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Course the day of current j. I. T. Law shaved off and then thats about. All none i mean the whole sky if you dont look through her new revenue more. Gestures and the other youre now going to regret going to rio. Borrow a line folks. Rather you can pull from to naleo. Just couldnt pull up in front. For africa. North korea crashingly free government. Castro has orchestrated al cheneys political death he also gave birth to his myth on that same evening the regimes official musician writes the song that would eternally glorify the revolutionary. In congo is sick and b. Pradelle gets him out of the country al cheney has nowhere to go he goes on a 6 month long secret journey after the congolese defeat he wants to join a new guerilla front again. Give out on national t. V. If he gets what he set up a. Lucid interval but you know guys for me theyre on the wrong team you know god is only partly going to for sure ansel thank you have all theyll be on the in this business so well see plan that i mean you should. Cast also understands that the soviets dont want change in cuba fidel needs to find a way out forgive him who is impatient to renew the fight it will be in bolivia for dell may have to face the wrath of the u. S. S. R. But if chase exceeds the soviets will be forced to bow down before his success. Let me see. I see a fair. Shake. Come back and see also this is when you know that he initially. He thanked the syrians that there isnt a fossil. I think fidel Castro Institute has shown should you need to give. It up should you know met with the pope who can did that p. Design these old. Clandestinely l. J. Prepares for his mission for dell lets him choose 10 men the cuban leader assures everyone the operation is well planned. Not being taught by nora. I dont want to like unable. To model this year will come along great every well you know america no. Longer kate cary im going. To nominate or theyre going out on early in the fall of 1966 l. J. Are royals in the Political Capital he moves to a rural area designated as a starting point for the insurrection. Will leave years only go by a lot it only he can tell you have a real reform ill have a legacy quit the author of the 4 by the by thanks or go yell about deal there are compazine oh you know tie content all of it for my lobby like an oh yeah all my life and last and last one i hold on yourself and also this deal tina said that i will show what i havea chamblee. Castro promise change the support of the bolivian communist party. In the jungle give out receives the partys secretary general money among hey. Scorsese. Sits on posy in a canadian as they get here says it upset you know it please. Vote on the. Money or mon he has already warned the soviets about his presence in bolivia nothing goes as planned. No i am on my merry seen or like drop us a bottle michael me the. Wine mario monti were going to get a bill miller who went to come only to. Cash a month in the a move now are not the name of communication. After young. Van ownership on power would come as you do have walk on the issue a pretty move well if you get. North on the sean it dont buy made one. Wrong domo say no may even montero he adds how about a year at the back end of a bad deal about this and we should quickly bash. Whether about always said they. Should run them dance wm why are. You. Delhi belly poor. Project wireless it on baylor chair. Contact is lost with the fighters with castros decides to send regis debris to meet l. J. The young french philosopher is close to castros regime and has just published a book calling for armed guerrilla warfare. And martial. You know you see me something passed by i guess our they were your leave cant go to simulate that a lame like that i think would be they were a landlord all in good part of their old home but i so moved by if this you wont buy a 1000 or so more by scene from the main but i will sort out your leaning it up a corny they go dig this or that youll see t. V. Dont good to be so they dont send you all the songs that add up as good as what is a 1000000 gallons as well the video with the dude salaries to know the one of interest above perform the monkey because he did many pretty good 80 t. C. He said his conduct after a short stay with sega via the Bolivian Army arrest regime is to blame several desert has already been captured american rangers come to support bolivian efforts the search for say is all. The you. Can help for dell continues to play a complicated political game as goddess situation deteriorates rapidly the 1st of may 1967 he proclaims that it off good a lot more for portraits about che i put up all over the plaza the lot of lucille shes getting i think um if there are sensitive to actually misha who can they say thank you ask. Them as a political and by the law yes this the media say compound. For the soviets this is the last straw kosygin chairman of the council of the ministers invites himself to have. When castro is paid a visit from because agent shortly after the lancet has been in america you heard from johnson just exactly what america knows about guevaras operation an hour on average they are with it he becomes equally unhappy and tells fidel in a few words to hold back to not continued support of ours operation in bolivia. Shown in culture on. A. Mission by the shit im. Not put in the hospital for a walk. So if the ellis with alpha still had all that. When i had a. Little filling out on this item a single bullet custer went to town say once it is a different future custer wanted his country che wanted International Revolution for a long time those tyra will object to use to sit alongside one another and drive each other forward but there came a point when obviously they no longer did that and at that point the relationship and their political project came to an end. In the fall of 1967 Bolivian Special forces look ate and cheese count. On the 8th of october after 3 hours in combat he is finally wounded and captured. The next day by order of the bolivian president Nestor Givati is executed. Because she. Did. Not set refuting form. Sunoco said if he having a laugh out of. Their net there are none well there are a lot of them passed up. L. J. Becomes immortalized in castros cuba and the run the world. Up to what theyve been set up. Together good father and castro have tried to tread an impossible path between the United States and the u. S. S. R. But in the cold war chessboard cuba was just a pawn. Custer was able to remain in power until his death in november 26th. Cheney now a martyr continues to live on as a symbol of the revolution. Hello again welcome back were here crossing our states as well as the bahamas we are watching Hurricane Dorian making its way towards the west now