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Lifted and underway at last in the darkness heading east into the mediterranean. A few hours before the departure supplies had been loaded on the adrian daria warm in the choppy waters a specialist engineer had been winched up along with at least 5 new crew members the engineer was brought on board to attend to a technical issue planning to return to shore later nightfall on the swell of the sea is getting worse yet the technician has yet to return to the supertanker the ai asked systems that Automatic Identification Systems are now showing the adrian da real war they to the technician had finished his work and returned to shore but who will end up with 140000000. 00 worth of crude oil this is obviously going to be one of those tracks vessels either the next few days and therefore we dont have a very clear idea of where it goes and we have a very clear idea of any vessels that come alongside in order to try and ship the cargo. Last thursday gibraltar the Supremes Court lifted the detention order on the ship after assurances from iran that it would not deliver its cargo of crude oil to syria complying with the European Union sanctions on that country an attempt by the United States to reimpose the detention under its own sanctions was dismissed by the court on sunday as the reflagged rename ship prepared to leave your proto announced it couldnt follow up on a subsequent u. S. District Court Warrant the detention of the ship and the full faith of her cargo. It was 6 weeks ago the super tanker was captured off the coast of this tiny british territory at the tip of the Iberian Peninsula its overlooking the african coastline and its the gateway to the mediterranean a british frigate docking here but destined for the strait of hormuz to take over escort duties serves as a reminder of the tension there it has escalated with the ongoing detention of a british flag tanker stand in peril this is the closing of one chapter of a crisis and the start of a new on thats now charting unknown calls Andrew Simmons aljazeera off the coast of gibraltar. Ok Irans Foreign Ministry says its up to the courts to decide if and when the british tank it seized in the strait of hormuz will now be released should it as for the release of the violating british tanker we need to wait for the court order there have been several maritime violations made by that ship so the court is looking into it hopefully as soon as possible the process will be complete and the courts verdict will be out whatever that may be it could be a release order hopefully itll be released as soon as possible. And still to come before you here on the news hour including this one some Russian Politicians blaming this protest in moscow on foreign interference well tell you what they plan to do about it. And some good news for the chinese tech giant walkway from the u. S. Will have a live update from washington. And the sports teams with the rising star in mens tennis claims his 1st masters title their action in about. Pakistan says Indian Security forces have fired across the line of control in the region of kashmir several civilians are reported to have been killed on the pakistan minister side both countries are blaming each other for the recent violence or some a binge of aid with more. A number of civilians have been killed in the latest elation been hearing from the Pakistani Military confirming that this cross border shelling started around 13 g. M. T. On just yesterday on sunday and theyre thinking that it is going to be a ongoing situation where the people have been caught up in this. Not soldiers but civilian population has come under attack and they call this and discriminatory indiscriminate firing that has continued and this is since august the 5th when Indian Government decided that it was going to change the status of indian administered kashmir and backed by mr bush here has been. And theres been a lot of tension on the border weve been visiting these villages and people have been telling us that it is their living under constant fear during the day and at night their children cannot go to school and they are just waiting for when the next bomb is going to drop. Continue to blame each other it is the people in their thousands in small villages who are stuck here. Well the authorities in indian administered kashmir say some primary schools have reopened and exactly 2 weeks after new delhi revoked the regions semi autonomous status the area has since been in lockdown on sunday hundreds of people marched through to protest against the recent changes but over the weekend india relaxed some of its restrictions and despite the lifting of some of those restrictions there are concerns about human rights abuses a number of civilians say theyve been targeted by Indian Forces during the lockdown aljazeera spoke to 2 people who suffered life changing injuries. Has more now from new delhi. Mohammad never regained his vision in one of his eyes he says he was hit by bullets fired by an indian soldier right after he stepped out of his local mosque. Everything was normal there were no protests Security Forces chased us away and fired pellets at us one more person older than me was also injured he was discharged from hospital yesterday. Mom accuses Security Forces in indian administered kashmir of targeting. He shows us his back with scars of what he says a pellet injuries. This month thousands here defied restrictions imposed by the authorities and protested against the Indian Governments decision to revoke autonomy. This 17 year old was one of them i mean. We had no intentions to bed stone but the police were attacked and several boys were injured including me i was hit on the right side of my body