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Officials say they had to release a large quantity of the water from the baccarat this is the area has seen the highest rainfall in 40 years resulting in unprecedented high level in the reservoir. Politicians advice on say india did not provide prior warning before releasing the water which it is supposed to do under a decades old bilateral agreement. Microphones National Disaster Management Authority says thousands of hectares have been flooded who lurk and 14000 q 6 a worker has been the new Zealand River southwards which is not unlike river and pakistan because there was no warning alert issued by the indian apart being the upper riparian country and we are the ordered body in country but now we are monitoring that head well release of water. Efficiency saving lives is the priority and they hope water levels will recede in the next 48 i was but it is the monsoon season and heavy rainfall is expected in northern india in the coming days which means more water will flow downstream many rivers are flowing higher than usual monsoon brings with it rain floods and destruction every year but this time around amid heightened tensions between pakistan and india even the stopper did release the water has been recognised. That there are on the banks of the deliberate. Still to come. Were live from the United Nations where the Security Council is currently discussing the latest u. S. Missile test at the request of russia and china. And a report from the streets of indian administered kashmir by residents are taking Desperate Measures to protect themselves. Hello that also sunshine across much of the mediterranean and notes about picture way across much of central and Northern Europe yes it will storms coming through but the good news is the severe storms have continued to ease as weve gone through the last few hours so some if you scan the thunderstorms but hopefully nothing more than that its way the crowd. Heading across said the northwest pushing through the u. K. But in between all this cloud some very nice areas of weather this is a view in the english countryside heading down tools of. Sunshine within the clouds now as we continue into friday there is more rain and some thunderstorms quite scattered but along the line of the alps and that rain in just pushing this was east rather a murky day across into west and central ukraine kiev weve got cloudy skies with meszaros and then the next system really is waiting in the wings across northern sections of the u. K. This is where was he is in pretty strong winds and also the chance of more rain but not just that what we have got between these systems is some very warm as a look at these how much is 32 celsius in paris 28 in london 30 celsius in berlin these how much is actually as much as 8 degrees above the average for this time of year so its like the last boost of summer me was that is fine and dry 33. 00 in rome and a nice day with sunshine across athens with a high those well of 33. 67. Pound promise. To the establishment of the jewish homeland at the expense of the palestinians. The story of the british declaration that change the middle east. Seems of to school on aljazeera. Reminder the top stories here on jazeera presented in federal prosecutors have begun an investigation into the recent spike in fires burning across vast areas of the amazon rain forest. Irans foreign minister zarif says the country is willing to work on french proposals to salvage the nuclear deal which it signed with world powers in 2015. And the french president in one year about all those again ruled out any major changes to the e. U. Withdrawal deal agreed with the u. K. And meeting with the british promised of our strong. United Nations Security Council is meeting now at the request of russia and china to discuss current u. S. Missile policy and its impact on International Peace and security it comes after the u. S. Military tested a ground launched missile on sunday with a range of more than 500 kilometers the test would have been banned under the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty but the u. S. Pulled out of the agreement 3 weeks ago. She had the times is following events at the United Nations she would have been say. Well i think right now the Russian Deputy ambassador is speaking and hes making the point that i think is the main Russian Point this afternoon here in new york for years 1st the Obama Administration then the Trump Administration said look dont worry about the Missile Defense systems that were deploying in Eastern Europe and poland and romania its all defensive its not over fences and yet that missile test that took place a few days ago over the over the weekend used exactly the same launcher im a 41 launcher that has been deployed in that Missile Defense system in poland and romania its clear now that all it needs is a bit of software modification and it can launch into me just Cruise Missiles exactly what the russians have long said that it was the u. S. Who has been breaking the i. N. F. For the intermediary intermedia Nuclear Treaty all this time even as the u. S. Is always saying that the russians are breaking it so this is the the argument that the russians are making its pretty clear that the Drug Administration have no compunction about showing us a video which showed again that exactly that same missile launcher being used to launch a ground based into meijers Cruise Missile exactly what the russians always said it could do exactly what by the Obama Administration the Trump Administration at 1st at least said it couldnt do so thats the russian argument whats interesting that were going to have the u. S. Ambassador with us actually about a speaking of in a few moments is the u. S. Has long said look russia has always been has been developing intermediate range land based missiles thats why we tore up the treaty but in all the recent comments from the u. S. They were even really mentioning russia theyre