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Against the action that was taken by Boris Johnson to suspend parliament has been the parliamentary Speaker John Bercow his comments on wednesday have been called unconstitutional by some other senior members of the parliament but he was reacting as i say to Boris Johnsons plan to suspend parliament he said in a statement that this move represents a constitutional outrage the statement went on to say shutting down parliament would be an offense against the democratic process in the rights of parliamentarians as the peoples elected representatives. And the role of the speaker there for looks as though its going to be pretty critical in the coming weeks and so we can mettle to Bobby Friedman whos a barrister who has written the biography of john bercow the current speaker of the house thank you very much indeed for joining us i was just wondering 1st of all what your thoughts were on Ruth Davidson the leader of the scottish conservatives who Just Announced her resignation and whether you think this is another part of the fallout from Boris Johnsons decision to suspend parliament for 5 weeks. Well says its not she says astute and wanted to spend more time with her family bit its hard to divorce the 2 we know that davidson doesnt believe in no deal im sure she would have been very uncomfortable with what happened yesterday as so the timing coming coming so soon together does indicate theres theres a connection its a big loss for the conservative party weve david said is what the conservatives should really aspire to be shes different shes aspirational shes inclusive and shes very popular so i think thats thats a huge loss for Boris Johnson right lets get back now to john burke thats your area specialism. Hes put himself front and center it would appear by his comments 1st of all if you wouldnt mind explain to us what traditionally the role of the speaker is in terms of parliamentary politics and the how john bercow has broken that convention. So the speaker its a very very old role its been one thats been around for hundreds and hundreds of years the the speaker chairs the debates in the house of commons he is meant to be he or she is meant to be the neutral umpires that keeps m. P. s in check during their debates but its also an incredibly powerful role because the speakers word is effectively law they are like god in the house of commons they can decide what the rules are and they interpret what can be done and what cant be done so traditionally the speaker would be neutral he or she would not really get stuck in on political issues they even for example a british general election the speaker doesnt stand for either party they are just merely the speaker seeking reelection and other parties traditionally dont stand against them thats how neutral theyre meant to be john bercow the current speaker has ripped up that role he has made this a much more political role for example on bracks it he has made it be known that he was that he voted against leaving the e. U. And now its obvious that he is someone who is utterly opposed to it so he has taken a role although its cool being speaker you generally wouldnt speak that much he on the other hand has given himself an incredibly loud voice and he is now at the forefront of the effort to stop britain leaving the e. U. And in mind view he now has more power than anyone else in british politics to actually stop wrecks it so right he has an incredibly Important Role to play in the next few weeks right in practical terms what can he do on monday morning. So theres a lot that he can do the 1st thing is that he can effectively bend the rules of the map to to make use of some parliamentary procedures to allow new laws to be passed that would require Boris Johnson to go to the e. U. And ask for an extension for the article 50 period to put off to put off us leaving he could also if there was will in the house of commons and i dont think there is probably but if there was the will to revoke article 50 to undo grex it he would ensure that there was a parliamentary mechanism to do it because if your broker actually stuck by the rules i think there probably wouldnt be a mechanism there wouldnt be the time it m. P. s to get this right but there is a big no a story i was going to interrupt you and just say so you think most likely then is that john bercow with the support of the vast majority of parliamentarians might be able to get through a rapid piece of legislation that could seek could demand that the Prime Minister seek an extension another extension to article 50. Yes you would be the vast majority you would be a slim majority but i think there would be that majority and he would make sure that happens the technical procedures use a Standing Order 24 and this is where its crucial that john bowker can step in because usually you dont get binding laws out of that procedure but in my view he will he will simply change the rules and allow them to do that but i was going to say that there is one or one other avenue that he i imagine would use and this is where i think we could end up with a constitutional crisis like no other certainly in my lifetime and in living memory frankly which is that when parliament shuts down Boris Johnson has now had the order made by the queen the parliament is going to be pros for 5 weeks in my view john bercow will use this as an opportunity to put himself front and center of this effort to stop the excess and i think he will do one of 2 things he will either open up the house of commons and continue to have debates and effectively have a shadow house of commons in the face of what Boris Johnson only did what the queen has ordered or he will set up another chamber across the road in another room somewhere and essentially put himself as the figurehead pointing the government so i think were going to have a faceoff between parliament on the one hand or be