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Bargain this specific scaling back the commitment is a serious one because the iranians have said that they are no longer willing to be in this agreement by themselves now the Enrichment Program in the country has been course a major point of discussion and concern for the International Community they said that iran should not be able to enrich uranium at higher levels because it doesnt need to but the iranians have argued over the past years that it does it because it has a Research Facility in the capital tehran thats been here for decades that is tasked with producing medical isotopes and that the Nuclear Reactor in the tehran facility requires 20 percent enriched uranium to be operational now aljazeera has been given rare access to this facility. This is the reason iran says its Nuclear Program needs 20 percent enriched uranium to keep its 1st Nuclear Reactor working. The center of the 5 megawatt reactor does all the work its source is a number of chemical elements which scientists here call a fuel assembly before it came into use in 2009 iran had to import 20 percent enriched uranium from argentina you know i go with this reactor originally used 90 percent of fuel in the past produced by an American Company but it was realized reactors like this could work with 20 percent fuel as well so they change all reactors in a way to use 20 percent field including our reactor in 1903. But since iran began producing its own uranium rival powers have objected theyre concerned that with that technology reaching those higher grades of enrich uranium above 90 percent would mean being able to produce a Nuclear Weapon would be achievable during this tightly supervised visit officials repeatedly state irans government is only interested in Nuclear Energy and not arms several Nuclear Scientists have been assassinated and employees here hide their identity for safety the Higher Quality chemical elements or isotopes iran says it needs are made here theyve arrived through an underground tunnel from the main reactor by the radio isotopes are produced here in these cells when theyre sent back from the reactor it is cuts in seoul number one and sent to the of the cells according to the type of radioisotopes and the process continues that in some cases we have to extract the main material from the original material the isotopes then come here for further purification they are all then packed in special containers and sent to medical facilities in iran and to other countries. These radioactive isotopes can be used to detect blood clots and to treat and kill cancer cells and officials here say theyre used to treat more than a 1000000 patients in iran each year the International Atomic Energy Organization regularly visits the site and says iran has been complying with the 2015 nuclear deal agreed with 6 world powers until now it stopped after the United States withdrew from the group last year and impose additional sanctions on iran officials here say the european signatories have yet to uphold their commitments and say thats why iran is scaling back on its obligations but theres another reason too this reactor was built in the late 1960 s. But the Nuclear Agreement that was signed in vienna 4 years ago means that its improvements were put on hold now its future could very well determine whether iran stays in the 2015 agreements the future for this Nuclear Program of growth or neglect and politics over the nuclear deal aside its that that may determine what steps iran takes next. Now what remains to be seen is whether or not the european signatories are able to come up with an alternative plan to try and salvage this deal with the iranians have said all these steps that theyve taken are all reversible a matter of days as long as they feel that the europeans are upholding their on the the french government for their part have spearheaded that those efforts and at the moment theyre trying to convince washington to give the arraign use a 15000000000. 00 line of credit that would see them being able to sell their oil to the European Countries the americans have yet to make a decision on that the iranians have said they will give the europeans another 60 days to the side whether or not they can come up with a better option to try and salvage this nuclear deal. All right dosage of barley life for us there in tehran lets speak now to show he is a policy fellow at the European Leadership Network and joins us now from london thanks very much for being with us so how significant is this decision decision by the iranian leadership then is this is this. Another nail in the coffin of the 2015 nuclear deal for you so just like the other 2 cuts that have been made to the j. C. P. O. Way since the iranian government has made the decision to reduce or compliance this does not serve a near term political ration risk under the way iran is actually intitled to doing certain types of research and development on advance centrifuges at the Laboratory Level now its not clear exactly how theyre going to escalate the research and development but what we do know is that it will take a great deal of time for it to actually effect the breakout capability that iran has to build a Nuclear Weapon and because we know that iran main intention is not to do that but is to actually build leverage in the face of Donald Trumps maximum Pressure Campaign i think that this is simply another stop that rouhani and the government has to take because of the 60 day cycles that theyve now committed to to reduce compliance but again we will wait to see whether the other parties to the deal feel as though it now results in significant noncompliance but my personal assessment is that they will not find it too so if they dont then one of those other european powers do then is there any any further mechanism for them to try to salvage this deal and to maintain some sort of trade with iran. So yes you know over the past year weve seen the he 3 governments that have now been joined by a number of other European Countries trying to come up with a mechanism that is focused on non sanctionable trade such as on food and pharmaceuticals you know this process is obviously unprecedented and its taken a lot of time its also caused a lot of the blame game back and forth between europe and iran but at the end of the day the transactions are going to be processed are there in the process of being operationalized and you know if that starts to actually decrease the inflationary impact of u. S. Secondary sanctions on average iranian households i think that will help a lot in addition to that the main thing that iran would like to see a major difference in is their ability to export oil this idea of the 15000000000. 