talking about china the u. S. Defense secretary just this weekend interview saying chinas bad behavior needs to be confronted a few weeks ago in australia he said he he hopes that intermediate ground based missiles will be stuck all around the Asia Pacific Region which he had to kind of walk back a little bit after it was all problems u. S. Allies i mean who wants to become a u. S. Missile carrier and potentially track the wrath of trying to anyway. So. The u. S. Focus seems to be very much on china china which also requested this meeting there however says were not going to get involved in some kind of new Nuclear Treaty because our Nuclear Arsenal is so much smaller than the u. S. And russia where nothing to do with us with this or lead us out so thats kind of what were expecting at this meeting lots of mutually assured criticism from the u. S. Russia and china just getting going now thanks very much did she have a tendency i think nations is urging india to end the crackdown on free speech and access to information in indian administered kashmir its been a 2 weeks since india revote kashmir is a special status the un has also expressed concern about the excessive use of force by indian soldiers to media reports from one neighborhood internet or trying to protect itself from police incursions. Its an act of defiance People Living in the sorra neighborhood of srinagar have erected these barricades unlike the ones put up by Security Forces to control the movement of local people these have been put up to keep the Security Forces out. Of the common violently the night before last week they blocked us in from 4 directions and didnt let us spray in our main mosque theyve also autistic boys and girls from other areas so we have closed off the entrance here. This neighborhood has been a flashpoint of several protest since restrictions were imposed on movement and communications after the regions autonomy was revoked people here worry that makes them a target and if we look at the present situation it looks like theyre going to at least every one of us. The same glum botts brother was detained on august 9th while returning home from work spammy only learned of his arrest the next day since then their frustration has only grown. Police i just did a case against him the cops tell us to come in the morning and they will release him when we do they tell us to come in the evening this is what we have been dealing with Security Forces remain in the city and region in large numbers indeed Officials Say there has been some unrest in the past few days but its been relatively minor. Except. Under order restrictions have been eased this week with some people in vehicles moving around however most businesses in srinagar remain closed and in sora open defiance remains. In the sky above srinagar weve seen drones watching for protests which have been spontaneous in different parts of the city but here in sora authorities already know people plan to protest further and locals tell us they plan to resist as long as they can theres dremiel al jazeera srinagar india administered kashmir a new u. N. Report has found the men were military is still using sexual and gender based violence against their hinder the uns Fact Finding Mission in myanmar says the militarys use of Sexual Violence in Rakhine State in 2017 showed a genocidal intent to destroy the ring of population its report shows much of that Sexual Violence hasnt stopped and is going on elsewhere and men are in the Eastern States of catchin and sharon will have 700000 ringer fled a military offensive in 2017 and a still in camps in bangladesh already congress or army was only a u. N. Fact finding mission on me or not she says atrocities a picture of followed orders from the very top well in our report last year we mentioned 6 generals whom we felt were particularly responsible for this kind of strategy whom we thought a car there who should be held accountable and we have also pushed for International Mechanism to deal with this issue we push for International Sanctions i think its really important we have actually seen satellite imagery of the areas these people were supposed to return to not a building as everything has been bulldozed not even trees standing new structures have been built which i would not say really worthy of inhabitation in that sense. Meanwhile a new bid to repatriate thousands of rigging the refugees looks to have failed almost 300 families interviewed by the United Nations and the Bangladeshi Government all say they do not want to go back to me and mar unless their safety and citizenship guaranteed. Says repatriation only go ahead if families are willing. Several civilians in opposition controlled towns have been killed by a series of airstrikes around an important highway in syria the army backed by russia is continuing its offensive in on the m 5 highway in the Northwestern Province of idlib that connects syrias Northern City of aleppo to the capital damascus Government Troops already in control of part of the m 54 on the rebel withdrawal from the town of qana she couldnt on monday when a smith has more from antakya just across the turkish border. This is the 2nd time this week that Turkish Military forces have been targeted by assads forces the 1st time earlier in the week was a convoy of turkish convoy that was heading to a military observation post 3 civilians near that convoy were killed in that attack no Turkish Military was injured the 2nd attack of the shelling around another military observation post both of these incidents happening around the town of shaker this is just to the south of italy and its all but been retaken now by asaad forces and other forces push further north into rebel held territory so hundreds of thousands perhaps as many as half a 1000000 refugees are heading towards the turkey border turkey is very keen that for to get this safe zone deal agreed with the u. S. Military so that it can push create an area where the refugees can be safe so that they wont be tempted to try and enter turkey and that turkey can also push back against the y. P. G. Kurdish forces that it doesnt want to see anywhere near the turkey syria border. High School Students have rallied in hong kong and threatened to boycott classes when the new year begins in 2 weeks theyve joined the demands for political reform in the territories government chief executive kerry lamb said her administration will set up a platform for dialogue large protests in hong kong began 3 months ago in opposition to an extradition bill theyve grown into a broader prodemocracy movement against influence of Mainland China in hong kong as Affairs Indonesia has restricted Internet Access and arrested dozens of people in the papua region in an effort to rein in days of violent protests. 