by pellet. Even though indian administered kashmir has been under lockdown for nearly 2 weeks. People have come out in protest in some cases the government has responded with force even admitting that a few people have been injured in the recent crisis. They shot the nigger is a member of the biggest hindu group in india that supports the governing party he says the government has used minimal force during the last 2 weeks if you have an option to fire real bullets and if you have to fire pellet guns then obviously well choose the letter and the Supreme Court of india was very clear that in order to control law and order situation you must use minimum force in the force instance and then use the you know extreme forces analyst. Disagrees the question is that does use of guns blending of children blaming the men is it a justifiable selfdefense by the armed forces against on print in 2016 the Indian Government said it would replace pellet guns with a less Lethal Weapon but on the ground in india that this means Security Forces are still using them against those protesting over new delhis decision to revoke autonomy. The fear is that if the protests continue in the coming days or months so will the pellet injuries on aljazeera new delhi. Now russia is to investigate alleged foreign interference in its forthcoming local elections in moscow there are concerns that quotes foreign meddling is encouraging unauthorized rallies a Parliamentary Committee has now agreed to set up a special commission the police are violently broken up big demonstrations of opposition candidates banned from running in that election lets go live now to step in whos been at the state duma Council Meeting in moscow step what evidence do they have. Well peter thats a very good question after his emergency session here at the state duma no further evidence has been provided yet what we do know is that the deputy head of the u. S. Embassy was called in last week for a notification on their website about some unsanctioned rallies basically showing a map of the route as well according to the embassy this was basically to warn its citizens not to go to that area but according to Parliament Members here this could be a sign to actually encourage people to go to that area another medium that now being scrutinized as you tube because of notifications they apparently have been sending about Live Streaming of these unsanctioned rallies and also the dog show rather has been mentioned for a tweet and which also according to look to lawmakers here they encourage people to go to this rally further we havent heard anything we havent or also heard any proof we just interviewed the deputy of the state duma mr trotsky and he also said that this whole investigation has to provide this evidence and it is still a possibility there isnt any evidence of this foreign interference but where is this now all about of course claim this foreign interference card is basically distracting also the attention from the real reasons behind a protesters basically saying that these people have no real reasons to go onto the streets and that theyre basically only being encouraged by foreigners and thats in their own narrative that the state duma basically is now trying to play here right now clean is involved. Well they have now sad that they are going to call in journalists foreign journalists maybe people from the Deutsche Welle as well and also diplomats of which they think have been in for in this interference its also not clear how long. This investigation will last they sad that if they find something then they could change legislation or they can go to European Countries and to. Provide this evidence and make sure did they know that this has been happening its also not clear what exactly the Legal Framework is at the moment for these people to come in journalists and diplomats to be actually questioned here but this whole thing will only be formalized when the horse they stayed comes back from a recession thats still happening right now thanks very much. Ok the chinese tech giant hallways being given a slight reprieve from the u. S. Its total ban on access to u. S. Supplies is being delayed or will be allowed to continue buying components from the u. S. Used in its current products the commerce secretary wilbur ross has to give American Companies time to wean themselves off walkway washington accuses the telecom phone maker of building a backdoor for Chinese Intelligence Services into the 5 g. Network and we could joins us live now from washington. Yeah a little bit of a surprise because only yesterday u. S. President donald trump was saying that it was unlikely that his administration would gradually prevail everyone goes to bed in the United States wakes up and boom wilbur ross is on Television National television and now saying that in fact there was another 90 day reprieve that was going into effect now in all of this what the u. S. Government has done is added 46 more companies to the socalled entity list that includes while way as you point out essentially this means that u. S. Businesses cant work with these individual companies this is what theyre banned from doing in terms of all of this why is this happening now well as you mentioned a lot of these companies that are involved with while we here in the United States side are in rule areas and there are 2 problems with that not only do they need time to wean it off its because many of these rural areas then would not have the Internet Access for example that many people need and this is also a very big part of Donald Trumps support base as they look ahead to the president ial election so theres a little bit of political strategy in all of this and also some practical strategy as well is that also