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A play station one play station is just down the road and they gather outside making a little noise and some of them very few but some throwing eggs at the play station as well the police come out to the entrance of their play station and make noise in return and threaten tear gas before they actually deploy it the protesters move on suddenly quickly the police come out in vans like the us but as soon as they arrive the protesters just disperse into the metro system onto buses by foot going on to the next place its a canton mouse game these protests im Police Chasing the round one come. Out of the homemade reporting from the progovernment rally. Organizers say about 470000 people at the end of the rally that number is probably a bit lower but still it was a large showing here now most of the people we spoke to said they were coming here to denounce the violence the banner of this rally was save hong kong and support the police most of the people we spoke to also said that they felt that the police has been unfairly represented over the past few weeks there is a sense of worry a sense of anxiety about these outbursts of violence that have been unfolding on the streets of hong kong one woman i spoke to said this is the the youth group have grievances but they have to find a different way to express that we do not want this violence because you dont know how much it can snowball where it could lead so you did have that sense of worry about the future now there is certainly a sort of generation gap between the 2 sides most of the people who were here by and large were maybe for 30 years old upwards a sort of working middle class and working class people whose feel that they have a good life and that there is much to lose if this situation continues here in hong kong be was obviously soup or to towards Mainland China we saw a lot of chinese flags there was chinese anthem at the beginning of the rally and then there were a lot of speakers for example from the business sector representative of the taxi drivers and went on stage to denounce how much they had lost since this wave of protests started back in june so certainly a huge difference between the 2 sides and one thing that really stuck with us is that people came up to us to say please say the truth show both sides show that there are 2 camps here in hong kong at the moment and by them. Most important is for the violence to stop and then after that we can try to solve the problems all right heres whats coming up for you on this news hour heaping more misery on internally displaced people syria and its allies are accused of airstrikes on camps. Where we would have loved her to come we started preparing her favorite meal everybody in the family and neighborhood was anticipating a visit a reunion but this palestinian is proud of her congresswoman granddaughter. In the u. S. Open champion style the defense could be in town to. Have your support for. Indias Defense Ministry says a soldier has been killed along the disputed line of control with pakistan the ministry is blaming pakistan for carrying out mortar attacks around the town of raw judy several soldiers from both sides were killed 2 days ago meanwhile leaders in indian administered kashmir of started to lift some restrictions imposed nearly 2 weeks ago when the region was effectively includes the reconnection of phone services in some areas and in one area dozens of people came out to protests protest and the restrictions were tightened. You know. We spoke to an official in ministry of defense in india and he said that one indian soldier was killed today in what he called a ceasefire violation committed by pakistan he said firing began this morning and is still going on there is still going on and he said that pakistans claim day before that pakistan again 5000000. 00 soldiers and yet another cease fire violation was incorrect he described it as pakistans. Claim now in addition to that Indian Officials today have also said that the easing up on restrictions in Kashmir Valley however most of the restrictions that have been eased up are in germany also in india administered kashmir but in Kashmir Valley conditions are still very poor as far as connectivity is concerned at least some movement has been easing in areas like civil lines which is where the whos who. Live but many areas still all reeling under a very heavy impact of these restrictions that have been imposed by the Indian Government there is a hope however that over the weekend things perhaps would get easier but the Indian Government has again reiterated that it would be a step by step approach if we recalibrate it would constantly calibrate i beg your pardon on how much restrictions it would ease and push me valley schools however should open on monday and government offices as well. Well the spokesman for pakistans military says armed forces are prepared to respond to any indian aggression over kashmir. The world is watching Human Rights Violations in occupied kashmir any such action by pakistan individually or any other side our understanding is that this will be a betrayal to the kashmir records and to Pakistan Pakistan cant afford any such circumstance or ravine by which means cause may be damaged for any reason so we reject this propaganda that. Is occurring from a line of control side and in addition pakistans government announced it is setting up a cash me a desk in pakistani embassies all over the world after the 1st Un Security Council meeting on kashmir in decades or some of inch of it has the reaction from in pakistan administered kashmir. In a meeting which was attended by pakistans intelligence chief the director general of military operations as well as the stakeholders in pakistan administered kashmir on the Foreign Office the Pakistani Foreign minister came out saying that pakistan is going to be establishing a new desk which will be in touch with all its all of its embassies across the world capitals i can think that it is pleased with what happened at the United Nations Security Council because what it shows is that ishmael is not a bilateral or an internal matter of india as india has been trying to portray it and there are multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions which have been passed on this issue and having got the consultation the close or consultation after 65. 