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A Satellite Centers in these countries thank you so much to you for being part of the conversation. Insight into the. Around. We will continue online. Building a new life on an entirely beach living off the sea and. A dream shed by so many but so few make it a reality. A Family Business led by a woman with a flair for cooking and a zest than if. I didnt catch on to seeing. The leaders of the 7 most powerful economies in the world meeting barretts this august for the Climate Crisis is high on the agenda. But try to brics it on the tension with iran will be vying for their attention how much progress i might follow the g. 7 summit on aljazeera. Were going to give to the people will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone who is also terrorizing we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter. Driven by outrage and spanning generations demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticized repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was probably if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the ranch among the most persecuted minority in the world. The Army Announce a joint ruling body formally disbanding the military. Headquarters and. Also ahead the most senior Roman Catholic cleric convicted of child sex abuse. I think people vote for a democrat. I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great. Jewish groups for targeting American Jews who vote for the democrats. Building the worlds 1st world cup stadium. Around sustainability. Don has formally disbanded the military council that took power after the posing longtime president bashir the military and protest leaders have announced an 11 member Sovereign Council to run the country for 3 years until elections are held will be led by lieutenant general. For the 1st 21 months but hahn has been heading the military council which has ruled the country since she was ousted in april from her 2 years have a morgan. The decision by sudans military council to appoint a Sovereign Council comes in line with a power sharing agreement that was signed between the military and the Opposition Coalition known as the forces of freedom and change on saturday now asper that agreement the rule of the suffering council will be largely ceremonial and it will be overseen the executive council which will be having members nominated by the Opposition Coalition and the Legislative Assembly which 2 thirds of its seats will go to the Opposition Coalition as well the Sovereign Council will have 11 members 5 from the military 5 from the Opposition Coalition and 11th member which has been agreed upon by both sides it will be sworn in on wednesday morning and after that a Prime Minister who has already been nominated by the opposition will be sworn in in the evening this marks the beginning of sudans transitional period which will last for 39 months the 1st time 21. 00 will be headed by the military and the remaining 18 will be headed by civilians its taken more than 8 months of protest and more than 4 months of negotiations for the sudanese to reach to this point and start the transition period but both sides the opposition and the military say theyre now optimistic that soon sudan will start its transitional phase and that the journey to civilian rule has become the highest ranking official of the Roman Catholic church to be found guilty of child sex offenses has lost its appeal against conviction in australia form of out of control your Cardinal George howell was jailed for 6 years a march on charges of abusing 2 choirboys when he was archbishop of melbourne 20 years ago a court on wednesday rejected his appeal he wont be eligible for parole until oct 20th 22 when he will be 81 collage was a court in melbourne sent this report. There was 3 grounds under which george pell was appealing his conviction the main grounds was that the jury could not have come to a reasonable decision beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty of abusing these 2 quiet boys back in the 90 ninetys in melbourne when he was the archbishop botch 2 of those judges decided that it was reasonable whilst one of them rice concerns that he thought it would not have been raised to go for the jury to come to the decision that it kind see now they also are had 2 other grounds of appeal one of those was that he wasnt a right in front of the jury it was so many potential juries at the time that there was a spill out of the room and some of those potential jurors were watching a fire video late so what happens next well george pell has been taken back to the melbourne assessment prison way hes been setting out the sentence hell be 81. 00 before hes eligible for parole bites this isnt necessarily the end the defense team for george pell could potentially take this to the high court but itll be up to the high court to decide whether or not its it will take on the case whether or not there are enough grounds for the christ to go before the high court so i wont victims and they can find since involved in this case and other victims of child sex abuse have welcomes todays decision it may not be either yes paula takes in italy is facing a leadership crisis off the Prime Minister decepticon take quit following cracks in the governing coalition called take cues to his deputy far right leader motto salvini of being an opportunist italys president s will now talk to Party Leaders to see if a new government can be formed so new you go has more from rome. As leader of the government to had overseen one of the