00 credit line should also be conceived of as a 15000000000. 00 loan so there is a lot of practical in politically obstacles to get the entire on the in regime in all of its different pieces to agree to essentially being in debt to foreigners moreover its still unclear what such a line of credit would be in exchange for and lastly and most importantly its also absolutely going to be seen as in violation of u. S. Sanctions unless of course the u. S. Ignores it which theyre not going to because thats not legally permissible or if they issue waivers and the u. S. Yesterday came out and said that they would not issue a waiver for this 15000000000. 00 credit line so i think that europe needs to become more inventive in the coming days and focus on what theyre already have been have already undertaken in stocks but moreover we need russia and china as well as irans other traditional trading partners to really also try to figure out what economic challenges that iran faces which there are many they can help address to speak with you so hell show thanks for being with us. Plenty more ahead on nation news hour after the destruction across the bow hamas hurrican during threatens the eastern coast of the u. S. Facing scrutiny hong kongs leader throws her support behind an International Inquiry into Police Conduct and recent protests. And a former world player of the year watches as his team takes their 1st steps on the road to the Qatar World Cup show you have the best of the action later and. All less than i had to 1st at least 10 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a launch explosion in afghanistans capital kabul its all a bit of claim responsibility for the attack saying they targeted a Foreign Military convoy the blast was in an area close to foreign embassies and government buildings but speak now to our watney who is live for us in kabul so akbar what more do we know about what happened. As a massive explosion took place in one of the crowded with the spirit here in kabul when that attack could have taken one of the sentiments to check point and its noted it from a car full of explosives with 10 people have been killed and 42 other to reach everyone where the Afghan Ministry of interior they also told us that the that all children and women also in the wanted one is that i thought it likely that its possibly for the something and said that theyre talking to the Foreign Forces convoy because many if we see these that went off the these attacks from the taliban in the last couple of days and even more they attacked the former force against us here in kabul on the on the degree to what is right that a lot of the regions there and more than a 100 were wounded in that in that attack there also am one of the key province of afghanistan can do is read to put their flag up and theyre trying to capture the to province where the Afghan Security force. That i did and they pushed back that attacked us on the way. In kabul flying from the last few fielders and he is trying to discuss the draft Peace Agreement with the afghan president i should have let me and the local politicians here including former President Hamid karzai that a lot of concern raised about this busy with this peace peace peace draft because the trying to discuss with the u. S. The taliban will never stop these attacks and will never have a speck to the afghans because theyre targeting the its a real lens that getting this thing really ends and that theyre discussing this with the. U. S. And were hearing problem. Thank you. Means the director of the center for peace and Development Studies he says the attacks show the taliban are not negotiating for peace in good faith. In the time when were just close by to deal in taliban or just posing that type of traits what do you think next i believe the taliban leadership is playing a different brand of diplomacy in peace negotiation theyre shaking the right hand in the eye toward iraq at the left but that cannot happen all the time we are going to are just living in this country and they have to have it with mercy on the Afghan People in population things cannot happen overnight people who are water addicted you cannot expect them that they have to put guns on the ground in the just return to peaceful life i think thats expectation were not hoping that where just hoping cities you can leave things will change but im expecting that both the United States american the taliban leadership and also the afghan leadership should be ensuring that they are just giving hanes to each other theyre just putting all the dots together in finally bringing a kind of settlement where people are not dying if were dying were just losing hopes on the peace talk where still hoping that something good will happen but if such kind of attacks are occurring at the daily basis in an hour by hour as i think that can squash our hopes for the future of the number of People Killed from harken dorian in the bahamas has risen to 20 storms regain strength and is now a category 3 hurricane threatening the east coast of the United States the speed of the winds when dorian made landfall in the bahamas was the strongest on record the bahamian Prime Minister hubert mina says rescue operations are in full swing