00 after 165. 00 shows that this is an International Issue and the International Community should play its role the foreign minister and the military spokesman also saying that pakistan is concerned about intelligence reports that india is planning a false flag operation according to the Pakistani Military something which happened in february when there was an attack in india and india blamed it on pakistan and then carried out some cost more the movement this is something that i just answered that it fears and it is going to be it taken all the necessary steps to tell the world about the steps that india is taking israel as the plight of the Prime Minister coming out earlier saying on twitter that he welcomes the session of the United Nations Security Council in the stalled people in just means that he will be the ambassador to tell the people of the world what is happening in indian administered kashmir according to pakistans millions of people are being held hostage by the Indian Government as the curfew as well as restrictions on communications are still in place. Human rights activists are accusing Syrian Government forces and their russian allies of bombing camps for internally displaced people and the french government is condemning the attacks and calling for a ceasefire in place of course syrias last rebel held province still warning some viewers may find the pictures disturbing in this report from under schapelle. These people have already fled fighting in syria but tragically its still caught up with them in this case at least 18 people were killed in a suspected russian airstrike on a camp for internally displaced syrians. The attack in the town of hasse killed at least 6 children their mental bodies pulled from the rubble including a baby whose umbilical cord was still attached to its mother elsewhere in the town of the White Helmets volunteer force say another child was killed in a government strike which injured 20 others. This seems are a daily occurrence following the collapse of a cease fire agreements between Government Troops and rebel factions earlier this month with a broken ceasefire in a socalled deescalation zone in southern it live has seen many broken agreements and fierce fighting between rebels and Government Troops backed by russian airpower. Together Government Forces have made their furthest advances north into it. Tens of thousands of syrians have been forced from their homes and have moved towards the Turkish Border in the last week alone human rights campaigners say the offensive which began in april has claimed more than 900. 00 lives a quarter of them children as Human Rights Watch calls on the un to assign blame to those attacking hospitals the uns Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the syria crisis told al jazeera the situation is only getting worse on a daily basis for the last 100. 00 days is being strikes ground offensive on hospitals and schools and markets and is addition to creating an absolute meet and have a look among civilian population were very concerned weve had more than 100 incidents on schools and Health Clinics alone and that has a massive displacement in fact theres been more than 500000 displaced mens that have taken place what is going on at the moment is really a failure of the political will the International Political will to implemented really. A peaceful solution on the ground that would take into account the fact that there is millions of Children Women and families caught up in between and that is really what is happening right now including the attack that we saw on friday. The Syrian Opposition coalition is calling on World Leaders to stop the bombing in italy and what they call the systematic displacement of People Living there but no one has come up with a formula for a solution and are schapelle aljazeera. Now who think rebels in yemen have launched their latest drone attack across the border into saudi arabia and set fire to a natural gas plant several armed drones targeted the shape of oil field state owned Oil Company Saudi Aramco describes the fire is limited though and says production hasnt been affected the Saudi Energy Minister is accusing the these of trying to disrupt the worlds oil supply more on this with mohamed in sanaa mohamed tell us what more you know about this attack. Yes circling to the Ministry Spokesperson you has areas he said that this is the biggest operations to be carried out by the group since the have started there are what the scribe retaliatory attacks deep inside saudi territories. According to his speech he mentioned that the they have launched this attack from the nearest point between the saudi and yemeni borders which is 1100 kilometers to the east and side of the kingdom where the oil field is located its between United Arab Emirates and saudi arabia is just 10 kilometers away from the way according to the leaders later dominican harvey says that the this attack since also a message to the United Arab Emirates to stop its valmont with the saudi war and yemen and also he mentioned and called on the all the citizens to stay away from the vital infrastructure. Promising and warning that more. More attacks will be carried out by the whole of these this time they have used the drones called to keep costs of the other destructive weaponry that can cause the damage to these to these oil fields but recently according to the saudi arabia the this hasnt caused any deterrent to the supply of oil. This is the more details that we can give you till now thats great mohammed a lot up with the latest from sun i thank you. Coalition in yemen has asked separatists who took a varied in last week to withdraw their forces from the port city the u. A. E. Backed separatists or patiently said they wont leave but reports suggest they have left at least 2 buildings the capturing of the city created a rift in the coalition which is supported yemens internationally recognized government in. This layman is the director of office of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional council in new york is by smith says the the Southern Separatist forces are the only group which can protect the interests of the