most challenging coalitions in recent times battling one political crisis after another contests aimed at being a stabilizing force between 2 vastly different Political Parties the far right leak and the anti establishment 5 Star Movement it proved to be an Impossible Task and qantas said he would be offering his resignation but there was no question over who he thought was responsible. Let me say that interior minister told renae has showed that he is following his own interests and those of his party. In a blistering attack against any country accused him of unleashing further turmoil and in doing so endangering italys already started to con a me but the leak party leader was unrepentant. I would do again everything i did everything with the great strength of being a free man therefore it means im not afraid of the judgment of the italians overshadowing this impasse has been my terror cell beanies own political agenda vocally anti migrant hes also waged war on the n. G. O. S that have attempted to rescue Asylum Seekers crossing the mediterranean and its a tactic that has had success support for his views have increased across the country turning his party into a force that cannot be ignored. In the middle of this Political Drama the spanish rescue vessel hovering off the coast of lampedusa with dozens of Vulnerable People on board for more than 2 weeks they have not been given permission to disembark the open arms vessel repeatedly requested permission to dock despite continued rejection or someone board became so frantic they risked their own lives by jumping into the sea attempting to swim to land they were rescued by neighbor by Italian Coast Guard vessels. On tuesday a local prosecutor visited the vessel and issued an emergency measure allowing it to dock and it was but this is one incident among many others despite tough new laws preventing such landings they still arrive desperate for safety in europe no matter the cost of reaching their. Aljazeera rome the u. S. State department has approved plans to sell a 1000000000. 00 worth of 16 fighter jets to Taiwan Congress is expected to give the green light to finalize the deal beijing strongly opposes any arms deal with taiwan which is a breakaway province. Though has the latest from washington. Weve been hearing rumblings for several days now about this possible arms sale to taiwan but it was on tuesday that the white house gave formal notification to congress on their intention to pursue this arms sale to taiwan and it is a big one worth about 8000000000. 00 it calls for the sale of 66. 00 f. 16 fighter jets to the taiwanese if this goes through it would be the biggest arms purchases by taiwan in nearly 20 years now this also is part of the Trump Administrations bigger plan since trump has been in office last 3 years or so to get closer relations to taiwan the trumpet ministration has sent high level visitations everybody visitors to taiwan its opened a diplomatic offices in taipei and the Trump Administration has supported pro taiwan legislation as well over the past couple of years now this arms sale is just sort of the most high profile active really supporting taiwan and it certainly is going to upset the chinese the china daily newspaper has already said that this sale of these fighter jets to taiwan since a seriously iranian is signals they say and a foreign minister official in china also said that nobody should underestimate our will or ability to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity jewish activists politicians in the u. S. Are criticizing donald trump for his comment on Jewish Voters trump said that any jewish person who votes for the Democratic Party so is either a total lack of knowledge or great the soil seat post so that a majority of American Jews identify as democrats trumps remarks coming made his attacks on democratic congresswoman omar and receive the flavor who are barred by israel from entry the duo have spoken out against israels treatment of palestinians. I think any jewish people that vote for a democrat. I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty well the American Jewish committee has responded to the us president its chief executive david harris said trumps comments are shockingly divisive and unbecoming of the occupant of the highest elected office American Jews like all americans have a range of political views and policy priorities his assessment of their knowledge or loyalty based on their Party Preference is inappropriate unwelcome and downright dangerous believe jacobs is a partner with the Truman National security project im president of e. J. Strategies a Public Affairs consultancy he says Donald Trumps comments have nothing to do with his support for israel and he only wants to survive the next election. The number one antisemitic trope in any situation throughout european i some and some it is a middle eastern antisemitism russian antisemitism is always the 2nd accusation of dual loyalty to the state of israel and to america or whatever the home country may be so for donald trump to double down on that trope is incredibly offensive the vast majority of American Jews support the Democratic Party something to the tune of 76 to 79 percent of American Jews voted for democrats and 2018 elections and Something Like 71 percent voted against donald trump and 26. 