the storm is a very very powerful storm and it is going to bring a very heavy rain storm surge across much of the area you can actually see the satellite image right there over the next few days the storm is going to be making its way towards the west but it is going to be slowing down as we go from sunday as well as into monday and thats a big problem because once it slows down were going to seen the storm surge in the same location the rain in same location as well as the winds really having that same place so we watch that very carefully from sunday to monday we do expect to see the storm stoli make a turn to the northwest and we do expect it to stay off the coast United States but possibly by the time we get towards mid week we could be seeing landfall into the carolinas where here across parts of the yucatan were going to watch in development here in this area we could be seeing a storm making its way very slowly out here towards the back end pecci and that could be bring some very heavy rain across much of the area from mexico it is going to be already down here into guatemala also seeing some of that rain but for panama heavy rain few at a temperature of 29. 00 degrees and then very quickly across parts of argentina were going to see a fun about to make its way towards the north for you on the north side in the temps are there 26. 00 degrees for you. On comes in the cost 15. 00 of the most polluted cities in the world are in india we look at the cost of Peoples Health also antigovernment protesters a want hong kong could be plunged into recession an attribute of fortune built on oil and gas know what its about the climate challenge is. Counting the cost on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks each week that passes angry increases into the fiber the government grows deeper. With detailed cover each month i was once known as the colder 13 venezuela and thats why people are not used to the situation. From around the world. Its been over a decade since morphia had seen his granddaughter there she that. Police suspect a lone gunman is behind 15 unsolved shootings in the city all targeting immigrants an ethnic minority and an attempted murder on a young life friday Evening Police were out in full force again after another man was shot out there cycling disillusioned with the state prosecution and the victims sister has strikes up an unlikely relationship with the accused unless his 2 serial kana a witness documentary on aljazeera. Was. This is al jazeera. And im fully back to this is the news our ally. From my headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes protests says her petrol bombs at police who hit back with blue dyed water and battens during the latest chaotic scenes in hong kong. Another u. S. My shooting leaves at least 5 people dead and more than 20 injured also this hour the u. S. Negotiator praises a successful round of taliban talks in qatar but back in afghanistan the group stage a major attack and Donald Trumps new tires on china are about to take effect well look at whos hurting on both sides of the trade war. Thank you for joining as hong kong has seen some of its most chaotic and intense clashes in months of protests some demonstrators hurled petrol bombs at police who retaliated with tear gas and a water cannon spraying blue dye riot officers also stormed metro stations hitting and arresting people they described as radical more protests are planned later well be live in hong kong in just a moment but 1st this report from wayne hey. 0 this is become a weekend ritual in parts of hong kong street battles breaking out between antigovernment protesters and police. But this was one of the most intense rounds of violence since the protests began almost 3 months ago. The day had started peacefully the police rejected an application from organizers to hold a rally additionally it was just small religious and student groups that defied the ban we need to pay for talks old some of. The they also have the same idea but the numbers grew throughout the day as people paralyzed some of the citys busiest roads turning them into walkways. By doing so. They risked a wrist but there was safety in numbers they shouted if the 1000000 cries of stand with hong kong and left them mock as they went but it was inevitable that this day would develop like so many others have been hong kong recently the violence started when some people stopped at the offices of the government which adjoins hong kongs parliament this is a building that they stormed back on the 1st of july so clearly once they came to this building the police were in no mood to muck around no mood to allow them to stay here and throw things at the building so that to get started fairly quickly. The protesters have developed a relatively new and dangerous tactic of throwing petrol bombs along with bricks and other objects on the other side police fired tear gas and deployed Water Cannons this time laced with di to try to mock those who had broken the law eventually those demonstrating moved on but their fight wasnt over. The protesters have retreated from the area around the Legislative Council conflicts but not very far coming to a place close to the headquarters of the Hong Kong Police have blocked this road this intersection here and sit fire to their barricade taking things to a new level directions were designed to send a clear message to the police and the government far from being afraid they are intensifying they campaign and in doing so the citys crisis is worsening wane hey al jazeera hong kong. Speak to adrian brown whos in hong kong for a say as we saw there some pretty dramatic scenes in hong kong on saturday what some would like today and what are we expecting for nato. Well its just after 10 oclock in the morning here in hong kong and its very calm outside but there is a lot of clearing up going on this time theyre clearing up the charred remains of some of those burning barricades that featured in wayne hayes report there and this of course is a new development it wasnt just you know barricades that the protesters were setting fire to theyre also trying to set fire to buildings now as to what is going to happen today both the protesters it seems are going to once more trying to target Hong Kong International airport you remember several weeks ago when they occupied the airport that led to you know hundreds of flights being canceled and massive disruption for travelers leaving and going to hong kong i think what the protesters are going to try to do because of course there is an injunction at the moment preventing any demonstrations at the airport what theyre going to try to do perhaps is to somehow disrupt transport links between Hong Kong Island and the airport which is on land tower and they can do that