people of. The Southern Transitional council and in the Southern Forces to not. Only answer to yes they are a partner in the Saudi Led Coalition in fighting the iranian backed these and as well as fighting the extremists but they do not answer but to the demands and the will of the people i mean the legitimate government can ignore the popular will but the s. T. C. Who is on the ground has to come it was compelled to act so the these. Forces are the southern demands in the grievances and aspirations of the people is to reinstate the. Their state to it and independence. The calls are not recent calls these calls have been made for decades by the southern people you know its unfortunate this this legitimate government is more focused on destabilizing liberated and non o. T. Or o. T. Lists areas. And to cause chaos over there only to prolong the conflict while they enjoy their stay reality and they. Govern a country from the jarius hotels in riyadh. Children stuck on a migrant rescue boat are being allowed to land in italy after the interior minister monticello they need to political pressure the fate of their parents and other adults on board its still unclear if he bans humanitarian aid vessels from docking 5 European Countries have agreed to accept these 134 migrants they were rescued near libya by the spanish aid group open arms and says after 2 weeks. Of sorry on board conditions are becoming unbearable. Ok heres whats ahead for you still on this news out of mammoth job of saving elephants new moves to combat the illegal trade in ivory. Add a little salt in line. Delicious. Like a scorpion. Correspondence going to take a stroll Mexican Restaurant serving up insects. On dominic cain in berlin at the home of germanys youngest top flight Football Team can they make a big splash in this years big find out here on out of there. Hello welcome to another look at the international forecast very much business as usual across the middle east at the moment loss of dry weather clear skies lots of hazy sunshine a little more cloud between the black sea and the caspian sea charles have one or 2 showers here over the next day or so but otherwise as you can see it is warm sunshine all the way 31 celsius there in beirut 43 celsius for baghdad and for kuwait on sunday and its warmest still as we go on into a monday fania sunshine not too much cloud over towards the east of the region as well into afghanistan pakistan along that of line also dry weather meanwhile across the Arabian Peninsula clear skies perhaps see old shower just around the just mountains just around the Far Southwest of yemen into the gulf of aden right skies as we go on into monday here in doha temperatures will fall back to about 38 celsius mabel just for a little more humid than in a recent days maymont across Southern Africa. Pretty much clear skies all the way here chance of a little of the mr murtha around the southern cape but facts aside lots of warm sunshine temperatures getting up to around 24 celsius around the been and also. With a 23. 00 the harare. Scholar and lawyer. Thinker. And politician. Radical and prisoner in a 2 part series aljazeera world tells the story of one of the most enigmatic figures in saddams turbulent history. Whose influence is still felt on events in the country today sit down ill to robbies life and politics on aljazeera. Setting the discussions police in cape town have struggled to looking steadily diabolo and examining the headlines now under president putin russia is making a push to engage explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform motivate and inspire but. Its almost 2nd nature and i also know what they see the world from a different perspective on aljazeera. The news on here at aljazeera these are up top stories a historic day in sudan where the countrys Ruling Military Council and civilian Opposition Alliance have signed a power sharing deal in cuts to the land iraq agreement will now be used to help guide the country through a transitional period tens of thousands of people in hong kong have been taking part in pro and antigovernment rallies supporters of the government are using the save hong kong together as their slogan counterdemonstrations took place on the other side of hong kong harbor in ca luton. Anime and soldiers been killed along the disputed line of control with pakistan the escalation happened as. Eased in some parts of india that had been this did kashmir. United states is continuing its pursuit of the Iranian Oil Tanker held for 6 weeks in gibraltar the department of justice has issued a warrant for the ships detention but the vessel is preparing to leave gibraltar by sunday after Supreme Court judges in that british territory would have its release new crew members are on board in the supertankers been given a new name it will also sail under the iranian flag after its registration from panama was switched more from enter simmons hes up gibraltar. There may be a warrant in place from the u. S. District court for the seizure of the ship and the full faith of its cargo but its have little effect on the slow pace of preparations some of the crew had used to board to actually put stencils all the stood and paint in the new name adrian daria wall and the registration question thats the largest island in iraq. Theres still no flag flying its expected an iranian war will arrive soon along with extra crew members offices 6 of them thought to be arriving on sunday including a new captain but right now whatever u. S. Action is taken under the terms of their legislation and the sanctions theyve imposed dont relate they cant be linked to the case in which this super tanker has been released so right now iran is of the opinion that its vessel is free to set sail on its right because gibraltar says any action from the us under the terms its been talking about seems to have no jurisdiction here so could there be a case at a late stage its thought unlikely. Without Laurence Brennan with us now on skype from new york he is an adjunct professor of admiralty and International Maritime law at Fordham University so perfectly placed to talk to us about this lawrence just give me your overview your legal view on what the u. S. Department of justice is trying to do here and whether it can be successful in