and has warned against looting. Im i woke up a lot has more on this from the island of a backhoe. This is the island of one of the worst hit areas by Hurricane Dorian the local air terminal was destroyed by strong winds and storm surge people now gathered by the runway looking for a way out. As we made our way toward the community of black would the scope of the devastation became even more apparent acres and acres of downed trees block the road. The region is still flooded but waters are finally starting to recede. In the capital nassau bolen tears are mobilizing to compile desperately needed Disaster Relief food medicine and bottled water. But access is limited to the areas most affected so right now were getting a lot of help from the military from the United States with the search and rescue and after that its going to be about getting food medical supplies and even volunteer teams to these islands that would have brought to you some of the volunteers sorting donations or tourists like george and maria who cut their vacation short to lend a hand i saw the news on the t. V. And i said i could go to the beach played on the beach enjoying my vacation and then i said i might see you my in the topic. Back on abaco island residents gather with their families to assess the damage many have lost everything for since us sitting on the side of the old no where to go some person scott even find a Family Member so it is really back. To this storm may be over but for thousands of bahamians the challenge of rebuilding their lives still lies ahead as you can see the devastation here is enormous power lines litter the streets theres no electricity no Running Water no Cell Phone Service and thousands of people have nowhere to sleep tonight theyve been left homeless waiting desperately for help to arrive and up in. Abaco the bahamas. All right in a few moments well have the weather with everton folks but still ahead on i. G. N. A. Demanding Job Opportunities tens of thousands of iraqi graduates take to the streets against unemployment. And in sports the best of the tennis action from the u. S. Open including the teenager why believe how well shes. My way we can see dorian this pulling away from the bahamas now of course as we were hearing it has strengthened slightly you can see the eye of the storm clearly becoming more and more apparent is that makes its way further north who is quite a big eye on that storm as well what a big storm its about 800 kilometers in width winds gusting to 185 promises power and see it is now a category 3 storm once again and those gusts in excess of 200 Kilometers Per Hour still moving pretty slowly so when the rain does set in it will be there for quite some time and of course theres that storm surge which will add to the flooding concerns that we have at that eastern side of the u. S. Over the next 24 to 48 hours or so thats a position of the storm and now its a go on into friday morning thats about the time we expect it to affect well the eye of the storm the center of the storms make its way towards the outer banks of North Carolina and eventually it will pull up into the open waters of the north atlantic so once it does do that it will move away quite quickly and you can see it is driving its way further more twists in the east which as we go on through the next 24 hours by the time we come to the weekend it will be clear of the coast. Sponsored. Cats are. The most incredible stories are often true. And cheering go on experiences. Makes the unfamiliar familiar. In this life no versity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something much greater so in this long life what i want to lose is freedom of expression. The right to mortgage. The march into the dawn. Because you dislike. The design to understand the. Human condition is universal. But again youre watching as they are a mind of our top stories this out british Prime Minister Boris Johnsons proposal to hold a snap election before the break that deadline of october 31st has been voted down and hes also passed the bill blocking the possibility of a no deal exit from the e. U. Britains high court will decide in a few hours to hear a case brought by former Prime Minister alleging johnson suspension of polymer is unlawful. Irans president has said he says his country will operate its Energy Program without limits it is preparing to begin work on an on advanced sense if. Which would allow it to enrich uranium fast. At least 10 people have been killed in a bomb blast in the Afghan Capital kabul taliban fighters are claiming responsibility the group says it was targeting a Foreign Forces convoy. So then back to our top story the break the crisis in the u. K. There are 3 main reasons why many british politicians are prepared to do whatever it takes even to sacrifice their careers to stop or no deal breaks it 1st the impact on the economy the United Nations says in a no deal breaks in the u. K. Would lose at least 16000000000. 00 in sales to e. U. Markets in the short term the movement of goods between the u. K. And the e. U. Would be severely restricted leading to shortages of some food items and medicines and then no deal breaks it could lead to a hard border between Northern Ireland and ireland threatening a peace deal that ended decades of conflict all my good fellow is a writer an academic and she joins us now from westminster thanks very much for being with us so we just outlined there the implications possible implications of no deal breakers that if that were to happen. Do you believe that it is still very much a possibility at this point given all of the deadlock thats going on in the u. K. Parliament. I think in some ways its still a possibility and what were actually seeing from a lot of m. P. s who are opposed to Boris Johnsons plan to potentially take us out of the European Union with no deal is to do everything they possibly can to make sure that doesnt happen and thats what weve seen over the past few days is m. P. s you know kind of