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A document from the holy see saying that its mandatory reporting in the church for anything that happens in terms of abuse and and also to follow all the civil rules of denouncing abuse to the civil authorities so that it can be dealt with so weve moved on from there. The u. S. Envoy to north korea says his country is prepared to resume Nuclear Talks visiting south korean stephen by going said theyre just waiting to hear from the north discussions have been stalled since the u. S. President Donald Trumps summit with kim jong il and vietnam last february china says it will consider imposing sanctions on u. S. Companies selling arms to taiwan now thats in response to the u. S. State department approving a plan to sell the island state 8000000000. 00 worth of f. 16 fighter jets beijing strongly opposes any arms deal with taiwan which it considers a breakaway province has that story from washington. Weve been hearing rumblings for several days now about this possible arms sale to taiwan but it was on tuesday that the white house gave formal notification to congress on their intention to pursue this arms sale to taiwan and it is a big one worth about 8000000000. 00 it calls for the sale of 66. 00 f. 16 fighter jets to the taiwanese if this goes through it would be the biggest arms purchases by taiwan in nearly 20 years now this also is part of the Trump Administrations bigger plan since trump has been in office last 3 years or so to get closer relations to taiwan the trumpet ministration has sent high level visitations everybody visitors to taiwan its opened diplomatic offices in taipei and the Trump Administration has supported pro taiwan legislation as well over the past couple years now this arms sale is just sort of the most high profile active really supporting taiwan and it certainly is going to upset the chinese the china daily newspaper has already said that this sale of these fighter jets to taiwan since a seriously iranian signals they say and a foreign minister official in china also said that nobody should underestimate our will or ability to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Much more still to come here on the news for you refugees and migrants embrace their rescue ship finally docks in italy after being stranded at sea for 3 weeks. Gives denmark the Cold Shoulder after its leader describes his plans to buy greenland as. And thinking outside the box will tell you how the shipping containers will become part of the 1st reusable world cup stadium. Nearly 100. 00 refugees and migrants have spent their 1st night in weeks on dry land after their rescue boat docked in italy a prosecutor ordered it to be seized ending a standoff between the Spanish Charity operating the ship and the Italian Government hardline migration policies are at the heart of its of these leadership crisis which forced the Prime Minister was at the county to resign sonia is in row as leader of the government had overseen one of the most challenging coalitions in recent times battling one political crisis after another contests aimed at being a stabilizing force between 2 vastly different Political Parties the far right league and the anti establishment 5 Star Movement it proved to be an Impossible Task and contest said he would be offering his resignation but there was no question over who he thought was responsible the let me say that interior minister silvio he has shown that he is following his own interests and those of his party. In a blistering attack against salvini country accused him of unleashing further turmoil and in doing so endangering italys already started to come to me but the league party leader was unrepentant. I would do again everything i did everything with the great strength of being a free man therefore which means im not afraid of the judgment of the italians overshadowing this impasse has been my terror cell beanies own political agenda vocally anti migrant hes also waged war on the engineers that have attempted to rescue Asylum Seekers crossing the mediterranean and its a tactic that has had success support for his views have increased across the country turning his party into a force that cannot be ignored. In the middle of this Political Drama the spanish rescue vessel hovering off the coast of lampedusa with dozens of Vulnerable People on board for more than 2 weeks they have not been given permission to disembark the open arms vessels repeatedly requested permission to dock despite continued rejection or someone board became so frantic they risked their own lives by jumping into the sea attempting to swim to land they were rescued by nearby Italian Coast Guard vessels on tuesday a local prosecutor visited the vessel and issued an emergency measure allowing it to dock in lump it was a but this is one incident among many others despite tough new laws preventing such landings they still arrive desperate for safety in europe no matter the cost of reaching their. Well traveled to producer joins us from here on the new search zone whats next for the refugees and migrants. Well what we do know now is that there are several countries within the European Union whove agreed to take them on that would be spain portugal fronts luxemburg theyve agreed to take them on in fact be a Spanish Naval vessel which was originally intending to pick up the migrants and take them to spain in the 1st place on tuesday is still continuing with its journey with the intention of bringing them back to spain so there has been that support from fellow e. U. Member countries but also not forgetting of course that they still have to be processed and they will have to claim asylum in the countries where they will be brought to so not necessarily sleep but the other countries that have offered to help as well but this is one crisis and one landing among many that