alt. U. S. Army and justice is filed under bilateral 1904 treaty between the u. S. Navy in them and a request for mutual Legal Assistance in connection with an act in the u. S. District court in the district of columbia involving or seizure is quite similar to the act handing the u. S. Just for Something Different in new york concerning north korea that also was passed by the United States and evasion so there is precedent in the bilateral treaty that does not involve conditional proceeding but is a request from the u. S. Attorney for all. Civil or reasonable growth in the United Kingdom on the secretary of state for the home army and that it is all there that request is not a Public Document and the whole proceeding not upper body it was clear as the 3rd day for us it was always in the process of planning or the Decision Making on the u. S. Request whether records were docked in the witness statements and think or the i then simple process these in ram is going to be made not by courts role to but by u. K. And reports that several of our you are in print and there hasnt been sorry to interrupt you in practical terms if the ship leaves. It would have to be u. S. Law enforcement or u. S. Ships that would try to take control of it all whatever they want to do im just trying to see how this youve given us a legal background im trying to see how this could actually play out on the water. Sure the question is can the ship were. And will there be an order. Where. You can really be seized again thats an interesting question would it be endured for all who would be somewhere else we dont know whether its going and another complicating factor is the repudiation by the iranian government of the representation supposedly made to the day that the and its cargo of oil would not so syria after reach even if. Released but remain and sam controls who orders are in the government while we have absolute freedom everywhere where. No contact. That might have been a short statement and then act as a matter of fact the law does see and this was just an interesting point we made before that the ship has been renamed thats been reflagged is and you can i mean its not uncommon for a ship to be from one part of the world to be registered in flight in another part of the world does it change things now that it is quote unquote officially an iranian ship. It may complicate things may cause confusion and more problems for iran bring a misstep is if you suggest a. Matter i think not a troll and among us have the graph from its role and for a while apparently was a lackluster state but the most troubling asian i foresee for iran is whether or not this is in progress and that is important all the owners of the cargo in this plot the absence of lucian liability in direct mail. From entering the world at the start of the war 99 to when i was brought to active duty in the navy i was at the state department and one of the 1st think we operate with respect to the iraqi was to make the world Insurance Market would not provide more brain experiments to the dept kept them off the stage one of the concerns there were the receive grasp of the iraqi environmental disaster vironment. Bankers. But iran and may wind up with us even if they are cheaper over the next day or 2. And will have been close to a modern isnt it Lawrence Brendan joining us on skype from new york thank you so much do appreciate your time and your expertise on this thank you now the u. S. President is condemning a u. S. Democratic congresswomans rejection of an israeli visa as a complete set up for him to sleep said israel had imposed on acceptable conditions on her request to visit a family in the occupied west bank. The full story is that a new israel had initially banned her and fellow congresswoman. Because of their support for the b. D. S. Global Boycott Movement was critical of israels policies on palestinians then requested a visa on compassionate grounds to visit her grandmother made abraham reporting now from the family village in beit. Where she met the u. S. Congresswomans grandmother its been over a decade since i had seen her granddaughter there she that she has visited the occupied west bank in 2006 the grandmother has been ready to welcome her she says she said she wanted to pick figs with her but thats not happening anymore. We would have loved her to come we started preparing her favorite meal everybody in the family and neighborhood was anticipating her visit. Israel has granted rashida a permit to visit her grandmother for what they called a humanitarian visit during which a shouldnt be promoting boycotts against israel palestinian who were organizing the official part of the trip said they dont personally visit she even decided not to come and appeal officials weve spoken to commended her decision so that her family. She should only come with dignity we refuse the israeli dictation policy or preconditions its her right to come visit its not a favor from anyone these sentiments were caught by many palestinians with seen many of them posting on social media saying that that she does shouldnt come under what they call the humiliating conditions now if you read this from her grandmothers house there are military checkpoints she could have seen them and shown them to the world that they are scattered across the west bank limiting palestinians access. A communist party is rallying supporters in russias capital before a Council Election next month which is banned opposition candidates saturdays rally in moscow was authorized on light recent opposition demonstrations when the riot Police Arrested hundreds and beat some with truncheons heres more with step in moscow. On what is certainly going to rope people here in moscow thinking this is a story this is america going to see previously this is the communist party was 2nd Largest Party in russia for your election but there clearly was not supporting the Opposition Movement that. Same election and this is where all these protests all these weeks i mean about personally that is where you go 101 the feeling this must go elections well the americans. Are not interfering in their elections no matter where they have been shouting for 2 years that we interfered in their elections but theres still no evidence and as we watch their orchestration