it john burke of representing only some apartments but john burke on that one hand and Boris Johnson and the government on the other and its hard to see where that finishes i think that both Boris Johnson and cant survive and i think that what happens this could ultimately determine whether brics if it happens at all right buddy friedman thank you very much indeed extraordinary times in london. Now italys Prime Minister just being given a new mandate to form a government after a breakthrough in Coalition Talks and this comes just over a way have they resigned when the far right Party Presented a no confidence nation in the government you present the. President said as your mother has given me the mandate to form a new government i will today hold talks with all appropriate political groups to discuss how to move forward and id like to think all involved this is a delicate face for our country and we will try to overcome all obstacles that the country now faces more now from our correspondent jean barber after protracted talks between the italian president and the various Political Parties a break through the 5 Star Movement which is shared power for the last 2 years and the center Left Democratic Party have agreed to form a government more so to the president of the republic we expressed our intention to support an attempt to try to form a government with a new political majority we told the president that in light of the current violence in the parliament we have accepted the proposal of the 5 Star Movement to suggest the name of the Prime Minister as they are the party with the relative majority. The man theyre proposing is the same person who resigned as Prime Minister last week Giuseppe Conti kaante stepped aside after the head of the anti immigration legal labor party Matteo Salvini declared his 14 month coalition with 5 star was dead. He wanted to trigger an early election capitalizing on his popularity his crackdown on boats trying to bring migrants rescued at sea to italian ports has caused controversy but also one support opinion polls suggest the league has actually slipped several Percentage Points since collapsing the government though its still easily the most Popular Party now salvini move seems to have backfired. Millions of italians are asking themselves what the point of voting is if there is that we send them after the Elections Come back in through the window thanks to palace plots dignity would mean new elections that should be a nice word in a democracy sovereignty belongs to the people but. The anti establishment 5 star has made clear it would have to put any deal with the Democratic Party to an online ballots of its members but the news would be a relief to investors worried by the prospect of a win for silva and the potential showdown with the European Union over expansionary Government Spending the day in barber al jazeera. Weve got a lot more to come on this aljazeera news hour including. Could there be harmony at last we gauge what people think its a dance new political deal plus. I was all of a job it south of boston city and ill tell you why more than 300000 people from the city cannot go home. And an English Football Club is saved by a late sale find out more with jail coming up in store. The south Korean Supreme Court has ordered a retrial in the bribery case against samsung groups chief j. Wiley the Corruption Scandal saw former President Park geun hay impeached and removed from office in 2017 the case centered on millions of dollars worth of bribes by samsung to parks confidant allegedly the government favors mcbride has more from seoul. This Supreme Court ruling has been eagerly anticipated deciding to some extent as it does the future of one of south koreas most important business figures j. Y. Lead the de facto head of samsung which is in turn south koreas biggest conglomerate leader who had been caught up in the whole Corruption Scandal that brought down the former President Park geun hye and also her long time associate and confident choice on sale they are now serving long prison sentences for his part in the whole scandal lee was given a 5 year sentence for ready embezzlement and bribery which was reduced slightly on the pill and his prison sentence was suspended meaning he was allowed to walk free from court and return to the job of managing samsung well this ruling by the supreme. Morton now overturns that it sends it back to the lower court which could decide to reimpose once more a custodial sentence and lee would have to return to prison this has come at a very bad time for Samsung Court as it is in a deepening trade dispute between japan and south korea and its not surprising that lawyers for the company immediately issued a statement apologizing for the ruptures that this case is causing in south Korean Society the philippine president roderigo to ted he is in beijing for talks with the chinese leader xi jinping and it could be rather tense president teddy says he plans to raise their rival claims to territory in the South China Sea lets go live now to our correspondent in beijing scott heiler scott this is i think the 5th time that rodriguez has been to beijing he seems to have pivoted if you like away from being a very close ally of the United States and instead has been courting the opinion of they doing hows that likely to work out if hes going to start mentioning these disputed claims in the South China Sea. Well that is the big question martin you know the previous 4 meetings if you will that they had here it has been pretty cordial because china as you said is becoming closer to the Philippines Philippines is making over efforts to come closer to china as they pivot away from the United States but also goes into investments and joint projects that theyre trying to work out together but as you mentioned this will be different these meetings are expected to be different that is because roderigo to territory said