1200. 00 extra security personnel have been deployed to the province to contain the riots government Buildings Police cars and parts of an airport have been destroyed since the protests began on monday the violence broke out when 43 papuans students were arrested and racially abused for allegedly disrespecting the indonesian flag on independence day. Photo or a robot that resembles a human body is making space history turboprops up the flight speed and liftoff russia has launched fed or into space for 2 weeks the robot will work alongside russian crew members on the International Space station steadfast and has more on moscows plans to claim the lead in the space race. He has the looks and most of a Science Fiction movie star if you can do push ups drive a car and pick up small objects but the human like robot has a serious task ahead of him for the next 16 days he will be working in space as a cost minard crew member 1st on the human guidance but his creators hope eventually independently. Aiming for him to be able to prepare the customer know its work in space so the customer not only needs to spend one and a half hour outside instead of tell the rabbit will clean up afterwards too this is how he helps the customer not and decrease his time and theres not an oxygen environment which is potentially dangerous the project was nearly lost in 2017 after a futile was put trade shooting to guns louis foreign partners stop sending components as a result and russian scientists were forced to complete the robot on their own. Gainey due to office at the birth of fewer and sas is nothing to fear. We wanted to demonstrate how quickly this robot can combine the operation of his vision and the movements of his hands it was a Technological Task but people looking at this is a nonexperts didnt see the technological side which was of course a bit of miscalculation on our part futa has become quite a celebrity in russia on his own twitter account we can follow his preparations for his 1st Space Mission thats the idea. And became the 1st human to enter space has big shoes to fill. Been struggling to keep its Space Program up to speed. As the basis and raising the way for humans to settle on the moon mars and puts russia ahead in the space race but before future manages to do all of that you 1st needs to prove himself as an assistant on board the International Space station step fasten aljazeera moscow. And a quick reminder you can catch up with all the stories were reporting on by check out our website the dress that is ours or dot com and i know many of you already do but you have to havent tried it compress a lot orange live button and watch us online and has a little called. The top stories making news here on araa 0 percent in federal prosecutors have begun an investigation into the recent spike in fires burning across vast areas of the amazon rain forest earlier the president joy of also narrow asked for International Help saying his government lacked the resources to tackle the fasano. Of the 1000 now the amazon is bigger than europe how can you fight criminal fires in such an area it is clearly criminal how can you do it you need to catch them in the act otherwise theres nothing you can do now nongovernmental organizations are losing money money that came from germany and norway they are unemployed now so they are trying to overthrow me. Irans foreign minister zarif says his country is willing to work on french proposals to salvage the nuclear deal which it signed with world powers in 2015 u. S. President donald trump withdrew from the agreement last year and has been reimposing sanctions. The french president Emmanuel Mccall has again ruled out any major changes to the e. U. Withdrawal bill agreed with the u. K. By cosby hosting that british Prime Minister Boris Johnson in paris where he urged him to set out his proposed alternatives as soon as possible. After sundays u. S. Missile test the United Nations Security Council is currently meeting at the request of russia and china discussing a u. S. Missile policy and its impact on International Peace and security. United nations is urging india to end the crackdown on free speech and access to information in indian administered kashmir its been nearly 2 weeks since india revoked kashmir as a special status the un has also expressed concern about the excessive use of force by indian soldiers the new United Nations report has found the 1000000 mom military is still using sexual and gender based violence against the rigging it comes as almost 300. 