a bit of a measure of his can believe how integrated is to the American Fabric the american way of life because the internet is every place for everyone of course is like water to all of us these days that if you pull the plug on hopefully youll get a way to pull the plug on themselves people use the internet. Yeah and there are incredibly quite big portions of Rural America that still dont have Internet Access and so this is a challenge for the trumpet ministration not only to deal with that but not see many rural customers losing what little they already have but theres another aspect to this that isnt necessarily the tech aspect but more the business side of things you have to remember peter that while way has become a bit of a bargaining chip in this broader trade war with china that weve been talking about for so many months this ask elating trade war turned currency war this battle between the United States and china just continues to escalate and while way is in the midst of this and so u. S. President donald trump was talking about that on sunday he said that he believed that those things are in terms of the discussions are going very well but there isnt sort of any sign that theres going to be a deal between the United States and china just yet because of the concerns of backdoor espionage internal actual property theft that the United States still doesnt feel has been resolved now this is a high stakes game for the u. S. Government because there are projections of a looming recession this is a very sort of troubling for many u. S. Consumers that feel that they just want to be certain that things are going to stay stable they see some uncertainty and all of that what the white house is saying is look at so far were going to export this report even place keep things as they are we also know that our trade representatives are going to be talking in about 10 days and if all goes well we should have china coming to the United States in september so its very much the appearance right now of the white house trying to keep things under control kimberly thanks very much. Time whether his journey still not old some still some summertime weather and in your opinion although youd be hard pushed i think to know. Some about weve had some really upset about the me across europe its really back in the forecast again if thunderstorms its been a very very unpleasant august so far look at this on the map we have the us into skies across these more central and eastern areas and then you see this line of plaid now that is where we have some pretty strong thunderstorms that continue to develop through monday and whats happening is what is dividing line weve got this hot dry air in the south in the southeast and then behind it some pretty strong systems a low pressure bringing wind and rain and cooler air so where we have those 2 masses meeting that is where we have these strong thunderstorms that are warnings in place for severe storms damaging hail strong winds all the way really from northern sections of spain right through france across the line of the alps and actually pushing through much of poland on into belarus also across into Western Areas of russia say ahead of that it is warm and dry now as we head off into a wednesday theres another system just waiting in the wings thats pretty more very very strong winds across much of the u. K. And that system again will push across much of Northern Europe a lot of cloud generally wednesday across much of Central Europe and within that we could still see more of those thunderstorms but whilst all this is happening its been a very cool although certainly into moscow but look at this for the next couple of days to much is 27 degrees celsius actually 6 degrees above average so that finally comes this and sunshine so i think finally they can say someone has arrived in moscow fisa. Jenny thanks very much still to come here on the news hour an urban oasis well visit an expensive park in the heart of one of the worlds most polluted cities plus. Beyond this rock is the entrance to a german old place here in southern chile where for nearly half a century residents were enslaved and abused now 117 of the survivors are suing the chilean state puts alleged responsibility. Plus joe will tell you how this wind could mean a bumper pay day for 1. 00 american going for us coming up in the schools in the fiftys thats. All im counting the cost to india 1. 00 of the biggest defense spending is in the world but the emerging superpower ramp up at security purely on imports plus the young people tap into the world of the sports and streaming services we are pay t. V. Killing off leash for. Counting the cost on aljazeera. For the last 2 years the students have been collecting rubbish every day its helped clean up the campus and helped build some of its facilities for every 2 kilos of Plastic Waste they collect this School Receives a brick made of plastic and cement. For some activists this may not be the most ecological way to eliminate the problems of plastic but this is seen as an immediate solution to the growing problems of landfills across the Country Waste can now be used to manufacture building materials. Ok lets recap the top stories for you so far here on the news now a court in sudan has been told today the former president obama bashir accepted 90000000. 