collaborate and cross pipe political divides in order to build the parliament to ensure that Boris Johnson cant just take the u. K. Out of the e. U. With no deal but would actually have to go through parliament to try and get a deal or to pass a no deal agreement through parliament which i think is something that wouldnt happen so its still a possibility depending on what happens in the next few months of the election or with what happens around this hotel tim well in parliament by think m. P. s are trying to stop that from happening and what indications if any at this point are there from the e. U. Side they will be prepared to budge on any of their positions on that withdrawal deal at this point at this point particularly the backstop. So i think this is part of the problem here is Boris Johnson is posturing in saying i can get a better deal but the issue is the e. U. Has said thats not possible this issue the backstop there arent really any alternative arrangements that can be reached and so thats why hes threatening no deal hes claiming that will mean he puts me a better position to negotiate with the e. U. But this to put the main problem with our one is that Boris Johnson keeps saying no deal is not bad its not big of a deal it doesnt really matter much but the same time is saying no deal is a big big way for us to negotiate with the e. U. No deal is such a big threat that it means the e. U. Will shift and that positioning and you cant say that its the 2 things at the same time and what weve just seen in the past few minutes is joe johnson Boris Johnsons own brother resign basically with a message that implies that he doesnt feel like the Prime Minister his brother is putting the National Interest 1st he is paying Party Interest and i think that is incredibly worrying for the conservative party if we do end up with a general election so is that is. An election still a real possibility at this point its just a question of the timing. I think the action is a distinct possibility i dont see how it wont happen at this moment what were seeing from the Opposition Party the labor party is theyre saying we want to have a general election once this bill has passed through parliament so they dont trust Boris Johnsons words him saying that he will abide by it and he will give it will assent which means will be passed into law so that saying once thats happened we will consider if we want to go for a general election so they have been pumping for general election for some time now but they want to make sure that no deal is off the table and no deal cant happen during right after general election or during that period. To get your analysis so my kids could follow in london thank you. South africa is shutting down its Diplomatic Missions in nigeria after a series of reprisal attacks on South African businesses that follows a wave of violence against mostly foreign owned stores in johannesburg i dont want us to report. Nigerians angry about anti foreign attacks in africa protest outside the surf going on store in a crisis they want the government to do more to protect nigerians living in south Africa Government debt parental support. Supports what is the protect life and property of those people our nigerian people are dying our people are dying on a daily basis. Inserter things are slowly getting back to normal after a few days of rioting and looting many foreign owned businesses were targeted. From mali he says hes lived in turkey for more than 20 years and can understand why some locals feel foreigners are taking their jobs. All. Those you were doing something we know it did me you know what. Someone figure us raises from ethiopia hes nervous about speaking about attacks on fine nationals in case a story is targeted some people say widespread poverty and inequality i said blame for the violence all of us. But souls of. The. Country like i dont know but. What i dont know is all the free thinking. In north. America but also came from africa this is one thing. Some surfer believe criminal gangs are responsible for the recent violence why am i taking i walk on i walk on africans why are we living behind you why do whites. If were really really does bring it all up its only. When we are getting only. A tad so many african foreign nationals happen regularly. Many who come here are competing. And Government Services some shops and businesses have an open to 4 days many owners are afraid that could be more violence and looting this area in downtown johannesburg is where many of the attacks happened with the countrys an employment rate at nearly 30 percent and he found the sentiment. Joins us live now from. Johannesburg so what more are we hearing then about this embassy closure. Well so that for them Officials Say the embassy of records messages that some people in nigeria going to protest outside the embassy and possibly even vandalized the building so as a precaution temporarily shut the embassy down elsewhere in nigeria some so that you can own shops have been attacked and looted by the jones who aggregate the way african phone efforts are being cheated here in south africa are we hearing people they are also planning to protest in the bar we saw you were tied to the embassy in the capital harare with the police to disperse them assigned a lot of people are really angry with the way they feel after the cheated in this country for example a football match which is meant to happen this weekend between zambia and africa has been cancelled in protest against phone africans are being treated inside as well and whats the latest then on the situation in johannesburg after after that wave of wilen. Well much of the writing in leeching has died down its pretty much more of a Cleanup Campaign now and you can see some people whove come back to these tops that we need said trying to salvage what they can this township is called alexandra its a big township a lot of foreigners live here find africans alongside South Africans and sometimes you can steal