by russia and president followed him as a lenski fulfilled his election promise to bring home 22. 00 ukrainian sailors and 2 Security Service agents we have to do all the steps to finish this horrible war and have them really. By being decent to feel him. Things will get better thank you very much thank you well leave you the sailors on board 3 ukrainian vessels were captured here in the courage strait 9 months ago after russian warships opened fire on them the kremlin says they illegally entered russian waters near the Crimean Peninsula which Russian Troops seized and annexed from ukraine in 2014 since then the kremlin backed separatists have been at war with Ukrainian Government forces in Eastern Ukraine at least 10000 people have been killed since the fighting began 5 years ago he cranes recently elected president the lenski says he wants to revive peace negotiations with russia hes been seeking support from european leaders recently and he

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