00 from saudi arabias government hes on trial on charges of corruption the military deposed bashir in april after months of antigovernment protests. A Syrian Government airstrike has his an area close to a Turkish Military convoy advancing in the northwest of syria the convoy was supporting rebels near the town of. One rebel commander was killed. Iran is warning the u. S. Not to seize its oil tanker in waters after it set off from. The vessel was held there for 6 weeks hes ations of violating international sanctions. Afghanistan has been dependent state celebrations after yesterdays bomb attack at a wedding reception killed 63 people i saw claimed responsibility as a small ceremony the president ashraf ghani said his government is committed to quote eradicating and destroying the group most of the victims came from the shia minority has more from kabul. Its a day for celebration 100 years ago afghanistan gained its independence from britain in kabul reminders everywhere. Were very happy that we became independent on this day 100 years ago and thats why we are celebrating it. Just like that im celebrating Independence Day im happy i like the. Children play cricket calling it the great game its a hangover from british colonise ation in the region if these children are unaware of another great game played when their modern history began. In 1900. Between russia pushing south and the british expanding from india. Afghans fought to retain the sovereignty but were pitted li occupied by the british to the treaty was signed in 1919 decades later during the cold war afghanistan was again stuck between 2 world powers russia and the United States in 1959 eisenhower became the 1st u. S. President to visit the country both nations called it afghanistan influence leading to rapid botanizing nation in a more liberal afghanistan in the fiftys and sixtys. All came to afghanistan on Christmas Eve 1979 and never left the soviet Union Invaded and took kabul within 3 days. Islamic guerrilla fighters known as the mucha who dean fought back with u. S. Support 1000000 people died in the fighting until the soviets withdrew a decade later a civil war intel a ban rule follows National Landmarks and infrastructure were destroyed by cavils darla man palace. And this is how it looks today president gandhi had planned to inaugurate the building for Independence Day sign of how far the nation had come but again conflict intervened perspiring the event after and i saw suicide bombing killed dozens of people just a few kilometers from here many afghans are resisting celebration for another reason they feel their sovereignty is still compromised. Young. Son believed it up to understand his thoughts and his senses by the soviet union and by the United States of america or through the tunnel the u. S. Invaded in 2118 years later having spent 8 100000000000. 00 and with 13000. 00 troops in country its negotiating its withdrawal with the taliban so far the Afghan Government isnt involved but those talks could mark the start of a new afghanistan that dance hopefully they can shake their identity without the 3 civil war or interference. Or kabul back to the States Donald trump says he wants to reduce the number of american troops in afghanistan to fewer than 13000 nearly 14000 stationed there as of today and mr trump also praised progress in talks with the taliban and the Afghan Government. Were talking to afghanistan or both the government and or also talking to the taliban having very good discussions well see what happens weve really got it down to probably 13000 people and well be bringing it down a little bit more and there will decide whether or not well be staying longer or not we have been very good discussions with the taliban who have a very good discussions with the Afghan Government i think its very important that we continue intelligence there in all cases because it is somewhat of a nest for him to get us and we have things under control very well with a small force we can probably make it a little bit smaller and then well decide it will depend on the taliban it will depend on the Afghan Government but there is a case to be made and the case also is that were going to be leaving very significant intelligence behind for just the reasons i stated. Police in Northern Island see an explosion near the border with the Irish Republic targeted Law Enforcement offices the blast went off in the area of what will bridge near to where the police were examining a suspicious Device Police believe the hoax device was meant to law and Kill Police Officers nobody was injured. It appears to spread to more areas in the d r c the democratic republic of congo a 3rd case is now being confirmed in south kiev who 1st was discovered last week more than 700 kilometers away from where the virus was 1st found more than a year ago nearly 2000 people have been killed protest organizers in hong kong say more than 1000000 antigovernment demonstrators rallied into the night on sunday they showed up despite heavy rain in one of the biggest gathering since june thomas was back on the streets on monday morning heres what he saw. I spoke to one of the organizers lights on sunday and she told me that the rally was a huge success one primary reason turnout at the organizers said in advance that they were hoping that half a 1000000 people would type what they say 1700000 people at some point were busy either in Victoria Park where the official rally was or was part of the throng in the streets around and that number doesnt even include those who came subsequently in march to where i am in Central Hong Kong today i think the overall number has been in excess of 2000000 putting it at a poll with one of the big rallies that they held back in june and thats despite all the violence that we have seen but smaller rallies are up smaller rallies since the beginning of july so they would say what they are saying but that proves they still have ordinary mainstream hong kong Public Opinion on their side now i should say that the place for the much lower number on the turnout they say that he Victoria Park itself about 130000 people but i dont include those in the streets