this process this is unacceptable on monday special session of the state to my counsel will be how clueless about me was i do you a question by the opposition candidates who are far from these elections this race and they have been with you. In a hotel fire in ukraine is killed 8 people at least 10 others injured some critically in the black sea port of police are investigating the cause of the overnight blaze at the Tokyo Star Hotel and possible breaches in health and safety regulations. Conservationists estimate 55 african elephants are killed for their ivory every day and much of it ends up being trafficked through vietnam campaigners are now calling for tougher action as the legal trade is discussed at a Wildlife Protection conference in switzerland this report from. Running wild and free for now at least while elephants aunt on the verge of extinction more countries could lose their herds altogether destruction of habitat complet with people over land and poaching threaten the elephant down a back street in hanoi the capital of vietnam the floor of a timber plant is strewn with elephant ivory the result of illegal poaching passed from here but traded in. Where its possible to buy pretty much anything using your phone. One man told an undercover investigator from a group campaigning against the illegal wildlife trade how hes able to open his contacts in a pool of ivory inside a customs compound standing next to officials who are supposed to stop him campaigners say more needs to be done to tackle the traffickers in which is become the global hub for the illegal trade writhing there are compelling reasons to use these noncompliance proceedings against vietnam so we are calling on all sides parties and World Governments in this month to begin these noncompliance proceedings against vietnam with the view that if significant progress is non demonstrated. That they should be slapped would treat suspensions vietnam is under pressure to reform its practices and has bowed to do more there have been modest increases in elephant populations in kenya malawi in uganda but losses in tanzania mozambique and the democratic republic of congo complex with people over habitat loss is a problem but so too is poaching. Thats despite the 989. 00 International Ban on the trade in ivory there are estimated to be about 400000. 00 elephants in Subsaharan Africa its also estimated 55. 00 african elephants are killed for their ivory every day thats 20000. 00 a year there is a long standing debate about whether ive restock should be sold or whether that would provide further cover for the illegal trade campaigners say Wildlife Crime is worth noting that more needs to be done before its too late and the hayward there are the thoughts of yvonne equerry who is secretary general of the convention on International Trade in danger and species of wild foreigner and floor and she told us there has been progress in stopping poaching corruption those still a problem. In the studies that we have carried out under the mike program which monitors the legal killing of elephants we have noted that in some sites for educated Southern Africa the populations have grown because they have put in the measures necessary measures more rangers vigilance of the sites however in some other parts of africa particularly in the north in the central and western and eastern parts of africa we have noted that still poaching is increasing and continues so there are fears of course that the elephant population cannot be maintained if this poaching continues and this is why theres difficulties between various countries in africa to come to an agreement on the sale of ivory and whether to keep the illegal the ban on the sale of ivory in insight when you shut down one market or one track what we would call a destination country or transit country we have problems because the International Criminal organizations will move somewhere else so the permit system as far as we know of course very issues of corruption is not really the problem in this case because its illegal trade and therefore they trade without any type of system a type of permit any type of permit of course we are now looking more into doing what we call these which are electronic permits and using block jane to be able to strengthen that but at this at the same time this will not help with illegal trade because there is really a matter of corruption in many cases of turning a blind eye to what is going on because of the millions even billions of dollars that are part of this trade and that criminal organizations are benefiting from. More heavy rain is expected in many parts of india where floods are a real concern heavy rain continuing to drenched a coastal regions in the west and the south almost half of the 244 People Killed in flooding were in the Southern State of carola emergency camps of shells of more than a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes. Now youre going to want to watch this one in mexico it is becoming increasingly popular to go to a restaurant and order a plate of insects with maybe some guacamole to go with them and traditions of being mixed with modern flavors to entice new customers to the more environmentally friendly cuisine really gets involved with this one in mexico city. Around the world theres a growing demand for insects as food and why not theyre high in protein and have a minimal Carbon Footprint compared to many other foods. Its worth considering the positive Environmental Impact we could generate if we all replaced one meal a week within sacks think about it its a very healthy option. This kitchen in downtown mexico city specializes in edible insects and the restaurants owner. Couldnt be more excited about the growing demand for bugs takes from the mosquito they never come off the tree so they have these taste on the beach the really nice. The recipes italy hundreds restaurant the house of tacos or a combination of ancient indigenous tradition and modern mexican flavors the end result or dishes like aunt larva grilled and garlic in so long true sauce or fried stink bugs served with a side of guacamole the taste is actually quite good but i handle says there is still a long way to go for insects to become a staple food instead of picking up the. Grasshoppers. Farmers are spending money on the size of the government is spending money on pesticides. Its like theyre losing money and theyre missing i mean a possible income. For most people in central mexico eating bugs is totally normal and vendors seem to always have new recipes to offer but we were all selected and today we tried scorpions worms in an egg they were all very good. Around the world the edible insect industry is projected to be worth 1200000000. 