before coming here to beijing he said that he is going to bring up this world Court Tribunals decision back in 2016 that side with the philippines over territory that china said was theirs this 9 dashed line. Territory that they says is theirs the philippines one. China has rejected that ruling so terribly says hes going to bring that up so there could be a little bit of a tone difference than the previous meetings weve seen between these 2 leaders martin and that what sort of opinion is there back home in the philippines regarding president detests his approach to china or is there much support for his warming relationship with beijing or is there some sort of consternation. Well there is really there was a recent study 51 percent of the filipinos asked in the survey that was part of the study said that they have little trust for china and this is all a lot of thats based on some recent incidents obviously the court case and how china has rejected the court case in the ongoing territorial disputes but theyve also been incidents and one recently just in june where a fishing boat a philippine fishing boat was rammed by a chinese vessel and 22 fishermen were thrown overboard and they were in the sea the chinese vessel left and was rescued they were rescued by a vietnamese vessel so that obviously isnt really going over well with the people in the philippines but whats interesting even though the way that hes been handling going to therapy his relationship with china he is still very popular in the philippines over 80 percent Approval Rating for him so even though hes getting criticism for some of the ways hes handling the china situation overall his popularity is there but it will be interesting to see how and what tone this subject this sticky subject is brought up in these meetings thanks very much indeed scott hyla live in beijing. Now the australian Prime Minister says his country will support the rights of a citizen whos been arrested in china despite being told by beijing not to get involved the writer young hen john is charged with espionage the former chinese diplomat has been detained since january and what australian officials describe as harsh conditions will stand up for a citizen that will will expect him to be treated appropriately and his human rights to be respected is their own justice process that all follow in china and thats appropriate but these suggestions that hes acted as a spy for australia are absolutely untrue and and will be will be protecting and seeking to support our citizens as we have been doing there for some period of time we back no apologies for standing up for one of our citizens its been 2 years since i saw it was defeated in iraq but more than a 1000000 people remain displaced and they include 300000 from the city of mosul iraq is returning home yet because of Security Fears their homes have been destroyed and there are no jobs asama binge of aid reports now from the job for the displaced in mosul. Life in a tent is exposed to all kinds of weather but even these makeshift homes are a blessing for hundreds of thousands of iraqis from mosul what used to be iraqs 2nd largest city. 11 year old earth month old dan was blinded in one eye and suffered nerve damage when he was hit by mortar shrapnel. As mine is now mentally challenged our house in mosul was leveled life is so hard and i cant go home there is nothing there here in the camp we have access to services i cant pay the rent outside the tent the people of mosul from north to south are the victims of this war these many tens dont provide much protection against the elements but more than 300000 people continue to live in tents like the many tried to go back to mosul but then came back to camps because at least here they get some security safety as well as food and electricity. In mosul alone 138000. 00 homes were destroyed some have been repaired more than 50000. 00 are still flats and often the bombardment it will take many years and billions of dollars to reconstruct and the displaced have nowhere else to go the number one reason that we hear is that their homes are still destroyed and that they simply cannot afford to rebuild their hoping for assistance from the International Community and the government but its just so far insufficient in addition to the destruction most of these families carry the stigma of having lived and derisively the mostly sunni muslims who fled mosul are viewed with suspicion and seen by some as i see collaborators that lack of trust is an obstacle to the return of the displaced the uns migration body says revenge killings enter tally ation against those suspected of links with threatening to trigger a new cycles of into communal violence the organization managing this camp didnt allow us full access our guides took notes of what people were telling us in phone someone to inform them we were stopped from filming a woman who said her husband was forced to pledge allegiance to wife and disappeared after iraqi forces regained control. Of the husseins husband was a policeman beheaded by she struggles to provide for her 7 children and thinks hell stay in the camp for the forseeable future. I dont have pension my children need care they require money to survive we are living off charity and donations we eat and dress whenever we receive help my house is in a remote area and we cant go back now the areas abandoned and dangerous to return to many families were killed when they returned. Both mine and most of his friends grew up under rice a rule and now feel ostracized that doesnt bode well for the future of mosul where 60000000. 