have happened today despite the fact that the interior minister beanie with his anti immigrant rhetoric has said that he has concrete and boats from landing and migrants from crossing the Mediterranean Sea it is actually if you will sort of fake news because the landings are happening on a regular basis no matter his rhetoric as well and in fact not far away from here sailing just to a Sister Island of lampedusa near the island of the nose there is another vessel the ocean viking which is carrying 356 people on board who were looking to seek asylum in europe and now it they have been monitored they have been circling the area around a portion of the mediterranean looking for a safe place to dockum where they can have the migrants go on land and in fact even on wednesday the European Union Commission Executive requested to be solidarity with trying to help this vessel carrying all these people because of course it is the middle of august it is incredibly tough whether the these long journeys where there are spent wondering around looking for a place to to a dog can be very dangerous in the health of the people not just physically but mentally as well as we saw with the migrants who even got so desperate they jumped aboard trying to swim on to the island. And whats the latest on the leadership crisis. Well the latest is that the consultations begin this afternoon but interesting really the leader of the Opposition Democratic Party has indicated that he would be open the party would be open to having Coalition Talks with the 5 Star Movement there the Majority Party in the government at the moment this was something that had been building up to salvini had pulled out of the coalition itself and in fact left him slightly wrastled because he realized that if there was a willingness between these 2 parties the 5 Star Movement on the Democratic Party to go into coalition it would lessen the risk of a vote early snap election we need once an election he wants to capitalize on the popularity that hes managed to take his party into into a surging support what he would like to do now is get that support and turn it into votes at the ballot box but so far the other. Parties are trying to stop that and theyre trying to see if they can arrange some kind of coalition in order they say to stop this from affecting its leighs fragile economy as well as also to stop the country from lurching even further to the right peter thanks very much. U. S. President donald trump has canceled a state visit to denmark on twitter after the danish Prime Minister rebuffed his interest in buying greenland a selfgoverning deniz territory messy fredrickson described the u. S. President s idea as absurd he fired this off in response he said denmark is a very special country with incredible people but based on Prime Minister fredrik since comments that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of greenland i will be postponing our meeting shuttled in 2 weeks for another time the Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort from both the United States and denmark by being so direct i thank her for that and look forward to some time in the future exclamation mark well the danish Prime Minister was speaking just a short time ago in copenhagen saying shes disappointed mr trump has called off this trip. A discussion. However been very racial about a potential say you of greenland business clearly has been rejected by computers in a position that i hear of course. Does not change the character of our good relations and we will of course from denmark continue our on going dialogue with the u. S. On how we can develop our cooperation and deal with the many common challenges we are facing ok lets bring in. Washington correspondent kimberly dont get so kimberly this is going in the space of a week from a slightly raised eyebrows can he be serious twits to what looks like the beginnings of a full diplomatic spat. Yeah and its not the 1st time that weve seen the president kind of take the Real Estate Developers approach to diplomacy this one would certainly be on the spectrum of the more absurd but weve seen the president doing this when it comes to north korea for example if you remember one of the enticements that donald trump is offering kim jong un the north Korean Leader if he gives up his Nuclear Weapons would be the prospect of Economic Prosperity through development in fact donald trump has even at times called north korea great waterfront property its kind of his muscle memory default setting as a Real Estate Developer in new york city for so many years but when you take into account that he is the u. S. President that this is a diplomatic issue now and the fact that its cost an enormous amount of money already despite what the president said on twitter this caught many people by surprise there were plans for a september 2nd and 3rd series of meetings that we discuss very serious issues like defense of the partnership there this is a lot of advance. Cladding and even seemed to catch his ambassador u. S. Ambassador by surprise do you think him really well see or will hear from the president s in the next 24 hours when he does the thing that historically hes done which is he kind of maybe gives an interview to fox or we see him being doorsteps adjacent to the helicopter and he says Something Like well of course greenland shut down my plans to buy the denmark shut down my plans to buy greenland and it was never ever going to be that but in donald trump world he occupies a space thats kind of out of sync there i see it with reality. Yes you know thats very possible in fact we have our senior white house producer at the trump departure at the white house to see if hell say anything more and theres no question he will be pressed by reporters about this what hell say you know really depends on the day sometimes the moment sometimes