00 by 2023 mexico hopes to provide an estimated 30 percent of the worlds edible bugs because. Mexico is home to hundreds of species of insects that are both edible and nutritious some of its stranger than others like this scorpion but add a little salt in line. Delicious. So whether you want to help fight Climate Change by eating less meat or youre just curious maybe bugs should be the next item us to the grocery list but ended up on the other zita mexico city. He had a scorpion. Still ahead on not just the sport. Breaking a decade long jinxed santa has that and more in a moment. If you want to learn what that was might look like very soon got 100 and hungarys in an extreme example of the predicament the whole world is going through. Scenes Mass Immigration story we had bonds clashes between the causers and the problem is that the culture of that these. Cars should say some grading to us is or is not comfortable with european culture this is not like food fascists. Triumphal march. Dreams of conquest and love global try. This is very very uneventful collide towards the precipice without resistance we are tossed the danger has already happened. It was then just 10 years ago. Now this is it. The welcome back son of god is for now thank you. Kamau arsenal have made it 2 wins out from 2 in the English Premier League is the 1st time in a decade the london club have kicked off a campaign with consecutive victories best friends alexander like i said to n. P. R. America got a goal each as they beat burnley 21. 00 at home and other matches liverpool versus southampton is coming up to full time the reds are 21. 00 up but in the late kick off Manchester City take on tottenham at Pep Guardiola and put it in your will go head to head at the it to hide the 2 managers was full of praise of the job for each other ahead of the class overwhelming exercise. Said many many times i dont know if put it in receive Many Companies and a manager like me when things are so maybe about him is High Standard even if he doesnt believe it so that it is a top to the manager only we can see if one is better than no the stupid one ball in the middle 2 goals play one big one and see what happens you know maybe we need to in the future to me a competition for the competition within the 20 months in the premier league do you know to see who is better know. So. If we see we dont know we cannot guess. Well Philippe Coutinho looks to be heading to by munich from barcelona and the german champions clearly need him if that their opening game was anything to go by by and hosted the head haberlin on friday and things seemed to be going to plan at one rubber to live and off he gave them a 24th minute lead but then 2 goals in 2 minutes including this one not from all known liverpool midfielder marco. Made it to on to her even dusty it wasnt finished on 60 minutes he was brought down the polish striker the stepped up to score the penalty final score 22. 0 on sunday burnings the newly promoted Football Club f. C. Union will play its 1st ever game in the league or the team dates back to 1966 and has one of the strongest fan bases in the sport but can they hold up in the big leagues so many came reports from berlin. As they go through their paces in training these players have one thing on their minds sunday and the bundesliga for f. C. This is a step into the unknown and each player has one goal in sight my personal target is. Reached when we succeed as a team when we. Win this thing for me this is. Absolutely main target if we have a successful season i have a successful season the man who brought them to the big league now sees his task is trying to keep his players feet on the ground. I think if they take on the challenge or give a good effort and arent surprised as ive said we concentrate on the game and at the end of the day its 11 players against 11 players it doesnt matter which leak doesnt matter how many people are in the stadium its about the game. One thing the team can depend on is. Its fanbase the supporters are considered among the most fervent and most loyal in germany have stuck with their team through the years of communist domination and the lean years since reunification using money raised from donating their own blood to help keep the club afloat and at one point helping to build the stadium with their bare hands they think of themselves as genuine east germans unlike what they think of their teams opponents on weekend red bull leipsic a team founded just 10 years ago by austrian owners whove invested large sums and calls to fans of rival sides to call them a plastic club with no real history. Germanys top teams have played here once or twice before in cap games but its only now that the fans are getting the chance to see their team play a wonderfully home match with here can their faith on your own defy logic and fair play season well the 1st test is against red bull live 3 on sunday dominic kane aljazeera. Cricket unbeaten openings of 133 looks set to give sri lanka victory in the 1st test against new zealand in goal before began with the black caps it was their 2nd innings on the 195 for 7 some big hitting a from the lower orders saw them push the score up to 285 all out says sri lanka difficult target of 268 however the sri lankan open is a had no problems with the new zealand attack written and to a minute both hitting a half centuries as the home side and of the day on 133 for no wicket they need just 135 more runs to win. And the 2nd ashes test in the balance after nearly 4 days at lords australia or bowled out for 250 by england on saturday steve smith just 8 runs away from his 3rd consecutive century england have just begun their 2nd innings there already lost 2 wickets. Tennis and now well sack his defense of her us open title could be in doubt after she pulled out of the cincinnati open