00 reading of families interviewed by the United Nations and the Bangladeshi Government also say they do not want to go back to me and mock. The stream is next with the story of an Online Community using social media to give them a fresh insight into the news are be back with more after that. Ok and im really good youre in the street today fighting gender based violence with later well look at how testers in mexico are doing attention to rape and violence against women we want to hear your thoughts on this issue as always tweet us that you take 3 more share your comment through our live you to chop. Mexican feminists have been expressing their anger over recent allegations that Mexico City Police officers had raped 2 teenage girls in the past week protesters armed with litter rallied at the City Security headquarters and other sites chanting they dont protect us they rape us earlier this month 4 policemen allegedly raped a 17 year old in a patrol car and in a separate incident a 16 year old said that a Police Officer raped her in a city. Protesters and many on line feel that violence against women is not taken seriously by the state and that even Security Forces can commit crimes of little consequences mexico city mayor claudia schoenbaum initially called the antirape protests a provocation that led to massive criticism online and of viral hash tag demanding justice its not a provocation sharon has since apologized and met with womens groups to discuss how authorities can better their response to violence against women so what can be done to change attitudes towards gender based violence in mexico with us to talk about this and mesko city tamar and our writer and activist in berkeley california. A human rights lawyer and journalist and gabrielle of a dream guests head of the women secretariat of mexico city to be speaking to us today with the help of an interpreter so they may be just a tiny little delay but i know you will bear with us for that ladies it is good to have you here i am just thinking his cellar this is not the 1st time youve been on the stream this is not the 1st time we talk about gender based violence in mexico it is a major problem what happened with these latest protesters it seemed like everything just bubbled up how did you view it how do you see it. Well i disagree i dont think everything just bubbled up out of nowhere i actually think that a lot of american from innocence and mexican feminisms have been organizing for more than 10 years to lead to this point to lead to this point of rage and invisibility station and feeling of being invisible ice and marginalized by the government so we started probably in 2012. In arab spring along with the Student Movement when we had elections and since then theres been several hashtags i can remember off the top of my head for at or 5 where we denounce gender based violence we denounce harassment even before and i want to speak about this later he too is not her car and im and over time we just feel that when you have a system where crimes are not being investigated then punitive is so big and then the other hand the media is just amplifying the governments voice without investigating themselves then were just caught between a crossroads where our voices are not here defending this places are not hurt and women are still being killed raped murder and mistreated by. Deciding in general so i think this is not the 1st time but youre not the only one who thinks that his that we got a video comment from anna barbosa shes a student of literature and she also says that this is been simmering for a while now she sent us a video comment have a listen to it will direct this to you i think its important to keep in mind that this didnt come from nowhere this women arent angry and demanding justice only because one girl was raped by 4 policemen. They are protesting because between 20142008 in at least 1904 women were brutally my theyre in mexico and nobody did nothing about it in the 1st 4 months of 2001 thing 1191 mexican women white killed only because they were women and more than 100 of them were children this woman are demanding justice and want to be heard because no one heard them until now tomorrow you can hear the passion in her voice shes angry and rightfully so she mentions the protests you were there you were at the protest talked to us about what happened there well 1st i would like to clarify did the mayor hasnt apologized she said she was going to do that but she she hasnt she said Something Like like i was misunderstood no we dont agree so were still waiting for that apology because somehow she is implicitly. Saying that we are the better ones theyre the ones who were at the demonstration and well yeah being there it was outburst or of our anger in our fear or the fury we face every day when we are out there in the streets or home because this. Is sights are happening outside and home too. So it was really really powerful being there in the. Seeing these women destroy everything it was a way to communicate the way we feel in we are really angry because they said it was violent and we think it was not because no one was hurt like really hurt it was just material stuff. Broken windows in breastfeeding and that was it. I mean it was nothing compared with what were leaving and what were facing everyday gabriella let me just bring you into the conversation because youre looking at these scenes and you are in mexico city you saw this play out with the protesters what was your reaction when you saw this one point what was the reaction of the secretary it for women when they saw this action. Made up with something obviously. Were talking about this for my personal history im a feminist im an activist and ive been show for over 40 years when my colleagues go out into the street to denounce the violence you know really in the eye you see myself immediately in their day i identify myself with them because i did that are 1000 times my own head of government the mayor of mexico city when out into the street a 1000 times when dealing with the many issues and in the case particularly of gender violence what is very regrettable now and that you said it very clearly is that that were not understanding each other and we have to begin by recognizing that the language. Because on the one hand. 9 am very optimistic with the new generation because that theres a new quarters these are new language there is so theyre being much more visible than what women in the past and other types of work we did that we went out to the streets in the sixtys it was a different time and show. That were not communicating were not understanding