he changes his views on one particular subject within the same conversation so its very hard to gauge but we should pull back from what seems like absurdity and in fact having a bit of trouble reporting this story with a straight face because it is so unusual but the fact is is that historically that Donald Trumps not the 1st u. S. President to make this suggestion because it does have some strategic importance to the United States so theres no question that this was probably being discussed in those terms and donald trump went to his default setting about real estate when you think about the fact that in 1946 us secretary of state under harry truman the us president made the suggestion and then 100 years before that the reason is that greenland is a part of the u. S. Defense system its very strategic importance its the part of the u. S. Ballistic missile Early Warning system so thats what makes it very prominent in the eyes of the white house its also used by the u. S. Air force Space Command and the north American Aerospace Defense Command so in the context of these very strategic discussions we assume donald trump with his real estate background saw opportunity put it forward in those terms so it has appearance of absurdity when in fact there may have been some strategy behind it ok kimberly well talk again im sure the meantime many things time here whether israel take huge devolves to china where the rain appears to be doing an old thing youd think seasonal rains would produce an awful lot of flooding of the longest indeed they have done but the last few days of surprises been concentrating on the hard ground really were talking about the mountains to the west and sort of sichuan where typically when you get these big food. Yes they tend to funnel darn River Valleys and the problem you always get with this is landslides or in this case Rushing Water with rocks and what have you that 500 people wouldnt have been evacuated i think some had been killed she is not that unusual for this sort of weather then the rivers flood and you get lower fighting afterwards but this is the only place in china where there is significant rain the movement as you can see from the satellite picture has been a white around 7 bits of grondahl but thats not really the story in sichuan there is more rain maybe for the next day but are running you ahead about 2 days here and it tends to sink away and again a good part of china then and being dry rather before the season should end with the greens just the rain showing more concentrated of the border in myanmar but just read you martin see that sort of circulation that is slowly but late becoming active tropical system in the west pacific this in maybe 4 or 5 days time not become a Tropical Cyclone here taiwan peter rob thanks very much still to come here on the news hour as india and pakistan exchange. In the region around kashmir when examining the human cost and were in argentina for a look at a stage show this in lighting audiences in total darkness. And after 12 years in munich find out which club lord frank rebury away thats coming up with joe in the sport in 15 minutes. Aljazeera. And for you. Welcome back lets update you top stories for you so far here on the news are 10 of the 11 members of sudans newly created council have been sworn in to leave until elections can be held within 3 years general abdel fattah the previous head of sudans military gentle will serve as its 1st chairman. Protesters in hong kong have gathered in front of the u. K. Consulate to appeal for the release of a man held in Mainland China now earlier Chinas Foreign Ministry said simon chang an employee of the u. K. Consulate violates the law and will spend 15 days in administrative detention. One of the story the former vatican treasurer Cardinal George pell has lost an appeal against his criminal conviction in australia he was jailed for 6 years in march for abusing 2 choir boys 20 years ago. A rebel fighters being killed in a gun battle with the Security Forces in indian administered kashmir as the 1st such death since new delhi revoked the regions autonomy earlier this month some parts of the area are still under lockdown pakistan opposes indias actions and has about take the case to the International Court of justice. Well theres also been more violence along the line of control between pakistani and indian administered kashmir the 2 countries are accusing each other a ceasefire violations but as they trade blame people on the front lines are suffering some a binge of a report from must suffer about the capital of pakistan administered kashmir look here while my 7 year old son had dreams and ambitions his family says he wanted to join the forces which protect his village he was killed in the latest cross border shelling in pakistan administered kashmir as usual india and pakistan accuse each other off what they call unprovoked aggression and violation of the cease fire like assads military spokesman tweeted that retaliatory fire killed 6 indian soldiers. The day after the shelling from the indian side we witnessed more shells landing on the civilian population in that the piney sector district courtly a few homes were damaged. Life comes to a standstill every time tension escalates on the border. We lie still fighting an indiscriminate firing continues from india the target civilians and kill innocent people as you can see we are a few kilometers from the border and. You can still hear their guns. People rush to see what happened to their property even the fighting for excited. Here is a farmer he refuses to move because he would lose his now and livelihood now damage. There is no way to run the heavy shelling from the indian side who was scared and tried to hide in the basement when mortar shells were landing everywhere. This year at least 33. 