because of a knee injury or she was forced to retire and her quarter final clash with sofia cannon osaka had just fought back taken the 2nd set 61 after losing the opener to the american 6 ball. And actually bart is into the semis but it wasnt easy against it is match against murray as the coffee party for promised down to eventually when he has a chance to return to the world number one position if she reaches sundays final. Thats it for me come on sutter thank you and that is the news hour about co in about 2 and a half minutes time another full of news coming up for you right here on out is there anything in a moment. Were talking about ivory poachers who have decimated populations of elephants in africa they almost always ship the ivory out of a different country from where it was poached because thats where you start your search to look in the wrong place this radiocarbon dating method tell us if trade ivory is legal or not then we have a place we can focus Law Enforcement on to take those out and perhaps choke the source of the id from entering the network take no at this time on n. Z. A myth. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the rohinton demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was powerful if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world. Building a new life on an entirely beach living off the sea and. A dream shed by so many but so few make it a reality. A Family Business led by a mockable woman with a flair for cooking and disaster than if. I didnt catch it on aljazeera. The. Celebrations in sudan as the Opposition Alliance signs a deal with the military rulers for a transition to civilian. Area with the world news from aljazeera there have been more mass protests in hong kong this time though on both sides of the territories political divide. We would have loved her to come we started preparing her favorite meal everybody in the family and neighborhood was anticipating a visit. Well hear from the palestinian grandmother at the center of an International Round between a u. S. Congresswoman donald trump and israels. Right wing hate groups in the u. S. Like this one holding a rally and activists are on the scene too we will take you there live. So a new year is begun in sudan one people hope will finally osher in some stability after months of unrest and violence the military and opposition leaders have signed a power sharing declaration into law it establishes a Transitional Government and outlines who will make the decisions remember sudanese people have been demanding a civilian led government this steal it creates whats called a Sovereign Council for the meantime 3 years actually is that meantime itll be run by members of the military and civilians as been fraught with difficulty though they grammont followed months of demonstrations and killings following the militarys removal of the longtime president Omar Al Bashir has hit morgan with more from khartoum. Big deal signed today between sudans ruling military to and the Opposition Coalition known as the forces of freedom and change is being hailed as a landmark and the beginning of sudan moving towards a civilian rule but some people in the Opposition Coalition are not happy the groups known as the sudans revolutionary front and said that this deal is not complete and does not represent them and thats not include anything about were refugees and the displaced people Sudanese Communist Party one of the biggest opposition parties has often said that this deal is all incomplete and that the revolution should continue and has called on people to continue with protests and till this deal is amended but the Opposition Coalition and many people on the street seem to believe that this is a new beginning for sudan. Going about their right to be higher the result of the protest movement was to call for a better life for the people but demanding civilian rule today is the day of the signing of the agreement a star day for sudan and hopefully the agreement will meet all the processes demands that the revolution was based on. That we hope to sit down to move forward so that we can be proud of our country forget about the guns a move towards peace freedom prosperity and unity we also hope to open new Job Opportunities for our young people but the upcoming Transitional Government has a lot of challenges people have been demanding justice and accountability especially today when the head of the deputy Transitional Military Council stepped out of the signing whole post signing and people met him with chants demanding justice and accountability theres also the issue of economy people are saying that they want the Transitional Government that will be formed to improve the economy to improve the infrastructure of the country as well as the health and Educational Services a lot of things for the Transitional Government that is going to be lasting for 39 months and its not clear if they will be able to achieve that in the 59 months and if there will be a civilian rule handed over from the military in the 1st place just to rewind and have a look at how sudan. Reached this point if you remember it was protests over rising bread prices which started in december of last year and quickly turned into calls for the former president omar bashir to resign he was accused of pushing up the food prices in creating fuel and cash shortages through his mismanagement of the economy also lets not forget bashir is wanted by the International Criminal court on allegations of crimes against humanity war crimes and genocide the protests grew rapidly where early april now thousands of people out on the streets every day the pressure finally got too much bashir did stand down but the demonstrations continued until last month calling on the military to hand rule to civilians more than 100 protesters lost their lives during this push for democracy in sudan. Offend the is a professor of politics at the Doha Institute for graduate studies who told us while the signing should be celebrated the reforms will be slow i would have people expect that next morning when the Prime Minister sits in his Office Things are going to change and of course. Thats not not going to be the case simply also because the demonstrations so from the brought this over the last 7 months have all sort of grounded the state capacity down and the economy has been. Has been even little eroded more and more. Just its capacity to intervene has been reduced so in order to get to a. December. For us thats what the people have protested against. 