00 Team Election donald trump has one thing on his mind and one thing only it has nothing to do with support for israel it has nothing to do with with our relationship with benjamin and you know now is to do with his own elect elective survivability and he has determined that the way to do that is to demonstrate to suggest that the Democratic Party is so far left that it is that it should be reprehensible to normative americans where where we really know that thats not the truth the u. S. President trump an event as well as leader Nicolas Maduro say talks between officials from both sides current from both countries are under way the confirmation comes also reports of secret contacts with Trump Officials the white house has been backing down as well as Opposition Leader white dove as the countrys interim leader and also tighten sanctions on mesereau completable gave us i mean i confirm that for months they have been exchanges between seen in officials of the government the United States and the blue audion government up attempts i know my expressed batek not an isolation if president would ever want to speak seriously and make a plan to solve this conflict it already for bad luck. Theres been a major power blackout in parts of the. State that lasted for several hours. In a large area shutting down the. Electricity company said services were restored with. Hello again welcome back to your International Weather forecast well the fire threat is still very high here just to the west of the caspian we have seems a very dry conditions over the last week and we are looking at the increase risk of wildfires across much of this area for about koom expect to see a very warm temperature for you of 32. 00 degrees very dry across much of this region but down towards the south from baghdad were still dealing with the heat they are talking about a heat wave still in effect across that area with a temperature of 46 degrees here on wednesday dropping down to about 44 so a little bit better by the time we get towards thursday well here across the gulf the immunity is back in we are going to be seeing some very uncomfortable conditions here in doha as we go towards the end of the week we do expect to see 39. 00 degrees as are expect high but as we go towards thursday it is going to get even worse its going to be very uncomfortable with the temperature of 38. 00 but feeling more like 43 to 44 degrees here the morning relative humidity is going to be quite high across the area over here towards it is going to be 37 but it is going to be quite a nice day at 27 degrees there and speaking of very nice days cape town is sings a very warm conditions over the next few days 27 degrees is the expected high here on wednesday and for durban plenty of sun in the forecast with a temperature of 20. In the next episode of the team travels to the heart of the amazon. We are now. Forced to investigate illegal. Mercury has a very unique characteristic finding the gold miner its almost like magic and the technology being used to expose its devastating impact and so what we end up doing is imaging the worst in very high fidelity. Techno. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera. So dunns Transitional Military Council has been disbanded and a Sovereign Council is set to take the reins the body will be made up of 11 people to share power until elections in 3 years. The highest Ranking Member of the Roman Catholic church to be found guilty of child sex offenses has lost his appeal against conviction in australia for a vatican treasurer Cardinal George pell was sentenced to 6 years in prison in march on charges of abusing 2 choir boys when he was archbishop of melbourne 20 years ago. At least president has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister. But has asked him to stay on as caretaker leader excused rightwing interior minister metairie salvini of putting his party before the country and bringing down the government to force early elections. Qatar is planning to build a new seaport in the somali city of hope yo yo is close to the strait which is one of the most important sea crossings in the world the horn of africa has seen a flurry of investments in ports on military bases especially by the u. A. E. Which is among the 4 arab states that impose a blockade on cats are ally turkey has also opened a military base and Training Program in the somali capital mogadishu. A large explosion has had an arms depot belonging to a Paramilitary Group north of baghdad its the latest in a recent series of blasts at military bases and munitions they pose around iraq the explosions have all occurred in sites belonging to the Popular Mobilisation forces no one has claimed responsibility. And is really newspaper says it has documents which show the u. A. E. Made a deal to buy spy planes from an israeli businessman says its investigation uncovered evidence going back 10 years the paper claims the deal worth 800 1000000. 00 involves a Company Connected to the leaders it alleges the advanced Surveillance Aircraft are gathering electronic intelligence and one of the targets is iran georgia is the chief executive of the geopolitical Risk Consultancy gulf state analytics he thinks israel has the ability to share a lot of intelligence with gulf states. I think more and more arab governments have been coming around to accepting the fact that israel regardless of what one thinks of the country is a permanent reality in the middle east israel also it has a very powerful military it has you know great it has the ability to share a lot of intelligence with the arab gulf states like the united arab emirates. So it seems to be very pragmatic how certain members of the g. C. See believe its in their interest to pursue a deeper relationship with israel even if it remains tacit and they