00 and Tribal Division of that run deep summer job without us here a good account mostly and tomorrow thats friday in the 3rd of a series on mosul osama bin give aid reports on the pressure being put on the Iraqi Government to reveal what happened to the thousands of men who disappeared after the army declared victory over eisel. In a couple of minutes well have the weather with rob also coming up on the. Forest now blackened devastation. Continue to. Wipe or access to clean water could lead to the spread of. The democratic republic of congo. And will tell you about the surface who battled back from a brain injury to emerge as the king of the waves coming up. Hello once again japan is suffering floods and once again its but this time i suppose in contrast or early in the season says northern q shes the river shes in the north of this one large rounds of japan admittedly so what is falling rapidly extensive flooding as to shoot now its not over yet because the frontal system has brought it isnt moving anywhere it looks quite fragmented admittedly and weve put it on here as one is not moving very far but it is drifting slows the east so the next 2 or 3 days there will be more rain and the yellow corps about 200. 00 more matches but its just its a key issue more help sure if thats any consolation and still stay you may shoot down Southeast Asia and about twice as much rain still to come this massive cloud here is whats underneath it has been spread out from this Tropical Storm total that forms west of luzon to rapidly moving china sea as back to hit the coast of vietnam wind isnt a problem once again this is a rain dominated system and also once again as this thing drifts on shore it will be vietnam laos min a northern town that gets rain. Next 3 days but this time maybe 400 millimeters of rain on mudslides. The weather sponsored by catherine was. September on aljazeera up to gears of war and famine aljazeera looks at the dramatic transformation emerging to the inspirational stories of for diversity p. O. B. Ends Israel Elections can Benjamin Netanyahu to form a majority in some 5 another town listening post to 6 the worlds media how they operate and the stories they cover do not succeed the late teen is in president to succeed join us for live coverage as to his uniteds a documentary that examines the worst atrocities committed during the war in libya. September on aljazeera. Rajendra to take a look at the top stories here in the aljazeera news out ripples in yemen say u. A. E. Southern separatists of now regain full control of the coastal city of aden its still the u. A. E. Conducted an air strike targeting government positions that killed at least 10 soldiers less than 24 hours earlier Government Forces but by saudi arabia had taken control of the airport and the president ial palace. Boris johnsons move to suspend Britains Parliament until mid october has been described as a constitutional outrage and a political coup this leaves the Prime Ministers opponents very little time to push through legislation which could prevent the u. K. From crashing out of the European Union without a deal. Its a his Prime Minister does every county is set to keep his job hes been given the new mandates to form a government by the president after a breakthrough in Coalition Talks. Security forces are said to be arresting large numbers of suspected eisel fighters and their sympathizers in gaza its in response to a double bombing on tuesday that killed 3 policeman from gaza for a full set records. At a cemetery north east of gaza city to hamas policemen killed in tuesday nights attacks brought for barry. In all 3 policemen were killed in 2 separate blasts amasses garza police chief was here to mourn his men and promised a strong reaction here and that. We have made arrests and we are investigating people to assure good to anyone who could be responsible for the attacks but things are under control and the Security Status is good daily life is back to the horrible. Gazas interior Ministry Says 2 suicide bombers carried out the coordinated attacks on 2 checkpoints 2 policemen were killed in a bystander injured in the 1st explosion the 3rd policeman died in the 2nd blast minutes later. By day police were back on duty with their colleagues had died reinforcements stationed on streets throughout the city a mass announcing a general alert for all the instability and violence the people of gaza have had to get used to in recent years these attacks are still sent a ripple of around the territory targeting the very institution that is supposed to provide internal security and right here in the heart of gaza city. The attacks are widely believed here to be the work of salafi groups with links to eisele in 2016 hamas agreed to help egypt in its fight against eisel fighters in the Sinai Peninsula restricting their Movement Across the egypt gaza border i believe that as we see further security coordination and cooperation between have asked Security Services and Egyptian Security apparatuses it seems to me that we see a further tension between how the us and i so further bloodshed between hamas and i said as we so saw it last night i dont think this is going to be the last incident this month has already seen increased instability with rockets fired into israel attempts by armed men to breach the border fence israeli airstrikes and artillery fire targeting gaza now a source of internal instability has been made fatally clear how mass is insisting it will maintain security and punish those behind the attacks are a force it out to syria gaza. The top u. S. Military officer has said that its too early to talk about a full u. S. Troop withdrawal from afghanistan general Joseph Dunford made the remarks saying afghans still need support to deal with the level of violence u. S. Negotiators have been in talks with the taliban for months on the issue of withdrawal the update by dunford and the defense secretary mark was the 1st joint News Conference in 12 months in jordan has more now from the pentagons. It was the 1st on camera briefing for mark asper the new defense secretary at the pentagon he and general joe dunford who is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff wanted to update reporters on some of the major issues