2 of the news in terms of thousands of people in hong kong have taken part in pro and antigovernment rallies supporters of the government gathered around tom our park in the Central District save hong kong together is their slogan counterdemonstrations took place on the other side of hong kong harbor in the marches there are demanding government reforms and more democracy. And as night fell there was a tense standoff with police in hong kong as densely populated monk kong district protesters threw eggs and pointed lasers at a local Police Station. But quickly dispersed once offices took to the streets well hear from a progovernment rally in a moment but 1st Andrew Thomas with more from the antigovernment protests. This right place only been here about 15 minutes and yet already theyre getting back into their vehicles to go to other protests spring up next this is the tactics of the protest as they bring big numbers thousands to a location like a play station play station is just down the road and they gather outside making a little noise and some of them very few but some throwing eggs at the play station as well the police come out to the entrance of their Police Station and make their way to return and threaten tear gas before they actually deploy it the protesters move off suddenly quickly the police come out in vans like the us but as soon as theyre oid the protesters just disperse into the metro system on to buses by foot going on to the next place is a canton mouse game these protests im Police Chasing around hong kong. Organizers say about 470000 people at the end of the rally that number is probably a bit lower but still it was a large showing here now most of the people we spoke to said they were coming here to denounce the violence the banner of this rally was saved kong and support the police most of the people we spoke to also said that they felt that to police has been unfairly represented oh. Over the past few weeks there is a sense of worry a sense of anxiety about these outbursts of violence that have been unfolding on the streets of hong kong one woman i spoke to said this is the youth going to have grievances but they have to find a different way to express that we do not want this violence because you dont know how much it can snowball where it could lead so you did have that sense of worry about the future now there is certainly a sort of generation gap between the 2 sides most of the people who were here by and large were maybe about 30 years old upwards a sort of working middle class and working class people who feel that they have a good life and that there is much to lose if this situation continues here in hong kong be was obviously towards Mainland China we saw a lot of chinese flags there was chinese anthem at the beginning of the rally and then there were a lot of speakers for example from the business sector representative of the taxi drivers and went on stage to denounce how much they had lost since this wave of protests started back in june so certainly a huge difference between the 2 sides and one thing that really stuck with us is that people came up to us to say please say the truth show both sides show that there are 2 camps here in hong kong at the moment and but the most important is for the violence to stop and then after that we can try to solve the problems. Right wing groups in the u. S. Holding a rally in Portland Oregon today there is expected to be and the fascist demonstrators as well to counter the march similar perhaps the one in charlottesville 2 years ago the rally has been organized by a member of a group called the problem boys described as. By the Southern Poverty Law Center. Here maybe youre. Just a few who plan on using your own county as a platform to read your hate you are not welcome here. Rob reynolds with us now from Portland Oregon what is expected today rob because this sort of thing is just such a sensitive issue in the u. S. They say. Yes it certainly is and coming on the heels of the Mass Shootings in el paso in dayton this is certainly something that everyone is going to be aware of come all day organizers from the far right and neo fascist groups that will gather here just a few meters from this from the banks of the Willamette River in a park here on the river side say they expect to get up to 1000 people to up turnout its billed as a protest against the antifascist groups known as and those groups are expected to turn out in numbers as well now previous clashes between the groups have resulted in violence here in Portland Portland officials including the police chief and the mayor who you just saw in that clip a moment ago plan an overwhelming Police Response to smother violence they have urged the right wing and neofascist groups to just stay home right now id like to bring in our guests sam sachs sam is a founder of the group no hate zone which tries to discourage violence sam. Why portland why are all these right wing groups gathering here to demonstrate Portland Portland has a history of racism antisemitism is on the phobia since its foundation when they wrote in the constitution that black people are free but they couldnt live here. Going to the 1988 in the ninetys when the White Supremacy movement was kind of britain bred here was a breeding ground for White Supremacy movement and to the top 10. That terrified it was a list of the Southern Poverty Law Center put out the top 10 that terrified 2 of those people were from portland then you fast forward to the max killing where White Supremacy killed 2 man and stabbed another person and just last year large black man was run down so and killed by whites. But portland also has a reputation of being a very liberal very progressive city so is there an element of the right wing and the a fascist group trying to sort of put a thumb in the eye of a city that has that reputation as progressive yeah portland is very progressive there are a lot of groups liberal groups different groups ergo immigrant

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