perhaps by trying to crowd the airport express train link and also trying to crowd buses and somehow disrupt traffic traveling on the main highway to the airport but when they tried that same tactic a week ago that tactic failed so it remains to be seen whether that action is going to work today as wayne pointed out in his report that the tactics of both sides slowly appear to be hardening both sides are becoming more in boulder and the police rolled out their water cannon truck firing water laced with dye blue dye to make it easier for them to try to identify protesters and then of course we saw the violence spilling over from the streets into a subway station at prince said would the police was seen in pictures released by local television overnight attacking people on a subway train and we dont know whether all those people on the train were actually just innocent passengers or not so the Police Tactics definitely hardening their protest. Those tactics also heartening and you know the word from beijing is according to the shema news agency that what were seeing in hong kong now are signs of urban warfare and the situation is reaching a critical stage in dayton was you i was going to ask you about the reaction from beijing to to these latest events and you know theres been a rumors and reports of a possible intervention from the Central Government in beijing is that likely to happen if the situation continues to deteriorate in. My own feeling is this perhaps the time for intervention from china has passed you know looming on october the 1st is the most important date in cheating pings calendar this year the october the 1st celebrations the will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic and i think i think the leadership has basically decided that it would be more damaging to have pictures of pillay troops on the streets of hong kong standing outside the Mandarin Hotel what have you all pay away police also patrolling the set of hong kong them perhaps more of the same as to say protest in hong kong so i think they would rather prevent the former happening and live with the latter thank you for that adrian brown life forests in hong kong. In other world news a u. S. Special negotiator on afghan recounts c. H. And says he is close to making a deal with the Taliban Special representatives has just wrapped up the latest round of talks with the group in doha he will now head to kabul for consultations with the Afghan Government its a 9th round of negotiations brokered by the u. S. To try and 18 years of war and ultimately bring american troops home but the positivity in qatar has been overshadowed by an attack by taliban fighters in the northern afghan city of it took over several buildings Early Saturday Morning before the military deployed reinforcements by evening the government said it had repaired the fighters killing at least 30 of them 3 civilians also die it. Contradicts what its saying and the tech shows that the taliban still isnt ready for peace they continue to fight well its now speak to barracks gopalaswami whos a senior fellow at the Observer Research foundation and was a member of the Advisory Group is joins us from the u. S. State of delaware thank you so much for being with us sir so as these peace talks wrap up here in doha the taliban as we saw attacked the Northern City of condos how much confidence is there really that they are serious about ending this war. I think you know the country just essentially a very mixed part of that is a majority of the u. S. Establishment or say which wants to end the war and then there are skeptics all across the of congo meant unlike us who are just not sure what the taliban actually intends like like as you mention that is an attack on. And at the same time there is also this thought the school of thought that believes that the taliban are part of the taliban is really tired and sick of fighting or but it essentially like you know when you say that youre about to get a deal it really depends on what the contours of the deal are yeah as well as what the sustainability of that deal i was going to ask you about that. Says a deal is imminent if it is what sort of agreement do you anticipate as far as the future presence of u. S. Troops in afghanistan which has been the contentious issue between the 2 sides between the americans and the taliban. I think thats the 1000000 dollar question the 1000000 dollar question here is essentially a number you know put this into the context of the u. S. Going into of actions next year then President Trump and think of Something Like President Trump would want to script a victory speech Something Like this so essentially if you have that as a starting point where you want to put a banner on what a victory speech looks like and then that defines the terms of what a deal would look like and that could be a very weak watershed bill be the be the taleban essentially where we want to pull the troops back home. And you know you also mention a pretty. The point in 10 gentilly but which is a very significant point in my view is. Having to kabul to have a negotiation with the conduct of the taliban of essential a threat you know refuse to recognize the existence of we have gone government and for me Prince Police speaking this was the whole. Policy again room where we were setting up a government that recognizes a lot of the principles that what the u. S. To for and i think thats where some of the weak pressure points lie and thats where the strong point for the taliban line and also any u. S. Taliban accord will not mean why did Peace Agreement in afghanistan as you noted yourself and afghan we consolation have to happen what is the way forward for that and whats at stake today think. Well i mean i think you know part of word we the United States would want is not an attack on the guts traceback but the consol thats. An attack on the u. S. So its not like that can be traced back to the u. S. Be a console app but that does not mean you know the u. S. The neighborhood is that it is a larger risk. And i think you know. What we are what i would like to see from Something Like this is the war and on the United States is terms and not a problem on storms and as it is high flying the war ending on talibans times and the u. S. Its to. Thank you so much for speaking to us thank you for your time. Joining us safe from down away in the United States we appreciate your time thank you in yemen rebels say saudi fighter jets have targeted a facility holding prisoners of war who are no oil to the u. N. Recognized government they say the Detention Center in denmark has hundreds of people in it the attack is set of happened on saturday among the stories still ahead on this news hour

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