each other and we have to start by acknowledging that because the mayor of mexico city cloutier same boehm when she invited me to be at the helm of this Ship Ministry in december last year the instruction the mandate was number one issue is violence against women and we will do whatever we can do the most important resources will have to be invested in eradicating violence against women and we have a lot of activities and if we have a plenty of time we can talk about what the weve done from december to date. One of the issues that we brought up was put up by the protesters was they were really appreciative of the way that the marianne tailored to their approach which was to demonstrate to beat out there in the street and to me pretty far about how angry very are right now with the gender based violence situation in mexico i know you talk about this as your your personal investment in feminism and where you come from but what you make of the mass reaction because that was upsetting for the protesters for sure. What this has me put all that is a boy i was trying to say we have to be more open to a new language and to a new form of dealing with things and it is very creative are things that dont we have yet to hear them better and we have to start off on the basis of that recognition throughout latin america and i will talk about 2 new symbols. The green bandana that has been very important because we see ourselves or we identify ourselves everyone in mexico city in this new one that was a pink glitter it was western which obviously when you see pink glitter it is not an aggression it is a symbol a symbol of a protester and it is a very creative a very interesting is where all that is new. And yes i said we have had to come closer we have to understand them better because one thing i can say is that deep down the young women that came out to the streets and those of us who are in government. We are equally disturbed or concerned more than worried because we are occupied were dealing with that issue with many strategies and it would seem that the were not fighting quite the same thing and it is a huge it is serious problem in communication intergenerational communication this is the way i see it because its at the colleagues here in mexico city the city where i live where i have a daughter i have 2 granddaughters 2 young granddaughters and we are women living in the city and we have anger because of that gender based violence that much cheese mo that you fight everywhere in school at home and in Public Institutions or with the police of whores and with officers it is institutional violence it was like to come in through National Guard has done very. Well and both our colleagues at those schools are the demonstrators and we are fighting for the same and it would seem it would give the impression that we have opposing positions his. Yeah i mean i have a lot of comments 8 first of all while i agree that the most appropriate the most appropriate reaction was not to say that it was a procreation to who i think maybe years credit she has not use 9 public force of the police to repress the protests have been Fact Checking ive been doing Fact Checking exercise for the past weeks and i havent seen that and that is a huge change from the past administration who are we had a cop. Really problematic cop that was engaged in a lot of human rights abuses with protesters because of their oppression of protests and that has been documented as is the december 1st of 2012 so im not going to get into that just to her credit she has not used the public forced to do that and she has tried to engage in dialogue its not perfect no minister very angry of course but lets give her that and then secondly here i do think and i have written a lot about this at the burning down of material public stuff which is very different from burning or breaking private stuff. Brining or breaking public stuff public. Patrol car or at the door of the building i believe for my analysis that is protected by the human rights for about expression and it should not be a crime and it should not be prosecuted this symbolises and then the power that i saw when i saw these girls played if the doors of justice were open we would have no need they would have no need to break down the door its that simple and politics is a struggle of symbols so within those symbols i think this these protests that see that and they where for me i was really really proud that were seeing this now the real question is what are we going to do at the Public Policy level because one thing is being enraged about it and then the other thing is actually addressing this huge issue that. As the mother said it is just inside and out of our homes and its just like here as in our boys and in our community that its just everywhere you look i get catcalled just by jogging on the street and i stopped talking on the street i was scared of walking alone at night because i dont know whats going to come in and thats just and i want to get started on online gendered violence for speaking up like ive been getting so many trolls just for tweeting about the protest right and so many we call them. With a hash tag so many matches but it is just late punishing me for speaking up because im so glad that you brought that up really widening this conversation because that is what people online are doing as well so i want to show this from andalusia whos a former stream gas she says mexico city has its 1st female mayor but nothing has changed for citys the citys female residents from a side rape kidnapping street harassment our daily realities until government and media care more about womens lives than monuments the protests will surely continue and its one point in particular that she mentions there that i want to pick up on because someone else in our community spoke about this and that is the media so this is sophie about a both a shes an illustrator and she talks about what she sees as the problem have a listen one of