go out of their way to make sure that these interactions are somewhat low profile but given the fact that officials in israel in these arab gulf states have similar views about the alleged iranian threat i think its easy to imagine a continuation of cooperation between some of the g. C. C. Members and tell of even moving forward turkey has started to courting unregistered Syrian Refugees living in istanbul syrian families will be relocated to the provinces where they were 1st registered to sin and cos of all the reports the move could hurt hundreds of thousands of people seeking shelter and turkeys largest city. That is the syrians who are a fact of most by this decision by the turkish authorities because there are with these 3600000 syrians living in turkey and at these 500000 of them live in istanbul according to official sources but 1st and suggests that as a number of the syrians including the illegal it was is more than 1000000 in istanbul now and this neighborhood in istanbul. This is the area where you will see most of the syrians living around here but we are trying to fire the syrian businessmen and vendors here that most of the in most of the ones who are all over the registers in other cities when fashion to the to those cities and now the market is quiet and their business is already going down in this part of it i should homes the businesses here not only the syrians but also for the tricks theyd employed syrians now that go on and some syrians they had to shut down the businesses because they had to leave to say for someone to stay 5 years you name it. You have to move in one week or 2 weeks or one month stephen its difficult for istanbul is a central fact traction for many not all of the businessman not only for tourists but also the migrants legally or illegally it was idling in turkey because they believe they will have more Job Opportunities if they reside in turkey because its still has at least 15000000 turkish People Living here and the city runs at least helpful to showcase economy and the industrious here thats why many migrants whether legal or illegal they prefer to stay in a stronghold and spare some money and send this money back to the cities they are registered where they have the families this is what it works for the syrians when you speak to the business syrian businessmen here they tell us that the syrians who are under just 30 missile most of them already went back to their cities or so. Some of them are still here theyre afraid to go out they say it is the right of the turkish government but the thing is ive caught unprepared for this implementation humans who think it told media say the rubbles have downed a u. S. Drone in the model province southeast of the capital sanaa a spokesperson for the whole thesis the missile use was developed locally u. S. Central command say theyre aware of the reports but dont have any more information. President donald trump says he doesnt see a recession on the horizon and concerns raised by some Economic Indicators are unwarranted but a new survey shows 74 percent of u. S. Business economists expect a slowdown by the end of 2021 our White House Correspondent kelly harkat reports. The United States is experiencing its lowest of 12 that rate in more than a half century its a top talking point u. S. President donald trump but a tuesday after initially dismissed it concerns a recession the president addressed it head on i think the word recession is a word thats inappropriate because its just a word that the. The Church People are going to be kind to certain people in the media are trying to build up because theyd love to see a recession last week the dow jones suffered its worst plunge of the year it has since stabilized but many economists say it reflects fears of an economic slowdown out there are other signs of households not to be willing to make large caryns investments anymore at least not to the extent that they were a couple years ago and that should be see will be being more cautious separately confirmed reports the white house is considering payroll tax cut to put more money in workers pocket courage spending a role tax is something that we think about and a lot of people would like to see that. Very much affects workers the workers of our country. The president is also pressing Americas Central Bank to cut Interest Rates to further stimulate spending if the fed would do its job which its really doing very poorly over the last year and. You would see a burst of growth like youve never seen before. A Congress Also warned the u. S. Trade war with china isnt helping either trump has pulled back until december and imposing new tariffs on some chinese goods mainly clothing Toys Electronics and other items americans typically buy during the december Holiday Season President Trump insists trade negotiations with china will work out in americas favor but as those discussions drag on theres less optimism and more fear the prolonged trade war will trigger a global recession kimberly health at aljazeera the white house u. K. And e. U. Leaders appear to have hardened their positions on reopening brets that negotiations throwing more doubt on any breakthrough before the october 31st deadline European Council president has rejected british Prime Minister Boris Johnsons latest demands to get rid of the socalled irish backstop provisions in the current Withdrawal Agreement says johnson hasnt presented any viable alternative so theres nothing to renegotiate. Imagine a theater of the censors all except the one we most associate with theater vision