00 civilians have been killed in artillery and mortar shelling in pakistan ministered to schmear and Indian Officials also say civilians have suffered on their side its difficult for villages near the line of control the dividing line between the 2 sides everyday activities such as going to school or the shops becomes impossible im the one who started to work and we were coming from carts litem towards battle sets out on the line of control we heard there was heavy shelling from the indian side so we took shelter in the basement of a mosque the foreign minister says pakistan will be taking to sri use case to the International Court of justice but people here have their doubts that there will be any outcome theres mounting anger in bhagavan administered fish lead not just against the shelling across the line of control but also about the plight of kashmiris stranded on the indian side the family died out of their. Human rights watch is drawing attention to a little known victims of yemens war fishing communities the rights Group Believes at least 47. 00 fishermen and children were killed in bombing attacks by the Coalition Last year it says another 100. 00 or so are detained in saudi arabia and some have been tortured in custody Human Rights Watch also accuses the hoofy rebels of attacking commercial traffic in the red sea meanwhile the Un Special Envoy to yemen Martin Griffiths arrived in sanaa its believed he will meet who thiis on tuesday mr griffiths told the u. N. Security council that yemen was at risk of falling apart elsewhere protesters have been out on the streets of taiz in the southwest and showing their support for the internationally recognized government of president months or hardy theyre opposed to the takeover of the port city of aden by amorality by separatists. The death toll from saturdays attack at a wedding reception in afghanistan has now risen to 80 interior Ministry Says 17 more people died in hospital from their injuries and more than 160 are still being treated eisel claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing at a reception hall in kabul is one of the worst attacks in afghanistan this year. The case of a British Oil Tanker seized by iran a month ago is making its way through the countrys courts now there has been speculation the stand could be free after gibraltar a british territory released an iranian tanker however the iranians so the 2 cases are not linked in while australia has joined a u. S. Led mission to protect shipping in the straits of hormuz big. Us in the strait of hormuz but the stone is believed to be docked. The sterner imperiled was seized by a ring in revolutionary guards back in july 19th 2 weeks after British Royal marines seized the iranian tanker off the shore of gibraltar now iran says this wasnt retaliatory although its widely believed iran says the para was violating International Maritime regulations they say the ship was turned off its track is to avoid Iranian Forces they had changed direction in the strait but also had collided with a fishing boat now there have been some indications from the rain in the thirtys that that vessel could now be released after the iranian vessel was released by the Gibraltar Authorities now the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that the courts are looking at the issue and hoped that it would be released soon now that will go some way in reducing the tensions between iran and the United Kingdom but there still is that issue of the u. S. Led Naval Coalition which astray has said it will join that you know the strain in Prime Minister Scott Morrison i said that didnt concerned about recent incidents in the gulf including those tankers that were mysteriously attacked that the United States and its allies blame iran for your own denies this you also said that there was this a destabilizing behavior that threatens the interests australian interests in the region now iran will be opposed to this theyve been opposed to foreign intervention and foreign presence in the region they believe that the countries here fully capable of providing security and stability in the strategic location of the strait of her most where 20 percent of the worlds oil passes through and just between its most narrow points between iran and oman is just 33 kg. As white in the and the shipping lanes are 3 kilometers wide and iran said that they are opposed to the us presence in the u. S. 5th fleet is here that u. K. Has 2 warships and a stray yes committed to a frigate a surveillance and patrol thing as well as military personnel and europe is fundamentally opposed to this thats why europe didnt join this coalition in fact germany said everything should be done to avoid escalation in the region and thats because europe is trying to save the 2050 nuclear deal which United States unilaterally pulled out of last gen you post sanctions against iran and the fear is that the increased military presence in the region could lead to a miscalculation and a conflict. The leaders of uganda and rwanda have finalized a new agreement they hope will mend 3 times no ones close allies for one does paul kagame me and ugandans are your 70 i mean accusing each other of espionage and political interference rwanda closed its border with uganda in february of severely impacting trade on both sides then in may Uganda Police accused rwandan soldiers of entering the country and killing 2 men a charge rwanda denies malcolm webb has more now from kampala. Tensions reached a head in february this year and made a sea of accusations and counteraccusations from people in the governments of rwanda and uganda that each was spying on the other followed a series of high profile murders here in uganda over the last few years that included a Senior Police officer as well as other government officials some people in the Intelligence Services here believe that the government of rwanda was responsible meanwhile