the most important t. V. Chains on the country is spreading all sorts of thinking you know some of the movement there is printing very Sensitive Information i hope the victims when they shouldnt do that and they actually manage to send a. Thank footage of all of what really happened and theyre trying to me to make us look up to make a look like. I know them there is nothing confirmed but theyre basically saying the victims are lying theres a lot of misinformation of what were trying to do ourselves is to actually tell the people whats going on. So its about her bigger point is the media in general feeling like they are playing into victim blaming what do you say about that absolutely theyre being really irresponsible because its really sad but famous sites and rapes and this kind of violence is no longer. Lines worth it because no news in the morning because we have 9 to 10 family sites every day is so theyre helping. Him get online. Through set in the you have example because theyre activists who actually analyze the data from several media organizations and found evidence. Exactly. The times that the words like. Because they did there was a. Bus station destroyed mr wallace or glass or door or graffiti or monument theres times they used the words we were higher then but i. Can i just illustrate that because its a perfect illustration as an Organization Called data paul that visualizes information the data that happened in mexico to help tell the story is better so here at the bottom we have the dates of august and these are the dates of various protests happening at this high line here this red light up here what are the media talking about whether talking about the metro bus tomorrow is mentioning they talk about the graffiti they talk about lots of different perhaps trivial details about these protests and where do you think theyre actually talking about gender based violence how many of those publications are doing that right down here at the bottom that would seem to say maybe theres a certain element of going for the shiny objects excuse the pun here for the glitter im not going for the core the color of the debate. But the protests a day get the attention of the mare this is the mayor here a day after the Attorney Generals Office was attacked she actually made a statement im going to give you a little clip of that statement because the message is that we are going to do something we are doing something have a listen to. Some of the week and a lot of it didnt know whether this will need a better cover well know a lot more creative when the when the. You get then we get this in. But up we get all of that going to be the most of your lives. Its just have been as have been sleep most awful for you that another friend said guess. What if whatever comes the greatest experience the visit as individual and create is a big event theres a lot of your c. V. But its a webpage for dishes and their list of thank you that youve got but he actually lives a bit even so youre not this youre on your own they live your lives here but i simply let you go in may he called in this past year was a good lesson creates what we call progress. Gabrielle a bearing in mind the major issue of gender based violence in mexico how do you make it the most secure space for women how is that possible what are you doing right now. You know pretty well going to compare their priorities with that dog we started working on cindys since december was september side said in the city every month that we have 2 or 3 family sides and say this is which is a rate that in 6 months is says stagnant at a slightly lower than that of last year but it is true least that nation so the entire work on femicide has concentrated on detecting risks less than one and therefore it is a very important to take a look at the 2 strategies mentioned are by the mayor of mexico city with a place that they know prosecutors agencies a lawyer an attorney that is a lex brigden gender perspectives she hears other cases of women every woman that arrives or from in different places in the city we have 79 agencies she receives other complaints and she listens to these women and besides hearing that besides empathy she has to detect whether there is a familiar side violence and that is lets say. Its not that its a skill its a very fine skill in order to identify that it was that me and so we also have a group. Of Protection Measures for that person on the show and secondly we were devoted many of the 1st months in detecting feminist science and avoiding. The assassinations killing of women that is the number one priority that we have and its not the only one because lawyers these women attorneys are receiving these cases of rapes for example they hear the cases and what they do is help us so that the binder of complaints will be made with all that is prepared so we follow the woman ready we supported until they complain is filed so that we can respect whatever she said and so that the file will be flagged that what she is denouncing what she is saying in our complaint. Is and what. Wheres the security that we are offering in gold these prosecutors offices in the city will provide psychological or legal help but so important to women in situations of identity at age men take a pause clearly because i know i know tomorrow as a rule should like to say just how tired i am moment tomorrow i would like it still ask where was this woman attorney when the girl who was raped by 2 cops went to the Police Station to report b. S. And she didnt get the proper help the protocols werent followed and carry personal information leaked so these this is yeah it sounds great on paper but in reality. It is pretty much the same because all the people involved in this Justice System is young the system itself is extremely misogynistic so this is a great example of how it is not working i mean if you have to hurt but you also have to be more self critical about this measurement and about these methods and strategies