around nevertheless it was a huge number and that despite to break to try to right the other way was a success is the way that it ended not with bodies and now it is in hong kong thats the exception rather than the rule the organizes the civil human rights front of one point side of that proves that it isnt a radical element that is cooling all these democratic reforms in hong kong for the resignation of the chief executive kerry lamb and pull the legal withdrawal of this contradiction controversial extra the. It is mainstream hong kong but still wants that so thats where were at will see where we go from here if they can keep the numbers on the streets keep the violence down and this debate could continue in a civil way rather than the same to the way weve seen recently well the organizers of sundays protest so strongly criticized hong kong officials comparing them to tell a tarion regime. Those who have watched how hong kong ers had organized themself with grace and fluidity at yesterdays demonstration would agree that the people have once again bunked the police this groundless presumption that demonstrations post frats to Public Safety there is no end as to how far the government would go in crushing the basic human rights of its people making it no different to any of those totalitarian regimes in history 22 years on since the hangover we have not only been unable to actualize true democracy those rights and freedom promised to us also being snatched away one after another. More heavy rain is expected in many parts of india raising the threat of more flooding monsoon rains have been falling for weeks now more than 270. 00 people have been killed around half of the victims were in the Southern State of parallel. With more. For the 1st soldier killed. Off a series of heavy rain. Was. Among the homes destroyed with. Vishnu who was with. His entire family is no more all the bodies were recovered except his mother and sisters body and the search is ongoing. He was just one of more than 200 people died after the country was hit by heavy monsoon rains large scale flooding and scores of landslides. As the floodwaters recede rescue teams move in with radars search for bodies buried deep in the mud. With the help of radars we just found 3 bodies and we now have 16 more to find out of the 59 People Killed here we will continue our search operation into the last bodies taken out. Last year Southern India suffered its worst flooding in a century a 1000000 people were displaced villages swept away more than 200 People Killed at the time experts said land use was often to blame for the flooding left. For other uses for that is one of the major thing which. Is on about plants. Carola has more than 50 large dams which is supposed to protect areas against flooding but the u. N. Says many would nearly full before the heavy rains fell. Local Officials Say that taken action. There. As aid workers start cleaning up and people are a ton more rain is expected threatening many of the most vulnerable with more hardship about a mummy out is there are. The United Nations says more needs to be done to tackle venezuelas migration crisis more than 4000000 venezuelans have led economic and political turmoil since 2015 most ended up in neighboring peru colombia chile and brazil the head of the uns Refugee Agency was in brazil lobbying for better treatment of the migrants we discussed with the government how best to ensure that the most vulnerable venice where lands be included in this operation women along with children people for whom it is difficult to find a job people from. Minorities from the community or from indigenous communities. For nearly 40 years in chile members of a german sects that became a refuge for nazi fugitives were enslaved and abused by their paedophile leader more than 100 victims of the socalled dignity colony sent to sue the chilean state for damages in human reports from. On the foothills of this Mountain Range in Central Chile lies on a large rural estate the size of liston stein. Shafique was 3 years old when his parents and 300 other german emigrants came here in 1962 to establish a commune their leader was selfproclaimed pastor Paul Schaeffer a former nazi who turned the socalled dignity colony into a prison for 40 years unimaginable things happened. From the age of 8 i was beaten and abused we lived in a nightmare in purgatory in a hell thats why today i want it understood that we still live in an unjust. Horst and his wife helga who was born here had no formal education and worked 7 days a week with no pay. From infancy children were separated from their parents and the boys sexually abused by schaeffer young and old were beaten and drugged to keep them docile. To cover one and. Almost every day someone had to be beaten for 20 minutes and everyone had to take turns hitting the victim with a pole the community was under permanent surveillance and kept within electrified fences but some of the colonists did manage to escape through this the forest to neighboring farms or to the nearby town of and when that happened Paul Shaeffer would call the local police which was in his pay there are documented cases to prove it and when that happened the police would bring the escapees right back here. Lawyer winfred him for was also born in the commune i met him 6 years ago when he was preparing a lawsuit against the german and chilean states for their alleged negligence and complicity in the suffering of the colonists in may germany agreed to pay up to 11000. 00 to victims as a token gesture but since chile has not agreed to settle out of court the lawsuit will now go ahead in. The chilean state and where the colony began by a perverted suggest

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