the place the high employed Unemployment Rate the competing with Foreign African nationals force jobs and theyre frustrated thats why some of them say they came onto the street and started protesting rioting and looting it is generally calm now by the course there are concerns that things will only escalate if the situation any comment isnt addressed in south africa its nearly 30 percent a lot of people are frustrated they arent getting the proper Government Services and some of them are taking it on far enough because they feel they say that these Foreign Africans some of them undocumented coming to this country and compete with them this case jobs and Government Services doesnt i dont talk a lot of fresh. Hong kong chief executive kerry lam says she would fully support an International Inquiry into Police Conduct during protests there lam announced she would formally would draw an extra bit dition bill but spocks 3 months of demonstrations were full pledged to follow up on recommendations from. The bill will be withdrawn. There will be no debate and no vote. Action this we will fully support the work of the in the pan the Police Complaints Council People from all walks of life with different stances and backgrounds are invited to share their views and air their grievances we must find ways to address the discontent in society and look for solutions sarah clarke has more on this from hong kong. Hong kongs chief executive carrie lamb has done her 1st 2 and i said with the media in the wake of her decision to withdraw the controversial extradition bill she said she hoped that this would break the political impasse which has been startling politics here in hong kong and she said that it would give hong kong a way forward she also said that this study that shes commissioned would investigate the political crisis she hoped that this would give the community a platform for conversation she denied that she was under pressure from chinas Central Government and she said they respected and understood her decision to withdraw the extradition bill shes also rejected accusations that this independent study into this political process is meaningless she said the International Representation on this body would give all deliver credible outcomes as for the other 5 demands other demands that the protesters want met shes refused their request for universal suffrage shes also refused to bow to their demand to introduce or commission a an independent investigation into Police Behavior and until all those demands are met by protesters those protesters are vowing to go ahead with their demonstrations the chinese and american trade negotiators are meeting for talks in october to try and put an end to the trade war between the worlds 2 largest economies the latest round of tariffs between them went into effect on sunday in japan at least 30 people have been injured when a train and a truck collided in new york or hama emergency workers say it happened when the truck entered a Railway Crossing local media reports say the truck driver was told from the wreckage and taken to hospital cause of the accident is being investigated. Now thousands of University Graduates in iraq are protesting outside government ministries in baghdad demanding jobs unemployment for young adults is at 22 percent and the government admits it has not done enough to employ large numbers of graduates Charles Stratford reports from baghdad. Roanoke and her fellow engineering graduates have been camped opposite Iraqs Oil Ministry but will most 2 months theres just a few of the thousands of young iraqis with University Degrees protesting outside government buildings in baghdad and they are demanding jobs on the other but i feel a volcano of anger inside me and im sad because its my country and all im asking for is my rights iraq has so much oil its like water from a temp and im sitting on the pavement after 16 years of study. Every year 150000 iraqis graduate from university and they are eager to work in their chosen fields but unemployment among 15 to 39 year olds is around 22 percent but says its in the governments interest to act we said i dont know healthy message to the community here because we make them know that education is not the solution for this country the government sector is much bigger than the private its tripled in size since 2003 and now employs more than 4000000 people. Yet new government jobs are scarce iraqs all minister admits the countrys 2019 budget didnt make sufficient provision for employing large numbers of graduates in the ministry but he says iraqi leaders are working hard to create jobs in public companies. The planning Ministry Says the government needs to focus attention on encouraging the private sector to now the government has to find alternative solutions the ministry of planning is focused on are 2030 vision which will also create space for the private sector it needs empowerment supported by lords it is vital for the countrys development. After decades of conflict and political instability iraq has yet to win the confidence of Foreign Investors many graduates say Foreign Companies often bring their own employees from abroad and demand years of Work Experience from iraqis before offering jobs in baghdad in the. Night is almost unbearable but in recent weeks graduates like the have been sleeping on the pavements in areas opposite ministries across the city and it shows just how determined. That the government listen and respond to their demands. We are all determined. And we will not leave this place until we get our rights in recent years iraqs population has been increasing annually by about a 1000000 young graduates but have studied most of their lives with the aim of ensuring a Better Future for themselves and their country but without jobs they say that simply cant be done. Baghdad. When we come back and face to face in saudi arabia were here. For the 1st time in the head of the big fight

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