youre. Forcing. Whether one test can i actually. Put a women thats a problem for them that this was. Leaked and that was a huge problem the note that the file of the names of the victims were leaked 2 days later she had already filed the statement until days later that was leaked and that is a crime that is being prosecuted and i hope that sure the Attorneys Office will sanction the person that leaked the information because the girl was checked in by any physician and next bred there by a psychologist on this a psychological study with a specialist from when we take care of cases of rape but. Our attorney supported the mother gave support to the mother because it isnt of rape but the mother is also hugely emotional. And the problem the most serious problem we are in will be are because of that leak and i hope that one of the effects of this period demonstration by women will end up putting an end to leaks were going after those that we are just waiting it responds should be shared an inquiry and this cannot be solved in seconds ok were waiting so it was not allowed to be known thank you. For actually talking on that question i would appreciate that we are almost at the end of the show but i want to return to that we can actually also get more into the communitys reaction to the conversation ill end here with andalusia tweet because i want to explain something but our guest said they mention the glitter and i dont know if its clear for our audience to take a look here and delicious says after someone threw a pink glitter at the Mexico City Police chief it became a symbol of the movement against gender violence i concluded this thread that she sent us with artwork celebrating this feminist uprising pink glitter has become the symbol of an emerging movement in mexico city and of course you can see behind us on the screen pictures of people using that paint glitter in their images on social media thank you very much. And also to gabrielle for joining us on the show today to explain whats been happening with the protests in mexico against gender based violence and so watching you can i will see you next time take. The summer. Aljazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better marketeer you and bill gates 1st after all thats going to grant that stuff bill made software what it is today will change the world to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired at digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on aljazeera. The romantic crisis is now in its 2nd year more than 700000. 00 at its place and stateless after fleeing military led massacres and me and my and they still dont think its safe to go home follow their plight with special coverage and reports on aljazeera. After 25 years of affording the worlds waste china through the Global Recycling industry into chaos. The growing pressure of agreement skies it is resulting in change we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in. Counting the cost on aljazeera. With bureaus spanning 6 continents across the globe. Zeroes correspondents living brains the stories they tell. Us. About the letters. Were at the mercy of the russian or palestinian red jersey or food in world news. Hello im Lauren Taylor and under the top stories on our syria brazilian federal prosecutors have begun an investigation into the recent spike in fires burning across vast areas of the amazon rain forest earlier the president geria bosso narrow asked for International Help saying his government lacked the resources to tackle the flames alone in a message on his Facebook Page or so narrow repeated his accusations that Environmental Charities started the fires to make him look bad. Now the amazon is bigger than europe how can you fight criminal fires in such an area it is clearly criminal how can you do it you need to catch them in the act otherwise theres nothing you can do now nongovernmental organizations are losing money money that came from germany and norway they are unemployed now so they are trying to overthrow me. Daniel sharma has more from sao paolo. The sheer scale of the forest fires right across brazil is really what many days after they started this whats forcing the people both here in brazil and in the wider International Community to finally take notice and start to lax federal prosecutors here in brazil have launched an integrated investigation into the fire as the environment minister here in brazil was buddha was criticized attending an International Conference in the country for having done nothing to try to put an end to the fires but his job also narrow the president who has borne the brunt of the accusations he is being accused of creating the conditions for farmers for developers around in the more remote areas of brazil especially up in the amazon to de forest to start the fire as we did puberty he has often criticized the n. G. O. S the indigenous communities as an impediment to progress in brazil and has said that he would do nothing to stop that progress and he would encourage it so he is being increasingly blamed by people here in brazil demonstrations are planned in several cities around the country in the next few days but in the meantime the fires continue to rage Something Like 80 percent more than were raging at this time last year the same period last year some of them it has to be said are not true some of them are started legally but the vast majority especially those up in the amazon started illegally where conditions where restrictions on starting fires are very strict to protect that environment and to protect the indigenous communities and the wildlife the lives that irans foreign minister mohammed germans are reefs says his country is willing to work on french proposals to salvage the nuclear deal which it signed with world powers in 2015 u. S. President donald trump withdrew from the agreement last year and has been reimposing sanctions a french president in one year my whole says he and i will try to soften the effect