argentinas. Or a blind theater posts on shows in complete darkness. Reports. We think we know what its like to be in darkness but we dont look complete darkness where all the lights have been extinguished the blind here too in whether cyrus provides that experience. We put the audience in a situation which normally the main stimulus is visual so this person is now disconnected from their phone another source of information for more than an hour having to concentrate solely on what is happening in front of them. But what does the one osiris going public to get from the darkness. It surprised me it was unique a sensation i hadnt expected it when youre in there it stimulates all your senses fabulous it wakes everything up smell hearing imagining things you cant see but can understand that many of the actors no other theater staff are blind or partially sighted. The work is perfect for people with impaired vision im partially sighted for instance at 1st it was difficult to get used to total darkness but you do. We saw a production called luces la revolution on all lights the revolution a story of the big love during argentinas 19th century fight for independence there was plenty of sound the movement i felt the window my face and smell herbs and chocolate you have to learn how to live in darkness complete darkness 2 is the theatre slogan goes see what you cant see and then emerging into the light try to see life with different eyes. There is also a show for children and the pure musical experience of lying. A male singing in the comedy on saturday 6 different shows how you feel. There is a feedback from the audience you feel a development of their perception not just from their emotion is but you feel them move their palpitations even though you cant see the relationship is still there its surprising what you can find in total darkness illumination perhaps through the senses that see. That. One osiris. Has Broken Ground on another stadium for the 2022 football world cup the inspiration for this latest one is centered around sustainability it will be the 1st fully reusable stadium. Went to the building site in doha to find out more. Rising from the sand and the sea guitars latest world cup stadium is coming to light one shipping container at a time sustainability is the main focus for those killed in the last couple of blood stadium in doha all its components are recyclable and the life size Building Blocks are arriving to port filled with all the materials that will eventually hold them together inside the stadium do you know that its a container stadium can you tell from the inside on one side they were north of. Boxes which will have the finish of the. The containers will be used to make up everything from the stadiums bathrooms offices and restaurants but always with an eye on sustainability what we have considered from the very early stages and the design that the very single component of the stadium without its content of all of this structure thats when the whole the content of what. We consider from then i said to them the design. Can be reused. The project is expected to be finished by the end of next year once completed it will be the 1st fully dismantle feet felt world cup stadium and one of 7 being built just for 2022. These are the 1st containers to arrive 92. 00 of them just came in from china and a 1000 are expected in total after the world cup this stadium will be disassembled and these containers will be used to build another stadium somewhere else in the world its truly a case of thinking outside the box. Part of guitars bid for hosting the 2022 games involved a plan to help another country develop its sporting facilities the 40000 seat stadium can be moved and split into 2 or made into an arena could be a Good Opportunity for those countries to. Televise the whole facility thats when donovan. Guitar has already delivered one of its world cup when you see here the stadium and a walk up those behind the grass a block of wood project say it will cost 20 percent less than other traditional c. D. s and piece by piece along dohas waterfront its starting to come together hard in aljazeera doha. All over again the headlines on aljazeera so don has formally disbanded the military council that took power after deposing longtime president bashir the military in protest leaders of a nelson 11 member Sovereign Council to run the country for 3 years until elections are held council is set to be sworn in by under. A court in australia has upheld convictions against Cardinal George pell the highest ranking vatican official found guilty of child sex abuse. 6 years in prison in march on charges of abusing 2 choir boys when he was archbishop of melbourne 20 years ago clearly many works for a charity that supports abuse survivors she told us about the impact this ruling. Has shown a lot of survivors that justice is a possibility. Unfortunately some survivors who we work with. Want to take that crisis but we are encouraging people to reach out to support services anyway. And as much of a recovery pathway as is available to them jewish activists and politicians in the us are criticizing donald trump for his comments on Jewish Voters any jewish person who votes for the Democratic Party shows great disloyalty hole so that a majority of American Jews identify as democrats i think any jewish people that vote for a democrat. I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty italys president has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister decepticons

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