facing the pentagon as a spur starts his tenure of course those issues include the ongoing war in afghanistan the ongoing tensions with iran dealing with threats from north korea russia and china and then finally something which esper says is important to him as a veteran dealing with the physical and mental well being of Service Members and their families when it comes to the ongoing war in afghanistan which has been going on now for nearly 18 years esper and down for it agreed that conditions will dictate how and when u. S. Forces are pulled out of the country but they said that they were very much in support of all going u. S. Efforts to broker some sort of peace accord between the Afghan Government and the talabani any of us that have served there have long known that whats going to be required is a negotiated peace settlement in our afghan leading to that peace a moment and so when i think about it with you know when you say were going to withdraw i dont think about it as were going to withdraw i think about were going to initiate in or afghan ideally leading to peace and stability for the Afghan People and again afghanistan not being a sanctuary from which we can be attacked as for iran the both when it see the standing up of what theyre calling operation sentinel the coastal operation to ensure safe passage through the strait of hormuz as far as whether the crisis with iran is over as for said that so far so good but he wasnt willing to say that things have actually been resolved when it comes to the matter of dealing with loss and china esper stressed its very important to understand that the priorities of the u. S. Military have to be focused on dealing with those as well as other unknown emerging threats in the future. A new report has been released which raises more questions about the brazilian governments management of the amazon Reuters News Agency says funding for the prevention and control of fires has dropped by almost a quarter since president diable scenario took power at the start of the year he says hell only accept International Aid to help fight record fires in the forests if brazil can control how the money is spent well theyve been tens of thousands of fires this year an 85 percent increase on 2018 correspondent todays a bow has been to see the aftermath of one blaze in the state of matter good also. These are the images brazils president. Does not want you to see. He says the fires that have been affecting the amazonia region happened in the forested areas but this place proves him wrong. Father the national part. Of my. 2000 years of protest territory the problem now is that 11 percent of it has been devastated by the fire but the government has banned members of brazils Environmental Agency from talking to the press or grant them access to locations like this one. Has been living here for over 30 years he says this is the 1st time this area has been affected by fire. I dont know why but there are branches nearby maybe the fire came from the air whats behind it is the attempt by a group is nice to grow soya bean its very sad because this place is filled with life they want to turn the forest into money and no matter what gets in the way many here fear the president words when he insists he wants to open up the amazons for business this area is known as the doorstep of amazonian the whole region includes 7 states and brazil the fires are still ongoing im not sure if you can see that theres some smoke right over there been a little muddy morn has been studying the rain forest for years he says amazonia meats to be protected this tree like this. This size trunk we have tongs of Carbon Dioxide is storage into trees this act as a few of Carbon Dioxide from that the most for. Us and for us. Compensates all the. In missions of latin america the man says brazils culture of death arrest in the region needs to change because we have a disco to slosh im born to create new year for agriculture or for pastures to produce meat and to produce soybean berchtesgaden sure we have to change this culture because slash and burn is a very primitive form to use the land each time the forest burns it loses its capacity to absorb the Carbon Dioxide blamed for Global Warming thousands of actors of forest have already been devastated for now it seems the force of nature will endure the question is for how long did he said war i was just feeder shaped by the only more days brazil human remains have been found at the site of a former Detention Center in europe why the center was used to torture political opponents during the countrys last dictatorship that was more than 30 years ago a Forensic Team worked through to wrenshaw rain to zoom an entire skeleton buried a meter deep the whereabouts of 192 people who disappeared during the dictatorship a still unknown. And archaeologists in peru have discovered a grave containing the bodies of at least 227. 00 sacrificed children the site was found near one chuckle a beach side town north of the capital lemur a chief archaeologist said the children aged between 4 and 14 the sacrifice in a ritual more than 500 years ago. The gap in Life Expectancy between rich and poor people in the United States can be as much as 30 years and its not just limited access to health care thats causing the less well off to die earlier john hendren explains more from chicago. In america where you live can determine how long you live you can give anything and. Yeah i can consume you some heart problems. To some extent the lifespan gap between rich and poor exists everywhere but when New York University Medical Center studied the u. S. The biggest disparity was here in chicago that gap is surprisingly wide even where the distance is short on the north side among the gleaming high rises of the citys streeterville neighborhood the average lifespan is 90 years 15 kilometers away and in poverty

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