some people in the government of rwanda have accused uganda of hosting and helping exiled dissidents who want to overthrow the government its important to understand that both president 70 and president. Military men who both came to power by successfully leading armed rebellion and overthrowing their predecessors and both live to some extent in fear that one day somebody will do the same thing to them todays meeting is the 2nd is being mediated by angolas president. Was a meeting in july which both sides tabled their grievances we didnt hear much more from that meeting suggesting that not much progress was made today we are waiting to find out if some agreement will be reached if things will deescalate and if they get to no border will reopen resuming usual trade between the 2 countries. President a number of wildfires have been recorded in brazils amazon rain forest this year nearly 73000 of them were detected between january and august the president jabal sanaa has been condemned for his Environmental Policies which of accelerated forestation. Is the coordinator for forests and biodiversity friends of the Earth International she joins us from kent in belgium welcome to the news hour why is this happening. Yes and youre very worried about it is for your seeing that actually internationally everywhere we see thats the extreme right easterly to the interest and are going to interests that wants to sell more products and want to have more access door to door environmental places and we see this especially very very strong in brazil where corporate interests still have access to more Agricultural Land is really represented by also a novel we have her ex earlier this year and minister of environment the guy bookseller sitting in even an Environmental Program reza brazil us not to agree with the alarm dont use to criticize the Agricultural Production of developing countries and so what do you really need for them the amazon is there for business extend for making profits its their lives not their product in the environment and they are not worried about the International Consequences and the consequences for the country itself at the same time they are interrupting our other lenore processes as well as literally the human rights of Indigenous Peoples which there are multiple in brazil and they are actually the ones who do normally fix the forests which the are just completely in the situation so just to be clear to turn around what youre saying to us there what what we seem to be saying is the climate this year is no different what the climate was last year this is not weather related this is related to politics and to what the politicians were talking about mr paulson are here want to do with the rainforest. Yes yes theyre really about 2 feet in on their rain forests that is there to be extracted to make a profit and they are making programs actually the ministry of environment is being mocked and or the ministry of agriculture and its really represented if you or youre seeing the amazon going to biggest extent possible for a great business and this what youre seeing is that is nikki sixx always and most of the forest players in the amazon are actually dare because every culture interest is can be big corporations its also be smaller Producer School it 1st started the forest fire but the need are when the event is clear it does get an accurate beast ok so melody can i just. Interrupt you there coming just ask a quick question weve just heard literally in the past few minutes mr paulson r. O. Now speaking to the Reuters News Agency just as we you and i were having this conversation saying that for the time being brazil will stay inside the part paris climate pact to react to that and also does that mean that hes anticipating withdrawing from that pact that agreement at some point in the near future. Yeah what i understand that he says for that than being. Yet and he went in debt for a long tramp who has already reached shore and there are very. Clean clear links between will so never and also have been having these agreements on how to explore its the emirates will so this comes as no surprise to see that also whats on at or is thinking about withdrawing from the various agreements and that it also. As you and i are talking were looking at the the fires in gulf in bits of the amazon rain forest theyre visible from space this is a peak of this is never been seen before this amount of damage mr paulson r. O. Is in effect here today gone tomorrow politician does that mean that the damage that were seeing is repairable can it be fixed or is it permanently wasted. I fear it is really much of it is permanently waste thats in a sense that expects ages to recross a forest and it can never be regrown in the orient you know we and program are what were also seeing is that actually the embassy is now under so much traction it actually starts to sell destroying normally the amazon is really an area which is very unique and wearing cross a lot and which does capture a lot of carbon as well now as the amazon becomes smaller and smaller and actually this as a way to dont arrange it but it makes thats the emerson becomes more and more vulnerable also dont drop the end all forest fires etc so even if a good policymaker might come after of also not of the chances for changing this. Normal state are very low and are not sure it was what actually works ok we have to leave our conversation there Nellie Madigan in ghent thank you so much for coming on to aljazeera. Europe so the heart of an illegal wildlife trade operation worth an estimated 4000000000. 00 well the eagles are being smuggled by gangs to asia in massive quantities are environment identical art has more now from volunteer in the no limbs in the heart of farming country in the netherlands youll find the daily

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