of the sanctions or trying to come up with a way to compensate iran. Meanwhile markhor has again ruled out any major changes to the brics it deal made the statement at the uneasy palace in paris where the french president hosted british Prime Minister Burress Johnson urged johnson to set out his proposed alternatives as soon as possible into easier has restricted Internet Access and arrested dozens of people in the papua region in an effort to rein in days of violent protests government Buildings Police cars and parts of an airport have been destroyed since the protests began on monday the violence broke out when 43 papuans students were arrested and racially abused for allegedly disrespecting the indonesian flag on independence day. One protest assistance from papua of faced racism for a long time. With 100 the word monkey is always used to insult us the puppet students this is been going on for too long we dont have freedom to live here its as though were not Indonesian Citizen thats what he had to study we never create problems but people have always treated us as if were animals and United Nations reporters found them in ma military still using sexual and gender based violence against the ring it comes as almost 300 reading of families interviewed by the United Nations and the Bangladeshi Government also say they do not want to go back to me in march. For seeds of destruction is up next about britains infamous Balfour Declaration that opened the door to the founding of israel on more news for you after i finish. Oh oh. Was i. Was 9 it. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. The voice or David Bengurion declaring the establishment of the state of israel in maine 1948. The Balfour Declaration was a letter sent by British Foreign secretary Arthur Balfour to a member of the british house of lords child on the 2nd of november 1917. This letter sent to a leading figure in the British Jewish Community 100 years ago had repercussions which even its authors cannot have imagined. Whatever its real intentions it went on to have a profound impact on the middle east and its people. And its effects still resonates across the region today. In 1914 these soldiers were. On the battlefields of europe in the 1st world war the allies britain france and russia fought the central powers of germany austriahungary and the Ottoman Empire for 4 years but the land and sea war was not the only battleground. Muscle was also being flexed behind closed doors as allies conspired how to redraw maps to their own advantage when the conflict eventually ceased. To. Sir mark sykes for the british and french. For the french plotted how to divide the arab lands of the Ottoman Empire assuming it would finally fall. The psychs pekoe agreement clancy quickly to divide it into french and british spheres of influence france taking most of the levant southern anatolia and the mosul area while the british extended their control over the southern levant expanding eastwards to baghdad and basra and all the nand between the arabian gulf and the french territory. Historic palestine then still part of the Ottoman Empire was a bone of contention and would be put under international administration. That. Force. All day but too long. That false. In. Their. Eyes. You cannot just raise. The men. Or do. That. For you. Was it that all of them. With your to have for what can be. Russia i think the british felt that there had not been enough government involvement in concluding the states because agreement with the french and the process they had not really protected their interests well enough for a post world war era in which the British Empire would continue to seek to be a dominant force in European Affairs and so really officials across whitehall including mark sykes and self felt it was a bad deal. Have ilja go. At it in the future america have a uni on a few nika does that mean and you hold your own. Reference the one your home your new shoot fearful of the walker people think well an article in the have been many who are living. And i many and i mean i look at that before and its a huge significance that when theyre making these discussions jews and scientists are not discussed jews were not to feature in the new coffee at the middle east which was to be based on the idea of the arab nation. Zionism was the movement supporting the reestablishment of a jewish homeland in the area defined as the historic land of israel. The movement was active in early 20th century london especially because of the persecution of jews in russia and Eastern Europe. Theodore hertz all had found a design a movement in the late 1900 century but jewish people in western europe had not rushed to support it because they were integrating quite successfully into society zionists believed that all jews should someday returned to. That country one of the problems was that palestine belong to the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman Empire was not clear that it wanted massive jewish immigration into palestine and the British Government offered to let jews move unimpeded in great numbers into uganda if they wished. But in any event it really didnt happen and it didnt happen because a majority of zionists felt that hurtful was selling them out and that the only place for jews to move back to were at least conscious zionist jews to move back to was palestine in this i think britain began to look on the Zionist Movement as a possible partner in justifying a read a go she ations of their agreement with the french you see for britain simply to claim territory against what theyd already concluded in the green that with france could create diplomatic problems for the british but if they were to make a claim to palestine not out of self interest but in order to advance a great historic ideal of the restoration of the jewish people to the legal homeland that this could justify an adjustment of the term of the site speak

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